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Title: How Technology Is Affecting Human Health

As a Field work for Course

Environmental Studies (CHE 110)


Sr. No. Registration Name of Students Roll No Total Marks Signature

No Marks Obtained
1 12111763 Priyam Sharma 9 100

2 12113982 Hadiya Mirza 13 100

Submitted To Dr. Nitin Tandon, Professor

Dr. Prasenjit Adak, Assistant Professor
Lovely Professional University
Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

Delivered by: Received by:

Name of the students: Priyam Sharma & Hadiya Mirza Name of the faculty: Dr. Nitin Tandon
Reg. No.: 12111763 & 12113982 UID: 19590
Signature: Signature:


As technology continues to advance and becomes increasingly integrated

into our daily lives, it is important to examine its effects on human

This report will explore the various ways in which technology is affecting
human health and propose solutions to mitigate these effects.

The project report will cover the negative impacts of prolonged screen
time on eye health, sleep patterns, and posture, as well as the effects of
sedentary lifestyles on physical health. It will also address the mental
health implications of technology, such as addiction, cyberbullying, and
social isolation.

Moreover, the report will highlight the various positive aspects of

technology for human health. Hence, we can draw a comparative analysis
of its pros and cons in the modern era with advancement in technology
every now and then.

Additionally, the report will offer solutions such as promoting regular

physical activity, encouraging healthy screen habits, educating people
about the harmful effects of blue light, providing mental health
resources, and encouraging people to disconnect from technology.

By taking these steps, individuals can maintain a healthy and balanced

lifestyle while still reaping the benefits of technology.

Table Of Content

Serial No. Name Of Topic Page No.

1 Sustainable Development Goal 4

2 Introduction 5

3 Background 7

4 Project 8

5 Result 9

6 Facts and Figures 14

7 Solutions 16

8 Contribution Of Current Work In SDG 17

9 Conclusion 18

10 References 19

Title: How technology is affecting Human Health

1. Sustainable Development Goal 3(good health and well being

Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) aims to ensure good health and well-being for
all individuals at all stages of life. The goal recognizes that good health is not just the
absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
One of the targets of SDG 3 is to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 deaths per
100,000 live births. This target is crucial because maternal mortality is a significant
indicator of the state of a country's health system. Achieving this target requires
improving access to maternal health services, ensuring skilled attendance at birth, and
increasing the availability of essential medicines and equipment.
SDG 3 also recognizes the importance of mental health and well-being. One target is to
reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases, including mental
disorders, by one-third. Achieving this target requires promoting mental health and well-
being, providing access to mental health services, and reducing stigma and
discrimination associated with mental illness.
Improving access to clean water and sanitation is another important target of SDG 3.
Lack of access to these necessities is a major contributor to the global burden of disease.
Achieving this target will require investing in water and sanitation infrastructure and
promoting good hygiene practices.
Finally, SDG 3 recognizes the importance of universal health coverage. One target is to
achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality
essential health-care services, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable
essential medicines and vaccines for all.
In conclusion, SDG 3 is critical to achieving sustainable development. Improving health
and well-being is not only a fundamental human right but also a prerequisite for
economic growth and social development. Achieving the targets of SDG 3 will require
significant investments in health systems, addressing the social determinants of health,
and promoting equity and universal access to health care.

2. Introduction
Technology has rapidly become an integral part of modern society, touching nearly every
aspect of our daily lives. From smartphones to wearable fitness devices, technology
plays a significant role in the way we interact, communicate, work, and live.
As we become increasingly reliant on technology, it is essential to consider its impact on
our health.
In the image we can see people using different technological devices, such as
smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

