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PERGAMON Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Combustion control and sensors: a review

Nicolas Docquier 1, SeÂbastien Candel*
Laboratoire EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris Ð CNRS UPR 288, Grande Voie des Vignes, F-92295 ChaÃtenay-Malabry Cedex, France
Received 15 September 2000; accepted 18 June 2001

There is an increased interest in the application of control to combustion. The objective is to optimize combustor operation,
monitor the process and alleviate instabilities and their severe consequences. One wishes to improve the system performance,
for example by reducing the levels of pollutant emissions or by smoothing the pattern factor at the combustor exhaust. In other
cases, the aim is to extend the stability domain by reducing the level of oscillation induced by coupling between resonance
modes and combustion. As combustion systems have to meet increasingly more demanding air pollution standards, their design
and operation becomes more complex. The trend towards reduced NOx levels has led to new developments in different ®elds.
Automotive engines and gas turbine combustors are considered in this article. In the ®rst case, complex exhaust aftertreatment
is being applied and dedicated engine control schemes are required to ensure and maintain high pollutant conversion ef®ciency.
For gas turbines, premixed combustors, which operate at lower local temperatures than conventional systems have been
designed. In both cases, monitoring and control of the operating point of the process have to be achieved with great precision
to obtain the full bene®ts of the NOx reduction scheme. For premixed combustors operating near the lean stability limit, the
¯ame is more susceptible to blowout, oscillation or ¯ashback. Research is now carried out to reduce these dynamical problems
with passive and active control methods. In addition to a broad range of fundamental problems raised by Active Combustion
Control (ACC) and Operating Point Control (OPC), there are important technological issues. This paper contains a review of
some facets of combustion control and focuses on the sensors that take or could take part to combustion control solutions. The
current status of ACC and OPC is presented together with the associated control concepts. The state of the art in sensors is
reviewed and their applicability is evaluated. Research efforts in combustion diagnostics are to a certain extent devoted to the
development of sensors for control applications. The objective of such developments differs from that which is pursued when
one wishes to perform detailed measurements on a laboratory scale experiment. The sensor system should not necessarily
provide quantitative measurements because relative data are already useful for control purposes. This change of orientation will
be discussed and illustrated by examples of current interest. It is concluded that development in control will depend critically on
the availability of sensors and on their reliability, robustness, immunity to noise and capacity to operate in a harsh environment.
Research is needed on the fundamentals of ACC and OPC but it should also address the more technical aspects of the problem.
q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Combustion control; Active control; Optical sensors; Solid state sensors; Gas sensors; Gas turbine control; Automotive engine

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
2. Combustion control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
2.1. Active control of combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 133-1-41-13-10-83; fax: 133-1-47-02-80-35.

E-mail addresses: (N. Docquier), (S. Candel).
Institut FrancËais du PeÂtrole, Techniques d'Applications EnergeÂtiques, 1 et 4, Avenue de Bois PreÂau, F-92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex,
France. Tel.: 133-1-47-52-54-19; fax: 133-1-47-52-66-85.

0360-1285/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0360-128 5(01)00009-0
108 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

2.2. Operating point control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

2.2.1. Automotive control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Current control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Automotive control challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2.2.2. Gas turbine control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Lean premixed combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Gas turbine control challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
2.2.3. Combustion performances optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3. Control concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.1. Sensing techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.2. Input parameters for combustion control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.2.1. Operating point control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.2.2. Performance optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3.2.3. Active combustion control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3.2.4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4. Diagnostic techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.1. Optical diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.1.1. Optical absorption sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Absorption data recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Velocity measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.1.2. Optical emission sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Chemiluminescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Black body emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 IR emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4.2. Solid-state sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
4.2.1. Gas sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Zirconia properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Potentiometric Nernst cell for oxygen detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Amperometric cell for oxygen detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Three-phase boundary electrochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Non-Nernstian electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Mixed potential sensors: CO and NOx sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Arrays of electrochemical cells: NOx sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.2.2. Ion current probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Ionic properties of ¯ames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Correlations between ion current and operating parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Practical applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4.2.3. Other sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Resistive temperature detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Micromachined sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Pressure sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Flow sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Viscosimetry and Wobbe index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 109

Nomenclature S T; n0 † transition line strength

T temperature
A/F air/fuel ratio
T mean temperature
c speed of light
T0 ¯uctuation of temperature
D molecular diffusivity
Tu fresh gas temperature
E energy
Tad adiabatic ¯ame temperature
F Faraday's constant
Tf ¯ame temperature
fv soot volume fraction
t time
g line shape function
U voltage drop
h Planck's constant
Up pumping voltage
I light intensity (Sections 2±4.1.2)
v velocity
I current intensity (Sections 4.2.1±4.2.3)
X mole fraction
k Boltzmann's constant
X mean mole fraction
L optical pathlength
X0 ¯uctuation of mole fraction
Ll spectral radiance
a molar stoichiometric coef®cient
m_ mass ¯ow rate
b number of N2 moles per unit mole of O2 in air
N mole number
el spectral emissivity
n electron number
u angle
p pressure
Kn spectral absorption coef®cient
p mean pressure
l air to fuel equivalence ratio (1/F )
p0 ¯uctuation of pressure
n frequency
pi soot emissivity parameters
n0 central frequency
q heat release per unit volume
s leak conductance
q mean heat release
tn spectral trasmissivity
q0 ¯uctuation of heat release
F fuel to air equivalence ratio
R perfect gas constant
S cross section

1. Introduction will require sensors for process monitoring and feedback

Today's standard practice is to control combustion Sensors are critical elements for combustion control and
processes in open loop without feedback of information to combustion monitoring. Their integration in combustion
the injection system. It is well recognized that this does not systems is extensively explored. We try in this article to
allow optimization of the process and that the lack of closed evaluate research in this area and to analyze progress in
loop control may pose serious problems for future develop- sensors in terms of potential for application. To give the
ments. It is therefore believed that new combustion tech- proper perspective we begin with an outline of ideas in
nologies will integrate feedback controllers. Automotive combustion control. We then present some of the underlying
engines already use closed loop concepts [1] which allow concepts and then survey the state of the art in sensor
a ®ne tuning of operating conditions. This adjustment of systems which are, or could be, considered for combustion
operation with sensors monitoring the exhaust gases is control. The discussion focuses on principles, charac-
considered in many current applications including biomass teristics, limitations, and tradeoffs.
combustion [2] and gas turbines [3]. In this last area, a
notable reduction of NOx emissions has been achieved by
adopting a premixed mode of operation in which the ¯ame 2. Combustion control
temperature is reduced and the level of NOx is diminished to
a great extent. However, premixed combustion requires a While they share some of their features and objectives,
precise determination of the equivalence ratio, which could it is convenient to divide combustion control in two
be deduced from measurements on the ¯ame and in the categories: Operating Point Control (OPC) and Active
exhaust gases. Also, the premixed mode of combustion, Combustion Control (ACC). In the ACC domain, it is
which is now favored in gas turbine applications leads convenient to distinguish Active Combustion Enhancement
to instabilities which reach unacceptable levels and may (ACE) from Active Instability Control (AIC). Current
have serious consequences. Efforts are being made to developments in ACC will be brie¯y reviewed while OPC
develop active control solutions to this problem, which will be discussed in more detail. Table 1 synthesizes
110 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Table 1 introduced separately and their mixing is often poor leading

Combustion control references to long ¯ames with elevated temperatures in broad regions.
Emission levels may be quite high in such circumstances.
Category Solid state Optical sensor
Active control may be used to enhance mixing thus modify-
ing the conversion rate, combustion ef®ciency, ¯ame
Combustion enhancement 2, 4±7 8±15 temperature and pollutant formation and destruction
Instability control 5±7, 16±25 4, 8, 12, 13, 26±28 [9,59,60]. Active control may also be used to reorganize
Operating point control 1, 29±42 11, 13, 15, 43±48 the ¯ame structure by redistributing fuel and oxidizer to
`stage' the regions of conversion. Combustion enhancement
by means of active control is reviewed in Ref. [61].
Such direct applications of active control could be used to
combustion control experiments and illustrates important retro®t existing con®gurations in order to comply with more
aspects of this discipline. Experiments are gathered stringent regulations.
according to the sensing technique and to their objectives:
combustion enhancement (ACE) for performance optimiza- 2.2. Operating point control
tion, instability control (ACCÐreduction of combustion
oscillations) and OPC for ef®ciency and emissions level Control of the operating point concerns every
management. combustion device designed to date. From the early
problem of load control to the somewhat more recent
2.1. Active control of combustion concern of pollutant emissions reduction, any engine or
combustion process relies on a more or less complex
Basic concepts of active control were mainly demon- control system in order to operate in an acceptable
strated in small scale laboratory experiments (Rijke tubes way as regards to power, safety or emissions. Various
[26], laminar ¯ame burners [49], turbulent combustors aspects of OPC are shown in Fig. 2. In this section, the
[6,24,50]). Some recent studies have also been carried out major issues of operating point control in combustion are
on larger power devices [19,20,25]. Control has been discussed in relation with automotive engines and gas
achieved in many cases with a variable degree of success. turbine combustors.
Another set of experiments also indicated that active control
had potential applications in combustion enhancement.
Typical ACC experiments are shown in Fig. 1. 2.2.1. Automotive control
Instability control is one major area of concern. At this It is known from early work that the smog problems
point in time, it is the most advanced but has given rise affecting large urban areas like Los Angeles or Tokyo
to a limited number of large-scale applications. Active since the late 1940s result from sunlight-driven reactions
control is speci®cally considered for ramjets [53], lean involving oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbon compounds
premixed combustors [54], afterburners, segmented solid exhausted by, among other sources, motor vehicles [62].
propellant rocket motors [55]. Many aspects of active As a result, emission standards were introduced in the
control of combustion instabilities are reviewed in [56±58]. mid-1960s and forced the installation of emission control
Active control is now considered for other applications and devices.
more speci®cally for the active reduction of pollutant
emissions. Current control system. Automotive engines now
A ®rst case of technological interest is that of the feature a combination of electronic fuel injection, catalytic
lean premixed combustors which are being developed converters and feedback control [33], for metering air and
to reduce the exhaust emissions of gas turbines. These fuel mixtures (Fig. 3). Control of the engine operating point
modern devices have excellent emission characteristics is driven by the conversion ef®ciency (from hydrocarbons,
and bring a signi®cant reduction of nitric oxide levels. carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen to carbon dioxide
Unfortunately the lean premixed mode of operation is and nitrogen) of standard three-way catalyst (TWC). It is
also quite sensitive to pressure waves and features known that this ef®ciency is about 100% close to
instabilities and associated side effects like ¯ashback stoichiometric conditions and dramatically decreases on
or ¯ame blowout. Active control may then be used to the lean side for oxides of nitrogen and on the rich side
avoid unstable operation or at least augment the stability for the other carbon compounds, as sketched in Fig. 4.
margin of the combustor [8,16,20]. This is an indirect The control system has to maintain stoichiometric
application of ACC: control is used to prevent instabil- combustion to ensure ef®cient catalytic conversion and
ity thus allowing smooth operation of a low emission clean engine operation. This is achieved with the `lambda'
level combustor. probes (l designates the air to fuel equivalence ratio). These
The second case of interest concerns standard combustors sensors respond to the presence of oxygen and they
operating in the non-premixed mode. The reactants are are particularly well suited to the detection of the
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 111

Fig. 1. (a) Heavy duty (260 MW) gas turbine: instability control and operating range extension by fuel ¯ow modulation (Direct Drive Valve)
and pressure measurement (from Ref. [19]). (b) Model gas-®red combustor (15 kW): active optimization by fuel ¯ow actuation and CO2p
measurement (from Ref. [14]). (c) Liquid-fueled dump combustor (270 kW): active instability suppression by fuel modulation and pressure
measurement (from Ref. [51]). (d) Swirl-stabilized combustor: pressure oscillation reduction by acoustic air ¯ow modulation and pressure or
OH p measurement (from Ref. [52]). (e) Dump combustor (5 kW): active combustion enhancement by fuel ¯ow acoustic forcing and laser diode
T and XH2O measurement (from Ref. [12]). (f) Turbulent spray combustor (137 kW): active instability control by fuel ¯ow modulation (DDV)
and pressure measurement (from Ref. [17]).

stoichiometric point. This condition corresponds to a sizable Table 2 presents their evolution for Europe (EU) and
variation in the sensor signal (Fig. 5). United States (LEV). As the main vehicle emissions
appear today during the warm-up phase (e.g. <80% of the Automotive control challenges. Motor vehicle HC emissions are produced in the ®rst 40 s after cold start
emission regulations are continuously tightened worldwide. [65]), the strategies to comply with Low Emission Vehicle
112 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 2. (a) Premixed gas turbine combustor (30 MW): operating point control by fuel regulation using air ¯ow calculation, hygrometry and fuel
properties measurements (from Ref. [32]). (b) Liquid spray ¯ame burner: operating point control by atomizing air regulation and OH p imaging
using a CCD camera (from Ref. [43]). (c) Hencken ¯at ¯ame burner: temperature control by methane regulation using laser diode absorption
measurements (from Ref. [45]). (d) Gasoline direct injection engine: engine and catalysts management system using O2 and T sensors (from
Ref. [37]). (e) Classical gasoline engine: engine operation at l ˆ 1 for maximum three-way catalyst conversion ef®ciency using a lambda
probe for stoichiometry measurement (from Ref. [1]. (f) Waste incinerator (20 MW): combustion monitoring and control based on laser diode
absorption O2 and H2O measurements (from Ref. [10]).

