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Social Media Growth

👉Quick intro:
1️⃣First i want to thank you for downloading this
pdf, I believe it will help you on your way to grow
your social media account
2️⃣Overview(for who is this pdf):
● This pdf is for those who want to grow their
social media account and are not scared of
putting work in that.
● You will find here:
○ 1.Plan, on how you can grow your social
media account

📌Grow your social media account

Why do some people blow up on social media and others
- it is simple, they just know something that we
- they understand instagram algorithm(instagram
algorithm in my words “chooses which video will
get views(go viral) and which don't”))

First we need to understand how does instagram

algorithm work
● 1.You create video
● 2.The video will be shown to your audience
○ if your audience will be interested in your
video(likes, shares etc...) - algorithm will
push video to more people(your account will
grow). I am teaching you how to master one of
the most important metrics when it comes to
video reach in my Caption Mastery, so I won't
overwhelm you with teaching you it here.
○ if your audience will be uninterested in your
video the algorithm will not push your video
to more people = video will get 0 views
● 3. That's it. Not complicated, but still hard to

*If you are at the beginning of your journey(don't

have audience), instagram algorithm will send it to
random people in your niche - if they are interested
algorithm will push video to more people, if they will
be uninterested algorithm will not push your video to
more people

What you need to focus on, when you create videos👇

● at the beginning of your journey you can post more
videos at lower quality, but only when you are at
testing phase
● after testing phase you should start posting high
quality content

● viewer must gain some value(knowledge)from your
video otherwise why would he give you follow/come
back to see more
● start creating videos on niche, where you have
some experiences on(so you know what you are
talking about + you are able to actually provide

3️⃣CTA(call to action)
● before you add call to action, you must first
provide value
● CTA is when you tell your audience what you want
them to do(eg. follow for more)

📌Structure of video:
● every video you create should have:
○ Hook(first few seconds of your video - you
build curiosity here)
■ Value(you tell your audience valuable
● CTA(Here you tell what you want
your viewer to do - most common CTA
are: follow for more / share it
with your friend / save it for
later etc...)

● First few seconds of video
● you tell here some problem your audience is
● negative hook will work better(how you can grow
on social media / This huge mistake costs you

● Here you solve problem(that you created at the
beginning of your video - hook)

● Tell what you want the viewer to do (depends on
your goals)
○ Better reach - interaction with your
video(shares, comments...)
○ More followers - follow for more etc...

Here is how your video script can look like👇

Don't ignore this marketing secret. People
don't read, they scan. Here is how you can use it
to your advantage. Most people scan in f pattern.
So put the most important information into these
areas. Remember you must keep it simple and easy to
scan. Follow, for more.

📈What makes some videos go viral and some not?

● it is simple, instagram algorithm chooses which
video will get more views based on how much
engagement the video gets.

Key engagement metrics

Comments(you will be able to learn it here if you



Watch time(this is key metric, i will teach you
how you can master it in my Caption Mastery guide)
*if you can master Watch time, or comments (better
if both) you will be able to get at least 10k views
(in my account, when i mastered comments in one of
my videos it got around 500k views - so better to
learn it guys comments/watch time 2 most important
factors i would say)

My personal tips for you
Try to build personal brand(theme pages are great
too, but with personal brand you will have more
opportunities in the future)

➡️Just start creating content, it will be long

journey, but skills you learn on the way are worth
of doing(video editing, script writing, and much

➡️Be patient, consistent, if you believe in what

you are doing and stay consistent with that you can
achieve anything.

➡️I was posting 3 months and get almost 0 views,

then one video get viral, from that moment
everything changes (remember you are only one viral
video away from success - if you have great CTA)

Thank you for your time, when you found this

helpful you can give me short review, it will
really help me

➡️Join my discord server⬅️

Have a great day - Jarda
If you are taking grow on social media seriously

you can check my Caption Mastery or Comment mastery
These twos will definitely help you

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