Report Chapter Wise 1

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In recent decades, India has grown at such a rate that many companies have
settled here. These companies carry an enormous amount of labor. Organizing
transport on such a large mass is a heavy and complex task. Generally, this
transport is organized by contract with local transport providers on a contractual
basis. Accidents such as burglaries, rape cases, etc. recently took place. The
development of satellite communication technology facilitates the identification of
vehicle positions. Vehicle tracking systems have brought this technology into the
everyday life of ordinary people. Nowadays, the GPS used in cars, ambulances,
fleets and police vehicles are common points of view on the roads of developed
countries. All existing technology supports vehicle position and condition

The GPS GSM based system is one of the most important systems,
integrating GSM and GPS technologies. This is necessary due to the numerous
applications of GSM and GPS systems and their use by millions of people around
the world. This system, designed for users in the construction and land transport
sectors, provides real-time information such as the location, speed and estimated
time of arrival of the user who moves their vehicles in a concise and easy to use
format to read. This system can also be useful for the communication process
between the two points. This can help reduce the number of alcohol-related
accidents, identify the exact location of an accident and ensure vehicle safety.

1.2. IOT

1.2.1 Internet of Things

Today, the demand for Internet application development is very high.

Therefore, the IoT is an important technology through which we can produce
various useful Internet applications. IoT is a network in which all physical objects
are connected to the Internet via network devices or routers and exchange data. IoT
allows objects to be controlled remotely via an existing network infrastructure. IoT
is a highly efficient and intelligent technique that reduces human effort and
facilitates access to physical devices. This technique also includes an autonomous
control function through which each device can control without any human

1.2.2. Practical Applications

The versatility of the IoT has become very popular in recent years. Having
an IoT based device has many advantages. According to the Mckinsey Global
Institute, IoT sales will reach $ 6.2 billion by 2025. Many applications are
available on the market in various fields.

1) Personal home automation system: the home automation system is the main
example in this field. Wemo Switch Smart Plug: these are the most useful devices
for connecting home devices in the switch, an intelligent socket. It connects to a
power outlet, accepts the power cord from any device and can be used to turn it on
and off by pressing a button on the smart phone.
2) Company: in the field of business, there are many applications, such as an
environmental monitoring system, an intelligent environment, etc. Nest Smart
Thermostat: is connected to the Internet. Nest automatically learns your family's
routines and automatically adjusts the temperature of your activities to make your
home more efficient. There is also a mobile app that allows the user to change the
temperature and times.
3) Utilities: Smart metering, smart grid and water monitoring are the most useful
applications in the various utilities.
4) Energy management: the advanced measurement infrastructure is the main
example in this sector.
5) Medical and health care: remote health monitoring and the emergency
notification system are examples of IE in the medical field.
Health Patch Health Monitor: can be used in patients who cannot see a doctor,
allowing them to obtain ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate, skin temperature, body
posture, detection falls and read their activities remotely.
6) Transport: the electronic toll system is the most useful example in this sector.
7) Large scale implementation: there are several major projects in progress in the
world. Songdo (South Korea), the first of its kind, Smart City, fully wired, is
nearing completion. Everything in this city is expected to be wired, connected and
transformed into a data stream that would be monitored by a set of computers
without any human interaction.
Another example is the Sino-Singaporean work in the city of knowledge of
Guangzhou on improving air and water quality. The French company Sigfox began
building an ultra-narrowband wireless data network in the San Francisco Bay Area
in 2014.
Another example is New York Waterways in New York to connect all their
ships and monitor those 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These are great
applications on the market that rely on IoT. This world will become a better place
to live with more communication with everyone. In the near future, a large number
of devices connected to the Internet and provide large facilities to the world.
1.2.3 Future Scope of IOT

According to Gartner, consumer applications will determine the number of

connected devices, while Enterprise will account for most of the revenue. Gartner
estimated that in 2015, 2.9 billion connected objects were used in the consumer
sector and that they would exceed 13 billion by 2020.The UK government has
allocated £ 40,000 for research on the Internet of Things in its 2015 budget.
George Osborne, British Treasury Chancellor, said that the Internet of Things is
the next step in the information revolution and talked about the interconnection of
everything from civil transport to appliances.

1.3. PIC

1.3.1 PIC Microcontroller

The microcontroller has many more reasons to be used than

microprocessors. The difference between microprocessors and microcontrollers is
shown below.

Difference between microprocessors and microcontrollers


1 No memory available ROM and RAM separated
2 No I/O ports available Available on integrated ports
3 No Timers Internal Timers are available
Serial Ports are in built in serial
4 No Serial Port
5 Von Neumann Architecture Harvard Architecture

In addition to the normal microcontrollers, the PIC family supports more functions.
So we chose PIC 16F877 as the main controller.

