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The Unification Church is categorized as a new religious movement.

It was founded in 1954, by

Sun Myung Moon. Moon introduced the Divine Principle, syncretizing Christian beliefs with
Eastern philosophies to promote global harmony and personal enlightenment. Moon and his
wife Hak Ja Han are considered the NRM’s "True Parents," and they represent a divine mission
to fulfill Jesus Christ's spiritual work. Emphasizing marriage, family values, and spiritual growth,
this movement strives for a higher existence and world peace. (Britannica)

In this week’s lecture Dr. Shoemaker pointed out that NRM’s can float around Wallis’ typologies.
(Shoemaker 23:53). The Unification Church does not fit neatly into any single one of Wallis’ 3
categories. However, the Unification Church fits most closely within the World-Accommodating
NRM category. However, it has many of the elements of the World-Affirming category as well.

The Unification Church has a set theology put forth by Moon and his work on the Divine
Principle. The Unification Church also has collective worship at their Unification Centers, and
has a clear definition of deity. (Britannica). However, the NRM doesn't require adherents to fully
withdraw from society, in fact adherents in Japan were recently notably able to blend in with
society. (US News) A set theology and place of worship yet dealing with society are some of the
key elements of a World-Accommodating NRM. (Person et. al.) (Shoemaker (23:23)

The Unification Church resembles a World-Affirming NRM in that they have a high emphasis on
self improvement.(Person et. al.) (Shoemaker (21:20) Moon’s Divine Principle puts a high
emphasis on spiritual growth, family values, and improving the self. (US News).

Many cults begin by offering a solution to a problem in society. The Unification Church began in
the wake of the Korean War. (Snodgrass). Korea was split into Northern and Southern countries
with communists in the North and Capitalists in the South. And the entire country was rapidly
industrializing and adopting Western values. (Britannica). Sun Myung Moon offered a solution.
Moon’s Divine Principle offered a world where people were unified and not divided. Moon
promised a world where traditional family values and structures were honored in light of a
rapidly modernized world. The Unification Church offered a solution to the unique situation of
post-war Korea.

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