Drills Linha Ofensiva

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OL Drills

Offensive Line Pre Practice and Daily Drills

Stress to Linemen: Be Knee Benders….Not Waist Benders

A. Hurdles: Step over and under hurdles: Good stretch out exercise / warm up

B. Baseball Shuffle Drill: Keep wide base – No Crossover – Hands Up and Be Quick

II.Agility Drills:
A. High Knees:

Lean Forward – Run on Balls of Feet – Pump Arms – Eyes Forward

B. Same:

Both Feet in Every Hole

C. Lateral Shuffle:

Pick Feet UP – Eyes on Coach –

D. Pass Set Weave:

Kick Slide Up and Back Changing Feet – Technique – Hands Up – Increase Tempo

E. Two Man Shuffle:

Change of Direction on Coach – Get Feet Down and Into Hole – Plant and Sprint Out on Command

III.Four Corner Duck Walk Drill:

• Knees Bent Slightly Inside of Ankles
• Back Arched – Feet Slightly Wider than Armpits
• Arms Pumping with Stride

IV. Four Corner Pass Slide Drill:

A. Good Pass Set Position:

• Weight Back
• Hands / Eyes Up
• Feel Instep into Ground
• Drag or Slide Inside (Upfield) Foot
• Incorporate Punch with Kick

B. Rotate Facing Inside to Outside Around Cones

V. Hand Replacement Drill:

Replacing Hands inside Defender Quickly / Powerfully / 15 second Duration

VI. Head Grab Drill:

Both on Knees Close in to partner / Hands on Thighs / Emphasize Reaction and Thrusting Head Away from
Defender with Hands Punching Through Defender

VII. Slam Drill:

Reset Pass Rush Drill – Develops Balance – Emphasizes Hands Inside

• A. Partners Working Together - Facing Each Other

• B. Defender Pushes Offensive Lineman Backwards
• C. OL Resists Pressure – Fights to Place Hands Back Inside

VIII. Footwork
Drills to Develop Quick Feet

A. Side to Side:

Must try NOT to Touch Line – 15 Seconds

B. Front to Back:

Emphasize Flexibility and Quickness

C. Box Drill: Up – Side – Back – Reverse Outline

VIII. Demeanor Drill:

Stance / First Step / Waddle

• A. Emphasize Short Powerful 6” Steps

• B. Chest over Knees
• C. Proper Feet Alignment – Pigeon Toed – Weight towards Inside Balls of Feet
• D. Arms Pumping
• E. Eyes on Target
Footwork Drills
Stance drill

• The purpose of this drill is to get the linemen accustomed to snap into their stance immediately.


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance

Coaching Points

• back flat
• elbows on knees
• hands and neck relaxed
• no weight on heels
• feet pointed straight ahead or slightly in (toes in, heels out)
• taller guys can stagger feet
• (toe to instep relation, foot of down hand back
• down hand in front of same shoulder
• only light weight on hand


• none

• To perfect the first step to block a man straight across from you


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance
3. on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first step

Coaching Points

• power step 6-8”

• stay low
• chest on thigh
• ready to deliver blow


• none

• To perfect the first step for a Double team block


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance
3. on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first step

Coaching Points

• step upfield (45° angle)

• aim for the defender’s butt
• head upfield


• none

• To perfect the first step for to block a man in gap or to block down on man to inside
• Get head in front of D-lineman to cut off penetration


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance
3. on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first step

Coaching Points

• 6 to 8” flat step
• do not step over the line
• keep head up
• cut off penetration with the head
• chest on thigh
• bring away arm back (ready to deliver blow)
• stay off your heels; weight on the balls of the feet

Non Reach-block

• To perfect the first step for to block a defender outside with inside shoulder


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance
3. on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first step

Coaching Points

• 1st step is a wide lateral step, slightly up field

• back foot can slide
• get to outside # of defender
• no one crosses your face


• none
1st pull step

• To perfect the first step for a Kickout-Block, a Trap-Block or a Log-Block

• All trap/pull block is governed by “right shoulder right” or “left shoulder left”


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance
3. on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first step

Coaching Points

• front side arm is thrown back (hit someone with elbow)

• short open step with playside foot
• no false step with backside foot
• pivot on backside foot
• chest on thigh
• eyes up


• none

2nd pull step


• To perfect the first two steps for a Kickout-Block, a Trap-Block or a Log-Block

• All trap/pull block is governed by “right shoulder right” or “left shoulder left”


1. Linemen are in ready position:

o 2 point stance arms on knees/thighs
o hands build loose fists that touch touch each other
o the back is flat and
o the is head up.
2. On coaches call they will snap into their stance
3. on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first two steps

Coaching Points
additionally to the coaching points to the first step

• rip backside arm and leg through

• still stay low
• still keep chest on thigh (run behind your pads!)


• none

To get down the line of scrimmage quicker for a Kickout-Block, a Trap-Block or a Log-Block


Just like the stance drill, just on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first

Coaching Points

• pivot on lead foot only

• crossover with trailing foot
o Tackles step upfield
o Guards step flat
o Centers release
• don’t drop step with either foot
• slash backside arm and leg through



To get to assignment quicker for a Fold-Block


Just like the stance drill, just on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first
two steps

Coaching Points

• Step 1: Drop step

o short drop step 6” to 7”
o shoulders stay square to LOS
o stay low
o head up
• Step 2: Kick through
o Kick through with other foot
o get upfield
o ready to deliver blow (right shoulder right etc.)
o stay low



To get into pass set


Just like the stance drill, just on a given cadence the players explode from their stance and freeze after their first

Coaching Points

• push off explosively on playside foot

• backside foot can drag
• set in pass position
• butt down
• hands in front

Run Blocking Drills

Offensive Line Drills for the Run Game:
I. Stance: Impress Linemen Exactly What a Proper Stance Looks and Feels Like (Cocked – Coiled -

1. Down Phase: Feet Slightly Wider than Armpits, Toes Downfield Slightly Inward, Back Foot No Deeper
Than Midpoint of Up Foot, Back Arched and Head Up)
2. Stretch Phase: Extend Down Hand to Approximately 45 degree Angle
3. Extend Phase: Lean and Bend Forward Placing Hand on Ground Slightly Inside of Knee. Thumb Even
to Slightly Ahead of Eyebrow. Feet Flat on Ground (Some “air” Underneath Back Foot). Feel Power
Angles Formed by Ankles and Knees. Must be Able to Pick Hand Off the Ground.

