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Homework: what life is about

Objective: The student is able to use different tenses to communicate his/her ideas effectively.
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Write a short story of at least 300 words in which you include present, past and
future tenses and tag questions.


I would walk to school and return home in the same way, I liked to listen to my favorite songs,

suddenly I felt something on the soles of my shoes, I took off my headphones and raised my shoe, it

was a clown's nose, I didn't I didn't care and I threw it in a garbage can, I came home very happy

since it was a family night we used to watch movies, I went up to my room and lay down to sleep

while I waited for my dad to come home from work, when I woke up it was very dark and There was

no noise in the house, it bothered me and I said, why didn't anyone wake me up? clowns forming a

group between them and in the middle was my family tied up, scared I ran but at the end of the hall

was one of them, he looked at me with a smile and said to you I was looking for you have something

that is mine, confused I said what about you speak, I have nothing of yours? He answered don't lie

to me I saw this afternoon when you were picking up my nose you have it, I remembered what I

stumbled upon, I tried to explain to him that I no longer had it I asked him to leave, he smiled and

said you don't have it, he came back to laugh and said it doesn't matter, you'll give me yours, among

all the clowns they tied me up and took out a briefcase with several knives at that moment the

police siren sounded, all nervous said silence and asked who called the police?, now that we do and

they ran out, the neighbors came in and explained to us that they blew the siren because they
heard strange noises and thought they were stealing so they would scare them and it worked,

thanks to them my family and I are alive, I learned that I should never pick things up again of the


Speaking Activity
Activity: What life is about
Narrate the short story you created in the first activity and recorded as a podcast.
The student needs to record his/her voice on

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s email.

Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher to verify
and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.

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