(LEV) standards are mainly supported by A/F control early excess of 10008C and accordingly, new lambda sensors are
after engine start-up. Therefore, fast oxygen sensor light-off being designed [66±70]. Furthermore, it appears that the
is required while additional reduction in time delay can be current lambda control strategy, a two-level controller in
achieved by the relocation of the probe (together with the which combustion is considered as being stoichiometric or
catalyst) closer to the engine on the exhaust manifold (Fig. non-stoichiometric, is not suf®ciently accurate to maintain
6). These modi®cations require temperatures at sensor tip in high catalyst conversion rate at the maximum deviation
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 113

Fig. 3. Conventional automotive engine control system (adapted from Ref. [33]).

from l ˆ 1: This is especially a problem with aged

catalysts. To reduce these deviations, linear l -control
strategies have been devised [36,41,50] which require new
linear wide band sensors with high accuracy around l ˆ 1:
The more recent concern about global warming due to
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide is now shifting the
objective of automotive combustion control. Current efforts
are made to decrease the total amount of emissions and to
minimize fuel consumption. To address these two require-
ments, manufacturers are now focusing on lean burn
gasoline (Gasoline Direct Injection conceptÐGDI) and
diesel engines. Unfortunately, the latter feature relatively
higher NOx in comparison with conventional gasoline
engines equipped with a TWC and the oxygen excess in
the exhaust gases of a GDI engine operating in a lean
mode also prevents the reduction of NOx with existing
TWC aftertreatment systems. A solution can be found in
the development of NOx adsorption catalyst [71±74]
which adsorbs NOx during lean operation and decomposes
the adsorbed NOx with combustible gases such as CO, HC
and H2. These gases are supplied during a short period of
rich operation or post injection of HC or urea. In addition to
this NOx trap, a pre-catalyst (or oxidation catalyst) is closely
Fig. 4. Three-way catalyst, conversion ef®ciency diagram (adapted mounted to the engine to achieve high HC and CO con-
from Ref. [63]).
version rate.
This state of the art depicted in Fig. 6 complicates
the engine control system which has to continuously adapt
the fuelling strategy to take into account the status of the
exhaust aftertreatment devices.
In conclusion, new types of gas sensors are needed. On the
one hand, lambda (oxygen) sensors have to be redesigned in

Table 2
Present and future automotive emission limits (from Ref. [65])

Regulation HC CO NOx

ULEV a (g/mile) 0.04 1.7 0.2

SULEV a (2003) (g/mile) 0.01 1.0 0.02
EU III b (2000) (g/km) 0.2 2.3 0.15
EU IV b (2005) (g/km) 0.1 1.0 0.08
Fig. 5. Lambda probe, typical output signal (adapted from Ref. FTP-test.
[64]). EU III testcycle.
114 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 6. Control system for new gasoline direction injection engines.

order, to either cope with more dif®cult working conditions of reactants takes place before burning. This diminishes the
such as elevated temperatures, or to extend their sensing ¯ame temperature and the related production of NOx which
range in order to supply accurate measurements to the depends exponentially on temperature. Moreover, lean
control system. On the other hand, there is a need for premixed combustion under gas turbine conditions does
monitoring other gaseous species to solve exhaust after- not reduce cycle ef®ciency because the latter depends
treatment dif®culties encountered with the new automo- (for a given pressure ratio) on the turbine inlet temperature.
tive combustion concepts like GDI. As an example, This temperature is essentially limited by materials and it
reliable and accurate NOx sensors will be the key to has to be well below stoichiometric values. In the classical
the management of adsorption catalysts [65,75], in combustor of the non-premixed type, stoichiometric con-
order to determine the appropriate time to switch from ditions are maintained in the primary zone to stabilize the
lean to rich or to inject HC or urea. Finally, to comply ¯ame, the mixture is subsequently diluted with secondary
with on-board diagnostic requirements which come together air to obtain the proper mixture ratio and temperature.
with the new emissions regulations, the catalysts conversion Therefore, the existence of a near stoichiometric region
ef®ciency will have to be monitored using new temperature featuring elevated temperatures results in excessive levels
sensors (resistive detectors [37,76]) or HC/CO gas sensors of NOx. Lean premixed combustion is considered for both
[77,78]. terrestrial and mobile applications, the ®rst being more
advanced because the safety issue is somewhat less critical.
Also, concepts are easier to integrate in ground-based
2.2.2. Gas turbine control
systems where there are less constraints on the combustion
Requirements to limit pollutants emissions also concern
chamber geometry and compacity.
the gas turbine industry. Table 3 presents some of the limits
which apply worldwide for stationary (ground-based) equip-
ment. Regulations are becoming so stringent (`single-digit' Lean premixed combustion. Fig. 7 shows the
NOx emissions are targeted in California) that they have evolution of the main pollutants generated by combustion
often resulted in a radical redesign of combustion systems of a lean mixture of methane (main compound of natural
employed on high pressure ratio aero derived gas turbines. gas) and air. It appears that NOx and CO emissions follow
Reduction of emissions is also a permanent objective for opposite trends. Whereas low ¯ame temperature is favorable
jet engines manufacturers. Important progress has been to NOx reduction, it rapidly prevents the complete oxidation
obtained with premixed combustors [79±86]. It is known of CO and HC. Control of the operating point of such a
that oxides of nitrogen may be notably reduced if the mixing combustion process has to de®ne a trade-off between both
pollutants reduction. In an ideal case, one will try to drive
the system towards the optimum point where both CO and
Table 3 NOx levels will be minimum. However, in an industrial
Emission limits for ground based gas turbines context, the objective is to cope with emission limits
imposed by the legislation. Therefore, the control system
Country NOx CO Rates power
will have to operate the combustor in a range of
(@15% O2) (@15% O2)
equivalence ratios avoiding the rapid increase of CO and
ECC 25 vppm Not stated . 50 MWth NOx.
France 40 vppm 80 vppm . 20 MWth
Italy 29 vppm 48 vppm . 50 MWth Gas turbine control challenges. Premixed
United Kingdom 28 vppm 80 vppm . 50 MWth combustors are quite attractive but pose dif®cult practical
Japan (Tokyo) 28 vppm No limits Not stated
problems. First, they operate near the lean stability limit and
USA (California) 9 ppm Not stated Not stated
under these conditions, the gas turbine is more susceptible to
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 115

Fig. 7. Lean premixed combustion, typical pollutant emissions (adapted from Ref. [44]).

serious incidents like ¯ame out, instabilities or ¯ashback natural gas. This allows a clean operation of the engine.
induced by pressure waves. Accordingly, the control However, gas suppliers use different sources resulting in
system will also have to monitor the process so that none regional and temporal differences in the fuel properties.
of these troubles occur, that is, operate the ¯ame in a safe Table 4 gives the composition of several natural gas
range, rapidly detect the occurrence of combustion sources supplied to European customers. The control
instabilities, or provide information, e.g. to a controller system has to adapt to these changes either by on-line
which is dedicated to the reduction of these dynamical monitoring of the fuel quality [40] or by sensing a
problems (ACC). Control of the gas turbine combustor combustion parameter allowing to compensate for changes
operating point which consists in adjusting the in fuel calori®c value.
equivalence ratio of the fuel/air mixture is a dif®cult task. In conclusion, control of the operating point of a gas
On the one hand, the quantity of air which ¯ows in the turbine combustor of the premixed type will have to rely
combustor is not known with suf®cient accuracy. The on the development of new strategies allowing to cope with
mass ¯ow of fuel is well metered but there is no easy way future regulations. Small changes in the operating con-
to evaluate the equivalence ratio. Previously, control ditions (a few tens of degrees) might be responsible for
systems used to (and sometimes still) operate the ¯ame-out or dramatic increase of the pollutant emissions.
combustor on the basis of a limited set of information A precise adjustment of the equivalence ratio is required to
regarding the actual ¯ame properties, and estimate air deal with changes in the external conditions are (air moisture,
mass ¯ux by means of a look-up table using the fuel quality, power demand). Unfortunately, due to the harsh
compression system rotational speed, guide vane angle, environment prevailing in the chamber, limited access to the
intake air temperature and pressure as inputs [32,87]. combustion state is offered to the control engineer. Once again,
Although effective, this method suffers from the possible this lack of information should be overcome by designing new
deviation of engine properties with degradation or aging sensors rugged enough to withstand these dif®cult condi-
and it will probably be discarded as regulations become tions over an extended period of time. We describe in the
more stringent. On the other hand, most of the gas following sections some of the sensors or diagnostic tech-
turbines used for power generation are supplied with niques which could be used in this context.

Table 4
Composition and heating value of different natural gas sources (from Refs. [40,88]).

Source Main components (vol.%) Calori®c value (kWh/m 3)

CH4 C2H6 C3H8 N2 CO2 Others

Germany 78.9 1.00 0.10 19.5 0.40 0.10 8.10

Netherlands 81.3 2.85 0.37 14.35 0.89 0.24 8.80
Norway 85.8 8.30 2.80 0.40 1.50 1.20 11.08
Russia 98.1 0.60 0.20 0.90 0.10 0.10 9.97
116 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

2.2.3. Combustion performances optimization 3.1. Sensing techniques

The pollutant emissions pattern shown in Fig. 7 paves the
way to combustion performance optimization procedures. Fig. 8 shows a generic combustion process with available
One would like as an example to minimize both emission or promising sensing techniques. We also consider in this
levels (NOx and CO) and/or maximize combustion discussion diagnostics, which might evolve into sensors.
ef®ciency. In some laboratory experiments [5,60] as well Sensors may be placed at various locations. In some cases,
as in industrial applications [10,15,89], on-line optimization it might be useful to sense the ¯ow properties in the
strategies have been successfully applied simply by adjust- upstream manifold, in the fresh reactants, e.g. to evaluate
ing the operating point of the process. References to such the mixing quality [90±92] and improve it if necessary,
experiments are included in Table 1. determine fuel or air composition [34,40], or estimate the
¯ow velocity [93,94]. Most of the sensors however are
located further downstream to observe the ¯ame or to
3. Control concepts analyze the ¯ue gases. The number of ¯ame parameters,
which can be measured is relatively small and the sensing
Control of a combustion process relies on several techniques differ in terms of time and spatial resolution as
elements which are essentially similar for the automotive well as in accuracy. Table 5 classi®es the diagnostic tech-
and the gas turbine applications. In these two cases, com- niques sketched in Fig. 8 according to their time response,
bustion takes place between fresh reactants supplied (at least principle of operation and sensed parameter.
for the fuel) by ¯ow metering injectors. Exhaust gases are The selection of a diagnostic technique not only depends
produced and pass downstream of the combustor through a on the type of controller one would like to design, but also
manifold. and mainly on practical aspects. As an example, optical
techniques generally feature a good spatial and temporal
² In ACC, the controller output is used to modulate the ¯ow resolution and are non-intrusive, but require at least one
properties (e.g., fuel ¯ow rate modulation) to avoid or optical access, which is dif®cult to incorporate in a practical
limit pressure oscillations, or to improve the combustion device. Indeed, windows and window mounts have to
characteristics. sustain the pressure and temperature of the ¯ow. For in-situ
² In OPC, the injection of fuel is regulated in order to measurements, ®lm cooling with purge gas might also be
maintain certain ¯ame parameters like the equivalence necessary to cool the windows and keep soot and particles
ratio F in a prescribed range of values. from impacting and depositing on the surface. Although
future combustors might be designed to provide parts for
The timescales differ somewhat from one case to the other optical access, the retro®tting of existing systems will
but control strategies typically operate from 20 Hz to a few require clever engineering. In this context, the development
kHz for ACC and from 1 to 100 Hz for OPC applications. of optical ®bers opens new possibilities to the application of
The fundamental question is to ask to what extent sensors optical diagnostics to industrial systems. Fibers are available
may provide the information needed for control. Is current for UV to IR light channeling and feature a reduced cross
sensor technology capable of supplying a suitable descrip- section. Their mechanical resistance may be augmented by a
tion of the state of the combustion region? This section will protective envelope. The sensor and its equipment may be
go through some of the issues related to combustion control, installed at a distance from the combustor thus simplifying
the role of sensors and diagnostics in particular. the set-up (see e.g. Refs. [119,120] for in-cylinder and

Fig. 8. Typical combustion process, sensors and diagnostic techniques for combustion control (LDÐlight detector, LSÐlight source).
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 117

Table 5
Optical and solid-state sensors for combustion control

Optical sensors

Frequency Technique a Detector b Parameter References

Low UV±Vis EM CCD camera OH p, CH p, C2p, CO2p, T 8 (soot) [43,95]

WE SPEC [11,47,96±100]
IR EM CCD camera T8 15
High UV±Vis EM PMT and ®lter OH p, CH p, C2p, CO2p [27,54,101±103]
PD and ®lter [4,13,44,48,104,105]
Vis±IR EM PD and ®lter T8 [106,107]
NB SPEC [3,108]
IR ABS LD and PD H2O, CO2, T 8, p [10,12,89,109±111]
Low Electrochemical O2, CO, HC, NOx [31,41,78,112±114]
Catalytic CO, NOx [115,116]
Thermocouple, RTD T8 [2,5,30,32,37]
Viscosimeter Wobbe index (W0) [40]
High Spark plug Ion current [29,35,39,117,118]
Electric, resistive Pressure ( p) [20,21,23,25]
EMÐEmission, ABSÐabsorption.
NB/WB SPECÐNarrow/wide-band spectrometer, PMTÐphoto multiplier tube, PDÐphoto diode, LDÐlaser diode, RTDÐresistive
temperature detector.

