Physical Characteristics of The Newborn

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Part ko huehuehueheu (pasabi kung may idadagdag or may kulang pa haaa)

Sorry medyo mahaba yung wording, important kasi lahat iyan pero pwede mo naman bawasan

3. Physical characteristics of the newborn

− Common variations

The usual appearance of newborns varies greatly, from color to head shape. Some of these
variations are only temporary; they are a result of the physical adaptations a baby goes through.
Others, like birthmarks, might last a lifetime. Knowing how babies typically look will help you
determine whether your child is healthy. Typical variances in infants include the following:

Physical characteristics of the newborn

Variation Details

Color - A baby's skin coloring can vary greatly, depending on the

baby's age, race or ethnic group, temperature, and whether
or not the baby is crying.
- When a baby is first born, the skin is a dark red to purple
color. As the baby starts to breathe air, the color changes
to red.
- A baby's hands and feet may stay bluish in color for
several days. This is a normal response to a
baby's underdeveloped blood circulation. But blue coloring
of other parts of the body isn't normal.
- Some newborns develop a yellow coloring of the skin and
whites of the eyes called jaundice.

Molding - Molding is the irregular shape of a baby's head from the

birth process.

Vernix - This is a white, greasy, cheese-like substance on the skin

of many babies at birth. It protects the baby's skin during

Lanugo - This is soft, downy hair on a baby's body, especially on the

shoulders, back, forehead, and cheeks. It's more
noticeable in premature babies. It will slowly disappear.
Milia - Milia are tiny, white bumps on a newborn's nose, cheeks,
chin, and forehead. Milia form from oil glands and
disappear on their own. When these occur in a baby's
mouth and gums, they are called Epstein pearls.

Stork bites or - These are small pink or red patches often found on a
salmon patches baby's eyelids, between the eyes, upper lip, and back of
the neck.
- They're caused by a concentration of immature blood
vessels and may be the most visible when the baby is
- Most of these fade and go away completely by age 18

Congenital dermal - Congenital dermal melanocytosis (formerly called

melanocytosis Mongolian spots) are blue or purple-colored splotches on
the baby's lower back and buttocks.
- The spots are caused by a concentration of pigmented
cells. They often disappear in the first 4 years of life.

Erythema toxicum - This is a red rash on newborns. It's often described as flea
bites. The rash is common on the chest and back, but may
be found all over
- It's less common in premature babies. The cause is
unknown but it's not dangerous. This rash doesn't require
any treatment and goes away by itself in a few days.

Acne neonatorum - About 1 in 5 newborns develop acne in the first month. It

(baby acne) often appears on the cheeks and forehead.

Strawberry - This is a bright or dark red, raised or swollen, bumpy area

hemangioma that looks like a strawberry.
- Hemangiomas are formed by a concentration of tiny,
immature blood vessels.
- Strawberry hemangiomas are more common in premature
babies and in girls.
- These birthmarks often grow in size for several months,
and then slowly fade.

Port wine stain - This is a flat, pink, red, or purple-colored birthmark. They
are caused by a concentration of tiny enlarged (dilated)
blood vessels called capillaries.
- They often occur on the head or neck. They may be small,
or they may cover large areas of the body.
- They don't disappear over time. Port wine stains on the
face may be linked to more serious problems.
Newborn breast - Breast enlargement may occur in newborn boys and girls
swelling around the third day of life.
- This is related to the mother's hormones and goes away in
a few days or weeks.

Swollen - Premature baby girls may have a very prominent clitoris

genitals/discharge and inner labia. Full-term girls have larger outer labia.
- Premature boys may have a smooth, flat scrotum with
undescended testicles.

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