Design Expression For The In-Plane Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Masonry

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Design Expression for the In-Plane Shear Strength

of Reinforced Concrete Masonry

K. C. Voon1 and J. M. Ingham, M.ASCE2

Abstract: Aspects relating to codification of the in-plane shear strength of concrete masonry walls when subjected to seismic loading are
presented in this paper. Particular emphasis is placed on a model that is capable of representing the interaction between flexural ductility
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and masonry shear strength to account for the reduction in shear strength as ductility level increases. The simple method proposed here
allows the strength enhancement provided by axial compression load to be separated from the masonry component of shear strength and
is considered to result from strut action. In addition, minor modifications are made to facilitate adoption of the method in the updated
version of the New Zealand masonry design standard, NZS 4230:2004. Prediction of shear strength from NZS 4230:2004 and alternative
methods are compared with results from a wide range of masonry walls tests failing in shear. It was established that the shear equation in
the former version of the New Zealand masonry standard 共NZS 4230:1990兲 was overly conservative in its prediction of masonry shear
strength. The current National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program 共NEHRP兲 shear expression was found to be commendable, but it
does not address masonry shear strength within plastic hinge regions, therefore limiting its use when designing masonry structures in
seismic regions. Finally, the new shear equation implemented in NZS 4230:2004 was found to provide significantly improved shear
strength prediction with respect to its predecessor, with accuracy close to that resulted from NEHRP.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2007兲133:5共706兲
CE Database subject headings: Axial loads; Ductility; Masonry; Reinforcement; Shear strength; Concrete, reinforced.

Introduction flexural yielding, usually characterized by rapid strength degrada-

tion soon after the maximum strength is reached. These experi-
Reinforced masonry structures are typically “box-like” with shear mental studies successfully demonstrated that the shear resistance
wall panels potentially subjected to simultaneous gravity and of reinforced masonry wall panels comes from mechanisms simi-
horizontal loads, resulting in overturning moments during seismic lar to those observed in reinforced concrete structures, and that
excitation. Depending on the load condition, amount of longitu- the parameters influencing these mechanisms include tension of
dinal and shear reinforcement, and the aspect ratio, two distinct shear reinforcement, dowel action of vertical reinforcement, ap-
failure mechanisms can be identified in shear wall panels sub- plied axial stress, and aggregate interlocking.
jected to in-plane loading. One is a flexural type of failure char- For most reinforced masonry shear wall panels, it is normally
acterized by tensile yielding of vertical reinforcement and/or required that the plastic hinges be located at the wall bases. Spe-
crushing of masonry at critical wall sections. This is generally the cial care is needed within the plastic hinge zones since the shear
preferred mode, as tensile failure is ductile and is effective in strength is a function of flexural ductility. As plastic hinge rota-
dissipating energy in conjunction with reinforcement yielding. tions increase, the widening of flexure-shear cracks reduces the
The second type is a shear failure, which is characterized by capacity for shear transfer by aggregate interlock, and the shear
diagonal tensile cracking. It has been observed from experimental strength reduces. Examination of the seismic response of rein-
studies 共Priestley 1977; Sveinsson et al. 1985; Matsumura 1988; forced concrete bridge columns by Priestley et al. 共1994兲 enables
Tomazevic and Lutman 1988; Shing et al. 1990; Voon and Ing- a clear distinction to be made between brittle shear failure, occur-
ham 2006兲 that wall panels dominated by the shear mechanism ring before the flexural strength is reached, and ductile shear fail-
tend to exhibit a more brittle behavior than those dominated by ure, where a degree of flexural ductility develops before shear
failure occurs. This is acknowledged in the conceptual model for
1 concrete shear strength proposed by the Applied Technology
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Univ. of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail: Council 共1981兲 and illustrated in Fig. 1, where shear strength is assumed to decrease in a linear fashion as the displacement duc-
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, tility increases. If the lateral force corresponding to flexural
Univ. of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail: strength is less than the residual shear strength 共Vr兲, ductile flex- ural response is ensured. If it is greater than the initial shear
Note. Associate Editor: Sanj Malushte. Discussion open until October strength 共Vi兲, a brittle shear failure results. If the lateral force
1, 2007. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To corresponding to flexural strength is between the initial and
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
residual shear strength, then shear failure occurs at a ductility
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted
for review and possible publication on February 24, 2005; approved on corresponding to the intersection of the strength and force–
June 1, 2006. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineer- deformation characteristic as shown in Fig. 1. This behavior was
ing, Vol. 133, No. 5, May 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/2007/5- adopted by NZS 4230:1990 共SANZ 1990兲 in significantly simpli-
706–713/$25.00. fied form, where it was required within potential plastic hinge