Refs. [44,106] for gas turbine measurements). One practical plemented simultaneously, the controller may also rely on
problem which needs to be addressed from the start is that of a complex modeling effort of the combustion process (see
obscuration of the light collecting ®ber by deposition of soot or e.g. Refs. [36,38,50,121±123]). This allows predictions of
solid particles. Indeed, obscuration degrades the signal to noise the system response upto a certain limit and makes use of
ratio in absorption measurements, and it directly affects sensor data to correct the model and take decisions for
methods relying on absolute values of the light intensity. process optimization.
Whereas spatial and time resolution might be essential for Whereas a complete controller design also requires
controller design, it is important to note that performance ef®cient actuators and control algorithms, this article is
will be measured in terms of global emissions of the intended as a review of the diagnostic techniques which
combustion process. In this respect, the line of sight are available or should be developed to allow precise and
methods might lead to errors in the evaluation of the system robust control. First of all, a central issue is to identify
output if the ¯ow is highly non-homogeneous. In this case, parameters which are best suited for this duty.
the global performance could be evaluated with, for
example, solid-state gas sensors exposed to combustion 3.2. Input parameters for combustion control
products in the exhaust stream (forthcoming regulations
for automotive enginesÐTable 2Ðinclude such on-board In this section, we aim at de®ning parameters which could
diagnosis requirements). This will induce however a time be used as input to the control system. Of course, the
lag due to gas transport and it will slow down the controller selected parameter has to be detectable but it also has to
response to changes. be closely related to the property one wishes to control.
Finally, due to the hostile conditions prevailing in
combustors, it is of paramount importance to show that 3.2.1. Operating point control
the sensor will withstand exposure to this environment. In most cases, the control of the equivalence ratio F of
The sensor not only has to be accurate enough for control the mixture is crucial for maintaining emissions at a low
but also has to operate safely for long periods of time. Auto- level. It has also been shown in the case of lean premixed
mobile sensors have to be reliable for more than 160,000 km combustion that one of the physical parameters responsible
and the mean time between failure for gas turbine sensors for the rapid change of NOx and CO with F is the ¯ame
should be about 25,000 h. Attention should be paid to sensor temperature Tf. Therefore, sensing of F or Tf would be
and process aging which are likely to modify the controlled directly useful for control. However, for some reasons
system behavior. (lack of physical or optical access, low measurement accu-
While techniques presented in Table 5 can be im- racy, lack of sensing technique) it is not always possible to
118 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 9. Diagram of a premixed combustion process.

detect the appropriate ¯ame characteristic and one has to Flue gas analysis is commonly used to determine the
combine several parameters. As an example, the equiv- equivalence ratio of the ¯ame [124]. This analysis can
alence ratio F , ¯ame temperature Tf and oxygen mole frac- now be carried out on line with new solid-state gas sensors.
tion in the ¯ue gas X O2 can easily be linked together. A relation like Eq. (2) can be obtained for any type of fuel
If one considers combustion of a fuel lean mixture of but in many cases of interest, the fuel composition is not
methane and air (see Fig. 9), the chemistry can simply be known precisely or may vary with time. Also, in cases where
modeled using a single step in®nitely fast global reaction (1) atmospheric air is employed, the variation of air humidity
where a ˆ 2 and b ˆ 3:76: may affect the determination of F . As an example, Fig. 10
shows the in¯uence of air moisture on the adiabatic ¯ame
FCH 4 1 a O2 1 bN2 † ! FCO 2 1 a FH 2 O 1 bN2 † temperature of a methane/air mixture computed with the
equilibrium code included in Chemkin [125]. In this
1 a 1 2 F†O 2 1†
simulation, the mixture is prepared as if perfectly dry air
For lean mixtures F , 1†; the equivalence ratio of the were supplied. One notes that temperature decreases with
mixture can directly be correlated to the excess of oxygen increasing humidity content for all F . This effect is known
present in the burnt gas stream, no oxygen indicating and put to use when steam is injected into the fuel for power
stoichiometric or rich combustion. The identi®cation of augmentation or NOx abatement. In the present case, Fig. 10
the oxygen mole fraction X O2 in the reacted mixture yields: indicates that using air and fuel mass ¯ow rates to adjust F
and achieve a given temperature may lead to errors because
1 2 1 1 b†X O2 of the non-monotonic behavior of the temperature curves
Fˆa 2†
a 1 XO2 for X H2 O;air $ 8%: Apart from this humidity effect, using

Fig. 10. In¯uence of moisture (expressed in vol.% of air ¯ow) and equivalence ratio F on the adiabatic ¯ame temperature Tad of a methane/air
mixture F does not account for the presence of water in the air. Fresh reactants temperature of 650 K, pressure of 1 bar.
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 119

Fig. 11. Adiabatic ¯ame temperature of a lean premixed methane/air ¯ame as a function of F and unburnt gas temperature Tu (adapted from
Ref. [126]).

Eq. (2) gives a good indication of the equivalence ratio of present regulations but new NOx targets will probably be
the ¯ame provided that one is able to measure XO2 in the dif®cult to achieve with a controller relying on a table
burnt gases. In addition, sensing of any of the stable lookup likely to drift with engine components aging.
combustion products (CO2 or H2O) should theoretically Therefore, where pollution matters, new controller
provide estimates of F . However, if one burns unknown strategies should include, in addition to equivalence ratio
fuel or wet air, measuring the three reaction products might or temperature monitoring, information about pollutants,
be necessary. Otherwise, the choice of the molecule depends namely NOx and CO.
on the available measuring technique or on its reliability and
3.2.2. Performance optimization
The equivalence ratio of the ¯ame can also be deduced
The optimization of combustion performance is often
from ¯ame temperature. Relations exist between the
associated to pollutant emissions reduction or combustion
adiabatic ¯ame temperature T ad and F . As an example,
ef®ciency improvement. In each case, the observation of
correlations have been derived for fuel lean methane/air
combustion parameters directly related to the parameter
mixtures which indicate that T ad is almost independent of
one would like to improve should preferably be performed.
the pressure and can simply be expressed as a function of F
As an example, major pollutants such as NOx, CO and soot
and the unburnt (or fresh) gas temperature Tu (see Fig. 11).
should be sensed to achieve pollutant emissions reduction.
The adiabatic ¯ame temperature is only an indication of the
Successful experiments have already been carried out using
real ¯ame temperature but it represents its uppermost value
classical gas analyzers [5,127], calibrated optical sensors
and certainly follows the evolution of the real temperature
[14], or optical sensors delivering uncalibrated signals [4].
pro®le with F . Thus, a temperature-based controller could
Combustion ef®ciency optimization has also been per-
use oxygen as an input to drive the combustor or to correct
formed using optical measurements of H2O and tempera-
other ¯ame temperature measurements, depending, e.g. on
ture [12] or gas analyzers [7].
the time response of the various techniques.

3.2.3. Active combustion control

Remark. If one uses an estimation of the equivalence Active control generally requires an observation of the
ratio as controller input to maintain the pollutant emissions dynamical state of the system and a performance index. In
at a low level, the controller has to rely on a preliminary many applications, this index is deduced from the signal(s)
study of the combustor performances. Indeed, this control describing the state. In some cases, the performance index is
method will not provide information with regard to the obtained from separate measurements.
pollutants themselves. Their mapping as a function of the In closed loop active control the state information is fed
controller input is necessary. This might be suf®cient for back by the controller to an actuator or a set of actuators, and
120 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

related variables like mixture fractions may also be used to

observe the state of the system. These variables may be used
in AIC but they are less directly related to the mechanism of
instability. On the other hand, such variables are probably
more suitable in ACE applications where mixing, tempera-
ture and temperature ¯uctuations are a central issue.

3.2.4. Conclusions
Fig. 12. Active combustion control scheme.
Combustion control strategies are needed to ful®ll future
objectives in pollutant emissions reduction and instability
the performance index is used to adjust the controller par- alleviation. This will require monitoring of a broad range of
ameters in order to optimize the combustor operation (see parameters. Detection should be carried out with fast,
[57] for a review). Fig. 12 illustrates this basic principle. reliable and preferably low cost sensors. At present, only
It is convenient at this point to distinguish active insta- some of the combustion parameters of interest can be
bility control (AIC) from active combustion enhancement detected easily (e.g. pressure and oxygen content of the
(ACE). In AIC, the objective is to diminish the level of ¯ue gases) but promising techniques are now being devel-
oscillation in the system while in ACE, the aim is to improve oped for this purpose. Some of them, together with well-
the operation of the combustion process, for example by established techniques will be presented in Section 4.
decreasing pollutant levels and maintaining a constant Table 7 gathers most of the combustion parameters which
ef®ciency (see Ref. [61] for a review). The requirements can serve as inputs to combustion controllers. References to
in terms of sensing for these two classes of applications the corresponding diagnostic techniques are also included in
are synthesized in Table 6. this table.
In AIC, the observation of the dynamical state may rely
on a range of variables. The pressure ¯uctuation at a single
point or at an array of points is often used to characterize the 4. Diagnostic techniques
state of oscillation in the system. The pressure ®eld can only
be measured at the system walls but it is often possible to Basic challenges of combustion control as well as guide-
infer an acoustic wave®eld from a discrete set of detection lines for selecting appropriate diagnostic techniques were
points. For example, if the wavelength is much larger than discussed in Section 3. Diagnostics and sensors are now
the transverse dimension of the system, waves propagate as surveyed. It is out of the scope of this article to present an
plane modes and two pressure transducers are in principle extensive review of the sensors available for combustion
suf®cient to determine the modal amplitudes. control. While classical devices such as thermocouples,
The light emitted by free radicals like CH p ; Cp2 ; OHp has pressure sensors and optical detectors (photodiodes, photo-
also been used extensively to observe the dynamics of free multiplier tubes and spectrometers) certainly deserve the
or con®ned ¯ames. It was shown in some fundamental interest of the control engineer, they will not be covered
experiments that under certain conditions the radiation in this survey which ®rst considers optical diagnostic
intensity from free radicals could be interpreted in terms techniques (A) and then some of the most promising
of heat release ¯uctuations [128±130]. For premixed ¯ames, solid-state sensors (B).
it is even possible to establish an essentially linear relation
between ICHp ; ICp2 ; and q 0 . For non-premixed or partially 4.1. Optical diagnostics
premixed ¯ames, the light emitted from free radicals is
less directly correlated with heat release but the level of Optical diagnostics operate in a broad spectral range,
¯uctuation in light intensity constitutes a suitable indication from UV (<200 nm) to IR (<10,000 nm), most sensors
of the ¯ame motion. operating in the UV to near IR (<2000 nm) range. In each
While pressure and heat release ¯uctuations p 0 and q 0 are spectral domain, the optical sensors can either monitor
directly involved in the instability process which one wishes emission, absorption, scattered light or ¯uorescence.
to control, other variables may also be considered. Time Qualitative or quantitative data may be collected. Sensors
resolved measurements of temperature, mole fractions and detecting the light emission essentially provide qualitative
information. A calibration procedure may be used to
Table 6 extract an indirect information on the ¯ame parameters
State variables and performance index for AIC and ACE (equivalence ratio or heat release). Absorption sensors on
Active control application State variables Performance index the other hand may be used to determine the mole fraction of
combustion intermediates products as well as the tempera-
Combustion instability p0; q0 p 02 ; q 02 ; p 0 q 0 ture and sometimes even the pressure or the velocity of the
 X 02 ; T 02 probed medium. Only these two types of sensors will be
Combustion enhancement X0, T0 X;
discussed in this section.
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 121

