English Report Flo

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In this report I will talk about how I will invest the thirty million meticais given to the
mechanics department of the engineering faculty.
The money must be used in an exemplary way, identifying difficult existing problems,
describing and reporting the benefits.
To this end, an inspection was carried out to identify the problems and the following
problems were found:
Ventilation and lighting, lack of electrical outlets, deteriorated infrastructure, lack of adequate
study rooms and cleaning.

Section 1: Poor ventilation and lighting:

An adequate study environment requires good ventilation and lighting. The lack of adequate
ventilation can result in the accumulation of heat and stale air in spaces, which interferes
with students' comfort and concentration. Likewise, insufficient lighting can cause eye strain,
making it difficult to read and understand study materials. Well-ventilated and well-lit
environments contribute to better student and teacher performance.
To do this, an AC must be installed in each room and ventilation ducts must be installed
through ducts in workshops and larger spaces.

Section 2: lack of electrical outlet

Power outlets are essential components in any study or work environment, including a
mechanical department. The adequate presence of electrical outlets is essential to allow the
use of electronic equipment, such as laptops, computers, projectors and other devices.

The lack of power outlets or their inappropriate location can cause inconvenience for
students and teachers, as they may have difficulty connecting and using their electronic
devices during classes, seminars or individual studies. Therefore, it is important for the
mechanical department to ensure the availability of sufficient and strategically placed power
outlets in classrooms, laboratories, common areas and study spaces.

Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure that the sockets are in good condition. Damaged
sockets or poor electrical installations can pose a risk of short circuit, electric shock or even

Overall, power outlets play a crucial role in facilitating academic activities by enabling the
use of electronic devices necessary for learning and productive work. Therefore, it is
essential that they are supplied in adequate numbers, well positioned and in good working

Section 3: deteriorated infrastructure

specifically door handles and bathroom handles. When door handles and bathroom handles
are deteriorated, it can be quite inconvenient and even dangerous. These problems can
include broken, loose, rusty, or difficult-to-turn handles.

A damaged handle can make it difficult to open and close a door, and it can even lock
someone inside a room. Additionally, rusty handles are prone to breaking, which poses a
safety risk to both users and others.
By keeping handles in good condition, we ensure easy access to different rooms and the
safety of all users. It is important for property owners or facility managers to perform regular
maintenance, checking if all handles are functioning properly and replacing those that are
worn out.

Remember that an environment with well-maintained and functional handles conveys a

sense of comfort and trust to users. If you notice any issues with door handles or bathroom

Section 4: Lack of suitable areas for meetings and group work:

Cleaning is an important part of keeping any environment organized, hygienic and pleasant.
In the context of a mechanical department, cleaning plays an even more critical role due to
the presence of equipment, tools and materials that require special care.

Section 5:
It is essential to establish a regular cleaning routine to promote proper maintenance of the
space. This includes cleaning work benches, tables, chairs and other furniture, as well as
removing dust and dirt from surfaces and equipment.

For specialized work areas such as laboratories or workshops, it is important to follow safety
guidelines to ensure cleaning is done properly and safely. Additionally, certain chemicals or
waste materials must be disposed of correctly in accordance with local regulations.

In addition to regular cleaning, it is important to adopt preventive measures, such as the use
of rugs or doormats to prevent dirt from entering the premises. It is also beneficial to
encourage collaboration among all department members to maintain the cleanliness and
organization of the shared space.

Remember that cleaning is not just restricted to visible areas. It is equally important to deal
with cleaning ventilation systems, air filters and other less accessible areas in order to
ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

In short, cleaning is essential to maintaining a safe, organized and pleasant work

environment within a mechanical department. It's important to establish a regular cleaning
routine, follow safety guidelines, encourage collaboration, and take preventative measures to
maintain the quality of the space.Group work and collaborative discussions are important
parts of academic life in a mechanical department. However, without designated areas for
meetings and group work, students and teachers may face difficulties in getting together and
discussing projects, work or even answering questions collectively. These spaces provide
more productive interactions and facilitate the exchange of knowledge between students and

With the funding of 30 million meticais, significant improvements were made in the
Mechanical Department.

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