Coaching Point:

Player who has too much weight forward, get behind him and pull him back. Offset arm alongside knee. Scan
your defender through your eyebrows.

First Step: Shift weight slightly on instep opposite from first step

1. Initial Step: Short, 6” step leading with toe pointing towards target: Initial angle / depth depending on
width of defender
2. Shoulders Remain Low (No Numbers) with Knees Slightly Ahead of Toes on this Step
3. Punch Step: Power and Thrust into Defender’s Sternum Bringing Eyebrows and Hairline Through
Sternum with Hands Inside (Critical Point of Emphasis)
Coaching Point:

Stand behind OL to see if his elbows stay inside of his knees throughout this step

4. Drive Block / Sustain: Engage Opponent and Emphasize the Feet on the Follow Through – (Pushing a

Teaching Hip Explosion:

1. Medicine Ball Thrust: Explode / Laying Out / Thumbs Up and Extended / Follow Thru
2. Shimmel Bag: Sit back then explode through with two step approach

Board Drills:

1. Demeanor Drill: Stance / Step / Follow Through

2. Shrug Drill: Maintain Width in Stance and Balance
3. Reach Drill: Deeper First Step
4. Weave Drill: Readjust to Change of Direction
5. One Arm Flipper: Steps and Timing
6. Backside Cutoff: Combo Drill with Guard and Tackle
7. Back Block and Trap
Shoulder-block progression

Teaching the shoulder block


First Progression - Fit drill

Do three reps each shoulder

• do 3 reps then next group

• one shoulder at a time

Step 1: Get in position

• 6 point stance
• facemask centered on bag (6 inches away)

Step 2: Prepare to deliver a blow

• arm cocked back on "Ready" (ready to deliver a blow)
• arm slightly tensed

Step 3: Deliver the blow

• deliver a blow on "Set/Go"
• do not hit with fist
o fist inside on chest
o elbow up (forearm parallel to ground)
o big blocking surface
o use flat surface of the forearm
• all of chest on bag
• earhole on the bag
o pinch neck and shoulder
• roll the hips
• belt buckle on the ground
• eyes to the sky
• hold in extended position

Second Progression - 2 Point Drill

Do three reps each shoulder

• do 3 reps then next group

• one shoulder at a time
Step 1: Get in position
• 2 point stance
• facemask 6 inches from bag
• good football position
o butt down
o back straight

Step 2: Deliver the blow

• on call step with opposite foot of shoulder

• deliver blow with forearm and shoulder
• roll the hips
• eyes up
• belt buckle on the ground

Third Progression - 3 Point Drill

• do 3 reps then next group
• one shoulder at a time – be sure to do both shoulders

Step 1: Get in position

• 3 point stance
• 1 yard away from bag or sled

Step 2: Deliver the blow

• 6" step with opposite foot
• get ready to deliver blow
• deliver blow on 3rd step

Step 3: Drive the bag or sled

• keep butt down
• back straight
• eyes up
• drive the feet - "pound the ground"

Coaching Points
Shoulder and forearm should hit simultaniously. Make sure back is straight, so that the strength of the legs will
add to the blow.


• Heavy stand up bags

• Five or seven men sled
Blocking schemes & techniques

This drill is used to work on blocking schemes and techniques. Two linemen at a time will work together.
Execute the various combination schemes.

• G Block & Fold Block

• Double Team Block
• Scoop Block


Other linemen hold shields in front of chutes accordingly to planned blocking scheme. Get low with the shield
trying to fight the block.

• linemen with shields at other end of chute

o hold shield with both hands
o stay low try to get under blocker
• blockers get into proper 3 Point stance at entrance of chute
facing different directions depending on the block you want to work on
o straight ahead (offset to left or right
o 45° angle to left or right
o 90° angle for pull to left or right
• fire out on call using proper steps

Coaching Points

• keep feet wide

• stay low
• eyes on target
• deliver blow
• keep feet moving
• fight through freeze point
• drive man back
• stay underneath defender "Low man wins"
• drop elbow of arm used to deliver forearm
• "bench press" defender
• keep feet still moving


• Chutes
• Shields
Waggle drill

To work on the proper pulling technique for the playside and the backside guard on the waggle play.


Playside Guard

• pull but don't turn your shoulders

• Stay low and get there quickly; do not get depth (clear the down block)
• Block must be flat and aggressive
• aiming point is outside foot of the tackle placing your inside shoulder to their outside leg for cutblock
• Must come back (or upfield) hard for log block
• Attack with left forearm (when logging right)
• Swing your hips to the outside
• Fit inside shoulder to outside leg of defender
• Head must be upfield

Backside Guard
• Throw elbow; open to 90°
• 1st step is flat (this lets the FB pass you)
• get depth on 2nd step
• On the 3rd step you push off at a 45° angle toward the cone (the cone is 3 yrds off the inside foot of the
• Pass in front of the cone
• On the 4th step level off and pick up 1st force
• Work back slightly to the inside and kick out the defender (bag)

Coaching Points


• Heavy standup-bags
• Cones
Sweep drill

To work on the proper pulling techniques for playside and backside Guard for the sweep play.


