Reinforced Masonry - Seismic Behaviour and Design

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J. C. Scrivener*

1. INTRODUCTION bricks are not hollow or capable of being rein-

forced. In this paper, brick and concrete block
It is interesting to recall I. L. Holmes* are considered together as there is no evidence
comment from the Seminar on Seismic Problems in in their behaviour of large differences in
Structural Engineering 1 9 6 8 ( 1 / - "reinforced seismic performance - masonry will mean either
masonry can be designed by the same rules as brick or concrete block.
reinforced concrete". This is really the
theme of this paper. What Holmes said in 1 9 ^ 8 , 2. MASONRY MATERIAL BEHAVIOUR
on scant evidence, has been shown in the test-
ing which has been conducted since then to be The designer in areas where earthquakes are
completely correct. not viewed to be significant enough to warrant
consideration in design are fortunate (doubly!)
We are exceedingly fortunate in New in that much relevant information is available
Zealand in that the quality of materials of on material properties and structural element
construction in masonry are uniformly high and behaviour of masonry. Of course his interest
the standard of our construction is good too. is mainly in "elastic" behaviour and perhaps in
Very often we forget these important points and failure loads, A recent book by S a h l i n ^ '
we are only made aware of them on visiting summarises this considerable information and he
other countries and sometimes by reading the gives comments and extensive references to
articles explaining the practices which occur topics such as masonry unit strength, modulus of
outside New Zealand. A recent issue of "Build elasticity, mortars and various structural
International"'^)is one such example. The term elements including concentrically and eccentric-
masonry implies unreinforced masonry in most ally loaded walls (compressive loading) and
countries. But a New Zealand structural unreinforced walls laterally loaded. Although
designer's use of the word masonry almost one chapter is headed 'Reinforced Masonry* it
automatically means reinforced masonry - he is largely concerned with reinforced beams and
only accepts masonry which is reinforced as columns and is of little use to the aseismic
being seismic resistant. Polyakov(2a) writes designer. Unfortunately, the information
of seismic resistant structures in USSR and available from any source on masonry under
after discussing long term problems he concludes seismic conditions is very much less extensive.
with " , , , . one should not forget that for some
time to come, traditional methods of construct- H o l r a e s ^ ^ at an international conference

ion and materials will be used, for instance in 1 9 6 7 said of New Zealand masonry construction
brick and masonry. The acquired experience of that "difficulty is still experienced in main-
earthquakes indicates that up to now the taining a good quality laying mortar. This is
problem of economic seismic resistant construc- because the sources of supply of the sand are
tion of buildings with load bearing brick and not well controlled." The position has improved
masonry walls has not been fully solved. Now decidedly since then not only due to control of
this problem should be given the most serious sand but also due to better supervision and
attent ion." improved education of the brick or block layer
who has been made to realise the importance of
The Chief of the Vibration Section of the reliable mortar and grout strength and good
Building Research Institute in Tokyo, Izumi(^b) workmanship. Generally, our New Zealand standards
writes "From bitter experience of the collapse are specific enough in the requirements of
of brick masonry structures, no masonry minimum strengths - it is the control exercised
structures are allowed to be built in Japan to ensure that these standards are achieved
unless heavily reinforced .... Very severe that has improved.
structural regulations are imposed even for
reinforced brick masonry structures in Japan In his report on the damage suffered in
and economically they cannot cope with other the San Fernando earthquake, Shephe rd<5) men t ion s
structural methods like RC and RC - block some poorly constructed masonry structures which
structures. The only masonry frequently used failed. The San Fernando juvenile hall which
is RC block structures though these are also he illustrated (Fig. 1 6 , P 6 1 ) is a clear example
subject to many structural regulations. The of the weakness of stack bonded construction
strength of RC block structures depends on without horizontal bond beams where there is a
the construction control and it is very continuous vertical line of weakness at each
difficult to estimate the strength after vertical joint. This is not obtained with
completion of the construction." Apparently stretcher or running bond normally used in
the Japanese consider brick and concrete block New Zealand.
quite separately - perhaps because their
2 . 1 Compressive Strength
* Reader in Civil Engineering, University of
Canterbury, Christchurch. A good explanation of the behaviour of
Bulletin of N.Z. Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol 5, No.4. December
masonry under compressive load is given by An obstacle which, at present, prevents a
Hilsdorf ( ^t>) . The development of stresses comparison of the theoretical f^ with test
as they may occur in a single brick within a results is the lack of values for f J t n e

