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Although the sale of rhinoceros horns is illegal worldwide, rhinoceroses (Rhinos) are commonly poached

(hunted illegally) for their horns, which can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars per kilogram. Rhino
horns are so valuable that one type of rhino is already extinct because poachers killed too many of
them. All rhinos may soon become extinct unless something is done to help save them.

Several ideas have been suggested The first idea is for wildlife experts to “dehorn“ Rhinos living in the
wild. Dehorning means removing the horns of living rhinos to make them less attractive to poachers
Horns can be removed without hurting the animals if medical equipment and drugs to calm the animals
are used When this strategy was tried on a small scale in the early 1990s; none of the rhinos dehorned
at the time were killed by poachers.

The second possibility is to educate consumers. The majority of rhino horn sold is used in medicines
Although rhino horn is believed to have health benefits, this belief has no scientific foundation Rhino
horn consists almost entirely of keratin, the same material found in human hair and nails. Keratin has no
known health value. Educating consumers about keratin could greatly decrease the demand for rhino

The third possibility is to legalize government sales of rhino horn. Some governments have large
amounts of horn, taken from poachers they have arrested This horn is often kept in storage. However, if
government sales were legal, large quantities of horn that governments already have could be sold at
very low prices Poachers kill rhinos because consumers pay high prices for their horns If governments
started selling cheap rhino horn, rhino poaching would no longer be profitable and would probably stop,
at least for a while. That might help endangered rhino populations to recover.

The reading and listening are about Rhinos poaching for their horns leading to their extinction. The
writer believes that by taking certain measures, Rhinos hunting can be decreased. The lecturer does not
agree with the writer and attacks each of the claims made in the reading passage.

According to the article, the hunters kill Rhinos because of their horns, by dehorning makes them less
attractive to poachers. Nonetheless, the lecturer contends that dehorning not only makes it less
attractive to hunters but also decreases their survival capabilities. Additionally, he says that Rhinos use
their horns to dig for water, carve barks, and protect their young ones, cutting horns means they are less
likely to survive in the wild.

Secondly, the author states that the Rhinos’s horn buyer use them as a medicine, and it is based on
belief and it has no scientific proof. He propose that by educating they will decrease their hunting rate.
The lecturer, however, does not agree with the author. He states that the belief that rhino’s horn has
healing power deep rooted in various cultures and run through centuries from generation to generation.
It is therefore unlikely to believe that educating them make a change.

Third proposal suggested by the writer that the government should make horn’s selling legal and sell out
the confiscated horn at lower price. He believes by doing this the demand for horns in the market
decreases, which will decrease their prices ultimately no one will hunt them for such a less amount.
While the reading highlights that more people will buy horns because they are legal now.

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