1.3.2 .Main Features:

• High-performance RISC CPU

• Only 35 instructions of a word to learn
• All instructions for a single cycle, except for the program branches that are in two
• Operating speed: CC clock input - 20 MHz
• Instruction cycle DC - 200 ns
• Up to 8K x 14 words of FLASH program memory,
• Up to 368 x 8 bytes of data memory (RAM)
• Ability to interrupt (up to 14 sources)
• Direct, indirect and relative addressing methods
• Ignition reset (POR)
• Start timer (PWRT)
• Oscillator Start Timer (OST)
• Read / write access from the processor to the program memory
• Wide operating voltage range: 2.0 V to 5.5 V
• Low energy consumption:
• <0.6 mA typical at 3 V, 4 MHz
Typical standby current <1 μA

1.3.3 Peripheral Features:

• Timer 0: 8 bit timer / counter with 8-bit pre-scaling memory

• Timer 1: 16 bit timer / counter with pre-scalar, can be increased during SLEEP
• Timer 2: 8-bit timer / counter with 8-bit period register, pre-scalier and post-
• 10-bit multichannel analog-to-digital converter
• Synchronous serial port (SSP) with SPI (master mode) and 12C (master / slave)
• 8-bit parallel Slave port (PSP), with external RD, WR and CS controls (only for
40/44 feet).



It is essential to conduct a literature review before starting a research project,

as this will provide us with the additional information needed on the
methodologies and technologies available and used worldwide on the subject. This
chapter provides a summary of the literature reviews on the key topics of the
Accident Information System and Prevention System using IOT. The cases
implemented are explained in this section.


Title: Detection of Alcohol In A Car Locking System

Author: Shahad Al-Youif, Musab A. Mr. Ali, Mr. N. Mohammed

Description: In this article, we will try to develop a locking system for cars so that
it cannot start without an alcohol control mechanism. The system will use an
existing alcohol sensor. In reality, the project intends to provide a basis for future
exploration. This project focused on the continuous development of accident
prevention systems, hoping to put it into practice in the real world to increase road
Published in: 2018 IEEE Symposium on IT Applications and Industrial Electronics


Title: Safe App Mobile App

Author: Samah Jamal, computer science student, HoussamZeid, Mohammad Malli

and Elias Yaacoub, computer science student
Description: The mobile app for safe driving. Help users by driving their car and
alerting them if they exceed the speed allowed by an audio notification.
Furthermore, it detects road accidents through an analytical model that integrates
the measurement data collected on the mobile phone (for example, by monitoring
speed changes, acoustic waves and vibration waves) and informing the authorities.
Interested (rescue teams, police, parents, etc.). The place and time of the accident,
as well as the personal information on the driver (full name, telephone number,
relative number, blood group, registration number, etc.). In addition, it provides the
user with real-time information on current road conditions via push notifications.
Published in: IEEE Communication Conference for the Middle East and North
Africa (MENACOMM) 2018, 18-20 April 2018


Title: Alcohol Detection and Accident Detection

Author: Viral M. Vyas, VirajChoksi, part of B. Potdar. ECE

Description: Today many accidents have occurred on motorways due to increased

traffic and collision due to careless driving. Many accidents are due to the driver's
alcohol consumption. For example, drunk driving is also a major cause of
accidents in most countries of the world. The car alcohol detector is designed to
protect people sitting in the car and, in many situations, the ambulance and the
police are not fashionable. This had the effect of delaying the assistance provided
to the person suffered as a result of an accident. This research concerns the
detection of alcohol with the car ignition system and also an accidental detection of
the position using the IoT. When an accident occurs, an emergency message is sent
containing the details of the position to protect the people sitting inside the car.
This system must be installed inside the car.
Posted in: Viral M.Vyas. Int. Engineering and application research magazine,
ISSN: 2248-9622, vol. 8, number 2, (part -2), February 2018


Title: Iot-Bas Accident Prevention And Monitoring System For Night Pilots

Author: Aishwarya S.R, Ashish Rai, Charitha, Prasanth M.A, Savitha S.C
Departure. ECE
Description: Fatal road accidents can be easily avoided by understanding the
psychological status of drivers. Most road accidents occur during night driving due
to the drowsiness of vehicle drivers (subject). This document provides. Blink Eye
Monitoring System (EBM) that warns the subject in case of drowsiness. An
integrated system based on the psychological state of the subject by monitoring the
movements of the eyes and head is useful to warn drivers during the initial phase
of the sleepiness cycle. The physiological analysis of the subject's sleep status can
be determined by monitoring the subject's intermittent speed using an infrared
sensor and head movement using an accelerometer. A normal flashing frequency
has no effect on the system output. However, if the subject is in an extreme sleep
cycle state, the IR will detect an abnormal heart rate and an alarm will be triggered
to reactivate the subject. The sensors activated by the Internet of Things (IOT) are
used to transmit all the data collected by the sensors over an intelligent network so
that the rapid response team can intervene in the event of an emergency.
Published in: International journal of innovative research in computer engineering
and communication (ISO 3297: 2007 certified organization), Vol.3, Number 4,
April 2015


