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I. Listen to FIVE short conversations and choose the correct answer A, B, or C to each
(5.0 points)
1. What has the woman received for her birthday?
A. A necklace B. a new coat C. new boots
2. What did the boy forget to buy ?
A. bananas B. butter C. strawberries
3. What is the date of the party?
A. 25th B. 26th C. 27th
4. What’s the weather like now?
A. sunny B. rainny C. stormy
5. What form of transport is unaffected?
A. train B. car C. ship

II. Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer A, B, or C to each question. (6.0
Question 6. Paul decided to get work get work experience in South American because he
A. to teach English there
B. to improve his Spanish
C. to learn about Latin American life
Question 7. What project work Paul originally intend to get involved in?
A. construction B. agriculture C. tourism
Question 8. Why did Paul change form one project to another?
A. His first job was not well organized.
B. He found doing the routine work very boring.
C. The work was too physically demanding.
Question 9. In the village community, he leant how important it was to
A. respect family life. B. develop trust C. use money wisely.
Question 10. What does the Paul say about his project manager?
A. He let Paul do most of the work
B. His plans were too ambitious.
C. He was very supportive of Paul.
Question 11. Paul was surprised to be given …….
A. a computer to use B. so little money to live on C. an extension to his contract

III. Listen to the recording and fill in the missing information in the numbered spaces. In
each space, use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER). (5.0 points)

Well known for: (12) ……………………….
Complex consists of: concert rooms
art galleries
public library
(13) ……………………
a bookshop
Historical background: 1940 – area destroyed by bombs
1960s-1970s- Centre was (14)………………………. and built
in (15)………………………. – opened to public
Managed by: the (16)……………………….
Open: 363 days per year

IV. Listen to the recording and state whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
(4.0 points)

Question 17. Everybody in the Outback has at least a telephone to keep in touch
with the world.
Question 18. In an emergency, doctors use jeeps to get to the patient.
Question 19. It doesn’t take the doctors more than ninety minutes to get to any
place in the Outback.
Question 20. Children living in the Outback do not go to school at all.


I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each question below. (8.0
Question 21. She gave me a _____ box.
A. jewelry metal small square B. jewelry small metal square
C. small square jewelry metal D. small square metal jewelry
Question 22. While Jane’s brother’s house is covered with dust, her flat is always_______clean.
A. horrendously B. meticulously C. ravenously D. stunningly
Question 23. Having traveled to different parts of our country, ______.
A. we are seeing a lot of interesting lifestyles and customs
B. we have learned a lot about interesting lifestyles and customs
C. much has been learned about interesting lifestyles and customs
D. many interesting lifestyles and customs have been learned by us
Question 24. Mary is talking to her professor in his office.
Professor: “Congratulations on your award.” Mary: “______.”
A. I like it that you understand. B. I can't agree more with yours.
C. I do appreciate your supervision. D. I feel so sorry for you, professor
Question 25. It is said that when Donald Trump downplayed the severity of COVID-19, he let
the genie out of the : the damage that mostly resulted from this attitude was irreversible.
A. cave B. lamp C. bottle D. chest
Question 26. ________, Barbara can sing out the notes clearly and accurately.
A. Though she was a young infant B. Young infant as she is
C. She is a young infant D. Though a young infant
Question 27. Your chair may on the cobblestones, but your dinner will be superb.
A. sway B. wobble C. wiggle D. wriggle
Question 28. It is possible that at this election some of the minority parties might succeed in
into parliament.
A. breaking out B. breaking away C. breaking through D. breaking up

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 points)
Question 29. The _________ for the Best Actress cried when her name was announced.
Question 30. Please ____ our letter of the 25th. We have not had a reply. (KNOW)
Question 31. Three of the __________ tried to escape through the window. (CAPTURE)
Question 32. If you are a sports enthusiast, visit for ________ results and sports
news. (MINUTE)
Question 33. We are offering many special price ___ on printers this month. (REDUCE)

III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting (3.0
Question 34. Adults worry about their offspring getting into trouble, becoming distracted by
sexuality, damaged by drugs, lured by idealistic charlatanry.
Question 35. How many people know that the Brooklyn Bridge, built in 1883, were the world's
first suspension bridge?
Question 36. Although the destruction that it causes is often terrible, cyclones benefit a much
wider belt than they devastate.
IV. Choose the word/ phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the
following questions. (2.0 points)

Question 37. This small country is faced with an insurmountable debt.