masonry element subjected to axial compression strength of brick under biaxial tension.
in the y direction is shown in Fig. 1 . It is S a h l i n ' 3 ) suggests approximate safe ratios of
assumed that the lateral tensile stresses in tensile to compressive strength of 1 : 20
the x and z directions, * and # > are equal
x z for uncored and 1 : 30 for cored bricks on
and they are given as a function of the local the basis of a number of tests of various
maximum stresses, & , which act in the direction workers. He reports tests which give values
of the external load. Line A is an assumed of U between 1 . 1 and 2 . 5 with decreasing

failure criterion for the triaxial strength of values for increasing mortar strength. One
bricks (the actual one is not known and this may also suspect that in a joint is
assumption follows Mohr's theory of failure different from the value of mortar strength
assuming a straight line envelope). With the obtained from tests on mortar cylinders but
masonry subjected to external uniaxial com- this difference is probably of minor importance.
pression, the lateral tensile stresses follow
the dashed line Bj until at the intersection With this rather hazy and incomplete
with line A.local failure by cracking occurs information available at present (and it is for
causing a reduction in the lateral stresses. solid bricks and not necessarily applicable to
If the external load is already larger than hollow bricks or concrete b l o c k s ) , it seems as
the uniaxial compressive strength, then the if the only way of establishing f m is by test.
mortar has been laterally confined. A certain Sahlin ( 3 ) suggests that empirical formulae
minimum lateral compressive stress has had to may be satisfactory provided they are found by
act on the mortar and this must have been tests on the same or comparable material. For
equilibrated by tensile stresses in the a study of the influence of a variation of
uncracked sections of the bricks. These geometry or a variation of brick strength,
minimum tensile stresses, which will increase H i l s d o r f s formula is well suited.
with increasing external load, are represented
by line C. When the external load is increased Just as with concrete, masonry tested
beyond the load causing the first crack, within a compression testing machine is
stresses in the uncracked section may develop affected by the restraint of the platens to
along line Bg. A second crack will be formed free lateral expansion at the specimen ends.
when the stresses are such that B intersects
2 Using concrete prisms in compression, Newman
with A and again the lateral tensile stresses and Lachance(^) found that the apparent crush-
will fall to line C and the process continues ing strength decreased as the height/width
in the same way and the brick may finally be ratio increased and the change became insig-
split into small elements. Under the best nificant for height/width radio of 2 . 5 -
conditions, the intersection of the failure Accordingly masonry prisms of three approximately
criterion line A and the minimum lateral cubic solid brick units mortared together were
stress line C corresponds to the ultimate tested by Scrivener and W i l l i a m s ( 7 > 8 ) . These
load of the masonry unit. tests were conducted as an attempt to improve
the capacity of shear walls, subjected to
By expressing lines A and C mathematically in-plane (seismic) loading, which had deterior-
the stress value at the point of intersection ated in the wall corners largely by tensile
can be determined. Hilsdorf shows that: splitting of the masonry units. It was
realised that the toe load was predominantly
a compressive one and as compression of the
bt + a f! three-high prisms produced similar tensile
r* splitting failures they were considered as
simplified models of the wall toe. It was
found experimentally that higher compressive
where f• = average masonry compressive stress loads could be carried by the prisms by delay-
at failure ing the crushing of the mortar which could be
f£ » uniaxial compressive strength of accomplished by raising the mortar strength
brick directly or by reducing the mortar thickness
bringing into effect greater confinement of the
f *. = uniaxial compressive strength of
mortar by the masonry units. Attempts were
^ mortar
made to restrain the mortar from large lateral
f£ t = strength of brick under biaxial expansion (the real cause of splitting of the
tension, ef = & masonry unit) by reinforcing the mortar bed
x z with "squares" of light gauge wire. This
proved to be ineffective and gave a tendency
= i d - b
to slightly lower the compressive failure loads
j « joint thickness probably due to stress concentrations or to a
lack of mortar able to be contained in the
b = brick height
joint. However, the principle was correct as
U = non-uniformity coefficient at fail- when the mortar joint was replaced by a steel 11

ure joint", comprising an l / 8 " or 1 / 1 6 " M.S. plate

bonded to the masonry units by epoxy resin, the
" ratio of maximum to average uniaxial
prism strength almost achieved the strength of
the masonry unit. These experimental effects
are in agreement with the trends suggested by
This expression satisfies known relation- the Hilsdorf*^ > equation.

