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Pure Appl. Geophys.

Ó 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG Pure and Applied Geophysics

Thermal Correction for Moho Depth Estimations on West Philippine Basin: A Python Code
to Calculate the Gravitational Effects of Lithospheric Cooling Under Oceanic Crust

Abstract—The aim of this work is to present an easy-to-use anomalies due to lateral changes in bathymetry,
Python code to calculate the gravitational effect due to lateral
variations in the thermal structure of oceanic lithospheric plates,
gravity effects of the sedimentary layers and the
necessary to appropriately isolate the contribution of the variations density variations due to thermal anomalies in the
in crustal thickness. The model is applied to calculate the Moho lithospheric plate (Kaban et al. 2002), thus isolating
depth in the West Philippine Basin, and the results are compared
the gravity anomaly caused only by the Moho
with seismic data. The estimations of the Moho depth taking into
account the thermal correction presented a better fit with the seis- undulations. Neglecting one or more of those con-
mic data and smoother geographical variations than the model tributions might influence the accuracy of the
without thermal correction. estimated interface depth (Bai et al. 2014).
Keywords: Lithospheric cooling, Thermal anomaly, Gravity. Many works that estimate the Moho depth over
oceanic areas through gravity modeling without tak-
ing into account the thermal correction can be found
in the literature (e.g. Tiberi et al. 2001; Tirel et al.
1. Introduction 2004; Tenzer and Chen 2014). Thermal contributions
to the gravity anomaly gradually weaken with the age
The Moho interface marks the transitional of the oceanic lithosphere (e.g. Lambeck 1972; Jonas
boundary between the crust and mantle (Lewis 1983), et al. 1991; Kusznir et al. 2018). On the other hand,
representing an important density transition in the areas related to new oceanic lithosphere might have a
Earth’s interior. Mapping variations can be extremely significant thermal contribution to the gravity anom-
important for understanding the tectonic evolution of aly, which may reach up to 320 mGal (Chappel and
a specific area. Although it is possible to accurately Kusznir 2008).
map the Moho depth through seismic surveys, gravity The thermal gravity anomaly in oceanic areas can
modeling can be considered a more practical and less be determined, assuming that the thermal structure of
expensive approach (Bai et al. 2014). the lithosphere is essentially dependent on age, which
To estimate variations in the Moho depth from can be easily obtained from global or local crustal age
gravity inversion, the observed gravity field must be models (e.g. Muller et al. 2008; Pérez-Dı́as and
free from certain major components such as Eagles 2017).
In this work, we show how to build a time-de-
pendent thermal model for oceanic lithosphere taking
into account the age of the oceanic lithosphere, how
to convert it into a 3D density grid and, finally, how
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this to estimate the thermal correction due to this density
article ( contains sup- change using Parker (1972). As the main goal, we
plementary material, which is available to authorized users.
intend to make available the Python codes for these
Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sci- calculations, which might be applied for new studies
ences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:
or to improve studies where thermal correction is
Present Address: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of dismissed.
Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA.
R. R. Constantino and V. Sacek Pure Appl. Geophys.

