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Baysville is a small town.

We all know eachother, and somehow, the werewolves

managed to not be discovered for decades. Being a werewolf has its inconvinients,
but I love it! Only by the smell, I can easily know if someone's lying. Great,
right? Being a werewolf has helped me a lot in many situations. For example, with
my significant other. I am here to tell you our story.

It all started three days after classes begin. I was one of the most popular guys
in high school, somehow. Perhaps being part of the basketball club helped me get
there. Anyhow, I was in one of the hallways, talking to my friend Samuel—who was
the captain of the basketball club—while leaving some books in my locker.

"Dude" he said "Have you heard about the new guy?"

"I've heard rumors" I answered "But I haven't met him yet."
"People say that he doesn't let anybody touch him" mentioned with a little disgust
"He must be out of his mind to not even let a chick touch him. Huh, pretty sure
he's a damn virgin!"
"Let it be, Samuel. That boy must have his rea-"

I was not able to finish the sentence because an unknown smell invaded my nose. I
turned my head to the left, where the smell was coming from. It was the new boy. He
was a curious person. Even if it was a terribly hot day outside, he was wearing a
long-sleeved t-shirt, long black jeans and even gloves. I was fascinated by the
sight of him, anyways. His sad green eyes, his notable eyebags, his small yet cute
nose, his round but sharp head, his red like blood hair... Damn, I was falling so
hard for that guy I didn't even know! I've never met someone like him before and
his smell confused me. Almost unconciously, I started walking towards him. I heared
the voice of my friend yelling at me, but I just ignored it.

"Hey" I said flirting a little bit "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
"Are you calling me Lucifer? 'Cause, for your information, keep it like that, and
I'll be him pretty soon" FUCK. He made a really smart move. I fell even more for
him. He had such a beautiful voice.
"It would be nice if you were him on the right place, if ya know what I mean" I
kept flirting anyways, I was determinated to take that beauty out on a date.
"Oh, sweetie. Are you okay? Did your papa drop you when you were a baby?" I was
choking on my own laugh. I don't know if it was actually that funny or it was my
stupid ass falling more and more everytime he spoke.
"I'd like to take you on a dinner, but boy, you already are the whole meal" I did
not have the wit for a lot more pick up lines, I was running out of ideas.
"Dinner? To eat what? Seeds? Is that what cocky bastards like you eat?" I totally
lost it.
"Okay, now seriously" I said while laughing "The name's Marshall and I really
really really want to take you out on a date"
"...Andrew" he answered finally looking at me "Just tell me the place and hour and
I'll see you there"

HECK YEAH! I was going to have a date with the most beautiful person alive! I gave
him my number and sent him the adress to a café I really liked. Right after that,
the bell ringed. He grabbed his stuff, closed his locker and gave me a smile that
made my heart go like a Formula 1. He went away while I was paralyzed. Suddenly, I
felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Samuel, trying to bring me back to my senses.

"Marsh, dude, what the hell were you- HOLY CRAP! ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU LOOK LIKE A
"Damn, that's going to hurt like a bitch" I said with the most stupid smile on my
"Don't tell me you have a crush on that weirdo!"
"Not a crush, but a fall from a plane"

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