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Multilingual Glossary of Dendrochronology. Terms and definitions in English

Book · January 1995


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2 authors:

Michèle Kaennel Dobbertin Fritz H. Schweingruber

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL


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1 Multilingual Glossary
of Dendrochronology
Terms and Definitions in English, German, French,
0 Spanish, ltalian, Portuguese and Russian
. �

Compiled by
Michele Kaennel
Fritz Hans Schweingruber

pt Haupt
The "Multilingual Glossary of Dendrochronology" is the
second volume in a series of books on scientific topics which
the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape
Research (WSL) publishes in collaboration with Paul Haupt
Publishers. The first volume, which appeared in 1990, was
"Anatomy of European woods; An atlas for the identification
of European trees, shrubs and dwarf shrubs" by Fritz Hans

The WSL is a national, multidisciplinary institute for research

on forest sciences, landscape ecology, natural hazards, snow
and avalanches in the broadest sense.
ultilingual Glossary
of endrochronology
Terms and Definitions in English, German, French,
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian

Compiled by
Michele Kaennel
Fritz Hans Schweingruber

Edited by
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL/FNP

Paul Haupt Publishers Berne· Stuttgart· Vienna

Recommended Form of Citation:
Kaennel, M.; Schweingruber, F.H. (Compilers) 1995: Multilingual Glossary of
Dendrochronology. Terms and Definitions in English, German, French, Spanish,
Italian, Portuguese, and Russian. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,
Snow and Landscape Research. Berne, Stuttgart, Vienna, Haupt. 467 pp

The compilers would like to thank the following publishers for being so generous
with their permissions:

Radiocarbon, Tucson: Figures key term 2, 180

Academic Press, New York: Figures key term 11,242,255,292
International Association of Wood Anatomists, Utrecht: Figures key term 15,131
Hachette, Paris: Figures key term 16, 19, 56
University of Arizona Press, Tucson: Figure key term 66
Ecological Society of America, Tempe: Figure key term 97
Macmillan Magazines Ltd., London: Figures key term 185,341
Academic Press, San Diego: Figures key term 214,271,285
Association of American Geographers, Columbia: Figure key term 252
Springer Verlag, Berlin: Figure key term 306

CIP Titelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek

Multilingual Glossary of Dendrochronology : terms and
definitions in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese, and Russian / ed. by Swiss Federal Institute for
Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, FNP,
Birmensdorf. Michele Kaennel/Fritz Hans Schweingruber
(comp.). - Berne; Stuttgart; Vienna: Haupt, 1995
ISBN 3-258-05259-X
NE: Kaennel, Michele [Bearb.]; Eidgenossische Forschungs-
anstalt flir Wald, Schnee und Landschaft <Birmensdorf>

All rights reserved

Copyright © 1995 by Paul Haupt Berne
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocoping, recording or any
information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from
the Publisher.

Printed in Switzerland


Foreword 7
Acknowledgements 8
Contributing scientists, translators and reviewers 9
Coordinators 12
Introduction 13
User's guide 15
Abbreviations 17
Statistical conventions 17
Conceptual diagrams 18
Glossary of dendrochronological terms 23
Literature 399
Index of Tree species 410
Index of English terms 427
Index of German terms 433
Index of French terms 437
Index of Spanish terms 443
Index of Italian terms 448
Index of Portuguese terms 452
Index of Russian terms 456

Appendices 462
Main dendrochronological methods 462
Macroscopic wood features 463

Archaeological figures: 464

Wetland building structure 464
Wood architecture in Prehistory 465
Wood working 466


This glossary was born from a fortuitous encounter, a coincidence of favourable

conditions and the enthusiasm of over fifty people from all over the world.

The encounter was the one I had with Fritz Schweingruber in September 1992, when
I submitted my master's thesis to him, an English-French glossary of dendrochrono-
logy which he suggested should be developed into a multilingual version.

The project of compiling this seven-language glossary was launched in the summer
of 1993 thanks to a grant from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Lands-
cape Research. For three months, Fritz Schweingruber and I scrutinized definitions
for the draft version, discarding some, correcting most and adding new ones. In our
library headquarters, scientific journals, dictionaries and encyclopaedias piled up,
phone calls were made in all seven languages and fax and electronic mail messages
were sent out day and night all over the world.

We phrased the English, German and French versions by seeking advice and approval
from dozens of specialists, some for a single term only, others for a whole field, like
Hal Fritts, who whole-heartedly supported the project from the very beginning and
contributed over 40 statistical definitions. We were soon joined by Italian, Spanish,
Russian and Portuguese speaking scientists who took over the responsibility of the
translations into their language, thus giving our project a family of collaborators.

Although our quest for consensus has been ardent and sincere, we are aware of the
limitations and deficiencies of this work. We expect some readers will be frustrated
by not finding in this volume a term they coined or commonly use, or that others will
disagree with some of the definitions. We apologise to all, but encourage you to
share your comments with us, so that the next edition can be significantly improved.

We wish you as much pleasure using this glossary as we had compiling it!

Michele Kaennel


We are greatly indebted to Emilia Gutierrez, Paolo Cherubini, Mario Tomazello

and Vera Benkova, respectively the Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian speaking
co-ordinators, for their patience and goodwill in coping with linguistic and practical
problems. We are grateful to the many scientists whose opinions and advice we sought
when defining or reviewing the English, German and French versions. We wish to
thank Jean-Luc Dupouey for his masterful help with the conversion of data in Cyrillic
alphabet over electronic mail. Our further thanks are due to the Swiss Federal Insti-
tute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL/FNP) which provided a grant
to make possible the editing and publication of this volume, and to Guy Landmann
at the Departement de la sante des forets (Ministere de !'agriculture et de la peche,
France) who gave Michele Kaennel the opportunity to finish this work in lieu of her
regular occupations as his assistant.

A complete list of contributors for each language and scientific field is given
pp. 9-11.

Michele Kaennel
Fritz H. Schweingruber

A few members of the "dendro family" at the International Tree Ring Symposium, Tucson,
May 1994. From left to right: 1st row: F. Guibal,A. Billamboz, S. Lev-Yadun, F. Roig, D. Eck-
stein, M. Kaennel, H. Fritts, S. Archambault. 2nd row: U. Weber, C. Sander, R. Wimmer, J.L.
Dupouey, F. Schweingruber, B. Luckman, J. Tardif, K. Briffa

Contributing scientists, translators and reviewers
(in alphabetic order)

Michael G.L. Baillie Palaeoecology Centre, Archaeology
Queen's University, Belfast (Ireland)
Jeff S. Dean Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Archaeology
University of Arizona in Tucson (USA)
Hal C. Fritts Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Coordinator, statistics,
University of Arizona in Tucson (USA) dendrochronology
Grissino-Mayer Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Dendrochronology,
University of Arizona in Tucson (USA) climatology, ecology
John L. Innes Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt ftir Wald, Ecology, reviewing
Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf (Schweiz)
Peter I. Kuniholm Dept. of the History of Art and Archaeology, Archaeology
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (USA)
Steve W. Leavitt Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Isotope studies
University of Arizona in Tucson (USA)
Simcha Lev-Yadun Department of Plant Genetics, Wood anatomy,
The Weizmann Institute of Science, reviewing
Rehovot (Israel)
Brian H. Luckman Department of Geography, University of Ecology
Western Ontario, London, Ontario (Canada)
Tom W. Swetnam Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Fire history
University of Arizona in Tucson (USA)

Stefan Berli Botanisches Institut, Universitat Basel (Schweiz) Translation
Andre Billamboz Archaodendrologisches Labor, Archaeology
Gaienhofen-Hemmenhofen (Deutschland)
Otto U. Braker Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt flir Wald, Statistics
Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf (Schweiz)
Dieter Eckstein Ordinariat Holzbiologie, Universitat Coordinator,
Hamburg (Deutschland) dendrochronology,
wood anatomy,
Felix Kienast Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt flir Wald, Statistics
Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf (Schweiz)
Fritz Schweingruber Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt flir Wald, Coordinator, dendro-
Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf (Schweiz) chronology, ecology
Urs M. Weber Swiss National Museum, Zlirich (Schweiz) Translation,
Rupert Wimmer Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge Reviewing
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (USA)

Sylvain Archambault Centre d'Etudes Nordiques, Ecology, reviewing
Universite Laval, Quebec (Canada)
Michel Becker Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie Forestiere, Ecology,
INRA- Centre de Nancy (France) dendrochronoloy
Yves Begin Centre d'Etudes Nordiques, Ecology
Universite Laval, Quebec (Canada)
Didier Bert Laboratoire Croissance et Production Ecology, dendrochro-
!NRA-Bordeaux (France) nology, reviewing

Andre Billamboz Archaodendrologisches Labor, Gaeinhofen- Archaeology
Hemmenhofen (Deutschland)
Jean Bouchon Unite Croissance et Qualite du bois, Silviculture
INRA Centre de Nancy (France)
Jean-Luc Dupouey INRA- Centre de Nancy, Laboratoire Ecology, statistics,
d'Ecophysiologie Forestiere (France) dendrochronology,
technical assistance
Patrick Gassmann Laboratoire de Dendrochronologie Musee Archaeology
cantonal d'archeologie, Neuchatel (Schweiz)
Frederic Guibal Laboratoire de Chrono-Ecologie, Archaeology,
Universite de Besarn;on (France) dendrochronology,
Michele Kaennel Department de la Sante des Fon~ts, Coordinator
Ministere de l'agriculture et de la peche,
INRA - Centre de Nancy / Eidgenossische
Forschungsanstalt Wald, Schnee und
Landschaft, Birmensdorf (Schweiz)
Guy Landmann Department de la Sante des Forets, Ecology
Ministere de !'agriculture et de la peche,
INRA - Centre de Nancy (France)
Benoit Mar<;ais Laboratoire de Pathologie forestiere, Biotic factors
INRA- Centre de Nancy (France)
Gerard N epveu Unite Croissance et Qualite du bois, Wood anatomy
INRA - Centre de Nancy (France)
Jean Pinon Laboratoire de Pathologie forestiere, Biotic factors
INRA- Centre de Nancy (France)
Jacques Tardif Groupe de Recherches en Ecologie Forestiere, Reviewing
Universite du Quebec, Montreal (Canada)

Jose Creus Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia CSIC, Climatology,
Jaca, Huesca (Espana) dendroclimatology
Merce Durfort Departament de Biologia Celular, Cytology, histology
Univ. de Barcelona (Espana)
Angel Fernandez Depto. de Sistemas Forestales CIT-INIA, Physics,
Madrid (Espana) dendroclimatology
Emilia Gutierrez Departament d'Ecologia, Univ. de Coordinator,
Barcelona (Espana) ecology
Alberto Madrigal EUIT Foresta!, Madrid (Espana) Forestry
Fidel A. Roig J. Laboratorio de Dendrocronologia, Dendrochronology,
INIGEA-CRICYT, Mendoza (Argentina) reviewing
Josep Tarn1s Museu Arqueologic Comarcal de Banyoles Archaeology

Giovanni Bovio Dipartimento di Agronomia, Selvicoltura e Fire history
Gestione del Territorio, Universita di Torino,
Torino (Italia)
Alessandro Camussi Istituto di Selvicoltura, Universita di Firenze, Statistics
Firenze (Italia)
Paolo Cherubini Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt Wald, Coordinator,
Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf (Schweiz) ecology
Elio Corona Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente Dendrochronology
Forestale e delle sue Risorse, Universita della
Tuscia, Viterbo (Italia)
Leone Fasani Istituto Italiano di Dendrocronologia, Verona Archaeology

Marco Fioravanti Istituto di Assestamento e Tecnologia Forestale, Wood technology
Luca Uzielli Universita di Firenze, Firenze (Italia) and anatomy

Mario Tomazello FQ Universidade de Sao Paulo, ESALQ,Campus Coordinator,
de Piracicaba, Departamento de Ciencias wood anatomy,
Florestais (Brazil) dendrology
Renato Marques INRA - Centre de Nancy, Unite Cycles Reviewing
biogeochimiques (France)

Vera Benkova Laboratory of Dendrochronology, Coordinator,
Institute of Forest, Siberian branch of Russian wood anatomy,
Academy of Science, Krasnoyarsk dendrology
Anatolij Kapralow Ural Academy of Forestry, Department Reviewing
· of Silviculture, Ekaterinburg
Alexander Shashkin Laboratory of Dendrochronology, Statistics, biology
Institute of Forest, Siberian branch of
Russian Academy of Science, Krasnoyarsk
Eugene Vaganov Laboratory of Dendrochronology, Ecology,
Institute of Forest, Siberian branch of Russian dendrochronology
Academy of Science, Krasnoyarsk

1: Tucson, AZ (USA) 12: Madrid (Spain)

2: Oak Ridge, TN (USA) 13: Barcelona (Spain)
3: Ithaca, NY (USA) 14: Hamburg (Germany)
4: London, ON (Canada) 15: Gaienhofen-Hemmenhofen (Germany)
5: Montreal, QC (Canada) 16: Neuchatel (Switzerland)
6: Quebec, QC (Canada) 17: Birmensdorf (Switzerland)
7: Mendoza (Argentina) 18-20: Torino, Firenze, Viterbo, Milano (Italy)
8: Sao Paulo (Brazil) 21: Rehovat (Israel)
9: Belfast (United Kingdom) 22: Ekaterinburg (Russia)
10: Nancy (France) 23: Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
11: Besanc;:on (France)


Paolo Cherubini (Italian)

Michele Kaennel and

Fritz Schweingruber


Mario Tomazello FQ


"Dendrochronology (ca. 1928): the science of dating events and variations in environ-
ment in former periods by comparative study of growth rings in trees and aged woods. 11

(Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1990 ed.)

Scope of this glossary Whoever takes this definition for granted may wonder why
many non-dendrochronological" terms appear in this gloss-
ary, e.g. terms related to wood anatomy, forest ecology, sil-
viculture and statistics, as well as archaeology, radiocarbon
dating and geomorphology, amongst others. The reason for
including such terms is that dendrochronology is not re-
stricted to a handful of wood-dating techniques and con-
cepts, since it is at the convergence of various scientific
disciplines, benefitting from some and beneficial to many.

Aim of this glossary This glossary was meant primarily for students and research-
ers from different backgrounds who apply dendrochronology
to a wide range of contexts. It aims at providing them with
simple and clear definitions for the most widely used
dendrochronological concepts and techniques and for some
of the commonest terms used in the many application fields.

Term selection When selecting terms for inclusion, we have given priority
Neologisms to those specific to dendrochronology, and in particular to
neologisms, including recent neologisms already used in the
literature or in everyday laboratory practice and proposed
neologisms coined for this glossary. Time and usage will tell
Related fields whether the latter are appropriate. Technical terms from
related fields were included insofar as they are not defined
in common language dictionaries, or if they are defined in
sources that are difficult to obtain.

Statistical terms Statistical terms may seem too few to some readers or too
many to others. We have limited our choice to those most
frequently used in the literature. On the other hand, we have
defined some rather common statistical concepts or meth-
ods in the light of dendrochronological applications.

Terms of common A few terms of common language were included because

language they are of special interest or require cautious use, for ex-
ample "prehistoric", which does not refer to the same time
scale in Europe as in the American continent.

"Valid" definitions In a multi-faceted discipline which has developed rapidly

and in various directions for the past twenty years, diver-
gences in use and definition of terms among users of a com-
mon language are unavoidable, not to mention differences
between languages. Therefore our primary objective was to
provide consensual definitions. All definitions were first
worded in English by synthesising information from all avail-
able sources.

Sources We resorted primarily to two reference works in dendro-
chronology1 and several official terminologies2 • In addition,
we searched the scientific literature for further definitions.
In case of doubt, we sought advice from European and North
American field specialists (see list pp. 9-11), some of them
provided us with original definitions. In some cases, how-
ever, consulting several specialists and/or written sources
highlighted conceptual differences between authors. This
glossary is not the right forum for settling long-lived scien-
tific controversies and sometimes no satisfactory synthetic
definition could be phrased without losing accuracy. There-
fore in a few instances we quoted authors considered to be
authoritative in their discipline and added a linguistic note
II 11

pointing out disagreements or alternative definitions in the

same language.

Equivalences As agreement on English definitions was reached, they were

between languages sent out to our collaborators for translation into Spanish,
Italian, Russian and Portuguese. They were asked to provide
a faithful translation of each definition in their own language
and to fit an appropriate key term, when it existed, or to
propose a neologism if relevant, as well as variants, and
correlated and derived terms. Some adjustments had then to
be made, since the translation process often revealed incon-
sistencies or inexactitudes in the original English version.

Differences When different meanings were highlighted between languages,

between languages e.g. for silvicultural terms, the general rule was to give a close
translation of the English definition and a linguistic note to
warn readers against the different uses. The justification for
this approach is that most of the scientific literature is usu-
ally in English, and that non-native English readers unfam-
iliar with both the language and the scientific content of an
article, or non-native English-speaking authors of articles in
English may not be aware of subtle (or less subtle) differ-
ences with their own scientific culture. Proposing an approxi-
mately equivalent non-English term without further infor-
mation, as if it was the exact counterpart of the original Eng-
lish term, would have been prejudicial to all of non-native
and native English users as well as to translators.

1 H.C. Fritts's Tree Rings and Climate (1976) and F.H. Schweingruber's Tree Rings (1988).
2For example Ford-Robertson's Terminology offorest science, technology practice and products
(1971 and 1983) or FAO's Wild/and fire management terminology (1986).

User's guide

General organisation This glossary consists of 351 key terms arranged and num-
bered in English alphabetical order, defined in English,
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.
Whenever relevant, the following may be found in any of
the seven languages: variants, correlated terms, derived
terms and a linguistic note. An English technical note and/
or a figure may provide further information.

