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Worksheet Unit 14 ( Light ) Science Grade4

1-Match the following:

Column A Column B
1 An object that produces its own A opaque
2 An object that allows all of the light B translucent objects
to pass through it
3 an object that blocks the light C non-luminous object
4 Tissue paper and frosted glass are D transparent
examples for
5 The Moon is example for E luminous object
1-………………… 2-…………………. 3-………………… 4-……………….. 5-………………..

2-Fill in the blanks:

1-A straight line of light coming from a light source is called a …………….
2- An object that does not give off its own light is ………………………………..
3-Lihgt travels…………………… than sound .
4-……………………………is example for luminous objects.
5-………………………occur because light cannot pass through opaque objects.
6-In a ………………………….. eclipse the Moon is completely covered by the shadow of the Earth.
7-When the Moon blocks the sunlight from reaching to the Earth, there is a………………. eclipse.
8-Mirrors inside cars are example for …………………………surfaces.

3-Answer the following:

Q1: When a thunderstorm occurs, you experience light first and then sound. Why?
Ans: Because light travels faster than sound.
Q2:What is light ?
Q3:Define the following:
Luminous – Non-luminous – Transparent - Translucent – Opaque .

Q4: Show Solar and Lunar eclipse with the help of a diagram.

By: Rabab Abo Elezz

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