Title: Intelligent Vehicle Control Using an Integrated Wireless System In A

Transport System Based On Gsm And Gps Technologies
Author: Mr. Abinaya, R. Uthira Devi ECE Department
Description: Currently, almost the public has its own vehicle theft occurs in
parking lots and sometimes leads to places where there is insecurity. Vehicle
Safety is extremely essential for public vehicles. Vehicle safety and accident
prevention are more difficult. So, to solve this problem, this system can be
implemented. The vehicle safety and accident prevention system can be improved
by controlling the ignition (location and blocking), fuel theft, accident detection
and prevention, driver fatigue, pollution control and speed limitation with an
efficient vehicle management system. The need for this project is to protect
vehicles with an engine locking system that prevents unauthorized access to the
vehicle. This technique lets you know the exact location of the accident and, using
a server, an emergency vehicle can be sent to the exact location to reduce loss of
life. It also detects the driver's behavior with sensors, drowsiness or drunk, to
prevent accidents. Vehicle position identified by Global Positioning System (GPS)
and Global System Mobile Communication (GSM).This is safer, more reliable and
more convenient.
Published in: International Journal of Computing and Mobile Computing,
IJCSMC, vol. 3, number. 9 September 2014



Every year, thousands of road accidents and tens of thousands of serious

injuries are caused by "run-off-road" accidents. Everything, from the simple
inattention of the driver to fatigue, fatigue, drunk driving, is responsible. Safety is
the most important aspect of modern cars. That's why it has attracted the attention
of many researchers and developers in the automotive design industry. In this
context, attempts have been made to design a system for car safety, prevention and


3.2.1 Mind-Wave Neurosky Headphones

Deaths due to motor vehicle accidents due to driving drowsiness and failure
to fasten the seat belt increase significantly. In this system, the NeuroSky Mind-
wave helmet is used to capture different levels of electroencephalogram (EEG)
where the car does not work unless the driver fastens the belt and the driver is in
alarm if drowsiness is detected. In addition to this, an electrical limit circuit is
designed and fixed between the seat belt and the ignition system to control engine
start. Finally, Ardium microcontroller with its software is used as a signal
processing unit to control the car security system. The experimental results show
that the system is able to improve driver safety with precision.
The car's safety system has been designed with an accuracy of 90%. It is expected
that this system will significantly reduce traffic accidents and fatal accidents. The
system also ensures that drivers comply with safety regulations, for example,

fasten seat belts and stay awake while driving.Although many systems have been
designed to detect drowsiness, the advantages of the proposed system are:
• The system is compact, so it can be installed on any type of vehicle.
• Inexpensive because the complete system will not cost more than $ 300.
• Superior accuracy, since the system depends on the signal of the mental wave
rather than the movement of the head or eyes.
• More security in which the system will alert drivers who are sleeping and the
surrounding driver.
Easy to solve when the system is simple and composed of a few components

3.2.2 Travolution - A System Integrated Into a Car for Road Safety

Simple sensors can be installed inside vehicles with various features such as
automatic collision notification, vehicle safety, speed control, which can boost an
effective road safety system. The features proposed in this work are the automatic
collision notification that informs the victim's relative, the traffic control at the red
light ensures that the vehicle will not break the signal, the speed control changes
the speed in different zones, the control of the horn prevents the horn in the
forbidden area, alcohol detection detects impaired driving and vehicle safety is
used to prevent theft.

The requirement for embedded systems is the need of the moment in developing
countries and, especially with the obscure statistics of our country, the need is
imminent. Therefore, the integration of these features should be mandatory in all
cars in the near future, without affecting the pockets of the customer or the

The features added in this work are:
 Vehicle speed control in variable areas- in this function, the vehicle speed is
controlled in different areas, such as air bridges, highways, schools, cities
and inland areas.
 Checking the vehicle horn in a forbidden area - Check for unwanted noise in
forbidden areas such as hospitals, public libraries, courts, schools, etc.
 Red light traffic control - In this function, the vehicle is controlled by traffic
lights; when the signal is red, the vehicle stops automatically.
 Automatic collision notification - In this function, when a vehicle encounters
an accident, the system of this project sends messages (SMS) via a GSM
modem to the control center and to the victim's closest relative.
 Vehicle safety - In this function, if the vehicle is stolen or someone tries to
enter, the theft sensor is activated and a message is sent to the police control
room and to the owner, if the vehicle is connected via a GSM modem
 Alcohol control: the alcohol sensor prevents the ignition key from working if
the driver breathes and detects a significant amount of alcohol. Therefore,
the message is sent to the RTO.

