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Country of Botswana Flag

Capital: Gaborone

Population: 2,303,697

Brief History of Botswana:

Batswana is a landlocked African country just north of South Africa. This means it has no ocean
coastline. Before Europeans arrived in the area, the land was ruled by tribes of herders and farmers.

In 1885, because of some local wars, the people of Batswana asked Britain for help and protection.
They became a territory of Britain and also, at the peoples request, were kept out of the Union of
South Africa.

In 1964, Botswana became self-governing. Since then they have had a constitution and democratic
elections. The first president was Seretse Khama.

Country of Botswana Map

The Geography of Botswana

Total Size: 600,370 square km

Size Comparison: slightly smaller than Texas

Geographical Coordinates: 22 00 S, 24 00 E

World Region or Continent: Africa

General Terrain: predominantly flat to gently rolling tableland; Kalahari Desert in southwest
Geographical Low Point: junction of the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers 513 m

Geographical High Point: Tsodilo Hills 1,489 m

Climate: semiarid; warm winters and hot summers

Major cities: GABORONE (capital) 196,000 (2009), Francistown, Molepolole

The People of Botswana

Type of Government: parliamentary republic

Languages Spoken: Setswana 78.2%, Kalanga 7.9%, Sekgalagadi 2.8%, English 2.1% (official), other
8.6%, unspecified 0.4% (2001 census)

Independence: 30 September 1966 (from UK)

National Holiday: Independence Day (Botswana Day), 30 September (1966)

Nationality: Motswana (singular), Batswana (plural)

Religions: Christian 71.6%, Badimo 6%, other 1.4%, unspecified 0.4%, none 20.6% (2001 census)

National Symbol: zebra

National Anthem or Song: Fatshe leno la rona (Our Land)

Economy of Botswana

Major Industries: diamonds, copper, nickel, salt, soda ash, potash; livestock processing; textiles

Agricultural Products: livestock, sorghum, maize, millet, beans, sunflowers, groundnuts

Natural Resources: diamonds, copper, nickel, salt, soda ash, potash, coal, iron ore, silver

Major Exports: diamonds, copper, nickel, soda ash, meat, textiles

Major Imports: foodstuffs, machinery, electrical goods, transport equipment, textiles, fuel and
petroleum products, wood and paper products, metal and metal products

Currency: pula (BWP)

National GDP: $29,850,000,000

** Source for population (2012 est.) and GDP (2011 est.) is CIA World Factbook.

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