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Artist: egilthompson
Version 2.0.22

n elf looks to the creature made of pure fire, enhancer. Through experience an enhancer is able to learn
quickly approaching her. She glances at her more, without the need of the tome. Once read by a worthy
arrow, imbued with the power of flame, and creature, a tome teleports seemingly randomly to any
recognises her folly. A magical rune dances location on any plane.
across her wrist, onto the bow, and flame With the knowledge of the tome comes mastery of many
changes to lightning. She fires upon the weapons, as well as shields and all forms of armor. The
elemental and it sneers with pain, but continues creator of the sigils of the enhancer spent years mastering all
toward her, ready to strike. In one last desperate attempt to manner of weapons and armor so that the future enhancers
win, the elf throws her bow at the creature like a boomerang, wouldn’t have to. The tome itself is conscious, though it
and with it comes a fierce gust of wind, pushing the elemental cannot speak or understand any language, it chooses
back and giving her the space she needs to finish the job. whether or not a reader is worthy every time a creature
An orc looks down at the weapons his companions have attempts to read it.
given him, considering their owners and their quarry. Upon
each sword and bow he bestoys a power that will aid them in Superior Creatures
their quest to defeat a giant. His companions take up arms
again, admiring the weapon’s newfound strength. Immediately upon becoming an enhancer, a creature’s body is
Enhancers live to make already powerful objects stronger. physically improved in a way fit for it’s race. Flesh creatures
Studier. Better. Any enhancer worthy of the name knows how and scaled creatures become more fit and muscular, and
to fight, but it is their ability to improve that makes a true scaled creatures also have any missing scales recovered as
enhancer. They are always looking for things to improve, well as all their scales strengthened, constructs are cleaned
whether that’s a weapon, armor, a common object or even and have all their parts repaired and reinforced. If a creature
themselves. was missing any part of its body before becoming an
enhancer, it is all restored upon reading the tome. As nobody
can communicate with the tomes, there is no way to tell what
Ancient Arcane Tomes makes a creature worthy. One thing enhancers do have in
Enhancers obtain their power from one of few arcane tomes. common is the accomplishment of great feats, though
The original enhancer, the one to pave the way for all whether what one has done is considered a great feat is
enhancers, created a small number of these arcane tomes, unknown to all except the tome, there have been kings
each one bearing the sigil of one of the archetypes enhancers deemed unworthy after all. Whatever the reason the tome has
can learn and holding no information on other archetypes. for deciding, enhancers become strong members of whatever
Each arcane tome appears to have a different opinion on field they choose to enter, and many are drawn to becoming
worthiness, making the pursuit of these books seem adventurers. Enhancers have an innate love for both weapons
meaningless. The tomes are indestructible and rather finicky. and armor, especially the items that are already strong.
When a creature deemed worthy attempts to read one of
these tomes, they immediately learn the powers of a beginner The Trail Homebrewery Stains
Artist: Wojtek Fus Artist: u/AeronDrake

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
The Enhancer
Proficiency Upgrade Upgrade Runes Rune
Level Bonus Features Weapon Armor Known Slots
1st +2 Bound Weapon, Enhancer Sigil — — — —
2nd +2 Upgrade Weapon, Eye for Magic 1d6 — — —
3rd +2 Rune Scribing 1d6 — 2 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 — 2 1
5th +3 Upgrade Armor, Spectral Cosmetic 1d6 +1 3 2
6th +3 Enhancer Sigil Feature 1d6 +1 3 2
7th +3 — 2d6 +1 4 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 +1 4 2
9th +4 Self Upgrade 2d6 +1 5 3
10th +4 Amplified Prowess 2d6 +1 5 3
11th +4 Enhancer Sigil Feature 2d6 +1 5 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 +1 5 4
13th +5 — 3d6 +2 6 4
14th +5 Self Upgrade II 3d6 +2 6 4
15th +5 — 3d6 +2 7 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 3d6 +2 7 5
17th +6 Enhancer Sigil Feature 3d6 +2 7 5
18th +6 — 4d6 +3 8 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4d6 +3 8 6
20th +6 Rune of Power 4d6 +3 8 6

Creating an Enhancer Class Features

As you’re creating your enhancer, think about what would As an enhancer, you gain the following class features.
make them a worthy choice for the tome. Were they a key
figure in some war? Slay a monster? Did they master a Hit Points
difficult culinary masterpiece? Or perhaps they birthed an Hit Dice: 1d8 per enhancer level
influential person. Also consider how they came to find the Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
tome. Did it appear on the bookshelf nobody checked? Did Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
they know it was magical? Or perhaps at the end of some Constitution modifier per enhancer level after 1st
dungeon it was found on a corpse or pedestal. Did your
character find it by chance? Or did some power guide them to Proficiencies
it? Armor: All armor, shields
Think about how your character feels about these powers. Weapons: Simple Weapons, blowguns, flails, scimitars,
Are they happy to have this power? Are they glad they can shortswords, war picks, and whips.
finally leave their home? Or does your character hope to lead Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
a quiet life and worry that their new power will intervene? Skills: Arcana, and choose one from Athletics, Sleight of
Will they work to become stronger, master their newfound Hand, Investigation, Perception, Survival, or Persuasion.
power? Or attempt to hide it?
Quick Build You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
You can make an enhancer quickly by following these equipment granted by your background:
suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your highest (a) a simple/martial weapon and a shield or (b) a martial
ability score, depending on whether you want to focus on weapon and a simple/martial weapon
melee weapons or on archery (or finesse weapons). Your next- (a) four javelins or (b) any simple weapon
highest score should be Intelligence. Second, choose the (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
artisan background. (a) chain mail or (b) leather armor and 20 arrows
Homebrewery Stains Dark Angel
Artist: u/AeronDrake Artist: XG Mist
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Requirements: 13 Strength or Dexterity and 13 Intelligence
Proficiencies Gained: Light armor, medium armor, shields,
simple weapons, martial weapons listed in class proficiencies
Bound Weapon
Starting at 1st level, you may choose a weapon you own and
bond with it. This is done during a long rest. A bound weapon
cannot be forcefully unequipped from you, it can only be
unequipped if you allow it to. If the weapon is not equipped to
you, and is on the same plane of existence as you, you can
use a bonus action to summon it (to your hand, sheathe, bag,
etc.). If the weapon were to be equipped or wielded by anyone
other than you, it temporarily loses all magical properties you
placed on it except for the effect that allows you to summon
it. When it returns to you it restores any effects that were lost
when it was unequipped, including activated runes. You can
unbind a weapon at any time as an action. When you unbind
a weapon, it loses any upgrades placed on it, returning to the
way it was before you bound it.
You can only have one bound weapon at a time. This
amount increases at level; 8th (2), and 16th (3).
Enhancer Sigil
At 1st level you choose a Sigil, this is the Sigil that appears on
the Arcane Tome that chooses you. Your archetype grants you
features at 1st level, and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th.
The The The Mystic The
Accurate Loyal Augmenter Soul