1. Environment:

In fact, it is not possible to show the demonstration of this project on the roads.
Motorways that use a real vehicle because the actual internal circuit of a car cannot
be modified except by the company. Therefore, the decision is taken to prove in
the college corridor. A miniature car is used with the receiver circuit placed on it
and the transmitter with a range of 10 feet to implement various features of the

2. Collision detection:

For collision detection, the bumper switch is used. The bumper switch is set
to "ON" and "OFF". The voltage that activates the bumper switch is around 144 g.
When activated, i.e. in the event of a collision, it sends a binary 1 signal to the
microcontroller, stopping the car and displaying "Collision detected" on the screen.
The SMS is sent to the pre-fed number. In real life, text messages would be sent to
the person closest to the person and to the control room with the vehicle's GPS

3. Red light traffic control:

On the transmitter circuit, a red LED is used to indicate a red road sign.
When switched on, i.e. when the switch is turned on to display the red light status,
the signal is transmitted to the receiver which is transmitted to the microcontroller
on the receiver circuit. The car remains in the off position as long as the red light is

4. Speed limit control:

To control the speed of the miniature car, the relays were used to control the
engine. In a normally closed state, the car is driven by all 12 V of the engine. In the
normally open state, the car is stopped because the engine is brought to 0. The
engine will run at 6 V if the speed limit condition is transmitted. The transmitter
sends a signal that warns that the speed limit of this zone is 40 km / h, for example.
The car initially rolls at full speed. When this condition is transmitted, the receiver
receives the signal, transmits it to the microcontroller which then commands the
relay to reduce the motor speed. Therefore, the small machine rolls at a speed
significantly lower than the initial speed. In the code written to run the

microcontroller, to test this function, 40 km / h and 20 km / h were used as an

5. Car theft detection:

A system operation is activated when a limit switch is activated. When the

limit switch is pressed, the flight alarm is displayed on the LCD screen and the
SMS and the miniature car position are transmitted to the pre-powered number via
the GSM modem. In real life, an SMS would be sent to the vehicle owner with the
location of the car.

6. Detection of alcohol:

To test this function, the MQ3 alcohol sensor is exposed to a liquid solution
containing at least 30% alcohol. If the buzzer sounds, the buzzer sounds, the car
stops and "SMS to R.T.O" appear on the LCD display. The SMS is sent to the pre-
powered number for this function via GSM. The "Alcohol Sensed" message also
appears on L.C.D.

7. Prohibition of the horn:

The encoder will be informed that this is a forbidden zone, so that the
transmitter transmits the RF signal without any indication condition, such as speed
limitation, etc. The RF receiver will receive the signal that the decoder will decode
and give to the microcontroller. A car horn will be installed in the miniature car to
replace the horn. If the buzzer is active and the horn inhibit condition is
transmitted, the sound will not be emitted. Latitudes, fainting can persist for hours

3.2.3. Detection of Alcohol for the Car Blocking System

In this prototype project, we will try to develop a locking system for cars so
that it cannot start without an alcohol control mechanism. The system will use an
existing alcohol sensor. This is aimed at ongoing efforts to develop accident
prevention systems, hoping to apply them in real life to increase road safety.

The recovered readings show a decreasing behavior. The sampled voltage

starts at its maximum and decreases until it stabilizes. The sensor starts to show
signs of stability after about 20 minutes. The instability and stability of the gas
sensor are attributed to the fact that it is a thermal conduction device. Therefore,
the device needs time to warm up before it can be interpreted correctly. At the
beginning of the tests for butane gas; at the second (13) with a sampled voltage of
(82), the reading begins to increase until it reaches the second (31) with a sampled
voltage of (139). Almost 69.5% of the voltage value sampled in 18 seconds.
After the end of the gas, the readings begin to decrease towards the initial value.





Because our intelligent system detects, prevents and maintains an intimate

relationship with the incident that occurred in our well-known environment and
was cautious in this regard.


The following are the main objectives of our system

• Provide automatic accident information to the hospital and police station using
GPS and GSM.
• Prevent driving under the influence of alcohol.
• Provide voice alert for speeding within city boundaries and highways.
• To control the lighting of a vehicle.
• To protect the vehicle from theft.
• To generate emergency alert signal while vehicle moving to avoid suspicious
Thus by ensuring these prospective view on occurring accidents, we could
prevent people from their dangerous lives. As these prevention systems could help
the driver or passenger to get rid of alcohol by placing the sensors over them and
measure the content to turn off the ignition. Likewise, certain sensors and
applications are listed below in the block diagram fig.4.1.


Fig.4.1.Block Diagram of proposed system


Since our system has contributed two main ideas,

A. Accident prevention
B. Information on the accident

4.4. Accident Prevention

This system includes various automatic sensors that can accurately predict
the planned structure. The list of sensors used for this purpose is followed below,

1. Acceleration sensor
2. Panic switch
3. RFID reader
4. Alcohol sensor
5. LDR

4.4.1. Acceleration Sensor

DC geared motors can be defined as an extension of DC motors. A DC gear

motor has a series of gears connected to the motor. Engine speed is counted in
terms of shaft rotations per minute and is called RPM. The gear helps increase
torque and reduces speed. Using the correct combination of gears in a gear motor,
its speed can be reduced to any desired value. This concept in which the gears
reduce the speed of the vehicle by increasing its torque is called gear reduction. A
DC motor can be used at a voltage below the rated voltage. But below 1000 rpm,
the speed becomes unstable and the engine will not work properly.

4.4.2. Panic Switch

A button that is used with the desired operation, for example by pressing it,
disconnects the power supply or activates the power supply. Here we use this type
of buttons that will be used to create a panic alarm using the ringtone. So with this
feature, we could protect people from emergencies like robbery, attempted rape in
the case of women, pedophilia, etc.

