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Methods of Mathematical Physics (PH 301)

Assignment-II Date: October 25, 2023

Q .1 Using quotient rule find the transformation of K if A and B are known :

1 Ki Ai = B [if A is a vector and B is a pseudo - scalar]

2 Kkl Al = Bk [If both A and B are tensors]

3 Kij Ak = Bijk [A is an axial vector and B is a pseudo tensor]

Q .2 a Find the irreducible decomposition of the following tensors :

I) Ai Aj = ? II Ai Aj Ak = ? III Ai Aj Ak Al = ?

b Find the number of independent components of a completely symmetric tensor of rank -

j in N - dimensions. Repeat the same exercise if this tensor is
also traceless. Give this number for j = 0, 1, 2, 3 for N = 3, 4, 10

Q.3 Arfken - (1.5.15 & 1.5.15)

Q .4 Verify the following identities using component notation :

2 MMP-assign-II.nb

[If A & B are constant vectors]

     
 3 r · m r - m
∇ × m ×3 r

= If m is a constant vector
r r3

Q .5 Consider the field tensor Fμν = - Fνμ [μ, ν = 0, 1, 2, 3] such that

F0 i = i Ei & Fij = ϵijk Bk [i, j = 1, 2, 3]

Verify that Maxwell ' s equations in vacuum can be written as

    
∂ Fμν
=0 ⟺ ∇ · E = 0 & ∇ × B - 1 ∂E = 0
∂ xμ c ∂t
 
∂ Fμν    
=0 ⟺ ∇ ·B = 0 & ∇ × E + ∂B = 0
∂ xμ ∂t
 
where F μν is dual to Fμν Fμν = 1 ϵμνρσ Fρσ ,

xμ = i ct, x, y, z = ict, r  and i2 = - 1 & ϵ0 ijk = iϵijk

Further show that the above equations satisfy the following wave equation :
2  
∇2 - 12 ∂ 2 E, B = 0
c ∂t
Q .6 a Find the number of the independent components
of Rμνρσ [in N dimensions] satisfying the above conditions :

1 Rμνρσ = - Rνμρσ

2 Rμνρσ = - Rμνσρ

3 Rμνρσ = + Rρσμν

4) Rμνρσ + Rμρσν + Rμσνρ = 0

b) Find the number of the independent components of the

rotation matrix Rij in N dimensions satisfying the following conditions :
Rik Rjk = δij

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