Key terms For a given concept, in each language, key terms are those
considered the most accurate and widely accepted. They are
not necessarily terms recommended in everyday language
or specialised dictionaries, but the ones which are the most
relevant to tree-ring studies. Key terms are listed in their
fully developed rather than abbridged form, except if the
abbreviation is more frequently used than the full form, as
in "PDB" and "SMOW". The spelling and usage rules are
those used in Great Britain for the English key terms, France
for the French, Switzerland for the German, Spain for Span-
ish and Brazil for the Portuguese.

Asterisks Following the convention used in Ford-Robertson's multi-

lingual Terminology of Forest Science Technology, Practice
and Products, each *key term is preceded by an asterisk
when quoted elsewhere in the Glossary.

Variants Variants include all the other written or oral forms that we
are aware of (oral forms are often neologisms that tum into
authorized written forms). The local variants for Austria,
Canadian French, American English and others are men-
tioned whenever known, as are obsolete and deprecated
Synonyms terms. Variants include obsolete (t) and deprecated (#)
terms, near-synonyms (:::::: ), i.e. terms with meanings almost
equivalent or equivalent in some contexts only, and true
synonyms (=), i.e. terms with equivalent meanings in what-
ever context (true synonyms are rare!).

Derived terms Morphologically related terms (including compounds) are

mentioned here, especially for use by translators.

Correlated terms Correlated terms are terms semantically correlated to the

Cross-references key term. They include cross-references referring to other
Secondary terms key terms, and secondary terms, most of which are men-
tioned or succintly defined within the immediate context of
the key term, i.e. in the definition itself or in the linguistic
and technical notes. For reasons of space and clarity, cross-
references to key terms are mentioned only once, in Eng-
lish. Secondary terms are mentioned in their original lan-
guage where they were provided.

Linguistic notes As already mentioned, the linguistic notes provide informa-
tion on particular uses in a given language ( as compared to
English). They also give information useful to translators,
for example phraseological usage, troublesome use of prepo-
sitions, and any other non-technical information specific to
a given language.

Technical notes Information that goes beyond the scope of a definition but
is still useful, especially to students, is given in a technical
note, together with international symbols. Due to space re-
striction the technical notes appear in English only.

Sources For each term, only the source of the original (usually the
English) definition is cited, since the definitions in the other
languages are in principle faithful translations.
When no source is mentioned, the original definition was
provided by one of the collaborators listed pp. 9-11, or com-
bined from several oral and/or written sources.
Terminologies are quoted in a coded form; for other sources
the surname of author(s) and year of publication are given
in full. When slightly modified, the coded or full source is
preceded by ~. A complete list of references is given
pp. 399-409.

Term indices For each language an index is comprised of key terms (in
bold face), variants (in italics) and secondary terms (smaller
typeface). Each term is followed by the reference number
of the corresponding English key term.

Appendices A complete list of sources and a multilingual list of 124 tree

species relevant to dendrochronology are given in the ap-
pendices. This list was established by Fritz Schweingruber
and completed after H.D. Grissino-Mayer's Species Index
List 3•

3 An updated list of species utilized in tree-ring research. Tree-Ring Bull. (in press)


n., s., cyw. noun, substantive

pl., MH.11. plural
n.m., m., s.m., M. masculine noun
n.f., f., s.f., )K. feminine noun
n., c. neutral noun (German, Russian)
adj., Adj., agg., npI111. adjective
v., r11. verb
t.v., v.t. transitive verb
i.v., v.i. intransitive verb
<,> In German: singular genitive termination, plural
nominative termination
der. derived term
abbr. abbreviated form
intl. symb. international symbol
near-synonym/definition or note modified from the
published source cited
(no sign before variant) alternative spelling
# deprecated form
t obsolete form
neol. neologism
fam. familiar
[] local form: [A] Austria, [Ar] Argentina,
[CH] Switzerland, [Cw] Commonwealth, [D] Germany,
[Qu] Quebec, [UK] United Kingdom, [US] USA

Statistical conventions

xi, Yi = observed values of the series x or y at moment i

~i = difference between two successive observed values over the interval
(xi+l - xJ
tix' tiy interval trend values in the interval i for series x or y
ti = mean interval trend value for the interval i for serveral series or mean
xr, Yr = smoothed value for the series x or y at moment i
n = number of observation
Gix' giy = Gleichlaufigkeit at moment i for x or y
Gcx.y) = Gleichlaufigkeit for two whole series, x and y
Sx, Sy = standard deviation of single values from the mean of x or y
x,y = mean of series x or y
Si = sensitivity in interval i
s = mean sensitivity
r = correlation coefficient (linear dependence)
r2 = explained variance
1.I = value of index at moment i

Further information in FRITIS 1976.

Conceptual diagrams
The following nine diagrammatic representations summarise logical relationships
between terms, most of them defined in this glossary (otherwise they appear between
- dendrochronology at the convergence of various scientific disciplines
- dendrochronological methods, concepts and techniques
wood anatomy, physiology and growth processes
- collection of material and raw data used in dendrochronology
- processing of data: general and specific statistics
- applications: ecology and in particular fire history and climatology, and archaeology
and history.

These "conceptual models" are especially intended for those unfamiliar with
dendrochronology or any of its applications, and who wish to embrace a whole
"family of terms at a glance -an approach which would otherwise be possible only

with a computerized version of this glossary.

Square or rectangular boxes contain terms related to input data, e.g. raw
D data, wood material or field observations.

( ) Square or rectangular boxes with rounded corners contain terms

describing natural or anthropogenic, concrete or abstract processes
applied to the studied material (e.g. "weathering","cambial activity").
Some of these processes are precisely the subject of dendrochronological
studies (e.g. "reuse", "pollarding").

Oval boxes contain final or intermediary output data, e.g. processed data
C) or the final object of a dendrochronological study ("heartwood dating",

"Input" and "output" data are identified as such for each diagram, therefore a given
term may be an "input" in one figure and an output in another one, as some notions
overlap in two or more "families" of terms.

dendrochronology: connections to other disciplines
skeleton plot
ring-width measurement isotopes
image analysis mineral content
x-ray densitometry of tree rings


~ dendrochronology /
~ ~ ecology
dating (sensu lato)

ecology (sensu stricto)

archaeology climatology
history geomorphology
radiocarbon dating hydrology
fire history
pollution studies

wood anatomy and growth processes

growth and physiology
I "functional" features j I 11
anomalous II features j
net photosynthesis tree-ring features
earlywood parenchyma callous tissue false ring
resin duct
early earlywood parenchyma band frost ring missing ring
resin pocket
mid-earlywood light ring wedging ring
late earlywood traumatic zone
'-----~----'\ latewood
density fluctuation
cambial activity
cell-wall differentiation
cell-wall growth macroscopic wood features
differentiation pith adult wood barrier zone compression wood
dormant season xylem -:t juvenile wood callous margin reaction wood
growing period heartwood compartmentalisation tension wood
growth response sapwood ring-porous fire scar pith eccentricity
increment cambium diffuse-porous frost crack
bark semi-ring-porous heart rot
limiting factor
ice scar
internal age structure apical meristem growth zone scar
cambial age meristem
tree age ray

methods and concepts
numerical and graphic
innermost ring expression
outermost ring
waney edge time series
time window
tree-ring series
growth curve
features absolute chronology
-:t floating chronology
callous tissue
density fluctuation
indexed curve
standardised tree-ring
drought crack
false ring
frost ring
single curve
hidden scar
averaged growth chronology
insect hole
site chronology
light ring
local chronology
missing ring
regional chronology
master chronology
traumatic zone
wedging ring
bar chart

curve features

complacency abrupt growth change event value

-:t sensitivity clearing effect event year
growth pattern pointer interval
interval trend pointer value
signature pointer year
-:t release

collecting data

stem dendrometer
log (hypsometer)
stump increment borer stem disc
borer support wedge sample
driftwood bore (to)
increment core

twin-blade saw lath

microtome microsection

data processing interannual variations multipurpose and general statistics

detrend (to) autocorrelation function

filter boot-strap technique
mean sensitivity dependent data
smoothing independent data
trend multivariate analysis
nth-order autocorrelation
standard error
interannual agreement
standard deviation
stepwise multiple regression
time series
interval trend

calibration interval response function

noise prediction
signal predictor
signal-to-noise ratio

indexed curve
ring-width index
standardised tree-ring chronology
standardising smoothing function

ecology sensu stricto
stand dynamics
I dendroclimatology I

competition space/time context
timber line
I fire history J
tree limit dendroglaciology
gap ecesis
gap dynamics uniformitarian principle K
virgin forest Little Ice Age
Medieval Warm Period
suppression site
wave mortality

~\ date (to)
100-year event
ice scar
ice push

flood plain
crown transparency reconstruction
emission ecogramme dendrogeomorphology

natural disturbances
fertilization burial of stemwood
forest decline browsing corrasion
forest dieback
crown transparency
/ debris flow
gaseous pollutant insect hole
heavy metal insect outbreak tectonics
11 11
fraying transgression
smoke damage windfall tsunami

fire regime

(fire event)

forest fuels natural fire fire interval

snag mean fire interval
log (surface fire) fire occurrence
(finefuels) (large fire)
(heavy fuels)
(forest residue) fire history
i +
fire scar
charred wood

tree-ring/wood anatomy tree level regional level
100-year event
drought crack snow breakage mast year
frost crack winter desiccation El Nino
frost ring Southern Oscillation
(frost rib) drought-sensitive Little Ice Age
fire scar temperature- Medieval Warm Period
ice scar sensitive

microclimate 1-,------..,.....J


archaeology history
l site date(to)
prehistoric calendar date
cliff dwelling relative date
wetland settlement
bog-dwelling settlement
lake-dwelling settlement chronometric method
pile dwelling
dugout canoe
post field
dendroarchaeology -----
radiocarbon dating

trackway felling phase
radiocarbon activity
wood storage
historical half-life
painting panel seasoning
context secular variations
half-timber phase
wood long-term deviation
subfossil wood replacement
material de Vries effect
driftwood Maunder minimum
charred wood
Suess effect
post logging
roundwood coppicing
split wood pruning
timber pollarding
working marks bark (to)

Glossary of dendrochronological terms

100-year event 1
100-year event (n.)
An exceptional event, occurring approximately once in a century, e.g. a 100-year
flood or drought.

sakulares Ereignis (n. <-es, -e>)

Ein aussergewohnliches, nur ungefahr alle hundert Jahre einmal auftretendes Ereig-
nis, z.B. *Uberschwemmung, Trockenheit.

evenement centenaire (n.m.)

Evenement exceptionnel (par exemple une crue ou une secheresse), se produisant
environ une fois par siecle en moyenne.

suceso secular (n.m.)

=evento secular, n.m.
Acontecimiento excepcional con un tiempo de retorno aproximado de 100 aiios.
Por ej. una sequfa, una *inundaci6n, una plaga.

evento secolare (s.m.)

Evento eccezionale, che si verifica approssimativamente una volta in un secolo.

evento secular (n.m.)

Um evento excepcional, ocorrendo aproximadamente uma vez a cada seculo, por
exemplo: uma inundac;ao ou seca.

eeKoeoe co61i1T0e (cym., c.)

I1CKJ1IO!./J1TeJ1hHOe co6b!TI1e

l1cKmoq1nemttoe co6b1T11e, npo11cxo101wee np116m1311Temtto O.lll1H pa3 B

cToneT11e (1-rnnp. HaBO.llHett11e 111111 3acyxa).

C calibration 2
C calibration (n.)
Conversion of 14 C years before present (BP) into calendric years BP or into calendric
years AD or BC.
----, *calibration interval
*calibration range

Eichung (f. <-,-en>)

[A} Kalibrierung, f. <-, -en>
Umstellung von C1 4-Jahren vor heute in Kalenderjahre vor heute bzw. nach oder vor
Christi Geburt.

calibration (n.f.)
Conversion d'annees radiocarbone BP ("before present") en annees civiles BP ou
en annees civiles apres ou avant Jesus-Christ.

calibraci6n radiocarb6nica (n.f.)

Conversion de aiios de 14 C BP ("before present") (dataci6n absoluta) en afios calen-
dario despues o antes de Cristo, DC (=AD, anno domine) o AC, respectivamente.
En dendrocronologia, ver *rango de calibraci6n e *intervalo de calibraci6n.

calibrazione (s.f.)
Conversione di anni 14 C BP (dal presente) in anni civili BP o in anni di calendario
avanti o dopo Cristo (av.C. o AD.).

calibra~ao de 14C (n.f.)

Conversao de anos carbono 14 AP (Antes do Presente) em *calendario civil AP
(anode 1950) ou *calendario civil AC ou DC (antes ou depois de J.C.).

pa.zornyr nepo.l(HaH Kam16poBKa ( cyw., )K.)

=pa;u10yrJ1epo;woe ;,arupoBaHHe, cym., c
(pa.zu10yr nepo.n:ttoe .n:a T11p0Batt11e) OepeBo.n: pa.n:11oyr nepo.n:ttoro B03pacrn B
KaJleH.n:apHbie .l(aTbI .l(O HOBOH 11 HOBOI1 3phl, a TaK.tKe B KOJ111qecrno JleT,
rrpowe.1u1111x rrocne 11cxo.n:ttoro ro.n:a (11M rrp11HHTO cq11Ta Th 1950 ro.n:),
corrpOBO.tK.l(aIOw:eeCH JlOMeTKOl1 "JleT Ha3a.l(".

Dendroyear BP
9050 8950 8850 8750 8650 8550 8450 8350


8100 h
.... 8000
v/ ~ \/\

c:: 7900 V
:a 7800
~ "V
7700 \
7600 V\
Radiocarbon dates plotted
7500 against an absolutely dated oak
7100 7000 6900 6800 6700 6600 6500 6400 chronology. (After PEARSON et
Dendroyear BC al. 1993)

abrupt growth change 3

abrupt growth change (n.)

A visually conspicuous reduction of growth or recovery within an individual *tree-
ring sequence. (SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
The term was first defined by ScHWEINGRUBER et al. (1983).
~ *pointer interval

abrupte Zuwachsanderung (f. <-,-en>)

Leicht erkennbare Zuwachsreduktion oder -erholung innerhalb einer *Jahrringfolge.

changement brusque de croissance (n.m.)

""'anomalie de croissance, n.f
Reduction ou augmentation brusque de la croissance, visible sur une sequence de

cambio bmsco del crecimiento (n.m.)

Aumento o reducci6n abrupta del crecimiento en una secuencia de *anillos de los

brusca variazione di accrescimento (s.f.)

Riduzione o ripresa brusca dell'accrescimento, individuabile visivamente in una se-
quenza di *anelli annuali.

varia~ao bmsca do crescimento (n.f.)

=anomalia do crescimento, n.f
Redrn;ao ou aumento brusco do crescimento das arvores visualmente conspicuo no
*xilema em uma sequencia de *aneis de crescimento.

Abrupt growth change:

a) recent suppression (Abies alba)
b) recent release (Abies spectabilis)
c,d) alternating suppression and release (Abies spectabilis and Fitzroya cupressoides).

pe3Koe HJMeHem1e npHpocTa (cyw., c.)
YMeHbwemie rrp11pocra m111 Bl13yaJ1bHO BbI.llem1eMoe pe3Koe ero yBeJ1111IeH11e B
OTn.e.lbHO B3HTOH noc.nen.OBa TeJlbHOCTl1 *ro.l(11qHblX KOJleu.

Tep\111H snepsue sse11eH WsaJrnrpy6epoM c coasT. (1983 r.)

As defined by ScHWEINGRUBER et al. (1990), an abrupt growth change occurs when the ring

I width is at least 40% smaller or 160% wider than the average ring width of the preceding
four years.

absolute chronology 4

absolute chronology (n.m.)

=absolute dated chronology, n.
A chronology dated to a *calendar date.
~ ;t*floating chronology

absolut datierte Chronologie (f. <-,-en>)

Eine kalendergenau datierte *J ahrringfolge.

chronologie absolue (n.f.)

[Quj *chronologie
[Qu} chronologie maftresse, n.f
[Qu} *chronologie de reference
[Qu} serie de reference, n.f

*Chronologie datee par rapport aun calendrier civil.

11 11
Les auteurs quebecois emploient indifferemment les termes chronologie chronologie maf-

11 11 II
tresse 11
chronologie de reference
serie de reference pour designer une serie dont la

datation est absolue.

cronologia absoluta (n.f.)

=cronolog{a absoluta datada, n.f
Cronologia datada con respecto a un calendario civil.

cronologia assoluta (s.f.)

*Cronologia datata in riferirnento ad una *data di calendario.

cronologia absoluta (n.f.)

=datar;cfo absoluta, n.f
Uma cronologia datada em relac;ao a um *calendario civil.

a6comoTHa.R xpoHoJiorH.n (cyw., )K.)

XpoH0.10fl1H, n.a Tl1p0BaHHaH B *KaJleH.l(apHblX BpeMeHHblX e.l(l1H11UaX.

An absolute chronology applies to all types of ring measurements (e.g. maximum latewood
I density, earlywood width, minimum earlywood density, etc.) that have been crossdated.

accelerator mass spectrometry 5

accelerator mass spectrometry (n.m.)

=atomic mass spectrometry, n.
=AMS (abbr.)

Method of direct counting of *isotopes using a particle accelerator as *mass

spectrometer. (~EESS)
-t *mass spectrometer

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (m. <-s, ¢>)

Methode zur direkten Zahlung von *Isotopen. Dazu werden Teilchenbeschleuniger
als *Massenspektrometer verwendet.

spectrometrie de masse par accelerateur (n.f.)

