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The Future of Hybrid

Software Development:
Challenging Current

Kieran Conboy , University of Galway and Lero

Nils Brede Moe , SINTEF

Viktoria Stray , University of Oslo

Jan Henrik Gundelsby , Knowit

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MS.2022.3230449

Date of current version: 13 February 2023


THE GLOBAL COVID-19 pandemic Discussions around hybrid de- shape the research and practice of
has been challenging for the industry, velopment are emerging through a hybrid development.
including software development orga- variety of forums, such as journal pa- This special issue addresses these
nizations, causing many to revisit their pers, blogs, tracks at workshops and assumptions in three ways. First, the
procedures and assumptions about conferences, and “pop-up” events. articles selected for this special is-
how work is conducted.1 In particular, As shown in Figure 1, the number of sue cover a wide variety of exciting
there was a dramatic rise in working journal and conference papers has topics regarding the future of hybrid
from home (WFH), first driven by ne- rapidly increased since 2020 as the re- software development and do so in
cessity and law due to the pandemic search community rapidly responded an evidence-based manner. These
but now due to preference.2, 3 It is to the new work situation caused by articles will be discussed later. Sec-
also clear that WFH is not something the pandemic. The search also showed ond, we have included, in this edi-
that will dissipate in the long term. A the extent of research undertaken in torial, two invited reflections from
recent survey of 1,380 software de- different countries. Although the ma- practitioners who have carefully
velopers found that only 3% plan to jority of the articles originate in the reflected on hybrid development
return to the office full time, 25% will United States, India, and Western and its underlying implications for
remain fully remote, and 56% favor Europe, it has been a research theme our community. Third, we have re-
a hybrid approach, returning to the on all continents, in a total of 89 viewed current research and practice
office regularly but not daily.3 Con- countries. Many publications are to critically examine these prevail-
sequently, companies, such as Face- suggesting new ways of working in a ing assumptions, drawing on prob-
book, Square, Shopify, and Slack, hybrid environment. lematization approaches used by
have established policies of long-term However, despite this dramatic other seminal critical researchers. 6
and even permanent WFH.4 Spotify rise in research activity, there is We are not saying these assumptions
announced a work-from-anywhere still a lot more to be understood are necessarily wrong, at least in all
(WFX) policy that allows employees about hybrid development to pro- hybrid settings, but we do argue that
to choose how often they prefer to be vide rigorous and relevant evidence- there is a need to at least challenge
in the office or at home, even permit- based guidance for practice. Also, and refine them so that future de-
ting them to move to a country of their in the preparatory reading that we velopers and development managers
choice.5 Therefore, many software de- did for this special issue and from can be more informed when think-
velopment environments are, and will our collective experiences work- ing about organizing and executing
increasingly be, places of “hybrid soft- ing in and with organizations living hybrid development. These emerg-
ware development.” While the con- and breathing hybrid development, ing assumptions are now discussed
cept of hybridity is often interpreted we found that there are a number in turn, and we propose a new rec-
in many ways, for the purposes of this of fundamental assumptions that, ommendation for each assumption
editorial, we use the following defi- for various reasons, now guide and (see Table 1).
nition: hybrid software development
is where some team members work
mostly or completely from home,
others mostly or completely from the 500
traditional office, and others in some
combination of the two—not quite

distributed and not quite colocated 300

but, rather, individuals working from
anywhere and touching base with the 200
office intermittently. Team members
will probably have the flexibility to
choose, at least to some degree, be- 0
tween remote and office-based work,1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
and in a large-scale context, teams
will be set up differently. FIGURE 1. The total papers on WFH, hybrid work, and related topics, 2012–2022.