A. ingenious B. insuperable C. intentional D. unfavourable
Question 38. Although the general manager is officially in charge, everyone knows his
deputy is really in the driving seat.
A. out of control B. on duty
C. abusing of power D. in control of a situation

V. Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following
questions. (2.0 points)

Question 39. A cost-effective way to fight crime is that instead of making punishments
more severe, the authorities should increase the odds that lawbreakers will be apprehended
and punished quickly.
A. economical B. practical C. profitable D. worthless
Question 40. All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of
society. We can brutalize that society. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.
A. polarize B. build C. humanize D. shape

I. Choose the best phrase or sentence (given below the text) to fill each of the blanks in the
following text. Write one letter (A-G) in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer
sheet. Two of the suggested answers do not fit at all. There is an example at the beginning (0).
(5.0 points)
Example: (0) D
Indo-European Languages
Today, most European languages, and many Asian languages as far east as India, are very similar
to each other. (0)__D__ about memorizing French word lists in school, these so-called ‘Indo-
European’ languages resemble English and each other in terms of vocabulary and grammar
(41)__________. Only 140 of the modern world's 5,000 tongues belong to this language family.
Thanks to the global expansion of Europeans since 1492 - especially people from England, Spain,
Portugal, France and Russia - nearly half the world's present population of five billion now
speaks an Indo-European language as its native tongue.
When, however, we go to parts of the world (42)__________, we realise how unusual Europe's
linguistic similarity is, and how it calls for explanation. (43)_________, in areas of the New
Guinea highlands (44)_________, we find languages as different as English is from Chinese
being spoken in neighbouring areas. (45)________ until some people speaking the mother tongue
of the Indo-European language family began to dominate and pushed almost all other European
languages out of existence.

A. which must have originated outside Europe

B. Eurasia must have originally been as diverse
C. For example
D. No matter how much we complain
E. yet differ in this respect from all the world's other languages
G. where contact with the outside world began only in the 20th century
H. but their importance is far out of proportion to their numbers
I. with great linguistic diversity

II. Read the following text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. There are
FOUR EXTRA options that you DO NOT need to use. (5.0 points)


A. New families: beneficial or harmful?

B. The government reaction
C. The typical western family
D. Political families
E. The disappearance of the traditional model
F. Families: then and now
G. The first criticisms of ‘family’
H. The ‘happy family’ model
I. The function of families

New families: beneficial or harmful?

Question 46. [Paragraph 1: _______ ]
The family has often been regarded as the corner stone of society. In pre-modern and modern
societies alike it has been seen as the most basic unit of social organization and one which carries
out vital tasks, such as socializing children
Question 47. [Paragraph 2: _______ ]
Until the 1960s few sociologists questioned the importance or the benefits of family life. Most
sociologists assumed that family life was evolving as modernity progressed, and that the changes
involved made the family better suited to meeting the needs of society and of family members. A
particular type of family, the nuclear family based around a two-generation household of parents
and their children, was seen as well adapted to the demands of modern societies.
Question 48. [Paragraph 3: _______ ]
From the 1960s, an increasing number of critical thinkers began to question the assumption that
the family was necessarily a beneficial institution. Feminists, Marxists and critical psychologists
began to highlight what they saw as some of the negative effects and the ‘dark side’ of family
In the following decades the family was not just under attack from academic writers. Social
changes also seemed to be undermining traditional families. Rising divorce rates, cohabitation
before marriage, increasing numbers of single-parent families and single person households, and
other trends all suggested that individuals were basing their Lives Less and Less around
conventional families.
Question 49. [Paragraph 4: _______ ]
Some have seen these changes as a symptom of greater individualism within modern societies.
They have welcomed what appears to be an increasing range of choice for individuals. People no
longer have to base their lives around what may be outmoded and, for many, unsuitable
conventional family structures. Others, however, have complained about the changes and worried
about their effect on society. Such changes are seen as both a symptom and a cause of instability
and insecurity in people’s Lives and in society as a whole. This view has been held by
traditionalists who want a return to the ideal of the nuclear family. For them, many of society’s
problems are a result of increased family instability.
Question 50. [Paragraph 5: _______ ]
Alongside these developments in society and sociology, family life has become a topic of
political debate. Politicians have become somewhat more willing to comment on families.
Sometimes they have devised policies to try to deal with perceived problems surrounding the
family. In short, the family has come to be seen as more problematic than it was in the past. The
controversies that have come to surround families and households are the subject of this chapter.

III. Read the passage bellow and decide which option A, or B, C, D best fits each space. (10

The money that some professional sportsmen earn shouldn’t impress anyone when you
take into consideration the fact that only a few of them manage to attain (51) _______ and
everlasting fame. And once they reach their (52) ______ and display their talent at their best,
they are fully conscious that their brilliant careers won’t last forever. They live under a
constant pressure of being
(53) and subsequently replaced by someone who is younger, faster and more
accomplished. For that reason, objectives like retirement benefits and pensions are (54)
______ great concern to all professional athletes.
Some of the retired competitors go as far as to organize strikes and rallies to voice their
protest against any policy unresponsive to their demand (55) ______the younger
professionals seek more upgrading solutions to the problem as more and more of them attach
a proper significance to
(56) a solid education, even at university level. Such an approach should help them
find interesting and well-paid jobs (57) ______ their sports career is over.
A completely new strategy has been devised by the schools priding themselves (58)
_____ supporting their own teams. Their authorities insist that the sports clubs members
achieve high academic standards or else they are debarred from partaking in certain sports
events, (59)____ may lead to further disruption in their professional careers.
By these practical and most effective means, combining education with sports activity, the
(60)________of the professional athlete as being brainless and unintelligent may eventually be
changing to the sportsmen’s benefit.

