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Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

Flame imaging as a diagnostic tool for industrial

R. Hernández, J. Ballester ∗
Fluid Mechanics Group/LITEC, Centro Politécnico Superior, CSIC-University of Zaragoza, María de Luna, 3,
E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Received 21 December 2007; received in revised form 8 April 2008; accepted 24 June 2008

Different approaches for condition monitoring of combustion systems based on the capture and processing of
flame images are presented and discussed. The objective is to devise methods capable of converting geometrical
and luminous data into reliable information on the state of practical combustion systems. Suitable processing
methods are needed to extract representative information from flame images, as they contain large amounts of data
whose physical interpretation is not, in general, straightforward. A thorough experimental programme has been
conducted in a model industrial burner, in order to create a database of flame images for subsequent analysis. One
of the options is the extraction and analysis of representative image features; even though the parametric studies
revealed good sensitivity to changes in combustion regimes, this approach may entail some information loss and
requires adaptation to the specific system. The other two methods explored are designed as flame identification
techniques based on the whole image. One of them use self-organising feature maps and yields as output the
most probable combustion regime, among those previously characterised. The other one is an adaptation of a
speech recognition method and informs about the probability of an unknown state to correspond with the different
combustion regimes. Their performance was tested in terms of their success rate for identification as well as on
their capabilities to estimate NOx emission, as a representative outcome of the combustion process. Results in
other combustion situations (oil burner and premixed combustor) are also reported. The good results obtained in
all cases are thought to support the potential of the methods described for flame monitoring.
© 2008 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Flame images; Combustion monitoring; Classification; Identification; Neural networks

1. Introduction patterns) can be most helpful to describe, or even

understand, important features of a flow or a flame.
Visualisation methods have been historically an A wide range of imaging techniques are nowadays
invaluable diagnostic tool in fluid mechanics and available, enabling qualitative and/or quantitative de-
combustion, since information on the spatial distribu- scriptions of many different variables (see, e.g., [1]).
tion of the relevant variables (even just as qualitative In principle, many of them might be exploited to char-
acterise industrial flames by providing direct informa-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +34 976 761 882. tion from the combusting flow, which is recognised to
E-mail address: (J. Ballester). be a key step in order to develop cleaner and more ef-
0010-2180/$ – see front matter © 2008 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
510 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

ficient combustion systems [2,3]. However, practical as an indicator of staged combustion). The features
reasons still prevent the use of many of them: lack of analysed consist of geometrical parameters [10–12],
ruggedness, high cost, difficult optical access, etc. In different variables related to the level and spatial dis-
the current state-of-art, the recording of radiation nat- tribution of luminosity [13,14] or colour [15–17], as
urally emitted by the flame appears to be a feasible well as combinations of several of those properties
method; in particular, it avoids the need for seeding [6,18]. Characteristic frequencies have also been de-
or external illumination and is amenable to low-cost, rived from high-speed image records, as a relevant
rugged CCD cameras. This kind of methods has been feature of the process either by itself or combined
explored in a number of works, and the results are with other image properties [6,14,19].
thought to confirm its suitability for practical applica- The existence of relationships among combus-
tions. tion conditions and selected image features has been
Different approaches are possible. Some meth- demonstrated by parametric studies reported in a
ods are oriented to derive quantitative information for number of works [6,12,13,18–20]. But, in most cases,
some combustion variables. Pyrometry can be used those parameters do not have an intrinsic physical
to obtain temperature distributions over large regions meaning, and serve mainly as indicators of a particu-
of the flame; two-colour techniques (either in the in- lar combustion state. Therefore, any attempt to exploit
frared or simply using two channels of a conventional flame images for practical purposes involves as a nec-
RGB camera) are the most common choice due to essary subsequent task that of relating those variables
its reduced sensitivity to uncertainties in emissivity with known situations or with real combustion pa-
or attenuation. Refs. [4–6] describe some application rameters. A wide range of approaches and processing
examples in coal flames. Emission spectroscopy re- methods have been reported. Kurihara et al. [11] pro-
quires collecting radiation in narrow bands associ- posed an empirical index for the prediction of NOx
ated to chemiluminescence of excited radicals (e.g., emissions as a function of some selected geometrical
OH∗ , CH∗ ), whose concentration can be related to parameters. Shimoda et al. [4] applied a highly sim-
the location of reaction fronts or to the magnitude of plified physical model to relate unburnt carbon in a
heat release rates [1,2]. Hence, the emission at spe- coal fired plant with luminosity features derived from
cific wavelengths might be more closely related to the flame images collected at two wavelengths. Baek et
combustion state than wide-band radiation, and some al. [15] found a linear relationship between a chro-
of the works oriented to the diagnostic/control of in- matic parameter calculated from flame images and
dustrial flames [7–10] are based on the analysis of the emissions of NOx and unburnt carbon in a pi-
bandpass-filtered images. lot coal-fired furnace. Rahman et al. [14] proposed
Alternatively, flame images can be interpreted as two ‘quality indices,’ combining parameters related
a ‘signature’ of a particular combustion state. This to luminosity and fluctuation frequency derived from
approach has been applied in several works, always flame images, as performance indicators for utility
aimed at developing novel monitoring techniques boilers. Yu and MacGregor [17] used partial least
(and, ultimately, advanced control strategies) for prac- squares to predict NOx and SO2 emissions and heat
tical applications. Instrumentation requirements are losses in an industrial boiler from a set of image fea-
relatively little demanding: conventional CCD cam- tures (related to its geometry, luminosity and colour).
eras and frame-grabbers are, in principle, enough to Artificial neural networks (ANN, thereafter) have
collect the data needed; most of the difficulties with been used as fitting tools to relate image features with
the hardware are associated with installation in the relevant combustion parameters. Lu et al. [10] used
combustion chamber and protection of instruments a feed-forward ANN to predict successfully the com-
from high temperatures and fouling. The main chal- bustion regime from 5 geometrical/luminous param-
lenges are thought to be related with data analysis eters of the flame. ANN and fuzzy logic were com-
and, above all, the conversion of raw images into us- bined in [8,21] to adjust air and fuel flow rates, based
able information. on flame brightness and length. Wang et al. [22] ap-
The most common approach is ‘feature extrac- plied a back-propagation ANN to relate a set of image
tion,’ i.e., the derivation of significant parameters parameters (average and deviation of temperature, ig-
from a flame image. In the first place, such a pro- nition distance) with NOx emissions. Bae et al. [23]
cedure greatly reduces the amount of information used a neural network to distinguish flame on/off con-
needed to represent an image. In the second place, ditions from the analysis of luminosity distributions.
some features might be representative of particular A different, relatively little explored approach
behaviours of practical interest, due to their intrinsic consists in treating the image as a data set that can
meaning or their relationship with certain combus- be processed as a whole in order to ‘classify’ or
tion conditions (e.g., flame length can be relevant for ‘identify’ the image as representative of a particu-
some applications or, in some cases, might be used lar combustion state. Allen et al. [9] reported notably
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 511