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Recommendation 1: hybrid work around certain times and We need to move away from best
Consider Event-Based days, it may be advisable to encourage practice thinking to continuous experi-
Hybrid Organization With everyone to be on site when or imme- mentation (based on data). To help,
or Instead of Calendar- diately after certain events occur or, Wang et al.,A2 in this special issue,
Based Organization indeed, that everyone can work from introduce a novel approach that can
Current approaches to hybrid work home during and after other activi- help organizations create their own
typically center on a calendar ap- ties and events. In this special issue, paradigm of hybrid work via a bot-
proach, e.g., “work from home on Sporsem et al.A1 provide strong advice tom-up approach and further encour-
Fridays” and “work mornings in the for event-based hybrid work, where age a continuous improvement of an
office.” Various human resource (HR) the use of communication technology organization’s own way of work. The
legislation around the world follows is tailored and used specifically to al- article shows examples from author’s
a similar trend, where employees are low team interaction around unsched- own findings, such as the impor-
entitled to work remotely for a certain uled and, often, emergency events. tance of mixing highly collaborative
number of hours or days per week or and close-proximity work with deep
weeks per month or year.7 However, Recommendation 2: work, as this is substantially ingrained
an alternative mode of organization is Think About More Than in their organization’s culture.
one that is event based, where a team One Way of Doing Hybrid
and its activities are organized in re- Development Recommendation 3:
sponse to certain trigger events rather Many companies want to understand Consider the Fluidity of
than a particular time of day or week. what the best practices are for do- Hybrid Development
A medical emergency, an earthquake, ing hybrid: how many days at home, Once an appropriate method is se-
and a sudden fire are examples of what processes to use, and what tech- lected, there is a need to consider the
event-based activity because people nology to use. However, within an fluid and dynamic nature of hybrid
use the event as a reference point for organization, people are doing dif- work. Many discussions assume that
things that happen before and after. ferent tasks and have different pref- hybrid is some fixed and binary con-
Software development is, in many erences when it comes to flexibility. cept, that, for example, everyone in
ways, an event-based activity, where The way of doing hybrid must be a particular office may work from
teams organize their activities in re- adjusted to the people and task. And home on Fridays and that everyone
sponse to certain events, e.g., a sudden you can’t know before you have ex- is in the office on certain days and at
systems failure, a changed cus- perimented with an approach. Exper- certain times. The reality is that de-
tomer requirement, and a new per- iments need to be performed at the velopment is highly fluid. Let’s take
son joining the team. Therefore, we individual, team, and organization a 20-person team as an example. On
suggest that, rather than organizing level, and they need to be data driven. any given day, it is very unlikely all
20 member will be in the office and,
indeed, that all 20 will work from
home. Nineteen may be in, and one
Table 1. A new set of recommendations for hybrid may be remote and vice versa. There
software development. may be a relatively even split between
Existing assumptions New recommendations
office and home. This may change
throughout the day. People may drop
1. The careful organization and synchronization 1. Consider event-based hybrid organization out multiple times from their office or
of calendars and development cycles are with or instead of calendar-based
remote location. This is exacerbated
necessary for hybrid development to work. organization.
in large-scale multiteam environ-
2. There is one best way of doing hybrid 2. Think about more than one way of doing ments. Unfortunately, most hybrid
development. hybrid development. methods, processes, and tools tend
3. Hybrid is a fixed and binary concept. 3. Consider the fluidity of hybrid development. to be implemented with a particular
fixed hybrid profile that is unlikely
4. Hybrid methods should be implemented as 4. Consider hybrid work as an ongoing to be as effective for a certain mix
closely as possible to original guidelines. experiment.
of office/WFH mixes as others. We