J. Struct. Eng. 2007.133:706-713.

load component and a shear reinforcement component and pro-
vides good agreement with the data from Shing et al. 共1990兲.
Shing et al. 共1990兲 observed during their experimental study that
the postcracking strength of masonry increases in proportion to
vertical steel content and the magnitude of axial compression
load, mainly through resistance at the compression face due to
aggregate interlocking and dowel action. These contributions to
Vn are represented by the first and second terms of Eq. 共2兲,
respectively. The Vs term of Eq. 共2兲 takes into account the inef-
fectiveness of the top and bottom layers of horizontal shear rein-
forcement due to insufficient embedment length to develop their
yield capacity following diagonal shear cracking.
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Fig. 1. Interaction between shear strength and ductility 共Applied Matsumura „1988… Shear Equation
Technology Council 1981, with permission兲 Matsumura developed a masonry shear strength equation by uti-
lizing his test results, as well as test results reported by other
researchers in Japan. Similar to Shing et al. 共1990兲, Matsumura
regions that shear strength vm attributed to the masonry mecha- 共1988兲 employed regression analysis to determine the appropriate
nism, be taken as 0.15 MPa and 0 for limited ductile 共␮ = 2.0兲 and functional forms of the parameters used in the following
ductile design 共flexural ductility in the vicinity of 4兲. expression

Existing Masonry Shear Strength Equations 冋 冉

V n = k uk p
共h/d兲 + 0.7
+ 0.012 冊冑 f m⬘ + 0.2␴n + 0.18␥␦冑␳h f yh f m⬘ 册
Due to the complexity of shear mechanisms that occur in ma- ⫻共0.875td兲 共3兲
sonry, no effective theoretical models have yet been proposed to
accurately establish the shear strength of a masonry wall panel. where ku = 1.0 for fully grouted masonry, ku = 0.64 for partially
grouted masonry; k p = 1.16␳0.3 ve ; ␥ = 1.0 for fully grouted masonry,
Consequently, during practical calculation the nominal shear
strength of reinforced masonry walls 共Vn兲 is commonly evaluated ␥ = 0.6 for partially grouted masonry; and ␦ = 1.0 for loa-
as the sum of contributions from masonry, applied axial compres- ding resulting in inflection point at midheight of walls
sion load and shear reinforcement. The three shear resistance 共double bending兲 , ␦ = 0.6 for loading of cantilever type 共single
mechanisms are incorporated into an equation of the following bending兲.
form: This equation also includes a masonry term, along with axial
load and shear reinforcement terms. As illustrated by Eq. 共3兲, the
Vn = Vm + V p + Vs 共1兲 effect of aspect ratio 共h / d兲 is included in the Vm term. Unlike the
in which the term Vm represents the contribution to shear strength equation of Shing et al. 共1990兲, only the vertical reinforcement
provided by the masonry; V p represents the contribution of the provided by the edge bars is considered to be effective in provid-
axial load; and Vs represents the contribution of shear reinforce- ing shear resistance. Also, the form of the shear reinforcement
ment. Over the last two decades a significant amount of experi- term does not seem to be derived from any logical mechanisms.
mental testing has been conducted in the United States, Japan,
and New Zealand to investigate the shear strength of masonry Anderson and Priestley „1992… Shear Equation
wall panels when subjected to cyclic load patterns. From these
test results have come equations to predict the shear strength of After reviewing the shear equations of Shing et al. 共1990兲 and
masonry walls, usually calibrated to the test results carried out by Matsumura 共1988兲, Anderson and Priestley 共1992兲 developed a
the particular researchers. A selection of existing masonry shear significantly simplified equation to predict the ultimate shear
strength predictive equations are presented in this paper. The strength of masonry walls tested by Sveinsson et al. 共1985兲, Mat-
original formats of some of the presented equations have been sumura 共1988兲, and Shing et al. 共1990兲. This equation takes into
modified to introduce common notation and consistent units. All account the degradation of shear strength when the wall is sub-
expressions are reported in SI units. jected to cyclic loading into the inelastic range, represented by the
ductility coefficient factor, k, included in Eq. 共4兲. Anderson and
Priestley 共1992兲 proposed that within plastic hinge zones, the k
Shing et al. „1990… Shear Equation factor shall be equal to 1.0 up to a flexural ductility ratio of 2, and
Shing et al. 共1990兲 carried out tests on 22 masonry walls and then decrease linearly to zero at a ductility ratio of 4. The Cap
developed the following shear strength equation: term is to account for the type of masonry used in construction,
and shall be taken as 0.24 and 0.12 for concrete and clay brick
Vn = 共0.166 + 0.0217␳v f yv兲冑 f m⬘ An + 共0.0217␴nAn兲冑 f m⬘ masonry, respectively