Methode de comptage d'isotopes (direct ou par comptage d'ions), en utilisant un
accelerateur de particules faisant office de spectrometre de masse.
Le terme "spectroscopie de masse" est parfois employe, a tort.
espectrometrfa de aceleracion de masas (n.f.)
Metodo para contar *is6topos directamente o mediante la acumulaci6n de iones
usando un acelerador de particulas como el *espectr6metro de masas.

spettrometria di accelerazione di massa (s.f.)

Metodo di conta diretta degli *isotopi, tramite l'impiego di un acceleratore di
particelle quale lo *spettrometro di massa.

espectrometria de massa com acelerador (n.f.)

Metodo de contagem de *is6topos (direto ou pela contagem de ions), utilizando um
acelerador de particulas como *espectrometro de massa.

2lHHaMuqecKaH Macc-crreKTpoMeTpHH ( cyw., JK.)

=JJ.HHaMWleCKaH .wacc-cneKTpOCKOllHH, cym., )K.

=JJ.HHaMw1ecK1111 Macc-cneKrpa.,1hHbIJ1 aHa.,1113, cym., Jt.

MeTOll npHMoro onpell.e.;1emrn Ko~1wiecrna *1130Tonos c 11cno.1b30BaHI1e\1

ycKOpI1TeJ1H 3apH)KeHHblX lfaCTI1U B Kalfecrne OCHOBHOro 3.le\1eHTa

adult wood 6

adult wood (n.)

#mature wood, n.
#outer wood, n.
All the *xylem outside the core of *juvenile wood, the cells in general having reached
their maximum dimensions and structural development. (FORTER)
According to PORTER, the usage of "mature wood" is not advised but in the United States
this variant is more used than "adult wood".
~ *juvenile wood

(kein deutscher Begriff) Umfasst alles *Xylem ausserhalb des *Jugendholzes; die
Zellen haben in der Regel ihre maximalen Dimensionen und ihre strukturellen Dif-
ferenzierungen erreicht.
Normalerweise wird im Deutschen der Begriff "adult wood" verwendet.

bois adulte (n.m.)

Ensemble du bois qui se trouve al'exterieur de la partie centrale du *bois de jeunesse,
et dont les cellules ont, d'une maniere generale, atteint leurs dimensions maximales
et leur plein developpement structural. (DFM)

madera hecha (n.f.)

El *xilema que rodea al nucleo de *madera j6ven y cuyas celulas ya han alcanzado
sus dimensiones maximas y su desarrollo estructural.

legno adulto (s.m.)

=legno maturo, s.m.
Lo *xilema che si trova esternamente all'anima di *legno giovanile, e in cui le cellule
hanno raggiunto il massimo di dimensioni e di sviluppo strutturale. (BERTER)

madeira adulta (n.f.)

Todo o xilema que se localiza exteriormente aparte central do tronco com *madeira
juvenile cujas celulas atingiram, de modo geral, as dimens6es maximas e completo
desenvolvimento estrutural.

3pena.a ,ll;peeec1rna ( cym., )le)

BcR *KCHJieMa CHapy2K.H OT BHyrpeHHero UHJIHHlpa *crBOJia, o6pa30BaHHOro
CBOHX MaKCHMaJILHhlX pa3Mepon H npeleJILHoro crpyKrypHoro pa3BHTHa

adventitious 7

adventitious (adj.)
(Of a plant part i.e. root, shoot or bud) that develops from secondary *cambium on
the *stem, on an older branch or on roots.
---? . adventive, n.
epicormic, adj .In.

adventiv (Adj.)
(Wurzeln, Sprosse oder Knospen), die aus dem sekundaren *Kambium entstehen.
der. Adventiv-Spross, m. <-es, -e>
Adventiv-Wurzel, f. <-, -n>
---? Kompensationstrieb, m. <-(e)s, -e>
Angsttrieb, m. <-(e)s, -e>
Wasserreiser, m. <-s, ->
Klebast, m. <-(e)s, "-e>
Wasserschossling, m. <-s, -e>

adventif(ve) (adj.)
Qualifie un organe vegetal (racine, pousse, bourgeon) forme a partir du *cambium

adventicio (adj.)
Organo vegetal que se desarrolla a partir del *cambium.

avventizio (agg.)
Della parte di una pianta (radice, getto o gemma) che si sviluppa dal *cambio secon-
dario sul *fusto, su un vecchio ramo o sulle radici.

adventicia (adj.)
Orgao vegetal (raiz, broto ou gema) formado a partir do *cambio secundario.

Adventitious roots, and

adventitious shoots
developing after the
buried *stem was expo-
sed again. (BAYARD and

aHOMaJlhHbIH (np1u)
=a11BeHTJ1BHbll1, TTpH.·1.

Tep,rnH rrp11"1eHHeTCH K opraHy pacTeHHH (Kopmo, rro6ery, rroqKe),

pa3Bl1Bal0We\1yCH I13 BTOpI1qHoro *KaM6I1H Ha *crno.11e, Ha CTapblX BeTKax
I1.ll1 KOpHHX. I1~ll1 KOpHHX.

I Epicormic (adj.In.): A branch or shoot arising from an adventitious or *dormant bud on a

woody plant. An adventitious plant is also termed an adventive. (FORTER2)

Angiosperms 8

Angiosperms (pl. n.)

=Angiospermae, pl.n.

The botanical name for the group of vascular flowering plants that produce seeds
enclosed in an ovary; includes dicotyledons and monocotyledons but not the *conifers.
~ :;t*Gymnosperms

Angiospermen ( <-, ¢>)

=bedecktsamige Pflanzen

Botanischer Name Pflanzen, deren Samenanlage von einem Fruchtknoten um-
schlossen ist. Dazu gehoren Zweikeimblattler und Einkeimblattler, nicht jedoch die
*N adelholzer.

Angiospermes (
Norn botanique de !'ensemble des plantes vasculaires qui fleurissent et produisent
des graines encloses dans un ovaire; comprend les dicotyledones et monocotyledones
mais non les *resineux. ( ~DFM)

angiospermas (
Subdivision del reino vegetal que comprende las plantas con flares, monocotiled6neas
y dicotiled6neas, cuyos rudimentos seminales se encuentran protegidos por un ovario
o cavidad carpelar cerrada y por consiguiente con las semillas dentro del fruto.

Angiosperme (
Il nome botanico del gruppo di piante vascolari provviste di fiori, che producono
semi contenuti in un ovario; comprende le dicotiledoni e monocotiledoni ma non le

Angiospermas (
Nome botanico das plantas vasculares que florescem e produzem sementes dentro
de um ovario transformado em fruto; incluem as dicotiled6neas e monocotiled6neas,
mas nao as *coniferas.

JIOKpliITOCeMeHHI,Ie (npHJl., cyw. MH.q.)
=JJBeTKOBhJe pacremrn, cyw., MH. q_
=aHI'/10C!TepMb[, cyw., MH. q_

EornH11qecKoe Ha3BaHI1e OT.llena (Tmrn) cocy .llHCTbIX useTKOBbIX pacTeH1111,

KOTOph1e rrpo.llyu11py10T ceMeHa, 3aKn10qeHHbie B 3aBH3I1. TepY1I1H np11MeHI1M K
J1I1CTBeHHb1M rropO.llaM, HO He K XBOI1HbIM).

anr11ocnepMhI OT nar. Angiospermae; "noKphtToceMeHHhre'' 11cno.1h3yerc.ff 60.1ee w11poKO.

annual increment 9

annual increment (n.)

Increase in volume of a tree or a stand during a year.
~ rate of increment

jahrlicher Zuwachs (m. <-es,¢>)

Jahrlicher Holzzuwachs eines Baumes oder eines *Bestandes.

accroissement annuel (n.m.)

=accroissement (s.s.), n.m.
Augmentation de volume d'un arbre ou d'un peuplement pendant un an. (DFM)

crecimiento anual (n.m.)

Aumento en diametro, *secci6n normal, altura y volumen durante un afio de un
arbol o de una masa.
~ =t:crecimiento media anual

incremento annuo (s.m.)

~incremento corrente, s.m.
Accrescimento volumetrico di un albero o di un *popolamento durante un anno.

incremento anual (n.m.)

Aumento do volume de uma arvore ou de uma populat;ao durante um ano.

rO)lHqm,111 rrpttpOCT (cyw., M.)

Ysen11qeH11e o6beMa crnona .llepesa I1J1H 3arraca crno~1oso11 1IpesecI1HbI s
.llpesocTOe 3a O.llI1H roll.

apical meristem 10
apical meristem (n.)
11 11
The tissue at the tip ( apex of *stems, branches and roots, composed of small,

thin-walled cells which are capable of dividing and *differentiating (*meristem).

(:::: FRITIS 197 6)

apikales Meristem (n. <-s, -e>)

=Scheitelmeristem, n. <-s, -e>
Kleine, diinnwandige, teilungs- und differenzierungsfahige Zellen (*Meristem) an
Spitzen von *Stammen, Asten und Wurzeln.

meristeme apical (n.m.)

Tissu indifferencie localise al' extremite (= 11 apex 11 ) de la racine et de la *tige qui, par
division cellulaire et *differenciation, donne naissance aux racines et aux tiges.

meristemo apical (n.m.)

El tejido de la punta (apical) del *tronco, ramas y rafces, formado por celulas pequefias
de pared delgada con capacidad para dividirse y diferenciarse produciendo nuevos

meristema apicale (s.m.)

Tessuto situato nella parte sommitale del *fusto, di rami e di radici, costituito da
cellule di piccole dimensioni a parete sottile, le quali possono dare luogo a processi
di divisione e *differenziazione (*meristema).

meristema apical (n.m.)

Tecido indiferenciado das extremidades (= apices) em crescimento dos *troncos,
ramos e raizes, constituido por celulas pequenas e de paredes delgadas com capaci-
dade de divisao e *diferenciac;ao (*meristema).

arrMKaJihHaH MepMCTeMa ( cyw,., )K.)

=TTepBwIHaH MepucreMa, cym., JK.

TKaHh Ha BepxyrnKe (arreKce) *cTe6J1eI1, BeTOK 11 KOpHeI1, COCTOHLUaH 113

MeJlKl1X TOHKOCTeHHbIX KJleTOK, KOTOphie coxpaHHIOT crroco6HOCTh K .n:eneH11IO
11 *.n:mp(pepeHUI1P0BKe (*Mep11cTeMa) B TeqeH11e BCeI1 )K.113Hl1 pacTeHI1H.

autocorrelation function 11
autocorrelation function (n.)
=ACF (abbr.)
The result of computing autocorrelation coefficients from one to a prescribed number
of lags and then *plotting these coefficients as a function of lag. (FRITIS 1976)
~ *autocorrelation coefficient
*nth-order autocorrelation

Autokorrelations-Funktion (f. <-,-en>)
Die* Autokorrelations-Koeffizienten fur Phasenverschiebungen von 1 bis n werden
als Funktion der Phasenverschiebung bezeichnet.

fonction d'autocorrelation (n.f.)

=correlation serielle, n.j
Resultat du calcul des coefficients d'autocorrelation de l'ordre 1 jusqu'a un ordre
defini et expression de ces coefficients en fonction de l'ordre.

funci6n de autocorrelaci6n (n.f.)

=FAC (abr.)

El resultado de calcular, de uno en uno, los coeficientes de autocorrelaci6n con un

numero dado de desplazamientos; los coeficientes son representados en funci6n de
los desplazamientos ordenados desde el 1 al k.

funzione di autocorrelazione (s.f.)

Risultato della stima di coefficienti di autocorrelazione per un definito intervallo ed
espressione di tali coefficienti in funzione dell'intervallo stesso.

autocorrela~ao (n.f.)
Resultado do calculo dos coeficientes de correla<;ao a partir de um para um numero
prescrito de etapas e expressando esses coeficientes em fun<;ao das etapas.

Climate year t

Climate of a given year t

may have a large effect on
ring width for the same year.
It can also affect ring width
for a number k of years.
Therefore the width of the
ring in year t-1 is statistically
related to the ring width in
~A~e~ correlation
the ring t. This effect is
modeled as autocorrelation
t-1 t+l t+k in ring width. (FRITTS 1976)

aBTOKOppellHUMORHaH «l>YHKUMH (cym., )I(.)

=cepuaJibHaH KoppeJIHIJ,JJH, cym., JK.

fpa~HqecKoe npe~cTaBJleHHe aBTOKOppeJlflUHOHHhlX K03~~HUHeHTOB B BH~e

~YHKUHH OT wara 3ana3~LrnaHH.R, H3MenmomeroC.R OT e~HHHULI ~o 3a~annoro

auto regression 12

autoregression (n.)
A *regression in which one value in a *time series is regressed upon, or related to,
one or more values which precede it in time. (""FRITIS 1976)
~ *autocorrelation

Autoregression (f. <-,-en>)

Eine *Regression, bei der ein Wert in einer *Zeitreihe auf zeitlich vorherliegende
Werte Bezug nimmt oder zurtickgeftihrt wird.

autoregression (n.f.)
*Regression dans laquelle une valeur d'une *serie temporelle est regressee sur, ou
correlee a une ou plusieurs valeurs qui la precedent dans le temps.

autoregresi6n (n.f.)
Una *regresi6n en la cual cada valor de una *serie temporal se pone en regresi6n
con una o mas observaciones precedentes de la misma serie temporal.

modeUo autoregressivo (s.m.)

Tecnica di *regressione nella quale un dato appartenente ad una *serie temporale
viene regresso su, o messo in relazione con, uno o piu dati che lo precedono nella
serie stessa.

autoregressao (n.f.)
Uma *regressao na qual um valor de uma *serie temporal e linearmente relacionado
ou correlacionado para um ou mais valores que o precede no tempo.

aBToperpeccuH (cym., )I(.)

Perpecc1rn, B KOTOpOH Ka)K~afl BeJlHqHHa BO BpeMeHHhlX cepH.RX CBfl3bIBaeTC.R
npe~wecrnyIOWHMH eA BO BpeMeHH.

Autoregression often refers to a process of dependency of one ring on values of prior rings.

I An actual regression equation may not have been computed but the autoregression is still

averaged growth chronology 13
averaged growth chronology (n.)
(not commonly used in English) *Chronology averaged from all the *growth curves
within a tree or a piece of *timber.

Baummittelkurve (f. <-, -n>)

Mittelkurve aus mehreren *Einzelkurven innerhalb eines Baumes oder eines *Bal-

serie individuelle (n.f.)

:::courbe moyenne individuelle, n.f
:::courbe individuelle, n.f
*Chronologie etablie a partir des *series elementaires d'un arbre ou d'une poutre.

curva media individual (n.f.)

Serie media de crecimiento individual obtenida promediando las series de crecimiento
de un arbol ode una *viga.

cronologia media (s.f.)

*Cronologia ricavata da *curve di accrescimento di uno stesso albero o di uno stesso
assortimento di *legname.

serie individual (n.f.)

=curva individual, n.f
=curva media individual, n.f
*Cronologia estabelecida a partir de *series elementares de uma arvore ou de uma
madeira ou *lenho.

cpe,n:HHH xpoHOJlOrHH (cym., )!(.)

*XpoHOJ10fl1JI, ycpe,11,HeHHaJI ITO BCeM *Kp11B1i1M rrp11pocTa, no11yi1eHHliIM ,11,Jlfl
,11,aHHOfO ,11,epeBa 111111 *,11,peBOCTOa

bar chart 14
bar chart (n.)
=bar diagram, n.
Graphic representation of the time period spanned by a set of absolutely or relatively
dated samples.

Balkendiagramm (n. <-(e)s, -e>)

=Staffeldiagramm, n. <-(e)s, -e>
Graphische Darstellung der Zeitspanne, welche dendrochronologisch absolut oder
relativ datierte *Jahrringfolgen umfassen.

bloc-diagramme (n.m.)
=diagramme en batons, n.m.
Representation graphique de la couverture temporelle d'un ensemble d'echantillons
dates de fac;on absolue ou relative.

grafico de barras (n.m.)

Representaci6n por medio de barras del periodo cubierto por un conjunto de muestras
con dataci6n absoluta o flotante.

istogramma temporale (s.m.)

Rappresentazione grafica dell'ambito temporale nel quale si collocano dei campioni
datati in senso assoluto o relativo.

grafico de barra (n.m.)

Representac;ao grafica de um periodo de tempo coberto por um conjunto de amostras
datadas de forma absoluta ou relativa.





Terneuzen, +

Bar chart of subfossil *logs from a
submerged coastal forest in Belgium,
showing the number of *tree rings per
log. The stand developed for over 100
0 50 100 150 200 250 years and then was submerged by water
+ with bark over a 50-year period. (MuNAUT 1967)

ITOJIOCHaH J;HarpaMMa ( cyiu., )K.)
fpa~ttqecKoe rrpe~cTaBneHHe BpeMeHHoro rreptto~a, 3arronHeHttoro Ha6opoM

bark 15
bark (n.)
All the tissues outside the *cambium. (TROCKENBRODT 1990)

Rinde (f. <-, -n>)

Alle Gewebe ausserhalb des *Kambiums.

ecorce (n.f.)
Ensemble des tissus exterieurs au *cambium.

corteza (n.f.)
Todos los tejidos que quedan por fuera de la capa del *cambium vascular.

corteccia (s.f.)
L'insieme dei tessuti vegetali situati esternamente al *cambio.

casca (n.f.)
Todos os tecidos exteriores ao *cambio.

KOpa ( cyiu., )K.)

Bee TKaHH mapy)KH OT *KaM6HH.

In the absence of a universal terminology of bark anatomy and considering that bark is not
I of primary relevance in tree-ring studies, we follow Trockenbrodt's definition (see figure).