ships between compressive strength of masonry

and various parameters: masonry strength
increases with increasing compressive strength The author has recently conducted another
of brick and mortar, with increasing tensile series of compressive tests on concrete block
strength of bricks and with decreasing ratio prisms 1 , 3 and 5 units high with cores filled
of joint thickness to brick height. ] with grout of four different compressive



Prism Strengths (lb/ i n , 2

Block Number Mortar Age Total

No Grout
De s ig- of Stre- of numbfir
nation Units ngth Grout of
Net Gr os s Grou t Grou t Grou t Grou t
High (lb/ in ) 2
(day s) speci-
area area A B C D

60 1 1 _ 7 22 i*280 26^0 3730 ^310 ^530 3510

601 3 25 50 7 1 5 2600 1610 I960 2 100 2 100 1790
60 1 3 2320 7 9 3150 1950 2030 I960 i860 1850

612 1 - 20 k$20 3010 kk-9 0 U9 10 5320 ko6o

612 3 3030 20 37^0 2^80 kooo 3960 3390 3660

622 1 - k9 19 6310 ^160 5180 5630 6020 kkoo

622 3 2710 k9 20 kkzo 2920 3720 3560 3600 3830

6^0 1 1 - 7 7 kk2 0 2900 ^560 5720 5920 ^-050

6k 0 1 3 3080 7 9 2900 19 10 2320 2690 2500 2570
6ko 1 5 3080 7 8 2600 1710 2^60 2750 2050 2730

6^0 1 1 _ kg 8 Zl42 0 2900 - 5090 5320 kS20

3 2930 ^9 9 2900 1910 - 2780 3060 3650

Grout: Mix proportions to give flow of 20 in. 2 in.

Grout cylinders 8 x k. M n


A B C D*

Sand / Cement ^.3 3.6 2.9

Water / Cement .8^ .73 .61 .81
7 day compressive strength (lb/in )2
1800 2350 3550 1360
U-9 day compressive strength (lb/in ) 2
2300 3200 kkko 1710

•Grout D included expanding agent.

Mortar: Mix - 1 cement : ^ . 8 ^ sand : 0 . 3 7 5 lime : 0 . 9 2 wat er

Initial flow 108 - k
Retentivity 78 ± 5

Compressive strengths of 8" x k u

cylinders at 5 6 days as per table.

Masonry units: Vibrapac Concrete Blocks 6 inch series.