I have noticed that technology plays an increasingly significant role in our lives. It is
undeniable that technology has brought us incredible advancements, making life more
convenient and efficient.
However, it is also essential to acknowledge the impact of technology on human health.
In this project report we will explore both the positive and negative effects of technology
on human health, focusing on the role of smartphones, social media, and the sedentary
lifestyle often associated with technological use.
I have witnessed firsthand how technology has rapidly transformed our lives over the
past few years. While there are undeniable benefits to technological advancements, it is
also essential to consider the potential risks and consequences for human health.
In this report we will further put some light on how technology is affecting human health
with various fact and figures related to our real-life day to day situations.
In today’s era the need to work for the betterment of life while utilizing modern
technology is magnificent but in the race for easy and quicker means we might not
forget that health is wealth.
As the saying goes, a healthy mind lies in a healthy body so even if we are opting for new
means of technology to fulfill our needs one must not pay heed to comfort over health.
People need to understand that we must utilize modern tech devices in such a manner
that it does not cause adverse effects to our health.
Maintaining good health is the embodiment of the well-being of the individual which in
turn can lead to an individual’s life to be happy and stress free.

3. Background
The influence of technology on human health has become an area of increasing concern
and research in recent years.
The exponential growth of digital devices, social media platforms, and internet usage has
led to new health challenges, such as sedentary lifestyles, sleep disorders, and mental
health issues.
Simultaneously, technological advancements have also revolutionized healthcare,
providing remote access to medical services, health monitoring devices, and improved
medical treatments.
This duality of technology's impact on human health forms the basis for this project.
In today’s world it has become important for all of us to make each other aware of the
side effects of technology. Even though these devices are an important part of our life
and our used to overcome a lot of problems. We still need to pay attention to our usage
of digital devices, internet, laptops, smartphones, smart TVs, smart watches, tablets,
microwave ovens, and many more gadgets and electronic accessories cause excess usage
of all these devices lead to health problems.
Most common health issue is headaches and eyestrains which lead to harming your
body. It also develops an unhealthy lifestyle causing sleeping disorders like insomnia and
To avoid and prevent these health problems all we need to do is maintain a schedule
time period for utilizing these resources, working out for a certain time every day so that
our body gets into the phase of recovering and regenerating a capacity to handle the
amount of radiation produced.
On the other hand, it is a great achievement that we live in a world with such immense
technological wonders where prosthetic hands and legs are an aid to people who are
impaired. Not only that we also have pacemakers for heart disease patients and
technology for detecting cancer cells to cure a chronic disease in early stages else which
would cause a lot of deaths and now is a hope for a population for survival.

4. Project
4.1 Objective:
To investigate the various ways technology affects human health, both positively and
negatively, and to suggest strategies to mitigate its harmful effects.

4.2 Methodology:
1. Conduct a comprehensive literature review to gather data on the different ways
technology impacts human health.
2. Analyze the findings to identify trends, benefits, and risks associated with the use of
3. Survey a diverse group of individuals on their experiences with technology and its
effects on their physical and mental health.
4. Develop recommendations based on the findings to promote healthier technology
usage habits.

4.3 Summary of Findings:

1. Positive effects of technology on human health include increased access to health
information, telemedicine services, and the development of wearable health technology.
2. Negative effects of technology on human health include sleep deprivation, sedentary
lifestyles, and mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-
3. Survey results indicate that individuals who set limits on screen time, incorporate
physical activity into their routines, and maintain social connections offline tend to
experience fewer negative health effects from technology use.

5. Result
5.1 Positive Impacts
1. Improved access to medical information and services
Technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry by improving access to medical
information and services. For instance, telemedicine enables doctors to consult with
patients remotely, providing care to those who may have limited access to healthcare
facilities. Additionally, wearable devices and mobile apps empower individuals to track
their health metrics, like heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity levels, giving
them greater control over their well-being.
As we can see in the image a doctor is conducting a telemedicine consultation with a
patient on a laptop or computer screen.

2. Enhanced medical research and treatment options

Technology has also led to significant advancements in medical research and treatment
options. For example, AI-powered tools and data analytics are helping scientists develop
personalized treatments for various diseases, such as cancer, by analyzing patients'
genetic data. Additionally, 3D printing technology is being used to create customized

prosthetics, making it easier for individuals to regain mobility after accidents or
The image shows a 3D-printed prosthetic hand.