} periderm
} ( excl. primary



Tissue zones in bark. (After cambium


bark (to) 16
bark (to) (t.v.)
=debark (to), t. v.
=decorticate (to), t. v.

To remove *bark from a tree, e.g. in prehistoric times to harvest phloem for lattice-
work (see figure).
~ latticework, n.

entrinden (t.V.)
Entfernen der Rinde, z.B. in prahistorischer Zeit zur Gewinnung von *Bast ftir Ge-
flechte (siehe Abbildung).

ecorcer (v.t.)
Debarrasser un arbre de son *ecorce, par exemple pendant la prehistoire pour recolter
le phloeme utilise pour realiser des sparteries en filasse d'ecorce (voir illustration).
~ sparterie, n.f.

descortezar (v.t.)
Desprender la *corteza de un arbol; p. ej., para obtener el corcho o para recoger las
fibras del floema utilizadas en cesterfa durante la prehistoria (ver figura).

Late Neolithic latticework.

(PETREQUIN 1984; all rights reserved.)

decorticare (

Rimuovere la *corteccia da un albero, per esempio in epoche preistoriche allo scopo

di raccogliere floema per la fabbricazione di oggetti intrecciati (si veda la figura).

descascar (v.t.)
Remover a *cascade uma arvore, por exemplo durante a pre-hist6ria, para utilizar o
floema para trelic;as ou gelosias (ver figura).

OKOpHTb (rn.)
OT ,lleJUITh Kopy OT ,llepeBa, HanpMMep, npM 3aroTOBKe *q>Il03Mhl. =JlhIKa, llJIJI
nJ1eTeHI1H sepesoK, porox, J1anTel1, KOp3I1H (cM. p11c.).

barrier zone 17
barrier zone (n.)
Woody tissue formed by the cambium after wounding; it differs from normal *xylem
as regards structure and chemical composition. (Smoo and MARX 1977)
~ *compartmentalisation

Barrierzone (f. <-, -n>)

[A}=Abschottungszone, f. <-, -n>

Vom *Kambium nach Verletzung strukturell und eventuell chemisch verandertes,

neugebildetes Holzgewebe.

Barrier zones formed in a beech

(Fagus sylvatica) sampled with
an *increment borer:
- several barrier zones in the
vertical axis of the stem
(upright and oblique arrows)
- one tangential barrier zone
(horizontal arrow)
(Photo. Lenz).

zone de protection (n.£)
Barriere chimique de protection, formee dans le bois d'un arbre blesse, et differente
du bois normal par sa structure et sa composition chimique.

barrera de proteccion (n.f.)

Tejido de *xilema generado por el *cambium alrededor de una herida; este tejido
difiere del *xilema normal en su estructura y composici6n quimica.

zona di barriera (s.f.)

""Zona di compartimentazione, s.f
Tessuto formato dal *cambio a seguito di ferite, che presenta, rispetto allo *xilema
normale, differenze nella struttura e nella composizione chimica.

barreira de prote~ao (n.f.)

Tecido lenhoso formado pelo *cambio ap6s uma injuria; difere do *xilema normal
com relac;ao a estrutura e composic;ao quimica.

6apbepHaH 30Ha ( cyw. )K.)

ll,peBeCHaR TKaHh, npo11,yu11p0BaHHaH KaM611eM nocne nopatteH11J1 11,epeBa.
OT n11qaeTCH OT HOpMaJlbHOI1 KCI1JleMbl CTpyKTypo11 11 XI1MI1qecKI1M COCTaBOM.

basal area 18
basal area (n.)
=b.a. (abbr.)
The area in square meters of the cross-section of a tree *stem, generally at breast
height and inclusive of *bark. (PORTER, BoNNOR 1978)
der. basal area increment, n.

Grundflache (f. <-, -n>)

Die Flache einer *Stammscheibe inklusive Borke auf Brusthohe (1,3 m), in Qua-

surface terriere (n.f.)

Superficie de la section d'un *tronc, le plus souvent ahauteur d'homme et sur ecorce.
der. accroissement en surface terriere, n.m.

seccion normal (n.f.)

=area basal, n.f
=area normal, n.f
El area, en metros cuadrados, de la secci6n transversal del *tronco de un arbol medida
a la altura del pecho (a 1.30 m de la base del arbol). Hay que especificar si se incluye
o no la *corteza.
El area basimetrica es la suma de secciones normales de un rodal.

area basimetrica (s.f.)
Area, espressa in metri quadrati, della sezione trasversale di un *fusto d'albero, riferita
generalmente all'altezza a petto d'uomo e comprendente la *corteccia.

area basal (n.f.)

Area em metros quadrados da se~ao transversal do *tronco de uma arvore, a altura
do peito, incluindo a *casca.

6aJamttaH rrnoma.zi:b (cyw., JK.)

CTJlOIUallb rrorrepeqHoro ceqeHI1FI llPeBeCHblX *cTBOalOB B *Kope, I13.\1epHe.\rnf! B
KBallpaTHbIX Merpax, KaK npamuo, Ha Bbicore rpy JI1.

I inti. symb. g

bog-dwelling settlement 19
bog-dwelling settlement (n.)
A settlement on bogs or heathland.
~ *lake dwelling

Moorsiedlung (f. <-,-en>)

Siedlung in einem Moor oder einer Heide.

habitat en milieu marecageux (n.m.)

Village construit dans des marecages ou des tourbieres.
~ maison de tourbiere, n.f.

asentamiento en medio pantanoso (n.m.)

""'palafito, n.m.
Asentamiento construfdo sobre zonas pantanosas o turberas.

abitato in terreni paludosi (s.m.)

Insediamento in terreni paludosi o brughiera.

povoado em meio pantanoso (n.m.)

=povoado lacustre, n.m.

Povoado construfdo em pantano ou turfeira.

6onorttoe rroceneHHe ~ym, c)

~011crop11qecKoe noce~eH11e Ha 6o~orax 11 nepecKOBo0 nycrow11.


Map of the 1936

B excavations in the
late Neolithic bog-
dwelling settlement
of Egelsee, near
Ruhestetten (Ger-
A. Plan of the up-
right posts (black
dots) and lying
poles and beams.
B. Reconstructed
plan showing a
*trackway and
five wooden-floor
all rights reserved.)
0 1 Sm

boot-strap technique 20

boot-strap technique (n.)

A statistical technique that estimates the error of a data set by repeated random
sampling of the data so as to increase the sample size artificially.

Boot-strap Methode (f. <-, ¢>)

Eine statistische Methode zur Fehlerschatzung in einem Datensatz, indem wieder-
holt Stichproben zufallig aus demselben Datensatz erhoben werden. Damit wird
ktinstlich eine grossere Stichprobe erzeugt.

bootstrap (n.m.)
Methode statistique de reechantillonnage permettant d'estimer les erreurs d'un
ensemble de donnees par des echantillonnages aleatoires successifs des donnees ini-
tiales afin d'augmenter artificiellement la taille de l'echantillon.
Nous preferons ne pas traduire le mot "bootstrap", dont la signification initiale est "tirant de
botte", le sens de !'expression "bootstrap method" pouvant etre aussi "methode necessitant
un minimum de moyens" ou "a la force du poignet". (DAGNELIE 1992)
La technique du "bootstrap" ayant peu a peu supplante !es autres techniques de reechan-
tillonnage, le terme "boostrap" tend a prendre un sens plus general de "methode statistique
de reechantillonage".
J. Guiot propose la definition suivante: Methode statistique permettant d'evaluer la precision
de parametres statistiques estimes sur un ensemble de donnees par des reechantillonnages
aleatoires successifs des donnees initiales afin de simuler artificiellement la population dont
elle est issue.

tecnica boot-strap (n.f.)

Una tecnica estadistica que estima el error de un conjunto de datos mediante mues-
treos sucesivos aleatorios ( con repetici6n) con el fin de aumentar artificialmente el
tamafio de la muestra.

tecnica boot-strap (s.f.)

Tecnica statistica che permette di determinare l'errore associato ad una funzione di
dati campionari ripetendo l'estrazione casuale dei dati stessi in modo da aumentare
artificialmente la dimensione del campione.

metodo boot-strap (n.m.)

Metodo estatistico que permite estimar o erro de um conj unto de dados pela repetic;ao
ao acaso dos dados para aumentar artificialmente o tamanho da amostra.

MeTO.l.( "mHypKa" ( cyw.. \1.)

=MeTOJI. c.r1yqaffHbIX Bbl60pOK, cyw., M.

Cm Tl1CT1HeCKI1l1 MeTOll oueHKI1 ow1160K, OCHOBaHHblI1 Ha np0Be1leHI1l1

HeOll,HOKpa THblX cnyqaCIHbIX BbI6opoK I13 COBOKynHOCTI1 ll,aHHbIX, qrn n03BO.lJieT

bore (to) 21
bore (to) (t.v.)

=core (to), t. v.

To pierce the *stem of a tree with an *increment borer, in order to remove an *incre-
ment core.
~ *borer support

bohren (t.V.)
Mit einem *Zuwachsbohrer einen *Bohrkern entnehmen.

sonder (v.t.)

zcarotter, v.t. (jargon, Jam.)

z Echantillonner, v. t.

Percer un *tronc a l'aide d'une *tariere afin d'y prelever une *carotte.
"Echantillonner" peut s'appliquer a la fois a une population d'arbres et a un arbre (=pre-
lever une carotte ou une *section de tronc).
~ carottage, n.m.
# forage, n.m.

barrenar (v.t.)

ztafadrar, V. t.
zperforar, v. t.

Perforar el *tronco de un arbol con una *barrena de incrementos para sacar un

*testigo de madera.

carotare (
Perforare il *fusto di un albero con un *succhiello per prelevare una *carota.

perfurar (v.t.)
Perfurar o tronco de uma arvore com uma *sonda de Pressler para retirar uma
amostra de madeira ("bagueta").

BbI6ypHTb KepH (r.1.)

=B3HTb KepH, r.7.

=OTo6pan A.·epH, r.1.

CTpoCBep.111T1 *crno.1 .JepeBa *6ypaB0\1 11 3aTe'.\1 BbIHYTb 113 6ypaBa *KepH.

borer support 22
borer support (n.)
=increment borer starter, n.
A device placed between the operator's chest and the *increment borer to ensure
that the latter penetrates the tree *stem in a straight line. ("'='SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)
~ *increment borer
*bore (to)

Bohrstiitze (f. <-, -n>)

Eine Vorrichtung zwischen der Brust des Bohrenden und dem *Zuwachsbohrer, um
<lessen geradliniges Eindringen in den *Stamm zu gewiihrleisten.

manche de Reineke (n.m.)

zReineke, n.m.
Accessoire fixe entre la *tariere et le thorax de l'utilisateur pour assurer un sondage
parfaitement rectiligne.

soporte de barrena (n.f.)

Dispositivo que se coloca entre el pecho del operador y la *barrena (de incrementos)
para asegurar que este perfore el *tronco del arbol en linea recta.

supporto per carotatore (s.m.)

Supporto di sostegno del *succhiello, fissato al petto dell'operatore per assicurare
che il carotaggio del *fusto avvenga secondo una direttrice rettilinea.

suporte da sonda (n.m.)

Acess6rio fixado na *sonda de Pressler para assegurar uma perfurac;ao perfeitamente
retilinea, do *tronco de uma arvore, pela pressao do t6rax do operador.

yrrop 6ypana (cyw., M.)

CTpttcnoco6J1eH11e, ycrnHaBJ111naeY1oe \1e)KJ.Y rpy J.bIO oneparnpa 11 *6ypano\1;
06ecnet111naeT npo,,1B11)KeH11e *6 ypana B crnme ,,1epena no npm-1011.

Increment borer with a borer

support and a device for per-
pendicular coring.

broadleaved 23

broadleaved (adj., n.)

=[N.Am.] broadleaf, adj.

A conventional term applied to trees and shrubs of the botanical group Dicotyledons.
Although "*hardwood" primarily refers to the timber of broadleaved species, it is sometimes
used to designate the trees themselves.
~ :;t*softwoods
*hardwood, adj., n.

Laubbaum (m. <-es, -time>)

Ein Begriff, der die botanische Klasse der zweikeimblattrigen *Angiospermen
verwendet wird.

feuillu (adj., n.m.)

[Qu]~bois franc, n.f.

Essence forestiere appartenant au groupe des Dicotyledones. (""DFM)

latifoliada(s) (adj./n.f.(pl.))
=frondosa(s), n.f (pl.)

Termino tecnico usado para denominar a los arboles y arbustos que pertenecen a las
Ni el termino frondosas (fronde es comunmente utilizado para designar las hojas de los hele-
chos) ni el termino latifoliadas (hoja grande) son muy apropiados para designar este grupo de

latifoglia (s.f.)
Termine di uso corrente con il quale vengono indicati alberi ed arbusti appartenenti
al gruppo botanico delle *dicotiledoni.

latifoliada (adj., n.f.)

=folhosa, adj., n.f

Termo convencional aplicado para arvores e arbustos do grupo botanico das Dicoti-

llHipOKOJIHCTBeHHblfi ( cyw .• \I., np11.1.)

YC.10BHbll1 Tep\111H, np11\1eHJ1e\1bil1 K JepeBbH\1 11 KYCTapHHKaM, np11Ha1(.ne)K.aWI1M
K 6oTaHI1lfeCK0\1Y K.1accy * .JB.YllO.lbHbIX.
B pyccKOH3hl4HOA Hay4HOA ~11TepaType Tep~11H "w11pOKO~l1CTBeHHhle" np11HHTO
l1CnO.lb30Ba Tb 11.lfl noKpblTOCe:\teHHblX C w11p0Kmm .ll1CT0BW111 nJ1aCTl1HKaM11 (6yK,
Jy6 11 11pJ (Worobjew 1986)

browsing 24

browsing (n.)
Feeding on the buds, shoots and leaves of shrubs and trees by livestock or wild animals.
The German term "Verbiss" refers to the browsed vegetation and not to the actual process of
feeding as in English and French.
(Phraseol.): to browse a tree/to browse on a tree
der. browse (to), t.v./i.v.
----, *fraying

Verbiss (m. <-es, 0>)

(kein genaues Aquivalent) Straucher und Baume, bei denen Zweige und/oder Knos-
pen <lurch Haus- und Wildtiere (Wildverbiss) abgefressen sind.
der. verbeissen, t.V.
----, Wildverbiss, m. <-es,~>

abroutissement (n.m.)
Action par le betail ou le gibier de brouter les bourgeons, pousses, rameaux et feuilles
des vegetaux ligneux. (DFM)
der. abroutir, v.t.

ramoneo (n.m.)
Acci6n de alimentarse de las yemas, brotes y hojas de arboles y arbustos por parte
del ganado y animales salvajes.

brucare (
11 cibarsi di gemme, rametti e foglie di arbusti ed alberi, esercitato da animali domestici
o selva tici.
----, pascolamento aereo, s.m.

pastoreio (n.m.)
Ac;ao dos animais domesticos ou selvagens se alimentarem das gemas, brotos e folhas
de arvores e arbustos.

rroe.zu, (cyw.,)K.)
CnelI.hI o6be.aamrn Ha no1IKax, no6erax 11 JlI1CThHX, ocraB.1emme 1I.0\1aWHI1\1I1
I1Jll1 lI.I1Kl1Ml1 )Kl1BOTHh1Ml1.

q>pa3eo11.: 061,e)la Th llepeso

I Heavy browsing results in abrupt growth reduction in the *xylem.

building phase 25

building phase (n.)

(Dendroarchaeology) Period with continuous building activity spanning over several
consecutive years.
~ *seasoning
*wood storage

Bau phase (f. <-, -n>)

(Dendroarchaologie) Periode mit kontinuierlicher Bautatigkeit tiber mehrere auf-
einanderfolgende J ahre.

phase de construction (n.f.)

(Dendroarcheologie) Periode de construction ininterrompue pendant plusieurs
annees consecutives.

fase de construccion (n.f.)

(Dendroarqueologfa) Periodo ininterrumpido, durante varios afios consecutivos, de
construcciones (de edificios ).

fase costruttiva (s.f.)

(Dendroarcheologia) Periodo di attivita costruttiva, che si estende continuativamente
per alcuni anni consecutivi.

fase de constrm;ao (n.f.)

(Dendroarqueologia) Periodo de constru~ao ininterrupta durante varios anos

q>a3a CTpOHTeJlbCTBa (cyw .. )K.)

Cie1upoapxeo.1ornJ1) ITpouecc cTp01ne.1hcrna, npo1lO.i1)KaJOWI1ficJ1 ttenpepbmHo
HeCKO.lbKO .leT.

In the past, timber was used unseasoned, without being stored for long periods of time. The
*felling phases and building phases were then more or less synchronous.

burial of stemwood 26
burial of stemwood (n.)
Covering of the base of a *stem by inorganic or organic debris that interferes with
normal growth processes and may lead to growth *suppression, to sprouting of
*adventitious roots or stems, and to anatomical changes in wood. (zSHRODER 1978)

Einsedimentation (f. <-, ¢>)

Einsedimentation des unteren Stammteils lebender Baume <lurch Schlamm und
Schutt. In der Folge konnen *Zuwachsreduktionen und anatomische Veranderun-
gen oder *adventives Wachstum auftreten.

enfouissement (n.m.)
Recouvrement de la base d'un *tronc par des sediments, qui entrave les processus
normaux de croissance et peut entramer une *baisse de croissance, la formation de
racines ou de troncs *adventifs, ainsi que des modifications anatomiques du bois.

tronco semienterrado (n.m.)

Recubrimiento de la base de un *tronco por sedimentos que interfieren con los pro-
cesos normales de crecimiento y pueden generar una *supresi6n del mismo, estimular
la formaci6n de tallos y raices *adventicias y producir modificaciones en la anatomfa
de la madera.

seppellimento del colletto (s.m.)