Table 7
Flame parameters and diagnostic technique

Parameter Principle a Location b References

A/F ratio Ion current Flame [29,35,39,118,131]

UV±Vis EM Flame [11,44,96,98,99,101,103,119,132]
Heat release UV±Vis EM Flame [8,13,22,26,27,133,134]
Mass Flux Vis±IR ABS Fresh [94,135±138]
MEM Fresh [93]
Mixing LIF Fresh [90]
IR ABS Fresh ¯ue [91,92]
Pressure MEM Fresh, ¯ame [120,139]
Microphone Flame [16,17,20,21,23,25,28]
Temperature IR ABS Flame, ¯ue [12,89,109,111,137,140,141]
Vis±IR EM Flame, ¯ue [15,95,106±108,142]
SS sensor Flame, ¯ue [2,5,30,32,37]
CO IR ABS Flame, ¯ue [110,111,143±145]
SS sensor Flue [77,78,113,115,146±148]
CO2 IR ABS Flame, ¯ue [89,110,111,149,150]
IR EM Flame, ¯ue [108]
SS sensor Flue [151]
H2 O IR ABS Flame, ¯ue [10,12,109,110,135,141,149]
HC SS sensor Fresh, ¯ue [40,64,152±154]
NOx IR ABS Flue [143,155±158]
SS sensor Flue [112,114,159±163]
O2 NIR ABS Fresh, ¯ame [10,89,164]
SS sensor Flue [66,67,70,165±168]
ABSÐabsorption, EMÐemission, MEMÐmicromachined electromechanical, SSÐsolid state.
Diagnostics locations in the referenced experiments.

4.1.1. Optical absorption sensors ponents for wavelength division multiplexing, multiple
A notable effort has been expended to devise practical lasers may be combined into common signal and reference
sensors based on near IR and visible absorption. These ®bers. Each laser may be swept at different phases of a
devices have been mainly tested in laboratory scale facilities common ramp function. This provides a time-domain multi-
[12,111,140,141,149, 158,169] but experiments in a 20 MW plexing where a single photodetector observes the sequen-
waste incinerator [10] and a 1 GW gas-®red power plant tial absorption features as each laser is swept across its
[89] have been reported. Tests of an optical mass ¯ux sensor corresponding lineshape [140,171]. Wavelength-domain
on a full-scale gas turbine engine have also been carried out multiplexing has also been used in diode-laser combustion
[136] and ¯ight quali®cation is under way [94]. Equivalence sensors [12,111,172]. In this con®guration, the lasers can be
ratio ¯uctuations have also been measured using probes ramped across their respective absorption lines simul-
based on the absorption of the 3.39 mm He±Ne laser line taneously. Multiple wavelengths appearing in the trans-
[91,92] by gaseous hydrocarbon fuel molecules. More refer- mitted beam are separated onto multiple detectors using a
ences concerning the detection of combustion products and frequency-dispersive unit such as a diffraction grating.
temperature are presented in Table 7 (`ABS technique'). Fig. 13 presents such a con®guration.
As pointed out in Ref. [170], the development of near-IR
absorption techniques is closely related to the progress in Fundamentals. Absorption techniques rely on the
room temperature, tunable and low cost diode lasers in the Beer±Lambert law which relates the transmissivity t n of
telecommunications industry. Commercially available units narrow-linewidth radiation at frequency n through a
range from 0.63 to 2.0 mm (AlGaAs, InGaAsP, InGaAs/InP) uniform medium of length L (cm) to the spectral
and allow exploitation of absorption bands of species like absorbance k n L:
H2O, NOx, CO or CO2. Processing of the absorption data  
collected at several wavelengths may be used to calculate tn ˆ n ˆ exp 2kn L† 3†
I0 n
the temperature. The light is provided by diode lasers and
the detection system includes optical isolators, ®bers and In this expression, In is the monochromatic laser intensity
photodetectors which are most of the time photodiode at frequency n measured after propagating a pathlength L,
elements (InGaAs, Si). Taking advantage of ®ber com- I0 designates the incident intensity and k n the spectral
122 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 13. Laser diode based near-IR absorption spectroscopy. Ical is used to convert signals from time to frequency domain in Iref is used as a
reference signal. Laser beams are multiplexed using a ®ber coupler and wavelengths in the transmitted beam are separated onto multiple
detectors using a diffraction grating (adapted from Ref. [172]).

absorption coef®cient (cm 21). Near a spectral line this absorption transitions may be scanned and the ratio of the
coef®cient can be expressed as: integrated absorbance of each transition is only a function of
temperature [175]. With the temperature determined, one or
kn ˆ S T; n0 †pXabs g n 2 n0 † 4†
both absorbances can be used to calculate the partial
22 21
where S(T, n 0) (cm atm ) is the temperature-dependent pressure.
transition line-strength centered at n 0, Xabs is the mole The scanned-wavelength technique has been mainly used
fraction of the absorbing species, p is the total pressure under atmospheric pressure conditions [109,140,144,175,
and g n 2 n0 † (cm) is the frequency-dependent
R lineshape 176]. Indeed, the broadening of spectral lines with pressure
function normalized such that gn dn ˆ 1: This function (Fig. 14) prevents measurement of the zero-absorption base-
depends on temperature through Doppler broadening and line. This problem may be solved with a collection of
on both pressure and temperature through collisional laser sources operating at ®xed wavelengths [141]. The
(pressure) broadening. The temperature-dependence of the absorbances recorded at these wavelengths are used to deter-
line-strength arises from the Boltzmann population statistics mine the temperature and the mole fraction of the probed
governing the internal energy-level population distribution species. This attractive technique relies on the accurate
of the absorbing species. The line-strength is a fundamental modeling of the spectral absorption of a given species
spectroscopic property of these species which may be found under standard conditions of operation. One dif®cult
in spectroscopic databases such as HITRAN [173] and problem is the determination of the baseline (see Fig. 14).
HITEMP. In many cases however, the line strength must The feasibility of the method is however demonstrated
be speci®cally determined for the particular temperature in Refs. [141,172]. It is interesting to note that for the
and pressure conditions of interest. A short review of the ®xed wavelength technique, the tuning requirements are
spectroscopic literature dedicated to this aspect is presented signi®cantly relaxed and therefore, the measurement
in Ref. [174] together with the main features of the diode acquisition rate is essentially limited by the detection
laser absorption sensors for gas-dynamics and combustion system (photodiode and data acquisition electronics)
¯ows. whereas for the scanned wavelength technique, the measure-
ment acquisition rate is limited by the tuning rate of the Absorption data recording. Two techniques lasers as well.
described in Ref. [172] have been developed to acquire
and process the absorption data, the scanned-wavelength
approach and the more recent ®xed-wavelength technique. Velocity measurements. An interesting feature of the
In the ®rst approach, a narrow-line width laser scans a diode laser absorption sensors is the possibility to determine
speci®c spectral range and the resultant transmission the velocity of a ducted ¯ow. The principle of the setup is
signal is integrated. If the gas temperature, line-strength shown in Fig. 15. The velocity of the ¯ow can be deduced
and absorption path are known, the measured transmission from the Doppler frequency shift Dn 12 measured with a
may be directly related to the absorbing species partial pair of pro®les simultaneously acquired in two different
pressure. It is usually possible to select a transition such directions u 1 and u 2 with respect to the ¯ow. The velocity
that the temperature variation of the line-strength can be is given by:
neglected at least over some limited range (several
hundred K). Corrections using separate temperature cDn12
vˆ 5†
measurements may also be performed. Alternatively, two n0 cosu1 2 cosu2 †
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 123

Fig. 14. HITEMP calculation of H2O absorbance at various pressures for a mixture of N2 and CO2 corresponding to the products of a
stoichiometric methane/air combustion. T ˆ 1000 K; 10 cm pathlength (adapted from Ref. [141]).

where c is the speed of light and n 0 designates the unshifted combined method. Provided one can estimate the amount of
centerline laser frequency. Moreover the absorption air bleeding, which may take place between intake and
measurement itself may be used to obtain the density of combustor, it should be possible to directly adjust the
the gas. When combined with the velocity deduced from equivalence ratio. One may note that air bleeding is exactly
the Doppler shift, it allows a direct estimation of the mass the parameter most affected by aging.
¯ow rate. Such measurements have been performed in air
¯ows using O2 absorption near 763 nm (wind tunnel and Conclusions. Diode laser based absorption sensors
full-scale engine tests [94,136]) and in high speed ¯ows are quite promising. In-situ measurements in the ¯ame
containing water vapor using H2O absorption bands near region or in the exhaust gases of major combustion
1.31 mm [137] and 1.38 mm [135]. species such as H2O, CO2 and O2, gas temperature,
The air mass ¯ow rate estimation is particularly interest- velocity and pressure are well demonstrated. Although the
ing for combustor control schemes based on the regulation detection of minor species such as NOx [157] and CO [111]
of the equivalence ratio since the fuel ¯ow rate is generally have been carried out in combustion environments, strong
known with good accuracy and intake air mass ¯ow can be interferences with high temperature water vapour limits
measured directly using this absorption and Doppler-shift the sensitivity (e.g. <140 ppm for NO [157]). Sampling
the combustion gases into a low-pressure, low-temperature
multipass absorption cell [144,177] eliminates many of the
interference problems associated with in-situ measurements.
Better sensitivity is achieved (e.g. <10 ppm for CO [144])
but the time response notably increases. A typical cell
response time is <1 s [144] which is still better than
conventional gas analyzers (a few seconds) but far slower
than in-situ measurements (less than 1 ms).
Under laboratory conditions, diode laser based absorption
data are in good agreement with reference measurements.
Relative errors on T and major combustion products (H2O
and CO2) of about 5% have been achieved [109,137].
Similar precision has been obtained for velocity measure-
ments [135,137]. Practical problems arise however. Weak
Fig. 15. Sketch of a basic diode laser mass ¯ux sensor (adapted from absorption strengths in the visible±near-IR range require
Ref. [136]). advanced detection schemes such as frequency or
124 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

