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Name: Roaa Walid Kamal (French Section, Political Science Major, 3rd year)

Introduction Phase: This is Growth The maturity Decline Phase: In this phase,
the initial stage of a Phase: In this phase is
characterised the product faces a decline in
product's life cycle. During phase, demand and market
this phase, the product is demand for by a stable
market with a saturation. Profitability
introduced to the market, the product
and customer awareness is starts to high level of decreases significantly, and
low. Profits are typically low increase, product companies may experience
or negative due to high leading to standardisation negative cash flow.
initial investment costs and higher sales . Profit
Investment is minimised, and
limited sales volume. Costs volume. As a margins tend
to decrease as companies may consider
are high as companies invest result, discontinuing the product or
in research and production competition
intensifies. selling it to another company.
development, marketing, and costs decrease
production setup. due to Foreign Production may shift to other
economies of demand may products or markets.
scale, and grow, but it is
profits begin often limited
to rise. The to high-income
product countries.
becomes more Companies
widely may consider
known, shifting
attracting production to
competitors to developing
enter the countries with
market. lower labour
Companies costs.
may increase Revenues may
promotional decline to a
spending to point where it
attract more is no longer
customers. economically
feasible to
producing the

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