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Summary 126

Section 3.9-3.13: Analysis of a Singly Reinforced Rectangular Section

Section 3.1-3.8
The type of failure in a reinforced concrete flexural member is based on the amount of tension steel
used, A s .
Load factors for dead and live loads are U = 1.2D + 1.6L. Other values are given in the text.
The reduction strength factor for beams (ф) = 0.9 for tension controlled sections with є > 0.005.
An equivalent rectangular stress block can he assumed to calculate the design moment strength of
the beam section, фM n .
Design provisions are based on four conditions, Section 3.5

Given: f ' c , f y , b , d , and A s . Required: the design moment strength, фM n .

To determine the design moment strength of a singly reinforced concrete rectangular
1. Calculate the compressive force, C = 0.85f'a b and the tensile force, T = A s f y . Calculate
a = A s f y / ( 0 . 8 5 f c b ) . Calculate фM n = фC ( d — a / 2) = ф( d — a / 2 ) =
фA s f y ( d — a / 2 ) . Check et = 0.003(dt — c ) / c ≥ 0.005 for ф= 0.9 (tension-controlled
section). (See Section 3.6.)
2. Calculate the balanced, maximum, and minimum steel ratios:
P b = 0.85в1 (f'c/fy)[87/(87 + f y ) p m a x = (0.003 +
f y / E s ) p b / 0.008 P m i n = 0 . 2 / f y for f ' c ≤ 4.5 ksi
(where f ' c and f y are in ksi. (See Section 3.9.2.) The steel ratio in the section is p = A s l b d .
Check that pmin ≤ p ≤ Pmax-
3. Another form of the design moment strength is
M n = pfy(bd 2 )( 1 - pfy/1.7f' c ) = Rnbd 2
R n = p f y [ 1 - (pfy/l.7/f'c)] and R u = фR n
4. For f y = 60 ksi and f ' c = 3 ksi (Table 3.2), p max = 0.01356, p m i n = 0.00333, R n = 686
psi, and R u = 615 psi.
For f y = 60 ksi and f c ’ = 4 ksi, pmax = 0.01806, Pmin = 0.00333, Rn = 911 psi, and R u =
820 psi.
Section 3.14: Analysis of Rectangular Section with Compression Steel
Given: b , d , d ' , A s , A', f ' c , and f y . Required: the deign moment strength, фM n .
1. Calculate p = A s / b d , p ' = A s / b d , and (p — p ' ) .
2. Calculate p b , pmax, and pmjn as given above (or see Section 3.10)
3. Calculate K = 0.85в1(f'cc/fy)(d'/d)[87/(87 - f y ) ] . ( f ’ c and f y are in ksi.)
4. When compression steel yields,
a. Check that p ≥ p m i n
b. Check that (p — p ' ) ≥ K for compression steel to yield. If not, then compression steel
does not yield.
c. If compression steel yields, then f ' s = f y .
d. Check that p ≤(pmax + p') or (p - p ' ) <≤pmax.
e. Calculate a = (A s — A's)f y / ( 0 . 8 5 f ' c b ) .
f. Calculate фMn= ф(A, - A' s )f y (d - a/1) + <t>A'J y {d - d').
127 Chapter 3 Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams
g. If (p — p') > pmax but < Pmaxt (for the transition region), then ф < 0.9 for M u 1 and ф =
0.9 for M u 2 (Eq. 3.44 a ) .
5. When compression steel does not yield,
a. Compression steel does not yield when (p — p') < K. The value of f ' s is not known.
b. Calculate c = the distance to the neutral axis from the compression fibers as follows:
A1c 2 + A 2 c + A3 = 0,
A\ =0.85 ft fab
A 2 = A’ s (M-0.&5f c )-A s f y
A3 = -%lA ' s d'.
Solve for c .
An alternative solution to calculate c is as follows:
C + C = T
C = 0.85 f t i P i c b - A ' s ) C ' = A',[87(c - d ' ) / c \ - 0.85
f ' c A ' s and
T = AJy
Solve for c .
c. Calculate f ' s = 87 (c — d ' ) / c < f y i v a ksi).
d. Check that p < [pmax + p'if'/fy)] or A s < \p m M (bd) + A' s (f'/f y )].
e. Calculate a :
a = (A s f y — A' s f s )/(Q.%5f c b) or a = fac

f. Calculate ( p M n \
<t>M n = <p[(A s f y - A'J')(d - a/2) + A'j'(d - d')]
Note that (A s f y - A' s f y ) = A s \ = A s - As2 = A s - (A'J'Jfy) and A s l f y = A' s f' s . Also,
a = A,?i/v/(0.85./^)

Sections 3.15-3.17: Analysis of T-Sections

Given: f ' c , f y , A s , and section dimensions. Required: design moment strength, 4 > M n . Two
possible cases may develop. (Determine the effective flange width, b e , first.)
Case 1
1. If a < t (the slab thickness), then it is a T-section shape but acts as a singly reinforced
rectangular section using b = b e (the flange effective width) to calculate < j ) M n .
a' = A s f y /(0.&5f'b e ) < t
Or, check that A c (the area of concrete in compression) = Av/y/(0.85//) < b t . If A c > b t ,
then it is a T-section analysis.
2. If a' < t or A c < bt, then a' = a and 4>Mn = <f>A s f y {d — a/2).
3. Check that p w (steel ratio in web) = A s / b w d > pmin.
4. Check that A s < A.smax from Eq. 3.71. (Normally, this is o.k. for this case.)
^jmax = 0.6375 ( f c / f y ) [ t ( b — b w ) + (0.315)b w j3id]
5. Check that s t > 0.005 for < j > = 0.9. (Normally this is o.k. for this case.)
References 128
6. The effective flange width b = b e is the smallest of
a. Span/4
b. Center to center of adjacent slabs
c. ( b w + 16t ) , where t = slab thickness
Case 2
1. When a > t o r A c > b t , it is a T-section analysis.
2. For the flange, Cf = 0.85f'ct(b b w ) = A s f f y , calculate ASf = Cf/f y .