wavelength modulation [178] and balanced ratiometric

detection [179]. Also, the absorption database in near IR
is incomplete especially for CO2 and further work is needed
on the spectroscopic level, in particular under high tempera-
ture and high pressure conditions which correspond to
typical engine operation. Furthermore, ¯ow turbulence or
mechanical vibrations can introduce pointing-instabil-
ities in the incident beam, which may induce amplitude
instabilities in the transmitted radiation and can severely
degrade the sensor response. This might require tight
alignment tolerances in some cases. This problem may
be solved with an active alignment control loop developed Fig. 16. Typical setup used to collect the light emitted by a ¯ame. A
in Ref. [89] to cope with wall deformations in a gas-®red single optical access is needed. Photomultiplier tubes, photodiodes
power-plant. (associated to band-pass ®lters) or spectrometers may be used to
Despite these technical challenges, fast, simultaneous and record information.
in-situ (path-averaged) measurements of important combus-
tion parameters have been demonstrated. Spatially resolved
information could also be obtained from multiple beam little spatial resolution. We will see however that under
absorption measurements as explored for example in some circumstances, quantitative or spatial information
Refs. [164,180,181]. Progress in fundamental spectroscopic may be derived from light emission measurements.
studies as well as in the spectral range covered by laser
diodes (mid-IR) should lead to a widespread application Chemiluminescence. Among the contributions to the
of this type of sensor (see Ref. [174]). natural light emitted by a ¯ame, the chemiluminescence is
related to the generation of electronically excited species
4.1.2. Optical emission sensors (i.e. in thermal non-equilibrium) D p during chemical
The light emitted by the ¯ame may be used to moni- reactions such as:
tor and control combustion. Information may be gath-
ered from UV to IR wavelengths. Several phenomena A 1 B ! C 1 Dp 6†
contribute to the light emission process. Discrete emis- p
sion spectra correspond to the chemical reactions produ- This chemically excited molecule D may be destroyed
cing electronically excited radicals in the ¯ame front in by spontaneous emission Dp ! D 1 hn† or collisional
the UV±visible range (chemiluminescence). Combustion quenching Dp 1 M ! D 1 M†: Chemiluminescence corre-
products in thermal equilibrium such as H2O, CO2 as sponds to the spontaneous emission of photons
well as CO are also responsible for rotation±vibration (hn ˆ E2 2 E1 with E2 the energy of the excited state and
emission bands in the near-IR and IR range (IR emis- E1 the energy of the ®nal state). This emission generally
sion). Continuum emission may also be considered takes place in the UV or visible range. Each radical
whenever soot is produced and radiates in the com- produced in an excited state is responsible for a particular
bustion process (black body emission). A broad review spectrum, which is related to its quantum properties, and can
of the spectroscopy of ¯ames may be found in Ref. [182] be easily identi®ed. Table 8 gathers the most luminous
and references concerning the detection of combustion excited radicals observed in typical ¯ames together with
products and temperature are presented in Table 7 (`EM the corresponding spectral transitions and bandhead wave-
technique'). lengths. Other radicals such as NO p or CN p also radiate light
but their luminosity is in general much lower in typical Experimental setup. Sensing emission is simpler industrial ¯ames (by three orders of magnitude lower for
than measuring absorption. A single optical access to the
process is required and the association of a ®lter, a collecting
Table 8
lens and a photo-detector (photo-multiplier tube or photo-
Excited radicals observed in typical industrial ¯ames [183]
diode) is suf®cient to observe the light emitted by the ¯ame
(from UV to IR) or the burnt gases (IR). Fig. 16 presents a Radical Transition l (nm)
typical con®guration used to investigate light emission. A
grating spectrometer may also replace the ®lter and the OH p A2 S 1 ! X 2 P Dn ˆ 1† 282.9 (Q2)
photo-detector. The time resolution of emission sensors is OH p A 2 S 1 ! X 2 P Dn ˆ 0† 308.9 (Q2)
only limited by the detector response, the acquisition CH p B 2 S 2 ! X2 P 387.1
CH p A 2 D ! X2 P 431.4
electronics and the data processing algorithms. In its
C2p A 3 P g ! X 3 P u Swan† 516.5
simplest form, the method only allows line-of-sight CO2p Continuum 350 ! 500
detection and provides mainly qualitative information with
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 125
NO in rich premixed propane/air ¯ames [184]). Fig. 17 agreement in the case of methane/air ¯ames under atmos-
shows three spectral bands corresponding to OH p, CH p pheric [185,187] and elevated pressures [96].
and Cp2 taken from the emission spectrum of a premixed One interesting feature of chemiluminescence for
methane/air ¯ame F ˆ 1:1†: combustion control is that it may be related to several
The formation mechanisms of these excited radicals are important ¯ame parameters. Correlations between
not yet completely understood but some key reactions have chemiluminescence and equivalence ratio have been
been identi®ed. The formation of OH p and CO 2p are well reported [11,46,47,96,101,103,119,132]. Fig. 18 presents
documented in Refs. [185,186]. Reactions leading to CH p the evolution of the normalized OH p, CH p and Cp2 emis-
have also been investigated [187] but more work is still sion as a function of the equivalence ratio for a
needed for Cp2 : As an example for methane/air ¯ames, the premixed methane/air ¯ame. One notes the strong in¯u-
following kinetic reactions are put forward to describe the ence of F on the signals. The light emitted by OH p is
production of OH p, CH p and COp2 the most intense under lean to stoichiometric conditions
whereas the CH p and C 2p chemiluminescence signals are
CH 1 O2 ! OHp 1 CO 7† stronger in stoichiometric to rich ¯ames. Depending on
the targeted F range, a controller could use one or
several of these lines to estimate the equivalence ratio
C2 H 1 O2 ! CHp 1 CO2 8† of the process and adapt the injection of fresh gases to
achieve a given F setpoint.
In active control applications, chemiluminescence signals
have also been widely used to characterize heat release
C2 H 1 O ! CHp 1 CO 9†
¯uctuations [17,18,26,28,54,57] or de®ne the ¯ame front
motion [22,23,27,59,188,189]. As an example, Fig. 19
shows simultaneous measurements of velocity and CH p
CO 1 O 1 M ! COp2 1 M 10† chemiluminescence in an acoustically pulsated premixed
Additional paths have been identi®ed for CH p and Cp2 but methane/air ¯ame.
the rate constants are not well known While chemiluminescence measurements are essentially
integrated along the line of sight, spatially resolved chemi-
C2 1 OH ! CHp 1 CO 11† luminescence measurements have also been achieved using
Cassegrain optics [98,102,190,191], CCD cameras [43,96]
and tomographic techniques [142,192,193]. Information
concerning tomographic techniques may be found in Refs.
C 1 CH ! Cp2 1 H 12†
[194±196]. Fig. 20 shows some of the techniques used to
Numerical simulations using these kinetics and exper- obtain spatially resolved information: (a) CCD camera
imental measurements of OH p and CH p are in satisfactory associated with deconvolution algorithms such as the Abel

Fig. 17. Premixed methane/air ¯ame, F ˆ 1:1 and p ˆ 1 bar. Emission spectra: OH p (transition A 2 S 1 ! X 2 P (0±0)). From left to right, R1,
R2 and Q2 bandheads), CH p (transition A 2 D ! X 2 P: From left to right, Q(0±0), and Q(2±2) bandheads) and C 2p (Swan band A3 P g ! X 3 P u; ,
Dv ˆ 0: From left to right, (1±1), and (0±0) bandheads) excited radicals. Spectra recorded with a CHROMEX grating spectrograph (1800 lines/
mm, 0.027 nm resolution) (from Ref. [96]).
126 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 18. Premixed methane/air ¯ame at atmospheric pressure. Normalized OH p, CH p and Cp2 emission as a function of F . Signals are recorded
with a 600 lines/mm grating spectrometer using a 10 nm wide top hat ®lter centered around 310, 431 and 516 nm respectively (from Ref. [96]).

transform [197,198], (b) tomography [196], (c,d) Cassegrain Black body emission. It is possible to estimate the
optics [98]. ¯ame temperature whenever soot is produced during the
Chemiluminescence sensors have already been designed combustion process. Indeed, it is generally accepted that
for operating point and active control purposes. In active soot particles are in thermal equilibrium with the local
control applications, chemiluminescence has been mainly combustion products (although a recent study [106]
used to track heat release ¯uctuations [4,8,13,26±28,57] indicates that soot could achieve radiative equilibrium
but control schemes have also been developed to perform with the dominant source in the combustor). As a result,
operating point control of boilers [11,43] as well as for determining the soot particles temperature distribution
combustion performance optimization [14,59]. In-cylinder may give indications on the temperature pattern in the
measurements of fuel/air mixing have also been carried out combustor. The principle of the method relies on the
[119]. Equivalence ratio and power measurements have characterization of the light emitted by the particles as
been obtained using a ®bered miniaturized PC-based they radiate at elevated temperatures. For a radiating body
spectrometer in a 2 MW furnace [47]. Chemiluminescence at temperature T, the monochromatic spectral radiance L ls
has also been investigated for gas turbine operating point (Wm 22 m 21 sr 21) can be obtained by multiplying the
control [44,96,101]. spectral emissivity e l with the black body spectral

Fig. 19. Premixed CH4/air conical ¯ame burner (F ˆ 0:95; mean ¯ow velocity of 1.2 ms 21). Simultaneous measurement of axial velocity
component measured at 1.5 mm above the exit of the burner and global spontaneous emission of CH p in the whole ¯ame. The axial ¯ow is
acoustically modulated at 10 Hz (left) and 30 Hz (right). The ¯ame acts like a low-pass ®lter (from Ref. [133]).
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 127

Fig. 20. Spatially resolved chemiluminescence measurements. (a) CCD camera and Abel transform: every CCD matrix pixel collects the light
emitted by the ¯ame elements along the line of sight (z axis). Local information (¯ame structure in the (x,y) plane) may be recovered using the
Abel transform assuming an axisymmetric ¯ame and optically thin medium (from Ref. [198]). (b) Tomography: image reconstruction of
arbitrary three-dimensional ¯ames. Flame projections are recorded at several angles (reconstruction precision increases with projections
number) and ¯ame structure is reconstructed using e.g. algebraic reconstruction or FFT techniques (from Ref. [196]). (c) Cassegrain optics:
spatially resolved measurements are achieved due to the very low spherical aberration of the pair of mirrors and the absence of chromatic
aberration of the pair mirrors and the absence of chromatic aberration (from Ref. [98]). The observation volume (diameter 100 mm, length
800 mm) may be estimated with the (d) measured light-collection-rate around the focal point (from Ref. [98]).

radiance L0l T†: been investigated by several authors from UV to IR

[199±203]. It may be conveniently expressed as [201]:
Lsl ˆ el L0l T† 13†  
p f
el ˆ 1 2 tl ˆ 1 2 exp 2kl L† ˆ 1 2 exp 2 1p2v L 15†
where L0l T† is given by Planck's law
where L is the path length, fv the volume fraction of the
c 2hc2 soot particles, p2 a parameter relatively independent of
L0l T† ˆ h  1  i ˆ h   i 14†
l5 exp lcT2 2 1 l5 exp khc 2 1 fuel type in the range 0.77±1.25 according to Ref. [203]
or 0.83 ^ 0.08 by performing a least squares ®t on
extinction measurements in the wavelength range
where c is the speed of light, h the Planck constant, k the 0.514±5.2 mm [200], and ®nally p1 a parameter in the
Boltzmann constant and T the blackbody temperature (K). range 4.9 [204] to 6.0 [201]. The soot spectral emissiv-
Fig. 21 gives the evolution of the black body spectral ity is shown in Fig. 22 for several soot particles volume
radiance as a function of the wavelength and for several fractions. For small fv, the emissivity rapidly decreases
temperatures. Also shown is Wien's displacement law with increasing wavelengths. It is close to one for l ,
lmax T ˆ 2898 mm K† which indicates that the 2 mm as fv . 1 ppm:
wavelength at which the spectral black body radiance Two techniques may be used to estimate the soot
peaks shifts towards the visible spectrum as black body particles temperature. First, the soot monochromatic
temperature increases. spectral radiance function (13) may be ®tted to the
The dependence of the soot emissivity on wavelength has continuum of the emission spectrum of the sooty
128 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 21. Planck's law for black body spectral radiance (14). Evolution of radiance with wavelength for different temperatures. The maxima
locus calculated using Wien's displacement law is also shown.

¯ame recorded with a wide band spectrometer. The temperature used in this function is adapted to ®t the
main adjustable parameters are the temperature T and spectrum and band emissions should be discriminated
the soot particles mole fraction. This procedure is from the continuous background. Temperature can also
shown in Fig. 23 where the emission spectrum from a be estimated using the two-colour pyrometry technique.
butane ¯ame is ®tted with Planck's function. The Using Wien's approximation of Planck's law (valid for

Fig. 22. Spectral emissivity of soot particles (15) for several soot particles mole fractions (L ˆ 1 m; p2 ˆ 0:83 and p1 ˆ 6:0 after Ref. [200]).
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 129

Fig. 23. Measured emission spectrum of a butane diffusion ¯ame containing contributions of ¯ame radical band emissions and of soot black
body radiation. Also displayed are the calculated Planck functions corresponding to different temperatures (from Ref. [193]).

lT , 0:002 m K; typically l , 1000 nm and T, Fig. 24 shows the evolution with temperature of the ratio
2000 K† of the black body spectral radiance at two wavelengths in
c1 the UV and the near IR. It is particularly important to select
L0l T† < c lT , 0:002 m K† 16† wavelengths, which are not perturbed by emissions bands.
l exp 2 †
lT In principle, this two-colour pyrometry technique only
requires two sets of narrow-band ®lters and photodetectors.
the soot temperature might be directly related to the However, for high and spectrally variable noise, the
ratio R ˆ Sl2 =Sl1 of the light signal collected at two intensity ratio of two given wavelengths will likely result
wavelengths l 1 and l 2 using relation (17) in an erroneous temperature. Therefore, several pairs of
1 1 wavelengths could be selected to perform a reliable
c2 2
l1 ! l2 temperature estimation. One may also detect the emission
Tˆ   17†
el1 l2 spectrum over a broad range of wavelengths and use curve
ln R 1 ln 1 5 ln ®tting to estimate the temperature. For both temperature
el2 l1

Fig. 24. Evolution with temperature of the ratio of the black body spectral radiance at two wavelengths in the UV and the near IR.
130 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 25. Infrared emission spectrum of a stoichiometric premixed methane/air ¯ame at 1, 5 and 10 bar. Spectra were recorded with a NICOLET
Magma 550 FTIR spectrometer (resolution 0.125 cm 21) looking downstream in the combustor through an optical ®ber. The sharp increase of
the signal for l . 3:2 mm is related to the low temperature ®ber radiation. Also observed near 4.2 mm is the cold atmospheric CO2 absorption
(from Ref. [3]).

