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KOMATSU sasussrservcan — [58E-06-12810 ‘Applies to rd % Feati 5 ; oii s308,930E,an89s05 >" Patty CAN Communication Protocol Specification fabtec Drive WRITTEN BY: | DATE: Doug Surratt | 9/28/18 CHECKED B’ DATE: Jason Schepler | 11/29/18 ‘APPROVED BY: [DATE: [20 Tim Imig r29ne | Ree DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE LETT ttt Introduction ‘The purpose of this document is to describe CAN Communication Messages available on the 3" Party CAN Bus (Gray bus). This document provides the detailed message format and data structure for messages defined below Important Notice * The data fisted is this document is informational only and is not suitable for control or safety related functions. Therefor the information within this document is not to be used by any third-party device to preform or be used for control or any safety related functions. * The information listed in this document is subject to change without notice. Komatsu America will make every effort to ensure accuracy. However, diie to, content from outside Komatsu’s control, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. i «This document is intended for experienced embedded software engingprsyith (yarking knowledge of SAE 11939 CAN * Third parties are responsible to ensure their devices used on the truck pass SAE 1939-82 compliance checks and their presence on the CAN 3" party or J1939 bus does not adversely affect the operation of the truck. * Connections to CAN networks, 24V battery, key switch, and ground are provided for third parties in the cab. Komatsu America is not responsible for cable routing or mounting of 3" party devices. * Third parties must adhere to the bus physical layer requirements of SAE J1939-11, for example, the maximum of | meter drop lengths to devices from the network backbone * CAN networks are fully terminated. Resistance should not be added or removed by third parties. * Message requests by third parties should not occur more frequently than every 200 milliseconds to ensure proper bus loading, Komatsu America Corp., ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Contents Introduction. Important Notice ... Physical Layer, Connection to Truck.. Real Time Data 5 1: FF36,¢~ Kplus2 Real Time Data Broadcast... 5 UI, FFO4;5 — Drive System Truck Speed Data... 7 Il, FFO6:s-~ Drive System Control Data.. 8 IV. FFO7:6~ Drive System Power Data... “9 V. FF08:6-~ Drive System Condition Data 10 VI. FF09s5~ Drive System Motor Data VIL. Drive System Software Versions. FFO2ie ~ Software Version Data wnnscmnnnnrnnnnn FFFOu~ Request Software Version Data... Vill. FE80)<- PLM Real Time Data Packet 1 of 4.. 13 1X, FFB14s - PLM Real Time Data Packet 2 of 4... X. FF82;¢ ~ PLM Real Time Data Packet 3 of 4... ee ee 45 XI. FF8E:s - PLM Real Time Data Packet 4 of 4... 16 ‘Asynchronous Data... |. FF84;5— PLM Early Estimate II, FEBS ye ~ PLM Swing Load... Ul. FF86z¢ PLM Final Load Estimate... 1V. FF87:5 Haul Cycle Record. velaereee 19 Event Data... |. FF37,5— Kplus2 Event Data Broadcast 7 II, FF83se ~ PLM Active Event List... Ih Drive System Event Log... FF24:¢~ Event List Status from Wabtec.... FF24;¢~ Event List Request from 3° Party . FF25:¢—Wabtec Event list 32 Komatsu America Comp., ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 of 33 KOMATSU sasussrservcan — [58E-06-12810 Physical Layer Interface: CAN 2.0B (Controller Area Network) Bit Rate: 250K Baud Rate Connection to Truck Connection points for third parties are bullt into the cab and use Industry standard 3 pin Deutsch connectors. Pin outs and locations can be found below. Ts tenes (939GK-GOS-CC3 (GRIT 2g) 4 -af 3}o oe paris © A—3" Party CAN High © = B-3 Party CAN Low +c: Shietd SHIGP.§ DO 515-003 BLK log. a ee —————————| oshuay eve mer + A-Fused (108) 2¢V Battery + 8~Ground + C—Fused (5A) 24V Key Switch les 2019.10.08 O0GE-019-0C3 (GRN ae ine [secre] m4 L=a¢ "PCOBTEPR0TSD © A=31939 CAN High © B=J1939 CAN Low © C=Shield Komatsu America Com., ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 KOMATSU sasussrservcan — [58E-06-12810 Komatsu America Com., CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Real Time Data I: FP36,6 ~ Kplus2 Real Time Data Broadcast Packet Length | 8 bytes ‘Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | Variable [See sample rates below] Data Format Little Endian Priority 6 Source Address | 8Fis PDU-PS 3616 PDU-PF FF is ‘MSGID ISFF368F 6 ‘Msg ID [DLC | Byte0 29 bit MSGID | 8 (1s Sample Message for Reference MSGID_ | DLC | Byte | Byte! 368F 16. [_Dhis. Item. Data ID Parameter Data 6534 _| Total Vehicle Hours 4 1000 0.05 °. bh a) KPJus2 ‘Local Date/Time (Seconds < since 12:00:00 AM 4 1000 1 o: 2 796 _| 1/1/1970) 29191 0168" UTC Date/Time (Seconds since 12:00:00 AM 4 1000 1 ° Kus? TAis_| 4/1/1970) Bye | Ambient Ar Temperature [2 7000 | oesnas | a3 | aces) iw Fuel Level (igh 12h | Remon) eee 2B3s«_| Steering Pressure 2 500) z oe lessee Bae; Park Brake Released z 500 z 0 iM ‘33F:_| Service Brake ON r 500) r ° iM Hydraulie Oil Tank Temperature (High 2 1000 oa | -27a | eee | 48436 | resolution) Base | Brake Pressure 2 300 z oe ecm Komaisu America Comp, ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN 3ADus_| Serve rake Power 2 | 500 oa | 0 MWim2 3 | Host reset 2 [500 1 [0 |e ABte_| Holt Pressure? 