good results using artificial neural networks to clas- of data generated by sophisticated laser-based tech-
sify different combustion states using the full image niques.
as input data. A second issue is the type of approach selected
Finally, the use of flame images for control or opti- for the processing and interpretation of image data.
misation purposes has been examined in a few works Two main categories can be established: methods ori-
(all in laboratory rigs). Allen et al. [9] and Lu et ented to the derivation and analysis of physically-
al. [10] coupled an ANN-based state predictor and a meaningful parameters and those based on using sen-
closed-loop control to bring the system to the desired sorial information as a signature of a process state.
state. Burkhardt et al. [8,21] combined ANN and a In principle, the first one clearly appears as the most
fuzzy controller to reach optimal conditions. Soot for- powerful and desirable. However, their development
mation was avoided in [16] using a fuzzy controller and application is not considered obvious at all. Let’s
whose inputs were the levels of blue and orange in consider the possibilities offered by passive imag-
flame images. It should be noted that all control ap- ing according to this strategy. As already mentioned,
plications mentioned require a ‘state identification’ spontaneously-emitted radiation can be used to esti-
stage, before a control action can be defined. mate some physico-chemical parameters of a flame.
This review demonstrates the growing interest in One of them is the determination of temperature
the use of flame images for online monitoring as well distribution by pyrometry (actually, only valid for
as the broad range of possible methods. The approach particle-laden flames, as Plank’s law does not apply
selected and investigated in this work is explained in in blue flames). Another one is the use of emission
the next section, in the framework of a brief discus- spectroscopy to derive information on excited radicals
sion on the possibilities and limitations of the differ- from radiation collected at specific wavelengths. This
ent alternatives. kind of information, by itself, can be most valuable if
the objective is the ‘characterisation’ of flames; how-
ever, how to exploit it for online ‘monitoring’ of an
2. Monitoring based on flame images: Needs and industrial burner is not so straightforward. This would
approaches require, for example, establishing the desired spatial
distribution of OH∗ or the ability to interpret a par-
A first issue in the development of any monitoring ticular chemiluminescence image in practical terms,
technique is to define the amount and type of infor- and both are rarely possible in practice. Alternatively,
mation needed to characterise a process state. This this kind of information can be used to estimate the
might not be problematic when a system can be fully stoichiometry of a flame. In fact, methods based on
characterised by a few parameters, which is not the chemiluminescence of excited radicals are probably
case for industrial flames. Their thorough descrip- among the most mature technologies for online mon-
tion would require determining the spatial and tem- itoring in practical premixed combustors (e.g., [24–
poral variations of many physico-chemical variables, 26]). However, it should be noted that even for this
still challenging at laboratory scale and unthinkable application, which has been analysed in many works
for the moment in real plants. Therefore, a selection and has a sound physical basis, no universal relation-
needs to be made on the information to be collected. ships are available and the technique needs calibration
Gas composition is the type of data most widely used for specific fuels and facilities [25–27].
to monitor combustion systems, but this is a highly All this argumentation points to the difficulty of
incomplete description of the process. A reliable diag- using directly physico-chemical parameters for online
nostic is thought to be only possible if based on some ‘monitoring’; instead, empirical knowledge specifi-
description of the flame itself. cally adapted to the particular application needs to
In this context, imaging techniques appear as a be added for converting measured data into repre-
most suitable alternative: they can provide data ob- sentative parameters and/or transforming these into
tained directly from the flame, in the form of a 2-D information adequate to monitor or optimise indus-
distribution (still a simplification of reality, but much trial flames. In fact, previous works oriented to mon-
richer than global values). Among the different op- itoring from filtered images (which might be related
tions available, a passive technique based on the col- to some physical variables, like temperature or ex-
lection of radiation spontaneously emitted by flames cited radicals), actually treated the results as a char-
has been used in this work. This option limits the acteristic pattern (signature) of the different flame
possibilities for quantitative determination of specific states, instead of evaluating directly the implications
variables, but nowadays it is considered the most fea- of the temperature or radicals distributions regarding
sible alternative for practical applications. Neverthe- the ‘quality’ of the flame. Only in a few cases this
less, it should be noted that the approaches studied in was attempted, by means of simplified models, spe-
this work should be equally valid for the processing cific of particular applications [4,7]. In general, the
512 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