5.2 Negative Impacts

1. Sedentary lifestyles and the rise of obesity

The increased reliance on technology has contributed to sedentary lifestyles, with many
people spending excessive amounts of time sitting while using devices like computers,
smartphones, and gaming consoles. This inactivity has been linked to an increase in

obesity, a significant public health concern that can lead to severe health issues,
including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
As we see in the image a person is sitting at a desk using multiple devices, such as a
computer and a smartphone.

2. Digital eye strain and vision problems

The use of digital screens for extended periods can cause eye strain, leading to
discomfort, dryness, and blurry vision. Prolonged exposure to blue light emitted by
screens can also contribute to sleep disturbances and even increase the risk of
developing certain eye diseases, like age-related macular degeneration.
Eye strain due to excess usage of devices like phones and laptops has become a home-
to-home problem which in turn causes headaches, blurred vision, itching, pain etc.
To prevent and avoid these problems the current solution available is that parents need
to put constraints on usage of electronic devices or gadgets.
Adults themselves also need to avoid putting their free time surfing the internet or social

The image shows a close-up image of a person's eyes, showing signs of digital eye strain
and its symptoms.

3. Mental health challenges
Technology has been linked to a variety of mental health challenges. Social media use,
in particular, can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem due to the
constant exposure to others' curated lives, cyberbullying, and fear of missing out
(FOMO). Furthermore, constant connectivity and the "always-on" culture can contribute
to stress, burnout, and addiction to digital devices.

The image shows a person feeling overwhelmed while looking at multiple notifications
on their smartphone.

6. Facts and Figures

Let’s briefly discuss how technology is affecting human health in both positive
as well as negative ways while checking the statistics.

6.1 Positive Effects

1. Telemedicine adoption and its impact on patient outcomes

According to a report by the American Medical Association, telemedicine adoption in the
United States has significantly increased from 14% in 2016 to 76% in 2021.
Studies have shown that telemedicine can lead to better patient outcomes, particularly
in the management of chronic conditions. A study published in the Journal of Medical
Internet Research found that telemedicine interventions for patients with type 2
diabetes led to a 0.44% reduction in HbA1c levels, a key indicator of blood sugar control.

2. Wearable devices and improved health outcomes

The global market for wearable devices was valued at USD 32.63 billion in 2019 and is
expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.9% from 2020 to
Studies have shown that using wearable devices can positively impact health outcomes.
For example, a 2019 study published in The Lancet Digital Health found that individuals
who used fitness trackers increased their daily step count by an average of 1,850 steps,
leading to improved physical activity levels and associated health benefits.

6.2 Negative Effects

1. Sedentary lifestyles and obesity rates

As of 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 39% of adults aged 18
years and older were overweight, and 13% were obese.
A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical
Activity found that people who spend more than 4 hours per day using screen-based
entertainment have a 48% increased risk of all-cause mortality and a 125% increased risk
of cardiovascular events.

2. Digital eye strain prevalence

A 2020 survey conducted by The Vision Council found that 59% of American adults
reported symptoms of digital eye strain. The American Optometric Association states
that computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain affects approximately 70 million
workers globally, resulting in a cost of more than $2 billion in lost productivity annually.

3. Mental health challenges and technology use

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a significant
association between social media use and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and
suicidal ideation among U.S. adolescents. In particular, adolescents who spent more
than three hours per day on social media were 34% more likely to develop depression
compared to those who spent less than an hour.

7. Solution
The advancements in technology have brought numerous benefits to our daily lives, but
they also come with potential negative impacts on human health. Here are some
solutions to address the adverse effects of technology on human health:
1. Reduce Screen Time
One of the most significant adverse effects of technology is excessive screen time. To
minimize this, people should limit their screen time and take frequent breaks from their
devices. Additionally, devices should not be used before bed to ensure a healthy sleep
2. Practice Proper Ergonomics
Repetitive motions such as typing and scrolling can cause ergonomic injuries such as
carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, and neck and back pain. To prevent these, it is
essential to practice proper ergonomics. This includes maintaining good posture, taking
regular breaks, and using ergonomic equipment.
3. Protect Your Eyes
Prolonged exposure to screens can lead to eye strain, dryness, and other vision
problems. To prevent these issues, people should follow the 20-20-20 rule. This rule
suggests that every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break, and focus on something 20 feet
4. Encourage Physical Activity
Technology can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to obesity and other health issues.
Encouraging physical activity, such as taking regular walks, practicing yoga or stretching,
and joining fitness classes can help mitigate these negative effects.
5. Create a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Technology can blur the lines between work and personal time, leading to increased
stress and burnout. Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time,
taking regular breaks and vacations, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance can
reduce these negative impacts.

