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This, That, These

, Those
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, th e d e te c ti ve dog, heard a
One fine day, S h b o u r’ s b ackyard. “Those
e n e ig
scream from th g o t in to m y prize cabbages
h av e
dreadful critters
r Cribbins.
again!” yelled M
e fe n c e a n d p e e red through
er to th
Sunny rushed ov p e a re d ov e r ti me. He was
ad a p
the holes that h ze c a b b a g e s destroyed by
the p ri
shocked to see tt e rs d id th ey mean?
ha t c ri
those critters. W
o f c a se S u n n y liked to solve. He
This was the typ a fr ie n d ly b a rk and began
es with
offered his servic
s together.
to put these clue
th o se c ri tt e rs w ere the rabbits
Surprisingly, y fi e ld. He took Mr
th e n e a rb
burrowing in a re a to sh ow him the
th a t
Cribbins across to h ! T h o se c ritters!” Mr
e . “U g
shocking evidenc
Cribbins exclaim

This, That, These, Those

One fine day, Sunny, the detective dog, heard a scream from the neighbour’s backyard.
“Those dreadful critters have got into my prize cabbages again!” yelled Mr Cribbins.

Sunny rushed over to the fence and peered through the holes that had appeared over time.
He was shocked to see the prize cabbages destroyed by those critters. What critters did they

This was the type of case Sunny liked to solve. He offered his services with a friendly bark
and began to put these clues together.

Surprisingly, those critters were the rabbits burrowing in the nearby field. He took Mr
Cribbins across to that area to show him the shocking evidence. “Ugh! Those critters!” Mr
Cribbins exclaimed.


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