Ricoprimento con terra o fango della base di un *fusto d'albero, che interferisce con
i normali processi di accrescimento e puo causare *rallentamento della crescita,
formazione di radici o fusti *avventizi, modificazioni della struttura anatomica del

recobrimento (n.m.)
Cobertura da base do *tronco por sedimentos organicos ou inorganicos, alterando
os processos normais de desenvolvimento da a.rvore, podendo causar *supressao do
seu crescimento, formac;ao de raizes ou ramos *adventicios e alterac;oes anatomicas
da madeira.

"rrorpe6emm" KOMJIH (cym., c.)

(aeH11,poreOMOpq>OJIOrIUI) IT0KpbIT11e 3eMJiefi: HJIH rpH3bI0 OCHOBaHH.R *cre6JI.R (*crnona),
llTO MewaeT 1-IOpMaJihHOMY npoTeKaHHIO p0CT0Bb1X npoueccoB 11 MO)KeT np11Becr11 K
*no11,aBJ1eHHIO pocra, K no.RBJieHHIO *a11,BeHTl1BHblX KOpHefi: HJIH *cTe6nefi:, a TaK)Ke
K 113MeHeHHI0 aHa TOMWieCKOro CTpoeHH.R 11,peBeCHI-Ihl.

calendar date 27

calendar date (n.)

=calendric date, n.
=calendrical date, n.
Date referring to a terrestrial calendar.

kalendergenaues Datum (n. <-s,~>)

Jahrgenaues Datum.

date objective (n.f.)

Date se referant a un calendrier civil (par opposition a astronomique).

afi.o de calendario (n.m.)

=aiio civil, n.m.
=calendario civil, n.m.
Dataci6n referente a un calendario civil, por oposici6n a astron6mico.

data di calendario (s.f.)
Data riferita al calendario civile.

calendario civil. (n.m.)

Data referente ao calendario civil.

KaneHii;apHaH ii;arn (cyru., JK.)

=KaJieH,ll,apHaH BpeMeHHaH e,ll,UHULI.a, cyw,., :)!{.

GettllpoxpottoJionrn) .LI.ara, omoonua.Hrn K 3eMHOMY Jierm1rnv1c11emno.

calibration 28
calibration (n.)
The phase of dendroclimatic analysis in which a model of the relationship between
*tree rings and climatic factors is constructed typically by some form of simple or
multiple linear *regression analysis. This type of model is also known as either a
*transfer function or a *response function (FRITIS 1976). (:::::SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)
~ *reconstruction

Eichung (f. <-, -en>)

Teilschritt in einer dendroklimatologischen Analyse, der mit einfachen oder multi-
plen *Regressionen die Beziehung zwischen Jahrringen und Klimafaktoren berech-
net. Dieses Modell ist auch bekannt als *Response Function oder *Transfer Function.

calibration (n.f.)
Dans une analyse dendroclimatique, phase pendant laquelle la relation entre les
*cernes et les facteurs climatique (*fonction de transfert ou *fonction de reponse)
est modelisee, generalement al'aide d'une *regression lineaire simple OU multiple.

calibracion (n.f.)
En el analisis dendroclimatico, establecimiento de un modelo de analisis de *regresi6n
simple o multiple que relaciona *anillos de los arboles con variables climaticas. Este
tipo modelo, si es lineal, es tambien conocido como *funci6n de transferencia o bien
como *funci6n respuesta.

calibrazione (s.f.)
Fase dell'analisi dendroclimatica nella quale viene definita, mediante *regressioni
lineari semplici o multiple, la relazione *anelli annuali/fattori climatici. Questa model-
lizzazione e conosciuta anche con i termini *funzioni di trasferimento o *funzioni di

fase de calibratao (n.f.)

Fase da analise dendroclimatica na qual um modelo de relac;oes entre *aneis de cresci-
mento e fatores climaticos e construido por *analise de regressao linear simples ou
multipla. Esse tipo de modelo e tambem conhecido como *func;ao de transferencia
ou *func;ao de resposta.

Kan116poeo11HLIH rrepM0.2l ( cym., M.)
=Ka.rm6ponKa, cym., JK.

3mrr )leH)lpOKJUIMa n1qecKoro aHaJUI3a, B KOTOpOM MO)leJlh B3al1MOCBJl3I1 Me)K_)ly

*ro)lI1qHb[M rrpI1pOCTOM l1 KJ1I1Ma T11qecKI1Ml1 cpaKTOpaMI1 CTPOI1TCJI, KaK rrpa8I1J10,
B BI1)le O)lHOMepHOH I1J1l1 MHOfOMepHOH *perpecc1111. 3TOT TI1Tl MO)leJ1I1 I13BeCTeH
KaK *rrepe)laToqHaJI ~YHKUI1JI I1J1l1 *~yHKUI1JI OTBeTa.

calibration interval 29
calibration interval (n.)
In a climate *reconstruction model, time interval to which *calibration is applied.
~ *calibration

EichungsintervalI (n. <-s, -le>)

=Eichperiode, f <-, -n>
Zeitintervall, in welchem die *Eichung, z.B. ftir eine dendroklimatologische *Re-
konstruktion, vorgenommen wird.

intervaUe de calibration (n.m.)

Dans une *reconstruction climatique, intervalle de temps retenu pour etablir la *cali-
Ce terme est parfois employe dans le sens de *fourchette de calibration (*calibration range).

intervalo de calibracion (n.m.)

Intervalo temporal reservado para establecer la *calibraci6n en un modelo de *re-
construcci6n climatica.

intervallo di calibrazione (s.m.)

Intervallo temporale al quale viene applicata la *calibrazione in una *ricostruzione

intervalo de calibra~ao (n.m.)

Intervalo de tempo no qual a *calibra<;ao e aplicada em um modelo de *reconstru<;ao

Kam16pOB01IHhlH MHTepBaJl ( cym., M.)

(J1.eH)lOKJ1I1Ma TOJlOrHJI) BpeMeHHOH I1HTepsaJ1 B MO)leJ1I1 *peKOHCTPYKUI1l1 KJ1I1Ma Ta,
K KOTOpOMY 6brna rrp11MeHeHa *KaJ1116pOBKa.

calibration range 30
calibration range (n.)
Calibrated age of a radiocarbon-dated sample, expressed in range of calendric years
AD or BC or in range of calendric years BP.
~ *14C calibration

Eichspanne (f. <-, ¢>)

Geeichtes Alter von radiokarbondatiertem Material, ausgedriickt als Zeitspanne
von Kalenderjahren nach oder vor Christi Geburt bzw. vor heute.

fourchette de calibration (n.f.)

(Neologisme - pas d'equivalent en franc;ais) Age calibre d'un echantillon date au
*carbone 14, et exprime sous forme d'une fourchette d'annees civiles avant ou apres
J.C., ou d'annees civiles BP ("before present").
Le terme "*intervalle de calibration" (*calibration range) est parfois employe comme un syn-
onyme de "fourchette de calibration 11 •

rango de calibracion (n.m.)

Edad calibrada de una muestra datada con *14 C expresada en un rango de a:fios
calendarios antes o despues de Cristo, o en un rango de a:fios civiles BP ("before

range di calibrazione (s.m.)

Eta calibrata di un campione datato di 14 C, espressa in termini di anni di calendario
(AD o av.C.) o in termini di anni di calendario rispetto all'attualita.
Sostantivo inglese, in Italiano usato al maschile.

perfodo de calibra-;ao (n.m.)

=intervalo de calibrac;ao, n.m.

Idade calibrada de uma amostra datada por *carbono 14 e expressa em intervalo de

anos do *calendario civil, antes ou depois de Jesus Cristo (AC, DC), ou em um
*calendario civil AP (Antes do Presente ).

o5nacTh Kan:06p0BKH (cym., )K.)

(pa1u10yr nepo1lHoe 11a n1p0Batt11e) Kan116p0BaHHbIH B03pacT 06pa3ua,
11a T11p0BaHH0ro pa1111oyrnepo110M. 05nacn *Kan116p0BKI1 Bbipa)KaeTc.R B
KaJ1e1rnapHblX ro11ax H.3. 11 1(0 H.3. l1J1I1 " ... " JleT Ha3a1l OTHOCI1TeJ1bHO I1CX01lHOro

The year of reference (year 0) when expressing a date in years "before present" (BP) is

calibration wedge 31
calibration wedge (n.)
Wedge-shaped gauge, usually made of cellulose-acetate, with a stepwise or gradual
long side, used in *x-ray densitometry to measure *wood density.

Eichkeil (m. <-s, -e>)

Referenzmaterial (meistens aus Zelluloseacetat) mit treppenformiger oder schrager
Flache zur Bestimmung der radiographischen Dichte.

coin etalon (n.m.)

Objet de forme prismatique, generalement en acetate de cellulose, dont le cote le
plus long s'elargit progressivement ou par paliers, utilise comme etalon de mesure
de la *densite du bois en *radiodensitometrie.

cuna de calibracion (n.f.)

Objeto de forma prismatica de acetato de celulosa, con un sector escalonado o de
pendiente gradual, usado en *densitometria por rayos X para medir la *densidad de
la madera.

sloping wedge

A. Cellulose acetate calibration wedge .

I!ll 1!11

.I<: 0.8

('<) 0.6

· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ 0.005
0 0mm ~ 0.004
A. Cellulose acetate calibra-
tion wedge. B. Densitogram
0 20 40 60mm
of a calibration wedge.
(SCHWEINGRUBER 1988) B. Densitogramme of a calibration wedge.

blocco di calibrazione (s.m.)
Componente di form.a spigolosa, generalmente di acetato di cellulosa, con un lato
che si allarga continuativamente o in modo discreto, utilizzato nella *densitometria
ai raggi X per misurare la *densita del legno.

cunha de calibra~ao (n.f.)

Objeto de forma prismatica geralmente de acetado de celulose, com variac;ao gradu-
al de espessura ou em escada e utilizado para aferic;ao da *densidade da *madeira
em *radiodensitometria.

KaJ1H6pOB011HbIH KJlHH (cym., M.)

(pa,L(l10,lleHCl1TOMeTp11H) 3TaJ10H KJ111H0Bl1,l(H011 <pOpMhI, co CTyrreH11a TOH 11J111
r Jla,l(KOH ,l(J111HHOl1 CTOpOHOH, l13rOTOBJ1eHHhl11 ofa111Ho 113 auernT-UeJ1J1IOJ103hl;
11cnom3yeTCJ1 ,l(JlH 113MepeHl1H *nnoTHOCTl1 ,llpeBeCl1Hhl MeTO,llOM *peHTreHOBCKOH

callous margin 32
callous margin (n.)
Edge of *callous tissue overgrowing a *stem wound.
~ *callous tissue

Kallusrand (f. <-, -en>)

=Kalluswulst, m. <-es, ··-e>
Geweberand beim Uberwallen von Baumwunden.

bourrelet cicatriciel (n.m.)

=cal, n.m.
Bord du cal cicatriciel tendant a recouvrir une blessure.

callous tissue
callous margin

Callous margin. The first wound occurred in 1875 during a period of low growth activity and
triggered growth *release. The second wound occurred in 1876, during a period of high growth
activity. (HARTIG 1891)

margen calloso (n.m.)
*Tejido calloso de cicatrizaci6n que rodea y finalmente puede cubrir las heridas
producidas en el *tronco, ramas y raices.

margine calloso (s.m.)

Bardo del *tessuto calloso ricoprente una ferita del *fusto.

calosidade marginal (n.f.)

Margem de *tecido de calo de cicatrizai;ao desenvolvido em *tronco injuriado.

rpam1ua Kamnoca (cym., )K.)

=KaJTJTIOCHaH rpamw.a, cyza., JK.

rpam,i:ua Ka111110ctto11 TKam-1, 06pa3onanwe11cH Ha MecTe nopattemrn *crno11a.

callous tissue 33
callous tissue (n.)
=callus tissue, n.
=callus, n.
Concentration of parenchymal cells around a wound.
Callous: adjective referring to the callus (noun).

Kallusgewebe (n. <-s, ->)

Ansammlung von parenchymatischen Zellen im Bereich von Verletzungen.

tissu calleux (n.m.)

~cal, n.m.

Amas de cellules parenchymatiques autour d'une blessure.

Collapsed cells and callous tissue in the xylem

of a spruce (Picea abies) struck by a lightning.
a) slightly collapsed tracheids, which were
differentiating when the lightning struck;
b) callous tissue
c) tangential resin ducts, induced by lightning.
(HARTIG 1891)

tejido calloso (n.m.)
=calla, n.m.
Concentraci6n de celulas parenquimaticas alrededor de una herida.

tessuto calloso (s.m.)

~tessuto di cicatrizzazione, s.m.
Concentrazione di cellule parenchimatiche attorno ad una ferita.

tecido de calo (n.m.)

Concentrac;ao de celulas de parenquima em torno de uma injuria.

KaJIJUOCHaH TKaHh ( cym., )I(.)

=KaJTJTYC, cym,., M.
=KaflfllOC, cym,., M.

TKaHb, o6pa30BaHHaH napeHXI1MHb1MI1 KJleTKaMI1 BOKpyr nopaHeHI1H pacTeHI1H.

Kanmoc OT na T. callus - TOJlcTaH KO:IK.a

cambial activity 34

cambial activity (n.)

Intensity and duration of *cambial cell division.

kambiale Aktivitat (f. <-,-en>)

Intensitat und Dauer der Teilung der *Kambiumzellen.

activite cambiale (n.f.)

Intensite de la division des cellules cambiales; periode pendant laquelle cette division
a lieu.

actividad del cambium (n.f.)

=actividad cambial, n.f
Conjunto de cambios de las celulas del *cambium vascular cuyo resultado es la for-
maci6n de nuevo *xilema y floema durante el *periodo de crecimiento.

attivita cambiale (s.f.)

Intensita e durata della divisione delle cellule del *cambio.

atividade cambial (n.f.)

Intensidade e durac;ao da divisao das celulas *cambiais.

KaM6HaJibHaH aKTHBHOCTb (cym., :IK..)

l1HTeHCI1BH0CTb 11 npO.ll,OJDKI1TeJlhHOCTb .ll,eJleHI1H KaM6I1aJlbHblX KJleTOK.

cambial age 35
cambial age (n.)
Age of a section of *stem. The first year corresponds to the first *tree ring outside
the *pith.

Kambialalter (n. <-s, ->)

Alter eines Stammsti.ickes. Die Zahlung beginnt mit dem ersten ausserhalb des
*Marks liegenden Jahrring.

age cambial (n.m.)

#age courant, n.m.
Age d'une section de tronc. La premiere annee correspond au premier *ceme a
l'exterieur de la *moelle.

edad del cambium (n.f.)

Edad de una secci6n del *tronco. El primer afio del arbol corresponde al primer
*anillo que rod ea la *medula.

eta cambiale (s.f.)

Eta di una sezione di *fusto. Il conteggio degli anelli parte dal primo *anello annuale
estemo al *midollo.

idade do cambio (n.f.)

Idade de uma se~ao do *tronco. 0 primeiro ano corresponde ao primeiro *anel de
crescimento ap6s a *medula.

KaM611aJibHblM B03pacT (cyw .. "1.)

Bo3pacT ceKUI1l1 CTBO~la. flepBbIH ro11 OTClleTa COOTBeTCTByeT nepB0\1Y
*ro1II1l1HOMY KOJlbUY CHapy)K_I1 OT *cep11ueBI1Hbl.

cambium 36

cambium (n. (pl. cambia))

~vascular cambium, n.
Thin layer of *meristematic tissue that lies between, and gives rise by active division
to, secondary *xylem on the inside and secondary phloem on the outside. (~PORTER,
FRITIS 1976)

Dendrochronologists use the term "cambium" rather than "vascular cambium" ( distinguished
from the cork cambium= phellogen). (,,,FRITTS 1976)
~ phellogen, n.

Kambium (n. <-s, Kambien>)
Dunne Schicht von *meristematischem Gewebe, das zwischen sekundarem *Xylem
(innen) und sekundarem Phloem (aussen) liegt. Das *Kambium bildet den Holz-
und B astteil.

cambium (n.m.)
Assise de cellules meristematiques situee entre le *xyleme secondaire (vers l'interieur
du tronc) et le phloeme secondaire (vers l'exterieur), qu'elle constitue par division,
elongation et *differenciation.

cambium (n.m.)
=cambium vascular, n.m.
Capa delgada de tejido *meristematico situado entre el *xilema secundario (hacia el
interior) y el floema secundario (hacia el exterior), a los que da lugar por division
celular activa.

cambio (s.m.)
Sottile strato di tessuto meristematico situato fra lo *xilema secondario ( che si trova
all'intemo) e il floema secondario ( che si trova all'estemo ), ai quali da origine attra-
verso processi di divisione cellulare.



~ Microphotograph of
~ the xylem-phloem
transition in fir
(Abies alba), lOOx.

cambio (n.m.)
Camada delgada de tecido *meristematico localizada entre o *xilema secundario
(interior) e *floema secundario (exterior), que da origem a esses tecidos por divisao
e *diferenciac;ao.

KaM6HM (cym., M.)

=nacKyJTHpHh!H KaM6Hff, cym., M.