Playside Guard

1. 1st step is a 45° pull step towards the 1st cone (get depth immediately)
2. 2nd step continue at a 45° route reading the wing's butt
3. Level off at 2 ½ yards at 4th step (clear the cone)
4. Pick up force defender
5. Work back up to the LOS to get inside out on the defender
6. Finish off with running shoulder block with head up field

Backside Guard
1. 1st step is flat along the LOS (stop at 90°)
2. Stay LOW!!!
3. Stop any dangerous penetration; allow no one to threaten
4. Get about 1 to 1 ½ yards depth
5. Turn up field at 1st opening after playside Tackle
6. Look inside and seal; keep head to the outside

Coaching Points


• Cones
• Linestrip
• Shields or
• Bags
Fire out Drill

To work on goo body position, quickness and hand placement of the Offensive Linemen when firing out of their


1. This drill is best performed on firm and smooth ground - not good on natural grass. But you can do it
easily in the parking lot or in the qym (with the Offensive Line Players wearing sneakers instead of
2. The offensive lineman gets into his normal stance.
3. The coach stands about 3 feet (distance might vary, depending on the quickness and size of the offensive
lineman) in front of him (and a little to the side, so that his stretched out hand is right in front of the
offensive line player.
4. In his outstretched hand the coach holds a tennisball - you have to experiment with the height as well.
5. Then the coach drops the ball (he might do it with a warning sound, so the player knows it has been
dropped, because usually he cannot see the hand of the coach holding the tennisball.
6. The player may not start before the ball hits the ground and bounces up.
7. Then the player fires out of his stance to catch the tennisball. He should catch the ball with outstretched
arms, thumbs up and together.

Coaching Points

Distance to the offensive line player and height of the hand when dropping the football has to vary.

(Yes you have to test and find out yourself - the bounce of tennisballs also varies a lot with the ground they are
bouncing from).

But it also varies with the part of the fire-out you want to work on:

Is it more the "staying low" then you might stand a little closer and lower the launchpoint.

do you want to work on the "arch", that is starting low but then rise into the blocked defender you might have to
stand farther away from the offensive line player and rise the launch point (maybe even overhead) and teach the
offensive line players to always aim for the current position of the tennisball and not to where it will be when
they catch it.
That way they naturally raise with the tennisball while firing out.


• Tennisball(s)
• maybe a footstool or similar for coach to stand on for extreme high launchpoints (usually not needed)
Pass Blocking Drills
Group pass pro

To simulate and develop one on one protection situations.


• All 5 offensive linemen get in their stances with proper alignment and splits for a pass.
• A defender lines up across from each lineman.
• On the command by the coach one defender will rush and one offensive lineman will protect.
• The other 4 linemen will work on their pass sets and pouch as the defender across from them will rush
on the snap and stop at the contact point.
• Rotate through, so all 5 linemen get a live repetition, then repeat

(You can also simulate various defensive alignments)

Coaching Points

Use the Pass-block drill on the Footwork freeze drills to work on getting into a pass set. Must concentrate on
proper foot position


• Ball
• Standup bag

Mirror drill

To develop the ability to move and maintain the proper relationship with a moving defender.


1. Pair off the OL. One of each pair is the DL and the other is OL. Switch roles every time.
2. The OL player gets into a good pas blocking stance and then places his hands behind his back.
3. On Hut the DL will move side to side between cones and the OL will mirror his movement keeping him
directly infront at all times.

Coaching Points

1. OL must maintain good pass blocking stance.

• 2 cones
• 2 bags

3 Man Kick and Punch


To teach O-lineman (especially Tackles) how to kick for depth and width, while maintaining their upright
demeanor and deliver a punch, all at the same time.


The offensive lineman will begin in a 3 point stance, facing the line of scrimmage.

There will be 3 defenders, holding shields, shoulder to shoulder, with their backs to the line of scrimmage.

On the coach’s command, the defenders will begin walking quickly or jogging (depending on the ability of the

The o-lineman must get out of his stance, get upright and kick to the first defender, deliver a punch on his
landmark and continue kicking to the second defender, where he will kick and deliver a punch and so on to the
third defender.

Coaching points

The offensive player must move his feet quickly and efficiently or he will not be able to reach all 3 defenders,
who are continuously walking.

The defenders all move on the same sound and do not stop until they are punched.

The o-lineman should not reach across his body to deliver a punch; he must reach his landmark by moving his
feet before he can punch the defender.


• 4 players
• 3 shields
Baseball Swing and Punch

To teach the offensive lineman how to get out of his stance quickly, efficiently and ready to pass protect.

This drill emphasizes 3 main points in pass pro,

• the first is getting out of your stance and upright as fast as possible,
• the second is to get his hands up and
• the third is to deliver a punch.


The O-lineman will be in a 3 point stance facing the line of scrimmage.

The defender will stand perpendicular to the LOS, one step over the line (forcing the OL to take a small kick).

The defender will be holding a shield upside down and sideways, like a baseball bat.

On the coaches command, the defender will swing the bag at the o-lineman’s head, attempting to contact the

The o-lineman must get upright and punch the bag away from his face.

Coaching points

The o-lineman must move his feet in this drill, its not stationary.

If your players lean on their punch a lot, have the defender throw a fake swing every once in a while to check if
the offensive player is leaning.

A more advanced form of this drill is to have the offensive player remove their helmet.