+ 冉 L − 2d⬘

− 1 Ah f yh 共2兲 Vn = CapkAn冑 f m⬘ + 0.25␴nAn + 0.5Ah f yhd/sh 共4兲

This equation was developed using regression analysis to fit the Eq. 共4兲 was developed from statistical data fitting and shows the
data of Shing et al. 共1990兲 using regression analysis. It follows the contribution from shear reinforcement to be half of that adopted
customary form in that there is a masonry component, an axial for reinforced concrete members.


J. Struct. Eng. 2007.133:706-713.

NEHRP „1997… evaluation of the maximum shear strength for the range of param-
eters represented by the masonry walls considered. This was
One of the primary goals of the Federal Emergency Management
partly because the beneficial effects of axial compression and ver-
Agency and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
tical reinforcement on masonry shear strength were not properly
共NEHRP兲 is to encourage U.S. design and building practices that
considered by this standard, but also because the codified shear
address earthquake hazard and minimize the resulting damage.
strength expression of NZS 4230:1990 was intended to provide a
NEHRP adopted a masonry shear equation similar to that pro-
conservative and safe lower bound to strength. However, the
posed by Anderson and Priestley 共1992兲. However, the vm term
same analytical study revealed a decrease in conservatism of NZS
shown in Eq. 共4兲 was modified to include the parameter M / 共VL兲
4230:1990 when the horizontal shear reinforcement ratio in-
to account for the effect of wall aspect ratio on masonry shear
creased, therefore indicating the possibility of over-predicting the

冋 册
contribution of shear reinforcement. Of the five shear equation
presented earlier, the NEHRP shear expression, despite its simple
An冑 f m⬘ + 0.25␴nAn + 0.5Ah f yhL/sh
Vn = 0.083 4.0 − 1.75 form, was found to be most capable of predicting masonry shear
strength with significantly improved accuracy 关with respect to Eq.
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共5兲 共7兲兴. Also, it has an advantage over the Anderson and Priestley
where M / 共VL兲 need not be taken greater than unity. It is noted 共1992兲 equation because the wall aspect ratio is included when
here that the NEHRP expression does not address masonry shear calculating vm. Nevertheless, there are still some deficiencies in
strength within the plastic hinge regions for masonry structures the NEHRP shear equation as it does not address masonry shear
that are subjected to inelastic response. Depending on the magni- strength within potential plastic hinge regions and the use of
tude of M / 共VL兲, the maximum total shear strength Vn共max兲 is lim- 0.5␳h f yh in its vs term is contrary to the well established split
beam analogy to account for the contribution of shear reinforce-