evaluation procedures however, an accurate calibration of developed and could lead to interesting combustion
the detection system should be performed, for the spectral control applications. In Ref. [107], temperature in the exit
sensitivity and the detector linearity as well. A calibration of plane of a supersonic combustor could be determined by
the temperature sensor using a black body radiation source observation of the IR radiance from a portion of the
should be carried out to achieve maximum accuracy. H2O(n 2) band from 6.5 to 9.5 mm. In Ref. [108],
The determination of temperature from soot radiation temperature pro®les were determined in the exhaust gases
using curve ®tting is documented in Refs. [142,193]. Two- of an aero-engine by observation of the CO2 radiance around
colour pyrometry is exempli®ed in Refs. [95,106,205]. The 4.2 mm, and gas turbine combustor temperature was
uncertainty on the temperature measurements has been estimated by observation of H2O radiance near 3 mm. The
estimated between 20 and 50 K [142,205] depending on technique basically consists of comparing the IR radiance
the combustor type and measurement technique. It is often recorded by the sensor to a radiance database or model and
possible to obtain spatially resolved temperature ®elds using adjusting the database or model parameters like T so as to
tomographic techniques [95,142,193] but temperature match the sensor data. The temperature determination is
distribution measurements have also been carried out in complicated because spectral bands and lines of
a gas turbine combustor using an optical ®ber based combustion products depend on many parameters such as
pyrometer [106]. concentration, pressure, temperature as well as the optical
thickness of the probed medium. As an example, Fig. 25 IR emission. Temperature may also be deduced shows the in¯uence of pressure on the IR emission spectrum
from IR light emission. Indeed, thermal radiation of major of a premixed (stoichiometric) methane/air ¯ame. This will
combustion products (H2O, CO2 or CO) result in rotation± have to be taken into account in the determination of
vibration emission bands. These bands may be identi®ed temperature. The use of emission data often requires a
with a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and careful preliminary investigation of the infrared spectral
this information may be used to measure temperature features of the process. The selection of the wavelength
and combustion products concentrations. FTIR in-situ range constitutes a central issue as it determines the main
measurements in laboratory scale combustors have been optical components of the system as well as the operating
reported in Refs. [206,207]. This technique was also used domain of the sensor in terms of pressure and temperature
to analyze aircraft exhaust gases [208,209]. However, FTIR range, and sensitivity. The effect of pressure is speci®cally
systems are too bulky and their time response is too slow for important as the optical thickness varies with this parameter.
practical application in combustion control. Practical
systems using ®lterbanks and multiple sensors have been Conclusions. Recent advances in laser diodes,
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 131

®bers, ®ber splitters and photo-detectors will drive further pollutant mole fractions as low as a few ppm is needed for
developments of optical sensors for practical combustion future combustion control strategies and on-board diagnosis.
control applications. As an example, spatially resolved Gas species monitoring is mainly achieved with semi-
temperature data were obtained in a domestic burner using conductor sensors. These probes use a semiconducting
an imaging device (Hyperspectral Imager) recording at each material to detect a particular species. Materials employed
pixel spectral information between 3 and 5 mm with a are metal oxides: zirconium (ZrO2), titanium (TiO2) and tin
resolution Dl of 10 nm [210]. In a larger scale (SnO2) oxides doped with other oxides. The corresponding
experiment [15], the temperature ®eld in a 40 MW waste sensors are often designated as ceramic gas sensors. In TiO2
incinerator was recorded using an infrared camera scanning and SnO2 units, the principle of operation relies on the
light radiated by the fuel bed surface between 3.8 and change of the semiconductor resistance with oxygen partial
4.0 mm. This sensor was successfully integrated in the pressure whereas in ZrO2 units, the presence of the probed
plant control system and allowed a notable reduction of species is determined through voltage or current changes
CO and UHC emissions. Operating point control of gas across the semiconductor. TiO2 and SnO2 sensors have
turbine combustors was also explored using an IR also been designed for NOx and CO [77,211±213] monitor-
emission temperature sensor [3]. Because they are simple, ing but are less attractive than new zirconium oxide based
naturally robust and relatively easy to set-up, light emission sensors which have greater selectivity [147,154] and feature
sensors will ®nd further applications in the estimation of better stability under elevated operating temperature con-
combustion parameters like the equivalence ratio, the ditions. Other types of gas sensors use catalytic effects.
temperature or the heat release ¯uctuations. These devices generally comprise two resistive temperature
detectors (RTD), one of which is coated with a catalytic
material, which activates reactions with the gas to detect.
4.2. Solid-state sensors
The heat released at one probe induces a difference in
Various types of solid-state sensors have been developed resistance between the two RTD elements, which can be
during the last decade mainly for combustion control appli- related to the mole fraction of the target gas molecule.
cations in the automotive industry. The effort has focused Sensors of this type have been developed for CO and NOx
on sensors able to withstand severe operating conditions, (via ammonia addition) monitoring (see Ref. [115])
offering long term reliability at a low cost. These devices but feature relatively poor selectivity and are subject to
are intended to measure species mole fractions, ¯ame poisoning [116]. Fig. 26 shows typical designs for (a) poten-
presence, or temperature. In most cases, the sensors are tiometric zirconia sensor, (b) tin oxide sensor, (c) catalytic
designed for the inlet or exhaust pipes. Some units like sensor.
ion current probes, have to be mounted directly on the The following discussion will concentrate on the latest
cylinders. More recently, the technologies devised for auto- developments in zirconium oxide based sensors. Indeed,
motive combustion have been adapted to other systems like most ceramic gas sensors now rely on the electrochemical
furnaces or boilers [40,113] and are now considered for gas properties of a solid solution of zirconium oxide doped with
turbines [3]. other oxides such as CaO, MgO or Y2O3. This material is
This section will focus on some of the most advanced or designated as stabilized zirconia. The electrolytic properties
promising concepts. Gas sensors will be considered in more of zirconia are ®rst described to provide an understanding
detail because they constitute key elements for automotive of the sensor response and fundamental limitations. The
engine control. There are also potential applications in other structure of basic potentiometric and amperometric oxygen
areas either for control and/or health and pollutant emissions detection cells is then reviewed. Electrochemical principles
monitoring. used in some novel sensor designs for CO and NOx monitor-
ing are ®nally discussed.

4.2.1. Gas sensors Zirconia properties. Zirconia properties originate

The ®rst production solid-state gas sensors were designed from the dopant (e.g. Y2O3). This compound provides the
to monitor automotive combustion stoichiometry and were stability of the cubic crystallographic form of the ZrO2 from
operating on a binary basis. These `lambda probes' respond room temperature to its melting point. The dopant
to a given gaseous mixture as shown in Fig. 5. To improve introduces a defect structure with a ®nite concentration of
control performance, wide-band oxygen sensors have been octahedral voids. In a solid solution of ZrO2 and Y2O3 some
recently introduced. These units can monitor variable Zr 41 ions are replaced by lower valency ions Y 31 so that
amounts of oxygen mixed with combustion products. oxygen vacancies are created (Fig. 27, left) and O 22 ions can
Current efforts are aimed at improving sensor light-off and actually move in the solid mixture. As a result, zirconia acts
resistance performance. To cope with more stringent pollu- like a solid electrolyte. This behavior is temperature
tant emissions regulations, new sensors are now devised to sensitive and becomes effective above 3008C. Additional
measure regulated species such as CO, unburnt hydrocar- information concerning zirconia conductivity may be
bons (UHC) and NOx. This is a dif®cult task as detection of found in Refs. [214,215].
132 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 26. Solid-state gas sensors. (a) Potentiometric zirconia cell: mole fraction is sensed as an electromotive force between electrodes located
on both sides of a zirconia layer submitted to different partial pressures of the detected species (adapted from Ref. [165]). (b) Tin oxide device:
the mole fraction is sensed as a change of the semiconductor resistance in the presence of the detected species (adapter from Ref. [212]).
(c) Catalytic probe: in the presence of the detected species, heat is released at the catalytically coated electrode and the mole fraction is sensed
as a change between the two RTDs resistance (adapted from Ref. [115]).

One consequence of these properties is that all sensors number of electrons involved to generate the potential (in
based on doped zirconia material will be sensitive to O2 to a the present case n ˆ 4†; F the Faraday constant, pO2 the
certain extent. It is then logical to ®rst consider the basic oxygen partial pressure in the sampled gases and pO2;ref ;
oxygen detection cells which form the core of oxygen the reference oxygen partial pressure. This relationship is
sensors and constitute key structures for more advanced based on thermodynamic equilibrium and fast kinetic
NOx or CO zirconia sensors. An extensive review of tech- reactions at the electrode interface. Fig. 28 shows the
niques for oxygen measurement using zirconia sensors is evolution of the output signal of a potentiometric zirconia
given in Ref. [165]. oxygen sensor as a function of the oxygen mole fraction of
an O2/N2 mixture as well as the corresponding Nernst law Potentiometric Nernst cell for oxygen detection. A predictions. The offset voltage corresponding to equal
basic potentiometric zirconia cell for oxygen detection pressures on both sides of the zirconia layer pO2 ˆ pO2;ref †;
(Nernst cell) is sketched in Fig. 27 (right). At zirconia is due to the temperature difference DT which exists
temperatures above 3008C, O 22 ions drift from high between the two electrodes due to forced convection and/
(reference gas, generally atmospheric air) to low (sampled or asymmetric sensor geometry. Practical sensors based
gas, combustion products) oxygen partial pressure regions on potentiometric principles are described in Refs.
producing in turn an electromotive voltage U, which can be [68,167,216].
easily detected. The sensor temperature affects its time
response: ions drift faster at high temperatures and the Amperometric cell for oxygen detection. The cell in
potentiometric cell responds more rapidly to changes in Fig. 27 may also operate as an electrochemical oxygen
the O2 content of the sampled gases. Current sensors are pump. By applying a voltage difference across the cell
generally equipped with a heater to maintain the zirconia electrodes, oxygen may be electrochemically transferred
layer at a constant and elevated temperature. The O2 mole through the electrolyte from the cathode to the anode. The
fraction XO2 can be determined using the Nernst law: corresponding oxygen ¯ux is related to the applied current I
by Faraday's law
RT pO2;ref
U ˆ Uoffset DT† 1 ln 18† dNO2 I
nF pO2 ˆ 19†
dt pump nF
together with pO2 ˆ pXO2 ; where U is the voltage drop
between the two electrodes, Uoffset an offset voltage, R the where NO2 is the mole number of oxygen, F the Faraday
universal gas constant, T the electrode temperature, n the constant and n is the number of electrons involved in the

Fig. 27. (a) Yttria Stabilized Zirconium (YSZ). (b) Nernst cell: basic potentiometric cell for oxygen detection. Oxygen mole fraction is sensed
as an electromotive potential U established between two porous Pt electrodes printed on the solid electrolyte layer (YSZ). Yttria forces a defect
crystallographic ZrO2 structure with a ®nite concentration of oxygen vacancies enable O 22 ions drift through the zirconia layer.
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 133

Fig. 28. Output signal (symbols) of a potentiometric zirconia oxygen sensor as a function of the oxygen mole fraction p < pref ˆ 1 atm† of an
O2/N2 mixture. Also shown (solid line) is the Nernst law prediction (18) calculated at the sensor operating temperature T ˆ 5508C† (from Ref.

pumping of one mole of oxygen (here O2 ! 2O22 1 4e2 where s O2 is the leak conductance with respect to oxygen,
and n ˆ 4†: A basic setup for oxygen detection using an pO2 the partial pressure of oxygen in the exhaust stream and
electrochemical pumping cell is sketched in Fig. 29 (the pO2 ;v the partial pressure of oxygen within the internal
exhaust gas should contain oxygen). A voltage is applied volume. For an ori®ce of uniform cross section S and
to the zirconia cell so that the internal electrode is at a length L, s O2 ˆ DO2 S= RTL† where DO2 is the molecular
negative potential. Therefore, O2 is electrochemically diffusivity of oxygen. For pure bulk diffusion (mean free
removed from the internal volume according to expression path of gas molecules much smaller than the diffusion
(19) while O2 ¯ows in the sensor chamber through a barrier diameter), DO2 is inversely proportional to the
diffusion barrier. This ¯ux of oxygen is governed by a absolute pressure [217]. Under steady state conditions
linear diffusion law (constant pO2 ;v ) the balance of the ¯uxes (19) and (20) gives:
dNO2 ˆ s O2 pO2 2 pO2 ;v † 21†
ˆ s O2 pO2 2 pO2 ;v † 20† nF
dt diffusion
and if the voltage applied to the pumping cell is suf®ciently
high, pO2 ;v may be almost zero because the diffusion barrier
restricts the transport of O2 to the inner cavity [217]. A
limiting condition is then achieved, the pumping current is
controlled by the diffusion rate and it is proportional to the
oxygen mole fraction
Ilim < nF s O2 pO2 / XO2 22†