methods (with the exception of [9]) are thought to re-

quire careful design and adaptation in order to select
the most representative parameters and to develop the
empirical rules needed for flame monitoring in a new
application. None of the works reviewed reports im-
plementation in different combustion situations.
The treatment of image data as a ‘signature’ of a
flame state is an alternative that can be compatible
with any type of diagnostic technique: filtered spon-
taneous radiation (pyrometry, chemiluminescence),
laser-based techniques (e.g., PLIF), broadband radi-
ation (explored in this work), etc. In this case, the
basic assumption is that, due to the huge amount of in-
formation contained in an image (intensity/colour for
each pixel), the probability that different combustion
states produce the same set of data is very low. As
a fundamental advantage, this type of methods does
not require interpreting the highly complex physico-
chemical phenomena involved. At the same time, its
empirical nature can also be an important weakness.
Whether this is a serious problem or not will largely
depend on how the ‘empirical knowledge’ is devel-
oped and applied. For a method to become a feasible
monitoring technique, it should be of a generalisable
nature in the sense that implementation in new ap-
plications does not require a costly design/adaptation
procedure and includes as few as possible ad-hoc
models or parameters.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate different
image processing methods regarding their capabili-
ties for the identification of combustion states. Three
different approaches have been applied (feature ex-
traction, ANN-based identification, probabilistic pat-
tern recognition), treating images from a conventional Fig. 1. Test facility and instrumentation.
CCD camera as a signature of flame states. The aim
was not to develop and fine-tune a method specifi- a wide range of flame types. Combustion air enters
cally adapted to a particular situation, which would through two concentric air injections, each with a
be of limited interest, but to assess the potential of the variable swirl generator (moveable blocks). A broad
approach for a relatively general case. In order to ap- range of conditions, from conventional, fast-mixing
proach this objective, (1) all results presented were flames to low-NOx , air-staged combustion, can be
obtained by applying the methods as initially con- achieved by means of a proper adjustment of air dis-
ceived, without any ad-hoc work (apart from some de- tribution and the two swirl settings. Further details on
tails regarding pre-processing of raw images), (2) the this facility and a detailed characterisation of the dif-
methods were applied to different burners, again with ferent combustion regimes can be found in [28].
no ad-hoc adaptation (for brevity, only the results ob- The flow rates of fuel, primary and secondary air
tained with an air-staged burner are described in de- were measured with thermal mass-flow meters and
tail) and (3) the use of knowledge or rules specific to controlled by closed loops acting on the respective
the particular burners used was avoided. regulation valves, whereas swirl numbers were ad-
justed manually. The mass-flow rate of natural gas
was fixed to 5 m3 N/h throughout the tests and the
3. Experimental facility equivalence ratio was kept at 0.88 (3% O2 in flue
gases, by vol. db). Gas sampling was performed us-
The tests have been performed in a water-cooled ing a specific probe located at the exit of the com-
experimental furnace, equipped with an industry-type bustion chamber, connected to a bank of individual
natural gas burner (Fig. 1). The burner includes a on-line analysers for O2 (paramagnetic sensor), CO,
number of adjustable settings, enabling the study of CO2 (NDIR) and NOx (chemiluminescence).
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 513

Three of the burner settings were varied in the ex- cent emission from different radicals: narrow bands
periments: air distribution between primary and sec- for CH∗ , C∗2 , broadband radiation from CO∗2 and
ondary registers (air ratio, AR, expressed as fraction other minor contributions [29]. The camera performs
of secondary air over the total air flow rate) and the a line-of-sight integration, so that each pixel accumu-
swirl numbers of both air streams (S1 and S2, respec- lates contributions from points at different distances.
tively; both reported here as the % with respect to As explained below, representative images were ob-
maximum swirl level). The different combinations of tained by averaging several frames; hence, fluctu-
S1, S2 and AR tested led to a wide range of flame pat- ations due to turbulence or (much more important
terns. NOx emissions ranged from 15 ppm for deep in some cases) flame oscillations are smoothed out.
air-staging conditions (AR = 100%) up to 44 ppm Therefore, although there must be some connection
for fast-mixing flames. Detailed in-flame measure- between the images recorded and the physics of the
ments revealed significant changes in the distribution flame, the lack of resolution in wavelength, space and
of species and temperatures inside the flame when time makes the derivation of some kind of combustion
AR, S1 or S2 were varied. The dynamic behaviour of variable from them very difficult. Temporal or spatial
the flames was analysed from time-resolved measure- averaging can be a serious drawback for monitoring
ments of pressure and OH∗ chemiluminescence (ra- methods based on physical parameters (e.g., derived
diation at 310 nm), yielding widely different results: by pyrometry or chemiluminescence), but they are not
some flames were highly stable (AR < 60% and high necessarily when the image is treated as a signature.
swirl levels), others displayed significant fluctuations By no means does this imply that low resolution is a
but pressure and radiation signals were uncorrelated positive feature. On the contrary, a better resolution
(AR = 60–80% or low swirl levels), whereas high in wavelength, space or time might produce images
values of AR led to strong correlations of both signals more representative of the process; but this would
as a clear indication of the onset of thermo-acoustic require much more expensive and delicate instrumen-
instabilities. The experimental characterisation of the tation (e.g., intensified CCD, filters, several cameras
different combustion regimes has been reported in for 3-D reconstruction, etc.). Furthermore, whereas a
[28]. No detailed description of the flames is included wide range of conventional, inexpensive CCD cam-
here; firstly, for brevity and, secondly, because it is not eras are nowadays available that might provide im-
essential for the purpose of this work. Exploiting the ages with better definition, the good results reported
knowledge gained from detailed measurements for with a monochrome, 340 × 240, 8-bit images serves
flame monitoring from images was avoided on pur- to demonstrate the low requirements in this respect of
pose; whereas this might add ‘some physics’ and even the methods studied.
lead to improved performance, the procedures so de-
veloped would lose much of their generality. Hence,
the monitoring methods presented here do not use any
4. Feature extraction
qualitative or quantitative piece of information not
contained in the very flame images.
Flame images were captured using a CCD camera Image analysis algorithms were used to derive a
(Panasonic WV-CL350) housed inside a water-cooled wide range of parameters from the frames recorded at
jacket, installed in the furnace wall and oriented per- each of the operating conditions tested. An image was
pendicularly to the burner axis, so that a full picture represented by two different functions (see Fig. 2):
of the flame can be obtained. The use of a pinhole
lens together with a purge of compressed air main- • Intensity function: I (x, y) = 0–255, where x and
tained the optics clean and cool. Monochrome im- y are pixel coordinates.
ages (8-bit greyscale, 320 × 240 pixels, exposure time • Presence function: I ∗ (x, y) = 0 when I (x, y) =
1/60 s) were recorded in a process computer through 0 and = 1 when I (x, y) > 0.
a frame-grabber board (Data Translation DT3155).
Image records were collected for a total of 49 differ- The presence function was then used to calculate
ent flames, corresponding to different combinations various geometrical parameters: area, width distribu-
of S1, S2 and AR. tion, maximum width, length, centre of geometry and
Since objective is the exploration of feasible meth- angle at the flame root. Features related to luminosity
ods for the monitoring of practical flames, an essen- distribution were derived from the intensity function:
tial feature of this study is the use of conventional centre of mass, discrete moments, and a number of
video cameras. This imposes some limitations on the statistical parameters derived from the intensity his-
information that may be recorded. The radiation col- togram, such as mean, variance, skewness or kurtosis.
lected by the CCD corresponds basically to the visible Fig. 2 illustrates how some of those parameters are
range; for blue flames, this includes chemilumines- derived from a flame image.
514 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

Fig. 2. Extraction of some features from a flame image.