28 I E E E S O F T WA R E | W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E | @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
Patrick Kua, Chief Technology technical leaders and engineering managers and coach
Officer Coach and Technical Leader/ chief technology officers and vice presidents of engineering.
Engineering Manager Trainer A common theme all of them currently face is helping their
William Gibson is well quoted: “The future is already companies agree to and communicate about an official of-
here—it’s just not very evenly distributed.” Remote work- fice policy. Some digital-native companies went full remote
ing has always been here, but COVID and the global lock- first, such as Spotify’s WFX.S1 Other companies struggle to
down accelerated its spread, and I believe it is here to arrive at a decision, not wanting to create stronger divides
remain. Prelockdown, we had companies, such as GitLab across departments. For example, one company I work
and Automattic, that were well-known for being remote- with manufactures industrial components. Managers in that
first organizations. Even in companies that mandated company need to answer “Why can the IT department work
working from the office, good engineering managers al- from home when others can’t?” Software managers must
lowed individuals to work from home, recognizing that find answers that balance reality, a perception of equity,
there were always circumstances when it was needed, all and the need to collaborate in various remote ways.
without a negative impact on work outcomes. In reality, regardless of what top management decides and
I have been working in the software industry for more than 20 dictates, my anecdotal observations with the organizations
years. In one of my earliest jobs, I worked in an open-space office I work with show that most teams have arrived at some form
with other developers from my team. Although colocated was our of hybrid working. Even if top management decrees “Everyone
main way of working, it did not exclude variations of remote work. must come into the office,” engineering managers still make
In this particular organization, we all had laptops instead of desk- exceptions for their teams. My sense, after talking to managers,
tops, as we had the option of WFH in case we needed to receive a is that some remote work options are now a standard employee
package or take care of some personal chore. But remote work- benefit and that they fear they will lose good employees to other
ing was considered an exception. In this particular organization, companies that embrace this. As an example, I see hybrid and
we had another form of remote working, which involved collabo- remote being added to more and more job advertisements for
rating with other remote teams. Our team was based in Australia, software engineers. Given the demand for excellent software
and we worked with other teams in locations such as the United talent, those who cannot provide this benefit will struggle
States and India. For such a complex software system under de- even more to attract good talent. COVID-19 and the global lock-
velopment, it was impossible to be truly colocated. down tipped the scale, and I think there is no going back.
Fast-forward many years later, when the world experi- For software professionals, the question should not be
enced COVID-19 and a global lockdown. We could consider “Should we mandate going back to the office?” or “How many
this global lockdown the world’s largest remote working ex- days in the week should be mandated?” I think this has been
periment. Where most companies allowed remote working as answered by the actions of managers and demand from em-
an exception, or a few companies embraced remote first, cir- ployees. Instead, we need to ask ourselves questions, such as
cumstances forced everyone to work from home abruptly. This
experiment also underscored that teams in a fully remote world • “How do we build better relationships in a remote/
didn’t halt productivity. In fact, some research, such as a re- hybrid environment?”
port by Van Bommel,8 demonstrated that remote work options •• “How can tools improve remote collaboration?”
could boost productivity. Despite some managers’ fears that •• “How do we create an engaging and inclusive work
work would not be completed if people were not in an office environment, given that some employees will be WFH
environment, the evidence was clear: remote work worked. with varied office space?”
Unlike some industries and jobs that literally require • “How can managers detect when remote individuals
humans to interact with a physical machine (although that, need support without micromanaging?”
too, is changing), knowledge-based work, such as producing
software, does not inherently demand a physical presence. This is why I’m excited by this issue of IEEE Software
Combined with fast and accessible Internet connectivity, that explores these questions.
the reduction in the size and cost of decent video and audio
equipment, and more and more software being built remotely Reference
in the cloud, people around the world started to see what is S1. “Work isn’t somewhere you go, it’s something you do: We give
possible with more remote-friendly work options. our people the freedom to work where they work best, wherever
But many organizations still struggle with what remote that may be.” Spotify. Accessed: Dec. 19, 2022. [Online]. Available:
work policy to adopt. In my line of work, I train early stage

M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 2 3 | I E E E S O F T WA R E 29

suggest that decisions around hybrid Further, we will need tools that sup- Overview of the Special
methods, processes, and tools con- port these new methods. In this spe- Issue Articles
sider this wide and constantly chang- cial issue, John et al.A4 describe the This special issue covers a range of
ing fluid mix of WFH and office. use of an employee experience man- exciting topics regarding the future
of hybrid software development. We
applied a rigorous review process to
each article, including a review by
at least three reviewers from indus-
We encourage developers and try and academia. We would like to
the general hybrid development extend our sincere gratitude to all
those reviewers, who were so giving
community to continually challenge of their time and provided excellent
recommendations as they apply guidance for the authors.
The first article, by Smite et al., A5
and tailor them in the future. provides a typology of different
types of hybrid development, which
again addresses the false assumption
that there is a standard type or way
Recommendation 4: agement (EXM) platform to promote of doing hybrid development. This
Consider Hybrid Work an employee engagement within the hy- is based on practical insights from
Ongoing Experiment brid work model. Alphabet, Intersoft, Valtech, IBM,
Contemporary software development The way of identifying new meth- Brandwatch, and Ericsson, and the
methods, such as agile and flow-based ods and tools is by experiment- types of hybrid work include hybrid
development, were designed for co- ing, trying out new processes and teams, partially aligned teams, and,
located on-site teams or, at the very tools and then gathering evidence more importantly, variegated teams
least, distributed development in a of how they work. As Marcin Flo- with a fully aligned alternation of
controlled office setting rather than ryan, director of engineering at Spo- office presence.
large-scale WFH. It is clear that the tify, concluded in an opinion piece, Next, Sporsem et al.A1 show that
extensive use of remote and hybrid “Hybrid work should be seen as an unscheduled meetings are just as im-
work challenges the fundamental as- ongoing experiment with the poten- portant to distributed hybrid soft-
sumptions of methods from the pre- tial to shape the future of software ware development teams as to those
COVID era, such as agile, which development.” that are colocated. By drawing on
assumed that a team was collocated the experiences of four development
or at least distributed across offices Future Directions teams in Norwegian companies NAV
specifically equipped with commu- While critically surfacing and chal- and Entur, they provide three recom-
nication technology. Further, before lenging assumptions are indeed in- mendations for how teams can use
the lockdowns, teams chose pro- teresting and effective, they are virtual rooms to disclose whether it
cesses that were best suited to solve limited in that they identify only a is appropriate to interrupt a colleague
customer problems. Now, the pro- snapshot of assumptions at a given for an unscheduled meeting, how
cess also needs to support building point in time. Therefore, we en- Slack channels can be customized so
the team, strengthening the team, and courage developers and the general that developers feel safe to ask ques-
allowing the hybrid setup to change. hybrid development community to tions, and how teams can experiment
Therefore, we argue that adaptation continually challenge recommen- to find new ways and tools for main-
of an existing method is necessary. As dations as they apply and tailor taining unscheduled meetings.
an example, Jackson et al.,A3 in this them in the future. Future research In the next article, Wang et al.A2
special issue, suggest eight approaches therefore needs to continue to ex- introduce a novel workshop approach
that hybrid software teams use to pre- plore the area and suggest a re- to codesigning for a hybrid work-
serve, structure, and promote creativ- search agenda to guide the research place experience. The article describes
ity as part of their day-to-day work, community. their practice of designing a hybrid