再 冎
ited as follows:
ment. Consequently, a new shear equation was developed by the
0.5An冑 f m⬘ for M/VL 艋 0.25 or writers and is presented in the following section.
Vn共max兲 = 共6兲
0.33An冑 f m⬘ for M/VL 艌 1.00
with straight line interpolation to be used for M / VL values be- Proposed Masonry Shear Equation
tween 0.25 and 1.00.
Modification to vm
NZS 4230:1990 „SANZ 1990…
It is proposed that for practical design calculations, the ultimate
At the time the former New Zealand masonry design standard shear strength of a masonry structure is calculated using Eq. 共1兲
NZS 4230:1990 was released, it was recorded in the associated
commentary that the shear strength provisions in this standard Vn = Vm + V p + Vs
were overly conservative. This conservatism was mostly due to
the scarcity at that time of relevant data on the shear strength of
masonry when subjected to in-plane seismic forces. The data V m = v mb wd
sources used in the preparation of this standard were published in
1980 or earlier, such that no data obtained in the U.S. and Japan
during the late 1980s was available for the preparation of more vm = k共Ca + Cb兲冑 f m
⬘ 共8兲
accurate criteria. where Ca = 0.022␳v f yv and Cb = 0.083关4 − 1.75共M / VL兲兴, and
NZS 4230:1990 adopted the following equation to calculate 0.25艋 M / VL 艋 1.0.
the shear strength of reinforced masonry walls. The shear strength As shown in Eq. 共8兲, the vm term proposed here closely
is obtained by adding two terms; one term for the strength matches the NEHPR expression, but this new equation addition-
provided by the masonry component and the other for strength ally considers the effects of longitudinal reinforcement and dis-
provided by the horizontal shear reinforcement placement ductility on masonry shear strength. Also, the Vm term
Vn = vmbwd + Ah f yhd/sh 共7兲 of Eq. 共8兲 differs from the NEHRP equation as An is replaced by
bwd. The k factor adopted here is more conservative than that
where vm is equal to the greater of 0.30 MPa or 0.3共0.1f m⬘ + ␴n兲, proposed by Anderson and Priestley 共1992兲 as it assumes that
except that 共0.1f m⬘ + ␴n兲 shall not be taken to exceed 2.4 MPa with negligible shear strength degradation occurs prior to a member
f m⬘ not to be taken greater than 16 MPa, and the maximum per- ductility ratio of 1.25, followed by a linear decrease until vm = 0 at
mitted total shear stress shall be taken as vn共max兲 = Vn / 共bwd兲 a ductility ratio of 4, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
= 0.2f m⬘ 艋 2.4 MPa. For masonry walls subjected to in-plane load- The Ca term in Eq. 共8兲 is that proposed by Shing et al. 共1990兲
ing, d is the effective depth and shall be taken as 0.8 L. to account for the contribution of vertical reinforcement toward
It is noted in NZS 4230:1990 that the above-stated vm and masonry shear strength. During dowel action of the vertical rein-
vn共max兲 are only valid for walls that are not subject to cyclic loads forcing bar, shear force can be transferred along a diagonal crack
into the inelastic range, i.e., no plastic hinges forming. For ma- by the shear, flexural and kinking actions which are activated
sonry shear strength within plastic hinge regions, vm, shall be locally in reinforcing bars due to their relative displacement along
taken as zero, except for masonry structures of limited ductility a crack. In addition, by helping to control the diagonal cracks, the
共␮ = 2.0兲 where vm shall be assumed to be 0.15 MPa. Further, friction along these cracks is enhanced, therefore resulting in an
vn共max兲 is reduced to the lesser of 0.15f m⬘ or 1.8 MPa within plastic increase in shear capacity due to vertical reinforcement. However,
hinge regions. at the onset of yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, the
An analytical study by Voon and Ingham 共2001兲 established resistance provided by these bars diminishes. This effect is repre-
that the NZS 4230:1990 shear expression was conservative in its sented by the k factor presented in Eq. 共8兲. Similar to the NEHPR


J. Struct. Eng. 2007.133:706-713.

Fig. 2. Relationship between ductility and masonry shear resisting
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shear equation, the Cb term in Eq. 共8兲 accounts for the effect of
wall aspect ratio on masonry shear strength and the limits on
M / VL are identical to that shown in Eq. 共6兲.

