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Ingles presentation—10min

PowerPoint (10 diapo)

The bike pump is a useful piece of equipment that requires no electricity.

Have you ever wondered exactly how it works?
Well In this presentation a will show you exactly the mechanics behind a bike pump.
To begin I will first describe the different role each part of the pump plays in inflating a tire.
I will then detail the five stages needed to pump a bike tire.
 In the first stage the piston rises
 In a second stage air enters the chamber
 In the third stage the piston lowers which in turn closes the inlet valve.
 In the fourth stage the outlet valve opens
 And finally in the fifth stage the compressed air in inflates the tyre.
But before I explain these five stages.
I will describe the parts of the pump all bicycle parts share several similar components:
 the first is the body of the pump which is the outside of the pump, the chamber that stores
the air inside the pump is referred to as the compression chamber.
 A hose is attached to the compression chamber and in turn is attached directly to the tire
valve connecting the pump with the time inside the pumps body is a piston that moves up
and down compressing air into the compression chamber and forcing it through the into the
tire, the piston is connected to a handle which the user holds on to when pumping the tyre
and finally there are two one-way valves that are essential in the functioning of a pub the
first is the inlet valve which allows air to flow into the chamber but prevents it from flowing
out of the chamber
 The second is the outlet valve which allows air to the flow in into the tyre but prevents it
from flowing out of the tyre both valves work in conjunction with the best now that you are
familiar with the separate parts of the pump, I will explain the five stages of how the pump
o First to begin the process of pumping up a tire the piston rises when the user pulls
the handle the rising of the piston draws air into the body of the pump.
o In the second stage enters the compression chamber the inlet valve opens to allow
to occur the air contained in the chamber is now ready to be compressed
o In the third stage the user lowers the piston which closes the inlet valve, the inlet
valve remains closed while the piston is being pushed down this means that the air
has no other way to flow but out of the house and into the tire in the
o In the fourth stage the outlet valve opens the built-up pressure in the chamber
forces this one-way outlet valve open and because it’s a one-way valve the air flows
only in the desired direction, from the pump chamber into the tire.
o In the final stage, air inflates the tire the compressed air leaves the pump via the
hose and enters into the tire inflating it more and more with each downward stroke
of the piston.
Now hopefully this has given you a good idea of exactly how air enters the pump to inflate a bike tire:
 First the piston rises drawing air into the pumps chamber, the piston is then pushed
downwards closing the inlet valve compressing air into the chamber and opening the outlet
valve, air then flows out of this valve and into the hose inflating the tire and there you have it
you now have a fully inflated bike tire.

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