2 [sto tas se este AFDis [Boer Vlogs, iV 2 [sto Fa A AFs_| 5VSers0rMontor 2 [500 x0 | @ [w|i eu | aie 2 [seo | ois [500 [mers aa, | tate [sto | eco0n00i | 210 [see | ars 88;¢_|Lonetuee 4 [500 | o.oo01 | 210 [des | ors ‘ewer aed Vaio Cis _| Speed ee 1000 0.00390625 0 km/h GPS Diss Ersnet Soeed [so [os [0 [omen Engine Teshaus GH PoR ae eee 2 [sooo | oomas | ava | eee | eno Engin xhausGas POR : Sees 2 | sooo | oosas | a7 | eee | ewe Engine | shaus Gs POR ce Pen | Perieee 2 [sooo | ooas | ara | eee | enc Engine {shai POR peices 2 | so00 | ooaas | ara | eee | enc Engine 1 Exaunt Fa ae eee 2 | sa00 | oos | ara | eee | enc Engine {shasta POR on on eee 2 | sooo | ooazs | ava | esc | eno Engine Exhausts POR bain 2 | so00 | ooaas | ava | eee | eno Engin Exhausts POR ee 2 | s000 | ooaas | ava | eee | eno Engine 1 xkaustGas Por Fee _| 9 Temperature 2 1000 0.03125 273 desc ENG veg_| inte temaustGasPort || sooo | ooares | 22) 1 Ged O| Oiis Engin xhauseG38 POR 100:¢_| 11 Temperature : oe oo3125 | (273 | KesteC ENG Engin 1 xhauswG3e Por oe 2 | 1000 | oars | 273 | aeec | ens Engin xkaussGss POR oe | eda 2 | 100 | oars | 273 | asec | ens Engin 1 xksussGas Por pees 2 [100 | oosas | aa | aeac | ens Engin xtsusw Gar Po | pees 2 | 100 | oars | am | oer | ene Engin exhaust Gas PO ee 2 | 1000 | oases | a7 | aeec | ens Engine tae Mania EFis_| Temperature a a x a eee Ge Komaisu America Comp, Page 6 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Engine 1 Intake Manifold 3 eae Temperature _ sae ee Engine 1 Intake Manifoid ice ae Temperature Engine 1 Turbocharger 2 Boost Pressure dee | cae Engine 1 Coolant Temperature seer eine 03:c_| Engine 1 Oil Temperaturea | 2 1000 0.03125 | 273 | degc | ENG Pee eteelleaea a 500 0.0078125 | -250 | kPa | ENG Pressure Engine 1 Oil Pressure < 500 4 0 kea__| ENG Engine 1 Coolant Pressure_| 2 500 z @ kea__|_ENG engined cue] Hate ee OO ee [ee eee Oe eee een Barometric Pressure (ENG) | _1 500 05 0 kea__| ENG Engine 1 Turbocharger Z £3:5_| Boost Pressure = om a : m nn Engine 1 Intake Manifoid 1 fee reas 1 11000 a 40 | degc | ENG Engine 1 Oil Filter 9:e_| Differential Pressure 2 ma 2 = tee eene Engine 1 Aftertreatmenti Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank | 2 1000 04 ° % ENG 146:5_| Level ‘Engine 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank | 2 1000 4 ~40 | degc | ENG 14715 _| Temperature Il. FFO416 ~ Drive System Truck Speed Data Packet Length | 8 bytes ‘Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | 500ms Data Format Little Endian Priority 0 Source Address | 0710 PDU-PS Odie PDU-PF FF. MSGID OOFFO407i6 Komaisu America Comp, ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 7 of 33 KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can 58E-06-12810 igg 1D E aobit | PEG oe ; ‘Active tick | OEM requested | 3 party requested eee Duo speed limit___| truck speed limit_| truck speed limit Truck speed 0 to 3276.7 | 10:times current truck speed in MPH. ‘Active truck speed limit Oto 3276.7 | 10 times active truck speed limit in MPH. ‘OEM requested truck speed | 0t0 3276.7 | 10 times OEM requested speed limit MPH. limit ‘3 Party requested truck (0 to 3276.7 | 10 times 3+ party Requested speed limit MPH. speed limit Ill, FF06:6 - Drive System Control Data Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | 500ms Data Format Little Endian Priority 0 ‘Source Address | 0716 PDU-PS 0616 PDU-PF FFis MSGID OOF FO607i6 Msg iD r Z osie | DLE By F Mscip | 3 | Accel | Retard Tpiseesion | state | verter | Prive AQ A cD KAGved % % Status_|_ Status Accel % ‘Accel pedal percentage Retard% | 0-100 Retard pedal percentage Direction | State encoded ‘O=Neutral ward Komatsu America Comp., ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 8 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN ‘State State encoded inv Status | State encoded Both inverters disabled jk 1-Retard and propel restricted 2=Propel restricted werter 1 disabled and speed limited werter 2 disabled and speed limited P restricted peed limited 7=OK ~ Not active ‘oadbox mode Drive Status | State encoded IV. FFO7:6 ~ Drive System Power Data Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type Single Frame Broadcast Rate 500ms Data Format Little Endian Priority 0 O76 019 10 0: PDU-PF FFis MSGID_ QOFFO707:6 Msg ID “ Geet DEE yte wscio | 8 HP Feetback= | pra ne |Link Voge Komatsu America Comp., ‘CONFIDENTIAL Page 9 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN EEE Ee eee Reserved N/A N/A HP Feedback —Altin 65555 Feedback in horsepower Retard HP 065535 Retarding system horsepower Link Voage “3276.7 %0 TO times the voltage on the link 3276.7 V. F081 ~ Drive System Condition Data Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | 2s Data Format | Litile Endian Priority 0 Source Address | 0716 PDU-PS OBi6 PDU-PE FFs MSGID OOFFOSOTi« Nisg 1D 29bit | PEE : : cole | Barometric mscip| 8 | Batery Voltage | CPetine Blower | Gauge | Cooling | pressure (Drive Speed Temp | Temp cae Battery voltage “6553.50 10 times battery voltage 6553.5 2019.10.08 Cooling blower speed | 0-65535 Cooling blower speed in RPM Gauge temp 08255 PSCTENP Gauge temperature, in percent Cooling temp “28 to 127 “Ambient temperature, in degrees C Barometric pressure | 327680 16 times the barometric pressure, in PSl (Drive System) 3276.7 Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 10 of 33 KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can VI. FF0916~- Drive System Motor Data 58E-06-12810 Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | 500ms Data Format Little Endian Priority 0 Source Address _[ 0716 PDU-PS 0916 PDU-PF FF is MSGID (OOF FO907i6 Msg ID 2opit eee MSGID |__| Torque Feedback 1 | Torque Feedback 2 | Motor I Speed | Motor 2 Speed Torque feedback1 | -327680to 327870 | Torque feedback from motor 1 in foot-pounds divided by 10 Torque Feedback2 | -327680t0 327870 | Torque feedback from motor 2 in foot pounds divided by 10 Mi “Motor 2 speed 0-65535 ‘Speed of motor 2 in RPM ‘O21 VII. Drive System Software Versions Software Version Data Packet Length 8 bytes 2019 10.08 Message Type Single Frame Broadcast Rate __| Sent on request < Data Format Little Endian. Priority: 0 Souree Address | OxOTie PDU-PS Ox0216 PDU-PF FRie MSGID OOFFOR07:« MseIP | DLC | Byted | Byte MSGID | 8 | Source | Number Data Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 11 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can 58E-06-12810 ‘Source 17 ‘Source of the version 1=DSC Software version 2=DSC 08 version 3=DSC IFS version 4Azinverter 1 version Selnverter 1 0S version 6-Inverter 2 version 7sInverter 2.05 version Number 155 Requests a part of the version string. Isthe first part of the version string (the first six bytes), 2sthe next six bytes, and soon. The string shall be null (zero) terminated. Data ‘Six bytes Portion of the requested version string, null terminated. Packet Length 8 bytes FFF0:6 ~ Request Software Version Data Message Type Single Frame Broadcast Rate Sent by 3" Party to request FFO2i« Data Format Little Endian Priority 7 Souree Address | CS PDU-PS FO. PDU-PF FFic MSGID ICFFFOCR 6 Msg 1D | pc 28 ed Pee MSGID | 8 Source of the version 1=DSC Software version 2=DSC 0S version 3=DSC IFS version Inverter 1 version Inverter 10S version Inverter 2 version Inverter 2 OS version Asthe first part of the version string (the first six bytes), Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 12 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can 58E-06-12810 2sthe next six bytes, and soon. The string shall be null (zero) terminated OxFFFO Sample Message for Reference MSGID [DLC | Byte [Byes [yet [Bytes ICFFFOC8ie | 8 | 0216 Os | Otis | Os ICFFFOCRis | _& | 0216 is | 0216 [Oe 1 ICFFFOC8e | 8 | 0216 Ow | 0316 [Oe [Os | Ove Requests DSC Software version strings 1,2, and 3. Stop requesting when all lines have been received as communicated by null (zero). VIII. FF80\«- PLM Real Time Data Packet 1 of 4 Packet Length _ | 8 bytes ‘Message Type | Single Frame ideas 200 ms_ = . ‘orm: Little End Priority 7. Source Address | dig PDU-PS BOi6 PDU-PF FFs MSGID. ICFFSOI4ie Msg iD Z 29 bit [ pH: MSGID | 8 Date/Time Current Sprung PlVindtinahndicr veight O19. 10.08 arms 4 | 1 Second unsigned integer_| 0 ~4294967295 ‘Sprung Weight 2 [0.1 metric tons [unsigned shore | 0~ 65835 Inclinometer 2 [0.1 degrees | signed short 32768 ~ 32767 Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 13 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can 58E-06-12810 FF8Ojs Sample Message for Reference MSGID | DLC | ByteO | Bytel | Byte? | Byte3 | Byted | Bytes | Byteé | Byte7_ ICFFR0I4s | 8 | 496 | BSis | EEis | S5ic | SDis | OFis | O66 [Os Item Hex Value Translated Value Date/Time SSEEBSA9.« Tue, 08 Sep 2015 10:15:37 GMT. Current Sprung, OFSDis 393.3 metric tons Weight Inclinometer 0616 0.6 degrees 1X. FFB1i¢ - PLM Real Time Data Packet 2 of 4 “Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | 200 ms Data Format Little Endian Priority 7 Source Address | Idi PDU-PS Bhi PDU-PF FFi6 MSGID 1CFF8I14i6 ‘Msg iD 29 bit : By r Mscip |g | EeftFrontSusp | Right Front Susp | Left Rear Susp | Right Rear Susp Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Left Front Suspension . ae z 0 ~ 65535 ee 2 [0.1 kg/m’? unsigned short Right Front Suspension ee unsigned shoft hf O- G39 Pressure Left Rear Suspension 0.1 kpiem’2 unsigned hho OL BROS Pressure Right Rear Suspension 2 lorkgem2 unsigned sho _ [0763535 Pressure FFS1is Sample Message for Reference MSG1D__| DLC | Byieo | Byiel | Byed | Byles | Bylot | Bytes | Bye | Byie7 ICFF8I14ic | 8 | 9616 | O26 | B4is | O76 | OE | Otis | 7Bie | Oli tem Hex Value Translated Value LF Pressure 029616 66.2 kglem? RF Pressure O7BAi6 197.2 kgiem™ LF Pressure O16E 16 33.6 kg/em?, RR Pressure O17Bis 37.9 kgicm® Komatsu America Corp. CONFIDENTIAL, Page 14 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN X. FF82i - PLM Real Time Data Packet 3 of 4 Packet Length _| 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate 200 ms Data Format Little Endian Priority 7 Source Address | Idie PDU-PS. 8216 PDU-PF FFie MSGID ICFF821416 