4.4.3. RFID Reader

The function of an RFID reader is to query the RFID tags. The interrogation
medium is wireless and because the distance is relatively short; a line of sight
between the reader and the headlights is not necessary. A reader contains an RF
module that serves as both a transmitter and a receiver of radio-frequency signals.
The transmitter consists of an oscillator to create the carrier frequency; a modulator
for imposing data commands on this carrier signal and an amplifier for amplifying
the signal sufficiently to reactivate the tag. The receiver has a demodulator to
extract the returned data and an amplifier to increase the signal to be processed. A
microprocessor is the control unit that uses an operating system and a memory to
filter and store data. The data is now ready to be sent to the network.

4.4.4. Alcohol Sensor

The MQ-4 gas sensor is designed with a sensitive material, sno2, which has
a lower conductivity in clean air. When the target fuel gas exists, the signal
conditioning circuit is used to convert the conductivity variation to match the
output signal to the input gas concentration. The MQ-4 gas sensor has a high
sensitivity to LPG, propane and hydrogen. It can also be used for methane and
other combustible vapors. It is economical and suitable for different applications.

The MQ-4gas module is mounted on a printed circuit with an operating voltage of
5 VDC. The sensor output values can be obtained both analogue and digital. Here,
we use this sensor to detect the presence of alcohol inside the car knowing the
people in front of it.

4.4.5. LDR

A light dependent resistor also known as a LDR, photo resistor,

photoconductor or photocell, is a resistor whose resistance increases or decreases
depending on the amount of light intensity. LDRs (Light Dependent Resistors) are
a very useful tool in a light/dark circuits. LDRs can have a variety of resistance and
functions. For example it can be used to turn on a light when the LDR is in
darkness or to turn off a light when the LDR is in light. It can also work the other
way around so when the LDR is in light it turns on the circuit and when it’s in
darkness the resistance increase and disrupts the circuit.

4.4. Information on Accident

At the end, placing a sensor applicable to the vibration that could generate
pulses if the vibrations are applicable Cesenaicians rays. And they, the information
are transmitted by the emergency team composed of the police, the ambulance and
their relatives, as well as the GPS position.

1. Vibration Sensor
2. GPS and GSM

4.4.1. Vibration Sensor

The piezoelectric effect is a reversible process in this material having the

direct piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectricity is the electrical charge that accumulates
in some solid materials in response to applied mechanical stresses. The
piezoelectric effect is the linear electromechanical interaction between the
mechanical state and the electrical state in crystalline materials. Piezoelectricity is
used in useful applications such as sound generation and detection, high voltage
generation, electronic frequency generation, microbalance, operation of an
ultrasonic nozzle and ultra-fine focusing of optical assemblies.

4.4.2. GPS and GSM

The GSM and GPS module is used for the information purpose that to detect
and communicate the vehicle own geographical position. The GPS helps to track
the location of the vehicle and GSM to send SMS acknowledgement to the nearby
emergency services such as hospitals, police stations and also for relatives if any
collision occurs.

Where the signal generated by the transmitter and receiver interconnected

with these modules could help the finder to locate the areas and easily get accesses
to their spot with an objective of saving time. As these modules could accompany
each and every individual to operate and identify and there is no tedious and
complex of the system gets decreased. And acknowledgement is made with the
moto of sharing their data’s over a printed format. Where the signals of locations
get converted into the latitude and longitude degrees as it locates with the help of



The PIC 1650 is a card based on the PIC 16F887A microcontroller the
PIC16F887 has 256 bytes of data EEPROM memory, auto-programming, an ICD,
2 comparators, 14 ADC (A / D) 10-bit channels, an acquisition / functions of
comparison / PWM and an improved acquisition / comparison functions / PWM, a
synchronous serial port that can be configured as a peripheral 3 device (SPI ™) or
2-wire IC bus interface (I²C ™) and an advanced asynchronous universal
transceiver ( EUSART). All these features make it ideal for more advanced A / D
applications in automotive, industrial, domestic or consumer applications.

It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller. Just plug it into

a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC adapter or battery to get
started. "PIC 1650" means one in Italian and has been chosen to mark the launch of
the PIC MICROCONTROLLER (IDE) 1.0 software. . The 1650 of the paper and
the version 1.0 of the PIC microcontroller software (FDI) PIC were the reference
versions of PIC microcontrollers, which have now evolved to new versions. PIC
1650 is the first of a series of PIC MICROCONTROLLER USB cards and the
reference model of the PIC MICROCONTROLLER platform; For a complete list
of current, old or obsolete cards, refer to the index of the PIC

5.1.1. Programmation

The PIC 1650 can be programmed with the PIC MICROCONTROLLER

(IDE) software. Select “PIC MICROCONTROLLER / Genuine PIC 1650" from
the Tools> Card menu (depending on the microcontroller of your card). For more
details, refer to the reference and exercises. The PIC 1650 is supplied pre-
programmed with a boot loader that allows you to download the new code without
using an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the original
STK500 protocol (reference, header file C). It is also possible to ignore the boot
loader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP header (serial
programming circuit) using PIC ISP or similar microcontrollers. The source code
of the PIC firmware microcontroller (or 8U2 of cards rev1 and rev2) is available in
the PIC repository microcontroller. On Rev1 cards: connect the welding jumper on
the back of the card (near the map of Italy), then resize the 8U2.