This really makes them focus on getting upright, getting their hands up and not leaning into the punch.


• shield(s)
Blind Push

To teach offensive lineman the upright demeanor used in pass protection and for that lineman to have the ability
to maintain his balance and power while in that position.


The O-lineman stands in the center of a small circle (about 2-3 yard radius) in his upright pass pro demeanor,
with his eyes closed.

Two other lineman, acting as defenders, holding shields and slowly jog around the offensive player.

On the coach’s command or point, one defender will rush the offensive player, from wherever he is at that

The defender will attempt to knock the o-lineman off balance using the shield.

This drill should continue for 5-10 contacts or the o-lineman shows a good understanding of the body position.

Coaching points

The most important thing about this drill is the safety of the player involved.

It must be made very clear that this is not “bull in the ring” or any drill like it.

Even though there will be contact and possibly players on the ground, this drill is not intended to beat people

The coach should stand in front of the offensive player, making sure his eyes are closed the whole time.

Another important thing to remember is that this drill may move slightly.

The offensive player will be forced to move his feet in order to maintain balance, and the drill should move
along with him.


• 3 players
• 2 shields
Quarterback Drills
5 & 7 Step Drop Drill

The sooner the quarterback can get set to throw the more time he will have to look over the field.
Therefore, it becomes important for a quarterback to take the ball from the center and move to
the position where he is going to set up and throw just as rapidly as he possible can while still
maintaining his balance. It is best no matter what the depth of the quarterback's pass set is, use
as few steps as possible ( avoid the common mistake of taking a false step forward as you
pushes back away from the center ).

As the quarterback reaches the spot from where he is going to pass from he should stand as
erect as possible just prior to making the actual throw. This enables him to get a good view of the
field, the pattern of the defense, and the position of his potential receivers. The quarterback's feet
should be fairly close together with his weight forward on the balls of his feet, instead of back on
the heels, so the quarterback will be in a position to shift his weight properly as he makes his
delivery. This also furnishes him with the balance in any direction if it is necessary to set up into
the "pocket" of his protection, or to suddenly take of and run if his receivers are covered. The
quarterback should stand with his feet relatively close together because this makes it easier to
step forward with his lead foot as he makes his throw. As the quarterback starts to throw, nearly
all of his weight should be on his right foot. As a right handed quarterback sets to throw he should
take a stride of about 16 inches with his left foot in the direction of the receiver. As the ball leaves
the quarterbacks hand, it is helpful if he forms the habit of dragging his near foot forward until it
comes almost parallel with the forward foot. This will help the quarterback get a better follow
through, which will also put him in a position to react in any direction and dodge any hard
charging lineman.

As the quarterback sets to throw, the ball should be held in both hands, level with and a few
inches to the side of the right ear. Two hands should be kept on the ball for as long as possible
for two important reasons: 1) if the quarterback gets hit from the blind side there is far less
chance of a fumble with two hands on the ball than there would be if you pass set with the ball in
one hand with the

non-passing arm out in front or down to the side. 2) the quarterback can make a much better fake
when passing if he has two hands on the ball. This enables him to draw the ball back and really
bring it forward sharply in a passing motion by "pumping" it forward into his non-passing hand,
thus, these are key points to remember and emphasize when setting your drills.


The hand is placed so that the grip is on the back third of the ball with the little finger being within
about a half inch from the mid-point of the ball. The grip should be made primarily with the
fingertips although the palm of the hand may be slightly touching the ball. The first three fingers (
little finger, ring finger, and middle finger ) should be evenly spaced. The index finger takes a
wider spread than the other fingers and at more of an angle back toward the point of the ball. The
index finger is the controlling factor and should be the last finger to leave the football as it is
released. This helps to keep the nose of the ball up which makes for a "softer" pass to catch. The
thumb should almost make a right angle to the index finger, and should rest on the other side of
the ball.
Hand Position Drill

Kneel and Throw Drill

Option the Circle Drill


Although many different ingredients are necessary in the make-up of a quarterback, it is usually
the degree of ability as a passer that separates the "average" quarterback from the really "great"
one. This may be puzzling to some people since there are many athletes who can throw a football
a long way with a nice spiral. There is a tremendous difference, however, between a "thrower"
and a "passer". If a athlete really has the desire to become a "passer", it has been proven beyond
all doubt that he can strengthen his passing arm and improve both his distance and his accuracy,
providing he is willing to make the effort that is necessary for this improvement.

Rather than ever throwing the ball wildly and hoping that it may come down in the arms of one of
his teammates, a quarterback should remember that four things take priority whenever he goes
back to pass.

1. Complete The Pass - Obviously, the quarterback should stay in the pocket and deliver the ball
to an open receiver if at all possible, design drills that will help the quarterback feel the pocket
when stepping up and throwing.

2. Run - If the quarterbacks receivers are covered the quarterback should take off on his own and
try to fight his way back to the L.O.S. Design drills that teaches the quarterback to scramble to his
left and to his right.

3. Waste The Ball - If all of the quarterbacks receivers are covered and it is impossible for him to
run, try to safely waste the ball rather than taking a big loss. If the quarterback throws over the
head of a receiver running down the sideline, or at the feet of a nearby receiver, there is little
danger of a pass being intercepted or the officials penalizing him for deliberately throwing the ball

4. Take a Loss - This is the final option and should only be used as a last resort when you don't
have time to locate a receiver, to run, or even waste throwing the ball wildly and taking the
chance of an interception.

