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Academic Year:2023-2024

Assessment Introduction:
Course: BA Hons in International Business Module Code: BU2441
Module Title: Multi-National Enterprises and
Cross-Cultural Management
Title of the Brief: Assessment Brief Type of assessment: Essay

This assessment is worth 50% of the overall module mark and should take 15-20 hours of
independent study to complete. Word count- 1500

This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you need
to prepare, and information on how class sessions support your ability to complete
successfully. In Week 6, you will be given proper guidance on approaching the assignment.
You’ll also find information on this page to guide you on how, where, and when to submit. If
you need additional support, please make a note of the services detailed in this document.

How, when, and where to submit:

Assignments should be submitted to “Turnitin” on Blackboard by 23.59 p.m. on the
11th of December 2023.
Late submissions (unless has been previously approved through the appropriate mitigating
circumstances) up to a period of 7 calendar days will be subject to the grade being capped
at a maximum of 40. Submissions after a period of 7 days will be graded zero.
If your work is submitted via the Turnitin link on Blackboard, the link will be visible to you by:
December 2023. Word count 1500 words +/- 10%
Feedback will be provided by 8th January 2024.
You should aim to submit your assessment in advance of the deadline.

Note: If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an
assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to
apply through the appropriate forms available at the UCL library with your evidence prior
to the deadline.

We wish you all success in completing your assessment. Read this guidance carefully, and
any questions, please discuss with your Module Leader.

Additional Support available:

All links are available through the online Student Hub
1. Optional: Academic support for this assessment will be provided by contacting
2. Our Library resources link can be found in the library area of the Student Hub or via
your subject librarian at
3. Support with your academic skills development (academic writing, critical thinking
and referencing) is available through WISER on the Study Skills section of the
Student Hub.
4. For help with Turnitin, see Blackboard and Turnitin Support on the Student Hub
5. If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health
condition, and not yet advised us, or would like to review your support, Inclusive
Support can assist with reasonable adjustments and support. To find out more, you
can visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub.
6. For mental health and wellbeing support, please reach out to UCL’s well being officer
Ms. Dilukshi Peiris on
7. For any other support query, please contact Student Support via
8. For consideration of Academic Integrity, please refer to detailed guidelines in our
policy document . All assessed work should be genuinely your own work, and all
resources fully cited.

Preparing for your assignment.

 Refer to the Module Information Pack to understand the Learning Outcomes and
Marking Criteria.
 The assessment will draw upon a wide range of concepts related to MNEs,
globalisation and deglobalisation, the causes of this process, impact of
deglobalisation and other contemporary global issues upon MNEs and the strategies
that can be used by MNEs to stay with the current trends.
 Your report is of course central to this assignment – please ensure that you read it
through repeatedly and integrate key aspects of the report into your discussion. Also,
the content of many lectures and seminar questions is of relevance to this
 Read through the course content covered till week 6 to obtain a thorough
understanding on the subject topics the assignment has been based on.
 Do your individual research on the topics and base your responses on credible
sources such as journal articles and other academic sources. Refrain from using
Wikipedia, personal blogs as references.
 Make sure you provide evaluations where necessary.
 Proper referencing in Harvard style is expected along with in-text citations where

1. Introduction
China, Deglobalization, and the Multinational: What Does the Next Decade Hold for
Multinational Companies from the East and West?

The Great Divergence has given way to the Great Convergence, starting with Japan’s
boom in the 1970s and 1980s, while soon after China’s Open Door Policy became the
coveted frontier of future growth. While some industries have been unable to catch the
wave, industries like private equity, healthcare, consumer products and manufacturing
have enjoyed success. Meanwhile, Chinese firms like Lenovo and Huawei are looking to
expand globally, but have yet to see major success. While overall momentum is slowing,
China will remain a key battleground for multinationals. (Weiwen Han and James Root)
Source: (

Globalisation can be briefly defined as a “trend toward greater economic, cultural,

political, and technological interdependence among national institutions and economies”
(Wild & Wild).
In contrary the term deglobalisation is becoming a prominent concept in the global
business world and has an impact on MNCs and their functioning. It’s definitely not a
concept that could be ignored by MNCs when operating within international markets.
Based on the information provided in the above article and your own knowledge,
discuss the view that MNEs face a threat of losing out due to de-globalization.
Use suitable examples to support your arguments

2. Submission details
 Date/Time: 11th December 2023 @ 23.59. p.m.
 Word count: 1,500 words +/- 10%
 Late submissions must be on the prescribed form and pre-approved with an
 Late submissions not pre-approved (up to 7 days) will be subject to the mark being
capped at 40.
 Late submissions after 7 days will be subject a grade of zero (0).
3. Details of assignment brief

China, Deglobalization, and the Multinational: What Does the Next Decade Hold for
Multinational Companies from the East and West?

