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Answer: 1

When drafting messages to be sent to his team, Mr. James Steven should keep the following steps of
writing messages in mind:

1. Define the purpose of the message:

In communication, one of the utmost things to think about and consider will be the idea of
determining the purpose of the message. It is done in order to decide what to say and how to say it
or what to start and what to end. It is necessary to select whether to inform, persuade or offer

2. Know your audience:

Knowing your audience involves understanding others, and their perspectives, to see if they
understand your words, examples, or the frames of reference you use to communicate your
experiences, points, and conclusions. Ask yourself when you last had a miscommunication with

3. Organize the message:

When people listen to you speak, they search first and foremost for "the meaning of what you say."
If listeners can't find meaning, or if it takes too long for you to arrive at the meaning, or worse, there
isn't any meaning, they will interrupt you, disengage, or leave. One sure-fire way to add meaning to
your message is structure. When you organize your thoughts into a logical easy-to-follow format,
your audience understands your point and stays engaged. Plus, good structure helps you stay on
track, on time, and avoids rambling.

4. Use persuasive language:

Effective persuasive communication addresses the audience's needs, values and desires. Audiences
respond better to persuasive communication when they feel the person speaking is similar to them
in some way, whether it's in age, occupation or socio-economic status.

5. Use the right tone:

An optimistic and positive tone of voice is always welcome. If you use a pessimistic or accusatory
tone of voice in communication, the results may be negative. One of the examples of tones is humor.
Genuine humor creates trust and hope and makes your speech memorable.

6. Edit and proofread:

Proofreading is the final step to revising your work and should happen after thoroughly editing your
writing. The goal of proofreading is to polish your writing; read through to catch any spelling,
grammar, punctuation, and consistency of terms.
To write persuasive messages, Mr. James Steven can use the following strategies:

1. Use storytelling:

Storytelling uses words to create new worlds and experiences in a reader or listener's imagination.
Storytelling can impact human emotions. It can also lead people to accept original ideas or
encourage them to take action.

2. Use social proof:

Social proof is a phenomenon where people follow and copy the actions of others in order to display
accepted or correct behaviour, based on the idea of normative social influence. This term was coined
by Robert Cialdini, the same author who presented his six principles of persuasion.

3. Use emotional appeals:

An emotional appeal uses emotions as the basis of an argument's position without factual evidence
that logically supports the major ideas endorsed by the presenter. In an emotional appeal,
persuasive language is used to develop the foundation of an appeal to emotion-based arguments
instead of facts.

4. Use active voice:

Use an active voice to show the importance of the message. This shows authority and conviction in
the message.

5. Use calls to action:

A call-to-action is a prompt in the form of a short phrase on your website, email, or other piece of
content encouraging visitors to take some desired action, which ultimately continues their
interaction with your brand.

No matter what is being given, the target audience will seek benefits that apply to themselves, which
will not change. An essential component of every argument that is supposed to persuade others is
the gift so that it will accrue to the audience because of cooperating with your request. If the
audience does what you ask, they will get this benefit. They will enhance their function in society,
get more attention, or eradicate a problem if they pick this direction of movement. To your
argument, it is of the utmost importance that the advantages of the product or service you offer to
be made crystal clear.
Answer 2:


Both reports and proposals are documents that help us in various projects. A report is a short,
concise, and precise document with a specific purpose to be presented to an audience, whereas a
proposal is a plan or an idea, especially in written form, to be suggested for the consideration of

What is a Report?

A report is a concise document that contains facts and evidence to analyse different topics with a
specific purpose. Reports are considered informative texts as they focus on the facts. Moreover,
reports are non-fiction, and they are different from essays and research papers.

There are formats and structures to be used when writing reports. Reports are written under
headings, subheadings, sections, and sub-sections. Key facts and points of a report can be presented
using bullet forms. Simultaneously, statistical information can be presented using graphs and charts
in reports. Basically, the structure of a report consists of an introduction, methodology, results,
discussion, and summary. This format is the most commonly used format when writing reports.
Nevertheless, the format of the report can be changed according to the purpose and the
institutional requirement.

Reports should be written in a formal and precise language. A standard and direct vocabulary is used
in writing reports. Furthermore, report writing should not include emotive words because the
purpose of a report is to communicate facts to an audience.

