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Does the exhibition successfully show how ToK manifests in the world around us?

Excellent Good Satisfactory Basic Rudimentary

(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (1-2)

relevant adequate
coherent competent simplistic
credible acceptable limited
tenable relevant underdeveloped
reasonable germane rough ineffective
Some discerning
analytical connected superficial descriptive
Possible astute
methodical moderate derivative incoherent
Traits perceptive
diagnostic all right imitative formless
pertinent quite good uninventive
appropriate not bad trite
logical predictable clichéd
reasoned unsurprising

The exhibition
presents three
The exhibition The exhibition
objects, but the real-
identifies three identifies three
The exhibition The exhibition world contexts of
objects, although objects, although these objects are not
clearly identifies identifies three
Identification the real-world the real-world stated, or the images
three objects and objects and their
of Objects contexts of these contexts of the presented may be
their specific real- real-world highly generic images
objects may be objects may be
world contexts. contexts. of types of object
vaguely or implied rather than
rather than of
imprecisely stated. explicitly stated.
specific real-world
Links between Basic links Links between the does not

each of the three between the objects and the reach the
Links between standard
objects and the There is some objects and the selected IA
each of the three described by
Links selected IA explanation of the selected IA prompt are made,
objects and the the other
between prompt are links between the prompt are made, but these are levels or
selected IA
Objects and explained, three objects and but the minimal, tenuous, does not
prompt are clearly
Prompt use one of
although this the selected IA explanation of or it is not clear
made and well- the IA
explanation may prompt. these links is what the student
explained. prompts
lack precision and unconvincing and/ is trying to
clarity in parts. or unfocused. convey.

There is a strong
There is a There is a There is very little
justification of the There is some
Justification justification of the superficial justification
particular justification for
for Inclusion contribution that justification for offered for the
contribution that the inclusion of
and each individual the inclusion of inclusion of each
each individual each object in the
object makes to each object in the object in the
object makes to exhibition.
the exhibition. exhibition. exhibition.
the exhibition.

Reasons for the

inclusion of the
All, or nearly all, Many of the objects are offered,
Some of the
of the points are points are but these are not The commentary
points are
well-supported by supported by supported by on the objects is
supported by appropriate evidence
Support with appropriate appropriate highly descriptive
evidence and and/or lack relevance
Evidence evidence and evidence and or consists only of
references to the to the selected IA
explicit references references to the prompt. There may be unsupported
selected IA
to the selected IA selected IA significant repetition assertions.
prompt. prompt. across the
justifications of the
different objects.

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