The Space The The The

Shifter Tinkerer Transmuter Warrior

Upgrade Weapon
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to enhance your
bound weapon. Your bound weapon deals an additional 1d6
of the same damage type as the weapon on each hit. This
damage increases by an additional 1d6 at level; 7th (2d6),
13th (3d6), and 18th(4d6).
Eye for Magic
Starting at 2nd level, you begin to notice magic more easily
and can now cast the detect magic or identify spell a number
of times equal to your intelligence modifier each long rest.
Additionally, you gain advantage on intelligence (arcana)
Untitled Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Legendary_Fanart Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of the Elements ᛚᛁᚷᚺᛏ
Rune Scribing Creation Time Duration Target
The enhancer both permanently and temporarily upgrades 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon
weapons and armor. A temporary upgrade includes a rune.
When adding this rune, you choose an element you know
Rune Slots ᛟ from the list below, that element is infused into your weapon,
Activating a rune expends a rune slot. Your rune slots physically sprouting a manifestation of the element on the
replenish during each long rest. Your rune slots show as weapon. This replaces the damage type of the extra d6’s from
markings (ᛟ) on your body in a place of your choosing (such Upgrade Weapon. You learn to inscribe different elements
as the underside of you dominant wrist). The amount based on your enhancer level.
increases as shown in the Rune Slots section of the enhancer If you were to activate a Rune of the Elements on a weapon
table. When you activate a rune, it dances from your skin, fur, that had already been changed by the effect of a Rune of the
scales, etc. onto the chosen bound weapon or armor, Elements, it would then change into the new element and
remaining there until its duration ends, or until you dismiss it lose the properties of the previous element, expending a rune
as a bonus action. slot.
Runes Known 3rd level: cold, fire, lightning, and poison
At 3rd level, you know the Rune of the Elements as well as 9th level: acid, radiant, and necrotic
two runes of your choice from the Rune List. You learn 14th level: force, psychic, and thunder
additional runes of your choice at higher levels, as shown in Additionally, when you hit a creature that does not resist or
the Runes Known column of the Enhancer table. negate the damage type of your current Rune of the
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can Elements, the attack deals an extra 2 damage of the same
choose one of the runes you know and replace it with another type as the rune's element. This increases to 4 extra damage
rune that you could learn at that level. when you undergo your Self Upgrade II at 14th level.
A level prerequisite on the Rune List refers to enhancer
level, not character level. Ability Score Improvement
Command Words When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
Some runes require command words, the command word 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
can be changed by the DM (the default word is the name of by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
the rune). If you were to put more than one rune of the same 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20
type on a weapon or armor and speak it’s command word, using this feature.
only one would activate at a time.
Elemental Weapon Rune Tips
Rune Saving Throws Adding an element to your weapon is one of the best ways to
Some runes require a creature to roll a saving throw, you use
your intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC add that little bit of extra hurt! Just be sure to study what a
for a rune you activate or use. creataure resists to make full use of the rune.

Rune save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Rune Blade Homebrewery Stains
Intelligence modifier Artist: Matthew Stawicki Artist: u/AeronDrake

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Upgrade Armor
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to bind and enhance
armor. You bind a suit of armor or a shield the same way as
described in Bound Weapon. You can only be bound to 1
armor. When you undergo your Self Upgrade at 9th level, you
can bind a shield and a suit of armor simultaneously, but not
two suits of armor or two shields.
It takes an action, rather than a bonus action to summon
bound armor, and when you do you can choose to have it
magically equip you. You can enhance one of your bound
armors, but never more than one of them. Enhancing the
armor gives it a +1 bonus to AC. This increases by 1
additional AC bonus at level; 13th (+2AC), and 18th (+3AC).
Spectral Cosmetic
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to make a cosmetic
addition to one of your bound weapons or armors as a bonus
action. (such as a cape, a crown, flames, etc.) The cosmetic
isn’t tangible. Anything but a spirit would phase through it. It
is mostly see-through, like a colored lens. The Spectral
Cosmetic must be touching one of your bound items, it can
come off of it like fire, but it cannot hover around it.
Self Upgrade
Starting at 9th level, you permanently enhance yourself,
increasing the maximum your ability scores can reach from
20 to 22. This does not change your current ability scores. If
you already have an effect that allows you to reach a higher
maximum in a certain ability, that effect overrides Self
Upgrade where applicable. If an effect does not allow you to
increase an ability score above 20, instead of 20, that
maximum number becomes 22.
Additionally, your lifespan increases. Your lifespan
increases to twice as long as your race normally specifies.
Amplified Prowess
Starting at 10th level, you can make an attack as a bonus
action immediately after you take the Attack action.
Additionally, you may teleport your weapon to you as
described in Bound Weapon as an interaction.
Self Upgrade II
At 14th level, you enhance yourself further, increasing the
maximum your ability scores can reach from 22 to 24. This
does not change your current ability scores. If you already
have an effect that allows you to reach a higher maximum in
a certain ability, that effect overrides Self Upgrade II where
applicable. If an effect does not allow you to increase an
ability score above 20, instead of 20, that maximum number
becomes 24.
Additionally, your lifespan increases further as well. Your
lifespan increases to five times as long as your race normally
Is that real?
Consider using your spectral cosmetics to trick others into
thinking you can cast illusion spells.

Watercolor Stain 16 Flame Knight

Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Midori the Pollyanna
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of Power ᛈᛟᚹᛖᚱ
Creation Time Duration Target any attacks made with this weapon in half, dealing half one
Long rest Next long rest Bound Weapon/Armor elemental damage and half the other (if damage dealt is odd,
you choose which element type the 1 left over is). This gets
Starting at 20th level, you gain access to First Enhancer’s rid of any damage type the weapon would originally do
greatest creation, the Rune of Power. This does not count (slashing, piercing, etc).
toward the amount of runes you know. Additionally, the extra damage that can be dealt for hitting
With this rune, you put a rune onto a bound weapon and a a creature that does not resist the elemental damage type
rune onto a bound armor to give them a magical can be dealt for both chosen damage types, and is increased
enhancement each, this only takes one rune slot for both the to +5 instead of +4 for each element.
runes. These runes take longer than normal to inscribe, While this option of the rune is active, you can cause the
because of this, they can only be added as you finish a long twinned energy to appear or disappear as a bonus action.
rest. The runes last until your next long rest. You may only
have one weapon and one armor Magical Upgrade Rune Armor:
inscribed at a time. Barbed
Whenever an enemy makes a melee weapon attack against
Weapon: you while within 5ft of you, your armor deals magical
Anti-magic piercing damage to them equal to your AC subtracted by 10.
Ignore any magical additions to AC, such as from a spell or Life Granting
the magical bonus to armor and deal damage ignoring
temporary hit points when using this weapon. You emanate an aura in a 60ft radius that grants temporary
health equal to half your enhancer level to ally creatures at
Life Stealing the beginning of each of your turns.
Whenever you hit a creature with this weapon, you gain Swift
temporary health equal to half of the damage dealt (rounded Your movement speed increases to triple its base speed,
getting up from prone no longer takes any movement speed,
Intelligent and you ignore difficult terrain.
You gain a bonus to attack rolls with this weapon equal to Winged
half your intelligence modifier (rounded down).
You gain magical wings that grant you a flight speed equal to
Twin double your walking speed.
You can split the element of your weapon into 2 elements.
This requires only one active Rune of the Elements but you Lunios the half-
choose two different elements. You split the total damage of celestial paladin Homebrewery Stains
Artist: Christopher Cant Artist: u/AeronDrake
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Enhancer Sigils
When an enhancer is picked by a tome that grants the
enhancer their powers, the tome has a sigil on its cover. This
sigil shows the nature of the information inside. Each tome
only holds one sigil and the information of one of the
subclasses below, granting you the benefits detailed when
you reach the required level.
Sigil of the Accurate
You focus on keeping your enemies at a distance, then with
the distance created, you unleash devastating shots before
the enemy can reach you.
Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all
weapons that have the range property.
Magical Ammunition
Starting at 1st level, your bound ranged weapons are
enhanced in the following ways:
They ignore the loading property if they have it.
If you load no ammunition in the weapon when firing it, it
produces its own, automatically creating one piece of
magic ammunition when you make a ranged attack with it.
The ammunition created by the weapon vanishes the
instant after it hits or misses a target.
A magical piece of ammunition shines bright light in a 10-
foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
Highly Accurate
Starting at 6th level, each time you hit a creature with an
attack that requires a roll to surpass Armor Class, deal extra
damage equal to the difference in their AC and your roll total.
If your Game Master doesn’t wish to reveal the Armor Class
of their creatures so easily, instead you can replace the text of
this feature to read, “Starting at 6th level, each time you hit a
creature with an attack that requires a roll to surpass their
Armor Class, if you beat their AC by 3 or more, deal an extra
5 damage on the attack.
Rune of Eruption ᚨᚱᛖᚨ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Ranged Weapon

