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A/Y: 2015/2022 Year: IV Sem: I Target Group :
Course code: Hist 1012 Test weight: (30%) Time: 50’ Code 1
Name. ---------------------------------------------------ID. ----------------- Department………………………
 Don’t forget writing your full name and other required information
 This test contains four (4) parts in 3 Pages including the answer sheet. Read the instructions given to
each part and answer the questions accordingly. No one can go out from the test room before the
exam time is finished. Any form of cheating and misbehavior will automatically result “0” and
disqualify. Switch off you cell phone, Don’t detach any paper, Don’t start until you are told so.
There are Multiple choice item, True/False Item, Matching, Blank Space & Controlled Essays.
Part I: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. (2%)
1. Amde-Tsion was the first "Solomonic" King, who embarked on a policy of a wider and rapid
territorial expansion.
2. Archeological evidences suggest that East African Rift Valley is a cradle of humanity.
3. Stone tools had been the first technologies to be developed by human beings.
4. Zeila port on coast of Gulf of Aden served as the most important gateway of Christian religion
Part II Matching:- Match questions column “A” to its relevant answers under the
column “B” (3% )

Column (A) Column (B)

1. Dilanod A/ The last king of Zagwe kingdom
2. Yetbarek B/ The last king of Axumite Kingdom
3. Yekuno Amlak C/The founder of Zagwe dynasty
4. Mera T/Haymanot D/ The founder of Solomonic dynasty
5. Adefa E/ The characteristic feature of Medieval kingdom
6. Mobile capital F/ The political center of Zagwe , later renamed as Lalibela

III: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): Read the questions carefully and thoughtfully, and then
choose the best answer from a given alternatives with distracters. (7%)

1. hominid species, common ancestral members of a different zoological family of human beings,
Chimpanzees & gorillas is called; A/ Australopithecines (1st humans)
B/ Genus Homo C/ Homonidae D// Pongidae
2. Which one of the following is Miss-paired?
/ Chororapithecus - Anchar B/ Australopithecus Garhi- Selam
C/ Ardipithicus ramidus – Aramis D/ Australopithecus Afarensis - Lucy/Dinkinesh
3. Human being species believed to be originated in Africa and then spread out to the world
A/ Homo sapiens- Sapiens B/ Homo Habilis
C/ Homo erectus D/ Homo sapiens (Archaic)
4. One of the following is wrongly matched characteristic traits of human beings?
A/ Homo Habilis- Knowledgeable and near recent humans
B/ Homo Sapiens- Modern and wise humas
C/ Homo Habilis: - skillful use of hands & oldest
D/ Homo Erectus – Walking upright and bipedal position as locomotive structure
5. In which Stone Age, human beings developed language and sheltered in cave to adapt ice age?
A/ Mesolithic Age B/ Paleolithic age C/ Neolithic Age D/ Iron Age
6. All of the following are the manifestations of Neolithic revolution in Ethiopia and Horn, EXCEPT
A/ Domestication of many flora and fauna.
B/ Domestications of plants, fruits and cereals like maize, corn, sorghum, avocado and wheat
C/ Excavations of material remains like polished axes, ceramics and grinding stones
D/ Fossils remains of came and cattle.
7. The most diversified language family with in Semitic Family is:-
A/ East Highland Cushitic B/ South Ethio-Semitic C/ North-Semitic D/ Gafat
8. Language status did not remain static i.e, some languages died out or in danger of extinction while
others thrived over time. All were the factors for this, EXCEPT
A/ Trade, religious and territorial expansion
B/ Population movements and warfare
C/ Homogeneity of culture
9. Indigenous religions have many common elements. Which one of the following not so highly related
with these elements?
A/ Prescribe praying for the prevention of drought, flooding and erosion
B/ Practices & beliefs of indigenous religion are not fused with Christianity and Islam
C/ Rituals are led by recognized elders, their pray and bless are trusted to reach God.
D/ Disease and starvation within community
10. Which one of the following wrong statement?
A/ Abune Baslios (1959): 1st Ethiopian Patriarch anointed.
B/ Christianity became state religion during the reign of king Endybius.
C/ Polytheists - worship many gods
D/ Frementius - the 1st Bishop of Ethiopia Orthodox Church
11. After Top-Down model introduction, the expansion & spread of Christianity (5th C A.D) was by;
A/ Abune Basilios B/ Nine Saints
C/ Abune Salama (Father of Peace) D/ King Ezana
12. Which one of the following is wrong statement?
A/ Islam spread to Horn of Africa by peaceful ways
B/ Armah Ella Seham (Ahmed al-Nejash), warmly welcomed the refugees
C/ The Followers of Prophet Mohammed who were sent to Ethiopia was late than Hejira
D/ Mosques, Islamic learning and pilgrimage centers have been depositories of cultures
13. From the subsequent, choose remarkable & outstanding achievement of Zagwe(Agaw) kingdom?
A/ Indigenous script, calendar and ship building technology
B/ Art and architecture like three obelisks and other church buildings (Debre Damo)
C/ Constructions of churches from bed rock, known as Rock-hewn churches
D/ Music (the hymns of St. Yared), Urbanization and Administrative system
14. Choose the wrong statement?
A/ Damot kingdom: oldest state founded by king Motalami
B/ Sultanate of Shewa was founded by Makzumite dynasty
C/ Sultanate of Bali was founded by Dawaro.
D/ Ifat sultanate was founded by Walasima dynasty
IV: - Fill in the blank space (8 point)

1. Most of Omotic language of south and south western Ethiopia are spoken along Omo River except
2. The language treated as dead or extinct language is:
3. ___________________________________is the largest of all the rock-hewn churches
4. There are four key elements of state(2pt)
a………………………..b)……………………….c)………………… d…………………
5. A ‘Royal Prison’ established by medieval kings so as to mitigate succession Problem and power
struggle among royal family was known as
6. A Dan tribe migrated to Ethiopia from Israel at Exodus after death of King Solomon were called

7. Was the 1st and earliest historically known state in Ethiopia and the horn often
referred as “Land South of Egypt”
V: Controlled Essay (10 pt)
1. The region Ethiopia & horn of Africa is a homeland for diverse ethnic and linguistic groups which
belong to two super-families of African languages. Identify some of the speakers of the following
language families and super-families.(4pt)
a) Semitic b) Cushitic c) Omotic d) Nilo-Saharan

a) Semitic b) Cushitic c) Omotic d) Nilo-Saharan

2. Compare and contrast the stone tools of Mode I , Mode II and Mode III? Based on the naming of tools,
human being species used tools, the mechanism they made and the technology advancement/ quality.(3pt)

3. Why do we call Neolithic age as Neolithic revolution and turning point in the mankind’s life? (2pt)

4. Write the contributions of Nine Saints? (1 pt)

Answer Sheet
Name I.D Department:

I:- True/ False Item II:-Matching Multiple Choice Questions

1 1 1 7 13
2 2 2 8 14
3 3 3 9
4 4 4 10
5 5 11
6 6 12

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