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URBAN JUNGLE Personality: Claim d12 bonus to appropriate roll

/ Rest
d D8 Body d d6 Mind /
Experience /
...... .......
d D4 Speed d d6 Will /
d Species ...........................
Rinoceronte d6
d Type ...............................
Cozido d6 /
d Career ...........................
Lutador Premiado D8 /
Favorites /
d d d Academics /
................................................................................................... Motto
d d d ......................................... /
d d d Craft
......................................... /
d d d Deceit
......................................... /
................................................................................................... Goals
d D6 d D6 d D8 Endurance /
d d d .........................................
d D6 d D8 d D6 Fighting
d d d Negotiation
Name@Range (Counter@Range) Dice; Effect; Notes
d D6 d d Observation ..................................................................................................
......................................... ..................................................................................................
d D6 d D8 d Presence
......................................... ..................................................................................................
d d d Questioning
......................................... ..................................................................................................
d d6 d d Shooting
......................................... You must reduce Damage suffered Focus and Wait
d d d Tactics to zero or you will be incapacitated! Use/Recharge ... or Take Two
......................................... Different Actions
Transport Roll Body die Each 4 or better = –1 damage Free
d d d ......................................... Roll Ø Aim at a single target
Endurance Each 4 or better = –1 damage Free
......................................................................... Ø Attack Ø Control Initiative Mind, Observation
Panic Soak –2 damage, become Panicked / Rally
......................................................................... a machine or vehicle
Gear Molho Sem Vento -1(p.60)
.................................................................... /
......................................................................... Ø Equip Ø Guard
- Absorção de Feridas -3(p.60)
.................................................................... ......................................................................... Ø Hide Ø Move Ø Rally Dodge Speed, Evasion
Ø Recover Ø Reload
.................................................................... ......................................................................... Ø Standup Ø perform a
.................................................................... ......................................................................... Stunt and end your turn Rally Will, Tactics

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