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Zahmir Sudler

November 27, 2023

Service Learning

Mr C Statement of Intent

Going to school wasn't my big thing but I always went to school to learn and become great at

new things everyday throughout life. When I went to school I would always picture in my mind

how the day would go but turnt out it didn't go the way I planned it to be. I´ve had intentions on

going to a community college after high school to get myself organized and well prepared after

going to community college. I plan on taking Auto mechanics, Welding for my classes at Solano

to get a feel for how it will be in the construction industry. My passion for building and knowing

how to fix cars will always be something I´m into.

One of my strongest traits is trying, asking for help whenever I´m not sure of certain things. I

realized that when challenges came my way I had a way to overcome them by just going out, by

bike riding or walking around a park. No matter how challenges come about I never gave up on

myself, I kept pushing through the tough times. I also encourage anyone who faces challenges

to not give up on yourself. Life is much more valuable than giving up so easily. What I wanna do

after high school is what will shape my challenges that I will face with people or in general.

Some challenges I may face are haters that will hate on me or just don´t like me for no reason. I

still gotta do what I gotta do to achieve my goal and to not let myself get by me like that. Also

sticking to my morals even though they may not like me I still might have to deal with them in

some way shape or form and I gotta be calm to not let them get the best of me when they're in

that mood.

My life will be great the way I make it to be and have things set in mind on what I wanna achieve

to get better at. I hope to one day have a long lasting relationship with a girl that I am proud to
Zahmir Sudler

November 27, 2023

Service Learning

Mr C Statement of Intent

be with and be there no matter what. I give myself daily pep talks on how well my life will be if I

put in that hard work and give out good standing points to myself and others that will benefit me,


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