Typical current±voltage characteristics of diffusion-

controlled oxygen sensors are shown in Fig. 30. For a
small pumping voltage Up, I is determined by the impedance
Fig. 29. Basic amperometric zirconia cell for oxygen detection. A
of the cell. When Up increases, pO2 ;v decreases and at some
voltage is applied between two porous Pt electrodes printed on the point, O2 is essentially pumped out of the cavity and the
solid electrolyte layer (YSZ). A diffusion barrier limits the O2 ¯ow current I reaches a saturation level and is proportional to
to the chamber and O2 is pumped out by the zirconia cell. The XO2 : For very high Up, a large increase of I is observed due to
resulting pumping current I is related to the oxygen mole fraction electrolyte decomposition and/or electronic leakage [218].
is the gas stream (adapted from Ref. [165]). Advanced amperometric concepts designed for other
134 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

and short response times. In general, the number of TPBs

should be maximized in the sensor design. Although
electrode kinetics at the TPB are not completely
understood, models have been derived [219] to assist
performance improvement.
Deviations from the standard Nernstian model may be
observed when zirconia sensors are used to monitor
combustion gases:

² The equilibrium oxygen partial pressure at the active

electrode may differ from the real oxygen partial pressure
due to O2 consumption caused by catalytic combustion
² The active electrode may have a non-Nernstian behavior
depending on its catalytic properties.
Fig. 30. Current±voltage characteristics of a diffusion-controlled
amperometric zirconia oxygen sensor. Pumping current plotted as The ®rst phenomenon occurs when sampled gases simul-
a function of the applied voltage for two O2 concentrations at T ˆ taneously feature high O2 mole fraction and unburnt species
8008C (adapted from Ref. [166]). like CO and UHC (typically, lean burn conditions). For
present oxygen sensor designs, this process enhanced by
temperature becomes quite important for sensor tempera-
exhaust stream conditions (e.g. oxygen free gases) may be
tures exceeding <6508C [112]. As zirconia permeability
found in Refs. [69,165,166].
to oxygen ions (and therefore sensor time response)
improves with temperature, operating sensor temperature Three-phase boundary electrochemistry. The selection becomes a tradeoff between accuracy and time
electrical potential of oxygen sensor electrodes represents response. It is generally taken equal to 8008C to minimize
the equilibrium oxygen partial pressure at the three-phase the time response.
boundary (TPBÐmetal electrode/solid electrolyte/gas Concerning the second phenomenon, it is known that
phase interface). The main kinetic pathways shown the electromotive force of zirconia cells can exhibit
schematically in Fig. 31 for O2 molecules in the gas phase strong deviations from the equilibrium values given by
correspond to dissociative adsorption, and incorporation Nernst law (18) if oxygen together with oxidizable
gases are present at the TPB and the working electrode
O2;gas 1 2G $ 2Oads 23† has suitable properties [220,221]. Under these con-
ditions, electrode potentials much higher than those
predicted by the Nernst law (assuming O2 consumption)
are detected for amounts of CO or H2 (e.g.) in the ppm
Oads 1 V 00O 1 2e2 $ O2electrolyte 1 G 24†
range. This behavior is exploited in current developments
of sensors for minor species like CO, NOx, NH3 or CHx in
where G denotes a free adsorption site and V 00O an oxygen mixtures containing oxygen.
ion vacancy. The catalytic and electrochemical activity of
the metal electrodes is essential for selectivity, sensitivity, Non-Nernstian electrodes. Non-Nernstian electrode
potentials are obtained in the presence of oxidizable gases
by replacing highly catalytic Pt electrodes with weakly
active electrodes. The material is chosen so that reactions
are greatly in¯uenced by adsorption and desorption
processes [113]. Among other choices, oxides such as
CdO and SnO2 [147] or LaMnO3 [148], and binary Pt
alloys with Au [222] or Rh [114] may be selected for this
purpose. The detailed mechanisms are not completely
understood. Although more profound knowledge might
improve materials selection for sensitivity and durability
enhancement, the process may be simply described as
follows. Consider the monitoring of mole fractions of CO
Fig. 31. Three-Phase Boundary (TPB) and possible pathways of and O2 in a CO/O2 mixture. In addition to reactions (23) and
electrochemical reactions (adapted from Ref. [113]). (24), the following processes might be considered at the
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 135

electrode potential. Materials present at the TPB de®ne

the unit sensitivity and selectivity. Mixed potential sensors: CO and NOx sensors.

Developments of zirconia sensors based on mixed
potential have been reported for CO [78,113,146±
148,233] and NOx [114,152,161,162,224] detection. Most
Fig. 32. Typical mixed potential zirconia sensor design. The refer-
ence electrode is exposed to atmospheric air and the non-Nernstian mixed potential sensors operate in the range 500±6008C
electrode to exhaust gases (from Ref. [146]). and are designed (Fig. 32) like classical potentiometric
sensors. Inside of a half-open cylindrical ceramic YSZ
tube, a Pt reference electrode is exposed to atmospheric
TPB (see e.g. Refs. [153,233]: air whereas the working non-Nernstian electrode is
exposed to the exhaust gases on the outer tube surface.
COgas 1 Oads $ CO2;gas oxidation† 25† The geometry is quite simple, but the signal interpretation
is dif®cult. Fig. 33 presents the evolution with time of the
COads 1 O22 00 2 output signals of a potentiometric CO/O2 sensor (an O2
electrolyte $ CO2;ads 1 V O 1 2e
26† detection Nernst cell is set in parallel to the CO cell)
electrochemical oxidation† exposed to a CO/O2/N2 mixture featuring different
compositions. This sequence is used to examine the sensor
On the one hand, a classical Pt electrode exposed to air response to variable mole fractions of O2 and CO. One notes
only operates as an oxygen electrode and its potential is the logarithmic behavior of the signals (maximum signal
®xed under a constant O2 concentration. On the other changes occur for small gas concentrations) and the ability
hand, at the non-Nernstian electrode, O2 and CO undergo of the sensor to detect small amounts of CO, but also a clear
electrochemical reactions at three-phase contacts between in¯uence of XO2 on the CO signal. As a result, the O2
electrolyte (YSZ), electrode and gas. Reactions (24) and channel signal should also be used to interpret the
(26) which correspond to different electrode potentials, measurements. It also has to be mentioned that most of
take place simultaneously and form a local cell that deter- the CO sensors feature a cross-sensitivity to unburnt
mines a mixed-potential at which the cathodic (forward products and particularly H2 [113,147,148,223] which is
(24)) and anodic (forward (26)) reactions proceed at an more or less important depending on the electrode
equal rate. As shown later (Fig. 33), the electrochemical material. In combustion control, these products together
oxidation of CO will result in an upward shift of the with CO will all be interpreted in the same way as

Fig. 33. Output signals of a potentiometric CO/O2 sensor exposed to a CO/O2/N2 mixture. O2 steps (from left to right): 1, 3, 7, 10, 13 and 17%.
CO steps (from left to right for each O2 step): 0, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 ppm (from Ref. [78]).
136 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Therefore, more elaborate designs have been devised to

monitor NOx in exhaust combustion gases. Arrays of electrochemical cells: NOx sensor. In

combustion control and monitoring applications, it is
necessary to detect low concentrations of NOx, typically
less than 100 ppm. Because oxygen strongly in¯uences the
signal measured at a non-Nernstian electrode and due to the
reverse sensitivity to NO and NO2, it is dif®cult to achieve
the task with simple mixed potential sensors. This is
why advanced NOx zirconia sensors include a series of
electrochemical cells.
Fig. 35 shows a typical advanced NOx sensor setup. The
sensor is usually comprised of two cavities connected in
series. Gases diffuse into the primary chamber. There, a
pumping voltage Up of about 400 mV is applied to a classi-
cal zirconia cell and O2 is pumped out of the sampled gas as
Fig. 34. Mixed potential NOx sensor (CdMn2O2 oxide electrode). already described in Fig. 29. The remaining gas molecules
Dependence of e.m.f on NOx mole fraction in constant oxygen mole ¯ow to the second chamber connected to the ®rst cavity by a
fraction (atmospheric air level). Device at 5008C (from Ref. [224]).
second diffusion path. There, NOx molecules are detected
either by a potentiometric [114,225] or an amperometric cell
incomplete combustion products and most control strategies [159,226].
will not be affected by this problem. Ideally, only NOx should diffuse to the second chamber.
The measurement of NOx using solid state gas sensors In practice however, there are a few O2 molecules left
poses many challenges. The following reactions have been (typically about 1 ppm) and their concentration varies with
proposed to describe the mixed potential at the non- XO2 in the exhaust stream. Therefore, the NOx signal still
Nernstian electrode in the presence of NO/O2 and NO2/O2 features a dependency on O2. To circumvent this problem,
mixtures [161±163] another pumping cell may be included in the second
( chamber as well as one or several O2 detection cells to
NO 1 O22 ! NO2 1 2e2 monitor remaining XO2 and accordingly adjust the pumping
NO=O2 mixture : 27†
O2 1 4e2 ! 2O22 voltage(s) [226]. Another technique consists in monitoring
XO2 in the exhaust stream to interpret the NOx signal [225].
( Fig. 36 shows the signal dependence on NOx and O2 mole
NO2 1 2e2 ! NO 1 O22 fractions for an advanced potentiometric zirconia sensor.
NO2 =O2 mixture : 28†
2O22 ! O2 1 4e2 Mechanisms involved in NOx detection for these sensors
still need some clari®cations. However, in Ref. [161], a
The reduction of NO2 according to Eq. (28) or the oxi- catalytic conversion of NO to NO2 is claimed in the ®rst
dation of NO according to Eq. (27) respectively result in an chamber so that only NO2 is detected in the second chamber.
upward and a downward shift of the working electrode In other cases [225±227], the reduction of NO2 to NO
potential as can be seen in Fig. 34 which shows the depen- together with O2 pumping is claimed in the ®rst chamber
dence of the e.m.f. of a mixed potential NOx sensor on NO whereas NO is reduced further into N2 and O2 in the second
and NO2 concentrations. These opposite trends complicate chamber.
the interpretation of a mixed potential NOx sensor exposed
to a NO/NO2/O2 mixture even if NO represents more than Conclusions. Zirconia gas sensors initially
90% of NOx emissions in automotive engine exhaust gases. developed to monitor oxygen are also being used to

Fig. 35. Advanced NOx sensor geometry (adapted from [112]).

N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 137

Fig. 36. Advanced potentiometric NOx sensor, Pt electrodes, single pumping cell. Sensor exposed to a NO/O2/N2 mixture. Evolution of the NOx
signal with NOx and O2 mole fractions (abscissa in logarithmic scale). Device at 6008C (adapted from Ref. [112]).

measure CO and NOx. Designs have also been proposed for 4.2.2. Ion current probes
HC [152,153] H2S [228] and even CO2 [151] monitoring. While solid state gas sensors provide useful information
Oxygen detection is now a mature technique. Accurate and concerning the combustion process, they suffer from major
fast (up to several Hz) measurements can be performed disadvantages with respect to optical diagnostics:
under severe conditions. Uncertainties lower than 5% have
been reported over a wide range of O2 mole fractions for ² Gas sensors are operated downstream of the process. This
present oxygen sensors [112]. The challenge now concerns induces a time lag between combustion and correspond-
the improvement of minor gas species detection designs in ing probe measurements. This delay affects the control
terms of accuracy, sensitivity, durability, selectivity and algorithm stability and design.
time response. This characteristic time which is at least a ² Gas sensors have a slow time response and only provide
few seconds for present CO and NOx sensors, should be global information about the combustion process. As a
further reduced to allow combustion control applications. result, they cannot be used to monitor transients like
For present CO and NOx sensors, the detection thresholds combustion instabilities, knock or mis®re in spark igni-
determined with synthetic gases are in the range 10± tion (SI) engines. In this case also, gas sensors cannot
50 ppm [112,114,146,162] but seem somewhat higher provide cylinder-to-cylinder information.
under real exhaust gas conditions, from 50 to 100 ppm
[78,113,226]. Under the same conditions, uncertainties To address these problems, optical techniques may be
of 10 to 25% are typical for NOx and CO mole used advantageously. However, optical access is required
fraction measurements [78,112,160,226] but can easily together with speci®c optical elements (adapters, ®lters,
be in¯uenced by sensor aging. With respect to reliability, detectors). Ion current probes or ionization sensors provide
simple sensor designs should be preferred. Additional work alternative possibilities. These elements developed for SI
should be carried out to fully understand the mechanisms engines since the seventies [230,231] and more actively in
underlying minor species detection that could help improve the past few years (see e.g. Refs. [117,232]), are used to
present designs. characterize ion currents associated with the ¯ame. This
Combustion control applications based on solid state technique is well suited to SI engines because one may
gas sensors have mainly concerned automotive engines use the spark plug as the ion current detector. As a result
(see e.g. Refs. [1,37,41,42,65]) but oxygen probes are time-resolved combustion related information may be
now used for continuous emission monitoring in other obtained at a low cost on a cylinder-to-cylinder basis.
areas [115,229]. While the technology developed for
minor species detection is not completely mature, it Ionic properties of ¯ames. The main source of ions
has considerable potential and in the future could ®nd in ¯ames is provided by chemiionization. This process
a wide range of applications from health monitoring to occurs during elementary reactions when the energy of the
combustion optimization. reactants together with the reaction energy are large enough
138 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 37. Maximum positive ion concentration investigated with a low pressure (33 mm Hg) ¯at-¯ame burner for different fuel/air mixtures as a
function of equivalence ratio (from Ref. [234]).

