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Seeing and Reading as a Writer

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Seeing and Reading as a Writer

Part One: Habits

For this part, I will use the student center on my campus. I visited it during lunchtime

since that was the busiest hour ever. After observing it for twenty minutes, I perceived that many

students from different faculties were flocking to the area, some buying food and others buying

drinks. Furthermore, others participated in pool games and other indoor games like cards, video

games, and drafts.

The questions raised by my observation were;

- who are the owners of the student center?

- Does the student center follow the health protocols?

- What is the school agreement about this?

- What can be done to improve service delivery in this spot?

This space is public because people from different courses and schools meet there.

Furthermore, it is a public place since people meet for leisure and fun. The main reason that the

spot has a lot of people coming in and out is because it is clean, welcoming, and safe for their

health. It shapes the experiences of the students who use it in the sense that through engaging in

games, they are able to refresh and focus on new things. Furthermore, this place is used by a

homogeneous group of people, students.

While this spot encourages indoor games such as cards, pool, video games, draft, and

chess, providing a roof for the students interested in these games limits other students interested

in open field games and gymnastics. It also limits people who need help to afford to pay for

services in this area. To reduce the disparities, a public place should be ready to include all the

desires and expectations of all the people, students and non-students, from all walks of life.

Part Two: This is Water

Question One

Upon seeing the title ‘This is Water,’ the first thing that comes to mind is cleanliness. This

title makes me think about the different uses of water in our society and the importance of water

to our community and ourselves. Additionally, water brings the idea of flow in the sense that the

things we do not stay with us; they flow away, and sometimes, we cannot catch up with them.

Nor do they wait for us. Therefore, I believe this attitude toward the book will be instrumental in

shaping my thoughts about the teachings in the article. There is no need to re-calibrate.

Question Two

Wallace has used a unique structure throughout this article to develop his essay. The

paragraphs stand out since they are block and not long; the transition from one idea to the other

can be felt in these paragraphs. Additionally, Wallace presented his views in an orderly manner

following a chronological order, which is visible when he starts from the shallow ideas to the

complex ones, leaving it all in the listener's mind to digest and meditate upon.

Question Three

Seeing Wallace's article as a writer, I have noticed that all the novel ideas are connected.

For example, the information presented is all related to the graduation, no matter the speech's

trajectory. Wallace oversees his analogy of the river and connects it to education, giving the flow

from the lowest levels, probably freshman, to graduation. Furthermore, Wallace used his article

to collect information and reflect on various things affecting their studies for the whole reading.

Additionally, this article has enhanced my understanding of the ideology of water. It can

represent other things, such as life and comprehensive ideas whose flow might be related and

termed a river.


David Foster Wallace (n.d.), ‘This Is Water’


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