ToHKHH CflOH o6pa30BaTeflbHOH (*MepHCTeMaT11qecKott) TKaHH, pacrrono)KeHHOH

Me)Kll,y BTOp11qHoH *KcttneMOH l1 BTOpHqHoH *q>n03MOH. 8 pe3y JlbTa Te
KfleTOqHoro 11,eneHHH KaM6I1H rrpOI1CXO.ll,l1T HapacTaHHe BTOpHqHoH *KcttneMbl
l13HYTPI1 l1 BTOpHqHoH *q>Jl03Mbl CHapy)KH OT KaM6I1H.

catface 37
catface (n.)
A large *scar on the surface of a tree resulting from a wound due e.g. to fire, rock
slide, where healing has not re-established the normal cross-section. (FORTER2)
Although a familiar term, it is sometimes used in the scientific literature.
~ *fire scar

Typical catface on Pinus ponderosa

(Arizona, USA), showing several
consecutive *callous margins on the
stem basis. (SCHWEINGRUBER 1993a)

(kein deutscher Begriff) Grosse, z.B. durch Feuer oder durch Steinschlag verursach-
te Wunde am Stammfuss, die in Uberwallung begriffen ist.

(pas d'equivalent exact en franc;ais) Apparence ala surface d'un tronc d'une ancienne
blessure dont la cicatrisation n'a pas retabli son profil normal a l'ecorce. (DFM)
Le terme "tete de chat" propose par le DFM ne semble pas utilise en fran~ais.

rodete cicatricial (n.m.)

=rodete de cicatrizaci6n, n.m.
=crecimientos de cicatrizaci6n, n.m.
Crecimiento an6malo alrededor de una herida producida por el fuego, golpes de
rocas u otros objetos, en la superficie del *tronco de los arboles. La herida puede
estar curada o en proceso de curaci6n, pero la cicatrizaci6n no ha restablecido del
todo la secci6n dafiada.

cicatrice non rimarginata (s.f.)

Ampia *cicatrice, apparente sulla superficie del fusto, dovuta ad una ferita provocata
per esempio dal fuoco o da una frana, ed in corrispondenza della quale il processo di
rimargino non ha ancora ricostituito la normale forma della sezione.

catface (n.f.)
(nao existe equivalente em portugues) *Cicatriz de grandes dimens6es no tronco de
uma arvore resultado de injuria provocada por incendio, choque de rocha, etc., quan-
do o processo de cicatriza~ao nao restabeleceu a forma normal do *tronco.

"Korna%H Mop,n;a" (cyw.. )K.)

*On:1enrna 60J11woro pa3Mepa Ha nonepxHocr11 ,llepeBa, noHBHBWaHCJI B
pe3y alb Ta re nopaHeHHH noJKapoM, KaMeHHhIMH onomHHMH 11 llP,, Kor lla
3aJKI1B.:leHI1e He npHBe.10 K BOCCTaHOB.rteHHJO HOpMaJlbHOfO nonepeqttoro ceqeHHH
HeC\toTpH Ha o6HX011Hb!H C\lb!C.l, Tep.\1HH HHOrna ynOTpe6JrneTCH B Hayl!HOH JlHTepaType.

Catfaces are widely used in fire history studies as successive forest fires in the past can be
dated from their cross-section.

cell-wall differentiation 38

cell-wall differentiation (n.)

Development of a *cell wall into primary, secondary and tertiary wall.
~ *cell-wall growth

Zellwanddifferenzierung (f. <-, ¢>)

Ausbildung einer *Zellwand aus Primar-, Sekundar- und Tertiarwand.

differenciation parietale (n.f.)

Developpement d'une *paroi cellulaire en paroi primaire, secondaire et tertiaire.

diferenciacion de la pared celular (n.f.)

Desarrollo de una *pared celular en las capas primaria, secundaria y terciaria.

differenziazione della parete cellulare (s.f.)

Evoluzione della struttura della parete cellulare con formazione di parete prim.aria,
secondaria e terziaria.

diferencia~ao da parede celular (n.f.)

*Diferenciac;ao da *parede celular em paredes prim.aria, secundaria e terciaria .

.lU1(f>(f>epeHU11aU11H KJ1eT011HOH CTeHKl1 ( cyw., )K.)

=pa3Bl1Tl1e KJTeTOl/HOH CTeHKI1, cym., C.

PaJ~enettHe *KneroqttoA creHKH B pe3ynhrare ee pa3BHTHH Ha nepBHqttyro,

BTOpHqHyID H rperHqHyID 06011oqKH.

Electronic microphoto-
graph of primary (A)
and secondary (B) cell
walls (12 OOOx). In the
primary wall, the fibrils
are interwoven like felt;
in the secondary wall,
they lie parallel to each
other. (after SCHWEIN-
GRUBER 1988)

cell-wan growth 39

cell-wan growth (n.)

1. Increase in cell-wall thickness by integrating new wall material in the network of
microfibrils in the primary wall.
2. Increase in cell-wall thickness by the accumulation of new cell-wall layers.
~ *cell-wall differentiation

Zellwandwachstum (n. <-s, yj>)

1. Dickenwachstum der Zellwand <lurch Einbau neuer Wandmaterialien in das Netz
der Mikrofibrillen der Primarwand.
2. Dickenwachstum der Zellwand (Appositionswachstum) <lurch Auflagerung neuer

croissance parietale (n.f.)

1. Augmentation en epaisseur de la paroi cellulaire par integration de nouveau
materiau dans le reseau de microfibrilles de la paroi primaire.
2. Augmentation en epaisseur de la paroi cellulaire par accumulation de nouvelles
couches de la paroi cellulaire.

crecimiento de la pared celular (n.m.)

1. Aumen to del grosor (y a veces de la superficie) de la pared celular por acumulo
de materiales nuevos en la estructura microfibrilar de la pared primaria.
2. Aumento del grosor de la pared celular par la acumulaci6n de nuevas capas de la
pared celular.

accrescimento della parete cellulare (s.m.)

1. Aumento dello spessore della parete cellulare dovuto all'integrazione di ulteriore
materiale costitutivo nella struttura microfibrillare della parete primaria.
2. Aumento dello spessore della parete cellulare dovuto all'accumulo di ulteriori
strati di parete cellulare.

crescimento da parede celular (n.m.)

1. Aumento da espessura da parede celular pela deposic;ao de nova material de
parede celular na rede de microfibrilas da parede primaria.
2. Aumento da espessura da parede celular pela acumulac;ao de novas camadas.

pOCT KJleTOqHoH CTeHKH ( cym., M.)

Bemecrn Me1KJY MHKpoqrn6pttnnaMH nepBwrnoA o6onoqKH, o6pa3yIOUJHMH
2. YBenw1eHHe TOflllJHHbl KfleToqHQH CTeHKH nyTeM o6pa30BaHHH B Hett H0Bb1X

In an adult cell, the cell wall consists of three layers: (a) the primary cell wall of a meristematic

I cell transformed after diffentiation; (b) the secondary cell wall that is a layer formed in the
inside surface of the primary cell wall; and (c) the tertiary cell wall which is the innermost
layer delimiting the cell lumen.

charred wood 40

charred wood (n.)

Generic term for slightly or partly burnt wood, or wood converted into carbon, and
whose structure has been preserved (i.e. charcoal).
~ , charcoal, n.

angekohltes Holz (n. <-es, "-er>)

~Holzkohle, f<-, -n>
~verkohltes Holz, n. <-es, ··-er>
(kein genaues Aquivalent) Teilweise verkohltes Holz.
Verkohltes Holz ist Holz, das in seiner Struktur erhalten ist.

bois carbonise (n.m.)

Bois bn1le partiellement ou superficiellement, ou bois converti en carbone, et dont
la structure a ete preservee (charbon de bois).
~ charbon de bois, n.m.

madera carbonizada (n.f.)

~carbon vegetal, n.m.
Madera quemada de forma leve o parcial, o madera convertida en carbon, pero cuya
estructura se ha conservado ( carbon vegetal).

Iegno carbonizzato (s.m.)

Legno leggermente o parzialmente bruciato, oppure trasformato in carbone, e la cui
struttura anatomica e stata conservata ( carbone di legno ).

madeira carbonizada (n.f.)

~carvao, n.m.

*Madeira leve ou parcialmente carbonizada, ou convertida em carbono,cuja estrutura

foi preservada ( carvao ).

06yrJ1eHHaH .n;peBec1rna (cym., )K.)

JJpenecHbIH yro11b, cym., M.

Cna6o o6yr neHHaH 11J111 qacT11qHo cropeBinaH .llPeBec11Ha, a TaKxe .n:peBec11tta,

rrpeBpa TI1BlllaHCH B rnepll:b111 yr nepo.n:, HO rrp11 3TOM coxpaHI1BlllaH CBOIO
CTPYKTYPY (.n:peBeCHbil1 yrOJlb).

chronology 41
chronology (n.)
Internally consistent tree-ring characteristics averaged from several *tree-ring series
and expressed as a function of timescale, floating or absolutely dated.
----t *absolute chronology
*floating chronology
*master chronology
*standardised tree-ring chronology
*site chronology
*local chronology
*regional chronology
*indexed curve
event chronology, n.
fire chronology, n.

Chronologie (f. <-, -n>)

Absolut datierte oder schwimmende, aber in sich richtig datierte Mittelkurve von

chronologie (n.f.)
=serie chronologique, n.f

Valeurs moyennes, sur plusieurs series de *cemes, d'une caracteristique de croissance.

Ces valeurs sont exprimees en fonction du temps et peuvent etre flottantes ou datees
de fac;on absolue.

cronologfa (n.f.)
Serie obtenida promediando varias series de *anillos de arboles datadas y expresada
en funci6n de una escala temporal absoluta o relativa (flotante ).

cronologia (s.f.)
Successione di parametri ricavata da parecchie *serie anulari ed espressa in scale
temporali assolute o fluttuanti.

cronologia (n.f.)
Caracterfsticas consistentes dos *aneis de crescimento obtidas a partir da media de
diversas *series cronol6gicas e expressas em func;ao da escala de tempo, relativa ou
absolutamente datada.

xpottonoru.n ( cyw .. )K.)

Co6cTBeHHble xapaKTepl1CTI1Kl1 nocleJlOBa Te~lbHblX *ro.ll,WIHblX KOJleU, ycpe.ll,HeHHble
no HeCKO~bKI1M cepI1HM *roJI1qHhlX KOJleU l1 BhlpaxeHHhle B Bl1.ll,e ¢YHKUI1l1
Bpe,1eHI1 c n.:iana10me11 11.rn a6co.110rno11 .lla Tl1pOBKOI1.

A chronology may be built from different tree-ring parameters, e.g. ring width, maximum

I density, vessel size, etc., or of binary information as in "event chronology", "fire chronology".
One can average a number of different chronologies to build a mean chronology for a site
(*site chronology), a locality (*local chronology) or for a region (=*regional chronology).

chronology building 42
chronology building (n.)
=chronology development, n.
The dating and processing of ring characteristics in many trees from a given geo-
graphical or ecological unit to produce a *chronology. (""'FRITIS 1976)
----7 *crossdating
*master chronology

Aufbau von *Chronologien (m. <-(e)s, -ten>)

*Datieren und Bearbeiten von Jahrringmerkmalen von vielen Baumen in einer geo-
graphischen oder okologischen Einheit zum Aufbau einer *Chronologie.

construction d'une chronologie (n.f.)

Datation et traitement de largeurs de cernes ou d'autres parametres des cernes d'un
grand nombre d'arbres echantillonnes dans une region OU Uil site donnes, afin d'etablir
une *chronologie.

construcci6n de una cronologfa (n.f.)

La dataci6n y el tratamiento estadistico del grosor de los *anillos u otros para.metros,
de un numero suficiente de arboles de una region o lugar determinado, para establecer
una *cronologfa.

~rT"T"TTnT"T-.--r,r-n-rl-,-,-,-.,,...,,..,,--r-nrrr-r, 1 outermost
LU..Jll.lL.LJLJ.ll..ll..J...L1..LlL.lL..1!-,~ . ! ! 11111111111 \ lU I II I l\11111111111 ! r~g

1785 1 ! 111111111111111111 11111111 ! 11111111111 ! 1 l][JJJ[J]f~~J 1111111111111111 II I I I I l_illU


! ~i
~ ~ the year in which
overlapping overlapping overlapping the tree was
felled is known
1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1950 1960 1970 1980
A schematic representation of the use of the bridging technique. The irregular occurrence of
wide and narrow tree rings enables the samples to be dated. Matching the inner rings of living
trees with the outer rings of beams in a building or of dead wood in the field allows the samples
of known and unknown age to be arranged in chronological order.

costruzione di una cronologia (s.£)
Datazione ed elaborazione di parametri anulari di un numero consistente di alberi
di una determinata regione o di una unita ecologica, al fine di costruire una

constrm;ao de uma cronologia (n.f.)

Datac;ao e processamento das caracteristicas dos *aneis de crescimento ( espessura
ou outros para.metros), de um numero suficiente de arvores de uma regiao ou local
determinado, para estabelecer uma *cronologia.

rrocTpoemrn xpoHonoruu (cym., c.)

BKnroqaer n ce6H aar11ponKy 11 o6pa6orKy napaMerpon roa11qHhlX Koneu Ha
6omwoM q11cne aepenheB 113 onpeaeneHHoro reorpaqrnqecKoro 11n11
3Konor11qecKoro Mecra, 11 3a reM nocrpoeH11e *xp0Honor1111 Ha ocHoBe
nonyqeHHbIX pe3ymraron.

chronometric method 43

chronometric method (n.)

=chronometric technique, n.
=dating technique, n.
c::chronometric dating, n.

A method used to determine the relative or absolute date of an event, as for example
*radiocarbon dating, archaeomagnetism, or *dendrochronology.
der. chronometrician, n.
chronometrically, adv.

Datierungsmethode (f. <-, -n>)

Eine Methode zur Bestimmung des relativen oder absoluten Datums eines Ereig-
nisses, z.B. Radiokohlenstoff-Datierung, Archaomagnetismus oder *Dendro-

methode objective de datation (n.f.)

Methode utilisee pour determiner la date relative ou absolue d'un evenement, telle
que la *datation au carbone 14, l'archeomagnetisme, ou la *dendrochronologie.

metodo cronometrico (n.m.)

=tecnica cronometrica, n.f
Un metodo usado para determinar la fecha relativa o absoluta de un suceso, p. ej.
mediante *dataciones radiocarb6nicas, arqueomagneticas o la *dendrocronologfa.

metodo cronometrico (s.m.)

Metodo utilizzato per determinare la data assoluta o relativa di uneven to, ad esempio
*datazione al radiocarbonio, archeomagnetismo, *dendrocronologia.

metodo cronometrico (n.m.)
Metodo utilizado para determinar a data relativa ou absoluta de um evento coma,
par exemplo, *datac;ao par radiocarbono, arqueomagnetismo ou *dendrocronologia.

XpOHOMeTp1necKHH MeTO.n: (cym., M.)

=reoxpoH0Merpw1ec.xoe JI.a rupoBaHHe, cyw., c.

=XPOHOMerpw1eCKHJ1 crroco6 JI,a THpOBaHHH., cyw., M.

(11:ett11:poapxeo11onrn) MeTOll, 11crrom3yeMb111 11:111I orrpe11:e11ett11JI OTH0c11Te11bHOI1

111111 a6comorno11 llaThI co6h1T11JI: Harrp11Mep, *pa11:11oyr11epo11:ttoe 1laT11p0Batt11e,
apxeoMartteTl13M (.Martt11TocTpa T11rpaqm1I) 111111 * 11:ett11:poxpotto11or11JI.

Absolute chronometric methods include *radiocarbon dating, varves, isotopic dating and
*dendrochronology. Relative chronometric methods include the dating of pottery, palyno-
graphy and stratigraphy.

clearing effect 44
clearing effect (n.)
Abrupt growth *release in a tree which has been freed from *competition.

Lichtungseffekt (n. <-en, -e>)

Zuwachsanstieg nach Freistellung van Baumen.

effet d'eclaircie (n.m.)

*Reprise soudaine de croissance observee chez un arbre qui n'est plus soumis a la
*concurrence d'un ou de plusieurs arbres voisins.

The growth of this Picea glauca

was released after the dominant
trees were disturbed by the
eruption of the Katmai volcano.
(Photo. Greggs 1928)

efecto de aclareo (n.m.)
*Aumen to brusco del crecimiento de un arbol que ha sido liberado de la *competencia
de los vecinos de forma natural o artificial.

effetto diradamento (s.m.)

*Brusca variazione di accrescimento collegata a interventi di diradamento.

efeito de desbaste (n.m.)

*Aumento brusco do crescimento de uma arvore pela redu~ao da *competi~ao.

3(J>(J>eKT ocBeTJrnmrn: ( cym., M.)

(Her a Hr JlI111cKoro 3KB1rnanettra) Pe3Koe yBem1qe1-111e npIIpocra npII
OCB060)K_,lleHIIlI .ll,epeBa OT *KOHKypeHUlllI (nocne npope)K_IIBaHIIJI HaCa)K.,lleH1111).
HeT pyccKoro 3KnHnaneHTa

cliff dwelling 45

cliff dwelling (n.)

*Prehistoric (mostly North-American Indian) archaeological *site occupied by man
and built on rock ledges or in the natural recesses of canyon walls and cliffs.
der. cliff-dweller, n.
----, *lake-dwelling settlement
*bog-dwelling settlement

Felsensiedlung (f. <-,-en>)

*Prahistorische Siedlungen unter tiberhangenden Felsen (Balm). Der Begriff wird
hauptsiichlich ftir die Siedlungen im nordamerikanischen Stidwesten verwendet.
der. Felsensiedler, -in, n.m./n.f.

Cliff Palace (Mesa

Verde National
Park, Colorado).

habitat troglodyte (n.m.)
Dans le sud-ouest des Etats-Unis, se refere en particulier aux habitats *prehistoriques
amenages dans des cavernes a flanc de falaise ou de canyon.
der. troglodyte, n.m./n.f.

asentamiento ruprestre (n.m.)