to ionize one of the products of a chemical reaction negative species such as O and OH, H3O 1 ions can be
involving neutral species. The following reaction is present far in the post ¯ame region [118].
considered to be the most important [233]: In SI engines, due to the high pressures and temperatures
encountered in the cylinder after ignition, thermal ionization
CH 1 O ! CHO1 1 e2 29† may also play an important role [118,232,236]. More infor-
Some reactions with electronically excited species like mation about ionic properties of ¯ames may be found in
CH p and Cp2 may also constitute an important source of Refs. [233,237].
ions [234,235]. Due to charge transfer reactions, CHO 1 is Chemical kinetic mechanisms have been proposed to
not the dominant ion in hydrocarbon ¯ames. As pointed out describe the ionization process. However, since all the
in Ref. [234], CHO 1 is quickly consumed by H2O via: chemical reactions are not completely known, they are
limited to a small range of fuels (see Ref. [235] for
CHO1 1 H2 O ! CO 1 H3 O1 30† methane/air ¯ames). As a result, most of the information
concerning ions in ¯ames originate from empirical studies.
While there are many other secondary ions formed by The latter show that ion current can be correlated with par-
similar reactions, H3 O1 is generally the most abundant. ameters of importance in combustion control. Some practi-
Finally, the concentration of electrons and ions is limited cal results will be described in Section
by the dissociative recombination reaction:

H3 O1 1 e2 ! H2 O 1 H 31† Correlations between ion current and operating
Ions are normally localized in a thin slab in the ¯ame. parameters. The relation between ion current and ¯ame
However, due to competing electron attachment to electro- parameters is shown in Fig. 37 which shows the strong
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 139

Fig. 38. Averaged ion current signal acquired within one of the cylinders of a turbocharged 2.31 production engine operated at 2500 RPM with
Isooctane. (Left) l scan at constant inlet manifold pressure (101,300 Pa). (Right) Load scan at constant l . 08 crank angle corresponds to top
dead center (TDC) (from Ref. [118]).

dependence of fuel type and equivalence ratio on the normal vibration levels on the cylinder head [63], the
maximum positive ions concentration in a laboratory low frequency content of the ion current signal is used to
pressure burner (from Ref. [234]). The most advanced detect knock occurrence and accordingly adjust the
applications based on ion current measurements were injection timing on a cylinder-to-cylinder basis [29,39].
carried out in SI engines. The spark plugs installed within Efforts are now being made to adapt ion current sensing
the cylinders are generally used with a small modi®cation of for peak pressure [232,238] and equivalence ratio control
the ignition circuit. The ion current generated through the [131,239]. A lean limit control scheme based on ion current
electrode gap during the combustion process is recorded detection has already been demonstrated for a small
when the spark is off. Fig. 38 (left) shows the evolution of displacement engine [29] and the control of the equivalence
the ion current as a function of the crank angle and l ˆ ratio of a domestic boiler is reported in Ref. [35].
F 21 : These data corresponding to a production engine
indicate that at a given l , the current features two peaks,
the ®rst peak (about 58 before TDC) being related to Conclusions. Ion current probes have potential for
chemiionization and the second one (about 158 after TDC) combustion control applications. Although this technique
to thermal ionization [118]. As l determines the early ¯ame seems particularly well adapted for SI engines (localized
kernel properties through chemistry, it de®nes the ®rst peak combustion process, spark plug sensing, fast cylinder-to-
intensity. The second peak which is related to the cylinder measurements), it could certainly be adapted
thermodynamical state in the post¯ame region is also to other situations provided studies are carried out to
in¯uenced by l which affects this state (Fig. 38, left) but determine the best ion sensor location. Ion current signals
it clearly rises with engine load (Fig. 38, right). The are generally dif®cult to interpret but they clearly correlate
in¯uence of operating parameters on the ion current with parameters such as pressure and equivalence ratio.
features is well illustrated in this example. Some practical Fuel-type correction databases such as the one developed
applications are now reviewed to demonstrate the potential in Ref. [118] should facilitate signal processing for
of this technique. advanced ion current based equivalence ratio control
concepts. Practical applications. Several applications of ion

probes using this technique have been successfully 4.2.3. Other sensors
developed for automotive engines, mostly using the spark This review of sensors will be concluded with a short
plug as an ion current detector early after spark ignition. The description of some other devices which lead or could
detection circuit is sketched in Fig. 39. In general, it is lead to interesting developments for combustion control
dif®cult to directly interpret the ion current signal as it applications.
depends on many parameters, including fuel composition
[118,234] and fuel additives which are likely to perturb
the ionic properties of ¯ames [118]. For these reasons, Resistive temperature detector. Resistive
most applications have been focused up to now on engine temperature detectors (RTD) have been developed to
mis®re detection and knock control [29,39,117]. For knock monitor the temperature of automotive engine exhaust
control, instead of using accelerometers to sense above- gases. Their sensing element is generally made up of a
140 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 39. Schematic diagram of a dual energy ignition circuit modi®ed for ionization sensing (from Ref. [131]).

thin Pt based ®lm whose resistance increases with Micromachined sensors. The improvement and
temperature. These probes are derived from the spreading of micromachining techniques drives the
temperature regulated heater of solid state gas sensors. A development of new sensors having a good potential for
typical design is shown in Fig. 40. The sensing element combustion control applications. This will be illustrated
thermally decoupled from the sensor body to minimize with three devices for ¯ow, pressure and viscosity sensing.
conduction, is exposed to the exhaust gas ¯owing in an
open housing, which also acts like a radiation shield.
These RTD sensors are now being used in automotive Pressure sensor. The design of a hybrid solid
engine and catalyst diagnostic and control [37,76,240]. state/optical micromachined pressure sensor presented in
They feature a relatively good mechanical resistance at a Ref. [120] is given in Fig. 41. A broad-band (<30 nm
low cost in comparison with conventional thermcouples. around 1.3 mm) incident light beam (i) is partially
Their sensitivity (voltage drop across the sensing element) re¯ected at the glass/air interface (1). The transmitted
exceeds 1 mV/8C with an accuracy of <1.5% and a time beam propagates through the air cavity and is re¯ected
response of <5 s for DT ˆ 3008C up to 10008C. Other back on the diaphragm surface (2) deformed by pressure.
applications could certainly take bene®t from these The return light beam (r) contains a series of constructive
temperature sensors as they are rugged and easy to set up. and destructive interference fringes which depend on the

Fig. 40. Resistive Temperature Detector (RTD) design (from Ref. [76]).
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 141
features a large bandwidth (several 10 Hz) and promising
results were obtained during tests carried out in the injection
port of a GDI engine. Viscosimetry and Wobbe index. One problem in

the control of the operating point of a gas turbine combustor
is to deal with the large variations in the composition of the
fuel supplied to the combustor (see Table 4). The energy
content of gaseous fuel is frequently characterized by
suppliers in terms of a Wobbe index W0. An interesting
sensor has been devised and presented in Ref. [40] to
determine W0 on line. In this study, one shows that W0 can
be directly related to m , the dynamic viscosity of the
Fig. 41. Micromachined solid state/optical pressure sensor. Building gaseous fuel as shown in Fig. 43. As a result, the device
blocks are integrated onto a single silicon-chip. Incident light beam which is exposed to the fuel upstream of the combustor
(i), is partially re¯ected at the optical ®ber end (1) and the trans- measures m using a micropump and a capillary
mitted beam re¯ects back on the pressure exposed diaphragm (2). viscosimeter. The sensor tested in the control loop of a
Beams (1) and (2) interfere with each other and produce an inter-
laboratory scale burner allowed to adjust the injection of a
ference pattern in the return light beam (r) which describes the
fuel of variable composition, in order to maintain a constant
diaphragm deformation (from Ref. [120]).
equivalence ratio.

deformation. Pressure is recovered from (r) by spectral 5. Conclusions

analysis using a Mach±Zehnder interferometer integrated
to the sensor body. This device is still under development State observation and performance estimation are central
but was already successfully tested for in-cylinder pressure issues in combustion control. The sensor systems needed in
measurements in a direct injection diesel engine. Alternative this context must feature adequate precision and bandwidth,
pressure sensors using all ®ber optic techniques are also and at the same time cope with the hostile environment
being developed [241] and could be more robust. prevailing in combustion processes. In this respect the
main obstacles to the development of combustion control Flow sensor. Fig. 42 presents the principle of are practical aspects related to:
operation of a micromachined ¯ow velocity sensor
described in Ref. [93]. The sensor operates like a classical ² Sensor integrity
Pitot tube. It measures ¯ow velocity by detecting the ² Immunity to vibration and obscuration for optical devices
difference between stagnant ¯uid pressure in front of the ² Immunity to poisoning for solid state sensors
sensor and dynamic ¯ow pressure around the sensor. This ² Reliability, durability and lifetime
pressure difference results in the de¯ection of a suspended
silicon diaphragm, which serves as the counter electrode of Considerable ingenuity is needed to deal with these issues
an integrated capacitor directly exposed to the gaseous and improve the technology so that it becomes widely
stream. Unlike the classical Pitot tube, this pressure sensor applicable. New ideas and scienti®c advances are also

Fig. 42. Micromachined ¯ow velocity sensor. Pressure difference ptot 2 pstat causes a de¯ection of the membrane resulting in a decrease of
capacitance between the electrodes (from Ref. [93]).
142 N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150

Fig. 43. Relation between dynamic viscosity m and Wobbe index W0 for several gaseous fuels and temperatures from 10 to 308C (from
Ref. [40]).

needed to consolidate the current techniques and ®nd new jet engines will be more dif®cult because it has to deal with
measurement methods or new ways of interpreting the certi®cation procedures.
signals provided by current sensors. As an example, Ref. Finally, extensive testing in well controlled laboratory
[242] indicates that in the context of spectroscopic diag- scale experiments reproducing real conditions should be
nostics, additional useful information may be recovered carried out together with larger scale experiments to bring
from the signals by means of hybrid neural network analy- sensor technology to maturity.
sis. Concerning the reliability and accuracy, optimal control
and optimization algorithms are now being developed for
automotive engines [243] and gas turbines [244] to predict
engine and sensor behavior and improve control per-
formance and sensors reliability. The development of arti-
Many ®gures included in this article come from original
®cial oxygen sensors based on neural networks models is
contributions. We wish to thank the authors for allowing us
also investigated for more accurate automotive engine cold
to use their work. This research was initiated in the frame-
start control [245].
work of a European Community Brite Euram project under
In addition, future strategy in combustion control will be
the leadership of Rolls-Royce Industrial and Marine Gas
speci®c to each machine type (gas turbines, jet engines,
Turbines Limited. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
internal combustion engines). Factors which should be
taken into account are size, meantime between failure of In the following references, AIAA papers may be
sensors and, in all cases, budgetary constraints. Certainly obtained from the American Institute of Aeronautics and
one control and sensing will not cater to all needs but Astronautics, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston,
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one area to the other. Operating point control is most meeting proceedings may obtained from Research and
advanced in the automotive domain and one expects further Technology Organization, BP 25, 7 Rue Ancelle, 92201
improvement in this area due to competition between manu- Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, France (
facturers and zero pollutant emission vehicle targets. While intst/natorto.htm). SAE papers may be obtained from the
active control is a demonstrated solution in terrestrial gas Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth
turbine applications where it is needed to solve dif®cult Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, USA (http://
stability problems, the development of OPC and ACC for The ESCBT conference proceedings may
N. Docquier, S. Candel / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 107±150 143

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facturers. Birkenwaldstrasse 163, 70191 Stuttgart-Nord/ emissions. Part II. Adaptive control algorithm development,
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