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Topic: You were left home all alone when you heard a strange noise


Have you ever been left home alone? Well I have, here is my story. That gloomy
Sunday night, the absent moonless night brought with it an uncanny darkness.
”Bye Mom and Dad!” I screamed as they left the house for a lavish dinner in Port-
Of- Spain. Lightning flashed continuously and thunder roared like a lion
frightening the wits out of me. ‘’ Finally, home alone!” I exclaimed as I bolted to
the fluffy and white sofa. The wind howled like pack of hungry wolves, but little
did I know what was in store for me.

As I settled on my sofa, the sounds of crickets chirping were heard accompanied

by the croaking of frogs. I ignored the sounds of nature and watched my favorite
television show ‘’Cake it.” “Bang!” was the sound that made me jump out of my
skin. Curiosity filled me to the brim as I arose from the sofa. I crept stealthily
outside where the noise was heard. My eyes felt as though they would erupt out
from their sockets. “Oh boy! “ what I didn’t know that my worst nightmare was
going to come true.

There, in front of my bulging eyeballs was my doll, Annabelle. The doll was in her
white dress. Her usual smile was plastered across her red, rosy cheeks. Annabelle
was a doll that for some odd reason made me feel uncomfortable and at that
moment, as I locked eyes with hers, I knew why. Annabelle was alive, her black,
cold eyes stared into mine. The sensation of which felt as if she was burning
through my soul. My thoughts chased each other in circles and I could not process
what to do.

Finally, when I was able to clear my throat, my brain registered a survival

message, “Run!” I took a deep breath and fled inside and hastily locked the door
behind me. I darted into the basement and noticed a weapon of choice, an axe.
Annabelle was right behind me, snickering with an evil cruel laugh. Her eyes were
now bloodshot red and she screamed in the most terrifying voice, “ I only wanted
you to play with me!” She jumped at me reaching for my throat. I took the axe, “
Whack!” was the quick, fatal blow which landed on her unexpected head.

There was blood everywhere, thankfully not mine. A wave of relief swept over me
as my parents arrived home. I told them everything that transpired and they were
dumbstruck when they observed Annabelle’s body. As fast as flash they took all
my toys including Annabelle’s body and burnt them. That day I thanked God I was
safe and sound.

Done by……………….Avash Sieudass.

Teacher’s comments………………………. Good expression and description.

Date………………… Tuesday 10th January, 2023.

Class………………….. Standard Five Sacha Kennedy.

Mark out of twenty……………………… 18/20.

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