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About Shaqir Hussyin.

Hi I’m Shaqir Hussyin and by the age of 27 I have invested over $350,000 into my own
education and been able to build 6 million dollar businesses using the internet as well
as being featured in Forbes magazine as well as a number of other industry leading

Now I show people all over the world how they can leverage the internet to build a business
they’ll love by generating traffic, creating a loyal following and selling high demand
products and services.

I do this through my live events that I host all over the world as well as my private
mastermind group for serious entrepreneurs looking to grow and scale fast to a 6 or 7
figure income online.

This report, “13 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting A Multi-Million Dollar Internet
Business” is a list of things which I wish I would have been told before starting my journey
online. I had to make mistakes which cost both money and time to figure out a lot of this.

Without this you will waste your time trying to grow & scale without foundations in place to
support where you want to take your online business.

With it, you’ll eliminate the guesswork and fast track your success to growing a hugely
profitable online business and be able to run it from anywhere in the world.

Now go and apply the learnings in this report..

Start, Grow & Cultivate An Audience
– Not just a list.
Always Be Building Your Mailing List Building an audience is faster and easier than ever before. Change your mindset
(#1 Asset). from just trying to get leads to be building an audience of people who follow
The more leads you have, the more people you can communicate with, this is
the power, control and ultimate leverage that comes with your online marketing My list comprises of people from all over the world who want to make money
efforts… online, who want to grow an internet business, & people who want time-
location-money freedom. I help average people achieve that and guide them to
So if you want to be making consistent income, you gotta be building your list. buy my stuff. I travel all over the world and i share where i go, the lessons i learn
DAILY. and how someone can model my success.

If you are part of a home business, network marketing company – do NOT build This builds my personality into their minds and they know, like and trust me fast.
their list. You need to build yours. (This was one of the biggest mistakes I made in Build a pleasing personality in yourself so you can create more rapport faster
my business and it’s cost me at least $250,000+ in lost sales.) with your subscribers, you do this, you win their heart over with transparency.

Everyone told me to go and build my list from day one, i was maybe 9 months You build an audience by adding value – i spend 30mins to 90 mins each day
late in starting so… thinking, reflecting then pouring my heart out to write to YOU.
Start outsourcing early
on. Delegate. Delegate.
Delegate. Growth ALWAYS lies
Spend 20% of your time OUTSIDE your comfort
STOP doing all the stuff that you can
outsource affordably on sites like Fiverr, oDesk, learning. 80% of your zone.
Microlancer, and PeoplePerHour. time DOING. I used to hate / dislike is a better term, I used to
dislike making videos – then I realised that the
Graphic Design. Ebook Covers. Audio Editing. Become a PRODUCER. Not just a CONSUMER. more videos I make the more money I make –
Video Editing. Tech Stuff. Setting up Your The doing part is what grows your business. to the tune of $10’s of thousands of dollars per
Membership Site. Setting up Aweber. Running And what you’ll find is that the best way to learn video… If i knew this earlier i would have soo
Ads. about business is just doing it. Action trumps all. been doing this..
You name it. Action trumps you sitting there posting and Now i ask myself what can i do every day to
wasting time on silly facebook and twitter. make sure i am coming outside my comfort
Someone online can do it a LOT more affordably
zone ?
than you might think. And here’s the thing,
sometimes they may do it better than you.
Don’t waste time on the stuff that doesn’t grow
your business.
7. Email Marketing is still
6. #1 Money-Maker.
Hands down, the easiest way to sell, make
Stop worrying about money, build a lucrative business is through

Investing In Myself what other people email marketing. If i lost everything, i could build
a 7 figure business in less than 12 months just
think. using my e-mail list.
I’ve easily invested $350k+ at least in my brain
The only people who are ‘liked’ by everyone Email beats the heck out of everything else.
travelling to learn from the worlds best of the
are those who do nothing, say nothing, and When you email your subscribers consistently
best at what they do, no expenses spared there.
ultimately accomplish nothing. each day with fun, personalized emails packed
with value, lessons that you have learned, your
The fastest way to get to where you want to be
Don’t let those that have no results dictate you own life challenges, successes, your students
is to find people who are doing what you want to
and your future… success…
achieve and then learn from them, model them..
Avoid starting from scratch.
If you feel like people aren’t supporting you – …you become the real friend, a trusted
cut them out of your life. authority, the expert, the guru that they follow,
stalk, and buy stuff you recommend
10. 11.
Paid Advertising is the The Power Of
Email your subscribers FASTEST way to grow Simplification. Simply
DAILY. your business. everything.
I teach you, to email daily. I write daily, to get Your business model. Your products. Your
Paid traffic is the fastest-scalable-most- home-biz.Your blog. Your team. Your processes.
into the habit of writing daily. Think about this, predictable form of traffic for you to ca$h in.
you have a BEST FRIEND or a FAMILY member Your thinking.Your friends. Your life. Your
– do you like talking to them for few mins each payment system. SIMPLIFY Everything.
Master one form of paid advertising first (for me
day. Of course you do, i certainly do – i may it was Solo Ads), and then expand out to another
know hundreds of people, but there’s a handful The more simple something is – the more easily
to amplify your message and content. you can scale it
of people i like communicating, emailing, texting,
skyping, fb-ing, each day…

My Mantra : Build Your List Daily. Email Your List

You are in possession of a list of lessons that I wish
someone would have told me to get MASSIVE
RESULTS QUICKLY from an online business.
Simply applying the simple strategies mentioned
here has the potential to get you MASSIVE

But if you want to accelerate your results further

and come and learn the exact strategies and
systems I deploy in my business and that you can
apply to get fast results with an online business

then you need to TAKE ACTION NOW!

If this is something you’d be interested in then I

want to invite you to attend my premier 3 day live
event, Traffic Millionaires Summit (TMS). Come and

HAVE FUN discover exactly what I’m doing to crush it online

generating millions in revenue in the process.
Life is NOT about being overwhelmed and
stuck…Yes – you want to make a fortune – but
FOCUS remember the journey makes you who you are.
As a valued reader of this free report you can get
$100 off the normal ticket price to attend.

This is the secret sauce behind every successful Real success is embracing the journey –
entrepreneur, “LASER BEAMED FOCUS”. going thru the challenges, going thru the ups
When I stopped chasing 10 different ways to and downs, learning, growing, adding value,
make money, and focused on 1-3 – that’s when stretching yourself to go to the next level….
i really hit it off.
here’s the fun we’ve had
at our previous events

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