What is a Proposal?

A proposal is a written document that presents a suggestion and brings it forward for the
consideration of the others. A proposal should be influential and easy to read. At the same time, the
language used in a proposal should be easy to understand. The purpose of a proposal can be
different from one another. There are various types of proposals, such as business proposals,
funding proposals, academic proposals, and marketing proposals.

One important thing that one should pay attention to in writing proposals is that the writer should
focus on the reader or the audience of the proposal thoroughly. The writer of the proposal should
understand the wants and needs of the readers.

There is a format to be followed when writing proposals. The format can be different according to
the category of the proposal. The basic format of a proposal includes the introduction, problem
statement, goals and outcomes, methodology, and expected results. However, this basic format can
be different according to the purpose of the proposal.
A business report is formal documentation consisting of theoretical and quantitative information
about a business. It is highly research-based and backed up with data, facts, and analysis. It is to be
noted that every business communication report serves a purpose for business. It should help the
organization to make sound decisions based on data and accurate information.

A formal business report is drafted in an orderly manner starting with:





Answer 3
b. Answer:

Social media can help you engage with your customers and find out what people are saying about
your business. You can also use social media for advertising, promotional giveaways and mobile
applications. Social media can help your business to attract customers, get customer feedback and
build customer loyalty.

Social media can help you engage with your customers and find out what people are saying about
your business. You can also use social media for advertising, promotional giveaways and mobile

Social media can help your business to:

 attract customers, get customer feedback and build customer loyalty.

 increase your market reach, including international markets.
 do market research and reduce marketing costs.
 increase revenue by building customer networks and advertising.
 develop your brand.
 exchange ideas to improve the way you do business.
 recruit skilled staff, for example through job networking sites like LinkedIn.
 increase traffic to your website and improve its search engine ranking.
 keep an eye on your competitors.

There are 3 main types of communication/communication strategies naming verbal, non-verbal, and
visual. Verbal, which is self-explanatory, involves one or both parties speaking to each other. This is
critical in interactions. Non-verbal, on the other hand, involves gestures, facial expressions, and
posture. Lastly, visual is relaying messages through signs, maps, and graphic designs.

Here are the 5 communication strategies you should know especially for corporate communication:

1. Social listening

2. Content marketing

3. Integrating communication strategies in Company’s Corporate Integrated Marketing


4. Providing more value and knowledge

5. Visual Content

b. Answer:

The job market is the market in which employers search for employees and employees search for
jobs. The job market is not a physical place as much as a concept demonstrating the competition and
interplay between different labor forces. It is also known as the labor market.

Some of the points that I will consider in the process of applying for the job are:

1. Responsibilities

It is very important to be clear about the role and responsibilities that you will be given. That’s when
you will be able to do justice to your job. It is important for you to assess the roles and
responsibilities given to you and to decide if you are right fit for the responsibilities.

2. The financial health of the company

Ending up in a company that has weak financial health may be bad for your career. Thus, it is advised
to go check on the company’s financial health before joining.

3. Company’s brand value

A company’s value in the industry is an important factor to look for when deciding upon a career.
Joining a company with average or below average brand value means less growth for your career in
the long term.

4. Training and development

If you want to grow in the company, it is worth knowing about the training and development
programmes offered by the company. If there is a programme that interests you, you can always join
the company and take the programme to grow in your career.

5. Work-life balance

Every job requires you to alter your lifestyle at different extents. Considering work-life balance will
help you evaluate if it is possible for you to change your lifestyle according to the job’s demands or

6. Learning opportunities

One thing that every candidate looks for while joining a company is learning opportunities that the
company will offer them during their working period. Increasing learning opportunities signify
growing and healthy workplace.

7. Salary
Of course, this is one of the most important things to consider when making a career decision. Your
paychecks will pay your bills, so it is important to consider salary that is being handed out to you. If
the salary is satisfactory, you can consider joining

8. Company history

Look at the company’s history and the way it responds to the changing industry trends, this is
important to consider in the constantly changing trends. The way a company deals with changing
trends is responsible for its growth and shows the extent of adaptiveness by the company.

9. Employee feedback

If possible, talk to the current or previous employee about the company. They will tell you the actual
way the company functions and give you genuine feedback.

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