Nig iD 29 bit-| PLE : z Haul Cycle Haul Cycle eG | Speed Status Flags | Values | State Speed 2 | 0.) km/hr__| unsigned short 0~ 65535 Hauleyele Status Flags | 2 | bit-encoded | Bitencoded oe Be sf FF87}6 section Digital Values 1_| Bee Table 2) | unsigned char ___[ 0~ 255 Hauleyele State 1 [Bee Table 3) [unsigned char |0~ 288 ‘Swing Load Detected | 2 | (See Table 4) | unsigned shot | 0~ 05535 syied | Bytes | Bytes ICFF821416 8 6016 Ove O16 Die O46 0216 O16 Oe tem, Hex Value Translated Value. Speed, 6016, 9.6 km/hr, Haul Cycle Status E Flags ae Xo 3%619.10.08 Digital Value 0416 Run/Stop State Haul Cycle State 0216 Maneuveritl Swing Load Detected O16 No swing toad detected: ‘Tabt Brake Lock Oh | Body Up. 0216 J Run/Stop State_| O4i6 | Reserved 3 Unused | Reserved _4 Unused | Reserved _5 Unused | Reserved _6 Unused j Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 15 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN ‘Table 3 EMPTY 0 LOADING a MANEUVERING 2 TARE_ZONE 3 Reserved. 4 FINAL_ZONE. = 6 7 & 9 Reserved DUMPING. AFTER DU! HAULING: Table 4 When Swing Load is detected this value is set to 1 and sent five times consecutively. 0 when no swing load is detected. ] | (PGN OxFF82 has been sent at 200ms rate, This byte is ON for 1 sec | | for third party device to allow enough time to detect swing load has been detected) XI. FF8Eis - PLM Real Time Data Packet 4 of 4 Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | 200 ms Data Format Little Endian Priority F Source Address | 14is OTS 10-08 P PDU-PF MSGID Msg id aepit_| DLC MSGID | _8 Clean Tare | Haul Cycle Tare | Fis | FFio | FFis FFis 0.1 metric tons | unsigned short___| 0 ~ 65535 0.1 metric tons [unsigned short [0 ~ 65535 Clean Tare Haul Cycle Tare rah Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 16 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN OxFF8E Sample Message for Reference MSGID | DLC | Byte | Byte!” Byte2 | Byte3 | Byte4 | Bytes | Byteé | Byte7_ ICFFSEI4is | 8 | 886 | Ode | Iie | Otis | FFie [PFs | FFis | FFis Item Hex Value “Translated Value Clean Tare a88:4 116.0 metric tons Haul Cycle Clean 41Fi6 105.5 metric tons Tare Asynchronous Data FF84) Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame move for at least 160m at speed of 3mph or more. Broadcast Rate _ | When payload estimate has been made. After loading, the truck has to Data Format Little Endian Source Address | 1416 Priority a PDU-PS B4is PDU-PF FF is MSGID ICFFS414i6 ‘Mis ID 29 bit MsciD | Early Estimate Payload Os O16 O16 01 2 = Early Estimate Payload | 4 | Unit: 0.1 metric tons | integer 20d ges FF84ic Sample Message for Reference MSGID [DLC | Byte0 | Bytel_ Bytes] Byted | Byles [Bytes [Byte IcrFs414is | 8 | AZ | OBie Ow | O% | Oi | O« [ Os Item Hex Value ‘Translated Value Early Estimate BA2ue 297.8 metric tons Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 17 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN I. FF85:¢- PLM Swing Load Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate | When Swing Load is Detected Data Format Little Endian Source Address | Oxi4i6 Priority PDU-PS PDU-PF ‘MSGID_ ICFF8514i6 Msg iD 29 it MsGID Swing Load Next Swing Load Swing Load | 4 | Unit:0.l metric tons | _integer_|_-2147483648~2147483647 Predicted Next | 4 | Unit: 0.1 metric tons | integer 2147483648~2147483647 Swing Load | OxF F856 Sample Message for Reference MSGID [DLC | Byied | Bytel_[Byie2 | Byte3 | Bylot [Byles | Byieo | ByieT_ ICFFRSI4is | 8 | S8ic | O26 | Oe | Ow | S6is | O26 | Ou | Ov Tem Hex Value ‘Translated Value Swing Load 25816 60.0 metric tons. Predicted Next Swing 25616 59.8 metrie tons Load Ii. FF8616 PLM Final Load Estimate Packet Length __|'8 bytes Single t When Data Format. Little Endian. Source Address Aig Priority er PDU-PS. 8616 PDU-PF FFis. MSGID ICFF861416 Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 18 of 33. KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Msg 1D 29 bit MscID | 8 Final Payload Estimate 016 O16 O16 Ow 147483647 integer Byied [Bytes | Bytc6 Ox1CFF8614_ 8 Ore. O16. O18. dtem_ Hex Value ‘Translated Value Final Payload 9ETi6 253.5 metric tons Estimate IV. FF87:6 Haul Cycle Record Packet Length 124 bytes Message Type M Broadeast Rate | When haul cycle is complete, 300 ms between TP_DT transmission Data Format Little Endian_ Priority a Source Address I4i6 PDU-PS 8716 PDU-PF FFis TP.CM ICECFF l4i6 TP.DT ICEBFF 1416 PLM 1V will broadcast PGN OxFF87 packet upon completion of haul cycle. The packet contents are also been stored as the most recent haul cycle record in flash memory file, Since this is a broadcast packet, no ACK or Response Packet is expected. Table MSG- HAULCYCLE describes message description and Table HC-A describes 21@ dailg) structure. The message has one TP.CM packet and total of 18 TP.DT packets. In between the TP.DT packets real time messages have been broadcasted, Refer Note B and NoteC for Warning Flags details ‘Table MSG-HAULCYCLE Times) ] MSGI] DLC [ere [er Bye ene | Se v “|e [Baw [ RES 20 FFs TDT |S | Seq#i | Swinglonds | Payload | OpersoriD¥ | Haul Cycle stan Dat Time WoT |S |Seaqe | ACsan a Mieroft Torque Date/Time. TROT [| Seq#3 | Tare Spruns Weight Reserved A [Reserved BY Reserved l c Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 19 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN WDE [RT] Sea] Reserved | Payload Quick Payload | Resend c Esw@ShoveltNer) | Estimate(Net) PDT [8 | SeqiS | Reserved E [Maxet [Time MaxeT [Rae ToT _[& | Seqfe [act [Time Mat [Max Sprung | Max Sprung Time TRDF [¥ | Seq? | L-ttal Datance TeitinTime | L-Siop Time | L-Max | Speed TOT |#|SeqA | Ax | CMiaxSpeed Time] Reversed F | Cay Back Speed PDT |S | Seq | EHavl Diance Ehia Time ESop Time Ee \ Speed SeqHi0 | EXtawe [ EWiax Speed Time | Toading Stat Loading Time Speed Hime SeqHi_| Domping Tine Teer, [RETR [RFRA Sogfit | RTKPH.. | Sai Flags [isonet “| Reserved (saad | Unigessebe —— | Misofal Sprang We Soqild | Microfail | Maneuvering T Average Final Zone 1 Spe Average SeqAis | Final Zone T Average. | ResenedT | Feel Resend Consumption | Seqaie_| Rawat J. Reema K wormed | Resereed Soqeit” | Reserved N Resored | Reserved P| Reserved | Q Seqeie | Reversed | Reserved Tene S Q ‘Table: HCA Swingloads T1 | integer value | unsigned char ~_| Total number of swing loads Payload Gain Factor |1__| 9010 110, unsigned char Payload Gain Facior OperatoriD 3 imeger value unsigned short | 063835 | Truck operator ID. unsigned integer | 0 Haul eycle start datetime 4294967298. | (Relative seconds since Date/Time 4 | seconds Ui970), Unit: 0.1 meio | unsigned show | 065535 | Tonal net final estimation) PayloadiNet) 2 | tons payload. | oat THE TEIN] Trosk ape forayebesed || Microfail Torque _| 4 nla (7 digits) fatigue estimate: | Unit O.F metric f unsignedshor | 0~ 65535 | Tayesprune werghijug haul) 2 [wa Bey | Reserved B 2 {wa niece | Reserved C 2 {wa nia | Payload Unk 0.1 meirie | unsigned shor’ | 0=68558 | Last swing load estimation] Est@Shovel(Ney | 2 | tons | Quick Payload Units O.F meio | unsigned show | 0~65533 | Early estimate (160m, | Estimate(Net) 2 | eons seconds 3mph) | Reserved D 2 [wa nla | Reserved E 2 [wa nia | ies eee [| Unistorigran [unsigned shot [0 Peak postive Fane longue. unsigned short PO Time fiom beginning ofthe TimeMaxsT 2 | Unit 1 second haul eye. Ti 2 [units 1rkyrm | wsignedshor [= 65535 | Peak negative ame torave Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 20 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN unsigned short | 065535 | Time ftom beginning of the TimeMaxct 2 | unit: 1 second haul eye. | ‘Unit: 0.1 metric: unsigned short 0 ~ 65535 Peak sprung load. 1 Max Spring 2 | tons | uusigned show | 065535 | Time fom Star ofthe hal | Max SprungTime | 2 | Unit: 1 second oxcle | Ripe ee ee uae unsigned show | 0= 65555] Loaded haul distance | | — | | L-Stop Time 2 | Unit: second eal 2 Tunits 0.08 kph | wasened sont 0~ 65558 | Loaded max speed | vasignedshor | 0“ @SS3S | Tine fom te bognaing of | LeMax Speed Time_|2 | Unit: 1 seeond the haul eyete | Reserved F 2 Twa nia | Unie Oo mete] signed show] “S708 =P Empay eamy back manera] Camry Back 2 | ons 32761 weight | mai paaee see eee ioe Tnsigned short 0 ~ 68353] Empty haul distance | ae >] unit 1 second | etsigned short | 0~65558 | Total ime waveied empiy | E-Stop Time Unit: I second | WiSigned short | 0~65535 | Total ime stopped empiy | Tiree 2 [tit 001 kph | signed short | 0~G5535 | Empty max speed | unsigned show | 065535 | Time Fom the beginning oF Unit: 1 second fhe haul eyele__ vasigied show Time tom being othe] Loading StartTime _| 2 Unit: 1 second, hhaul cycle | Loading Time 2 [Units rsecond | siened show | 0~ 65838 | Total loading tme | Dumping Time [2 [ Unit, 1 second | Sinedshon[0= 65533 | Toual damping tine | Unit; Fmetrie unsigned shot | 063535 | Cell Front Tue TRPIT | LE-TKPH, 2 | tontign | Unit: | metre | unsigned short Right Front Tire TRAD RETKPH 2 | tontkph | Unit: | metric | unsigned shor Rear Fires FRPAT | RTKPH 2 | ton*koh. | uusigned shor! Rely Pahl, Warning Fay | Status Fags 2 | integer value fardetils | Reserved G 2 wa nig | Reserved H 2 [wa ng OTS 10-08] cusigned nieger | 0 “Absolute unique haul cycle | Unigue Serial __| 4__| integer value 4204967295 _| serial nay | ‘Microfail Sprung eat 34E 4-38 Piruck frame bending based] Weight 4 | ne Caigitsy | fatigue estimate | Signed integer | ~214 7485648 | Signed torque average while | Maneuvering : driving in maneuvering over | T Average 4 Unit:10%ke*m_ 2147483647_| 3mph | Signed ineger | -2147483648 | Signed torque average while | Final Zone : driving in inal zone over | T_ Average 4 | Unie 10rkgtm 2147483647 _| 3mph | Reserved | 2 [wa ia | tusigned short | 0~ 65535 | Total fuel consumed inthis] Fuel Consumption _| 2 haul eycle | Reserved J 2 la | Reserved K 3 nia | Reserved z ala j Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 21 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Reserved M Reserved N Reserved O Reserved P Reserved: Reserved R Reserved S Note B: The ‘Status Flags (Warning Flags)’ item consists of 16 individual bits, each representing a status condition within the Haul Cycle State Machine. (See Table Waring Flag for description of the flags.) ‘Table: Warning Flas CONTINUOUS LOADING LOADING TO_ DUMPING NO_FINAL