Question A. immortalised B. immortalise C. immortal D. immortality

Question A. prime B. shape C. best D. capacity
Question A. outcast B. outshone C. outstayed D. outgrown
Question A. with B. in C. at D. of
Question A. whereby B. whereas C. whereupon D. wherein
Question A. mastering B. learning C. receiving D. attending
Question A. right away B. promptly C. barely D. once
Question A. with B. on C. for D. in
Question A. which B. where C. what D. that
Question 60. A. vision B. outlook C. image D. judgment

IV. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)
Herbs are different kinds of plants and plant parts that can be used for medicinal purposes.
This can include the leaves, stems, roots, or seeds of the plant. Herbs have been important in
traditional medicine for centuries, in both the East and the West. In Western medicine, they have
largely been replaced by drugs. Herbal treatments are, however, still an integral part of Eastern
medicine. In recent years, interest in traditional medicine has increased in the West. Many
people are either using modern methods combined with traditional treatments or are turning to
these treatments entirely. While traditional medicines can be helpful, they are not without their
share of problems.
The main difference between herbs and drugs is that, while herbs are simply parts of plants,
drugs are specific chemicals in a pure form. Many modern drugs are derived from chemicals
found in plants. One example is aspirin, which is made from a chemical extracted from the bark
of the willow tree. Other drugs are entirely synthetic. Even those drugs that are derived from
natural sources are heavily processed in order to purify and concentrate them. This allows drugs
to be administered in very precise amounts. Different kinds and degrees of illnesses often require
dosages that differ only slightly. A little too much or not enough of a certain drug can have
negative effects on the patient. Many drugs also produce negative effects even when taken in the
recommended dosage. These undesired negative effects are called "side-effects".

The possibility of dangerous and unexpected side-effects from drugs has led many people
back to traditional medicine. Herbal treatments seem more natural than modern drugs. Many feel
that traditional medicine is more concerned with treating the underlying causes of disease instead
of just the symptoms, though the truth of this claim is not yet dear. In any case, there is a certain
comfort in taking natural herbal treatments instead of the processed, synthetic chemicals derived
from them.

There are, however, disadvantages to herbal treatments, some of them serious. Few herbal
treatments have been scientifically studied. While the active chemicals in the herb may be known,
it may not be clear what they really do, or if they are really effective at all. Because the active
chemicals are not used alone, it is very difficult to determine the proper amount for treatment,
since the levels of the chemical are not constant throughout the plant. Therefore, the risk of
under- and overdose is higher than with drugs. A more serious problem is that certain herbal
treatments may have no real medicinal effect, thus giving the patient a false sense of security.
This is particularly harmful when the patient refuses treatment with modern drugs that could be

There are even certain herbs that can cause side-effects, just like a drug. One of these is ma-
huang, also called ephedra, which is taken to increase energy. It has been known to cause damage
to the heart and nervous system. Garlic and ginger are common element in food that are also
taken as herbal treatments, but they can be dangerous for people with diabetes. In general, herbs
are most dangerous when they are taken along with common drugs. This may happen in two
ways: a patient decides to supplement his or her regular treatment with herbs, or a dishonest
manufacturer adds modern drugs to a herbal treatment. In both cases, the results can be very
serious. Herbs can be used to treat depression, but if they are used along with conventional
antidepressants, the combination can cause confusion, headaches, allergic reactions, and other

Finally, because production of herbal treatments is seldom regulated, harmful substances can
be present in herbal preparations. Herbs grown in polluted soil may contain lead, arsenic, or
mercury. They may also tainted with pesticides. It is for these reasons that should not be treated
as the perfect substitute for drugs. Although herbs appear to be quite distinct from modern drugs,
it is important to use them with the same sort of care.

Question 61. The word "integral" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. harmful B. important C. famous D. controversial
Question 62. The word "This" in paragraph 4 refers to
A. patients taking ineffective herbs instead of drugs
B. patients having a sense of security you
C. the risk of under- and overdose of a herbal treatment
D. the patient's belief that modern drugs are bad for
Question 63. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "tainted" in paragraph 6?
A. accompanied B. augmented C. substituted D. contaminated
Question 64. Why does the author mention that drugs are heavily processed?
A. To illustrate that drugs are not natural
B. To show that herbs cannot compete with modern medical techniques
C. Because many mistakes can occur in this processing
D. To point out that many countries cannot afford to produce drugs
Question 65. What is the main difference between herbs and drugs according to the passage?
A. Drugs can cause side-effects, whereas herbs do not.
B. Drugs are at least partially synthetic, whereas herbs are natural.
C. Herbs are dangerous when taken in large amounts; drugs are safer.
D. Herbs can produce a false sense of security, whereas drugs do not.