3. For the web,

Asw = tension steel in the web = A s — Asf a
= (A s - A s f )f y /0.85f'b w )
C w (web) = 0.85 f'ab w = A s w f y

4. фM n = ф[ M w ( web) + Mf(flange)] = ф[ C w ( d - a/2) + C f ( d - t / 2 ) ]

= ф [0.85f'cab w (d - a/2 ) + 0.85 f' c t(b b w )(d - t/2) ]

=ф[(As A s f )f y (d- a/2) + A s f f y (d -t/2)]


5. Check that et > 0.005 for tension-controlled section and ф= 0.9. (See Example 3.12).
6. Check that Asmin ≤ A s ≤ Aimax. (See case 1.)

Sections 3.18-3.21
1. Analysis of nonuniform sections is explained in Example 3.13.
2. Tables in Appendix A may be used for the analysis of rectangular sections.
3. Examples in SI units are introduced.


1. E. Hognestad, N. W. Hanson, and D. McHenry. “Concrete Distribution in Ultimate Strength Design.”

A C I J o u r n a l 52 (December 1955): 455-79.
2. J. R. Janney, E. Hognestad, and D. McHenry. “Ultimate Flexural Strength of Prestressed and Conven-
tionally Reinforced Concrete BeamsA C I J o u r n a l (February 1956): 601-20.
3. A. H. Mattock, L. B. Kriz, and E. Hognestad. “Rectangular Concrete Stress Distribution in Ultimate
Strength Design.” A C I J o u r n a l (February 1961): 875-929.
4. A. H. Mattock and L. B. Kriz. “Ultimate Strength of Nonrectangular Structural Concrete Members.” A C I
J o u r n a l 57 (January 1961): 737-66.
5. American Concrete Institute. “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.” ACI Code 318-08,
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 2008.
6. Franco Levi. “Work of European Concrete Committee”. A C I J o u r n a l 57 (March 1961): 1049-54.
7. UNESCO. Reinforced Concrete, An International Manual. Butterworth, London, 1971.
8. M. N. Hassoun. “Ultimate-Load Design of Reinforced Concrete,” Vi e w P o i n t P u b l i c a t i o n . Cement and
Concrete Association, London, 1981, 2nd ed.
9. ASCE 7-05, M i n i m u m D e s i g n L o a d s f o r B u i l d i n g s a n d O t h e r S t r u c t u r e s . American
Society of Civil Engineering, 2005.
129 Chapter 3 Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams

3.1 Singly reinforced rectangular sections. Determine the design moment strength of the sections
given in the following table, knowing that f ' = 4 ksi and f y = 60 ksi. (Answers are given in the right
b d <t>Mn
No. (in.) (in.) As (in.2) (K-ft)

a 14 22.5 5.08 441.2

(4 no. 10)
b 28.5 7.62 849.1
(6 no. 10)
c 23.5 4.00 370.1
(4 no. 9)
d 18.5 3.16 230.0
(4 no. 8)
e 24.5 6.35
16 600
(5 no. 10)
f 14 26.5 5.00 525.3
(5 no. 9)
g 17.5 3.00 200.5
(3 no. 9)
h 31.5 4.00 (4 no. 9) 535.2
in SI units, 1 in. = 25.4 mm, 1 in.2 = 645 mm2, 1 ksi = 6.9 MPa (N/mm2), and 1 Mu (K-ft) =
For problems
1.356 kN-m.

3.2 Rectangular section with compression steel. Determine the design moment strength of the sections
given in i the following table, knowing that /'4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi, and d' = 2.5 in. (Answers are given
in the right column. In the first four problems, f' = f y)

b d 4>Mn
No. (in.) (in.) As (in.2) (K-ft)
Agfin. )
a 15 22.5 8.0 2.0 692.2
(8 no. 9) (2 no. 9)
b 17 24.5 10.08 2.54 950
(8 no. 10) (2 no. 10)
c 13 22 7.00 1.8 590.2
(7 no. 9) (3 no. 7)
d 10 21.5 5.08 1.2 464.7
(4 no. 10) (2 no. 7)
e 14 20.5 7.62 2.54 597.9
(6 no. 10) (2 no. 10)
f 16 20.5 9.0 4.0 716.3
(9 no. 9) (4 no. 9)
g 20 18.0 12.0 6.0 820.3
(12 no. 9) (6 no. 9)
h 18 20.5 10.16 5.08 813.7
(8 no. 10) (4 no. 10)

For problems in SI units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm, 1 in.2 = 645 mm2, 1 ksi = 6.9 MPa (N/mm2), and 1 M„(K-ft) =
1.356 kN-m.
References 130
Section 3.1-3.8
1. The type of failure in a reinforced concrete flexural member is based on the amount of
tension steel used, A s .
2. Load factors for dead and live loads are U = 1.2D + 1.6L. Other values are given in the text.
3. The reduction strength factor for beams (ф) = 0.9 for tension controlled sections with є >
4. An equivalent rectangular stress block can he assumed to calculate the design moment
strength of the beam section, фM n .
5. Design provisions are based on four conditions, Section 3.5

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