601 Standard Whole 2 cores
1 5 ? " x 7 P " x 5 ? " - gross area 8 U . 1 5 in^, net area 5 2 . 1 0 i n 2

612 Half end closer - 1 core - 1 side open

7 f " x ?f» x $?» - gross area k2.89 i n , net area 2 8 . 5 5 in

622 Control joint 1 core

7 ? " x 7^"
7^" x 5 » - gross area ^ 3 - 3 2 in , net area 2 8 . 6 2 in

6^0 1 Whole k" high _ - 2 cores

15?" x 3? M
x 5 » - gross area 8 7 . 8 9 in , net area 5 7 . 8 0 in

Pr i sms: Single units, stack bonded. Top and bottom faces capped with dental
plaster. Prisms tested between steel platens, ball seated at one end.
strengths. The results are given in Table 1 seen by the steep fall off in load after the
along with details on the grout, mortar and maximum stress was reached.
masonry units. With the many variables in the
test series, including grout and mortar A further clue to the compressive behaviour
strengths, and with the different combinations of masonry is given by Fig. 7 which depicts
of variables used, it was necessary to statist- the strain behaviour of mortar. Beyond the
ically analyse the results to determine the maximum load, there is a sharp increase in the
significant differences, if any, in the means lateral extension of mortar relative to its
of the various sets of results. A 'one-way longitudinal contraction (for convenience this
experimental layout' with a significance level has been called Poisson's Ratio but of course
of 5 $ was a d o p t e d ( 9 ) . A total of 2k mortar the material is no longer elastic). Since the
cylinders, ^8 grout cylinders and l 6 l prisms mortar is weaker in uni-axial compression than
were tested with, where possible, 3 replicas the masonry unit, the maximum mortar stress is
of each test. Due to the limited capacity of attained before the maximum masonry stress and
the test machines at the University of Canter- so the masonry unit is subjected to lateral
bury, both in load and in maximum distance tension from the mortar and eventually this
between platens, 6 " blocks were all that could causes the splitting failure of the masonry.
be accommodated. And even then, except for The mortar is restrained by the masonry and so
the half high blocks ( 6 ^ 0 1 ) , 3 high units were it is subjected to tri-axial compression and
the limit and some tests had to be made at very hence does not fail prematurely even if lower
early grout ages. in uni-axial strength than the masonry. The
phenomenon raises the question of the strength
The conclusions which may be drawn from of masonry units in bi-axial tension - perhaps
the results are; this is more important than our traditional
insistence on high compressive strength units?
a) 1 high prisms fail at much higher compressive
loads and in a completely different manner from 2.3 Shear Strength
3 high prisms. The effect of platen restraint
causes inclined cracks and end crushing for the See Under 3 . 3 Ultimate Strength of Walls.
1 high prisms, see Fig. 2 . But vertical
splittling occurs with the 3 and 5 high prisms, 3. MASONRY SHEAR WALLS
see Fig. 3 , even with the squat 6 ^ 0 1 blocks,
see Fig. k. The vertical cracks are precipitated 3 . 1 Static Cyclic Test Behaviour
in blocks away from the platens.
Scrivener and W i l l i a m s ^ ' have reported
b) Although increasing the grout strength in the Bulletin on static cyclic tests on rein-
increases the single unit prism strength, it forced masonry walls subjected to in-plane
makes little difference to the compressive loads applied at the top of the walls. The
strength of prisms failing in the vertical racking loads were cycled at constant amplitude
splitting mode. This result and the observation representing a multiple (often k) of the load
that the grout and blocks separated easily at causing yield in the flexural steel. The wall
failure indicates the likelihood of bond break- aspect ratio, bearing loads and reinforcing
down, probably due to the shrinkage of the were varied in turn and their effects on the
grout with its high water and relatively high ductility capabilities, stiffness degradation,
cement content. The very limited tests with load deterioration, failure mechanism and
Grout D, containing an expanding agent, did ultimate load capacity determined. They found
not improve the situation but this is an area that provided the flexural reinforcing at the
of development worth pursuing if higher prism wall ends and the bearing load were kept low
strengths and hence higher wall compressive and provided the aspect ratio (wall height to
strengths are desired. width) was high, the wall behaved in a most
ductile manner as would be expected in a
2.2 Stress-Strain Behaviour cantilever failing in flexure. The load
deflection curves of Fig. 8 are typical of such
As part of the investigation by Scrivener a wall. Between the first and second cycles of
and Williams^?* stress-strain curves for
9 loading the stiffness degraded but thereafter
masonry units and for masonry prisms were maintained its value and the maximum load
determined. The results are shown in Figs. 5 remained reasonably constant. On reducing the
and 6 indicating the same general pattern of aspect ratio to unity, ductile behaviour became
behaviour for brickwork and concrete masonry most difficult to achieve and such walls failed
as that already known for plain concrete. The in shear with typical diagonal cracking. Shear
brickwork prisms (Fig. 6 ) did tend to spall failure was also obtained when the flexural
slightly at strains beyond the maximum load steel at the wall edges was increased as then
strain but the consequent fall in load was small the wall failed in shear at a load which was
and only gave rise to the "waviness" shown in lower than that needed to yield the flexural
the falling branch of the stress-strain curve. steel. However, even with the brittle failure
The slope of this part of the curve gives an mode of shear, the load-deflect ion loops still
indication of the material brittleness but for had considerable area representing reasonable
true comparison this slope must be related to energy dissipative capacity. But they showed,
the maximum stress obtainable for the specimen with increasing number of cycles, load
and so the slopes seen on the graphs (for deterioration and stiffness degradation although
different maximum stresses) are not direct at failure, where much larger deformations were
measures of brittleness. For the specimens required, load recovery was often exhibited -
tested, the concrete masonry prisms were see, for example, Fig. 9 .
slightly more brittle than concrete of the same
compressive strength whereas the brickwork 3.2 Dynamic Tests
tended to be slightly less brittle than the
equivalent concrete. The brick unit itself Four walls, constructed exactly as the
exhibited a very brittle behaviour as can be static test w a l l s , were tested* *
' under
1 1
dynamic cyclic loading. The horizontal racking these two walls may not be as favourable to
load was applied using the MTS closed loop the dynamic situation as at first thought.
electro-hydraulic structural loading system at
N.Z. Pottery and Ceramic Research Association, It is suggested that effective confine-
Lower Hutt. The hydraulic pumping capability ment of the reaction corner material, possibly
and servovalvo flow capacity limit the system difficult to achieve, would prevent this
performance so that as the cyclic frequency is undesirable behaviour. Also the confinement
increased the attainable displacement amplitudes of the masonry would prevent early buckling
are reduced. Accordingly for sinusoidal double and so retain the steel couple as an effective
amplitude frequencies of 0 . 5 " and 2 " the maximum seismic load resisting element.
attainable frequencies were approximately 1
hertz and 0 . 3 hertz respectively. Thus these A movie film of the dynamic tests shows
tests were conducted at frequencies of 1 hertz very graphically the pattern of wall cracking
or less. and the disintegration and dislodgement
of masonry in the reaction corner.
Generally the walls which showed some
degree of load deterioration in the static 3.3 Ultimate Strength of Walls
testing behaved in a similar fashion under the
dynamic conditions. Wall Bl was subjected to The load to cause yielding of the flexural
5 cycles at 0 . 5 hertz and + 0 . ^ 3 " displacement reinforcing in a wall was able to be predicted,
in sequence A (see Fig. 1 0 ) compared with 3 in the above tests, to within a few percent by
cycles at t 0 . 5 0 " in the static series. In equilibrating moments of all the forces acting
both cases the load capacity was maintained (racking load, bearing load, yield forces in
although minor stiffness degradation occurred. reinforcing) about the wall toe (i.e. by
On increasing the displacement amplitude to assuming that the centre of compression is at
1" 0 . 6 2 " (sequence B) and 1 0 . 7 0 " in the dynamic the wall toe and treating the wall as
and static situations respectively, mild reinforced concrete).
deterioration occurred for both cases. Sequence
C a further 6 cycles at 0 . 3 hertz and j* 0 . 9 0 "
s For those walls in which shear determined
displacement resulted in rapid deterioration, the maximum load, the shear strength (ultimate
the load capacity in one direction falling from shear stress based on the gross horizontal
the maximum of 1 2 . 5 kip to k kip. In the static section) varied from 1 5 0 to 2 6 0 l b / i n ,
test there were no cycles at t 0 . 9 0 " displace- values may be compared with a near constant
ment to allow comparison with the dynamic test. value of lk3 lb/in^ for a wide range of walls
from Schneider's tests ( 1 2 ) and an average
The dynamic behaviour of wall B 2 , Fig. 1 1 , value of 1 7 0 l b / i n for those concrete block

