Sgta 5

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MATH1010/6904 SGTA Week 05 Numeracy Centre

1 SGTA problems
This section contains problems that you should attempt at home in preparation for your SGTA.
Your instructor will work through with you those questions labelled with an ∗ during the SGTA.
1. Continue to work through the Matlab manual (available on iLearn). This is a weekly
task and students should aim to complete the relevant topics in-line with the lecture
This week you need to be able to use the techniques discussed in §1.5, §1.6 (pp. 14–16).
∗ 2. Evaluate the following determinants.
4 4
(a) A=
3 2
5 2 −1
(b) B = −3 4 −6
1 7 2
a−2 3 2
(c) C= 0 a −1 for a ∈ R.
0 4 a−4
Verify your results in Matlab using the det command. Note: you may find it useful to
use the commands syms and simplify in part (c).
∗ 3. Each of the following equations illustrates a property of determinants. State the property.
0 5 −2 1 −3 6
(a) 1 −3 6 = − 0 5 −2
4 −1 8 4 −1 8
2 −6 4 1 −3 2
(b) 3 5 −2 = 2 3 5 −2 .
1 6 3 1 6 3
4. (a) Find the cross product a × b and verify that it is orthogonal to both a and b for the
(i) a = (4, 3, −2), b = (2, −1, 1);
(ii) a = 3 i + 3 j − 3 k, b = 3 i − 3 j + 3 k .
Verify your results in Matlab using the commands cross and dot.
(b) Show that b · (a × b) = 0 for all vectors a and b in R3 .
5. Find the area of the parallelogram with adjacent edges u and v, where u = (3, −3, 1)
and v = (4, 9, 2).
6. Find the parametric, vector and symmetric (Cartesian) equations for the line through the
points (8, 5, −1) and (5, 4, 6).
1 0 a b
7. Let A = and B = . Show that det(A + B) = det A + det B if and only if
0 1 c d
a + d = 0.
∗ 8. Find the cross product a × b and check that it is orthogonal to both a = (t, 1, 1/t)
and b = (t2 , t2 , 1).
Verify your results in Matlab using the commands cross and dot.
Note 1: specify t using the syms command by setting
syms t;
t = sym(’t’, ’real’);
The last statement ensures that the variable t is real only. Type help sym in the command
window for further information.
Note 2: It may be necessary to call upon the simplify command to simplify your answer.

∗ 9. Find the volume of the parallelepiped with adjacent edges P Q, P R, and P S, with P =
(3, 0, 1), Q = (−1, 2, 5), R = (5, 1, −1), and S = (0, 4, 2).
Verify your result in Matlab using the commands cross and dot.

∗ 10. Find the parametric and symmetric (Cartesian) equations for the line through the points
(8, 3, −1) and (5, 4, 6).
Plot the line in Matlab, using the parametric equations of the line for t ∈ [−5, 5]. Type
help plot3 in the command window for information on plotting lines in three-dimensions.
2 Additional problems
These are problems that students who would like something a little more challenging can try
at home after the SGTA. Your instructor may discuss some of these problems in the SGTA if
time permits.

a b c
1. Given that d e f = 2, find
g h i

d e f
(a) g h i
a b c
d e f
(b) 3a 3b 3c
g h i
4a 4d 4g
(c) 4b 4e 4h .
4c 4f 4i

2. Find all the vectors v such that (1, 2, 1) × v = (3, 1, −5).

3. (Use Matlab)

(a) Calculate the determinants of the following matrices (refer to pg. 15 of the manual).
 
  −5 6 7
2 −3
A= , B =  0 −1 2 , C = pascal(4), D = hilb(8).
−6 9
4 0 −3
(Don’t know what pascal or hilb do? Enter help followed by the name of any
Matlab command or function for more information!)
1 4
(b) Let E = . Compute det(eye(2)-E).
2 −1
(c) Find an integer value of t such that det(t I − E) = 0. Note: you may find the solve
command useful.
(d) Choose an arbitrary real number s. In the command window, enter the matrix
cos s sin s
F = ,
− sin s cos s

and calculate its determinant. Does the value of the determinant depend on s? Why
do you think this is?

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