Fig. 4. Reduced efficiency of shear reinforcement in masonry wall

Modification to vp
The shear strength enhancement resulting from axial compression
is considered as an independent component of shear strength, re-
sulting from a diagonal compression strut 共Priestley et al. 1994兲
become less significant. Note that the 0.9 term in Eq. 共9兲 has been
as shown in Fig. 3, given by
incorporated to provide a degree of conservatism when applying
V p = 0.9N* tan ␣ 共9兲 the theoretical model of Fig. 3.
For a cantilever wall, ␣ = angle formed between the wall axis and
the strut from the point of load application to the center of the Modification to vs
flexural compression zone at the wall plastic hinge critical sec- It has been observed by some researchers that shear reinforcement
tion. For a wall in double bending, ␣ = angle between the wall axis has limited efficiency in masonry walls. For example, Anderson
and the line joining the centers of flexural compression at the top and Priestley 共1992兲 observed through statistical data fitting that
and bottom of the wall 共see Fig. 3兲. Justification for the above- the efficiency of shear reinforcement on masonry shear strength is
mentioned approach is the simple observation that the axial load approximately half of that assumed in a reinforced concrete mem-
must effectively form a compression strut at an angle to the wall ber. An explanation by Anderson and Priestley is as follows: upon
axis since it must be transmitted through the flexural compression initial loading of a wall, all shear is carried by the masonry and
zone, and that the horizontal component of the strut force resists the shear reinforcement is essentially unstressed. When diagonal
the applied shear force 共Priestley et al. 1994兲. This method im- cracking occurs the reinforcing steel at the crack must go into
plies that the shear strength of squat axially loaded walls should tension, but because of crack opening the shear carried by the
be greater than that of more slender walls. It also implies that as masonry across the crack is reduced. As the crack widens the
the axial load increases, and hence the depth “a” of the flexural tension in the shear reinforcement increases, the shear carried
compression zone increases, the increase in shear strength will across the crack by the masonry decreases. Hence, as deformation
increases, the rate at which the reinforcement influences shear
capacity may be less than the rate at which the masonry loses
strength, and so a maximum capacity is reached.
In addition to the explanation presented above, it was observed
that the data sources used by Anderson and Priestley included
walls that had shear reinforcement with various end anchorage
arrangements. While some of the test walls had 180° hooks on the
ends of the horizontal shear reinforcement, others had 90° bends,
and some of the walls had end plates welded onto the horizontal
reinforcement. Also, several walls in the data sources had rather
short length, suggesting that in those walls, because of the anchor-
age details and development length of the horizontal shear rein-
forcement, it was unlikely that there was a sufficient length of
shear reinforcement to fully develop their yield strength, see
Fig. 4.
Taking account the previous explanations, a new equation is
proposed to account for Vs. The following equation is proposed
based on the hypothesis that the reduced efficiency of shear rein-
Fig. 3. Contribution of axial force to masonry shear strength forcement due to anchorage efforts could be evaluated by defining


J. Struct. Eng. 2007.133:706-713.

Table 1. Type Dependent Nominal Strengths 共MPa兲
Observation type of masonrya

Type of stress C B A

Compression; f m 4 12 12b
Basic shear provided by masonry, general conditions, vbm 0.30 0.70 0.2冑 f m

Basic shear provided by masonry in potential plastic hinges N/A 0.50 0.15冑 f m

of limited ductile structures, vbm
Basic shear provided by masonry in potential plastic hinges N/A 0 0
of ductile structures, vbm
Maximum total shear, vn共max兲 0.80 1.50 0.45冑 f m

Observation requirement: Type C = no construction observation by design engineer or nominated representative; Type B = inspection required to establish
that work is carried out generally as specified; and Type A = in addition to inspection required by Type B, Type A observation of masonry shall require
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construction supervision at all critical stages.