The next step was to explore the sensitivity of the be used to represent adequately the relationships ob-
different parameters to variations in operating condi- served. This is thought to be a significant shortcoming
tions. For this method to be valid, modifications in if the objective is to develop generalisable diagnostic
burner settings must cause a meaningful change (ex- methods.
ceeding its experimental uncertainty) in a particular Some trials were also performed using artificial
image feature. For brevity, only a few examples are neural networks as the fitting algorithm, due to their
shown in Fig. 3 for variations in the swirl levels of ability to handle multivariate, non-linear relation-
the two air streams. The intervals drawn at each data ships. Although this method provided reasonable re-
point represent the dispersion about the mean value, sults with some combinations of image features, the
calculated over the full sequence of images recorded capabilities for state identification were poorer than
in a test. Increasing swirl numbers led, as expected, to with the approaches explained in the following sec-
more compact flames with smaller area and length. tions. The cause is thought to be the information loss
The final objective is to identify the combustion associated to the replacement of the full image by a
state from selected features of the flame images; this few representative parameters.
requires some sort of quantitative relationship among
burner settings and image features. With this purpose,
multiple linear regression was applied to the full set 5. Identification of combustion states with ANNs
of experimental results. The binary correlation coeffi-
cients were below ±0.5 in all cases, indicating weak Artificial neural networks (ANN) are mathemati-
linear relationships. As shown in Fig. 3, even though cal algorithms inspired on the structure of biological
some variables seem to display well-defined depen- neural systems and the way information is processed
dences, their non-linearity justifies the low correla- by the brain, with good capabilities to handle com-
tions obtained. Therefore, other types of functional plex information with unknown and highly non-linear
forms, specifically adapted to each feature, should functional relationships among the different variables.
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 515

Fig. 2. (continued)

Ref. [30] describes fundamental and application as- in the open literature is the work by Allen et al. [9]
pects of these methods. where combustion states were successfully identified
Images are an outstanding case of complex data using a back-propagation ANN fed with the intensity
sets, whose processing and/or interpretation has mo- levels in 1024 pixels.
tivated great efforts during the last decades. As de- As noted in [31], self-organising feature maps
scribed in [31], ANN-based algorithms can be very (SOFM, thereafter) are suitable for object recogni-
effective for most of the tasks usually faced in im- tion based on pixel data, and was the method selected
age processing. Object recognition based on features in this work. The so-called Kohonen maps are used
is one of them; in fact, ANNs have been success- here, which have been widely applied for classifica-
fully used in a number of works specifically oriented tion purposes, especially in pattern recognition [32,
to identify combustion states (or, equivalently, to es- 33]. A SOFM consists of neurons organised on a reg-
timate performance parameters like pollutant or un- ular low-dimensional grid. The neurons are connected
burnt emissions) using as inputs some selected fea- to adjacent ones by a neighbourhood relation dic-
tures previously extracted [8,10,22,23]. As noted at tated by the topology of the map (hexagonal in this
the end of previous section, this procedure was also case). Each neuron in the map contains a weight vec-
tested in this work, although its performance was not tor with the same dimension than the input vectors
as good as with the other methods reported. and represents a ‘pattern’ flame image. During train-
Alternatively, all pixels forming an image can be ing the input vectors are compared with that of each
directly used as input data (i.e., the number of repre- neuron by calculating a distance (Euclidean in this
sentative features equals the number of pixels). The case) and the weight vectors of the closest neuron
main drawback is the large amount of data to be pro- (winner neuron) and its neighbours are modified ac-
cessed; the advantage is that information loss due to cording to the so-called Kohonen learning rule. This
data reduction is avoided. The only experience found process is iterated many times so that the distances
516 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

as well as to strengthen some relevant characteristics.

The steps followed were:

1. Average: All images recorded for a single test

were averaged. This step is not only very useful
for data reduction (99%) but also to filter out fluc-
tuations among different frames, resulting in a
more representative image of the flame. This was
ensured by averaging over 100 images, although
most probably a much lower number would suf-
2. Contrast: Luminosity values were normalised, so
that the darkest pixel of the image was set to 255
(white in greyscale) and the brightest to 0 (black).
This operation should not be interpreted as an
information loss because absolute luminosity de-
pends on many factors (CCD calibration, lens,
attenuation along the optical path, etc.) and its
consideration could make the procedure highly
dependent on the particular setup.
3. Segmentation (thresholding): The flame area was
delimited by setting to 0 all pixels with intensity
4. Trimming: After completing the previous opera-
tions, large areas of the image consisted of black
pixels. In order to discard useless data, the flame
images were trimmed by a rectangle built from
the disjunction of the smallest rectangles enclos-
ing non-black parts of the individual images.
Such rectangular area was defined at the training
stage, and also used afterwards to trim any new
Fig. 3. Effect of swirl settings on flame area and length.
image. As a result, images were reduced from
AR = 75% in all cases.
320 × 240 to 170 × 200 pixels.
between the input vectors and the winner neurons and
5.2. Configuration and training of the SOFM
the distances among neighbour neurons get smaller;
the final results is a set of ‘pattern images’ that are
ordered in the map according to their visual features. Initially, the topology and number of cells of the
The interested reader can find more detailed descrip- SOFM need to be defined. For this application, a 3-
tions in the references quoted. Once the SOFM has by-10 map might be suitable to represent the matrix
been trained, an ‘unknown flame’ representing an of test cases: 3 adjustable burner settings and a max-
‘unknown state’ is classified by the ‘winner neuron’ imum of 10 different values for each of them. How-
when it is shown to the SOFM; identification with re- ever, a larger map was preferred to favour a clear topo-
spect to ‘known states’ consists in selecting among logical isolation among different groups of flames,
the flames included in the database used for training and a 10-by-10 map was finally used.
the case yielding the same winner neuron. As a first step, the ANN was trained with im-
ages captured in 49 different combustion regimes.
5.1. Image pre-processing The SOFM was trained for 1000 epochs. In each of
these epochs, the distance between a particular flame
Different values of the three burner settings (S1, image and every neuron in the SOFM (defined by a
S2, AR) were combined to yield a total of 49 dif- set of weights) was calculated. The neuron yielding
ferent combustion states. Sequences of 100 images the shortest distance was marked as the winner and
(greyscale, 320 × 240 pixels) were captured for each the weights of all neurons in the neighbourhood of the
of the tests. As a previous stage, the images were pre- winner were updated using the Kohonen rule. As a re-
processed in order to reduce the size of the input vec- sult of the training process, each of the 100 neurons
tor as much as possible without loosing information ends with an associated ‘pattern’ flame image.
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 517

Fig. 6. Swirl level in secondary stream, S2, associated to

each of the neurons of the SOFM (greyscale: white for
S2 = 100%, and black for 0%).

