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Affidavit of reservat ion of right s UCC 1-308/ 1-207

PUBLIC First-M iddle: Last , sui juris

THIS IS A PUBLIC COM M UNICATION TO ALL All right s reserved UCC 1-308/ 1-207
Not ice t o agent s is not ice t o principles c/ o Address
Not ice t o principles is Not ice to Agent s City, State a republic near [zip code]
Applicat ions t o all successors and assigns Phone: [ XXX XXX-XXXX ]
All are w it hout excuse Non-domest ic w it hout t he Unit ed St at es

Let it be know n t o all t hat I, First-Middle: Last explicit ly reserves all of my right s. See UCC 1-308
w hich w as formally UCC 1-207 .
Ҥ 1-308. Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.
(a) A party that w ith explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to
performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the
rights reserved. Such w ords as "w ithout prejudice," "under protest," or the like are sufficient.”

Sovereign Authority
I ret ain all of my right s and libert ies at all t imes and in all places, nunc pro tunc (now for t hen) from
t he t ime of my birt h and forevermore. Furt her, I ret ain my right s not t o be compelled t o perform under
any cont ract or commercial agreement t hat I did not ent er know ingly, volunt arily and int ent ionally. And
furt hermore, I do not accept t he liabilit y of t he compelled benefit of any unrevealed cont ract or
commercial agreement . I am not ever subject t o silent cont ract s and have never know ingly or w illingly
cont ract ed aw ay my sovereignt y.
Furt her, I am not a Unit ed St at es cit izen or a 14 amendment cit izen. I am a Stat e Cit izen of t he
republic and reject any at t empt ed expat riat ion. See 15 united States statute at large, July 27 , 1868
also know n as t he expat riat ion st at ut e
Violat ion fee of my libert y is $250,000 per incident or per 15 minut es or any part t hereof. Wherefore all
have undeniable know ledge.
Affiant , First-M iddle: Last , sui juris, a nat ural born Cit izen of (Your state here) in it s dejure capacit y as
a republic and as one of t he several st at es of t he union creat ed by t he const it ut ion for t he unit ed Stat es
of America 1777/ 1789. This incident ally makes me an American nat ional and a common man of t he
Sovereign People, does sw ear and affirm t hat Affiant has scribed and read t he foregoing facts, and in
accordance w it h t he best of Affiant 's first hand know ledge and convict ion, such are t rue, correct ,
complet e, and not misleading, t he t rut h, t he w hole t rut h, and not hing but t he t rut h.

Signed By: ____________________________________sui juris, This Affidavit is dat ed_______________


St at e _____________________________Count y _____________________________
Subscribed and sworn t o before me, a Not ary Public, t he above signed First-M iddle: Last ,
This ______________ day of _____________________, ____________year

Not ary Public

M Y COM M ISSION EXPIRES: ______________

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