Starting at 11th level, you gain access to a rune used to

decimate an area of foes. This does not count toward the
amount of runes you know.
When you add this rune to your bound ranged weapon,
choose either Line or Cone. The next time you make a
ranged attack with this weapon, it expends the rune and
activates the related effect. If you have more than one Rune of
Eruption active on a weapon, choose which rune to activate
as you make each ranged attack.
Line: Each creature in a 120ft line, 5ft wide emanating
from you makes a dexterity saving throw. Each creature
that fails the save takes damage equal to triple your
Upgrade Weapon dice, and the damage type is the same
as they are currently dealing. Each creature that succeeds
on the save takes half the damage.
Cirai's Spellbook Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Frenone Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Cone: Each Creature in a 30ft cone emanating from you 8: You shoot the target’s arm (or the equivalent). They
makes a dexterity saving throw. Each creature that fails have a -1d6 penalty to attack rolls until the end of their
the save takes damage equal to triple your Upgrade next turn.
Weapon dice, and the damage type is the same as they are 9: You shoot the target’s spine (or the equivalent). They
currently dealing. Each creature that succeeds on the save are paralyzed until the end of their next turn.
takes half the damage.
10: You shoot the surface of the target’s brain (or the
Pinpoint Precision equivalent). They are charmed until the end of their next
Starting at 17th level, each time you hit a creature with an turn and must use their actions on their turn to attack the
attack that requires a roll to surpass their Armor Class, if you closest creature to it.
beat their AC by 5 or more, deal a debilitating strike to them.
The strike inflicted is different based on how much you beat If you out-roll the target’s AC by more than 5, you may
their AC by: choose an option of any number lower to replace the effect
5: You shoot the target’s ear or equivalent. They are of the exact number rolled.
deafened until the end of their next turn.
6: You shoot the target’s leg (or the equivalent). They are Sigil of the Loyal
knocked prone. You spend your time and effort learning how to help others
7: You shoot the target’s eye (or the equivalent). They are in a fight, enhancing their gear and bolstering their resolve.
blinded until the end of their next turn. This archetype allows you to support your party while still
fighting well yourself.
Not so Highly Accurate
While sharpshooter is a great feat for any ranged fighter, Bonus Proficiency
The choice to help others comes with
consider if taking a negative penalty to your attack roll is
its own benefits. At 1st level, you gain
worthwhile. By lvl 6 in this subclass, you will already deal extra proficiency with all martial weapons.
damage by rolling high, and by lvl 17, higher rolls inflict The tome instills in you the required
debuffs that could be much more useful than extra damage. knowledge to help your allies.

Unnamed Homebrewery Stains

Artist: Arcadia Quest Artist: u/AeronDrake
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Helping Hands
Starting at 3rd level, you can use the Help action as a bonus
action. Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid an
ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be
within 30 feet of you, rather than 5 feet of you, if the target
can see or hear you.
Personified Armory
Starting at 6th level, you can enhance weapons that are not
bound to you. You can enhance the weapon’s damage by 1d4
of the same damage type. The damage increases by an
additional 1d4 at the level; 11th (2d4) and 17th (3d4).
This is done during a long rest, the upgrades last until your
next long rest, you may upgrade a number of weapons equal
to your Intelligence modifier (not including your bound
Rune of Replication ᛖᚲᚺᛟ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Weapon/Armor

Starting at 11th level, you gain access to a rune that can

bolster your allies to even greater heights. This does not
count toward the amount of runes you know.
You add this rune to both your bound weapon and armor at
the same time, you must touch your weapon to your armor as
you do this. While the rune is active, at the beginning of each
of your turns you may pick up to 2 allies, those allies gain any
benefits you currently gain from certain active runes until the
beginning of your next turn. If you pick 2 allies, the first gains
the benefits from all of your active weapon runes and the
other gains the benefits from all your active armor runes. If
you pick 1 ally, they gain all benefits of the active runes for
both weapons and armor.
A target ally must be wielding a weapon for weapon related
runes and have armor donned for armor related runes,
otherwise they do not receive any benefits from the related
runes. You cannot have more than 1 Rune of Replication
When you pick the ally/allies and the effect triggers, the
runes appear as dull glowing illusions on the target’s weapon
or armor until the effect ends.
Starting at 17th level, you become more adept at enhancing
weapons and armor not bound to you. You can now enhance
other armors than your bound armor. You can increase the
AC of those armors by +1. At 20th level it increases to +2.
This is done during a long rest, the upgrade lasts until your
next long rest, you may upgrade a total number of weapons
and armors equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Loyal NPC's
As a DM, if your party is struggling to fight the foes you send
their way, consider adding a Sigil of the Loyal enhancer NPC to
bolster their ranks. This works especially well when the party
consists of multiple martial characters.

Watercolor Stain 16 Runar

Artist: flamableconcrete [Artist: KateMaxpaint]
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Sigil of the Mystic Augmenter
The Mystic Augmenter As an enhancing tome of great intellect, the tome bearing the
Enhancer Spells
Sigil of the Mystic Augmenter not only grants you the power
Level Cantrips Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th to enhance your gear, but the power to connect to the weave
and shape it to your will.
1st Booming or Green- 3 2 — — —
Flame Blade + 2 Spellcasting
2nd B.B. or G.F.B + 2 3 3 — — — At 1st level, you enhance your mind,
3rd B.B. or G.F.B + 2 3 3 — — —
unlocking the ability to cast spells
and memorise intricate components.
4th B.B. or G.F.B + 2 4 3 — — —
5th B.B. or G.F.B + 2 4 4 — — —
You learn three cantrips: Booming Blade or Green-Flame
6th B.B. or G.F.B + 2 4 4 — — — Blade and two other cantrips of your choice from the wizard
7th B.B. or G.F.B + 2 5 4 2 — — spell list. You learn another wizard cantrip of your choice at
8th B.B. or G.F.B + 2 6 4 2 — —
10th level.
9th B.B. or G.F.B + 2 6 4 2 — — Spell Slots
10th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 7 4 3 — — The Mystic Augmenter Spellcasting table shows how many
spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher.
11th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 8 4 3 — — To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the
12th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 8 4 3 — — spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
13th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 9 4 3 2 —
when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Shield and
14th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 10 4 3 2 — have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can
15th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 10 4 3 2 — cast Shield using either slot.
16th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 11 4 3 3 — Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
17th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 11 4 3 3 — You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of
18th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 11 4 3 3 —
which you must choose from the abjuration and
transmutation spells on the wizard spell list.
19th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 12 4 3 3 1 The Spells Known column of the Mystic Augmenter
20th B.B. or G.F.B + 3 13 4 3 3 1 Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells
of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an
abjuration and transmutation spell of your choice, and must
be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance,
when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new
spell of 1st or 2nd level. The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and
20th level can come from any school of magic.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your
choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a
level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an
abjuration and transmutation spell, unless you're replacing
the spell you gained at 1st, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any
school of magic.
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells,
since you learn your spells through dedicated study and
memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier

Unnamed Watercolor Stain 13

Artist: Anonymous Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
At 1st level, you can cast the Longstrider spell without
expending a spell slot once per long rest.
Self Sustaining Abilities
At 6th level, when you cast the Enhance Ability spell, it does
not require concentration for you. You can only have one non-
concentration version of this spell active at a time. Meaning
you may have two instances of this spell active as long as you
concentrate on the second casting of this spell.
Rune of the Arcane Pillar ᛊᚨᚹᛖ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor

Starting at 11th level, you gain access to a rune that allows

you to act as a source to a greater connection to the weave.
This does not count toward the amount of runes you know.
While this rune is active, any spellcaster may cast a spell
without expending a spell slot once per day per rune while
touching you. The spell cast must be of a level that is two
lower than their highest spell slot level. The spell does not
need to have touch range and does not need to target you.
Highly Capable
At 17th level, the spell Enhance Ability is augmented when
you cast it. When you cast it, each of the effects of the spell
also include a +2 bonus to the ability that was granted
advantage for checks from that effect. This bonus can cause a
creature's ability score to exceed 20, but not 30.
Sigil of the Soul
The Tome boasting the Sigil of the Soul teaches you to use
your own body as the source of your strength. You learn to
strike with the power of giants, move with the speed of
horses, and climb with the strength of a hulking brute.
Anatomy of a Weapon
When you pick this subclass at 1st level,
you lose the ability to bind weapons or
armor. Instead, whenever an effect allows
you to interact with your bound weapon
or armor, replace those instances with either
your fists/feet for weapons and chest for armor.
For example, instead of adding runes to your weapon, they
would appear on your fist and your unarmed strikes would
benefit from the effect.
Additionally, your offensive and defensive skills are
bolstered, you gain the following benefits:
When you make an unarmed attack, roll a d4 in place of
the normal damage.
Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical
attacks and damage.
While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield,
your AC equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your
Intelligence modifier.
Giving your weapon the thrown property instead makes
your unarmed attacks have a reach of 15ft.
Watercolor Stain 16 Steel Flameblade
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: John Dowson
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Improved Intellectuality
Beginning at 1st level, pick two intelligence-based skills (eg.
Investigation, Arcana) and gain proficiency with them both, if
you already have proficiency in one of them, you add your
proficiency bonus twice when using that skill.
Improved Physicality
At 6th level, your body becomes impressively fit. This grants
you the following benefits:
Your jump height and distance is doubled.
Your throwing distance is doubled.
Your base walking speed increases by 10ft.
You have resistance to fall damage.
You gain proficiency in strength and dexterity saving
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 damage instead of 1d4.
You gain a climbing speed of 10ft. When climbing, you
leave behind holes where your hands and feet destroy the
wall or ceiling.
Rune of Swift Response ᚲᛟᚹᛖᚱ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor

Starting at 11th level, you gain access to a rune that

temporarily enhances your reaction time. This does not count
toward the amount of runes you know.
While this rune is active, you can use your reaction in the
following ways:
Parry. You add 3 to your AC against one melee attack that
would hit you. To do so, you must see the attacker.
Counter. When a creature misses you with a melee attack,
you can use your reaction to make an unarmed melee
attack against the creature.
Disabling Jab. Cause a creature within 5ft of you to have
disadvantage on their next attack roll made before your
next turn. This reaction can be taken after the target
declares their attack, but must be before the attack roll.
Exceptional Physicality
At 17th level, your body becomes first rate among mortals.
This grants you the following benefits:
Your jump height and distance is quintupled and each foot
you clear on a jump costs half as much movement as a
regular jump.
Your throwing distance is quintupled.
Your base walking speed increases by 30ft.
You have immunity to fall damage.
You have proficiency in strength and dexterity saving
throws, you also gain advantage with them.
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d12 damage instead of 1d4.
Your climbing speed increases to half your walking speed
(round down to nearest 5ft). When climbing you still leave
behind holes where your hands and feet destroy the wall
or ceiling.
These effects replace the effects of Improved Physicality, they
do not add to them.

Martial Artist Watercolor Stain 14

Artist: Phoenixlu Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of Blurred Company ᛒᛚᛁᚾᚲ
Creation Time Duration Target
Sigil of the Space Shifter
1 Action 10 minutes Special
You gain such an understanding of the power to bring your
bound weapons to you, that you learn to bring yourself to Starting at 11th level, you gain access to a rune that allows
them. Using this power you are able to make your way you to transfer the location of your allies, weapons, and
around the battlefield as well as teleport small distances. yourself with one another. This does not count toward the
Later, you learn to travel great distances to meet your amount of runes you know.
weapon. To apply the rune, you choose a number of creatures up to
Bonus Proficiency an amount equal to your intelligence modifier. As long as you
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all and all the creatures targeted by this rune are touching one
weapons that have the thrown property. another at the same time, the rune moves from you onto each
of them, in a place of your choosing uniformly imprinted on
Tethered Shift each of them. While the runes are active, you may use your
Starting at 1st level, using the same action type as Bound interaction to swap yourself, one runed creature, or one
Weapon’s teleport, you can switch places with or teleport to a bound weapon with another. Both targets must be within
bound weapon or object as long as it is within 60ft of you. 200ft of you.
When you teleport to your bound weapon and don’t switch If a target is unwilling, they must succeed on an
places with it, it appears on your person in a place of your intelligence saving throw to cancel the effect, otherwise they
choice. (hands, sheathe, bag, etc.) are switched.
When you undergo your Self Upgrade at 9th level, the When you undergo your Self Upgrade II at 14th level, the
range at which you can teleport to your weapon increases to range at which you can teleport these creatures and objects
200ft. increases to 600ft.
When you undergo your Self Upgrade II at 14th level, the Greater Tethered Shift
range at which you can teleport to your weapon increases to Starting at 17th level, as an action, you can switch places with
600ft. or teleport to a bound weapon or object regardless of
Bound Objects
distance, as long as it is on the same plane of existence as
At 6th level, you gain the ability to bind objects the same way you. When you teleport to your bound weapon and don’t
you bind weapons. You can bind a number of objects this way switch places with it, it appears on your person in a place of
equal to your intelligence modifier (this number does not your choice. (hands, sheathe, bag, etc.)
count toward your number of weapons bound). A target MTG Kaya Fanart Homebrewery Stains
object can be no larger than tiny and cannot house runes. Artist: Henrique Marinelli Artist: u/AeronDrake