Before all of the things mentioned in the preceding paragraphs can be remembered, a
quarterback must have considerable experience under game or scrimmage conditions. Your
quarterback must become accustomed to looking down field at three to four receivers, while
defenders are fighting to get a piece of him. Although these things can usually be accomplished
during the season, there a great many drills an individual can do to improve his passing ability
while working by himself, or with just one other person to catch the ball. If you go through the
passing drills listed in this manual a few times each week a quarterback definitely will strengthen
his throwing arm and improve his passing abilities.


• Jog at least 440 yards, tossing the ball back and forth, forgetting about anything except
getting the blood flowing and getting loose. Get fancy while doing this - throwing
underhanded, wrong handed, behind the back, etc.

• Play catch at ten yards until your throwing arm feels warm and loose.

• At a distance of 15 yards, throw to the center line of your partner's body. Keep the ball on
this line - nose, breastbone, belly button.

• Do the same drill varying the distance 5 yards with each throw. Go from 15 yards to 20
yards and on up to 40 yards, then come back to the 15 yard starting point. Go through
this once which totals 11 throws.
• Cock the shoulder by playing catch at 15 yards. Try to hold the shoulder back far enough
so that no cocking movement is needed for delivery. 5 throws should be enough for this

• Pick out the weakest movement or pass in the quarterback's repertoire, practice it 10

• Have a receiver or another quarterback run in a circle 15 yard radius away. Throw to him
on his hand signal.

• Drop back, plant your cleats, hop forward to a balanced position with your shoulder
cocked and the ball ready to deliver, and throw. Repeat 5 times with throws of about 20

Quick Feet and Hips Drill


The purpose of this drill is to teach the quarterback to quickly and automatically, "mold" the ball
into his hands, and into a proper passing position without having to look at it. When an
inexperienced quarterback gets ready to throw, he usually looks at the ball and carefully places
his hands so that the fingers are in just the right position across the laces. The ball exchange
between the center and quarterback is planned so that the ball should always hit underneath the
finger tips of the passing hand. However, in the case the ball isn't received properly from the
center, or on plays where the quarterback is to throw a delayed pass after taking a toss or hand
back from one of the other backfield men, it should still not be necessary or the quarterback to
look at the ball in order to grip it properly for passing.

On this particular drill you should keep the ball moving as fast as possible. The instant the ball
hits the hands you should "mold" it so that you can grip the laces while at the same time lifting the
ball up to the proper passing position outside of your right ear, then making the return pass to his
partner with as little delay as possible, and without having ever looked at the ball.

Quick Release Drill

Set-Up Drill
Step Over and Throw Drill

Step Over Drill


Whenever you throw the ball to another person, you should work on accuracy. For this reason,
you should not throw to another person in this particular drill, since the entire purpose of this drill
is to improve the "whip" and the strength of the quarterback's throwing arm. In this drill the
quarterback should throw the ball just as hard as he possibly can, without concern about the
accuracy of the throw.

Stand about 10 yards in front of the net, gripping the ball in your passing hand. Raise the ball high
directly over your head with both hands, so that the quarterback's passing arm is straight up and
down. From this position, throw the ball into the net just as hard as the quarterback can without
drawing the ball either backward or downward prior to throwing. The quarterback must avoid the
natural tendency to flex the elbow or to draw the ball back just before starting to throw. The
quarterback must always remind himself to throw as hard as possible. With enough practice, the
quarterback will eventually find that by whipping his arm down and snapping his wrist, he will be
able to throw into the net with considerable power.


Just prior to throwing, the right shoulder should be cocked back, but the ball should dip only
slightly as it is drawn back. Avoid the bad habit of "winding up" by swinging the ball down to waist
level before deciding to throw. This tips of the quarterbacks intentions when throwing and it also
takes much longer to deliver the ball. While delivering the ball, exaggerate throwing the elbow out
in front of the body so that the point of the ball will stay up. This will enable the ball to carry further
and makes for a softer pass to catch. The quarterback should use a considerable amount of wrist
snap by drawing the fingers and the hand inward and downward or even slightly to the outside. It
is this snap that provides the spiral necessary in a well thrown pass.

Throw At Shoulders Drill

Throw Through the Tire Drill


The purpose of the one knee drill is to improve the grip and to increase the quarterback's wrist
snap. When throwing from this position, it is not possible to get your whole body into the throw the
way you should, therefore, you must emphasize the wrist snap portion of the throwing motion.
Remember, slap the wall with the throwing arm.
Kneel on one knee, with the knee down on the side of your throwing arm. The ball should be
placed on the ground about one foot in front of the knee that is down. Using only your passing
hand, grip the ball and lift it from the ground. Once the ball has cleared the ground, your non-
passing hand should also be placed on the ball, so that the two hands together lift it up to a point
just above and outside of the quarterback's right ear in a passing position. Make the throw from
here by drawing back as you cock your shoulder. Be very careful to avoid the tendency of
"winding up" by having to dip the ball way down below the level of the shoulder as you draw it
back just prior to throwing.

Try to throw with a straight over-hand motion, emphasizing the snap of the wrist just as the ball is
leaving your hand. The palm of your passing hand should roll over completely so that the palm is
pointing at a 45 degree angle down and to your outside (slap the wall) at the completion of the
throw. A good passer must develop a considerable amount of wrist snap, so to be very conscious
of this as you work on this drill. On all of the passing drills, strive to improve your accuracy by
always throwing at a definite spot. If you are throwing to another individual 15 yards away, aim for
a spot such as his nose, or his right shoulder, rather than just throwing the ball in his general


This drill should emphasize the same roll out passing techniques as the previous drill, except now
you will be throwing the ball while moving rather than standing still.

