Core Competencies

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Personal Awareness & Responsibility - Strength - Weakness

Self determination

I am personally responsible, self motivated, and can advocate for myself.

I take ownership of my actions and choices, being accountable for them and the consequences. I can set
goals and stay motivated. I can speak up for my needs, my beliefs and for others when needed.
I can express my needs and seek help when needed.
I sometimes lack the courage to speak up and seek the help when I need it. I need to work on the skills
around that, acknowledge that help and support is good.

Self regulation:
I can set goals, regulate my emotions and persevere in difficult situations.
I can set goals but sometimes don’t meet the full end goal, work on staying self-motivation skills. I
sometimes struggle with regulating my feelings and emotions but expressing them at another time is a
good solution.

Well Being
I understand my decisions and actions can affect me.
I understand that my actions and decisions will affect me, I take ownership of that. I put myself in
situations where conflict may not arise. Being the bigger person on most occasions to avoid conflict.

Social Responsibility

I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies to
resolve problems.
I can evaluate and appreciate different opinions and understand the context, to evaluate a
plan/strategy for a solution. I can see this happening at work when we struggle with a certain obstacle
and put our minds together and figure it out. Overcoming a difficult task, putting several minds
together to solve them.

I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my interactions
including online.
I truly value all these strong things, but I seem to struggle to advocate them, including online
interactions or social media.

I have positive peer and inter-generational relationships

I have lots of healthy relationships & friendships within my life, I have lots of long-term relationships
going. Striving relationships is a huge part of my life, which helps me stay motivated along the way.

Critical thinking.
I can analyze and critique my work and my learning
I can analyze and critique my work and learn of my mistakes or errors I may have made. Analyzing is a
huge learning technique, which allows me to benefit from my previous work. I want to get proficient
in this area, so my work can come out more efficiently.
I can ask good quality questions, gather relevant information and come up with well developed
I need to further extend my abilities to gather relevant well-rounded questions and learn how to
conclude my statements. I will need to work on my communication skills and my listening skills to
improve this skill.
Develop and Design
I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety of problems, events, issues
and needs
I can represent my thinking around different areas and problems that occur in our society. I can explore
different environments of learning and research current events and represent my learning in unique
Creative Thinking

Generating ideas

I can use the environment around me, including other and my unconscious mind to generate new ideas
I can think empty minded, use the environment to generate ideas and create new experiences.
I can take my ideas evaluate, develop and refine them and make something productive out of them.
I can revisit my original work and create a much more advanced piece through revisiting what I did
wrong and finding a solution. Viewing an old idea and refining it is a neat skill, helpful to make your
ideas/work way better.
I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive
I need to understand that failing is okay, and it’s a productive learning process. Have an open mind when
I fail and have in mind to do better next time.

I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different perspectives,
and build consensus.
I can strongly listen and contribute my ideas to discussion and debates, consider other factors and
opinions to build consensus. Using my listenting skills and negotiating allows me to thrive in this area.

I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences.
I need to work on engaging in deep meaningful discussions around various purposes and audiences.
Need to listen and infer more so I can be more successful.

I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems
I can work with groups, partners and use the wisdom of other people to solve problems. Using other
minds and people allows me to engage in conversations and discussions where I tend to get more

Personal & cultural identity.

I understand that culture is a broad concept that includes things like my geographic region, nationality,
sex, gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, language and religion.
Your culture represents who you are, where you came from, your origin, and everything about you.
Which is a huge factor within your lifetime. I acknowledge and accept all these things, because you can't
change or alter some of them.

I under what’s important to me

I fully don’t understand what is important to me and what I truly value, I am working on appreciating
more things in my life and the people around me.

I understand how to use my strengths and abilities to my advantage and I can explain how I use them to
contribute to my community.

My strengths and abilities are used to contribute to my community and the people around me, using my
abilities and my communication skills to benefit me.

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