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Sigil of the Tinkerer Additionally, you learn an additional rune from the Rune
As a student of the Tinkerer Tome, you learn to upgrade List. It does not count against the number of runes you
magical items, becoming a master of attunement know.
and the items that fill those slots.
Attuned Tuning
Greed Starting at 17th level, you can adjust your attuned magical
Starting at 1st level, you can attune items, you can increase or decrease certain features about
to 1 additional item, increasing your these items including; bonuses to attack and damage rolls,
maximum to 4. This cannot increase ability score improvements, set ability scores, save DCs,
your maximum past 4. aura sizes, and more (as decided by the DM).
You can attune to 1 further additional item once you have The item must already give a bonus or have a set number
undergone the Self Upgrade II at 14th level, increasing your in the feature you wish to adjust. You may increase or
maximum to 5. This cannot increase your maximum past 5. decrease each of these numbers by 10% of their current
value, rounded down, to a minimum of 1, or 5ft for range,
Capacity for Power each only once. This is done with each of your attuned
Starting at 6th level, items you are attuned to that have magical items when you gain this feature, as well as with
charges have their maximum charges increased by 50%, each item you attune to. The adjustments made to an item
rounded down to the nearest 1. This does not increase the wear off when you unattune to it.
amount of current charges an item holds. When your If an attuned item deals additional damage in the form of
attunement to such an item ends, the maximum reverts to its dice, the damage can be increased or decreased; d4s
original number. become d6s, d6s become d8s, d8s become d10s, d10s
become d12s, and d12s become 2d6s(2d6s for each d12).
Runic Application For example, a +1 sword that deals an additional 2d8 fire
Starting at 11th level, you gain the ability to apply runes to damage on each attack would become a +2 sword that deals
objects. It usually takes two rune slots to apply a rune to an an additional 2d10 fire damage on each attack. You cannot
object, except for the first time you do so in a day, which takes modify the base damage of a weapon and you cannot adjust
only one rune slot instead. spells cast from items. You can however adjust the charges
These runed objects can be used by any wearer without needed to cast a spell from an item.
attunement. They affect the armor or weapon of the wearer You cannot adjust the number of charges an item has with
as long as they are wielding a weapon or wearing armor. Attuned Tuning.
Ring of Three Wishes Homebrewery Stains
Artist: Mark Winters Artist: u/AeronDrake
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Sigil of the Transmuter Weapon: Every hit by the weapon on an object is counted
as a critical.
As a transmutation enhancer, you change the Armor: While wearing the armor, any critical hit against
materials of both your bound weapon and you is counted as a normal hit.
armor, creating powerful and useful effects.
You eventually learn to create alloys to combine Gemstone:
these materials for even more powerful effects. Weapon: The weapon deals 1 point of extra
corresponding damage per dice of the corresponding type
Rune of Transmutation ᚲᚺᚨᛜᛖ used.
Creation Time Duration Target Armor: While wearing the armor, you take reduced
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon/Armor damage from the corresponding damage type. The
damage is reduced by an amount equal to half your
Starting at 1st level, you gain access to a rune that allows enhancer level.
you to change the material of your weapons and armors, Alloy Creation
creating powerful effects. This does not count toward the Starting at 6th level, you can add a second Rune of
amount of runes you know. Transmutation onto a weapon or armor that already has
When adding the rune, you choose a material you know one to create an alloy. The Rune of Transmutations must
from the list below, and the weapon or armor transmutes into be from different tiers and each requires their own rune
that material until the rune wears off. Ammunition that is slot. If you try to add a third Rune of Transmutation to a
shot by a weapon altered by the effects of Rune of weapon or armor, choose one of the two active Rune of
Transmutation also change to match the material and its Transmutations and replace one of them with the third.
related effects until it hits a target.
If you activate a Rune of Transmutation on a weapon or Wind Knight Watercolor Stain 35
armor that has already been changed by the effect of a Rune [Artist: Jason Nyugen] Artist: flamableconcrete
of Transmutation, it changes into the new material and loses
the properties of the previous material, expending a rune slot.
Alchemical Silver:
Weapon: The weapon deals damage to Devils,
Lycanthropes, and Vampires ignoring their resistances. If
they have none, it deals extra damage equal to your
intelligence modifier of the same type as the base weapon.
Armor: Devils, Lycanthropes, and Vampires have
disadvantage on melee attacks against you.
Weapon: The weapon becomes lighter. Weapons with the
heavy property lose the property, and weapons without the
heavy or light property gain the light property.
Armor: The armor doesn’t impose disadvantage on stealth
checks, and doesn’t have a strength requirement.
At 1st level, you gain an additional rune slot that can only be
used for Rune of Transmutation.
Transmutation: Tier 2
Starting at 6th level, you gain access to Tier 2
transmutations. When picking Gemstone, also pick a gem
from the table below, gems correspond with different
elements. You add the following two materials to the list of
materials a Rune of Transmutation can use:
Gemstone Elements
Gemstone Element Gemonstone Element
Amethyst Poison Opal Radiant
Bloodstone Necrotic Peridot Acid
Diamond Thunder Quartz Lightning
Emerald Force Ruby Fire
Garnet Psychic Sapphire Cold

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Transmutation: Tier 3
Starting at 11th level, you gain access to Tier 3
transmutations, one of which is Nitron, a mysterious
combination of Nitrogen and Iron, which creates an
extremely magnetic alloy that seemingly has a mind of its
own. Nitron is not attracted toward other metals, but instead
to seemingly random points, like toward cracks in armor, or
away from harmful effects. You add the following two
materials to the list of materials a Rune of Transmutation can
Weapon: Gain a 1d4 - 1 bonus to weapon attack rolls.
Armor: Gain advantage on dexterity saving throws, if you
already have advantage, add 1d4 instead.
Weapon: The weapon glows bright light in a 30ft radius
and dim light for an additional 30ft. Creatures can see in
magical and nonmagical darkness while within the bright
light of your weapon.
Armor: While wearing the armor, you have darkvision out
to a range of 30ft. If you already have darkvision, its range
increases by 30ft. As an action, you may end the rune, and
create an area of magical darkness akin to the Darkness
spell, except it does not require concentration.
Lasting Change
Starting at 11th level, Rune of Transmutation doesn’t
naturally wear off until you take a long rest.
Transmutation: Tier 4
Starting at 17th level, you gain access to Tier 4
transmutations, you add the following two materials to the
list of materials a Rune of Transmutation can use:
Weapon: Once per turn, when this weapon hits an enemy
while the Rune of the Elements is active on it, it causes an
explosion 5ft in all directions of the target. Creatures in
range make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes
damage equal to your Upgrade Weapon dice with the
damage type Rune of the Elements is using on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Armor: You have advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.
Weapon: Saving throws made to keep concentration that
are triggered by this weapon hitting a target are made at
disadvantage. Additionally, if they fail by 5 or more, they
suffer from the effects of Feeblemind for 1 minute. The
creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns and breaks free of the effect on a success.
Armor: You cannot be spied on by the effects of a spell,
your mind cannot be read, others cannot know your
alignment or whether you’re lying, and you have resistance
to psychic damage.
Easy Alloys
Starting at 17th level, using Alloy Creation takes only 1 rune
slot for both materials and can be done as a single bonus
Black Armour Watercolor Stain 14
Artist: Jera Y Artist: flamableconcrete
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two
hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The
weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for
you to gain this benefit.
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you
that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to
impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding
a shield.
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Tunnel Fighter (Unearthed Arcana)
As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts
until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive
stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your
reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee
attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while
within your reach.
Mariner (Unearthed Arcana)
As long as you are not wearing heavy armor or using a shield,
you have a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to
your normal speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Watercolor Stain 35 Wind Knight
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Jason Nyugen Rune of Imitation ᚲᛟᛈᛁ
Creation Time Duration Target
Sigil of the Warrior
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
You focus your enhancements on making yourself a warrior
to be reckoned with, you toughen your body and strengthen Starting at 11th level, you gain access to a rune that
your will so that you can better crush your enemies. embodies the fighting spirit of other marital classes. This
does not count toward the amount of runes you know.
Bonus Proficiency When you activate the Rune of Imitation, decide between
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, or Rogue. You cannot choose a
martial melee weapons. class that you already have levels in and you cannot have
more than one Rune of Imitation active.
Starting at 1st level, you become bulkier than the average Barbarian. If you drop to 0 hit points and don't die
enhancer, your hit dice change from d8s to d10s. If you were outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw.
to roll a hit die, such as to increase your maximum health If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead. Once this
when you level up or replenish health on a short rest, roll two effect is used the rune wears off.
of the hit die and take the higher roll. Additionally, if you were Fighter. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to
to take the average instead of a rolling for your hit die, the regain 1d10 hit points. You can use this feature a number
average for you is 7. of times equal to your intelligence modifier(rounded
down). Once all the effects are used the rune wears off.
Fighting Style Monk. You add your proficiency as well as intelligence
At 6th level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your modifier to dexterity and wisdom saving throws.
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take Rogue. Dash, disengage, and hide can only be used as a
a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get bonus action.
to choose again.
Runic Vigor
Defense Starting at 17th level, each time you activate a rune, your
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. maximum hp is temporarily increased by an amount equal to
your enhancer level until the rune wears off, your current hit
Dueling points are increased by the same amount. When a rune
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no wears off, all of your current hit points you have above your
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that hit point maximum become temporary hit points.