On any type of drop back where the passer is stationary and the receiver is breaking at an angle,
it is necessary to throw the ball considerably in front of the receiver. When you are running in the
same direction as the receiver, it is best to aim right at the receiver as you almost automatically
give him the correct lead. If you try to throw the ball out in front of the receiver, the pass will
usually be too far in front of him. Vary rarely is a roll type of pass thrown behind the receiver.
When a roll out pass is incomplete, it is almost invariably because the ball is thrown too far in
front of the receiver. As you throw on the run while working on this drill, if you will consciously aim
at the chest of your receiver, you will find it will improve the percentage of completion's.


This is another drill designed to improve the strength in the quarterback's passing arm by
throwing hard into the net without having too worry about accuracy. Line-up to one side of the net
and about five yards from the net, then sprint out or roll out and throw as hard as you can into the
net while running at full speed. Remember to run with the ball in both hands at chin level and to
then twist the upper body so that the quarterback's shoulders are parallel to the net at the time
the ball leaves the quarterback's hands. repeat the drill running the opposite direction so that he
can learn to throw equally as well while running either to his left or to his right. This drill will help
the quarterback increase his ability to throw long while on the run.


The wrong leg forward drill is designed to emphasize the importance of getting the entire shoulder
into the throw and to develop the quick "shoulder cock" just before making the pass. Stand with
the foot on the side of your passing arm about two feet in advance of the other foot. On this
particular drill do not move your feet at all while throwing. Since this is some what of an awkward
position you will have the feeling that you will have to push the ball (like a push shot in
basketball), or that with the wrong leg forward, you will have to throw the ball off balance and
almost entirely with the arm the way an average girl throws. Instead, use the proper throwing
motion by sharply twisting the upper body and cocking the passing shoulder back just prior to
making the throw.
Running Back Drills
Bag Read and Cut Drill

Balance Drill
Circle The Tire Drill

Combination Tire Drills

Cut Block Drill

Four Corner Tire Drill

Gauntlet Drill

High Knee One Foot Drill

High Knee One Foot Each Square Drill

High Knee Two Feet Opposite Square Drill

High Knee Two Foot Each Square Drill

Lateral Run High Nees Hit and Spin Drill

Loop the Loop Tire Drill

Shake and Bake Drill

Sprint - Plant and Cut Drill

Stalk and Block Mirror Drill

Stance and Start Drill

Star Burst Drill

Step and Plant Over Log Drill

Step and Plant Drill

Receiver Drills - Blocking
Mirror drill

• To improve the ability of the receivers to stay in front of the DB they are supposed to block.


1. Pair your receivers up between cones (which are about 5-8 yards apart.
2. Let one receiver be the DB and have the other one mirror him.
3. Let them go for 6-8 seconds, then switch duties.
4. The 'DB' may turn his hips and do everything to fake the blocker. The DB might take one or two
attempts to pass the receiver, but should step back as soon as he feels contact from the receivers hands.

Coaching Points

• The blocker should always keep a good balanced body position in front of the defender, and never cross
his feet or turn his hips.
• The blocker should have his hands ready to fire out if DB tries to pass him.


• Cones

Shoulder block progression


To teach and improve the crack blocking ability of receivers vs. LBs


Fit into bag with shoulder and forearm of block.

The blocking surface is the shoulder, chestplate and forearm, keep butt down, back straight and eyes up.

Strike a blow
6 point stance in front of bag with helmet 6" away from bag. Push off with legs delivering blow with forearm
and shoulder sliding head to side of bag. Roll hips so beltbuckle hits ground first - eyes up.
Step and Hit
2 point stance 1 step from bag. Step with opposite foot of shoulder block, deliver blow and hold. Coach check
for correct position. Butt down, back straight, eyes up.

Run and Hit

2 point stance 5 yards from bag. Run to bag, deliver blow and drive through bag. STAY LOW!

Want to do 3 reps each shoulder for this drill

Coaching Points

Make sure blockers make initial contact above the waist and don't block in the back.


One or more large standup Dummies (depending how many players should do the drill simultaniously).

Stalk Block Drill


• To practice proper fundamentals and techniques of the stalk block.


1. Lay two dummies three yards from each other.

2. Mark of the drill area Twenty yards using an existing sideline, the twenty yard line and the goal-line.
Cones placed ten yards from and parallel to the sideline on the 20 yard, 15 yard, 5 yard and goal-line set for
the boundary of the drill.
3. A RB is positioned between the dummies with a DB on the twenty yard line. A WR is placed at the
midpoint of the area on the 10 yard. Both offensive players face the goal-line.
4. A ball carrier is centered four yards behind the first WR.
5. The defensive back is placed on the 5 yard line in front-facing alignment to the WR.
6. On QB cadence and ball snap, the WR stalk block their first assignment personnel.

Coaching Points

• Only after the RB clears the dummy area does the second pair of players react.
• Make sure appropriate personnel use the proper fundamentals and techniques of running, blocking and
• Enthusiasm and competition should be encouraged.


• Football(s), Cones, 2 Bocking dummies

Receiver Drills - Ballhanding
Freeze & quick tuck

To work on hand and eye position in catching the ball and tucking the ball away.


Four receivers pair up with four QB's, facing each other about 10 yards apart.

1. Ready - alerts QB to get in a throwing position

2. Go - QB's release ball to receiver
3. Catch - Receiver catches ball and holds that position until next command
4. Tuck - Receiver secures ball away, and keeps head and eyes locked into ball
5. Toss it back - Receiver tosses ball back to QB

On the Quick Tuck Drill the coach controls the drill with only three commands:

1. Alert - QB to get in a throwing position

2. Go - QB's release ball to receiver
3. Toss it back - As soon as the ball touches receiver hands he tucks it away.

The coach should have receiver catch three balls on each level. High ball - Median - Low ball.