On Rev2 or later boards: there is a resistance that draws the HWB 8U2 /
16U2 line to the ground, facilitating the insertion of the DFU mode.
You can then use Atmel's FLIP software (Windows) or the DFU programmer (Mac
OS X and Linux) to load the new firmware. Or you can use the ISP header with an
external programmer (overwriting the DFU boot loader). Check out this user-
provided tutorial for more information.

5.1.2. Attention

The PIC 1650 is equipped with a resettable octopus that protects the
computer's USB ports from short circuits and over current’s. Although most
computers offer their own internal protection, the fuse offers an additional level of
protection. If more than 500 m A is applied to the USB port, the fuse automatically
interrupts the connection until the short circuit or overload is eliminated.

The LCD used in this project is 16x2. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat
screen, an electronic display or a video display that uses the light modulation
properties of the liquid crystal. Here we will use an alphanumeric 16x2
monochrome LCD, shown in Figure 5.2 (a). 16x2 means that it is possible to
display 16 characters in each of the 2 rows of the 16x2 LCD display, so it is
possible to display a total of 32 characters at any time.

Fig. 5.1. LCD screen (16x2)

Material Required
• 16x2 LCD
Vibration sensor
• MQ4 sensor
• Transformer

5.2.1. Interface of a Microcontroller LCD on PIC.

5.2.2. Funzione LCD

In recent years, the LCD display has been widely used to replace LEDs
(seven-segment LEDs or other multi-segment LEDs). This is due to the following

 Lower prices for LCD screens.

 The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This contrasts with
the lights, which are limited to numbers and few characters.
 Integration of an update controller on the LCD screen, thereby lightening
the processor of the LCD screen update task. On the other hand, the LED
must be updated by the CPU (or otherwise) to continue displaying the data.
 Easy programming for characters and graphics.

5.2.3. LCD pin description:

The LCD screen described in this section has 14 pins. The function of each
spindle is shown in the following table.


While VCC and VSS provide +5 V and ground respectively, VEE is used to
control the contrast of the LCD display.

RS, Register Select:

There are two very important registers on the LCD screen. The RS pin is
used for their selection as follows. If RS = 0, the command code register is
selected, which allows the user to send a command such as deleting the display, the
home cursor and so on. If RS = 1, the data register is selected, which allows the
user to send the data to be displayed on the LCD display.

R / W read / write:
The R / W input allow the user to write information on the LCD screen or
read the information from it. R / W = 1 during playback; R / W = 0 during writing.
Is active:
The activation pin is used by the LCD display to block the information
presented to its data pins. When data is supplied to the data pins, a downward pulse
must be applied to this pin so that the LCD displays data on the data pins. This
pulse must have a minimum width of 450ns.

The 8-bit data pins, D0-D7, are used to send information to the LCD screen
or to read the contents of the LCD's internal registers.
To display letters and numbers, we send ASCII codes for the letters AZ and
numbers from 0 to 9 to these pins by taking RS = 1. There are also instruction
codes that can be sent to the LCD screen. to clear the display, to force the cursor to
move to the initial position or to make the cursor blink. The table lists the
command codes.

We also use RS = 0 to check the busy indicator bit to see if the LCD screen
is ready to receive information. The busy indicator is D7 and can be read when R /
W = 1 and RS = 0, as follows: if R / W = 1, RS = 0. When D7 = 1 (occupancy
indicator = 1), the screen The LCD is handling internal operations and will not
accept new information.

5.2.4. Steps to Interface the LCD with the PIC Microcontroller

STEP 1: Identify

Determine what you want. LCDs are available in many types and are
specified as 16x1, 16x2, and 20x2 in AxB format where A is the number of
columns (chatter) and B the number of lines (lines). You can also reactivate an
LCD screen.

STEP 2: Connect

Most LCDs follow the standard Hitachi pin which is simple.

STEP 3: Interface

Now connect the RS, RW, E, and D0 - D7 pins to the microcontroller pins.
Suppose we connect the data bus to port A and to the RS, RW, E connectors on
port B. (It is possible to save the pins using the LCD display with Nibble mode (4-
pin data) and ground permanently on the RW line in write mode) We will now see
how to switch from simple activation to graphics on the LCD screen.

Advantages of the LCD screen

1. Sharpness: the image is perfectly sharp at the native resolution of the panel.
2. Geometric distortion - No geometric distortion at the native resolution of the
3. Brightness: a high maximum intensity produces very bright images.
4. Screen shape - The screens are perfectly flat.
5. Thin physics, with a small footprint. Consume little electricity and little heat.

Advantages over Other Family:

Other than the normal Microcontrollers PIC Family supports

more features, so we have chosen PIC 16F877 as the main controller.