30 I E E E S O F T WA R E | W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E | @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
Marcin Floryan, Director of decisions. Are these beliefs exposing a desire to return
Engineering, Spotify to a pretense of control, a wish to avoid the complex-
The global pandemic created a chance to challenge estab- ity of dealing with distributed work and the value and
lished beliefs about teamwork and colocation. Now, com- effectiveness of face-to-face interactions? Regardless
panies must explore the benefits and challenges of hybrid of what stands behind them, the positive aspects of this
work. This presents an opportunity to reflect on the value work-from-home experiment are hard to miss, giving us a
and effectiveness of face-to-face interactions and address chance to reflect on past dogma. Many were able to ad-
the pitfalls of remote work, such as a sense of isolation just more freely their work schedule, integrating work life
and lack of collaboration. Hybrid work should be seen as and personal life better. Most avoided the cost, in time,
an ongoing experiment in how to best organize teamwork money, and environmental impact, of commuting to the
while providing flexibility to individuals with the potential to office. Organizations that chose to embrace remote work
shape the future of software development. gained access to new pools of employees who would
Over the past 20 years, certainly since the publication have not otherwise been willing and able to uproot their
of the Agile manifesto, software development has steadi- lives. Families benefited, local communities benefited, the
ly become a more collaborative, cross-functional, and environment benefited and, above all, many of us ben-
colocated endeavor. A “two-pizza team” sitting together efited from the increased sense of agency, the freedom to
in the same physical space, often with a board, visualiz- choose what works best for us.
ing work, has become the norm and a model for the most It’s worth recognizing that our ability to remain produc-
productive way of building software. Many organizations tive while being more isolated physically was, to some extent,
have gone to great lengths to hire folks around the globe enabled by technology. The past two years have seen a clear
and relocate them to corporate hubs. Against the backdrop boost in the innovation and development of both established
of this global trend, very few companies—the likes of Buf- and new tools. I, however, would not be looking forward to
fer, GitLab, and Automattic—decided to bet on building what the metaverse and virtual reality have to offer for hybrid
their businesses in a fully distributed way. In early 2020, work but, rather, toward the continued increase in the qual-
this predominant work mode faced a significant challenge ity of existing technologies, which will eventually break the
as company after company started sending its employees threshold of becoming more seamless and natural to use.
home amid national lockdowns, thereby starting a world- WFH, especially during a global pandemic, and a future
wide experiment in distributed work. opportunity for hybrid work are not without pitfalls. We
Despite the concerns of developers and managers must acknowledge the sense of isolation many felt, the
alike, the work didn’t grind to a halt. Surprisingly, there tensions that sometimes flared up at home, and the longer
were more developers reporting unchanged and even hours some put in to prove they were still making a valu-
improved perceived productivity than those who felt able contribution. Cultivating a sense of belonging, equi-
negatively impacted—regardless of an anxiety-inducing table treatment in terms of access to information, and rec-
global pandemic, new parental duties, housing chal- ognition and support of people’s mental health are some of
lenges, and economic uncertainty. Initially, we did not the important topics to keep a close eye on.
really have a choice. Now, the opening up of societies Consider hybrid work in software engineering an on-
has created an opportunity to decide whether we want to going experiment, where we have an opportunity both to
return to the past or explore what will work better. Some examine the changing reality and shape it. For example,
companies simply demand that their employees return we experimented with building a fully remote gathering
to offices; others reflect on and evaluate the new real- called a “homesite” with a mixture of online activities and
ity. It’s worth examining the underlying beliefs of those one-to-one “walk and talk” sessions spread over a couple