LOAD. MANEUVERING TQ_DUMPING AVERAGE LOAD FINAL ZONE TO DUMPING FALSE BODY _UP SIGNAL BODY _UP SIGNAL FAILED SPEED _SENSOR_FAILE NEW_TARE NOT CALCULATED INCOMPLETE HAUL CYCLE HAUL CYCLE TOO LONG. SENSOR INPUT ERROR FALSE SWINGLOAD 2019.10.08 ‘The payload meter expects haul cycles to progress in a particular way. When something unexpected takes place, the system records a warning flag. Several events within the haul eyele can cause a warning flag to be generated, Each one indicates an unusual occurrence during the haul cycle. They do not necessarily indicate a problem with the payload meter or payload calculation. Some waming flags indicate a serious problem that will likely affect the accuracy of the payload measurement. A: Continuous Loading Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 22 of 33 KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN This message is generated when the truck is loaded over 50% full without the payload meter sensing swingloads. This indicates that a continuous loading operation was used to load the truck. It may also indicate that the payload meter did not receive the Brake Lock input while the truck was being loaded. There may be a problem with the wiring or the Brake Lock was not used. The payload meter will not measure swingloads unless the Brake Lock is used during the loading process. B: Loading to Dumping Transition (Haul Cycle will be excluded from statistical calculations) ‘This message is generated when the payload meter senses a body up input during the loading process. This message is usually accompanied by a no_final_load flag and a 0 ton payload. C: No Final Load (Haul Cycle will be excluded from statistical calculations) This message is generated when the payload meter is unable to determine the final payload in the truck. Typically this means that the payload meter switched from a loaded state to the dumping, state before the load could be accurately measured. D: Maneuvering to Dumping Transition (Haul Cycle will be excluded from statistical calculations) This message is generated when the payload meter senses a Body Up input during the ‘maneuvering or repositioning process indicating that the operator has dumped the load. It may also be generated if the Body Up signal is not properly reaching the payload meter and the ‘weight in the truck falls dramatically while the truck is maneuvering or repositioning. E: Average Load or Tare Used This message indicates that the recorded payload may not be as accurate as-a typical final load. calculation. Typically this is recorded when loading begins before an accurate tare iSalenlated or the load is dumped before the load can be accurately measured. 2019.10.08 F: Final Zone to Dumping Transition This message is generated when the payload meter senses a Body Up white itis calculating thé final payload indicating that the operator has dumped the load. It may also be generated if the Body Up signal is not properly reaching the payload meter and the weight in the truck falls dramatically while the truck is calculating the final payload H: False Body Up This message indicates that the body was raised during the haul eyele without the load being dumped, The Body Up signal indicated that the truck was dumping, but the weight of the truck did not fall below 20% of the rated load. Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 23 of 33, KOMATSU sasussrservcan — [58E-06-12810 1: Body Up Signal Failed This message indicates that the load was dumped without a body up signal being received by the payload meter. The weight of the truck fell below 20%, but the payload meter did not receive a body up signal from the sensor. K: New Tare Not Calculated ‘The payload meter was not able to accurately calculate a new empty sprung weight for the truck to use as the tare value for the haul cycle. The tare value from the last haul cycle was used to calculate payload. L: Incomplete Haul Cycle (Haul Cycle will be excluded from statistical calculations) ‘The payload meter did not have proper data to start the haul cycle with after powering up. When the PLM4 powers off, it records the data from the haul cycle in progress into memory. This flag indicates that this data was not recorded the last time the payload meter was shut down, This can happen when the main battery disconnect is used to shut the truck down instead of the keyswitch. A haul cycle with this warning flag should not be considered accurate. M: Haul Cycle Too Long The haul_cycle_too_long flag indicates that the haul cycle took longer than 18.2 hours to complete. The times stored for particular events may not be accurate. This does not affect the payload calculation, but distance and speed calculations will contain errors. Nz Sensor Input Error (Haul Cycle will be excluded from statistical calculations) An alarm was set for one of the 5 critical sensor inputs during the haul eycle. The five critical sensors are the four pressure sensors and the inclinometer. Without these inflis Qavlibhd hitter cannot calculate payload. A haul cycle with this warning flag should not be considered accurate. O: False SwingLoad ‘The payload meter detected a swingload, but less than 20% load was measured on the truck after it had driven 160 meters from the loading site. When this condition occurred, the payload meter considered the swingload to be “false’ and retumed to the tare_zone state. All distance and speed statistical calculations that occurred during the ‘false swingload’ are recorded as part of the EMPTY statistics. Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 24 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can 58E-06-12810 Sample PGN FF8716 data message for reference MsgID [DLC | Byte0 [Byte | Byte? | Byte 3 | Byte4 | Byie 5 | ByteO] Byte 7| ICECFF 1416. 8 2016 7C 0 R FE 7 FE oO ICEBFF 14.6 8 Ohi Od 65 AE 8 4A Ba EE ICEBFFi4. | 8 | 026 | 55 _| co | 08 | CC | 4A | BA | 3E ICEBFF 1416. 8 O36 3h 03. 0 oO Si oD. B2 ICEBFF 1416 8 O4ig 0D. AE 0A. 87 OA 68 03 ICEBFFldc | 8 | O56 | 0 | 0 | aE [19 [ 01 | 01 | B3 ICEBFF 1416 8 0616 21 bd 0 40. 12 80. o1 ICEBFF 14:6. 8 O76 24 0 8B o OA 0 48 ICEBFFidic_| 8 | 08s | 06 | os | o1 | 85 | 01 | CO | FF ICEBFFI4. | 8 | 09% | 31 | 0 | 67 | o [oc | o | 94 ICEBFF 1416 8 OAde oD. 38. 0 6A 0 87 0 ICEBFFl4¢ | 8 | OBe | 3E | 0 | 57 | 1 | sb | 01 | 30 ICEBFFI4« | 8 | 0Cw | or | 0 | 0 | 32 [ 0 | 07 [1A ICEBFF 14:6 8 ODi6. 24 JE 0 oO 0 0 oO ICEBFF 1416 8 OE oO 25 FB FF FF C8 FC ICEBFFi4c | 8 | OF» | FF | FF | IF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 ICEBFF 1416 8 1016 oO 0 0 oO 0 0 0 ICE T4i6 8 His oO 0 0 oO 0 0 oO ICEBFFidic | 8 | 126 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 93 | o | 0 (Sample data interpretation] Hex values) BAM 2016 Packet Length 07.6 Number of Data Packets 1216 PGN OOFF87i6 ‘Swingloads 04:6 Payload Gain Factor 6518 Operator O8AE V6 ¢ Date/Time SSEEB44A16 Payload(Net) O8C9i6 eule 1008 Microfail Torque 3EBA4ACCis Tare Sprung Weight O33 hie Reserved A Os Reserved B ODS lis Reserved C ODB2i6 Payload Est.@Shovel(Net) OAAF is Quick Payload Estimate(Net) OASTis Reserved D 036816 Reserved E Os Max#T 194E TimeMax+T 0101s Max-T 21E3i6 Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 25 of 33, KOMATSU sasussrservcan — [58E-06-12810 TimeMax- Max Sprung ‘Max SprungTime L-Haul Distance L-Max Speed Time Reserved F 018516 Carry Back FFC9\« E-Haul Distance O3ii6 F-Run Time 0676 E-Stop Time 0COi6 E Max Speed D941 E-Max SpeedTime 038i6 Loading StartTime O6Ai6 Loading Time O87i6 ‘Dumping Time O3Ei6 LF TKPH 1576 RETKPH, 15Dis RTKPH 130i6 Status Flags, 000016 Reserved G 032i6 Reserved H TA7i6 Unique Serial OO7E24i6 Microfail Sprung Weight 000016 ‘Maneuvering T_Average FFFFFB2516 Final Zone T_Average FFFFFCC8i6 Reserved | OiFis ¢ Fuel Consumption Os Reserved J Ove 2019.10.08 Oi Reserved L Ore Reserved M Ove Reserved N. 06 Reserved 0 06, Reserved P. O16 Reserved 0 O16 Reserved R Ove Reserved S 932Di6 Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 26 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Event Data Komatsu offers several options for obtaining event data. All provide highly reliable event data collection. Option 1: One source for all event data from the truck. This option fs simple and only requires one physical connection to the truck, FES7i6 All systems 3 Party Option 2: Collect event data from the source. This method is more complicated and requires 2 connection points, but ensures that mismatches in software versions do not cause event to be lost. F316 Chassis faults greater than or equal to A100_| 3 Part FEBS ie Payload Meter Faults 37 Part FEZ Drive System Faults 3 Party DMo1 ‘Active Engine Faults 41939 DMo2 Previously Active Engine Faults 31939 Option 3: Collect event data from a single CAN bus while maximizing reliability. F378 Chassis faults greater than or equal to A100_| 3 Party cong Engine faut begining wth CA, CB, CT 5 pay FFB Payload Meter Faults 3 Part F246 | F256 Drive System Faults Party, 2019.10.08 1, F371 ~ Kplus2 Event Data Broadcast Packet Length | Variable up to 1785 bytes Message Type | Multipacket Broadcast Rate | 10s Data Format Little Endian Priority 6 Source Address | 8F« PDU-PS 376 PDU-PF FF ig MSGID ISFF368F 6 Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 27 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Example - No active events Time | 29 bits ID D | Byte 0. ms tl e 0 PICECFF &Fis [8 | TPCM | # ofbytes For PGN BAM packets De [OE [Oe [0% | FFe [376 [FF [Oe 100 [TCEBFF SF. | 8 | Seq.# | Reserved Ole [FF [FRc [FRc [Fic [Fic [FF __[FFie 200” ICEB FF RFie [| Seq F [Reserved ie [FFs [FR [FRc [FRc [FFs [FFe_[FFie Example - I active event “6014NX Time [29 bis ID D] Bye0 | ms L € a ICECFE 8Fig | 8 of bytes Hot PGN _BAM packets ie [iS [G6 | 03 Fre [Ste [Fe [Oe 100 TCEBFF Sie | 8 | Seq.# | Event Code “601aNX™ Reserv ed Oe [36 [30% [Siw [340 [4B [580 | PP 200 BEF SF. [8 Reserved Fre [Fhe [FR [FFie [FFe [Phe [FF 300 | ICEBFF a. | § Reserved 3: [ FFic Fic Fic [ FRig Pre 2019.10.0: Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 28 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can 58E-06-12810 Example - 3 active events “C112”, “B@CENS”, and “6014NX” Tine [2bisID | D] Byeo Bi ms L S c © PICECEF 8c | 8 | TP.CM | #or bytes, Hor PGN _BAM packets 206 |e [Oe 056 [FF |3%6 [FFe [Ow 100 | ICEBFF SF [S| Seq.