Fig. 4. Pattern flame images associated to the SOFM neu-


Fig. 7. NOx emissions associated to each of the neurons

of the SOFM (greyscale: white indicates the highest value,
44 ppm, and black the lowest, 14 ppm).
Fig. 5. Swirl level in primary stream, S1, associated to the
neurons of the SOFM (greyscale: white for S1 = 100%, and
black for 0%).
A basic assumption behind the use of images for
the diagnostic of combustion states is that geomet-
5.3. Topological classification rical/luminous properties maintain some relationship
with operating conditions or system performance. The
Fig. 4 displays the pattern images associated to type of classification provided by Kohonen maps can
the different neurons in a 10-by-10 map. This repre- be particularly useful to evaluate this hypothesis. With
sentation serves also to illustrate the way in which this purpose, numerical values were assigned to each
the SOFM operates: images are grouped according of the 100 neurons, according to the following pro-
to their degree of similitude. It should be noted that cedure. The parameters (burner settings, emissions)
although the neurons are represented equidistant in characterising each of the 49 combustion tests were
the network, actually they are not. The white lines transferred to the corresponding winner neuron. An
have been drawn on the map to indicate the longest interpolation procedure was applied to assign numer-
distances between neighbour neurons. Each subgroup ical values to those neurons without an associated
so obtained includes images with evident similarities ‘real’ combustion regime, using the two coordinates,
among them and is characterised by patterns that are V and H , defining its location in the map (Fig. 4)
appreciably different from those of other groups. as independent variables. Figs. 5–7 display the re-
518 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

Table 1
Measured NOx emission for the neurons in the bottom-left
zone of Fig. 4 with an associated real flame
Neuron coordinates Measured
V H NOx (ppm)

1 1 37.6
1 1 37.9
1 1 38.2
1 3 35.8
1 4 34.4
2 5 33.4
3 1 41.5
3 2 35.8
4 3 22.7
4 5 22.8
Fig. 8. Average flame image recorded with the burner ad-
justed at AR = 50%, S1 = 100%, S2 = 50%; measured
NOx emission was 37.7 ppm.

sults obtained in terms of the swirl levels in the two

air streams and NOx emissions, respectively. The fol- 5.4. Estimation of NOx emissions using flame
lowing example describes how this assignation pro- images
cedure was implemented. The location of the neurons
in Figs. 4–7 will be described with the coordinates An alternative viewpoint is to evaluate whether
V and H (both in the range 1–10). Let’s take the images and NOx emissions (two different results of
image at V = 2, H = 4 in Fig. 4; like the other im- the combustion process) display some correlation.
ages shown in Fig. 4, it does not correspond to a real This can be observed in Fig. 7, displaying the NOx
flame but was created internally by the SOFM algo- emissions assigned to the 100 neurons of the SOFM.
rithm from the set of 49 images used for training. In The different emission levels are noticeably grouped
a subsequent stage, the SOFM was used to assign a over the map, with gradual transitions between one
neuron to each of the 49 flames. Table 1 displays the neuron and its neighbours. Since this distribution is
results: some of the neurons were associated to a real directly obtained from the distribution generated by
the Kohonen map according to image properties, the
flame image (or, in a few cases, to several, like neu-
close relationship among both aspects becomes ap-
ron V = 1, H = 1), but others were not (e.g., V = 2,
H = 4). Those with an associated real flame were
Such strong correlation might be exploited to in-
assigned its measured NOx emission. For the other
fer the NOx emission of a particular flame using the
neurons, a NOx value was calculated by linear inter-
image as the only input. With that purpose, a set of
polation from actual measured emissions assigned to
42 new image records (different from those used for
neighbour neurons, using the coordinates V and H
training) were classified using the SOFM developed;
as independent variables. As a result, a NOx concen- i.e., each of them was assigned to one of the neurons
tration of 37.6 ppm was calculated for the neuron at in the 10-by-10 map. The NOx emission estimated
V = 2, H = 4; this method enabled assigning a NOx for that flame was the value previously assigned to its
value to all 100 neurons as shown in Fig. 7. An equiv- winner neuron, as shown in Fig. 7. For example, the
alent procedure was applied to build Figs. 5 and 6 for flame image shown in Fig. 8 was recorded for AR =
S1 and S2, respectively. 50%, S1 = 100%, S2 = 50%, and the measured NOx
As shown in Fig. 5, the different degrees of swirl emission was 37.7 ppm. Classification with SOFM
in the primary air become automatically grouped in yielded as winner the neuron at V = 2, H = 4. As
the SOFM. Since other burner settings (S2 and AR) explained above, no measured NOx was available for
were also varied, flames with the same S1 can display this neuron, and the value assigned by interpolation
widely different aspects, which explain that similar was 37.6 ppm. Therefore this was the value of NOx
S1 values can be found in different regions of Fig. 5. predicted from the image in this case, very close to the
Similar comments are applicable to Fig. 6. This ‘auto- actual value of 37.7 ppm. Actual NOx emissions and
matic’ grouping of cases with similar burner settings estimations with this method are compared in Fig. 9.
is, obviously, due to the fact that precisely those set- A fairly good agreement is obtained, with deviations
tings determine the aerodynamics and mixing pattern <3 ppm in most cases; in particular, high- and low-
in the flame, and therefore its visual appearance. NOx regimes are perfectly distinguished.
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 519

Fig. 9. Comparison between predicted and measured NOx emissions. Predictions based on classification with SOFM.

