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Simple details before playing on Snowbreak Containment Zone.

Weapon types Ricochet rate

5 types of weapons in this game -Pistol Weapon types affect ricochet rate

Each weapon has its own uniqueness and range limit Different enemies have unique reinforced
-Submachine gun armor types
-Assault Rifle From Highest to lowest
Submachine gun, Assault rifle, Pistol,
-Shotgun Shotgun, Sniper rifle

Character Basic info

Crit rate Shooting Crit RATE + (Current Stat)% Chance of landing a CRIT
CRIT DMG Amplifier + (Current Stat)% Increase the Critical damage
Crit DMG Amplifier
U-Energy Recovery + (Current Stat)% Increase the Ultimate's charge
U-Energy Recovery
200 (default value) Stamina requires to run and
Kinetic Resistance Kinetic RES + (Current Stat)% Increases the Kinetic Resistance
Thermal RES + (Current Stat)% Increases the Thermal
Thermal Resistance
Frost Resistance Frost RES + (Current Stat)% Increases the Frost Resistance
Electrical RES + (Current Stat)% Increases the Electrical
Electrical Resistance
Chaos Resisitance Chaos RES + (Current Stat)% Increases the Chaos Resistance
Skill Haste + (Current Stat) Reduce the cooldown of
Skill Haste
operatives skill
S-Energy Recovery Bonus + (Current Stat)% Increase the Standard skill
S-Energy Recovery
charge recovery
Auxiliary Units Strength + (Current Stat)% Increase the strength of
Auxiliary Units Strength Auxiliary Units(Summon ex. Lyfe
Allignment Index + (Current Stat) Alignment index can strengthen
Alignment Index the passive skill(Deiwos
Weapon Attribute
ATK + (Current Weapon Compatibility)% The higher percentage of the
Compatibility compatability is, the higher
dmg your character can do.
(Current Weapon's Fire Rate) Shooting rate/speed of your
Rate of Fire
(Current Weapon's Element) Current element of your
DMG Type
equipped weapon
(Current Weapon's Range) Damage scales on how far are
Max Range
you to the target
(Current Weapon's Ammo Capacity) Current weapons ammo
Ammo Capacity
(Current Weapon's Reload SPD) Defines on how you fast reload
Reload SPD
based on the current weapon
Characters Crit DMG + (Current Weapon's It deals crit DMG based on
CRIT DMG CRIT DMG) characters stats and current
Logistic details
Ballistic DMG% Increases your current weapon damage
Increases your current weapon damage
Standard Ballistic DMG%
through hipfiring
Increases your current weapon damage
ADS(Aim down sights) Ballistic DMG%
through scoping/zooming in
Increases active skill DMG (ex. Acacia
Active Skill DMG%
Increases the strength of Auxiliary Units(ex.
Auxiliary Units Strength%
Lyfe ravens)
Increases the healing effect of Auxiliary
Healing effect%
Units(ex. Chenxing's Drop Pod)
Decreasing target's resistance by using an
Reducing target's resistance%
active skill(Twilight Squad)
Ultimate Skill DMG% Increases your Ultimate's DMG
Increases your DMG of the user after using
Increase DMG dealt%
an Ultimate skill (Fenya Squad)
Increases the capacity of U-Energy
Increase Max-U Energy
(Located at top right)
Increases the amount of U-Energy
U-Energy Recovery% Recovery. Recovers XX% of U-Energy
Consumed(Xinye Squad)
Increasing the amount of shield gain(ex. 4*
Shield Acquisition Efficiency% Fenny's standard skill with top left
Increases the DMG taken by target when
Control effect% the user cast Crowd Control effect
(Navigator Squad)
Elemental DMG% Increase the current user Elemental DMG
Invulnerable effect /s Unable to take damage from enemy attacks
Other infos Where to find them?
Neuronics helps to increase your DeiwosEach character has unique Neuronics and all Operative > Neuronics(below
Deiwos Alignment phases 1-4 Alignment stats/passive nodes can be upgraded Manifestation) > Middle part
upgrades Deiwos Alignment
Manifestation 1= 60 shards M2= 60 shards
M3= 90 shards M4= 120 shards M5= 150
shards. Manifestation shards are farmable Operative > Manifestation
Manifestation(Dupe system) Each character has unique Manifestation
through Personal files(resets daily).In gacha (below Logistics).
4* duplicate= 30 shards, 5* duplicate= 60
Playing Neural simulation gives you Neural Simulation shop gives you
Shop > Event Exchange > Neural
Neural Simulation Shop Synthetic Endorphins currency where you Character's Shard, Quantum Cell, and Fiber
can use it to buy from the shop Axon
Playing Underground purge gives you Underground Purge shop gives you Revision
Concentrated Titagen Crystals currency Application(Rerolls Tier 3 stat), Carbon Shop > Event Exchange >
Underground Purge Shop
where you can use it to buy from the Atomic Plate and Unique Logistics Underground Purge
shop (Unobtainable through farming)
Playing Gigalink gives you Personnel Exchanging Personnel Limit allows you to
Shop > Circulation Hub >
Gigalink Limit currency where you can use it to exchange specific Logistic that you want on
Logistics Officers
buy from the shop the shop. 100 Personnel Limit per week
Rationing Codes and Reward Codes can
be obtained through Gacha both
Characters and Weapons.
Reward code is used for buying Limited or
Duplicate Purple tier operatives gives 5
Standard ticket, and other Orange tier
Reward Codes and Duplicate Orange
weapons. Rationing Code is used for buying Shop > Circulation Hub >
operatives gives 25 Reward Codes gives
Gacha (Rationing Codes and Reward Codes) Limited or Standard ticket, Quantum Cell Selected Rewards & Quality
additional 15 Rationing Codes for Blue
and other materials for upgrades. Rationing
tier weapons.
Does Pity transfer on both Character's and
Orange weapon gives additional 25
Weapon? Yes
Reward Codes, Purple tier gives 5 Reward
Codes and Additional 25 Rationing Codes
for Blue Tier weapons
Base system is for increasing your Iris Record Certificate can be obtained by
characters trust/affection and solve doing HCL 2-4, HCL 4-1(Hard mode) and
puzzles to get currency from buying a Relaxing Leisure event.
gifts. Base Puzzle's can be found anywhere on the Base
Base system Main menu > Base
system is limited only for 5 characters. and you can gift/recieve puzzle piece from
Lyfe, Fenny, Acacia, Fritia, and Cherno. your friends.
They might add other operatives in
future updates
Trust/Affection increases by Furniture Trust/Affection increases the Final Damage
Operative > Click the heart(to
Affection/Trust System gifting and Random events by 1% per every 10 Levels of trust. Each
see the info)
Trust level has a story and rewards make.

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