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Annabell Goldberg

Chandler, Arizona 85226 │ Mobile: 480-267-2467 │

Proficiency in Microso� Office Suite: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access
Fluent in Spanish – reading, speaking, and wri�ng.
Establishing partnerships with affinity groups, agency officials, and professional organiza�ons to promote special
emphasis program objec�ves.
Reviewing workforce sta�s�cal data to iden�fy poten�al systemic barriers to employment and advancement of
targeted groups and helping to formulate ac�on plans to address those barriers.
Monitoring agency progress in elimina�ng discrimina�on and adverse impact on targeted underrepresented

Bachelor of Arts – Organiza�onal Leadership December 2023
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Associate to Applied Science Degree – Business (Project Management) May 2022
Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona
Cer�ficate of Comple�on – Project Management July 2020
Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona

Budget Analyst, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico
GS-0560-13, Full-time/Permanent November 2022-Present
• Contribute towards the Forest Service’s annual Congressional Justification.
• Analyzes fiscal year Omnibus Appropriations Bill for program and budget guidance and instructions.
• Contribute to the strategic planning process regarding technical budgetary and financial management
concepts, principles, practices, laws, and regulations, to leadership for the development of cost
estimates associated with annual and long-range budget requests.
• Monitor and maintain a financial portfolio consisting of 21 main accounts and 76 subaccounts, $1.64b.
By serving as an expert, analyzing, and resolving complex issues related to these accounts.
• Maintains frequent contact with internal members of the Forest Service and external members such as
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Treasury
• Serves as Acting Branch Manager under a formal delegation of authority, in the absence of the Branch

Assistant Field Manager (Non-Renewables), Bureau of Land Management, Phoenix, Arizona

GS-0301-12, Full-time/Permanent January 2022-November 2022
• Supervisor and responsible for the technical and administrative supervision of a staff of 12 employees.
Setting performance goals, planning, assigning & appraising work, advising and mentoring employees,
and arranging needed training.
• Developed the annual budget and performance target for the Branch. Ensures that expenditures are
within budget allocations for the following programs: cultural, lands and realty, mineral, abandoned
mine land, and solar.
Resume_A. Goldberg Page 2

• Facilitates the Interdisciplinary Team. Prepared and coordinated National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) documentation, Categorical Exclusions (CX), Environmental Assessment (EA), and Determination
of NEPA Adequacy (DNA) for planning efforts.
• Participate as a key member of the field office management team and serve as Acting Field Manager
under a formal delegation of authority, in the absence of the Field Manager.
• Ensures compliance with Bureau policies, regulations, and applicable federal, state, and local laws,
relating to agreements to resource programs.

Budget Analyst, Bureau of Land Management, Phoenix, Arizona

GS-0560-09/11/12, Full-�me/Permanent September 2011-January 2022
• Serve as the Lead Budget Analyst for Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Arizona (AZ) State Office at the
State and Division level.
• Lead budget planning efforts, including the Budget Proposal System SharePoint (BPSS), Planning Target
Alloca�on (PTA) and Annual Work Plan (AWP) execu�on, analysis, documenta�on, and response to
direc�ves at the State and Division Level.
• Conduct mid-year, third quarter and EOY repor�ng. Provide recommenda�ons to assigned organiza�ons
and ensure their budget at the end of year does not violate the An�deficiency Act.
• Collateral Du�es: BLM Arizona Special Emphasis Program Manager (SEPM) - Hispanic Employment
Program, SEPM Du�es:
o Assis�ng with outreach and reten�on efforts aimed at increasing representa�on of targeted
groups at all levels of the organiza�on.
o Planning or promo�ng annual special emphasis observances/events to educate the workforce
about targeted underrepresented groups’ challenges and achievements.
o Providing briefings, in coordina�on with the Regional EEO Manager, to keep key officials aware
of program goals, objec�ves, and accomplishments.

Finance Specialist, United States Army, Hanau, Germany

E-4 Specialist, Full-�me/Permanent July 1987- May 1991
• Completed forms, verified data, computed amounts, and prepared reports of ac�vity pertaining to pay,
leave, travel, and personal finance records of military personnel.
• Determined en�tlements to pay, prepared inputs, and verified leave and earnings; prepared pay
vouchers; verified, corrected, and maintained file of personal financial records; all general office du�es;
answered phones.

Manual Para El Guardabosques Juvenil, Bureau of Land Management Publica�on
Spanish Language Technical Advisor – Proofreader June 2017

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