LV - Int - Plus - EoT1 - Basic Test

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End-of-Term 1 Test

A Grammar
Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.
1 Did the teacher give a gift to ___ student in the class?
A ☐ some B ☐ every
2 Melia took beautiful photo during her trip to Scotland.
A ☐ a B ☐ the
3 I ___ a film on my laptop at the moment.
A ☐ watch B ☐ am watching
4 I ___ my grandparents every weekend.
A ☐visit B ☐ am visiting
5 We know Priya ___ well at university next year.
A ☐ does B ☐ is going to do
6 We need to hurry, Petra. The train ___ at 2.30 p.m.
A ☐ is leaving B ☐ leaves
7 Don’t drink the milk. It ___ bad.
A ☐ smells B ☐ will smell
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B Grammar
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

had had already seen have you been doing wasn’t doing will be relaxing

will have finished won’t see

1 If I _________________ a robot, I’d ask it to clean my house.

2 If you leave the show now, you _________________ the main event.
3 Ben _________________ anything when his friend called.
4 You look tired. How long _________________ your homework for?
5 Just think, this time tomorrow we _________________ on the beach.
6 By next week, they _________________ painting the walls in the guest room.
7 I didn’t go to the cinema because I _________________ the film.
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Life Vision Intermediate Plus • End-of-Term 1 Basic Test 1

C Vocabulary
Read the sentences and choose the correct answers.
1 Every ___ has to buy a ticket to watch the match.
A ☐ athlete B ☐ spectator
2 I joined a gym to ___ and become healthier.
A ☐ get fit B ☐ score
3 I went on holiday last week. I visited different parts of the town ___ day.
A ☐ each B ☐ some
4 I’ve always wanted to ___ a film. It’s one of my dreams.
A ☐ play B ☐ direct
5 This film is confusing. I can’t ___ the plot.
A ☐ follow B ☐ write
6 Emily stood next to the ___ and got very wet.
A ☐ valley B ☐ waterfall
7 Stay away from the ___. It’s dangerous!
A ☐ edge of the cliff B ☐ breath-taking view
8 When I go on holiday, I like to ___ and see as much as I can.
A ☐ arrive at my destination B ☐ explore the area
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D Vocabulary
The bold words are all in the wrong sentence. Put the words in the correct sentences.
1 To get started in songwriter _________________, try planting some small plants first.
2 I like to write about my day in my recycling _________________.
3 The company just network _________________ a great cookbook and I bought it today.
4 There are a lot of published _________________ like water and wood in my local area.
5 They connected the computers to a new journal _________________, so they can share
6 That local factory natural resources _________________ the atmosphere with dirty smoke.
7 I’d like to see my school get better at gardening _________________ waste such as plastic
bottles and paper.
8 My dream is to be a pollutes _________________, creating songs and music and sharing
them online.
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Life Vision Intermediate Plus • End-of-Term 1 Basic Test 2

E Reading
Read the article quickly. Which if these is NOT mentioned in the text?
A ☐ Global greenhouse gas emissions are increasing because forests are being cleared.
B ☐ Deserts in Africa are caused by deforestation.
1 Deforestation has had a serious negative impact on our planet and, sadly, more and more
forests are being destroyed. As the world population grows, the need for food and
accommodation increases, which results in more land being used for farming and housing.
As more forests are cleared, global greenhouse gas emissions rise.
2 The Amazon rainforest is a good example of the effects of deforestation. Over the last
50 years, its size has decreased by almost 20%. It is predicted that by 2030, half of the
Amazon rainforest could have disappeared. Fortunately, there are international organizations
focusing on reversing this change before it is too late. They are trying to stop more
destruction and are educating local people on how to look after the forest.
3 The organization Education for Nature (EFN) has been working for over 25 years to provide
financial help to environmental leaders in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The money goes
to areas suffering from deforestation caused by cutting down trees or forest fires. As well as
replanting lost forests, EFN wants people to stop deforestation from happening again. So, to
receive help, local groups must show that they want to teach others in their village about the
importance of saving trees.
4 The money given by EFN is used to pay for new trees to be planted in areas that are
suffering from deforestation. It is also used to educate people on different ways that they can
protect their forests.
5 EFN also gives students money for university education or month-long training courses.
These students, who live in areas of deforestation, can then use their skills to improve their
community. Through educating more and more people, EFN believes they’ll be able to
reduce the negative effects caused by deforestation.

Read the article again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Which of these sentences is true about the first paragraph?
A ☐ Deforestation is very bad for animals.
B ☐ Deforestation is caused by more people needing more food and housing.
2 According to the second paragraph, how much of the Amazon rainforest may have
disappeared by 2030?
A ☐ 20%
B ☐ 50%
3 According to the third paragraph, what help do EFN provide?
A ☐ They provide money to environmental leaders.
B ☐ They provide food and accommodation in areas suffering from deforestation.
4 According to the third paragraph, what two things do EFN want to do?
A ☐ Prevent future deforestation and prevent fires.
B ☐ Replant lost forests and prevent future deforestation.

Life Vision Intermediate Plus • End-of-Term 1 Basic Test 3

5 According to the fourth paragraph, what is EFN money used for?
A ☐ Planting new trees.
B ☐ Helping people get jobs.
6 According to the fifth paragraph, what can local students do after they finish their
A ☐ They can help their local communities.
B ☐ They can become farmers and plant more trees.

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F Listening
Listen to Kate and Jakub talking about creating video games. Listen and decide if the
sentences are true (T), false (F) or if the information is not given (NG).
1 Kate and Jakub worked at a radio station together. ___
2 It’s difficult to create stories for video games. ___
3 Players want more than shooting and racing games. ___
4 It’s very expensive to create a new video game. ___
5 Writing the game in computer language is easy. ___
6 Jakub collects old video games. ___
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G Writing
Your school has a writing competition for Earth Day. Look at the advert.

Essays wanted
Write an opinion essay about solar power. The title of the essay is:
‘Is solar power a good alternative energy source?’

The best essay will win a prize!

Write an opinion essay about solar power. Use the questions and prompts below.
Paragraph 1
 Introduce the topic – what is the essay about?
 What is your opinion?
Paragraph 2
 Give a reason for your opinion.
Paragraph 3
 Explain the contrasting argument with 1 example.
Paragraph 4
 Give a summary of the arguments for and against.
 Repeat your opinion.
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Life Vision Intermediate Plus • End-of-Term 1 Basic Test 4

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Life Vision Intermediate Plus • End-of-Term 1 Basic Test 5

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