2. Methodology In order to compute the gravity anomaly due to

density changes, we compute equidensity surfaces of
To calculate the gravity effect due to lithospheric different Dq in depth (intervals shown in Fig. 5) and
cooling, we initially need to estimate the thermal apply the Parker algorithm (described next).
structure, convert it into a 3D density grid and then
calculate the gravity effect using the estimated den-
2.2. Gravity Effect
sity distribution.
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique from
Parker (1972) is used to estimate the gravity effect
2.1. Thermal Structure and Density Distribution
using the 3D density grid information. The expres-
The gravitational effects due to lithospheric cool- sion for the gravity effect of an undulating boundary
ing are estimated from a thermal model assuming is given by Parker (1972) as follows:
vertical heat transfer in a layer of thickness L, which
F ½Dgðx; yÞ
represents the maximum lithospheric thickness. Addi-
 !  ! n1
tionally, maps of oceanic crust age, used to derive the  kz z 0 X kz
thermal structure during the evolution of the oceanic ¼ 2pGDqe F ½hn ðx; yÞ;
lithosphere, are obtained from published data (e.g.
Muller et al. 2008; Pérez-Dı́asand Eagles 2017). ð3Þ
We assume the 1D conductive plate cooling where F is the Fourier transform, Dgðx; yÞ is the
model from Turcotte and Schubert (2002) to estimate calculated gravity field, Dq is the density contrast
changes in the temperature versus depth according to (Eq. 2), kz is the wave number, being k2z ¼ k2x þ k2y ,
the lithosphere age. hðx; yÞ is the depth of the interface and z0 is the
oT=ot ¼ jo2 T=oz2 ; average depth of the this interface. Note that for the
FFT, a mean depth has been removed, which means
where T is temperature, t is time, z is depth and j
that the calculated gravity field also had a mean
is the thermal diffusivity.
subtracted. If it is important to keep a known thick-
Temperature is set as T s at the surface and T p at
ness of material, the attraction from a uniform slab
depth L. Initially, the temperature is assumed constant
(slab ¼ 2pGDqz0 ) can always be added to or sub-
T = Tp in all points of the domain except for the point at
tracted from Dg (Parker 1972).
the surface, with T = Ts. The analytical solution for this
problem is (Turcotte and Schubert 2002):
  2.3. Residual Gravity Anomalies for Moho Depth
T ¼ Ts þ Tp  Ts
z 2 X1 1 jn2 p2 t npz
 þ exp  2
sin : To estimate the gravity anomaly due to lateral
L p n¼1 n L L
changes in Moho depth over oceanic areas ðgm ), some
Based on this model, the temperature variations
through time in the interior of the lithosphere are
more expressive in the first million years (e.g. Jonas Table 1
et al. 1991; Crosby et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2018). Fixed parameters for the thermal correction
The thermal structure is then converted into a 3D
Parameter Assigned value
density grid, from
Ts 0 °C
Dq ¼ q0 aðT0  T Þ; ð2Þ Tp 1350 °C
T0 1350 °C
where q0 is the reference density, T 0 is the reference
a 3.26 9 10–5 C-1
temperature, and a is the thermal expansion q0 3.4 9 103 kg/m3
Thermal Correction for Moho Depth Estimations

Figure 1
Density contrast versus depth varying systematically according to the crustal age for three different values of maximum lithospheric thickness
(L). For the density contrast to be estimated, we assumed a mantle density of 3400 kg/m3. a L = 80 km. b L = 100 km. c L = 120 km

Figure 2
Bathymetry from ETOPO1. The polygon marked in white dashes shows the area where we present our results. The inferred positions of axial
segments of the extinct spreading center are shown by white arrows

major components must be subtracted from the free- (Bouguer correction, gb ), the gravity anomaly due to
air gravity anomaly (gfa Þ. These major components the sedimentary cover ðgs Þ and the lithosphere
can be defined as the lateral changes in bathymetry thermal gravity anomaly (thermal correction gl Þ
R. R. Constantino and V. Sacek Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 3
Crustal age from Muller et al. (2008)

(Chappell and Kusznir 2008). Therefore, the residual to the present time there were no open source codes
gravity anomaly for Moho depth estimations gm is available.
defined as The provided codes from the present work might
contribute even for new studies, where the gb and gs
gm ¼ gfa  gb  gs  gl ð4Þ
components can be calculated from the cited sources,
With regard to the Bouguer correction and to the or can be tested to complement previous studies
gravity effect of the sediments, many available codes which have disregarded the lithosphere thermal
can be found in the literature [e.g. grdfft and gravfft gravity anomaly (e.g. Braitenberg et al. 2006;
of Generic Mapping Tools (Weissel and Smith 1991); Welford and Hall, 2013; Kende et al. 2017; Con-
LithoFLEX (Braitenberg et al. 2007); FA2BOUG stantino et al. 2017).
(Fullea et al. 2008); 3DINVER (Gómez-Ortiz and
Argawal 2005); GTE (Sampietro et al. 2016; Paulatto
et al. 2014)]. In relation to the lithosphere thermal 3. Results
gravity anomaly, although some papers have consid-
ered the anomaly in their calculations (Chappel and Oceanic lithosphere cooling causes the density of
Kusznir 2008; Bai et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2018), up lithospheric rock to increase with time (Turcotte and
Thermal Correction for Moho Depth Estimations

