ElMotamyez QB - Math G5 - NOV Test - 2024

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3 hundredths x 3 = ……
9 hundredths 9 hundreds 0.90 9
In the equation 24 ÷ 4 = 6 the remainder is ………..
0 24 4 6
632.2 x …………. = 6.322
100 0.01 0.001 100
2,520 ÷ 12 = …………
12 123 210 321
6.2 x 0.001 = ………
0.0062 0.006 0.062 6200
Mr Mahmoud Elkholy bought 200 can SPIRO SPATHIS for 8 LE each ,then
he pay ………………..LE
200 2,000 1600 16,000
56 ÷ ……… = 56
1 56 0 8
654 x 100 = …….
0.654 65,400 654 0.6541
In 30 ÷ 7 = 4 R2 , the divisor is ………….
30 7 2 4
63 hundredths x 5 = ………..
315 hundredths 3.15 31.5 315
1,300 x 5 = ………………..
65 hundreds 65000 65 1,800
1,000 x ……… = 52.1
52,100 0.521 0.0521 5.2

There are ……… grams in 7 kg
700 7,000 7 0.007
47.8 x 5.2 = ……….
248.56 24,856 2,485.6 24.856
2 tenths x 2 = ……..
4 0.4 4 hundredths 40
0.23 x 6 = ………
138 0.138 1.38 13.8
37 ÷ 9 = 4 R …………
1 2 3 4
0 ÷ 200 = ……………
200 1 0 2000
There are ……… Litres in 41,000 mL
41 410 41,000,000 4
0.0045 x ……… = 45
100 1000 10,000 0.0001
0.32 x 12 = ……..
3.84 384 38.4 0.384
54 x 0.001 = ………..
54000 0.54 0.054 504
Quotient x divisor + remainder = …………..
dividend Quotient divisor all
25,000 = ………….
25 x 000 25 + 1,000 25 x 1,000 20,000
Estimate the product of 982 x 31 is ……….
4,000 3,000 30,000 2,700
40 x 6 = ……..tens
240 24 2,400 406
4 tens x 2 hundreds = …………….thousands
40 200 8,000 8

15.15 ÷ 0.15 = …………..
11 110 101 1.01
800 g = …………..kg
0.8 8 0.08 0.008
8.43 x 0.2 = ……………(to the nearest hundredths )
1.686 1.7 1.69 2
8.4 L – 3,200 ml = ………………… L
52 5,200 0.52 5.2
The quotient of 0.49 ÷ 0.7 = ………………
7 0.7 0.07 70
0.5 ÷ 0.2 = ………..
25 0.25 2.5 250
30 days = ……………..weeks ( to the nearest week )
4.2 4 5 10
0.2546 x 1000 = ……..
254.6 2546 25.46 2.546
…………….is the amount left over that is not enough to form another equal
group .
quotient remainder divisor dividend
The product of 777 x 11 is closer to ………..
700 x 10 800 x 10 888 x 10 7000
The distributive property of 63 x 12 is ………..
( 3 x 2 ) + ( 3 + 10 ) + ( 60 x 2 ) + ( 60 x 10 ) ( 60 + 3 ) x ( 10 + 2 )
756 12 x 63

20 L = ………………mL .
The decimal point in the product of 2.1 x 4.14 is after ………….…. Place .
6 x 265 = ( 6 x ………….… ) + ( ………….….x 60 ) + ( 6 x ………….. ) .
362 x 100 x 0.01 = ………………..…
125 x 0 = ……………………..