(no es relevante en el contexto espafiol) *Lugares arqueol6gicos *prehist6ricos ocu-
pados por el hombre, principalmente por los indios de Norteamerica, que construfan
sus moradas en las cornisas rocosas o en los entrantes de las paredes de los acantilados
y cafiones.

insediamento rupestre (s.m.)

*Sito *preistorico occupato dall'uomo (specialmente nel Sud Ovest dell'America
settentrionale) e ricavato in caverne di falesie o in recessi naturali di canyon.

assentame:nto rupreste (n.m.)

*Sftios arqueol6gicos pre-hist6ricos ocupados pelo homem, geralmente fndios norte-
americanos, que construiram suas casas em cavernas nos flancos de falesias ou de

CKJlOHHoe nocenemrn ( cyw.., c.)

(11,eH11,poapxeo11orm1) )Xo11cTop.w1ecKOe *Mecrn rroceneHM.fl 11e110BeKa (s ocHOBHOM
B Cenepo-AMep11KaHCKOI1 I11u1JrnHe) Ha ycTyrre cKam1 111111 B rrp11po1u1L1x
yrny6neHl1HX Ha CKJlOHaX KaHLOHOB l1 o6phlB0R

climate diagram 46

climate diagram (n.)

Graphic representation of monthly average climatic data and short-term extreme
climatic events.

Klimadiagramm (n. <s., -e>)

Graphische Darstellung von klimatischen monatlichen Mittelwerten und kurzzeiti-
gen *Witterungsextremen.

diagramme dimatique (n.m.)

Representation graphique de donnees climatiques mensuelles moyennes et
d'anomalies climatiques a court terme.

dimodiagrama (n.m.)
=diagramana climatica, n. m.
Representaci6n grafica anual o supraanual de factores climaticos.

diagramma dimatico (s.m.)

Rappresentazione grafica di dati climatici medi mensili e di eventi climatici estremi
di breve termine.

diagrama dimatico (n.m.)
Representac;ao grafica das medias climaticas mensais e eventos climaticos extremos
de curta durac;ao.

KJUIMannecKaH .zumrpaMMa (cyw:., )K.)

fpaqrnqecKoe npeB:CTaBJ1eHI1e cpem1eMeCHHhIX KJU1Ma TJ1qecKI1X B:aHHhIX 11
HenpOll:OJDKI1TeJlhHhlX 3Kq>CTpeMaJlhHhIX KJ1I1Ma T11qecKI1X co6h1TI1l1.

Climatic diagrams give information concerning the mean temperature and precipitation
over an average year at a particular locality. They also show the occurrence, length, and
intensity of relatively humid and arid seasons, the duration and severity of cold winter, and
the likelihood of late and early frosts. With this information it is possible to consider climate
from an ecological standpoint, as it is the main factor determining the type of vegetation in
an area.

a b d e
site height above sea level mean mean
temperature precipitation
c No. of years of observation in year in year
absolute maximum
X l 1120
mean daily
X ®" /e
50 \ /

;;) 40
• • 80 S
\ monthly precipitation / s
.s .s

~ 30

0... humid • \ / humid
2 20 period period
• r• "'•
. "'·
10 / drought 20

mean daily minimum ~ mean monthly temperature "-•

in the coldest month y ·•
~bsolute minimum y
• z '·· 0
months with daily mean months with absolute
minimum temperature minimum under O°C
under O °C
No. of frost-free days
Example of climate diagram. (After WALTER and LIETH 1967)

cohort 47
cohort (n.)
A group of trees regenerating and establishing after a single *disturbance, whether
major (stand replacement) or minor (*gap). The age range within a cohort may vary
from one year to several decades, depending on how long trees continue invading
until the growing space is occupied and additional trees are excluded. (OLIVER 1981)
~ multicohort, n./adj.
multi-cohort, n./adj.

Kohorte (f. <-, -n>)

Eine Gruppe von Baumen, die auf einer grosseren oder kleineren zerstorten Wald-
flache aufgewachsen ist. Die Altersverteilung der Baume in einer Kohorte reicht
von einem Jahr bis zu mehreren Jahrzehnten, weil sich die Regeneration des *Be-
standes so lange fortsetzt bis kein Raum flir neue Bestandesglieder mehr zur Verfli-
gung steht.

cohorte (n.f.)
Ensemble d'arbres qui se sont regeneres et etablis apres une *perturbation unique,
affectant !'ensemble du peuplement ou une ou plusieurs parties de celui-ci (*trouees).
L'age des arbres au sein d'une cohorte peut varier d'un an a plusieurs decennies; il
depend du temps que mettent les arbres a occuper tout l'espace disponible et a exclure
!'installation de nouveaux individus.

cohorte (n.f.)
(Ecologfa forestal) *Regeneraci6n y establecimiento de un grupo de arboles despues
de una *perturbaci6n de intensidad alta (reemplazamiento del *rodal) o baja (*claro
de bosque ). El rango de edad en una cohorte puede variar de un afio a varias decadas,
dependiendo del tiempo que los arboles tarden en ocupar todo el espacio y excluyan
la entrada de nuevos individuos.

coorte (s.f.)
Un gruppo di alberi che si sono rinnovati ed affermati dopa un'azione di *disturbo
ambientale, su una grande superficie (sostituzione di un intero *popolamento) o su
una piccola area (*radura). Le differenze di eta entro una coorte possono variare da
un anno a parecchi decenni, in funzione del tempo occorso alle piante per l'invasione
dell'intero spazio considerato.

cohort (n.m.)
(nao existe equivalente em portugues) Regenera~ao e estabelecimento de um grupo
de arvores ap6s uma pertuba~ao maior (substitui~ao da popula~ao) ou menor
(*clareira). Um "cohort" pode variar de um ano a varias decadas, dependendo do
perfodo em que as especies florestais estarao invadindo e ocupando todo o espa~o
disponfvel para o crescimento e excluindo as possibilidades de occupa~ao de novas
arvores ou especies adicionais.

KoropTa (cym., )K.)
(neCHa}l 3KOJ10flrn) rpynna 11,epeBheB, B0306HOBJ1}JIOW11XCH 11 pacceJ1HIOWl1XC}l
nocne pa30Boro n0Bpex11,ett11H KaK r 1106amttoro xapaKTepa (3aMeHa Bcero
11,peBOCTOH), TaK 11 JlOKaJlbHOro (*Mo3awrnoe B0306HOBJ1ett11e). 803pacT 11,epeBbeB
B KOrOpTe MOXeT Bapb11p0Ba Tb OT 011,HOro ro11,a 11,0 HeCKOJlbKl1X 11,eCHTl1J1eTl1I1:
3TO 3aB11Cl1T OT Toro, KaK 11,0JlfO npocTpaHCTBO, r 11,e 1111,eT B0306HOBJ1eH11e,
nOJlHOCTbIO 3anOJ1HHeTC}l 11,epeBb}JMl1.

Many authors refer to "cohort" strictly as an even-aged group of organisms. Harper for
example uses the term as follows: "Some seeds germinate in autumn and a second crop of
seedlings usually appears in spring, so that the mature population is often recruited from
two differently aged cohorts". (HARPER 1977)
A multicohort stand is composed of several cohorts, in which tree ages can be uniformly or
unequally distributed, depending on the frequency and magnitude of *disturbances.
('-"OLIVER 1981) .

collar 48

collar (n.)
Junction point between root system and *stem, corresponding to the exact position
of the seed when germination occurred. (BEGIN et al. 1991)

Basis des Keimstengels (Hypokotyl) (f. <-, Basen>)

(kein deutscher Begriff) Ubergangsstelle zwischen *Stamm und Wurzel. Da an die-
ser Stelle der Same keimte, kann hier das genaue Alter der Pflanze bestimmt wer-

collet (n.m.)
Point de junction entre le systeme racinaire et le *tronc, correspondant a la position
exacte de la graine au moment de la germination.

cuello de la raiz (n.m.)

Zona de transici6n entre el *tronco y la raiz, suele distinguirse por un pequefio
abultamiento. En las plantas recien germinadas, zona que separa la radicula del

colletto (s.m.)
Zona in cui si congiungono apparato radicale e *fusto, corrispondente esattamente
alla posizione del seme nel substrato al momento della germinazione.

colar (n.m.)
Regiao de uniao entre o sistema radicular e o *caule da planta, correspondendo a
posic;ao exata da semente quando da sua germinac;ao.

KOpHeBaH rne:0:Ka (, cyw., )K.)
Mecro coe1u1tteH11JI KOpHeBOI1 C!1CTeMbl co CTBO.lOM, COOTBeTCTBYIOIUee TOl[HOMY
pamono)KeH1110 ceMeH11 B MOMeHr ero rrpopacraH11a.

I The *germination date and the former,exact ground level at germination can be determined
at the collar.

compartmentalisation 49

compartmentalisation (n.)
[US} compartmentalization, n.

A dynamic defence process in an injured tree which forms structural and chemical
boundaries in order to resist the spread of pathogens.
~ *barrier zone

Kompartimentierung (f. <-,-en>)

Bildung nattirlicher struktureller und chemischer Barrieren im Holz nach Verlet-
zungen zur Verhinderung der Ausbreitung von Luft sowie von Pilzen und Bakte-

compartimentalisation (n.f.)
Processus de defense par lequel un arbre Iese isole les parties atteintes par des *zones
de protection structurelles et chimiques pour limiter le developpement d'un
pa tho gene.

compartimentalizacion (n.f.)
Proceso dinamico de defensa de un arbol dafiado consistente en la formaci6n de
*barreras estructurales y quimicas para aislar y limitar el desarrollo de los agentes
pat6genos. (Smoo 1986)

*Barrier zones (arrows) forming in the longitudi-

nal, radial and tangential axes. (After SHIGO and
MARX 1977)

compartimentalizzazione (s.f.)
Processo dinamico di difesa in un albero ferito, che forma delle *zone di barriera
strutturali e chimiche per ostacolare la diffusione dei patogeni.

compartimentaliza~ao (n.f.)
Processo dinamico de defesa de uma arvore injuriada, que forma uma *zona de
prote~ao estrutural e quimica para limitar o desenvolvimento de pat6genos.

KOMrrapTMeHTaJUi3aUIUI (cyw., )K.)

=orpaHw1em1e, cym., c.

Pa3Bl1Tl1e 3aW11THOrO npouecca B nOBpe)Kl(eHHOM l(epeBe, np11 KOTOpOM

cpopM11pyI0TCH CTPYKTYPHhie rpaH11Ubl, npenRTCTBYI0W11e pacnpoCTpaHeHl1IO
na TOreHOB (5oJie3HeTBOpHblX opraHl13M0B).

competition 50

competition (n.)
Active demand by two or more individual organisms for some vital environmental
resource in short supply (light, nutrients, water).

Konkurrenz (f. <-, ~>)

Wettbewerb zwischen Individuen um nur beschrankt vorhandene lebenswichtige
Grundlagen (Licht, Nahrung, Wasser).

competition (n.f.)
Concurrence s'exer~ant entre deux ou plusieurs organismes pour une ressource dis-
ponible en faible quantite (lumiere, elements mineraux, eau).

competencia (n.f.)
Demanda activa de un recurso escaso y/o limitante (agua, luz, nutrientes, etc.) por
dos o mas organismos.

competizione (s.f.)
Concorrenza fra due o piu singoli organismi nei riguardi di risorse ambientali di
importanza vitale e scarsamente disponibili (luce, sostanze nutritive, acqua).

competi~ao (n.f.)
Demanda ativa de dois ou mais organismos individuais por alguns fatores vitais do
ambiente que se encontram em baixa disponibilidade (luz, nutrientes, agua).

KOHKypeHUH.H (cyw., )K.)

AKTl1BHaR nOTpe5HOCTb llBYX J1J111 HeCK0.,1bKl1X opraHl13M0B B pecypcax BHeurnefl
cpe.llhl (CBeT, fil1TaHl1e, BJlara) np11 He.llOCTa TKe fiOCJlel(Hl1X.

complacency 51
complacency (n.)
Low variability among consecutive tree-ring parameters (e.g. *ring
width, *maximum density) which theoretically indicates that the
growth of a particular tree is relatively unaffected by *interannual
variations of ecological factors.
Some authors apply "complacent" and "sensitive" to individual trees or *sites
as well as to tree-ring series, although a tree's complacency or *sensitivity
may change within the course of its life.
der. complacent, adj.
~ :;t:*sensitivity

Gleichformigkeit (f. <-, ¢>)

Geringe Variabilitat von Jahrringparametem von Jahr zu Jahr (z.B.
*Jahrringbreite, *maximale Dichte ); zeigt theoretisch, dass das Wachs-
tum von interannuellen Variationen von Umweltfaktoren relativ
unbeeinflusst ist.
der. gleichformig, Adj.
"complacent", Adj.

"complacence" (n.f.)
(Neologisme - pas d'equivalent en franc;ais). Faible variabilite des
parametres de *cemes successifs (par exemple *largeur de ceme,
*densite maximale ), indiquant theoriquement que la croissance de
l'arbre echantillonne est relativement peu affectee par les variations
interannuelles des facteurs ecologiques.
"Les termes 'complacent', 'sensitif' et 'hypersensitif' sont des anglicismes dont
!'equivalent franc;ais n'existe pas. En effet, propre au genie de leur langue
----- ,....-

d'origine, ces adjectifs s'appliquent indifferemment a l'arbre, au milieu, au ~

climat, a la chronologie ! I1 est preferable, a pres Jes avoir definis, de Jes utiliser
tels quels plutot que d'en donner une traduction qui trahirait le sens originel
compris de taus Jes dendrochronologues." (MUNAUT 1988). -

complacencia (n.f.)
=complaciente, adj.
Variabilidad interanual baja de los para.metros en las series de anillos
(por ej. *grosor, *densidad maxima) lo cual indica que el crecimiento
esta poco afectado por las variaciones interannuales de los factores
--- ...........

Complacent ring-width series (Larix decidua).

rnmpiacenza (s.f.)
Debo le variazione tra parametri anulari consecutivi ( ad esempio *ampiezza anulare,
*densita massima); teoricamente indica che l'accrescimento di un certo albero none
sensibilmente influenzato dalle variazioni interannuali di fattori ecologici.

complacencia (n.f.)
Pouca variabilidade dos parametros de *aneis de crescimento sucessivos (por
exemplo: *espessura, *densidade maxima), indicando teoricamente que o crescimento
de uma arvore e relativamente pouco afetado pelas variag6es *interanuais dos fatores

HeqyBCTBl1TeJU1HOCTh cyw., )!(.

CJia6aH I13MeHqI1BOCTh rrapaMeTpOB fIOCJie,ll.OBa TeJlhHhIX ro11.11qHhIX KOJieu (T.e.

*w11pI1Hhl ro11.11qHhlX KOJleU, *MaKCI1MaJ1hHOI1 fIJIOTHOCTI1); 3TO 03Ha qaeT, qTo
TeopeT11qecKI1 MexrO,ll.0Bhle I13MeHeHI1H 3KOJ10HI1qecKI1X ¢aKT0p0B rroqTI1 He
B.1I1HIOT Ha pOCT OT 11.e~lhHO B3HTOro 11.epeBa.

In some complacent series (for example showing many pointer intervals), the climatological
information is very high. Complacency/*sensitivity must therefore be defined with regard
to a given *tree-ring parameter.

compression wood 52
compression wood (n.)
*Reaction wood which in *coniferous trees is formed typically on the lower sides of
branches and the lower or downhill side of stems or crooked *stems. (TIMELL 1986)
~ *tension wood

Druckholz (n. <-es,¢>)

*Reaktionsholz von Nadelbaumen, das auf der druckbelasteten Seite des *Stammes
(Talseite, Leeseite ), bei Asten auf der Unterseite, auftritt.

bois de compression (n.m.)

*Bois de reaction qui chez les *coniferes se forme typiquement dans la partie
inferieure des branches et sur le cote inferieur ou situe en aval des troncs ou des
troncs tordus.

A. Compression wood. Thick-walled, almost round, earlywood cells. (Abies alba)

B. Compression wood developing during several consecutive years. (Abies alba)

madera de compresi6n (n.£)
=Zeno liso, n.m.
=veta dura, n.j
Zeno rojo, n.m.
=lmadera comprimida, n.f.
*Madera de reacci6n queen las *confferas se produce en la parte inferior del plano
de _inclinaci6n del *tronco y ramas. Se trata de una madera de color mas oscuro que
la madera normal, las celulas tienen las paredes muy engrosadas, lignificadas y a
menudo fisuradas.

Iegno di compressione (s.m.)

=canastro, s.m.
*Legno di reazione formato nelle *conifere, tipicamente localizzato nella parte dei
rami rivolta verso il basso, e nella parte bassa o rivolta verso valle di *fusti sia diritti
che sciabolati.

madeira de compressao (n.£)

*Madeira de reac;ao em arvores de *confferas tipicamente formada na parte inferior
dos ramos e dos *troncos inclinados ou tortuosos.

KpeHeBaH .n:peBec1rna ( cym., )K.)

=KpeHb, cym., JK.

*PeaKTl1BHaJI .n:peBeCHHa *xBOI1HblX nopo.n:, o6pa3yIOwaRCJI Ha Hl1)KHeI1, TO

eCTh o6paweHHOI1 K 3eMne CTOpOHe BeTOK 11 HaKnOHeHHblX 11n11 1130fHYThlX

e pyccKoa3wquoA uayquoA nHreparype nna 3Toro nopoKa crpoeHHH npeeecHHhl

npm-lHT repMHH "Kpettb".

