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TOEIC® tips

Reading comprehension

Tip: Look for key words in the reading passage.

Message for: David Smith

From: Tom Jones
Taken by: Jeff
Date: Thursday, 2 pm

Message: Mr. Jones from Village Office Furniture called. He has the contract ready and would like to meet with you to review it on
Monday. He will be unavailable in the morning, but would be pleased to meet anytime in the afternoon. Please contact him on his
cellphone this afternoon or evening at 555-5690.
Why did Mr. Jones call Mr. Smith?

(A) About new office space

(B) To go out for the evening
(C) To say he was unable to meet
(D) To set up a meeting

Answer: The message stated that Mr. Jones “would like to meet” with Mr. Smith. Therefore, choice (D) is the best answer.

Short conversations

Tip: Be aware of different ways of answering a question.

(Man) This laptop computer is not working properly. It keeps shutting down unexpectedly.

(Woman) Really? That’s the second one that’s had that problem. We’re going to have to start buying a different model.

(Man) Yes, there’s no use in constantly sending them in for repairs.

What do they plan to do about the computer?

(A) Have it fixed

(B) Return it to the manufacturer
(C) Purchase another kind in future
(D) Buy a second one as a backup

Answer: The question could refer to this specific computer or to the problem with the computers in general. In this case, only choice
(C) is correct.


Tip: Don’t be fooled by a single word.

Woman: Did anyone train the new employee on how to use the computer system?


(A) He drives his car to work.

(B) The computers are still down.
(C) Bob gave him a complete demonstration.
Answer: The word “train” in this case means to give instructions. Therefore, choice (C) is the best answer.


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