Coaching Points

Make sure in drills, a receiver catches ball out in front of body and holds ball there checking hand position with
eyes. Also when he tucks ball away, his head and eyes follow the ball into Tuck position.


Ball(s), Quarterbacks

Circle drill

This drill is designed to improve player quickness and reaction to the ball.


The coach lines up five players with four of them making a small circle. The fifth player is inside the circle. The
player in the middle is three yards from each player. Each player in the outside has a ball. The drill starts when
the man in the middle faces one of the outside players and the ball is tossed to him. The player catches the ball,
flips it back to that player and turns quickly to his right. The next player does the same thing and the player in
the circle goes one around to his left and to his right.

Coaching Points

Emphasize quickness in turning and catching the ball in the hands.



Circle drill


This drill is designed to improve the player's quickness and reaction to the ball.


This drill is somewhat like musical chairs. The coach lines up four or more players. The coach has them kneel
on one knee and face him. The drill starts when the coach flips the ball to any player, using a basketball chest
pass. When a player drops a ball, he must leave the drill. The drill ends when there is only one player left.

Coaching Points

Emphasize following the ball and catching it in their hands.


• Ball(s)
Reaction drill A & B

The purpose of these drills are to develop quick hands.


In this drill the player lies on his back with his arms down by his side. The coach stands right at the players feet.
Using a basket chest pass, the coach flips the ball toward the player. The player raises just his arms and catches
the ball in his hands. Each player should catch at least four balls.

Coaching Points

Emphasize quickness with hands and good body control.


• Ball(s)

Reaction drill A & B


The purpose of this drill is to improve the player's quickness and reaction to the ball and quick hands.


The coach stands about ten yards apart in a ready position. The coach then flips the ball back and forth to the
players, taking the ball behind his back and through his legs. The players do the same thing, slow at first but
gradually picking up the pace.

Coaching Points

Make sure the players try to keep their eyes on the ball.


• Ball(s)

Grab ball

This drill is designed to help the player become aware of tucking the ball away after catching it and covering it
up when contact is nearing.


The players line up parallel, facing each other about two yards apart. A receiver stands at each end and on the
command "GO", the coach tosses the ball to him. The player runs between the two lines covering the ball.
Players on both sides try to pull the ball from the ball carrier.

Coaching Points

Emphasize holding on to the ball and use of good body control.


• Balls

Grab ball
Kneeling catch

The purpose of this drill is to demonstrate to the players the correct way to dive and catch a ball and fall


The players line up ten yards from coach in a kneeling position. The player has to dive from this position,
stretch out and catch the ball. He should fall on his side and not on his stomach. This drill is done from both

Coaching Points

Instruct the player to get a good push-off and try to time the catch so when he falls, he will land on his side and
not on his stomach.


• Balls

Kneeling catch
Find the QB

The purpose of this drill is to work on quickness, and picking up the ball in mid air.


The QB's stand in a circle facing each other with about 20 yards apart. The receiver stands in the middle by
calling out one of the QB's name, who then starts to throw the ball. At the same time the receiver turns and
faces him. After the receiver catches the ball he tosses the ball back to that QB and gets ready for the next name.
The first time the drill is run, the ball is thrown 1/2 speed to let the Receiver find out where each guy is

Coaching Points

Emphasis is placed on quickness, turning to QB and catching the ball.


• 4 Balls
• 4 Quarterbacks

Find the QB
Firing squad

To help the receivers total concentration of picking the ball up in the air, with some distraction.


1. Receiver stands in front of net facing the Quarterbacks.

2. The coach stands behind the net and the receiver.
3. He starts the drill by saying "ready" which alerts the Quarterbacks to cock their arms.
4. He then points to one Quarterback which alerts him, he is the one to throw to the receiver.
5. On the command "GO", each QB starts his throwing motion, but only the QB that was designated by the
coach lets the ball go.
6. The receiver catches the ball, tosses it back to the QB, and the drill starts over.

(Receiver should catch about six balls.)

Coaching Points

Emphasize concentration, and looking ball into hands.


• 4 Balls
• 4 Quarterbacks

Firing squad
Razzle A

The purpose of this drill is to help concentration and quick hands.


Four receivers form a circle about five yards apart. There are two balls used. The drill starts with two of the
receivers who are facing each other toss the ball to the receiver on the right, who in turn tosses the ball to his
right and etc. After the balls have gone around several times the command "reverse" by the coach, changes the
balls to the left. Two groups can be used at the same time.

Coaching Points

Emphasis is placed on quickness of turning and catching ball in hands.


• Balls

Razzle A

Razzle B

The purpose of this drill is to help concentration - eye and hand coordination and to help to develop quick


Four receivers form a circle about five yards apart. There are four balls used. The drill starts on the command
"GO". Two of the receivers, facing each other, start tossing their balls, one high and one low. The other
receivers toss their ball at each other but one goes to right side, the other left.

Coaching Points
Make sure that the receivers who are throwing their balls high and low put a high arch so the other two balls can
go through. Start drill slow and increase speed when receivers get the hang of the drill.


• 4 Balls

Razzle B
Blind ball drill A & B

To help develop the players' quickness in turning their body around for the ball. The purpose is also to
emphasize getting their head and shoulder around quickly.


A player lines up about ten yards from a coach with his back to the coach.

The coach then throws the ball toward the players and when the ball is halfway to the player the coach says
"Left" or "Right". The player turns as quickly as possible and tries to catch the ball in his hands.

Using the same procedure as "A", the player turns just his head and shoulders around as quickly as possible.

Coaching Points

Emphasize quickness to turning body or head and shoulders around and catching the ball with the hands.


• Balls
• Net

Blind ball drill A & B

Blurr drill A & B

This drill is designed to help improve the player's concentration on catching the ball.