This is thought to be a most relevant result for about the degree of coincidence with respect to the
practical applications, as the good correlation ob- state assigned or, if the unknown flame displays some
tained among images and NOx emissions might en- similarity with several states, the relative probabilities
able the development of advanced diagnostic methods associated to each of them. This would enable, among
by using flame images to estimate NOx emissions others, the detection of off-design operations, evaluat-
(i.e., a ‘virtual’ NOx sensor). This could open new ing how reliable is the identification or combining the
possibilities for the monitoring of emissions from in- result with other sources of information.
dividual flames in multi-burner furnaces, or to greatly A different approach has been applied for the clas-
reduce the response time of gas analysers down to the sification of flame images that provides information
levels acceptable for control purposes. on the probability of coincidence with each of the
Alternatively, the Kohonen map can just be used combustion states previously known. This procedure
to identify the combustion state with respect to oth- is inspired on the cepstral analysis techniques, com-
ers previously known (used at the training stage). The monly used for speech recognition [34]. Although
process of assigning a winner neuron to a new in- sound records are of a type different from image data,
put image yields a particular location in the map that both can be equally transformed into covariance ma-
can coincide with a particular combustion regime, or trices, as required in this kind of methods.
can be used to find the most similar regimes as those
located at short distances. The comparison between 6.1. Image pre-processing
estimated and actual NOx emissions serves also as
an indication of the good accuracy of the SOFM as Ten black and white images (320 × 240 pixels
a flame identification tool. each) were recorded for each of the combustion
regimes tested. Each of them is obtained by averaging
ten individual frames in the sequence captured.
6. A probabilistic classification method As a first step, Principal Component Analysis
(PCA, thereafter) was applied for data reduction.
The result of most identification methods (e.g., Given the large amount of data needed to represent
SOFM) is the state, among those previously known, the images, minimising the size of the input vectors
that most probably corresponds to the unknown state entails significant benefits, especially when real-time
being processed. A shortcoming is that the reliabil- performance is required. PCA is a convenient method
ity of this result is not qualified. It would be most for image processing, because it allows reducing the
desirable, for example, to obtain some information dimension of the input space while maintaining much
520 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

of the original structure of the input images. It has like each of the N ‘pattern flames’ in the library
been used extensively in pattern recognition [35] and (yj ), P (xi ∼ yj ). In general, each ‘test flame’ is
has shown to be an effective method for the analysis characterised by different ‘test images,’ xi,n with
of flame images [17,20]. n = 1, . . . , N2 , so the probability is averaged over all
Images are represented by a matrix I of dimen- of them:
sion 320 × 240. Previous to PCA, I is transformed by N2
P (xi,n ∼ yj )
rearranging image blocks into columns. First, I is di- P (xi ∼ yj ) = n=1 . (4)
vided into p square blocks (if necessary, padded with N2
zeros) of s × s pixels; second, a new matrix X with s 2 P (xi,n ∼ yj ) is calculated as the probability for a
rows and p columns is formed by filling each column particular ‘test image,’ xi,n , of ‘test flame’ xi to have
with the values in one of the blocks. Finally, PCA is a null AHS distance from the matrices characteris-
applied to derive a lower-dimensional representation. ing a ‘pattern flame’ yj . Since each ‘pattern flame’
Given a matrix X, and the desired new dimension, q, is defined by N1 ‘pattern images’ yj,m , N1 different
the PCA algorithm yields the matrix M (q rows and distances can be calculated. The average of the AHS
s 2 columns) and the vector B (q components) needed distances between the test image (xi,n ) and each of
to obtain a matrix Y (q rows and p columns), accord- the N1 ‘pattern images’ was taken as the representa-
ing to tive value:

s D(xi,n , yj,m )
Yij = Mik Xkj + Bi , i = 1, . . . , p. (1) D(xi,n , yj ) = m=1 . (5)
So, the set of N1 ‘pattern images’ is treated as
Y , M and B can be taken, therefore, as an alternative an ensemble of data sets providing a statistical rep-
representation of the original matrix X. A parametric resentation of a specific combustion regime; this is a
study on the influence of s (in the range 5–18) and relevant feature of the method and provides the ro-
q (from 5 to 20) yielded as the optimal combination bustness required to handle ‘noisy’ data (associated,
s = 14, q = 12. Finally, Y , M and B were put to- for example, to turbulent fluctuations in industrial
gether in a new matrix Z, with q rows and p + s 2 + 1 flames). This is represented statistically by a Gaus-
columns. Cepstral analysis techniques were applied sian probability distribution, fyj (d), for the AHS dis-
on the matrices Z. The corresponding covariance ma- tance: different occurrences of the same combustion
trix, Z_COV, is calculated as regime are expected to provide an ensemble of AHS

s distances with ∼0 mean and a variance associated to
(Z_COV)ij = t .
Zik Zkj (2) this particular regime. The width of the distribution
k=1 is estimated from the standard deviation, σyj , of the
A library of covariance matrices was created by N1 (N1 − 1)/2 distances calculated among pairs of the
calculating Z_COV for nine of the images stored for N1 pattern images available.
each of the N combustion regimes tested; therefore, The probability of a ‘test image,’ xi,n , to belong to
each combustion state is characterised by N1 = 9 a particular pattern, yj , is estimated as fyj (d) for d =
different data sets. The degree of similarity among D(xi,n , yj ). This is illustrated in Fig. 10 for two hy-
different images was compared by calculating a ‘dis- pothetical patterns y1 and y2 ; if the functions fy1 (d)
tance’ between their respective covariance matrices. and fy2 (d) (with respective widths σy1 and σy2 ) are
The parameter chosen was the arithmetic harmonic centred respectively at D(xi,n , y1 ) and D(xi,n , y2 ),
sphericity (AHS) distance, defined for two generic the probability sought is directly obtained as the in-
matrices A and B of dimension m as tercept with the ordinates axis. This example clearly
shows that not only the mean value must be con-
D(A, B) = log10 Tr AB −1 Tr BA−1 sidered, but also the width of the distribution. Even
though the average AHS distance is shorter for pat-
− 2 log10 m. (3)
tern y1 , the most probable combustion regime is y2 .
The important data reduction rate achieved should Pattern y1 is represented by a very narrow distribu-
be noted, since only q 2 = 144 data contained in tion, and the probability decays rapidly even at short
Z_COV are finally used to evaluate an image, instead AHS distances; on the contrary, pattern y2 is charac-
of 76800 values in the original matrix I . terised by a wider range of covariance matrices, and
the probability of actually representing an unknown
6.2. Probability calculation and pattern selection state maintains significant values up to relatively high
AHS distances.
Classification is performed by calculating the Fig. 11 displays the classification tests performed
probability of an unknown ‘test flame’ (xi ) to be for two of the flames. The test case on the left (#5)
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 521

