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Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish

Exercise 1: The song “Ocean Eyes” makes a metaphor about an ocean, but there are some
different names for amounts of water. Match these names to their examples:

1. lake A. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic.

2. ocean B. Mediterranean, Red, Black and Dead.
3. river C. Panama, Suez, Great and Corinth.
4. sea D. Nile, Amazon, Congo and Mississippi.
5. canal E. Victoria, Malawi, Loch Ness and Titicaca.

Exercise 2: The following words were in the song. Can you put them in a different context?
Complete the sentences:

watching − burning − fallen − diamond − fair − careful

A. I got so ashamed that I felt like my face was _______________.

B. I feel like our justice isn’t really _______________ .

C. The _______________ angels are the ones that were expelled from Heaven.
D. Be _______________ ! Here’s dangerous.
E. Are you _______________ the Independence Parade?
F. Do you have a _______________ ring?

Exercise 3: Billie Eislish uses Present Perfect sentences more than once at this song. In the
Present Perfect, you use have/has as an auxiliar in the affimative and haven’t/hasn’t in the
negative. Check some rules about the Present Perfect:

It’s usually used to express something that started in the past and continues in the

The structure of a sentence in the affirmative is: subject + have/has + verb in participle
+ complement. Example: I have gone to this church since I’m a child.

Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish 1

The structure of a sentence in the negative is: subject + haven’t/hasn’t + verb in
participle + complement. Example: She hasn’t visited us for the last ten years.

The stucture of a sentence in the interrogative is: have/has + subject + verb in participle
+ complement. Example: Have you ever eaten sushi?

Now, put the sentences below in the correct order:

A. have/team/played/I/years/this/for/for/last/the/few
B. she/worked/USA/hasn’t/in
C. you/have/o’clock/seven/slept/since/?
D. haven’t/lived/you/in/a long/house/for/time/this
E. have/gone/ever/Alissa and Julia/Morocco/to/?

Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish 2

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