44.125 x …………..= 4412.5
87 x 23 = ………………..…
65.4 x 0.01 = ………………..…
………………..… ÷ 5 = 8 R2
if 2860 ÷ 28 = 102 R4 , then 28 x 102 = ………………..…
29 ÷ 2 = 14 R………………..…
54 ÷ 54 = ………………..…
4,004 ÷ 4 = ………………..…
The dividend in 81 ÷ 9 = 9 is ………………..…
The quotient of 45 ÷ 5 = 9 is ………………..…
63 x ………………..…= 6,300
602.1 x 0.01 = ………………..…
3 x ………………..…= 300,000
721 x 5 = 5 x 1 + 5 x ………………..…+ 5 x 700
16 km = ………………..…m
8,690 ÷ 42 = ………………..…R ………………..…
………………..…x 1,000 = 20,000
………………..…X 100 = 32.1
2.3 x 1.4 = ………………..…
3.24 x 10 - 1.2 = ………………..…
Product of two numbers in the tenths place would have a product in the
8.43 x 0.9 = ………………..…To the nearest hundredths
620 x 100 = ………………..…
If 16 x 12 = 192 , then 1.6 x 12 =………………..…
60 x 1,000 = ………………..…
Complete by using the following area model
58 × 42 = ( 40 ×...........) + ( 40 × 8 ) + (...... × 50 ) + ( 2 × ...... ) = ………………..…

707 x 1 = ………………..…
1 x 3216 = ………………..…
………………..…= quotient x divisor + remainder
364 ÷ 1 = ………………..…
16,000 ÷ 8 = ………………..…
If 23 x 325 = 7475 , then ………………..…
32.14 x 100 = ………………..…
0.5 x 18 = ………………..…
0.1 x 0.1 = ………………..…
1,000 x …………………..…= 6
0.01 x ( 321 + 9 ) = ………………..…
complete the area model and find the answer
( 40 × 40 ) + ( 40 × 8 ) + ( 9 × 40 ) + ( 9 × 8 ) = ………………..…
15 x 25 = ( 10 + ….........) x ( ……..........+ 5 )
7,500 x 0.01 = ………………..…
If 25 x 321 = 8,025 , then 8,025 ÷ 25 = ………………..…
564 ÷ 1 = ………………..…
3214 x 1 = ………………..…
541 x 0 = ………………..…
0 ÷ 457 = ………………..…
450 ÷ 450 = ………………..…
0.4 x 0.2 = ………………..…
65.4 ÷ 0.01 = ………………..…
3 ÷ 0.6 =………………..…
452 cm = ………………..…m
20 g = ………………..…kg
0.005 L = ………………..…mL
200 meters = ………………..…centimeters

4,000 ......... 200 x 200
507 x 31 ......... 31 x 507
1x6 ......... 0 x 154,000
45 x 100 ......... 45 x 986
100 x 400 ......... 10 x 452
6 km ......... 60 meters
145 x 10 ......... 145 tens
56 ÷ 1 ......... 56
364 ÷ 0 ......... 364 x 0
the divisor in 64 ÷ 16 = 4 ......... the divisor in 64 ÷ 4 = 16
divisor ......... remainder
65 ÷ 65 ......... 321 ÷ 321
1 ......... 0 ÷ 635
1÷1 ......... 0
25 ......... 625 ÷ 25
3,003 ÷ 1,001 ......... 5
25 ÷ 2 ......... 25 x 3
3.45 x 0.01 ......... 3.45 x 100
0.033 x 10 ......... 3.3 x 0.1
1,234 ......... 1.234 x 1000
2.514 x 10 ......... 25.14 x 0.01
754.6 x 0.01 ......... 0.7546 x 10
3.214 x 10 ......... 3,214 x 0.01
0.007 x 1000 ......... 70,000 x 0.001
25.47 x 10 ......... 0.02547 x 1000
0.15 x 39.8 ......... 1.15 x 0.398
0.47 x 15.22 ......... 4.7 x 1.522

The price of 35 cans is 525 LE , find the price of each can .
Ahmed baked 15 cup cakes . 5 of them fell on the floor . Distribute the
remainder equally between Amira and Adam . How many cup cakes will
Amira eat ?
There were 600 ducks in the nest yesterday . Today, 320 ducks were sold
and 50 ducks died . How many ducks will be left ?
Aliaa used 9 kg of flour in a recipe for cake . How many grams of flour
did she use ?
Ola bought 75 books for 43 L.E. each . How much money did Ola pay ?
Esraa bought 231 boxes of juice for 21 L.E. each . What is the cost of all
boxes ?
An employee works 480 min daily . How many hours will the employee
work in 7 days ?
If the price of a carton of milk is 15 LE , and the price of a carton of juice
is 17.5 LE m and the price of carton of yogurt 14.75 LE . what is the
price for buying 4 cartons of milk , 3 cartons of juice and 5 cartons of
yogurt ?
A box containing 725 gm of spices was distributed equally into 10
packages . How many grams in each package ?
Abeer has 28 cans . She wants to divide it equally on 7 tables . How
many cans will be on each table ?
Mahmoud earns 6 L.E daily . In how many days will he earn 54 LE ?

