62eb9822494c7 - Lesson 3-Review

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Class: BAC
Lesson 3: Review

Teacher: Zeineb Baccouche

Sousse (Khezama - Sahloul) Nabeul / Sfax / Bardo / Menzah El
Aouina / Ezzahra / CUN / Bizerte / Gafsa / Kairouan / Medenine /
Kébili / Monastir / Gabes / Djerba

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Put the verbs in the past progressive:

1. We ___________ eating lunch in the cafeteria at noon.

2. A: ___________ you talking on the phone a few minutes ago? B: No, I __________.

3. I ___________ walking home when I saw the car accident.

4. My classmate and I ___________ studying together at the library.

5. While he ___________ cleaning the house, we ___________ cooking.

6. A: What ___________ you doing at one o’clock? B: I ___________ sleeping.

7. The car engine ___________ working, so I had to fix it.

8. A: ___________ you listening to the teacher? B: Yes, I ___________.

9. At seven o’clock, Mr. Smith ___________ robbing the bank.

10. Steven ___________ doing his homework, he was playing with his friends.
Put the verbs in the past progressive:
Put the verbs in the simple past or the past progressive:

1. He __________________ (sleep) when the __________________ (hear) a loud

doorbell __________________ (ring). noise.

2. We __________________ (eat) dinner at 8pm last 5. Julie __________________ (be) in the garden

night (we started eating at 7:30). when Laurence __________________

3. Yesterday I __________________ (go) to the post (arrive).

office, __________________ (buy) 6. A: What __________________ (you / do) at 3pm

some fruit at the supermarket and yesterday?

__________________ (read) a book in the park in B: I __________________ (clean) my house.

the afternoon. 7. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris and

4. We __________________ (watch) TV when we Rome.

Read the situation below and use your imagination to write the rest of
it using the past simple and the past progressive:
What was Mary doing when the lights went out?

What was Brenda doing when she saw the mouse?


What were you doing when you saw the accident?


What was Kevin doing when he saw his friend at the coffee shop?
Write the simple past and the past participle of each verb:
Tick the correct answer:
Form the sentences below using the present perfect:
1. (she / pass the exam?)
2. (you / eat lunch yet?)
3. (he / read the newspaper today?)
4. (you / not / study French for ten years)
5. (they / be in London for six months)
6. (where / you / be?)
Put the verbs in the right tense or form:

1) Our company (arrive) ______ ________. Please answer the door.

2) The ice on the sidewalk (melt) _______ ________. I think the sun is out today.

3) The McMillans (prepare) _______ _________ a lot of food for the party. It looks delicious.

4) Tony’s flight from New Jersey (land) _______ ________. We should see him any minute.

5) The bank officers (suggest) _______ _________ that the meeting be scheduled for

Wednesday morning. I will try to locate a conference room.

6) Sparky (taste) _______ ________ his new dog food, and he seems to like it.

7) The police (arrest) _______ ________ two men for the robbery. It is time to question them.

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