One or two players are lined up eight yards in front of the net facing each other (1 yard apart). The receiver runs
about 3/4 speed behind them and tries to catch the ball in his hands. The two players in front wave their hands
in front of the ball but do not try to touch it. This drill is run from both sides.


First player stands with back to net facing coach. Second player stands to one side of player #1 - sideways and
face the coach. Drill starts with coach throwing a ball to player #1 with player #2 waving his arms in front of
player #1's face, but not touching the ball.

Coaching Points

Emphasize concentration on catching the ball no matter what the distraction; catch the ball out front and with
your hands.


• Balls
• Net

Blurr drill A & B

Playing catch

This is another Blurr Drill designed to help improve the player's concentration when catching the ball.


The players line up parallel facing each other about two yards apart. A receiver stands at each end of the
Gauntlet. The two receivers play catch while the others try to distract them by waving their arms at the ball.
Each player catches four balls.

Coaching Points

Emphasize catching the ball in their hands.



12th man players

Playing catch
Receiver Drills - Catching
Warm up drill

These drills can be used before practice to let receivers warm up and at the same time practice to work on
concentrating on catching the ball properly.


Divide receivers into two groups with a coach on both sides of the field to throw balls. Receivers start in a two
point stance and run across the field at half speed. The coach waits until receiver runs ten yards before throwing
the ball. The ball should be thrown with a good high arch. The receiver catches the ball mid-way across the field
and strides across to the sideline. After each player has gone one time in both lines, the drill is then repeated
using one hand and over the head.

Coaching Points

Emphasis is placed on good running form and not speed. These drills are always run at half speed so as to allow
the receiver to warm up his body. The coach should stress warming up and looking the ball into his hands.


• Balls
• eventually Quarterback(s)

Warm up drill
Over the shoulder drill

The purpose of this drill is to get the receiver aquainted with catching the ball over his shoulder using different


For best results, let the players run into the end zone to place emphasis on catching the ball for the touchdown.
Players start to run at half speed toward the end zone looking inside for the ball. The ball is thrown in a high arc
over the outside shoulder. The receiver has to adjust to the ball by either fading with the ball or turning his hips,
shoulders, and head around to catch the ball.

Coaching Points

Emphasis is placed on body control, quick turning of the head, shoulders, and hips and to keep the arms up
when turning around.


• Balls
• Lines or cones to mark endzone boundaries
• eventually Quarterback(s)

Over the shoulder drill

Quick ball

To develop receivers quickness, body control and body lean.


One player lines up even with the goalpost in his stance. The coach stands ten yards away facing the net with
four balls. The coach says "GO" and the player starts running 3/4 speed. When he reaches midway, the ball is
thrown to him. The player should catch the ball and run to the other goalpost, toss the ball to the other player
and turn quickly, staying in an up position and start back across. The player should catch four straight balls. The
coach should throw the ball just in front of the player each time.

Coaching Points

Emphasize quickness, good body control and body lean.


• Balls
• Net
• eventually Quarterback(s)

Quick ball
Tap dance drill

The purpose of this drill is to help improve the player's ability of catching the ball near the sidelines and
planting one foot or two feet in bounds before going out.


Players will line up about 15 yards from sidelines. On the command "GO" the receiver starts to run 3/4 speed
toward the sideline. The coach will throw the ball about five yards from the sideline. The receiver will catch the
ball, planting one or two feet in bounds before going out of bounds. The drill is used from left and right side.

Coaching Points

The coach should emphasize catching the ball and then check the proper feet position in relation to the sideline.


• Balls
• Sideline
• eventually Quarterback(s)

Tap dance drill

Turn and up

The purpose of this drill is to help improve the player's ability to catch the ball near a sideline and instead of
going out of bounds, turn up field and go.


Use the same procedure as in the Tap Dance drill. The ball should be thrown 7 to 8 yards in front of the player
so he can adjust to turning upfield. The drill is used from both sides.

Coaching Points

Emphasize catching the ball and then stress the use of good body control to turn upfield, staying in bounds.


• Balls
• Sideline
• eventually Quarterback(s)

Turn and up
Scramble Routes Drill

• Teach Receivers how to react when Quarterback has to scramble


1. Have a QB (can be the Coach) and a set of receivers line up for the called passplay
2. When the Quarterback did his drop he starts sprinting paralell to the LOS, to the left or right (On signal
of Coach)
3. As soon as the Receivers see the QB scrambling, they break up their original passroute and run the
scrambling route according to your scramble rules.
4. When QB reaches the Numbers (or on Coaches command), he throws the ball either to one of the
receivers or away.

Coaching Points

• Drill should be run full speed!

• Make sure, that receivers don't cheat (i.e. not running full speed until scramble
• Explain Scrambling rules
• QB should never throw to a receiver who didn't run his scrambling route correctly.


• Ball(s)
Line Drill

• Teach Receivers how to catch with their hands.


1. Have the receivers form a line 20 yards away from and directly infront of the QB (coach)
2. When the QB taps the ball the receiver run forward at ½ speed.
3. QB throws ball to receiver who catches using only hands, then tucks ball and runs it back to the

Coaching Points

• Drill should be run progressing to full speed

• Make sure, that receivers don't cheat – cannot use the body to catch the ball, cannot break stride when
catching the ball
• Proper hand technique.
• Vary drill by having receivers cut left/right at 10 yards, using different cut angles.


• Ball(s)
Catch and Tuck Drill

Four Cone Distraction Drill

Get Loose Drill

Goal Post Distraction Drill

Hang'em High Drill

Look Ball In and Tuck Drill

Off Balance Drill

One Hand Drill

Tip Drill

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