The Great Divergence has given way to the Great Convergence, starting with Japan’s
boom in the 1970s and 1980s, while soon after China’s Open Door Policy became the
coveted frontier of future growth. While some industries have been unable to catch the
wave, industries like private equity, healthcare, consumer products and manufacturing
have enjoyed success. Meanwhile, Chinese firms like Lenovo and Huawei are looking to
expand globally, but have yet to see major success. While overall momentum is slowing,
China will remain a key battleground for multinationals. (Weiwen Han and James Root)

Source: (

Based on the information provided in the above article and your own knowledge,
discuss the view that MNEs face a threat of losing out due to de-globalization. Use
suitable examples to support your arguments

In your answer you need to focus on the following areas

1. Why MNCs grow

2. What is globalization and de-globalization? What causes them?

3. How are MNEs impacted by de-globalization and other contemporary factors? Also, 4 –
cultural factors (to meet LO5)

4. What are the strategies that MNEs can use to stay with the current trends?
4. Learning outcomes:

1. Analyse the key motivating factors for firms to engage in international business
2. Evaluate various entry strategies and modes of operation employed by international
3. Evaluate contemporary trade theories and analyse their significance for the activities
and operations of existing international firms.
4. Understand that organisational structure can have an important impact on the
successful operation of an international company.
5. Assess the influence of cultural factors upon international business decisions.

Marking grid/marking rubric

High level Medium level Low level
- Over 70 - 55 to 69 - 40 to 54
- 39 and
Knowle Has identified Few relevant Points are Not
dge – the expected points are incorrect, no Demonstrated
20% number of identified, proper
clear and correct identification
relevant concepts and of concepts
points, proper definitions are etc.
definitions and related to the
explanations question are
are provided provided to a
for concepts. certain degree
Applica Identified Concepts are Little Not
tion – points are applied to a application Demonstrated
20% applied to the certain degree to the
relevant to the given context
context and context, little given, no
explained reference to examples
relating to the examples
Analysi Analysis Analysis Very basic Not
s – 25% demonstrates demonstrates a use of Demonstrated
concise and moderate concepts in
accurate use understanding the analysis
of concepts and use of with
where concepts. improper
necessary. Chain of chain of
Detailed reasoning reasoning
reasoning/ available to a
justification certain degree
Evaluati Detailed Brief critical Poor critical Not
on – critical analysis analysis is analysis with Demonstrated
25% is provided present with surface level
with policy little thinking
implications examination of demonstrate
explained facts d
The critical
critical thinking
of implications.
Structur A clear Similar Technical Not
e and structure is structure is not errors in Demonstrated
referen available for followed in referencing,
cing – every precise. every precise, in-text
10% Referencing is minor errors in citations are
consistently referencing and unavailable
accurate and in in-text to support
citations are citations. certain
used to arguments

Marking Criteria for the Assignment

Band Numerical Description

Exceptional 100 Very well-structured and in an appropriate format
1st Content thoroughly researched
Very High 1st 94 Sound and accurate and in-depth economic analysis
High level of academic rigour
High1st 87 High level of professional excellence
Mid 1st 80 Properly referenced
Legible and carefully proof read (spelling mistakes and grammatical errors non-
Low 1st 74 existent)

High 2.1 68 Well-structured but improvements possible

Content quite well researched
Mid 2.1 65
A good attempt at economic analysis
Low 2.1 62 Well written with a minimal amount of spelling and syntax errors. Only minor
inaccuracies in referencing and writing.
High 2.2 58 Quite well researched
A reasonable attempt at economic analysis
Mid 2.2 55 Content not well researched
Well written with a minimal amount of spelling and syntax errors. Only minor
Low 2.2 52
inaccuracies in referencing and writing.

High 3rd 48 Significant structural improvements required

Mid 3rd 45 Lacking economic analysis
Little significant research undertaken – content poor with too much description
Low 3rd 42 Generally competent writing although intermittent lapses from standard syntax
Minimum 40 and spelling
Pass/Capped Significant errors in referencing
Marginal Fail 35* Very poorly structured
Mid Fail 30* No evidence of any economic analysis being undertaken
Low Fail 25 Very poor content - purely descriptive
Fail 10 Poorly written and presented with numerous deficiencies in spelling and syntax.
Bibliography is unacceptable.

* Cannot be compensated

Feedback Guidance:

Reflecting on Feedback: how to improve.

From the feedback you receive, you should understand:

 The grade you achieved.

 The best features of your work.

 Areas you may not have fully understood.

 Areas you are doing well but could develop your understanding.

 What you can do to improve in the future - feedforward.

Use the WISER: Academic Skills Development service. WISER can review feedback and
help you understand your feedback. You can also use the WISER Feedback Glossary

Next Steps:

 List the steps have you taken to respond to previous feedback.

 Summarise your achievements

 Evaluate where you need to improve here (keep handy for future work):

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