Figure 4
Gravity anomaly due to thermal correction

Schubert, 2002). The relationship between density in the oceanic plate model (Jaupart et al. 2007), but
and temperature is given in Eq. 2, and all the fixed other values can be adopted by the user.
parameters for the thermal correction are listed in
Table 1. Assuming a maximum age for the oceanic
3.1. Example: West Philippine Basin
lithosphere of 180 Ma and the thermal conditions
described in the previous section, we have estimated The systematic density distribution with depen-
density versus depth profiles varying according to the dence on the age of the seafloor can be used to
lithospheric age for three different maximum litho- calculate the thermal gravity anomaly in any oceanic
sphere thickness L (Fig. 1). Regardless of the value of area where crustal age is available. The anomaly can
L, initially, the density depths increase rapidly. be calculated for specific depth intervals and their
However, for ages greater than about 50 Ma, the respective density contrasts using the available codes.
density profiles vary more slowly in depth, presenting As an example, we have chosen the West Philippine
a profile closer to the steady-state configuration (Stein Basin to apply the present numerical code. This basin
2018). In the present work we assumed L = 100 km represents a possible extinct spreading center (e.g.
(Fig. 1a), compatible with previous estimations used Jonas et al. 1991; Sasaki et al. 2014; MacLeod et al.
R. R. Constantino and V. Sacek Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 5
Density contrasts (20 kg/m3, 40 kg/m3, 80 kg/m3, 100 kg/m3, 120 kg/m3 and 140 kg/m3) and their respective depths. Depths are negative

2017), which makes it an interesting area for of the segment of the Kula-Pacific Plate boundary
developing a better geophysical understanding. (MacLeod et al. 2017), but could also be associated
The Western Philippine Sea consists of two with the initiation of a subduction zone to the east of
distinct regions, the northern Daito Ridge province the West Philippine extinct ridge, when volcanic arcs
and the southern West Philippine Basin (WPB) might have been formed in the central and eastern
(Okino and Fujioka 2003). The WPB has an average portion of the basin (Uyeda and Miyashiro 1974).
depth of 5500 m and is where the extinct spreading Some previous studies of the crust under the
center is located (Fig. 2). Interpretation and identifi- WPSC are found in the literature. Okino and Fujioka
cation of magnetic anomalies led most previous (2003) defined the crust to be thinner beneath the
studies to conclude that the WPB had evolved extinct spreading axis extremes and thicker beneath
symmetrically from the spreading center when it its middle. Unfortunately, a map for Moho depth is
was in activity (Okino and Fujioka 2003). Ages for not presented by the authors. A crustal thickness of
cessation are controversial and differs between the Philippine Sea Plate derived from gravity data is
25 Ma (Shih 1980), 36 Ma (Sasaki et al. 2014), present by Yen et al. (2015), but the thermal gravity
37 Ma (Mrozowski et al. 1982) and 40 Ma (Hilde and anomaly was disregarded.
Lee 1984).
According to Sasaki et al. (2014), the West
3.2. Moho Depth Estimation
Philippine Spreading Center (WPSC) was probably
active 28 Ma, with a half-spreading rate of 60 mm/ For the calculation of the Moho depth from the
year; however, previous studies have reported slower gravity inversion, initially we need to calculate gm .
spreading rates of 18 mm/year (Lewis and Hayes, For this, we used the satellite-derived gravity of
1980; Hilde and Lee 1984; Jonas et al. 1991). Its Sandwell 23.1 (Sandwell et al. 2014), the bathymetric
extinction is attributed to the change in direction of data from ETOPO1 (Amante and Eakins, 2009) and
the Pacific Plate, which stopped the active subduction the sediment thickness model provided by NOAA
Thermal Correction for Moho Depth Estimations

Figure 6
Bouguer anomaly

(Divins 2003). According to the sediment thickness contrasts (20 kg/m3, 40 kg/m3, 80 kg/m3, 100 kg/
model and to previous works (Lewis and Hayes 1980; m3, 120 kg/m3 and 140 kg/m3) and their respective
Hilde and Lee 1984; Jonas et al. 1991), there is no depths (Fig. 5). The thermal correction is subtracted
amount of sediments in most part of the studied area from the Bouguer anomaly (Fig. 6), resulting in the
and consequently, we assume that gs = 0, and so the thermal corrected Bouguer anomaly (gm ) Fig. 7.
gm can be estimated only by subtracting the thermal The gravity field gm is inverted by applying an
anomaly from the Bouguer anomaly. For areas where iterative constrained inverse modeling (Braitenberg
sediment cover cannot be ignored, we suggest that the et al. 1997; Braitenberg and Zadro 1999) that
gravity effect of the sediments be estimated by the alternates the downward continuation with the direct
procedure adopted in previous studies (e.g. Braiten- calculation of the gravity field (LithoFLEX software,
berg et al. 2006; Constantino et al. 2019). Braitenberg et al. 2007). For the procedure, a constant
We considered crustal ages from Muller et al. density contrast across the interface and a reference
(2008) (Fig. 3) to calculate the thermal correction depth need to be set. These parameters are chosen by
(Fig. 4) using our codes. We have estimated the inverting the residual field for different combinations
thermal correction using the following density of reference depth (d) and density contrast (qint ) and
R. R. Constantino and V. Sacek Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 7
Bouguer anomaly with the thermal correction. The field (gm ) is used for inversion of the Moho