Sandy distributed 36 pieces of candy to 9 children equally , how many
pieces of candy with each child ?
Mr Mahmoud Elkholy wants to distribute 240 prizes equally over 6
classes . How many prizes will each class get ?
Fatma bought 100 pens , if the price of one pen is 3.12 LE . How much
money Fatma paid ?
There were 13 boys and 17 girls in the class . Mr Mahmoud want them to
work in groups of 10 students . How many groups there were ?
A wooden bar of length 4.12 m is divided into 10 pieces of equal length .
what is the length of each piece in centimeters ?

، ‫تم بحمد هلل‬

‫ن ع َمَل ًا صدق الله العظيم‬ ْ َ‫ات ِإ َّنا ل َا نُضِ ي ُع أ‬

َ َ‫جر َ م َنْ أَ حْ س‬ َّ ‫ن آم َن ُوا وَعَم ِلُوا‬
ِ َ ‫الصالِ ح‬ َ ‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " ِإ َّن الَّذ ِي‬

3 hundredths x 3 = ……
9 hundredths 9 hundreds 0.90 9
In the equation 24 ÷ 4 = 6 the remainder is ………..
0 24 4 6
632.2 x …………. = 6.322
100 0.01 0.001 100
2,520 ÷ 12 = …………
12 123 210 321
6.2 x 0.001 = ………
0.0062 0.006 0.062 6200
Mr Mahmoud Elkholy bought 200 can SPIRO SPATHIS for 8 LE each ,then
he pay ………………..LE
200 2,000 1600 16,000
56 ÷ ……… = 56
1 56 0 8
654 x 100 = …….
0.654 65,400 654 0.6541
In 30 ÷ 7 = 4 R2 , the divisor is ………….
30 7 2 4
63 hundredths x 5 = ………..
315 hundredths 3.15 31.5 315
1,300 x 5 = ………………..
65 hundreds 65000 65 1,800
1,000 x ……… = 52.1
52,100 0.521 0.0521 5.2

There are ……… grams in 7 kg
700 7,000 7 0.007
47.8 x 5.2 = ……….
248.56 24,856 2,485.6 24.856
2 tenths x 2 = ……..
4 0.4 4 hundredths 40
0.23 x 6 = ………
138 0.138 1.38 13.8
37 ÷ 9 = 4 R …………
1 2 3 4
0 ÷ 200 = ……………
200 1 0 2000
There are ……… Litres in 41,000 mL
41 410 41,000,000 4
0.0045 x ……… = 45
100 1000 10,000 0.0001
0.32 x 12 = ……..
3.84 384 38.4 0.384
54 x 0.001 = ………..
54000 0.54 0.054 504
Quotient x divisor + remainder = …………..
dividend Quotient divisor all
25,000 = ………….
25 x 000 25 + 1,000 25 x 1,000 20,000
Estimate the product of 982 x 31 is ……….
4,000 3,000 30,000 2,700
40 x 6 = ……..tens
240 24 2,400 406
4 tens x 2 hundreds = …………….thousands
40 200 8,000 8