Peripheral Features:

• Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bitprescaler

• Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with pre-scalar, can be incremented during SLEEP
• Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, pre-scalar and post-scalar.

Core Features:

• High performance RISCCPU

• Only 35 single word instructions to learn
• All single cycle instructions except for program Branches which are two cycle
• Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes
• Power-on Reset(POR)
• Processor read/write access to program memory
• Wide operating voltage range: 2.0V to5.5V
• Low-power consumption:
• Operating speed: DC - 20 MHz clock input and DC - 200 ns instruction cycl


Fig.5.2. Circuit diagram of proposed system

Thus the Fig.5.1. Shows the circuit diagram for IOT based accident information
and precaution system which performs with the pre-programmed structure which
will reduce the complexity and safeguard people from short span of time.

5.3.1. RFID System

An RFID system consists of three components: an antenna and transceiver

and a transponder. The antenna uses radio frequency waves to transmit a signal
that activates the transponder. When activated, the tag transmits data back to the
antenna. Whereas the supply voltage of 12v DC gets transmitted from the PCB
board outputs, and output signal as UART and TTL logic gets converted using
the decoder and level shifter where the PORT C-C7 pin gets enabled in PIC
microcontroller unit.
This port gets the signal from the transponder and processed based on the
instructions by the embedded program.
Thus in our project if the RFID detects, then only the car doors will open and
ignition will be turned on.

5.3.2. GPS and GSM Module

As the GPS system which gets tracking over a latitude and longitude of the
system where the device gets fixed over it. Here the GPS gets utilized over the
same purpose of gathering the live locations which could predict the current
location and GSM system which interlinked over a GPS which could send the
requested draft to the respective which is feeder over the embedded program.
This system gets connected over the PORT C-C6 pin where these data could be
managed in case of this purpose needed by the PIC Microcontroller then signal
given to it and message to them along with the GPS locations.

5.3.3. DC Motor Drive

This is application oriented with car driving system where the speed of the
car gets varied with acceleration potentiometer called POT, which gets
connected to the solid state drive through which the motor connected. Now the
POT gets varied which gets sensed over the solid state drive where the signal
gets monitor by the PIC microcontroller interlinked over the PORT C-C1 pin.

Like DC motors which draw 12v DC with speed of 100rpm gets feeder by
the PCB board output pins. When speed goes beyond 75kms (i.e. Speed >
75kms), then the buzzer with annoying sound alarms the driver to control the
speed limit.

5.3.4. LCD Display

As the LCD Display used to act as an output system which indicates the
performance and operation of the system. As the LCD screen shows the status
of each sensors and driver or a person could see the results by his/her naked
eyes. Where PORT D-D0 to D7 pins are connected to the data input pins of the
display and the power supply gets fetched from the PCB itself.

5.3.5. Vibration Sensor

Accident information system gathered by means of this piezo plate which

gives the output voltage of 0.2v and current of 5-10Ma.This gets connected
over the PORT A-A0 pin, where the signal sensed by the PIC microcontroller
gives the alert message to their respective along with the GPS locations. Where
the smaller vibration could lead the system to a failure one. So we arranged for

a grand output of (=>0.15v) measured value over the sensor to show that the
accident has been happen.

5.3.6. Alcohol Sensors

This is connected over A1 pin, which could detect when the RFID access
gets activated. As it is placed over two various places. At the driver seat, if the
alcohol sensor senses (>750ppm) then the person might be banned to drive the
car and signal sensed by the PIC microcontroller unit turn off the ignition
permissions with the message displayed over the LCD that “you have consumed
alcohol. Please come back after”. At the passenger seat, if the alcohol sensor
senses (>750ppm) then the alert the driver with the message “please drive

5.3.7. LDR Sensor

As the light dependent resistor gets connected over the A7 pin which could
proceed the low/high the source which gets connected to it. When the light rays
fall on the sensor, then the signal sends to the PIC microcontroller then by
means of relay it gets lower the source by varying the resistance. It gets
operates over 3.5v DC which performed over flow of process.

5.3.8.SOS Switch
This sensor gets connected over the A6 pin which when pressed digital
signal gets flow through the PIC microcontroller which will send an alert
message along with the GPS location. As this switch operates at 5v DC supply
which get fed by PCB output pins supply, which ensures the safety to the car



Read RFID tag

If Access No
granted car door cannot be unlocked


car door get unlocked

Alcohol detection inside the vehicle

If the driver
consumed The engine cannot be turn on


The engine gets turn on


If the No
passenger LCD display alert message


Alert message displays on LCD

Continuously monitor the speed of vehicle

If the vehicle
exist its speed
limit The buzzer will not activate


The buzzer will activate with annoying sound

Accident detection of


Accident Message to their respectives with
occured the GPS location


Message will not send and

operation continuously

SOS Operation

If SOS Buzzer activate and SOS
switch message sent to respective GPS
pressed location


Buzzer will not activate, message

will not send and operation





In this project RFID Reader, Speed, Light dependent resistor, Panic switch
and the Alcoholic detection 1(driver) & 2(passenger) are measure and monitored
continuously by a processor through appropriate sensors by the processor is shown
in the figure6.1

Fig.6.1. Readings of Electrical Parameters

Thus the above fig.6.1 shows the system gets ready with the sensing
applications which gathers data by means of signals get controlled and operated
based on the programs fed to the PIC microcontroller.