calculating the root mean square (RMS) difference and Speed 1994). The Moho depth is shown in Fig. 8.
with Moho depth values obtained independently. For Note that Moho depth information differs from
these, we used Moho depths from Nishizawa et al. crustal thickness data. The crustal thickness can be
(2016), which investigated the variation in crustal obtained by subtracting the seawater depth from the
structure along the West Philippine Sea plate from Moho depth.
wide-angle seismic profiles. The best agreement
(1.0 km RMS) between our results and the seismi-
cally measured Moho depths from Nishizawa et al. 4. Discussion
(2016) was used to determine the pair of values used
for the final results, found as qint = 450 kg/m3 and Because of the ambiguity in gravity models, the
d = 28 km. As the Moho contributes most to the use of constrained data helps to minimize the error
long-wavelength gravity signal, we used a cutoff and consequently decrease the ambiguity of the
wavelength of 117 km, which was set from the decay solution. However, in some cases, where the con-
of the amplitude spectrum of the gravity field (Russo straints are scarce, a refine geological study needs to
Thermal Correction for Moho Depth Estimations

Figure 8
Moho from gravity inversion of the thermal corrected Bouguer anomaly (gm ). The black dots represent the positions of the Moho depths from
Nishizawa et al. (2016), used to constrain the model

be done to control the reliability of the results. In our values alone is not enough to ensure a good model,
study area, the only Moho depths obtained from other and also, disregarding the density variations due to
sources (seismic surveys) are in the eastern portion, lithospheric cooling can lead to geologically incon-
as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. In both models (with and sistent results. Nevertheless, if the seismic depths,
without thermal corrections), although the Moho even ill-distributed, were available in an area more
depth maps are significantly different, a good fit is affected by the thermal correction, we could expect a
obtained between the model and the seismic punctual more significant improvement with the correction
values. The RMS error between the model without included. The difference between the two estimated
thermal correction (Fig. 9), using 450 kg/m3 as the Moho interfaces shown in Figs. 8 and 9 is shown in
density contrast and 29.9 km as reference depth in the the supplementary material (Fig. S1).
inversion procedure, is 1.18 km, which is very simi- However, the variation in Moho depths is much
lar to the one found for the model with thermal more expressive in the case without thermal correc-
correction (Fig. 8) of 1.0 km. This shows that con- tion, ranging from 2 to 19 km. The model with
trolling the inversion for Moho depths with seismic thermal correction oscillates between 8 and 19 km.
R. R. Constantino and V. Sacek Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 9
Moho from gravity inversion without taking into account the thermal correction. The black dots represent the positions of the Moho depths
from Nishizawa et al. (2016), used to constrain the model

With the exception of the large thickness feature in (Fig. 9). A Moho configuration that mimics the
the SW of the region (purple region), the contrast spreading axes suggests that the rate of melt pro-
between the two models becomes even more duction beneath its axes occurred in the same
expressive: 2–17 km for the model without thermal direction to the spreading axis and it was active
correction and 8–13 km for the model with thermal (Minshull and White 1996). The thinner crust might
correction. be explained due to slow-spreading rates (e.g. Reid
Besides the differences in depth, the Moho con- and Jackson 1981; Chen 1992; Tucholke and Lin
figuration is very different in both models: while 1994).
Moho uplift is show in the same axes of the extinct Besides presenting the difference in the Moho
spreading center (Fig. 2) for the model with thermal depth with and without thermal correction (Fig. S1)
correction (Fig. 8), a perpendicular uplift regarding as a means to check the effect of lithosphere density
the spreading center is presented for the other model changes due to thermal variation on the Moho depth
Thermal Correction for Moho Depth Estimations

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(Received March 4, 2020, revised July 11, 2020, accepted August 26, 2020)

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