⬘ may be used if substantiated through prism testing.
A higher f m

a shear reinforcement “dead zone” at each end of the wall, where mented in NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 is more conservative
the reinforcement is not able to develop greater than 0.5f y than that permitted in NZS 4230:1990 for a masonry structure
subjected to seismic loading, and having f m⬘ ⬍ 16 MPa.
Vs = Ah f yh 共10兲
Shear Stress provided by Masonry
where Deff = L − 2d⬘ − ldh and ldh shall be taken as 20db and 35db
for reinforcement with f y of 300 and 500 MPa, respectively. Con- Similar to Eq. 共8兲, NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 requires the
sequently, a reduced effective depth of the section, Deff 关similar to shear stress provided by masonry, vm, to be dependent on ma-
the Vs term developed by Shing et al. 共1990兲兴 is proposed to sonry tensile strength, represented by the 冑 f m⬘ term, and is evalu-
account for covers to the longitudinal reinforcement and develop- ated using the basic shear stress for masonry, vbm, as defined in
ment of the shear reinforcement. Table 1. The vbm term shown here is evaluated according to Eq.
Adding the modified Vm, V p, and Vs terms, a new shear expres- 共8兲 for a concrete masonry wall that is assumed to have the most
sion is developed as unfavorable wall aspect ratio of M / 共VL兲 艌 1.0 and reinforced
longitudinally using f y = 300 MPa reinforcing steel with the mini-
Vn = 0.8k共Ca + Cb兲An冑 f m⬘ + 0.9N* tan ␣ + Ah f yh 艋 0.33An冑 f m⬘
Deff mum ratio of ␳v = 0.07% specified by NZS 4230:2004, This pro-
sh duces vbm = 0.192k冑 f m⬘ , but was then rounded up to give 0.2k冑 f m⬘
共11兲 for convenience. The k factor adopted here is identical to that
used in NZS 4230:2004, and assumes that negligible strength loss
Finally, the lesser Vn共max兲 value of 0.33冑 f m⬘ An imposed by NEHRP occurs up to a component ductility of 1.25, followed by a gradual
is chosen as the only upper limit to Eq. 共11兲 to prevent this shear decrease until vbm = 0 at a ductility ratio of 4. This behavior is
equation being less conservative than the NEHRP shear presented in tabular form in Table 1 which specifies three grades
expression. of masonry dependent on the degree of inspection of construction
work. Consequently it is conservative to adopt vbm as the type-
dependent shear stress provided by masonry, vm. For masonry
Masonry Shear Equation for NZS 4230:2004
components that have aspect ratios of 0.25艋 M / 共VL兲 艋 1.0 and/or
„SANZ 2004…
␳v greater than 0.07%, NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 permits the
With the primary purpose of facilitating use of the standard, some optional additional use of the C1 and C2 terms included in the
changes to Eqs. 共8兲–共11兲 were implemented in order to simplify following equation to provide an increased value of vm above that
the shear equations adopted in the recently updated version of the given in Table 1:
New Zealand masonry design standard, NZS 4230:2004, for cal-
culating the shear strength of reinforced concrete masonry com-
ponents such as walls, beams and columns. Unlike the proposed vm = 共C1 + C2兲vbm 共13兲
Eq. 共11兲, the NZS 4230:2004 governing equation for shear
strength is presented in the form of stress
Vn = vnbwd = 共vm + v p + vs兲bwd 共12兲 1. C1 = 33pw f y / 300
2. and C2 is evaluated as follows:
For masonry beams and columns, d shall be taken as the distance • for walls: for M / VL ⬍ 0.25, C2 = 1.5; for 0.25艋 M / VL
from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of longitudinal 艋 1.0, C2 = 0.42关4 − 1.75共M / VL兲兴; and for M / VL ⬎ 1.0,
tension reinforcement. For masonry walls, d shall be taken as C2 = 1.0 and
0.8 L. The vn term shown in Eq. 共12兲 is the total nominal shear • C2 = 1.0 for beams and columns.
stress and is limited to a maximum stress of 0.45冑 f m⬘ regardless of The C1 and C2 terms shown previously were obtained by di-
loading condition, being reproduced from the maximum stress viding the Ca and Cb terms presented in Eq. 共8兲 by vbm of 0.2冑 f m⬘ .
implemented in Eq. 共11兲 to account for the replacement of An by The Ca term allows longitudinal reinforcement other than
bwd 共i.e., 0.33冑 f m⬘ / 0.8= 0.41冑 f m⬘ 兲 and then being slightly relaxed f y = 300 MPa to be included when considering the dowel effect
to give 0.45冑 f m⬘ . It is noted that the vn共max兲 艋 0.45冑 f m⬘ imple- towards masonry shear strength.


J. Struct. Eng. 2007.133:706-713.

Table 2. Statistical Comparison between Shear Equations and Data, in Term of Vexp/Vn

Shear equation Mean Standard deviation Smallest value Largest value 95th percentile
SANZ 共1990兲 1.69 0.48 1.00 3.78 0.89
Matsumura 共1988兲 1.03 0.16 0.75 1.55 0.76
Shing et al. 共1990兲 1.12 0.25 0.54 1.67 0.70
Anderson and Priestley 共1992兲 1.08 0.23 0.62 1.92 0.70
NEHRP 共1997兲 1.18 0.17 0.77 1.60 0.88
SANZ 共2004兲 1.38 0.26 0.89 1.93 0.95

Shear Stress Provided by Axial Load different reinforcement ratios, shear span ratios, axial compres-
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sion stresses and masonry compressive strength. Fattal and Todd

As NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 addresses masonry shear
共1991兲, and Anderson and Priestley 共1992兲 have previously com-
strength in the form of stress, a bwd term is introduced to Eq. 共9兲
to produce pared predictions using shear equations with test results obtained
from the U.S. and Japanese experimental studies. Supplementary
N* test results from a recently conducted New Zealand experimental
v p = 0.9 tan ␣ 共14兲 program are included in this study, with the particular interest of
b wd
establishing the effectiveness of the current NZS 4230:2004
A limitation to the magnitude of axial compression that could be 共SANZ 2004兲 masonry shear strength equation.
assumed to assist in providing shear strength, N* 艋 0.1f m⬘ An, was The experimental data sets used as part of the study are those
included to prevent the occurrence of brittle shear failure, as it of fully grouted concrete and clay brick masonry walls that were
was observed during experimental studies 共Matsumura 1988; subjected to reverse cyclic lateral load and failed in shear. The 56
Shing et al. 1990; Sveinsson et al. 1985兲 that postcracking defor- test results selected are from the following experimental
mation capacity of masonry walls were significantly reduced programs:
with increasing axial compression load. A final limitation of 1. Tests conducted by Sveinsson et al. 共1985兲 at the University
⬘ was included to prevent excess dependence on v p in a
v p 艋 0.1f m of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif.;
relative squat masonry component. 2. Tests conducted by Matsumura 共1988兲 at Japan’s Building
Research Institute, Ministry of Construction;
3. Tests conducted by Shing et al. 共1990兲 at the University of
Design of Shear Reinforcement Colorado; and
4. Tests conducted by Voon and Ingham 共2006兲 at the Univer-
The method of calculating the shear contribution from shear re-
sity of Auckland.
inforcement was simplified by replacing the Deff term in Eq. 共10兲
The first two data sets were obtained from tests in which the
with a d term
top and bottom surfaces were rotationally fixed, while the last two
d were of cantilever type. All experimental studies employed dis-
Vs = C3Ah f yh 共15兲 placement controlled testing procedures consisting of multiple
cycles of reversed loading. The loading procedures are described
The C3 term was included in Eq. 共15兲 to represent the limited in detail in the cited references, which consisted of predefined
efficiency of shear reinforcement in masonry walls due to bar load–displacement histories characterised by increasing amplitude
anchorage effects. Consequently C3 shall be taken as 0.8 for ma- until failure. The use of a common loading procedure and similar
sonry walls, or taken as 1.0 for beams and columns that have loading rates in each study produced comparable experimental
shear reinforcement comprised of closed hoops. Note that Eq. data. The experimental study conducted at the University of
共15兲 matches Eq. 共10兲 for a masonry wall reinforced with 12 mm Auckland supplemented overseas data with masonry walls that
diameter shear reinforcement of f yh = 500 MPa and having a wall were subject to low axial compression stresses 共␴n 艋 0.50 MPa兲
length of 1,720 mm. For masonry walls of greater length and and low shear reinforcement contents 共␳h 艋 0.06% 兲. Experimental
reinforced with bars of smaller diameters and lower reinforce- studies conducted in the United States and Japan involved ma-
ment yield stress, Eq. 共15兲 is more conservative with respect to sonry walls with higher shear reinforcement ratios 共0 艋 ␳h
Eq. 共10兲. Finally, Eq. 共15兲 is divided by the bwd term to produce 艋 0.67% 兲 and higher axial compression stress levels 共0 艋 ␴n
the vs required by Eq. 共12兲 艋 3.0 MPa兲.
Vs Av f y A statistical comparison of the different methods discussed in
vs = = C3 共16兲 this paper is provided in Table 2 in terms of mean and standard
b wd b ws
deviation for the experimental/predicted shear strength ratios of
the 56 fully grouted masonry walls. It is emphasised that strength
reduction factors or partial safety factors have not been applied
Correlation between Predicted and Measured when compiling the data presented in Table 2. It is shown that the
Response NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 shear equation provides signifi-
cantly improved prediction of masonry shear strength compared
This section of the paper compares results derived when using to NZS 4230:1990 共SANZ 1990兲 by reducing the scatter of the
different shear equations to determine the in-plane shear strength Vexp / Vn ratio. Predictions using the NZS 4230:2004 shear equa-
of fully grouted masonry walls under different conditions, such as tion produces a mean strength ratio of 1.38 and a standard devia-


J. Struct. Eng. 2007.133:706-713.

tion of 0.26. This standard deviation is about half of that resulting go to David Barnard, Mike Cathie, and Professor Guido Magenes
from the NZS 4230:1990 共SANZ 1990兲 equation, and similar in of the University of Pavia for their assistance in developing the
value to those resulting from Shing et al. 共1990兲 and Anderson new masonry shear equation.
and Priestley 共1992兲. Although the NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲
approach resulted in a slightly higher mean value of Vexp / Vn when
compare to those resulting from the Matsumura 共1988兲, Shing et Notation
al. 共1990兲, Anderson and Priestley 共1992兲, and NEHRP 共1997兲
equations, final determination of the appropriateness of the design The following symbols are used in this paper:
approach is dependent on the lower limits to the measured/ Ah ⫽ area of single horizontal reinforcing steel bar;
prediction comparison. As is evident from Table 2, a strength An ⫽ net cross-sectional area;
reduction factor of ␾ = 0.75, as adopted for shear in NZS Av ⫽ area of longitudinal reinforcement;
4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲, forms a reasonable lower bound to all a ⫽ depth of compression stress block;
shear equations, with a few isolated exceptions. For the Shing et bw ⫽ wall width;
al. and Anderson and Priestley equations, there are four and two Cap ⫽ coefficient to account the type of masonry
Downloaded from by University of Exeter on 07/15/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