Question 66. According to the passage, when are herbs most dangerous?
A. When not taken under a doctor's supervision
B. When the patient refuses modern medicine
C. When the dosage is not administered precisely
D. When taken in combination with drugs
Question 67. Which of the following best states the topic of the passage?
A. Patients are not educated enough to use herbal treatments.
B. Modern drugs are still a better choice than herbal treatments.
C. Modern medicine should use herbal treatments more in the future.
D. Herbal treatments can be helpful, but should be used with care.
Question 68. According to the passage, who should not take ginger or garlic as herbal
A. Patients with diabetes C. Patients taking antidepressants
B. Patients with liver damage D. Patients with problems of the heart or nervous system
Question 69. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Herbal treatments can also produce side-effects.
B. Some herbal treatments are not effective in fighting disease.
C. Some manufacturers add drugs to herbs.
D. Modern doctors often do not approve of using herbs.
Question 70. It can be inferred from the passage that
A. the drug industry is better regulated than the herb Industry
B. people who use drugs Instead of herbs recover more quickly
C. the popularity of herbal treatments will decrease in the future
D. the side-effects of drugs are more serious than those of herbs
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (5.0 points)
Question 71. David said that he had failed as a result of carelessness.
 David attributed .
Question 72. His video of himself mimicking his favourite Tik Tok idol was so funny that it
received one million views in just a day.
 So
Question 73. The motorcyclist rounded the corner at a quite unbelievable speed.
 The speed .
Question 74. Should you persist in your defiance of instructions, we will take disciplinary
 If you go_______________________________________________ taken.
Question 75. He was really jealous when he saw his brother’s new car.
He was green _________________________________.
II. (10 points)
A restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters and waitresses in your local newspaper.
Write a letter to the restaurant, applying for the job. In your letter:
- explain what you are currently doing
- describe your suitability for this area of work
- say when you can attend an interview
- You should write at least 150 words.
You are required to use the address as followed:
Nguyen Thu Huong
99 Quang Trung Street, Hai Duong City, Vietnam
III. (15 points)
Write an essay (at least 200 words) about the following topic:
Nowadays, many colleges and universities prioritise students having international English
language certificates. Is it a positive or negative policy?
What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.
Exercise 1
1. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city's main hotel the most……… in the
country. luxury
2. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance…………… a plan to murder a leading
politician. cover
3. We should go and eat at "Franco's" which is………….. a great little restaurant. suppose
4. I left the house at 8am and stared at the empty garage in………….. My car was nowhere to be seen.
Someone had stolen it! believe
5. If you have any problems finding things, just ask Roger. He is very…………… and will tell you where
to find what you want. help
6. You paid $25 for a simple breakfast?! They have certainly…………… you! You should go back and
complain. charge
7. The gang robbed three banks in the same city and all at about the same time. Not……….., they were
caught by the police during the fourth attempt. surprise
8. Sarina is only my half sister because we have………… mothers. differ
Exercise 2
1. This queue hasn't moved in five minutes. I'm getting a bit………….! patient
2. Politicians should spend some time living on the streets like………….. people have to and then they
would understand better the problems they have. home
3. Carl was calmly taking a photograph as this………….. large bear walked towards the car. It was a
terrifying least for me! astonish
4. If you go walking around the factory, ensure you have…………… clothing on. protect
5. Are you sure you have cleaned the kitchen? There is still a pretty………….. smell coming from it.
6. Although it isn't definite we will see you tomorrow, it is quite………….. like
7. Be sure not to put more than three……………… of vodka into the mix, otherwise it will be too
alcoholic. spoon
8. Finding a cure for cancer will be a huge ………….breakthrough for mankind. medicine
Exercise 13
1. Buying and selling antiques can be a very …………..hobby if you know how to find a good bargain.
2. We were left without any money for the last part of our holiday because we had ………… the cost of
the train ticket to Norway. estimate
3. Mr. Transom stared ………….. at the group of students talking in the corner and they shut up
immediately. cross
4. Jennings is so …………enthusiastic about the game that his enthusiasm spreads to his team-mates and
the result is usually a strong performance. wonder
5. I think I was …………. sacked and have decided to bring the company to court. fair
6. Have you seen my handbag John? It seems to have totally ………… ! appear
7. You know your father is the most ……….. person in the world. He is sure to be wearing one of his old
sweaters to the party. fashion
8. People will need to see …………. provable information before they can believe in something like life
on other planets. science


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