M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 2 3 | I E E E S O F T WA R E 31


of days. A mix of onscreen and real-world environments videos distributed using Loom, where people can watch
made it sustainable by maintaining good energy levels. and easily comment on the content, creating lively discus-
We also sent everyone the same package with “surprise” sions. Many developers have used the growing ecosystem
content and opened it together at the same time; hearing of plug-ins, extending their integrated development envi-
people’s reactions and appreciation contributed to a sense ronments with screen and keyboard sharing facilities for
of belonging. This worked during the lockdown and was online pairing sessions.
repeated for hybrid teams. I want to see “the whole greater than the sum of its
Now that offices are open again, we have organized an parts” being the goal of hybrid software engineering. I
“anchor week” for part of the organization, a time when encourage us to embrace and take advantage of diverse
everyone is encouraged to come to the office, be pres- skills, perspectives, and personalities, bringing them
ent, and work face-to-face with their colleagues. There are together in distributed yet connected collaborative work.
also extra activities, such as the joint building of large Lego We must continue experimenting with our practices.
sets, after-work sessions, and a treasure hunt, that add an While it may seem to require more thought, more effort,
element of fun and community. and more attention, the effects, in terms of our own well-
To leverage the hybrid nature of work, we moved away being as well as the outcomes of what we do together,
from synchronous progress updates to short (3–5 min) will be well worth it.

workspace at one branch office of suitability of each approach along can lead to stress and burnout. The
SAP Labs. Consisting of three work- with example scenarios and a sum- downsides of using EXM were also
shops, with a plan for following a mary of each approach’s strengths analyzed.
continuous improvement process, this and weaknesses.
framework can help other organiza- Finally, John et al.A4 investigated Acknowledgment
tions create their own paradigm of hy- how employee EXM platforms may The work in this special issue was
brid work via a bottom-up approach. foster employee engagement and in- partially supported by the Research
Jackson et al. A3 then argue that crease awareness of work habits in Council of Norway through the
creativity can flourish even in widely a hybrid work model (see “Practi- 10xTeams project (Grant 309344)
distributed hybrid settings. How- tioner Opinion: Hybrid Working Is and the Transformit project (Grant
ever, little research has been per- Now the New Norm,” and “Practi- 321477). It was also supported by
formed on creativity in hybrid and tioner Opinion: The Pandemic’s Sil- Science Foundation Ireland Grant
even all-remote software teams. By ver Lining—Rethinking Teamwork 13/RC/2094_2 and co-funded un-
interviewing more than 20 prac- in Software Development”). Based der the European Regional Develop-
titioners from the tech industry in on the qualitative analysis of docu- mental Fund through the Southern
the United States, United Kingdom, ments and 26 semistructured inter- and Eastern Regional Operational
Canada, and Argentina, the au- views in a multinational software Programme to Lero—the Science
thors identified eight approaches hy- company, they found that such plat- Foundation Ireland Research Centre
brid software teams use to preserve, forms may help employees connect for Software ( We are
structure, and promote creativity as with one another and improve indi- very grateful to the authors and to
part of their day-to-day work. Fur- vidual well-being. The platforms can the reviewers who have contributed
ther, they present an overview of the provide insights into team habits that greatly to this special issue.

32 I E E E S O F T WA R E | W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E | @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
1. I. Ozkaya, “The future of software
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doi: 10.1109/MS.2021.3089729. of Galway, H91 TK33 Galway, Ireland, and a co-principal in-
2. D. Smite, A. Tkalich, N. B. Moe, E. vestigator at Lero, the Irish software research center. Contact
Papatheocharous, E. Klotins, and M. him at
P. Buvik, “Changes in perceived pro-
ductivity of software engineers dur-
ing COVID-19 pandemic: The voice NILS BREDE MOE is a chief scientist with SINTEF, 7034
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Call for flexibility in post-pandemic hybrid work,” IEEE Softw., vol. 40, era of hybrid work,” IEEE Softw., vol.
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