¥ | Event Code “C112” Reserv ed Ohne [Be [Ste [3H Bie [20 Fie 300 | ICEBFF 8. | § | Seq.# | Event Code *BWCENS Reserv ed ie |e [He [486 [ae [Ee [St0 | FF 300 [ICEBFF 8Fis | 8 Seq. # | Event Code “6O14NX” Reserv ed ie [366 [306 [3he [Se [4Eie [580 | Fie 400 [ICEBFF Afi [® [Seq F | Reserved Oi [FRc [FF [FF [Fe [FF [FF [PFs 300 | ICEBFF Fic | 8 | Seq.# | Reserved Se [FRc [Fre [FFie [FR [FRc [FRc [PP Il. FF831¢~ PLM Active Event List Packet Length 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate Whenever there is an active event Data Format Little Endian Source Address | 141s : Priority i 0719.10.08 PDU-PS. 8316 PDU-PF FFu Msg ID. psmet Dee mscip| 8 | EventType | 0 | ow | ow | ow | o% | oO Event Typ. 2 [integer between | ~ 27 ort | 0~ 655. Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 29 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can Left front sensor malfunction - signal high Left front sensor malfunction - signal low Right front sensor malfunction - signal high “| Right fr ‘or maifunet Left rear sensor malfunction Left rear sensor malfunction - signal low Right rear sensor malfunction - signal high Right rear sensor malfunction - signal low Inclinometer malfunction - signal high Inclinometer malfunction - signal low Speed input failure Brake lock input failure Body-up input failure Reserved Reserved write failure ht suspension flat Rear left suspension flat Time change ‘Tare value reset Excessive carryback Reserved Reserved Reserved User switch fault - SELECT. User switch fault 58E-06-12810 FF83i6 Sample Message for Reference OTS.10.05 MSGID_| DLC | Byied | Byte! ‘Byie3 | Byied | [Bytes | Byes | Bye? 1CFFR3 1416 Oe | Oe Ca ae ICFF831416 O4ie Oie Oie | Ore Vis ICFF831416 ICFFS3 Iie Os Ow | Os | Ow | Ove ICFFR3 1416 Dig rs Org a | oOo sre) ve Ojo cee| Olnes| Dion erie Item Hex Value Translated Value Alarm Type_ 021 ____| LF sensor malfunction signal low ‘Alarm Type 04s RF sensor malfunction ~ signal low Alarm Type 616 LR sensor malfunction ~ signal low ‘Alarm Type. O7i6 RR sensor malfunction — signal high ‘Alarm Type ie Inclinomeier malfunction — signal high Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 30 of 33, KOMATSU wasusi.s parry can IIL Drive System Event Log 58E-06-12810 The Drive System will pass the fault log similar to the contents of a download. The log contains the event type, event, and the occurrence time. Packet Length 8 bytes 2416 ~ Event List Status from Drive System “Message Type Single Frame Broadcast Rate Is Status On Data Format Little Endian Priority 0 Source Address | O7i« PDU-PS Ais PDU-PF FFis MSGID OOFE2407 16 Msg iD | DLC y 29 bit e e : ‘Number of events Mscip | 8 | Status | vail O16 | Oi | Ow | Ow | Ow (0-No new events L-events available Number of events avaliable | 0.65535 Number of new events available (little endian: byte 1+ byte 2 * 256 Byte3 FFE Sample Message for Reference 20S 10-08 MSGID_| DLC | Byted | 5 i Bet OOFF240716 | Olis Oi ‘em, Status ‘New event available ‘Number of lines : 2 event codes available available Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 31 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN FF2416~ Event List Request from 3" Party Packet Length 8 bytes Message Type Single Frame Broadcast Rate Request Data Format Little Endian Priority 7 Source Address __| C81 PDU-PS. 24i6 PDU-PF FFs MSGID ICFF24C816 Msg iD 29 bit ae L MSGID| 8 _| Request | 016 016 O16 Os | om | ow | 0% Request 13 ‘1 = Request next line 2 Request same line 3—Reset to top of log and send the first (oldest) line FF2516 -Drive System Event list Packet Length | 8 bytes Message Type | Single Frame Broadcast Rate _| Response to OxFF24 request from 3” Party Data Format Endian Priorit 0 2019.10.08 Source Address | Ox07i« PDU-PS 032516 PDU-PF [OxFFis MSGID OxOOFF250716 Msg ID | Byte pee MSGID | 8 | Type Event ID Occurrence Time Hundred Komatsu America Corp., CONFIDENTIAL Page 32 of 33, KOMATSU MANUAL, 38” PARTY CAN Type 0-6 Upper 4 bits of byte 0 0— Unknown 1 ~Log (Event logged) 2 Log' (Event logged and is at its lockout limit) 3 — WRst (Weak reset) 4~SRst (Strong reset) 5 ~Arst (Automatic reset) {6— Info (Informational fine, ex, System bootup) Event 1D O-OxFFFFF Event ID- byte 1 bits <<16)H(byte 2-8) = byte 3) Value stored is the event id"100*suibid For example, 2500-99 is stored as 2500*100+-99 = 250099, Ox3d0F4 Time O-OsFFFFFFFF | Seconds since 1970 Hundredths 0-99 Hundredths of seconds, added to time OxFF25 Sample Message for Reference MSGID_| DLC | ByteO | Byted | Bytel | Byt Bylet Bytes | Byte7_ Mscip_| 8 [5 2 ses] 3s |S sie 3 ee Bee ig tem Hex Value Translated Value ‘Type dl Arst Event ID Ox3DOFS Event # 2500, Sub 1D: 99 Occurrence T OxSBA3ED81 1537469825 seconds since 1/1/1970, Hundredths 0x32 50/100ths added to time Supporting Documents Wabtec- OEM CAN ‘1A328105AM Rev. Communication Kplus2 3” Party Data KAC_NewKomtraxPlus3rdPartyData | Rev4 PLM 4 3" Party CAN Specification | S8F-60-05912 RevdOTS.TO.0G Kplus2 3 Party Protocol HiRM201000222 Revi Komatsu America Corp. CONFIDENTIAL, Page 33 of 33

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