which according to static test results should walls from Scrivener's series containing
have produced a satisfactory cyclic behaviour the optimum 0 , 3 % reinforcing or greater. The
as the aspect ratio was relatively high, the higher values were associated with walls
amount of flexural steel was low and no bearing supporting large bearing loads.
load was being carried, was surprising. Severe
stiffness degradation and load deterioration 3 • ^ Shear Walls with Openings
were evident in the dynamic test. This wall
may be compared with the most flexural situation An experimental evaluation of the capacity
in the static series, wall B3 (Fig. 8 ) which of reinforced concrete masonry p i e r s , function-
supported a bearing load of 1 2 5 psi and was ing within the confines of a shear wall, to
subject to 3 cycles at a displacement of resist lateral load was conducted by Schneider
t 0 . 3 5 " , 2 cycles at + 0 . 6 5 " and 1 cycle at '^J, The static load was applied diagonally
t 0 , 9 5 " followed by the final monotonic applic- and the major variables were the amount of web
ation of load to 3 " . For the dynamic test, reinforcing both vertical and horizontal and
sequence A of 3 cycles at a frequency of 0 . 5 the ratio !L (where a is the distance of the point
hertz and a displacement of + 0 . ^ 0 " showed
severe stiffness degradation whereas in the of inflection to spandrel restraint and D is
static situation only minor stiffness degrada- trie overall pier depth). Schneider found that
tion occurred between the first and second the shear strength (horizontal component of
cycle and thereafter stable behaviour prevailed. ultimate load over pier cross sectional area)
Sequence B of ^ cycles at 0 . 5 hertz and ± 0 . ? 0 " increased with a decrease in the ^ ratio, from
showed that further stiffness degradation took 2 D
place while the load capacity reduced from k. 5 shear strength 1 0 0 lb/in at ^ = 1 . 5 to 2 8 0
kip to 2 . 5 kip in 3 cycles. This trend was l b / i n at — = 0 . 1 7 .
At higher ~ values, lower
continued in sequence C, 6 cycles at 0 . 3 hertz shear strengths down to 50 lb/in^ were reported
and + 0 . 9 0 " . Overall the behaviour of B3 under but as, in these cases, the failure appeared
static conditions was far more stable than the to be flexural the figures are not true shear
comparable dynamically tested wall. strengths as failure occurred earlier by other
than shear.
Whereas a stable ductile action prevailed
throughout the static test, for later cycles Where horizontal reinforcement was provided
in the dynamic situation the wall deflect by a significant increase, of the order of 50%,
sliding along the mortar bed above the second in the shear strengths was obtained. Vertical
course. Due to the wall motion the products steel did not seem to be effective as web
of material disintegration and crushing at the reinforcement which Schneider explains as "it
corner dislodged allowing buckling and bending does not contain the grout within the masonry
of the reinforcing steel to occur. Thus the as do horizontal stirrups". It should be
contribution of the compression zone and dowel noted that diagonal loading demands a diagonal
action to the shear resistance became negligible. crack type failure.
As the wall must then rely on "aggregate
interlock" for shear resistance, bearing load (1^ 1e\
may have been beneficial so that comparison of Krishna and Chandra describe some
tests on model brick houses with different
arrangements of reinforcing. They demonstrate quake without total collapse. A ductile
that vertical re i nf orcemo n t in the corners and structure fulfils this dual role very
jambs increase the strength and ductility of a efficiently and such a condition is normally
structure considerably. A suggestion is made attained by ensuring a flexural type failure
for limits for the percentage of reinforcing with tensile yielding of the steel. For ductile
to be used for economical and efficient perform- behaviour it is appropriate to use Code
ance of the walls. prescribed loads and design tho wall as a
vertical beam by an ultimate strength method
3 . 5 Masonry Infill Pannls similar to that used in reinforced concrete.