8. Contribution of Current Work with SDG 3
Sustainable Development Goal 3 is focused on ensuring healthy lives and promoting
well-being for all at all ages. The goal has highlighted the importance of technology in
improving human health and has made significant contributions to this field.
I understand the critical role of technology in advancing the healthcare sector. SDG 3 has
contributed to improving technology affects human health in several ways. Firstly, it has
stimulated research and development in the healthcare industry with an emphasis on
technology-based solutions. This has led to the development of new and innovative
technologies that are improving health outcomes for people across the globe.
Secondly, SDG 3 has helped to promote the adoption of digital technologies in the
healthcare sector. These technologies have made healthcare more accessible, especially
in remote and underserved areas. Telemedicine, for instance, allows people to receive
medical care remotely, reducing the need for in-person consultations. Additionally,
mobile health applications have made it possible for people to monitor their health and
access medical advice and support from anywhere.
Thirdly, SDG 3 has encouraged the use of technology to improve disease prevention and
control. For example, digital contact tracing apps have played a crucial role in identifying
and isolating individuals who have been in close contact with COVID-19 patients, thus
helping to slow down the spread of the disease. Furthermore, the development of
vaccine technologies has played a significant role in protecting people from infectious
Finally, SDG 3 has promoted the development of medical technologies that improve the
diagnosis and treatment of diseases. These technologies have made it possible to detect
diseases early, leading to more effective treatments and better outcomes for patients.
In conclusion, SDG 3 has made significant contributions to improving technology that
affects human health. As a college graduate, I appreciate the role of technology in
advancing healthcare, and I believe that SDG 3 has paved the way for more innovations
and advancements in this field.

9. Conclusion
The interplay between technology and human health is intricate and varied. Although
technology has undoubtedly transformed healthcare and expanded access to
information, it also poses significant challenges to our physical and mental well-being.
Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between the benefits of technology and the
potential risks it may pose to our health.
Effective strategies to encourage healthier technology use include setting reasonable
limits on screen time, engaging in regular physical activity, promoting offline social
connections, and being mindful of social media's impact on our mental health.
Undoubtedly, technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, including
healthcare, communication, and convenience. However, it is crucial to acknowledge and
address potential negative consequences, such as an increase in sedentary lifestyles,
digital eye strain, and mental health issues.
By fostering a healthy relationship with technology and promoting healthy habits, we
can maximize its benefits while minimizing its adverse effects on our well-being.
As an individual, it is essential to recognize technology's essential role in our lives and its
contribution to human health.
At the same time, we must be mindful of its potential risks, particularly regarding our
physical and mental health.
By achieving a balance between embracing technology's benefits and mitigating its
negative effects, we can maintain optimal health and well-being in the digital age.

10. References
1. Anderson, M., & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, social media & Technology 2018. Pew
Research Center. Retrieved from
2. Hale, L., & Guan, S. (2015). Screen time and sleep among school-aged children and
adolescents: A systematic literature review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 21, 50-58.
3. Patterson, R., McNamara, E., Tainio, M., de Sá, T. H., Smith, A. D., Sharp, S. J., ... &
Woodcock, J. (2018). Sedentary behavior and risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer
mortality, and incident type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-
analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology, 33(9), 811-829.
4. Rideout, V., & Fox, S. (2018). Digital Health Practices, Social Media Use, and Mental
Well-Being Among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S. Hop
5. Images from the internet using Microsoft images.


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