6.1.1. Radio Frequency Identification Detection

 An RFID uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track

tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically-stored
 Passive tags collect energy from nearby RFID readers interrogating radio
 Active tags have a local power source (such as battery) and may operate
hundreds of meters from the RFID reader.
 A tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be
embedded in the tracked object.
 The entire process of their access can be granted after the detection of
RFID tag in reader it can be shown in figure 6.2.

Fig.6.2. RFID Detection

Thus the fig.6.2 shows the RFID detection which prompts for the access
and ignition gets starts over the vehicle. This could adopt the vehicle over some
security reasons and avoid the theft over out of our eye sight.

6.1.2. Dc Motor Setup

 A speed vary knob or POT gets connected to dc motor through solid state
drives which controls by using relay value.
 A speed can be monitored on LCD display it can be shown in figure 6.3.

Fig.6.3. Geared Dc Motor Speed Variation

6.1.3. Buzzer

 It operates when their speed reaches above 75km and produce annoying
 A speed can be decreased than 75km the annoying sound can be stopped.

6.1.4. Alcohol Sensors

 An alcohol sensor can be detecting the alcohol consumption of 2 sensors

 Sensor 1 is placed in driver seat, if person consumes alcohol. It can be
Detection of alcohol consumption is shown in figure 6.4(a) and the
entire operation will be cut off it shown in figure 6.4(b).

 Sensor 2 is placed in nearer seat, if person consumes alcohol it can be
detect of alcohol consumption is shown in figure 6.4(c) and the setup will
stop 2 sec and retains to original state with alert message of drive
carefully is shown in figure 6.4(d).

Fig.6.4.(a) Alcohol sensor 1 detection

Fig.6.4.(b) Alert message for alcohol consumption

Fig.6.4. (c) Alcohol sensor 2 detection

Fig.6.4. (d) Alert message for alcohol consumption

6.1.4. LDR Monitoring

 A light-controlled variable resistor is the resistance of photo resistor

decreases with increasing incident light intensity.
 A photo resistor can be applied in light sensitive detector circuits, light
activated and dark activated switching circuits.
 If person behind as shows high beam it can detect on LDR and display it
on LCD as shown in figure.6.5, then it can transmit to low beam.

Fig.6.5 LDR Monitoring

6.1.5. Vibration Sensor

 Piezo plate works under piezoelectric effect it produces an internal

generation of electric charge resulting from an applied mechanical force.
 The electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials is
generated in response to applied mechanical stress.
 It can also be used for a very small audio transducer such as a buzzer.
 Piezo plates come in handy when you need to detect vibration or a knock.
 We can use these for tap or knock sensors pretty easily by reading the
voltage on the output.
 Vibration made by us will detect by PIC and shows alert message an
accident occurred as shown in figure.6.6.
 With two locations switching the location gets shared to respective
mobile number.

Fig.6.6 Accident Detection on Vibration Sensor

6.1.6 Panic Switch

 A safety overflow switch is used to manage any emergency situation.

 This feature is enabling to activate the emergency SOS feature by
pressing the button.
 When the switch is pressed, the message will be sent to the requested
number through GSM module.
 The buzzer will activate on 15sec, the display can project SOS message
sent as shown in figure.6.7 and the entire process can be stopped.

Fig.6.7 SOS Switch Activated

6.1.7 GSM Module

 GSM is a mobile communication modem, it is open and digital cellular

technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data service operation.
 It requires a SIM card to be operated and operates over a network range
subscribed by the network operator.
 A GSM modem can be turned on before the RFID detection.
 Alert messages from the Alcohol sensor, Panic switch and Vibration
sensor can be monitored and transmitted through over location messages
from GSM module.



Most cases of accidents area unit by car. The severities of those accidents
are increased because of the absence of high speed or by the usage of alcoholic
drinks or high beam of opposite vehicle at driving time and security for human
or vehicle. In our project we have a tendency to develop an electronic smart
accident information and precaution for vehicle that checks the RFID tag,
drunken driving, high speed at driving, car accident, high beam of opposite
vehicle and manual safety security switch.

By implementing this system a safe car journey is possible which would

decrease the car theft, robbery, high speed accidents, and also reduce the
accident rate due to driving car after consuming alcohol. We have a tendency to
introduce advanced sensor techniques and wireless communications from GSM
through related phone number are included in this project to make it a good one.

The proposed approach makes it mandatory for the driver to use this
protective guard in order to drive a car and ensure the safety of the human or car
and therefore reduces the risks of injuries and deaths in case of an accident.
Most of the accidents occur outside the cities are due to drunken driving and
high speed is adopted to avoid these fatalities in highways. In Indian road
system, widening of the road is not an alternative solution to avoid traffic in
such a cities.



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