The behaviour of masonry diaphragms framed If a sufficiently ductile behaviour

by reinforced concrete members has received cannot be confidently predicted (and it appears
some attention by research workers largely in that this would usually be -the case at present)
determining the capacity under single load the structure must be designed to withstand
application. E s t e v a ^ ^ however has gone
forces associated with the design earthquake
further and produced lateral load versus which may be several times the code specified
angular deformation curves for many cycles of values which have proved satisfactory design
load. loads for ductile framed structures. On the
other hand, code specified allowable stresses
When the masonry wall is enclosed in a should be realistic.
structural frame the total structure becomes a
very stiff shear wall. At some critical deform- k. FACE LOADING OF MASONRY WALLS
ation diagonal cracking of the masonry occurs
very often with simultaneous cracking of the Loading perpendicular to the masonry
frame and the load that the structure takes surface (face loading), causing bending of the
decreases suddenly. Further cycling causes wall, has received much research attention
much damage to the masonry. It is for this overseas for unreinforced walls and combined
reason that one New Zealand philosophy of bending and compressive loading of unrein-
design for frames with masonry infill panels forced walls has also been re searched' ? ) .

is to isolate the panel from the frame so that

the frame carries the in-plane earthquake force Two series of face loading tests on
and the panel is only called on to carry earth- reinforced brick walls have been conducted by
quake loads perpendicular to itself and created Scrivener. In the first( > , monot oni c
l 8

by its own mass - for behaviour see Section U uniformly distributed face load was applied by
Face Loading. Some research in Portugal has air bag to one face of walls simply supported
shown that even with "isolation of panel from
at their ends. A valid criticism of these
frame, the masonry can affect the stiffness and tests was that since the walls were rotated to
behaviour of the frame. It is hoped to lie in the horizontal plane so that the air
investigate this phenomenon at Canterbury bag reacted against the floor, the wall dead
shortly but in the meantime if panel isolation weight was incorrectly applied. Accordingly,
is desired considerable care should be taken in the second series, the walls were kept in
in the detailing and construction. their natural vertical orientation and a
vertical platform constructed for the air bag
3•6 Summary of Masonry Shear Wall Behaviour - loading reaction. The base of the wall was
De sign mounted on roller bearings and to ensure simple
support end conditions the base and top of the
Tests have shown that, provided the masonry wall were attached to the reaction platform
in the wall reaction corners is confined, a by horizontal hinged rods allowing free rotation
ductile generally satisfactory post-elastic of the wall ends. These rods, suitably strain
behaviour suitable for seismic resistance can gauged, were also used as load cells to check
be obtained under certain conditions. The the magnitude of air bag loading. The test
shear strength of the load bearing section must set-up is shown in Fig. 1 2 . A few cycles of
exceed the ultimate flexural strength which can static face load were conducted, the reverse
be predicted by equating the moment of the loading being obtained by applying the air bag
racking load about the wall base to the load to the other face of the wall. Load
algebraic sum of the moments of the bearing deflection curves were found.
loads and of the vertical reinforcing yield
forces taken about the reaction corner. The The details of the walls and the yield
shear strength over a wide range of masonry (ultimate) loads are given in Table 2 . A
tests in New Zealand and U.S.A. has a minimum typical load-deflection plot from one of the
value of around 1 5 0 l b / i n provided that shear

