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Exosphe r e
The exosphere is the uppermost region of
the atmosphere and gradually transitions
into the vacuum of space.

h e r mo s p h e re
The thermosphere is the fourth layer of
Earth's atmosphere. It begins
approximately 85 kilometers and has no
clearly defined upper boundary.

M e s o s p h ere
The mesosphere is the third layer of
Earth's atmosphere. It extends
approximately 50 kilometers to 85
kilometers above the Earth's surface.

t r a t o sphe r e
The stratosphere is located above the
troposphere. It extends roughly from an
altitude of about 12 kilometers to 50
kilometers above the Earth's surface.

T r o p o s p h e re
The troposphere is the lowest layer of
Earth's atmosphere, extending from the
Earth's surface up to an average altitude
of about 12 kilometers

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