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Attitudes of Generations towards Body Image


Insiya Chhil 40310220352 C071

Krisha Gor 40310220372 C026

Maanya Parekh 40310220014 C046

Etee Patel 40310220381 C052

Prisha Shah 40310220348 C071

Jaanya Vora 40310220064 C088

Raina Shah 40310220359 C130


Name Contributions

Insiya Chhil Interviewed Dr Alifiyah Sogiawla , A Certified

Cosmetologist and trichologi

Krisha Gor Interview (13-17 age group)

Maanya Parekh Interview (28-48 age group)

Etee Patel Interview (18-27 age group), Analysis

Prisha Shah Interview (13-17 age group), Editing

Jaanya Vora Interview (18-27 age group), Analysis

Raina Shah Editing

The Theory of Planned Behavior offers a comprehensive framework to understand how attitudes,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control intersect, influencing the body image
perceptions and behaviors of individuals across generations. This documentary effectively
illustrates the intricate interplay of these psychological factors with societal pressures, peer
dynamics, and coping strategies, painting a nuanced picture of body image complexities spanning
teenagers, millennials, and older generations. Each generation forms distinct attitudes toward body
image, shaped by factors like media exposure and peer influence. Teenagers, immersed in social
media's idealized beauty standards, often adopt conforming attitudes for social validation.
Millennials, as digital natives, exhibit diverse perspectives, with some challenging traditional
beauty ideals. Meanwhile, older individuals' attitudes vary based on life experiences and evolving
norms. Subjective norms and peer influences play significant roles, with teenagers seeking
validation through peers on social media, millennials encountering diverse influences, and older
generations influenced by their era's norms. Perceived behavioral control is influenced by digital
media literacy, resource access, and coping strategies. Millennials actively engage in media
literacy and self-acceptance, reflecting their pursuit of control. Intentions to conform or resist
beauty norms guide behaviors related to appearance. This multifaceted interplay of attitudes,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control offers a nuanced understanding of body image
complexities across generations, aligning with the core principles of the TPB. Today's youth face
multifaceted body image challenges influenced by societal, cultural, psychological, and
technological factors. The proliferation of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and
Snapchat exposes young individuals to curated images of perfect bodies, fostering unrealistic
aesthetic standards that fuel comparison and insecurity. The blurred line between reality and
digitally enhanced images, thanks to photo editing tools and filters, distorts perceptions of
acceptable beauty. Alongside a growing body positivity movement, which celebrates diverse body
types and self-acceptance, coexists the pressure to conform to conventional beauty norms, creating
a complex cultural landscape. In conclusion, addressing the intricate issue of body image in today's
generation requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing media literacy education, mental
health support, promotion of diversity, and the cultivation of a culture centered on self-acceptance
and body positivity.


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