walls is recorded in Fig. 1 3 . In both test

is the failure mode. A further condition is series it was found that the test yield load
in the wall geometry. Walls satisfying the (ultimate load) could be predicted to within
above conditions and with aspect ratio two (or a few percent by considering the reinforced
•greater) were ductile but for walls with brick section as a lightly reinforced wide
jaspect ratio one or less true ductile behaviour beam and applying ultimate moment theory as
was not found. However the energy dissipating for reinforced concrete. The stress-strain
icapacity of non ductile walls may still be curve for the brick was assumed to be the same
1arge and these walls may not be unsatisfactory
as that for concrete in order that the concrete
in seismic situations.
constant 0 . 5 9 within the Whitney equation
could be used. The ultimate moment, M • is :
Current seismic design philosophy suggests u
that the energies associated with large earth- M =A f (d - O . 5 9 A f / f • b)
q u a k e s should preferably be dissipated by
u s y ^ s y ' c
:inelastic deformations. The structure should
be designed to withstand "moderate" earthquakes
; where A = cross sectional area of steel-
without major structural damage and should also
be capable of withstanding a "severe" earth- f = yield stress of steel



Yield Loads (lb/ft )


Wall Reinf orcement

The ore t i cal Experimental

None 32
2 -- |" diam. 31 33
3 -- 1 " diam. k6 k2

k .- |" diam. 6l 6k

3 -- |" diam. 77 8k

Bricks: McSkimmings reinforcing and lattice

Walls; Brickwork 10' high x 5' wide support ed
on RC beams at base and top.

Reinforcing: Vertical deformed bar s in grou ted

cores, lapped with starter bars from
RC beams.
d = depth to centre of gravity of steel Intensity Seismic Zones."
kb. Hilsdorf, H.K., "Investigation into the
b = beam width Failure Mechani sm of Brick Masonry Loaded
f• = brick crushing strength in Axial Compre ss ion."
c kc . Scrivener, J.C., "Static Racking Te st s on
Concrete Masonry Walls" - Proceedings
As the contentious figures f and 0 . 5 9 appear
International Conference on Masonry
only in the 2 n d term within the bracket s and Structural Sy stems, Texas, Nov. 1 9 6 7 and
thi s term only affect s re suit s by approximately publi shed as "Designing, Engineering and
2% (since the beam is very 1ightly reinforced) Con struct ing with Masonry Product s" edited
the se apparently gro ss assumpt ions are justified. by Johnson, F.B., Gulf Publi shing Co.,
Houston, 1 9 6 9 .
With such a relatively large span in relation 5. Shepherd, R., "Some Aspe ct s of the San
to the section depth and with the low rein- Fernando Earthq uake" - N.Z. Engineer ing,
forcing content, it is hardly surpri sing that Vol. 2 7 , No. 2 , Feb. 1 9 7 2 .
flexure was the dominant action giving a highly 6. Newman, K. , and Lachance, L. , "The Tes ting
ductile behaviour characterised by large of Brittle Materials Under Uniform Uni-
inelastic deformations (and cracking). But axial Compressive Stress" - Proceedings
even with deformations of 6 " and greater there American Society for Testing and Materials,
was never any sign of bricks wishing to Vol. 6k, 196k, pp 10*44-67.
separate from the wall. The hysteresis 1 oops 7. Scrivener, J.C. and Williams, D., "Compress-
of the load-deflection diagram are large, if ive Behaviour of Masonry Prisms" - Proceedings
narrow gut ted due to the ineffective position Third Australasian Conference on the Mechanics
of the reinforcing in the centre of the section. of Structures and Materials, Auckland, August
The yield 1oads are much in excess of code 1971.
pre scribed earthquake loads ( 0 . 3 2 g f or zone A 8. Williams, D., "Seismic Behaviour of Rein-
public building which is l 6 l b / f t f or the se

forced Masonry Shear Walls" - Ph.D. Thesis,

walls). University of Canterbury 1 9 7 1 .
9. Kreyszig, E., Introductory Mathematical