15.15 ÷ 0.15 = …………..
11 110 101 1.01
800 g = …………..kg
0.8 8 0.08 0.008
8.43 x 0.2 = ……………(to the nearest hundredths )
1.686 1.7 1.69 2
8.4 L – 3,200 ml = ………………… L
52 5,200 0.52 5.2
The quotient of 0.49 ÷ 0.7 = ………………
7 0.7 0.07 70
0.5 ÷ 0.2 = ………..
25 0.25 2.5 250
30 days = ……………..weeks ( to the nearest week )
4.2 4 5 10
0.2546 x 1000 = ……..
254.6 2546 25.46 2.546
…………….is the amount left over that is not enough to form another equal
group .
quotient remainder divisor dividend
The product of 777 x 11 is closer to ………..
700 x 10 800 x 10 888 x 10 7000
The distributive property of 63 x 12 is ………..
( 3 x 2 ) + ( 3 + 10 ) + ( 60 x 2 ) + ( 60 x 10 ) ( 60 + 3 ) x ( 10 + 2 )
756 12 x 63

20 L = ………20,000………mL .
The decimal point in the product of 2.1 x 4.14 is after ……3…. Place .
6 x 265 = ( 6 x …200… ) + ( …6….x 60 ) + ( 6 x …5….. ) .
362 x 100 x 0.01 = ……362……
125 x 0 = ……0…..

44.125 x ……100……..= 4412.5
87 x 23 = ……2001….
65.4 x 0.01 = …0.654…
……42…. ÷ 5 = 8 R2
if 2860 ÷ 28 = 102 R4 , then 28 x 102 = ……2856………
29 ÷ 2 = 14 R ……1……
54 ÷ 54 = ……1…
4,004 ÷ 4 = ……1,001..…..
The dividend in 81 ÷ 9 = 9 is ……81……
The quotient of 45 ÷ 5 = 9 is ……9…….
63 x ……100….. = 6,300
602.1 x 0.01 = ……6.021…….
3 x ……100,000…….. = 300,000
721 x 5 = 5 x 1 + 5 x …20… + 5 x 700
16 km = …………16000…..m
8,690 ÷ 42 = ......206..... R ........38......
…20…… x 1,000 = 20,000
………0.321…….. X 100 = 32.1
2.3 x 1.4 = ……3.22…………
3.24 x 10 - 1.2 = …31.2….
Product of two numbers in the tenths place would have a product in the
……hundredths….. Place
8.43 x 0.9 = ……7.59…….. To the nearest hundredths
620 x 100 = …62,000……
If 16 x 12 = 192 , then 1.6 x 12 = …19.2…..
60 x 1,000 = ……60,000…..
Complete by using the following area model
58 × 42 = ( 40 × …..50..) + ( 40 × 8 ) + (....2.. × 50 ) + ( 2 × ..8... ) = ….2,436….

707 x 1 = ……707……
1 x 3216 = ……3216…..
……dividend……… = quotient x divisor + remainder
364 ÷ 1 = ……364……
16,000 ÷ 8 = …2,000……
If 23 x 325 = 7475 , then ……7475 ÷ 23 = 325……..
32.14 x 100 = …3214….
0.5 x 18 = ……9…..
0.1 x 0.1 = ……0.01…
1,000 x …0.006…… = 6
0.01 x ( 321 + 9 ) = ……3.3…….
complete the area model and find the answer
( 40 × 40 ) + ( 40 × 8 ) + ( 9 × 40 ) + ( 9 × 8 ) = …..2,242..….
15 x 25 = ( 10 + …5 ..) x ( …20….+ 5 )
7,500 x 0.01 = ……75….
If 25 x 321 = 8,025 , then 8,025 ÷ 25 = …321…….
564 ÷ 1 = ….564….
3214 x 1 = ….3,214….
541 x 0 = …0…
0 ÷ 457 = …0….
450 ÷ 450 = …1…
0.4 x 0.2 = ……0.08……
65.4 ÷ 0.01 = …..6,540….
3 ÷ 0.6 =……….30……
452 cm = ………4.52…………….m
20 g = ………0.02……………..kg
0.005 L = ……………4………………mL
200 meters = …………20,000……………………..centimeters