Fig. 10. Evaluation of the probability that a test flame xn corresponds with pattern flames y1 and y2 .

corresponds to the image shown in Fig. 8, already ful identification would be obtained if the probability
mentioned in a previous section. The intercept of the is 0 if i = j and 100 when i = j . Fig. 12 can be inter-
Gaussians to the reference patterns, fyj (0), yields a preted in two complementary ways:
measure of the probability of the test image to belong
to that particular combustion regime. In some cases • The outcome of the identification process is that
(Fig. 11), several of the reference cases give a non- ‘test image’ xi corresponds to the combustion
negligible probability. To facilitate the interpretation, regime, yj , for which P (xi ∼ yj ) is maximum.
the results were normalised so that the sum for all pat- The results shown in Fig. 12 indicate that iden-
terns is 100%: tification has been successful in 32 out of 49
fy,j (0) cases. Nevertheless, it should be noted that all
P (xi,n ∼ yj ) = N . (6) wrong identifications occurred among very simi-
m=1 fy,m (0) lar flames, in most cases with probabilities for the
For example, test image #5 yielded non-zero prob- winner pattern that are only slightly higher than
abilities for three of the flames (see Fig. 11 and Ta- those obtained for the correct one. This is an im-
ble 2). Since the highest probability was obtained for portant advantage of this method, as the output
the correct pattern, the identification was successful not only includes the most probable pattern but
in this case. It should also be noted that flames #6 also informs about similarities with other flames.
and #7 were also very similar, because variations in • The absolute value of the probability obtained for
swirl number of secondary air in the range 0–50% the winner pattern can be taken as an indication
had little influence on the aerodynamics of the flame of the reliability of this result. Low probabilities
for S1 = 100%, as evidenced by the very similar NOx can be due, as shown in Fig. 12, to the similarity
emissions measured for the three flames. between some reference cases. Otherwise, a low
value could indicate, for example, that the un-
6.3. Classification tests known state is out of the range represented by
the pattern flames, or that some deviation has oc-
This identification method was applied to the same curred in the combustion equipment.
N = 49 combustion regimes considered in the previ-
ous section. N1 = 9 images were used to generate a Similarly to the exercise reported with the SOFM,
set of covariance matrices for each of those ‘pattern this identification tool might be used to estimate
flames’; an additional image (N2 = 1), recorded in the some relevant parameters of the combustion process.
same operating conditions, was stored for each of the Fig. 13 displays the NOx estimations obtained by
49 cases, and then used as ‘test images’ to evaluate the assigning the value measured for the corresponding
performance of the method. Fig. 12 displays the cal- winner patterns to each of the test cases. The co-
culated probabilities, P (xi ∼ yj ), that a particular test incidence is almost perfect in most cases; even in
image, xi , corresponds to pattern yj . A fully success- the cases of wrong identifications, the deviation is
522 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

Fig. 11. Classification tests for two of the test flames (arbitrary units).

very small, further confirming the similarities be- cations. Significant differences are only observed in
tween the flames with wrong or ambiguous identifi- the regimes with lowest NOx emissions, correspond-
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 523

Table 2
Results of the classification procedure for test image #5
Pattern flame AR (%) S1 (%) S2 (%) NOx (ppm) Probability (%)
#5 50 100 50 37.6 49.9
#6 50 100 25 37.9 25.2
#7 50 100 0 38.2 24.9

Fig. 12. P (xi ∼ yj ) estimated by image identification for the 49 flames.

ing to the highest air staging ratios (AR = 90–100%). standard deviation representing the experimental un-
As previously noted, those flames displayed thermo- certainty (2 ppm, as estimated from repeatability
acoustic oscillations, which can result in wider vari- tests). A procedure similar to that just described was
ability among flame images and, hence, in less certain followed to estimate P  (xi ∼ yj ), using the differ-
identifications. ence between average NOx emissions of the unknown
and pattern cases was used instead of the mean AHS
6.4. Combination with other classification criteria distance. The results with this procedure are presented
in Fig. 14, in terms of P  (xi ∼ yj ). These results
As already noted, an advantage of this approach is
demonstrate that the NOx criterion is clearly insuf-
that the result obtained is not limited to a yes/no an-
ficient to distinguish one particular flame among all
swer, but also quantifies the degree of similarity with
cases included in the test set. Success rate is very
respect to all the patterns available. This can be fur-
ther exploited, for example, to combine this type of low and only 6 out of 49 flames yielded probabilities
diagnostic with other potential sources of informa- >20% for the correct pattern. Hence, NOx emission
tion. can help in classifying different regimes but this crite-
This possibility is illustrated by using NOx emis- rion alone is not a reliable method to identify flames.
sion as a representative feature of the different com- The results obtained with the two classification
bustion states. Similar steps were followed in order methods (images and NOx ) can be combined together
to obtain a classification based only in NOx emis- by multiplying the probability matrices. The results
sions. The probability distributions associated to the are normalised to 100% and shown in Fig. 15. Only
‘pattern flames’ consisted of a Gaussian function with slight differences can be observed between Figs. 12
the measured NOx emission as the mean value, and a and 15, due to the ambiguous predictions obtained
524 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

Fig. 13. Comparison between predicted and measured NOx emissions.

Fig. 14. P  (xi ∼ yj ) estimated by comparing NOx emissions for the 49 flames.

with the NOx criterion. Nevertheless, all the changes diagonal. In particular, the superposition of both cri-
were in the correct direction and some improvement teria reduced off-diagonal probabilities for test flames
can be seen in many of the probabilities along the C11–13 and C15–17. In these and other cases, the
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 525

Fig. 15. P  (xi ∼ yj ) = P (xi ∼ yj )∗ P  (xi ∼ yj ), for the 49 flames.

