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Thematic Analysis

Annabell Goldberg

November 12, 2023

OGL 482 (2023 Fall-B): Pro-Seminar II
Dr. Janice Lawhorn
This presentation was a process that encouraged me to reflect on
who I am, who I think I am, and what makes me “me.” We are
sometimes so sure that we know who we are, that we forget to
stop and look around our life. Are we at our destination, did we
deviate? Additionally, this process stretched me mentally to view
myself with an unbiased eye and rediscover my love for
organization, my family, and how I have grown in confidence.

This reflection consists of a thorough analysis of various writings

and assessments that I have created through my educational
journey at Arizona State University. As I examined each
supporting data and then converted the data to codes, themes
emerged. I came to realize that these themes are a mosaic of
what makes me “me.”
research process and
methods DATA – OGL482
Gather completed Assessments and
writings from OGL482 Unit 1 & 2
Create an excel spreadsheet with labeled
columns: 1.Data source, 2.Class,
3.Document Type, 4.Document Title,
5.Entry, 6.Sample, 7.Contradictory
Data, 8.Codes, and 9.Themes. DATA – OTHER SOURCES
Gather writings from former
educational classes, personal writings,
and work assessments.

Review and highlight both sets of Categorize the selected data. Then
data. Enter selected information in create codes, and from these codes
excel spreadsheet columns create Themes.
#1 to #7.
my data sources
My data sources consists of assessments and writings from Unit 1 and Unit 2 of OGL
482, former educational classes, personal writings, and work assessments. The next slide
consists of a legend and a brief description.
Career Anchors Assessment (CAA) – This assessment identifies your
competency for various fields of study.

Kuder Career Interest Assessment (KCIA) – An assessment tool that identifies

your interest. Matches your interest to potential careers or college major.
Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSCA) – The assessment evaluates your

data sources
self-perception and confidence regarding you completing tasks or activities.

Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN) – Assessments and writings that you
have created while on your journey.
Super’s Work Values Inventory (SWVI) – An assessment that helps you
identify your work values for selecting a career field.

Three Questions (3Qs) – I explored what I am good at.

Values and Dreams List (VDL) – A checklist created to help identify my top
values and dreams.
my 10 themes

In this next several slides, I will identify the 10 themes that make up who I am and what is
important to me. Each slide consists of a theme statement, relevant data sources,
contradictory evidence, and a short reflection.
theme 1 - success
THEME STATEMENT I have a strong willingness to succeed and am critical on myself when I am not successful.

All the Turning Points have instilled in me the drive to reach for my dreams, to want more for myself, to not
settle or let someone else dictate my life in a negative way, and to be a great and authentic leader (SWVI)
I took the temporary assignment because I am ready to move up in our organization (SPNL)
I need to belong to an organization to feel satisfied in my work life is very important to me (CAA)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION I am proud of myself for continually wanting to create successes in my life. This theme has allowed me to
see the results of my hard work.
theme 2 - acceptance
THEME STATEMENT Learning to overcome the feelings of not being accepted.

I want to make sure that I am competent and not burdening my co-workers by not knowing my duties (VDL)
I conducted one-on-one meetings with each staff member every other week, and they knew that if they needed
me, they could reach out at any time (CAA)
This allows them be noticed and to feel as if they are valued for their opinion and knowledge (LSPN)

CONTRADICTORY I used to be scared to say that I needed time, I felt that by asking for time I would appear to be indecisive or

Acceptance has been a big issue in my personal life since I was a child. This theme has allowed me to
REFLECTION realize how that issue has spilled over to other areas of my life. I feel good about knowing that I am
working on mitigating this issue within myself.
theme 3 - mentorship
THEME STATEMENT I feel strongly about mentoring others and seeing them succeed.

I inspire and motivate my team to take pride in their work (3Qs)

As my mentor, my husband would listen to me vent about certain work situations; at the time I was an entry
level employee (LSPN)
Supervising, leading, and influencing others is very important to me (CAA)

If I don’t have to be around people, I choose not to be around people and be an introvert (LSPN)

REFLECTION I was pleasantly surprised that this was one of my themes. I have
theme 4 - balance
THEME STATEMENT Having a well-balanced work-life balance is important to me.

If am not working or studying, I am hiking, biking, or kayaking across Arizona (LSPN)

When my husband and I travel, we include our hiking shoes (LSPN)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

theme 5 - organization
THEME STATEMENT I thrive in creating order out of chaos.

SUPPORTING DATA I have developed several new workflow strategies that have been incorporated nationwide in the agency (LSPN)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

theme 6 – public service
THEME STATEMENT I enjoy working for the federal government and being a public servant.

I have worked for the government for 20 years and plan to retire as a federal employee (LSPN)
Being of service to others in a meaningful way is very important to me (CAA).

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

theme 7 – work satisfaction
THEME STATEMENT I find that I must be constantly challenged by my work to find satisfaction.

Constantly learning new technical skills is very important to me (CAA).

Acquires new knowledge in areas related to the job (LSPN)
I do see myself using social influence and am very confident in my persuasive skills as a coworker and as a leader
to accomplish goals I have set for myself or my team. (KCIA)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

theme 8 – aspirations/goals
THEME STATEMENT I aspire to climb the hierarchy within the federal government.

I took a break from my permanent position as a Senior Budget Analyst, to a temporary position at our office in
Palm Springs for 120-days as the Assistant Field Manager of Operations (LSPN)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

theme 9 - fulfillment
THEME STATEMENT Being a subject matter expert and having people come to me for questions and training is brings me fulfillment.

Explains complex information clearly (LSPN – OPM360Leadership)

SUPPORTING DATA With over 30+ years of experience in the professional world, I have accumulated tons of knowledge from a
combination of study and on-the-job-training (CAA)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

theme 10 - family
THEME STATEMENT My family is very important to me.

I could not in good conscience separate my new family (SWVI)

SUPPORTING DATA As the oldest sibling, she listens to her siblings without judgment, attentive ears, nods and acknowledges their
concerns (LSPN)

CONTRADICTORY I did not see any contradictory evidence in my data. The data showed that I make every effort to make those
EVIDENCE around feel accepted and myself as well.

REFLECTION Enter data here

vision statement
“To become a Department Director in a federal agency within the
next 5 years. While maintaining my core values of trust, integrity, and

I am about 10 years away from retirement and my goal is to retire at a GS-15 level. A GS-15 level is considered an appointed selected service federal
employee. As a shy and timid child, I dreamed of becoming an important leader of a big organization. I was detoured from accomplishing this dream due
to marriage, divorce, unsupported family members, raising 3 children as a single mother, and medical issues. Now that my children are grown and living
their best lives, my husband has encouraged me to resume my mission.
mission statement
To inspire the next generation that through all odds you
can accomplish your dreams without sacrificing your core
values of trust, integrity, and honesty.

This mission statement is based on my original haiku. When I was in middle-school our teacher tasked all the students in the
classroom to create an original haiku. I created the following haiku because I was always being underestimated by those around
me. As a first-generation American, my parents were stuck in their traditional culture and values. I was expected to marry
immediately out of high school and begin having babies. My mother was grooming me to become a dutiful wife.
“If I could fly high, I would fly high, never stopping to look, at people who shook, their heads in reply.”
I am flying, while not sacrificing my core values
I am grateful for this assignment. I have seen the
growth in me from when I began my journey to
now. It has allowed me to understand that I am
who I thought I was and even more of what
makes me “me.” I consider this a valuable short-
stop atop one mountain. It has given me the
tools for my next journey to another mountain
top, graduation and when I am a Director in a
federal agency.
thank you
Annabell Goldberg

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