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
When you activate this rune, your eyes glow completely white
Rune List and your hair ignites into flames for the duration the rune
If a rune has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. remains. If you have no hair, the fire forms around your head
You can learn the rune at the same time that you meet its but does not cover your face.
prerequisites. While this rune is active, at the beginning of each of your
turns, you take fire damage equal to half the dice from your
Rune of the Aegis ᚲᛟᚹᛖᚱ Upgrade Weapon (rounded down). When a creature touches
Prerequisite: 15th level you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you,
that creature takes fire damage equal to the dice from
Creation Time Duration Target Upgrade Weapon.
Long Rest Next Long Rest Bound Armor
Rune of the Banner ᛊᛈᚢᚱ
Creation Time Duration Target
This rune lies dormant on your armor, awaiting it's
command word. When you speak one of the command words, 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon
the armor magically grows around your body to form a tightly
knitted set of armor that covers your entire body, granting you While this rune is active, you may use your action to place
the effects of the option you chose: this weapon halfway into the ethereal plane in a space 5ft
from you. While it is in this state, it grants all allies within
Tower. Your AC increases by half your strength modifier 30ft of it advantage on saving throws against charm and fear
(rounded down) and you gain proficiency with strength effects. A creature can remove the weapon from this state
saving throws. Your movement speed is decreased by 10ft. with a strength check that successfully beats your rune save
Dart. Your AC increases by 1 and you gain proficiency DC. When the weapon is removed from the ethereal plane for
with dexterity saving throws. any reason, the effect ends and the rune wears off.
The armor covers your body for 1 minute, it cannot be ended Rune of the Black Pudding ᛗᚢᚲᚲ
early. After the minute ends, your armor returns to normal Prerequisite: 5th level
and the rune is not expended. When the active minute ends,
you cannot activate the aegis again for 1 hour. Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor
Rune of the Anti-flanker ᛈᚱᛖᛁ
Creation Time Duration Target
When you activate this rune, your skin secretes sickly black
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon sludge for the duration the rune remains.
While this rune is active, any creature that touches you or
While this rune is active, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes
with the runed weapon when there are two hostile creatures acid damage equal to half the dice from your Upgrade
within 5 of you. This increases to +3 when there is a third Weapon (rounded down, minimum 1). Any nonmagical
creature and +4 when there are four or more creatures in the weapon made of metal or wood that hits you corrodes. After
range. At least two of the creatures must be on opposite sides dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and
of you for this rune to take effect. cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to
−5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made
Rune of Arcane Immunity ᚹᚨᚱᛞ of metal or wood that hit you are destroyed after dealing
Prerequisite: 13th level damage.
Creation Time Duration Target
Rune of Blacksight ᛟᚾᛁᚲᛊ
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor Prerequisite: 5th level
While the rune is active, you can’t be affected or detected Creation Time Duration Target
by certain spells unless you wish to be. For a spell to 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
unwillingly affect or detect you while this rune is active, it’s
casted level must be higher than half your proficiency bonus While this rune is active, you gain darkvision if you don't
(rounded down). already have it, and magical darkness doesn’t impede your
Rune of the Azer ᛊᛁᛜᛖ
Prerequisite: 9th level
Creation Time Duration Target Mixing Monster Runes
Some runes give you abilities akin to a specific monster, such
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor
as the Rune of the Azer. These runes also change some of
your physical features.
Utilizing Darkness Most of the changes appear harmless, if not strange,
The Rune of Blacksight is great in tandem with magical however, if you were to apply multiple of these runes
darkness. Have an ally create it, or do it yourself if you're an simultaneously, you may begin to look monstrous yourself,
Enhancer of the Mystic Augmenter or Transmuter sigils. even to the point of frightening commoners.

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of the Boomerang ᚱᛖᚲᚢᚱ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon

While this rune is active, the weapon gains the Thrown

property. If the weapon does not deal melee damage, then it
deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit. When you throw the
runed weapon, you may summon it back (the same way as
explained in Bound Weapon) immediately after you make an
attack, allowing you to make another attack with the same
weapon if you have a feature such as Extra Attack.
The range is 20/60. It becomes 30/90 for a light weapon,
and 15/45 for a heavy weapon.
Rune of the Chain ᛈᚢᛚᛚ
Creation Time Duration Target
Trepanation Blade Watercolor Stain 37
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon Artist: Daniel Ljunggren Artist: flamableconcrete

While this rune is active, you can use the Attack action to While this rune is active, you exude an aura in a 30ft radius,
make a Special ranged Attack. If you’re able to make creatures in the aura are under the following effect based on
multiple attacks with the Attack action, this Attack replaces your choice when you inscribe the rune.
one of them. Point with your runed weapon at a creature Depart. It takes double movement speed for creatures to
within 60ft of you. A magical, spectral chain sprouts from move towards you while in the aura.
your weapon and attempts to pull the creature toward you. Approach. It takes double movement speed for creatures
The creature must succeed on a strength saving throw or be to move away from you while in the aura.
pulled 30ft toward you.
As an action, you may switch the aura to the other option
Rune of Cleaving ᛊᛈᛚᛁᛏ while the rune remains, doing so reduces the time it
Creation Time Duration Target remains by 10 minutes. You also may switch the aura on or
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon off as a bonus action while the rune remains. Turning it off
does not pause the duration.
While the rune is active, you cleave through any enemies
you kill and continue the attack to enemies next to them. Rune of Delayed Strike ᚨᛗᚨᛊᛊ
When you make a melee attack that reduces a creature to Creation Time Duration Target
0 hit points, any excess damage from that attack carries over 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon
to another creature close to it. You target another creature
within 5ft of the first target and within your reach, if the While this rune is active, you may use your action to
original attack roll can hit it, apply any remaining damage to charge this weapon. While it is charged, the next time you
it. If that creature is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat attack with the weapon, it deals double the damage it would
this process, carrying over the remaining damage until there normally do. While the weapon is charged, it visibly shows
are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to air circling it at high speeds, also creating a loud noise.
reduce a creature to 0 hit points.
Rune of the Dragon ᛖᛗᛁᛏ
Rune of the Cloaker ᛊᚺᚨᚱᛖ Prerequisite: 9th level
Prerequisite: 9th level Creation Time Duration Target
Creation Time Duration Target 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor
When you activate this rune, your skin becomes scaled in
When you activate this rune, your armor grows a flowy patches, and you grow sharp teeth and wings that do not
black cape with a white underside, and your eyes become function outside of impersonation for the duration the rune
wholly orange with no pupil. remains.
You may only activate this rune only while you are While this rune is active, you gain access to a breath
grappling a creature. For the duration, while you are weapon. The element of your breath weapon can be chosen
grappling a creature, you take only half the damage dealt to from among the same list as Rune of the Elements, gaining
you (rounded down), and that creature takes the other half. If access to different elements at the same level as that rune.
you are grappling more than one creature, only one of those As an action, you exhale your breath weapon in a 15‐foot
creatures takes the damage (your choice). cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 2d6 + your Upgrade Weapon dice
Rune of Delayance ᛊᛚᛟᚹ damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Prerequisite: 5th level successful one. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it
Creation Time Duration Target
again until you roll a 5 or 6 on a d6 which you roll at the
beginning of each of your turns after using the breath
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor weapon.
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of the Dryad ᚲᚺᚨᚱᛗ Rune of Enhanced Immolation ᚲᚺᚨᚱ
Prerequisite: 5th level Prerequisite: 13th level
Creation Time Duration Target Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon

When you activate this rune, your skin becomes slightly While this rune is active, you may cast the spell Immolation
green, and you grow random plants over your body that at 5th level, except it is changed in the following ways:
remain for the duration the rune does. The rune extracts power from your weapon, as such any
While this rune is active, you gain the ability to charm damage dealt by this spell is increased by your Upgrade
humans and beasts. As an action, you target one humanoid or Weapon dice.
beast that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the target can Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws incurred by
see you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be this spell.
magically charmed. The charmed creature regards you as a
trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the target You may cast the Immolation spell this way a number of
isn't under your control, it takes your requests or actions in times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), as
the most favorable way it can. long as this rune is active. Once the duration ends on the last
Each time you or your allies do anything harmful to the casting of a spell from this rune, the rune ends.
target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts until the rune Rune of Enhanced Investiture of Stone
wears off or until you die, are on a different plane of existence ᛖᚨᚱᚦ
from the target, or end the effect as a bonus action. If a Prerequisite: 15th level
target's saving throw is successful, the target is immune to
the effects of this rune for the next 24 hours. Creation Time Duration Target
You can have only one humanoid, or an amount of beasts 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
up to your proficiency bonus charmed at a time.
While this rune is active, you may cast the spell Investiture
Rune of Earth Greeting ᚠᚨᛚᛚ of Stone at 6th level, except it is changed in the following
Creation Time Duration Target ways:
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon
The radius of the earthquake created is increased to 30ft
While this rune is active, you may use your action to point and can be manipulated to create pockets that aren’t
with your runed weapon at a flying creature within 120ft of affected. Any creature of your choice automatically passes
you. The creature must succeed on a strength saving throw on the saving throw to resist becoming prone.
or fall prone. If they succeed on the saving throw, they are You can move across any difficult terrain without spending
safely pushed 10ft down and are not knocked prone. extra movement as long as it is caused by something on
the ground or the ground itself.
Rune of Enhanced Find Traps ᛊᛈᛟᛏ You may cast the Investiture of Stone spell this way a number
Prerequisite: 7th level of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down),
Creation Time Duration Target as long as this rune is active. Once the duration ends on the
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
last casting of a spell from this rune, the rune ends.
Rune of Enhanced Stoneskin ᛞᛖᚾᛊᛖ
While this rune is active, you may cast the spell Find Traps Prerequisite: 13th level
at 2nd level, except it is changed in the following ways:
Creation Time Duration Target
It’s duration increases to 1 minute with concentration.
You can also see exactly where triggers for traps are, you 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
do not see the trap itself with this ability. For example, you
may see a tripwire, but not the hidden crossbow. You see a While this rune is active, you may cast the spell Stoneskin
glowing outline around each trigger, you can see this at 4th level, except it is changed in the following ways:
outline through 5ft of solid walls and objects. It does not require concentration.
You also learn specifically what damage type or condition It’s duration is reduced to 1 minute.
a trap would inflict, but not how. For example, you may It does not require any material components.
learn the trap deals piercing damage, but you would not
learn whether the trap is an arrow trap, spikes, or You may cast the Stoneskin spell this way a number of times
something else. equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), as long
as this rune is active. Once the duration ends on the last
You may cast the Find Traps spell this way a number of times casting of a spell from this rune, the rune ends.
equal to your proficiency bonus, as long as this rune is active.
Once the duration ends on the last casting of a spell from this
rune, the rune ends. Enhanced Spells
The original Enhancer had an interest in spells deemed weak.

A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
While the rune is active, whenever you make an attack
Rune of Enhanced True Strike ᚹᚺᚨᚲᚲ against a creature, a ghostly version of the runed weapon
Creation Time Duration Target appears in the hands of a ghostly set of arms and attacks the
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon creature as well, it immediately disappears after the attack.
For the ghostly warrior, their attempt to hit is equal to your
While this rune is active, you may cast the cantrip True roll total but without adding strength or dexterity. If it hits, it
Strike, except it is changed in the following ways: deals necrotic damage equal to the weapon’s base damage
The casting time for you is 1 bonus action.
It affects the next attack you make whether it be on your Rune of the Gift ᛖᚢᚷᛖᚾᛖ
current or next turn. Prerequisite: 7th level
It does not require concentration.
Once you use it, you must roll a 5 or 6 on a d6 at the Creation Time Duration Target
beginning of your turn to recharge the effect. 1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Weapon

Rune of Enhanced Wall of Water ᛊᛈᛟᛏ While the rune is active, a black entity envelops your bound
Prerequisite: 9th level weapon, it leaps onto another creature at the first
Creation Time Duration Target opportunity. The first creature you hit with this weapon or the
ammunition it fires begins to be enveloped by black tendrils
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor around their body. The black entity does not leap from your
weapon until it hits a creature, at which point, the rune is
While this rune is active, you may cast the spell Wall of expended and no longer considered active.
Water at 3rd level, except it is changed in the following ways: The entity can last a maximum of 1 minute while not on
It’s duration decreases to 1 minute. your bound weapon. It does not have any health and cannot
It no longer requires concentration. be attacked, but can be removed with dispel magic, or if the
The wall can be twice as large in width and height, but not afflicted creature takes any amount of radiant damage.
thickness. While the entity is enveloping a creature, the creature must
It does not require any material components. make a strength or dexterity saving throw (their choice) at the
beginning of each of its turns. An afflicted creature may also
You may cast the Wall of Water spell this way a number of repeat the saving throw with advantage as an action. Each
times equal to your proficiency bonus, as long as this rune is time the creature fails, it takes necrotic damage equal to your
active. Once the duration ends on the last casting of a spell Upgrade Weapon dice and it's movement speed is reduced by
from this rune, the rune ends. a cumulative 10ft for the duration the entity remains. Once
the creature fails three times, it is paralyzed until the entity is
Rune of Enhanced Witch Bolt ᛊᚺᛟᚲᚲ removed or expires. The paralyzed creature can repeat the
Prerequisite: 5th level save at the end of each it's turns with disadvantage. If the
creature succeeds a total of three times, before or after
Creation Time Duration Target becoming paralyzed, it shakes off the black entity and all its
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon effects and can't be affected by this rune for the next 24
While this rune is active, you may cast the spell Witch Bolt If you have an Elemental Weapon Rune active on the
at 1st level, except it is changed in the following ways: bound weapon when you activate this rune, the entity is
shrouded in that element and the damage it deals changes
You can repeat the initial attack as an action as long as from necrotic to that element for the duration it remains. If
your concentration remains; if the attack hits, the an Elemental Weapon Rune is changing the damage type to
sustained arc ends on any previous target and is created radiant damage on one of your bound weapons, the Rune of
between yourself and the new target. the Gift cannot be added to that weapon.
The bolt comes from your weapon, as such any damage
dealt by this spell is increased by your Upgrade Weapon
It’s range is increased to 60ft.
It does not end early if you do something else.
It does not require any material components.
You may cast the Witch Bolt spell this way a number of times
equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), as long
as this rune is active. Once the duration ends on the last
casting of a spell from this rune, the rune ends.
Rune of the Ghostly Warrior ᚨᛚᛚᛁ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Weapon

Watercolor Stain 37 Книга Холмов

Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Антон Карелин
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of the Gizmo ᛏᛟᛟᛚ Creation Time Duration Target
Creation Time Duration Target 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon
When you activate this rune, your body and gear magically
When you activate this rune, choose a tool. Your bound separate into a swarm of thousands of tiny insects for the
weapon magically alters into that tool for the duration the duration the rune remains. Your body appears normal until
rune remains. If you don’t already have proficiency in that you move, all movements you make have a delay, as each
tool, you add your proficiency bonus while using it. creature must catch up to the others.
While this rune is active, you can occupy another
Rune of the Golem ᚠᛁᚱᛗ creature's space and vice versa, and you can move through
Prerequisite: 7th level any opening large enough for a Tiny insect. You cannot use
any actions while in another creature's space. If this rune
Creation Time Duration Target were to end while your body is separated into multiple parts,
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor the parts magically recombine as part of the rune ending.
When you activate this rune, your body becomes grey and Rune of the Instructor ᛏᚢᛏᛟᚱ
hard like stone for the duration the rune remains. Prerequisite: 5th level
While this rune is active, you and allies within 30ft of you Creation Time Duration Target
are immune to spells and effects that would change your
form against your will, except for the stone effect from this 1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor
While this rune is active, when you use the help action,
Rune of the Hydra ᛊᚲᚢᛚᛚ you can help two creatures at the same time, as long as they
Prerequisite: 13th level are both within range and both making an attack or making
a skill check.
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor Rune of Mitigation ᛚᛟᚹᛖᚱ
Prerequisite: 15th level
When you activate this rune, you grow an extra head that Creation Time Duration Target
lasts for the duration the rune remains.
While this rune is active, you get an extra reaction that can Long Rest Next Long Rest Bound Armor
be used only for opportunity attacks.
When you inscribe this rune, you take a negative modifier
Rune of the Insect Swarm ᚺᛟᚱᛞᛖ to your Armor Class to reduce damage you take. You choose
Prerequisite: 5th level a number from 1-5, that number is the negative modifier you
have toward your AC for the duration. That number times
Watercolor Stain 35 Angel Wings two is the amount of damage that is subtracted from all
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Zoey Thompson damage you take from any source for the duration.
This rune takes longer than normal to inscribe, because of
this, it can only be done as you finish a long rest. This rune
lasts until your next long rest.
Rune of the Owl ᛞᛟᛞᚷᛖ
Prerequisite: 9th level
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor

When you activate this rune, your armor grows tiny,

feathered wings that help you dodge through a crowd for the
duration the rune remains.
While the rune is active, you don’t provoke opportunity
attacks when you move out of an enemy’s reach.
Rune of the Perpendicular ᚲᛚᛁᛜ
Prerequisite: 5th level
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor

While this rune is active, you gain a climbing speed equal

to your walking speed. This speed does not require the use
of your hands, allowing them to be used freely.
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Rune of the Pit Fiend ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛞ
Prerequisite: 9th level
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor

When you activate this rune, your skin becomes red, you
grow horns, sharp teeth, and wings that do not function
outside of impersonation for the duration the rune remains.
While this rune is active, you create an aura of fear by
harnessing the power of the pit fiend. Any creature hostile to
you that starts its turn within 20ft of you must make a
Wisdom saving throw, unless you are incapacitated. On a
failed save, the creature is frightened until the start of its
next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the
creature is immune to the effects of this rune for the next 24
hours. Any creature who’s CR is higher than your level is
immune to this effect.
Rune of Resistance ᚲᛖᛖᛈ
Prerequisite: 15th level
Demon Knight Watercolor Stain 37
Creation Time Duration Target Artist: Ruan Jia Artist: flamableconcrete

Long Rest Next Long Rest Bound Armor For the duration the rune remains, you may cast the stored
spell with any parameters set by the original caster (such as
This rune gives you resistance to a damage type of your DC or bonus to hit), requiring no components. When the
choice that you’ve seen at least once before (even if it was by spell is cast or a new spell is stored, any previously stored
your Elemental Weapon Rune). You cannot choose slashing, spell is lost. The rune is expended early when you cast a
piercing, or bludgeoning as the damage type for this rune. spell stored within the rune. Any spell effect created by this
This rune takes longer than normal to inscribe, because of stored spell is ended when the rune is removed.
this, it can only be done as you finish a long rest. This rune
lasts until your next long rest. Rune of the Star ᛁᛞᛟᛚ
Prerequisite: 5th level
Rune of Savebreaking ᚺᚨᛚᛏ Creation Time Duration Target
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor

While this rune is active, hitting a creature with this While this rune is active, borrowing the power of the
weapon causes the hit creature to be filled with a sense of famous that came before you, you have advantage on
magical foreboding. Subtract 1d4 from the next saving Charisma (persuasion) and Charisma (performance) checks.
throw that creature makes in the next minute.
Rune of the Third Eye ᛊᛁᚷᚺᛏ
Rune of the Spectral Blade ᚷᚺᛟᛊᛏ Prerequisite: 13th level
Creation Time Duration Target Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Melee Weapon 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor

While the rune is active, your weapon’s melee range While the rune is active, you have blindsight out to a range
increases by 5ft. The weapon is enveloped by tangible of 30ft.
energy that lengthens the weapon by enlarging the blade, You can use your action to reduce the duration of this rune
lengthening the chain, etc. The weapon is magically to 1 minute, during this minute you have truesight out to a
returned to normal when the rune wears off. range of 60ft. To reduce the time of this rune to a minute, it
must have at least 30 minutes remaining.
Rune of Spell Banking ᛊᛏᛟᚱᛖ
Prerequisite: 5th level Rune of Translation ᚺᛖᚨᚱ
Creation Time Duration Target Prerequisite: 5th level
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
While this rune is active, a spellcaster may store one spell
in the rune. The maximum level the spell can be is equal to While the rune is active, any creature that understands at
one third of your enhancer level (rounded down). To do so, least one language understands any word you say as if it
the spellcaster must cast the spell on you. The spell has no were spoken with simple words in the language they know
effect but is stored within the rune. best.
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor

While the rune is active, you gain a burrowing speed equal

to half your walking speed.
Rune of the Vanishing Weapon ᚲᛖᚨᛊᛖ
Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon

When you activate this rune on a bound weapon, the

weapon disappears into a pocket dimension and remains
there for the duration. You can summon the weapon to your
hand or place it back into the pocket dimension as a bonus
action for the duration the rune remains. If the weapon is in
Watercolor Stain 37 Knights Radiant Fanart the pocket dimension when the rune is removed, it leaves
Artist: flamableconcrete Artist: Antti Hakosaari the pocket dimension as if summoned to you.
Rune of the Treant ᛏᚱᛖᛖ Rune of the Unicorn ᚠᛁᚲᛊ
Prerequisite: 9th level Prerequisite: 7th level
Creation Time Duration Target Creation Time Duration Target
1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Armor
When you activate this rune, your skin becomes wood-like, When you activate this rune, your eyes glow and you grow
and you grow branches out of your exposed skin and armor a horn on your head or helmet, used to heal others as a
for the duration the rune remains. unicorn would for the duration the rune remains.
While this rune is active, you gain the ability to animate While this rune is active, you may use your action to touch
trees. As an action, you can animate a number of trees equal another creature. The target either magically regains hit
to half your proficiency modifier (rounded down) that you can points equal to your Upgrade Weapon dice, or they are
see within 60ft of you. These trees have the stat block of removed of all diseases and neutralized of all poisons
Awakened Tree. An animated tree acts as an ally to you. An afflicting them (your choice). You may use this feature up to
awakened tree remains until it dies, you become unconscious twice per rune.
or dead, you are more than 120 feet from it, you dismiss it as
a bonus action, or if the duration of the rune ends. Rune of Unyielding ᛊᛏᛁᛚᛚ
Creation Time Duration Target
Rune of the Troll ᚱᛖᚾᛖᚹ
Prerequisite: 9th level 1 Bonus Action 1 hour Bound Weapon

Creation Time Duration Target This rune lies dormant on your weapon, awaiting it's
1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor command word. When you speak the command word, the
runed weapon becomes magically fixed in place. Until you
When you activate this rune, your skin becomes a sickly speak the command word again or the rune is removed, the
green, your face is distorted, and you grow warts over your weapon doesn't move, even if it is defying gravity. The
skin for the duration the rune remains. weapon can hold weight up to your Enhancer level x 1000
While this rune is active, you regain hit points at the start pounds. More weight causes the weapon to deactivate and
of your turn equal to your Enhancer level, you gain fall. A creature can use an action to make a Strength check
vulnerability to fire and acid damage, and you have with a DC equal to your rune save DC plus 15, moving the
disadvantage on all charisma checks except for intimidation. fixed weapon up to 10 feet on a success.
If you already have resistance or immunity to fire and acid
damage, instead it shifts one category lower in the following Rune of the Zombie ᛞᛖᚨᚦ
order: immunity > resistance > base damage > vulnerability. Prerequisite: 7th level
If this rune is active while there are no hostile creatures Creation Time Duration Target
within 300ft of you, each time you heal you must succeed on
a Constitution saving throw equal to your rune save DC + 3 1 Bonus Action 1 minute Bound Armor
or not regain any hit points and instead take damage equal to
your enhancer level (rounded down). When you activate this rune, your body begins to appear
You may end this rune early at any time, even if another as if it had been decomposing for a few days, your skin
feature says you cannot. becomes a sickly grey and you smell putrid for the duration
the rune remains. While this rune is active, if damage would
Rune of Tunneling ᚷᚺᛟᛊᛏ reduce you to 0 hit points, you must make a Constitution
Prerequisite: 7th level saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the
damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, you
drop to 1 hit point instead.
A Homebrew Class for D&D 5e by u/Elibriss

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