test specimens that had Vexp / Vn which fall below ␾ = 0.75, respec- used in construction;
tively. For the NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 method, all data C1 , C2 , C3 ⫽ shear strength coefficients;
points lie well above ␾ = 0.75. Also presented in Table 2 is the 95 Deff ⫽ effective depth of section;
percentile value to represent the ratio of Vexp / Vn for which 95% d ⫽ distance from extreme compression fiber to
of the test results exceed. Of the six shear equations shown, the centeroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement,
95 percentile value resulting from NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 or 0.8 L for walls;
is closest to unity, further supporting its appropriateness to ac- d⬘ ⫽ distance between wall edge and outermost
count for masonry shear strength by providing substantially wall vertical reinforcing steel;
greater safety against failure. ⬘ ⫽ masonry compressive strength 共MPa兲;
f yh ⫽ yield strength of horizontal reinforcing steel
Conclusions f yv ⫽ yield strength of vertical reinforcing steel
Due to the complexity of masonry shear mechanisms, there is no h ⫽ wall height;
effective theoretical model to accurately account for the shear k ⫽ ductility reduction factor;
strength of masonry structures. Instead, an additive approach is k p ⫽ coefficient of the effect of flexural
adapted to account for the influence of different parameters. The reinforcement;
NEHRP 共1997兲 shear expression was found to be commendable, ku ⫽ reduction factor;
but it does not address masonry shear strength within plastic L ⫽ wall length;
hinge regions, therefore limiting its use when designing masonry Ldh ⫽ development length of shear reinforcement;
structures in seismic regions. Consequently, a new shear equation M / VL ⫽ aspect ratio;
is proposed in this paper. Particular emphasis is placed on a N* ⫽ factored axial compression load 共kN兲;
model that is capable of representing the interaction between flex- pw ⫽ ⌺Av / 共bwd兲;
ural ductility and masonry shear strength in order to account for sh ⫽ spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement;
the reduction in masonry shear capacity as displacement ductility t ⫽ effective wall thickness;
increases. The simple method proposed here enables the strength Vexp ⫽ experimentally measured shear strength 共kN兲;
enhancement provided by axial compression load to be separated Vi ⫽ initial shear strength 共kN兲;
from the masonry component of shear strength, and is considered Vm ⫽ shear strength provided by masonry 共kN兲;
to result from arch action. In addition, conservative modifications Vn ⫽ nominal shear strength 共kN兲;
are made to the proposed shear equation to facilitate adoption of V p ⫽ shear strength provided by axial load 共kN兲;
the method in the updated version of the New Zealand masonry Vr ⫽ residual shear strength 共kN兲;
design standard, NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲. Vs ⫽ shear strength provided by shear reinforcement
The masonry shear expressions were compared with an exten- 共kN兲;
sive database of masonry wall tests. It was shown that the NZS vbm ⫽ basic shear stress provided by masonry
4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 expression provides a significantly im- 共MPa兲;
proved prediction of shear strength with respect to NZS vm ⫽ shear stress provided by masonry 共MPa兲;
4230:1990 共SANZ 1990兲. The NZS 4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 ex- vn ⫽ total shear stress corresponding to Vn 共MPa兲;
pression provides shear strength prediction with accuracy close to vn共max兲 ⫽ maximum permitted total shear stress 共MPa兲;
that obtained from other shear equations and significantly reduces v p ⫽ shear stress provided by axial compression
the over-prediction of strength. Of the shear equations selected in stress 共MPa兲;
this paper, the 95 percentile value of Vexp / Vn resulted from NZS vs ⫽ shear stress provided by shear reinforcement
4230:2004 共SANZ 2004兲 is closest to unity, further supporting its 共MPa兲;
suitability. ␣ ⫽ angle formed between centers of load
application and reaction;
␥ ⫽ factor concerning the type of grouting;
Acknowledgments ␦ ⫽ factor concerning loading method;
␮ ⫽ ductility level;
The writers wish to acknowledge the financial support provided ␳h ⫽ ratio of shear reinforcing steel;
by the New Zealand Earthquake Commission 共EQC兲. Thanks also ␳v ⫽ ratio of vertical reinforcing steel;


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