5. CONCLUSION Statistics", Wiley 1 9 7 0 , p p 2 6 2 - 2 7 3 .

10. Scrivener, J.C. and Williams, D,, "Behaviour
Over the last few year s consi derable
of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls Under Cyclic
knowledge has been gained about the behaviour
Loading" - Bulletin of N.Z. Society for Earth-
of re inforeed masonry unde r load. Monotonically
quake Engineering, Vol. k, No. 2 , April 1 9 7 1 .
increasing load give s some indicat ion of initial
11. Williams, D. and Scrivener, J . C , "Response
strength and deformation but for seismic design
of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls to Static
repeated cyclic 1oading gives more useful
and Dynamic Cyclic Loading" - Accepted for
informat ion particularly about ductility, st if f-
presentation at 5 t h World Conference on
ne ss degradation, load deteriorat ion and energy
Earthquake Engineering, Rome, Italy, June
di ssipative capacity.
12. Schneider, R.R., "Lateral Load Tests on Rein-
The inf ormati on from stat ic tests may also
forced Grouted Masonry Shear Walls" - Univer-
be incomplete, as some dynamic tests have shown
sity of Southern California Engineering
up factors hitherto unconsidered. One dynamic
Centre Report No. 7 0 - 1 0 1 , September 1 9 5 9 .
test has shown the need for confinement of
13. Schneider, R.R., "Shear in Concrete Masonry
masonry and steel in the reaction corner of
Piers" - Reports of Tests at California
masonry shear walls in order to maintain the
State Polytechnic College, Pomona, California
full ductility and load capacity of ductile 1969.
walls. 1^. Krishna, J. and Chandra, B., "Strengthening
of Brick Buildings Against Earthquake Forces"
Both in material and in element behaviour,
- Proceedings 3 r d World Conference on Earth-
masonry has been shown to act similarly to the
Quake Engineering, N.Z., 1 9 6 5 , Vol. Ill
other brittle con struct ion material, concrete.
pp 32^-3^1.
Much of the knowledge gained on re inforced
15. Krishna, J. and Chandra, B., "Strengthening
cone re te behaviour may be applied to reinforced
of Brick Buildings in Seismic Zones" - Pro-
masonry structures.
ceedings i*th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Chile, Jan. 1 9 6 9 , B6 pp 1 1 - 2 0 .
16. Esteva, L., "Behaviour Under Alternating
Loads of Masonry Diaphragms Framed by Rein-
The author is most grateful to the Civil
forced Concrete Members" - International
Engineering Department, University of Canterbury,
Symposium on the Effects of Repeated Loading
McSkimming Indust ries Ltd. , N.Z. Pottery and
of Materials and Structural Elements, Rilem,
Ceramics Re search Associat ion and Vibrapac
Mexico, September 1 9 6 6 .
Blocks Limited for assistance in the tests.
17. Yokel, F.Y., Mathey, R.G. and Dikkers, R.D.,
?. REFERENCES "Effect of Vertical Compressive Loads on the
Transverse Strength of Masonry Walls" -
1• Holmes, I.L., "Masonry Seismic Design - National Bureau of Standards Report, U.S. Dept.
Seminar on Sei smic Problems in Structural of Commerce, Washington D.C., December 1 9 6 9 .
Engineering", University of Canterbury, 18. Scrivener, J . C , "Face Load Tests on Rein-
May 1 9 6 8 . forced Hollow Brick Non-Load-Bearing Walls"
2a. Polyakov, S.V., "Seismic Resistant Structures - N.Z. Engineering, July 1 9 6 9 * pp. 2 1 5 -
in the USSR."
2b. Izumi, M., "Principles of Earthquake Resist-
ant Construction" - Build International,
Vol. 5 , No. 1, January/February 1 9 7 2 .
3• Sahlin, S., "Structural Masonry" - Prentice-
Hall, 1 9 7 1 .
Holmes, I.L., "Masonry Building in High
FIG. 4
£^=J28£ lb/in*

0-2 0.4 0.6 0.8 UO Strain (V.)

FIG. 5

FIG. 6

0.6 0-8 Strain (V,)

FIG. 7

Cycle numbers are indicated

Load maintained
to 3'deflection •

FIG. 8

% 36- Cycle numbers are indicated



-0.4 -0.2' —^-0.1

0.2 0.3 0.4

Deflection (in.)


^ S - 2 4 -


FIG. 9

Sequence Frequency A/s of Cycles

A 0.5 hertz 5
B 0.5 " 5
C 0.3 " 6

FIG. 10


0.6 1.0
Deflection (ins)

2~m 3
bars 1

/77 7">T7'>/yf

FIG. 11
FIG. 13

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