4,000 < 200 x 200
507 x 31 = 31 x 507
1x6 > 0 x 154,000
45 x 100 < 45 x 986
100 x 400 > 10 x 452
6 km > 60 meters
145 x 10 = 145 tens
56 ÷ 1 = 56
364 ÷ 0 < 364 x 0
the divisor in 64 ÷ 16 = 4 > the divisor in 64 ÷ 4 = 16
divisor > remainder
65 ÷ 65 = 321 ÷ 321
1 > 0 ÷ 635
1÷1 > 0
25 = 625 ÷ 25
3,003 ÷ 1,001 < 5
25 ÷ 2 < 25 x 3
3.45 x 0.01 < 3.45 x 100
0.033 x 10 = 3.3 x 0.1
1,234 = 1.234 x 1000
2.514 x 10 > 25.14 x 0.01
754.6 x 0.01 = 0.7546 x 10
3.214 x 10 = 3,214 x 0.01
0.007 x 1000 < 70,000 x 0.001
25.47 x 10 > 0.02547 x 1000
0.15 x 39.8 > 1.15 x 0.398
0.47 x 15.22 = 4.7 x 1.522

The price of 35 cans is 525 LE , find the price of each can .
525 ÷ 35 = 15 L.E
Ahmed baked 15 cup cakes . 5 of them fell on the floor . Distribute the
remainder equally between Amira and Adam . How many cup cakes will
Amira eat ?
15 - 5 = 10 cup cakes - 10 ÷ 2 = 5 cup cakes
There were 600 ducks in the nest yesterday . Today, 320 ducks were sold
and 50 ducks died . How many ducks will be left ?
600 - ( 320 + 50 ) = 230 ducks
Aliaa used 9 kg of flour in a recipe for cake . How many grams of flour
did she use ?
9 kg = 9 x 1,000 = 9,000 grams
Ola bought 75 books for 43 L.E. each . How much money did Ola pay ?
75 x 43 = 3,225 L.E.
Esraa bought 231 boxes of juice for 21 L.E. each . What is the cost of all
boxes ?
231 x 21 = 4,851 L.E.
An employee works 480 min daily . How many hours will the employee
work in 7 days ?
480 ÷ 60 = 8 hours - 8 x 7 = 56 hours
If the price of a carton of milk is 15 LE , and the price of a carton of juice
is 17.5 LE m and the price of carton of yogurt 14.75 LE . what is the
price for buying 4 cartons of milk , 3 cartons of juice and 5 cartons of
yogurt ?
4 x 15 = 60 LE - 3 x 17.5 = 52.5 LE - 5 x 14.75 = 73.75 LE
- the total price = 73.75 + 52.5 + 60 = 186.25 LE
A box containing 725 gm of spices was distributed equally into 10
packages . How many grams in each package ?
725 ÷ 10 = 72.5 gm
Abeer has 28 cans . She wants to divide it equally on 7 tables . How
many cans will be on each table ?
28 ÷ 7 = 4 boxes
Mahmoud earns 6 L.E daily . In how many days will he earn 54 LE ?
54 ÷ 6 = 9 days

Sandy distributed 36 pieces of candy to 9 children equally , how many
pieces of candy with each child ?
36 ÷ 9 = 4 pieces
Mr Mahmoud Elkholy wants to distribute 240 prizes equally over 6
classes . How many prizes will each class get ?
240 ÷ 6 = 40 prizes
Fatma bought 100 pens , if the price of one pen is 3.12 LE . How much
money Fatma paid ?
100 x 3.12 = 312 LE
There were 13 boys and 17 girls in the class . Mr Mahmoud want them to
work in groups of 10 students . How many groups there were ?
13 + 17 = 30 students - 30 ÷ 10 = 3 groups
A wooden bar of length 4.12 m is divided into 10 pieces of equal length .
what is the length of each piece in centimeters ?
4.12 ÷ 10 = 0.412 m = 41.2 cm

، ‫تم بحمد هلل‬

‫ن ع َمَل ًا صدق الله العظيم‬ ْ َ‫ات ِإ َّنا ل َا نُضِ ي ُع أ‬

َ َ‫جر َ م َنْ أَ حْ س‬ َّ ‫ن آم َن ُوا وَعَم ِلُوا‬
ِ َ ‫الصالِ ح‬ َ ‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " ِإ َّن الَّذ ِي‬


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