NOx criterion contributed with different weights that the methods reported here, it is not possible to demon-
finally led to increase the confidence of the prediction, strate their generality on physical grounds; although
or even to a correct identification. there is a relationship among visual and physical char-
As already noted, NOx emission is not a distinc- acteristics of the flames, it involves many different
tive feature among most of the flames contained in physico-chemical processes that are not well under-
this set of cases. Nevertheless, it serves to illustrate stood yet and whose role strongly depends on the
a general procedure that could be applied using other particular system. However, some insight in this re-
features to distinguish among cases with similar im- spect can be gained from experiences with other types
age patterns. If that additional feature displays clear of flames.
variations for the cases where image classification is A preliminary version of the SOFM method was
ambiguous, the combined probability would help to also applied to a commercial oil-fired burner with a
discard the wrong pattern (if there is no feature that nominal capacity of 60 kW. The flames in this case
displays significant variations in dubious cases, prob- were yellow and highly radiating, with characteris-
ably those combustion regimes are so similar that a tics (physical and visual) very different from those
wrong classification does not entail any practical con- of the blue flames described. In particular, the na-
sequence). ture and origin of emission spectra are expected to be
deeply different: dominated by black-body radiation
from soot particles, with a much smaller contribu-
7. Application to other combustion situations tion due to chemiluminescence of excited radicals.
An exercise similar to that reported in Section 5.4
The potential of monitoring methods should not be was performed to estimate NOx concentration from
evaluated from the results in a particular application flame images. NOx emissions varied in the range 53–
but strongly depends on their capabilities to handle 94 ppm for the flames analysed; the estimation error
different situations. Moreover, ideally, they should be was within ±5 ppm in practically all cases, very sim-
applicable without needing a costly process of ad-hoc ilar in relative terms to the results shown in Fig. 9.
design and adjustment and should avoid as much as The probabilistic method was used for the identi-
possible the use of specific parameters and interpreta- fication of lean-premixed flames. The facility was a
tion criteria that can be adequate for one particular ap- dump combustor with an axial swirler (60◦ vanes) in
plication but not for many others. Due to the nature of the mixture injection duct and was operated at a ther-
526 R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528

Fig. 16. Comparison between predictions and measurements. NOx and CO emissions have been normalised by characteristic
maximum values (50 and 3000 ppm, respectively).

mal input of 33 kW with natural gas. Equivalence ra- each of the burner settings (e.g., 49 cases were char-
tio was varied in the range 0.57–1.0, and the objective acterised, including simultaneous variations in 3 inde-
was to identify the operating conditions using flame pendent burner settings). Nevertheless, a wider study
images as the only input. The method was applied ex- would be needed to establish the minimum amount of
actly as described above, initially developed for the information needed to apply this type of methods.
diffusion flame, without any adaptation work specific
to the new facility. The visual and physical charac-
teristics of the flames were, obviously, very different 8. Conclusions and final remarks
from those of the air-staged burner. Fig. 16 compares
actual and predicted values for equivalence ratio (ER), The potential of flame imaging as a monitoring
NOx and CO emissions, obtained in an identifica- tool has been investigated through the application of
tion exercise based exclusively on flame images. Each different processing methods to an image database
test flame was assigned the parameters measured in a generated in a model industrial burner. Similarly
previous test campaign for the pattern flame yielding to other works, parametric analyses confirmed that
the highest probability. Significant deviations resulted variations in operating conditions affect significantly
only for some CO estimations, although only in cases some image characteristics. However, much better
of relatively high emissions (>1000 ppm) where even results were obtained with two other approaches treat-
experimental repeatability is rather low. In general, ing the image as a whole. The main differences and
the quality of the predictions is considered satisfac- novelties with respect to other works in this field are:
tory, suggesting that this technique offers also a good
potential for the monitoring of premixed flames. • The methods were conceived as general proce-
Background radiation was easily removed in all dures, in contrast with feature-based techniques
the cases explored by image thresholding. However, which always need adaptation to particular situ-
this issue might become more critical in combustion ations in terms of feature selection, development
chambers with very hot and radiative walls and could of empirical correlations among image features
require a careful selection of threshold values or re- and combustion parameters as well as definition
moving a part of the incoming radiation by low-pass of the most suitable functional forms.
optical filtering. For the burners studied in this work, • They have been evaluated in widely different ap-
image databases included ∼3–4 different values for plications. To the authors’ knowledge, no previ-
R. Hernández, J. Ballester / Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 509–528 527

ous work in this field reports attempts to apply grounds the existence of a defined relationship among
and evaluate other methods in more than one sit- visible images and flame characteristics for the gen-
uation. eral case.
• The methods proposed are suitable to any kind This kind of techniques is thought to enable the de-
of image. The sensor can be a conventional CCD velopment of advanced monitoring methods in prac-
camera, or any other imaging technique such as tical combustion systems, either for the identification
planar laser techniques. Moreover, the perfor- of flame state (e.g., control applications, anomaly de-
mance might still improve, as the information tection, etc.) or as a virtual sensor for the prediction
generated with advanced diagnostic techniques is of relevant parameters such as NOx emissions. Com-
usually more intimately related to flame proper- pared to monitoring based on flue gas analysis, the
ties and displays stronger gradients and sensitiv- techniques described offer, besides a much richer di-
ity to operating conditions than the luminosity in agnostic, the possibility to monitor individual flames
the visible range. in multiburner chambers and a dramatic reduction in
response time (evaluation times were 0.9 s for the
One of the methods exploits the good capabilities SOFM and 0.25 s for cepstral analysis), very relevant
of self-organising feature maps for pattern classifica- for control purposes.
tion (and, therefore, identification). Although these
techniques are conceived for qualitative classifica-
tion, values for the relevant parameters can be readily
obtained through the assignation/interpolation proce-
dure proposed. The second method uses an approach
similar to those used for speaker recognition. In this Financial support for R. Hernández during his
case, principal component analysis demonstrated to PhD studies was provided by the FPU programme of
be an effective data-reduction technique. A proba- the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. The
bilistic approach was followed to quantify the degree authors are most grateful to A. Sanz and L. Ojeda for
of similarity of an ‘unknown’ image with all reference their valuable help with the experimental tasks as well
patterns; the representation of patterns by a set of im- as to R. Ichaso and M. Artigas for their contribution
ages is thought to be a salient feature of this method, in the early stages of this study. This work was partly
as it provides the robustness required to account for funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sci-
the variability inherent to each combustion state. Both ence (grant ENE2007-63641) and by the European
procedures are completely general; none of the oper- Commission (contract ENK5-CT2002-000662, ‘Al-
ations performed for image analysis (except, perhaps, ternative fuels for industrial gas turbines’—AFTUR).
a part of the pre-processing) was specific to this par-
ticular combustion rig. Besides being always a valu-
able virtue, the generality of the method greatly alle- References
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