Zones of compression wood are typically denser and darker than the surrounding tissue.
I They usually follow tilting and shaking.

conifer 53
conifer (n.)
Tree belonging to the most important group of the *Gymnosperm class.
der. coniferous, adj.
~ *softwood

Nadelbaum (m. <-(e)s, _..e>)

Baum aus der wichtigsten Gruppe innerhalb der Klasse der *Gymnospermen.

conifere (n.m.)
Membre de l'ordre des Coniferes, le plus important des *Gymnospermes, qui
comprend un tres grand nombre d'especes d'arbres fructifiant par des cones (d'ou
leur nom), dont les feuilles ont le plus souvent la forme d'aiguilles ou d'ecailles et
dont les bois sont commercialement connus sous le nom de *resineux. (DFM)

conifera(s) (n.f.(pl.))
Arbol perteneciente al grupo mas importante de las *gimnospermas que comprende
un gran numero de especies caracterizadas por tener las semillas en conos o estr6bilos,
hojas aciculares o en escamas; tambien la madera de estas especies.

conifera (s.f.)
Albero appartenente al principale gruppo della classe delle *Gimnosperme.

conifera (n.f.)
Arvore pertencente ao mais importante grupo das *Gymnospermas.

XBofrnoe .L(epeBo ( cyw., c.)

llepeBo, np11Ha.ll.1e.JK.awee K Ha116onee Ba.JK.HOMY Kmccy *ro.noceMeHH11x.

coppicing 54

coppicing (n.)
Cutting of (*broadleaved) trees close to ground level with a view to their producing
coppice shoots, i.e. shoots arising from *adventitious or *dormant buds near its base.
(FORTER2) (See "*pollarding" for figure.)
~ coppice shoot, n.

Verjiingung durch Stockausschlag (f. <-,-en>)

Schneiden von *Laubholzem nahe der Stamm basis, um Stockausschlage zu ermog-

traitement en taillis (n.m.)

Operation consistant a receper un arbre a sa base dans le but de lui faire produire
des rejets de taillis, c'est-a-dire des tiges provenant d'un bourgeon *adventif ou
Receper: reduire la longueur de tiges, rejets ou racines vivants.
~ rejet de taillis, n.m.
receper, v.t.

tratamiento en monte bajo (n.m.)

En bosques de *frondosas corte pr6ximo al nivel del suelo con vistas a la producci6n
de renovales, por ej. brotes que crecen de yemas *adventicias o latentes cerca de la

ceduazione (s.f.)
Taglio di alberi (*latifoglie) ad altezza prossima al terreno, per provocare l'emissione
di polloni da ceppaia, cioe polloni prodotti da gemme *avventizie o dormienti situate
alla base della ceppaia.
~ ceduare, v.

talhadia (n.f.)
Corte de arvores (*folhosas), junto ao nfvel do solo, com o objetivo de produzir
brotos, a partir de gemas *adventfcias ou *dormentes, localizadas pr6ximas a base
da touc;a.

py6Ka .llJlH rrpo,Z1;yu11p0Bamrn rropocnu (cyw., JK.)

Py6Ka (*nttCTBeHHbIX) .llepeBbeB y Gl.MOl1 JlOBepXHOCTI1 3eMJ11I c ueJlblO CTI1:\1YJ1.l1J)OBaill1H
Jl0HBJ1eHI1H nopocn11, T.e. no6eroB 113 *allBeHTHBHbIX noqeK y OCHOBaHI1H *crBOJIOB

HeT 3K<pBI1BaJieHTHOro pyccKoro TepMHHa.

corrasion 55

corrasion (n.)
Disruption of the *cambium by extensive *bark removal, produced by mass-
movements events such as slope wash, rock falls, *debris flows, etc. (:="'SHRODER 1978)
der. corraded, adj.

(nicht gebraucht in Deutsch) Zerstorung des *Kambiums <lurch Entfemung der

*Rinde, z.B. <lurch Steinschlag oder *Muren.

(pas d'equivalent franc;ais) Rupture du *cambium due a un *ecorc;age consecutif a

des mouvements telluriques (glissements de terrain, eboulements rocheux, *coulees
boueuses, etc.).

corrasion (n.f.)
Dano producido al *cambium por la abrasion y cortes producidos por deslizamientos
de terreno, cafda de rocas, morenas, etc.

abrasione (s.f.)
Distruzione del *cambio in seguito ad ampie scortecciature, dovute a movimenti di
masse, quali smottamenti, rotolamento di massi, *frane di disgregazione, etc.

corrosao (n.f.)
Rompimento do *cambio por abrasao da *casca, em consequencia de eventos como
ac;ao das aguas, *torrente de sedimentos, etc.

KOppaJHH (cyw., JK.)

(1leH1lpOreoMOp<f>OJlOrHH) Pa3pb1B KaM6I1H 113-3a 06w11pttoro 06.llttpa KOpbl BO
speMa 1lBtt)Kett11a rnepllbIX Mace (Ka:vrnenallOB, onomttei1, cene11 11 11p.).

crannog 56
crannog (n.)
(Irish term) Artificial island constructed for the purpose of living in the protected
isolation of a body of water. The body of the crannog could be built up of stone,
*timber, brushwood or unspecified organic material or any combination of these.
(BAILLIE 1982)

-"? causeway, n.

Wurte (f. <-, -n>)

~ Warft, f <-, -en>
(norddeutscher Begriff) Ein aus Stein, Holz, Zweigen oder unterschiedlichen Mate-
rialien gebaute Wohninsel in einer meistens von Wasser umgebenen Flache.


D 0

LJ above-water area
61 post
lfilil1 wattle
c:::r round wood or plank
0 2 4 6m
~ stone

A. Crannog in Loch
Milton (Scotland):
artificial island, circular
dwelling with central
fireplace and remnants
of the trackway to the
land. (PETREQUIN 1984;
all rights reserved.)
B. Craggaunowen,
County Clare, Ireland:
the full-size replica
built in the 1970s.

crannog (n.rn.)
( terme irlandais -pas d' equivalent fran~ais) Ile artificielle construite pour se soustraire
par la protection de l'eau aux attaques ennemies. La partie emergee du crannog 11 11

pouvait etre faite de pierres, de bois, de broussailles ou d'autres materiaux organiques,

ou d 'une combinaison de ces materiaux.

(termino irlandes, no hay equivalente en espafiol) Isla artificial construfda para vivir
y estar protegidos del enemigo por el agua circundante. El material de la isla podfa
ser piedras, madera, material organico diverso o cualquier combinaci6n de todos
estos materiales.

(non esiste termine corrispondente) Termine irlandese usato per descrivere un'isola
artificiale costruita con il proposito di permettere insediamenti umani in zone
al trim enti invase dall' acqua. II corpo del crannog puo' essere costituito da pietrame,
*legname, ramaglie, altro materiale organico o da qualsiasi combinazione di questi

crannog (n.rn.)
( termo irlandes) Ilha artifical construfda com o prop6sito de se viver de forma isolada
e protegida pela massa de agua. A ilha artificial pode ser construfda com pedras,
*madeira, galhos de arvores ou material organico nao especificado ou suas

MCKyccrneHHbIH OCTpOB ( cyw., M.)

(,lleH,llpoapxeOJ10rI1.H, 11pJ1aH,llCKI1l1 TepMHH) I1cKyccrneHHhl11 OCTpOB, coopy1KeHHbil1
,llJl.H )KJ1TeJ1bCTBa 11 I1Me10w1111 <PYH.llaMeHT, l130J1I1pOBaHHbll1 OT 80.llbl. _aJl.H
B03Be.lleHH.H <PYH.llaMeHTa I1CflOJ1b30BaJ111 KaMeHb, ,llpeBeCHHY, XBOPOCT,
HeycTaHOBJ1eHHhle opraH11qecK11e MaTep11aJ1hl 11J111 11x KoM611ttau1110.


crossdating 57
crossdating (n.)
=cross-dating, n.
The procedure of matching variations in ring width or other ring characteristics among
several *tree-ring series, allowing the identification of the exact year in which each
*tree ring was formed, or the geographic origin of the tree (in the case of *driftwood,
traded timber, etc.). (~FRirrs 1976)
der. cross-date (to), t.v.
crossdate (to), t.v.
~ *absolute chronology
*master chronology
*floating chronology

zsynchronisieren, t. V
Anpassung der Variationen von Jahrringbreiten oder anderen Jahrringmerkmalen
zwischen Baumen. Dies erlaubt die exakte Bestimmung des Entstehungsjahres ei-
nes jeden *Jahrrings oder der Herkunft der Baume (*Treibholz, Holztransport, usw.).

interdatation (n.f.)
zsynchronisation, n.f
zdatation croisee, n.f.
[Qu}zrecoupement dendrochronologique, n.m.
zcalage, n.m.
Operation consistant a etablir des concordances entre des largeurs de cernes ou
d'autres caracteres provenant de plusieurs echantillons. La concordance temporelle
entre ces sequences caracteristiques, lorsqu'elle est verifiee, permet d'attribuer a
chaque cerne l' annee exacte de sa mise en place, et aidentifier l' origine geographique
du ou des arbres (par exemple *bois flotte, bois commercial).
L'interdatation au sein d'un meme arbre (par exemple une branche morte interdatee avec la
base vivante) est parfois appelee intradatation par les auteurs quebecois.

der. interdater, v.t.

s'interdater, v.i.
-? intradatation, n.f.

datacion cruzada (n.f.)

=interdataci6n, n.f.
=sincronizaci6n, n.f.
=cofechar, v. t.

Crossdating subfossil oak samples

from Ireland. (Photo. Baillie)

Procedimiento que consiste en establecer las coincidencias en el grosor de los *anillos
u otras caracterfsticas de los mismos entre muestras; permite la identificaci6n del
afio exacto en el que se form6 cada *anillo anual, y tambien determinar el origen
geografico de la muestra en el caso de *madera a la deriva, madera comercial, etc.

datazione incrociata (s.f.)

Operazione consistente nello stabilire concordanze tra le ampiezze anulari (o altri
parametri) ricavate da parecchi campioni. L'operazione consente di collocare
esattamente nel tempo ciascun *anello annuale o di trarre indicazioni sulla
provenienza dalla pianta matrice (ad esempio nel caso di *legname alla deriva,
legname venduto, etc.).

interdata~ao (n.f.)
=sincronizar;ao, n.f.
=data<;iio cruzada, n.f.

Procedimento de comparar as variai;oes da largura ou outras caracterfsticas dos *aneis

de crescimento de varias *series cronol6gicas, possibilitando a identificai;ao do ano
exato no qual o *anel de crescimento foi formado ou a origem geografica da arvore
(por exemplo, *madeira flutuante, madeira comercial).

nepeKpecrnoe .n;an1p0Bamrn (cym., c.)

=nepeKpecrHaH ,ll,aTHponKa, cym., :)/{.

Opouellypa rroll6opa rroXO)Kl1X H3MeHeH1111 umpHHhl ro11,11qttoro KOJlhUa (111111

11,pyr11x xapaKTepHCTHK KOJlhUa) B HeCKOJlhKHX *cepI111X ro11,11qHhIX KOJleU.
CTo3B0J111eT H11,eHTl1(pl1U11p0Ba Th TOqHhlH fOll cpopM11p0BaHI1fl Ka)Kll,OfO *ro11,11qHoro
Komua 111111 reorpacp11qecKoe Mecrn, OTKY 11,a B3HTO 11,epeso (ec1111 3TO 11,e11osa11
1lpesec11tta 111111 11,pe11q>y10ma11 11,pesec11tta).

Crossdating includes matching of ring-width patterns among specimens, examining the

synchroneity, recognizing any lack of coincidence, inferring where rings may be absent or
which are false, testing the inference against the ring structure in other specimens, and
finally arriving at the chronology of wide and narrow rings or other characteristics. ( zFRITTS

crown transparency 58
crown transparency (n.)
Transparency of the crown foliage estimated by comparison with reference trees.

Kronentransparenz (f. <-, !<1>)

Anhand von Vergleichsbildern geschatzte Durchsichtigkeit von Baumkronen.
~ Benadelungsdichte, f. <-, (-n)>
Belaubungsdichte, f. <-, (-n)>
N adelverl us t, m. <-( e )s, -e>
Laubverlust, m. <-(e)s, -e>

transparence du houppier (n.f.)
Transparence du feuillage, estimee par comparaison avec des arbres de reference.

transparencia de la copa (n.f.)

Transparencia del follaje de las copas en comparaci6n con arboles estandar.

trasparenza della chioma (s.f.)

Grado di trasparenza della chioma, stimata per confronto con immagini di alberi di
riferimento. La trasparenza della chioma viene spesso studiata in relazione
all'ampiezza degli anelli di accrescimento.

transparencia da copa (n.f.)

Transparencia da folhagem da copa estimada pela compara<;ao com arvores padrao.

rycTOTa KpOHbl ( cyw., )K.)

f ycTOTa Jll1CTBh1 B KpOHe, oueH11BaeMa.H rrocpe,n:CTBOM cpaBHeHI1.H CO CTaH,n:apTHbIMI1
.n:epeBh.HMI1. lfacro 113)'1IaeTCJI B COOTBeTCTBl111 C ll111p11HOI1 ro,n:11qHoro KOJlhUa.

The reference trees used may be photographs, actual healthy trees in the same *site, or
virtual healthy reconstructions of the assessed trees themselves. Crown transparency is

often studied in relation to ring width.

Crown transparency in Norway

spruce (Picea abies) in the Valais
canton, Switzerland, and corre-
sponding growth as shown by
*increment cores.

date (to) 59

date (to) (t.v.)

(general dendrochronology) To determine the age of a *tree ring, by eye or by
graphical or statistical techniques.
(Dendroarchaeology) To place in time events relative either to one another or to
any established scale or temporal measurement. (DEAN 1978)
(Phraseol.) to date (additional) tree-ring materials AGAINST an existing chronology
to date (an event) TO (a year, a decade)
der. datability, n.
datable, adj.
[UK] dateable, adj.
undatable, adj.
well-dated, adj.
dating error, n.
~ *felling date
*pith date
*relative date
*dating potential

datieren (t.V.)
( allgemeine Dendrochronologie) Die Bestimmung der exakten Bildungszeit eines
*Jahrrings, optisch, graphisch oder statistisch.
(Dendroarchaologie) Die Einordnung von Ereignissen untereinander oder in Be-
zug auf ein bereits nachgewiesenes Ereignis.

dater (v.t.)
(Dendrochronologie) Determiner la date de formation d'un *cerne, soit a l'oeil nu,
soit par des techniques graphiques ou statistiques.
(Dendroarcheologie) Situer des evenements dans le temps, soit les uns par rapport
aux autres, soit par rapport a une echelle temporelle pre-etablie.
Alors que la quasi totalite des methodes de datation estiment une date (c'est-a-dire un intervalle
chronologique), la dendrochronologie, tout comme les varves lacustres, date a l'annee pres
(done mesure de fac;on absolue). Ainsi, alors que tousles resultats des autres techniques consti-
tuent des datations, la dendrochronologie et les varves aboutissent, elles, a un veritable datage.
der. datable, adj.
indatable, adj.
:::::datage, n.m.

fechar (v.t.)
=datar, v.t.
Determinar el afio de formaci6n de un *anillo anual utilizando tecnicas graficas, esta-
disticas o visuales. (Dendroarqueologfa) Situar en el tiempo acontecimientos en re-
laci6n unos con otros utilizando una escala establecida u otras medidas temporales.
~ dataci6n

datare (
In *Dendrocronologia: stabilire attraverso confronti ottici, grafici o statistici l'anno
di formazione di un *anello annuale.
In *Dendroarcheologia: stabilire l'ordine temporale di una serie di eventi o stabilirne
la collocazione temporale con riferimento ad un evento noto.

datar (v. t.)

(Dendrocronologia) Determinar a data de formac;ao de um *anel anual de cresci-
mento, a olho mi, por grafico ou por tecnica estatistica.
(Dendroarqueologia) Localizar no tempo eventos relacionados entre si utilizando
uma escala ou outra medida temporal pre-estabelecida .

.n;a Tlf po Ba TL (r 11.)

(.n.ett.n.poxpottonomJI) Orrpe.n.emn1 .n.a TY *ro.n.11qttoro Komua Bl13yamHo, a TaK1Ke
rpa~11qeCKl1M 11Jll1 CTaTJ1CTJ1qecKMM MeTO.llOM.
(.n.ett.n.poapxeonormi) Orrpe.n.en11T1 BpeMH co6b1T11H: ornocTMTemtto .n.pyr11x
co6blTl1fI, 111160 B HeKOTOpOM rrpMHHTOM BpeMeHHOM Macuna6e, 11Jll1 BO
BpeMeHHblX e.n.11tt11uax M3MepettMa

dating potential 60
dating potential (m.)
=datability, n.
The likelihood of achieving a *calendar date from a sample of wood.
~ *date (to)

Datierungschance (f. <-, -n>)

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, ein Objekt mit einem Datierungsverfahren *datieren zu

potentiel chronologique (n.m.)

=potentiel chronometrique, n.m.
""Potentiel dendrochronologique, n.m.
Probabilite qu'une *date objective puisse etre etablie pour un echantillon de bois.

potencial de datacion (n.m.)

=databilidad, n.f
La posibilidad de que un objeto pueda ser *datado a partir de una muestra de madera.

databilita (s.f.)
Probabilita di ottenere una data di calendario da un campione di legno.

potencial de data~ao (n.m.)

Probabilidade de se *datar, em *calendario civil, uma amostra de *madeira.

ITOTemurnJI .n;a TUpOBaHH.H ( cym., M.)
=B03MOJKHOCTJf JI.aTHpOBaHHH, cyw., M,q,

(11,eH,llpoapxeononrn) Jl:ocrnBepttocTh onpe11,enem1J1 *KaJ1eH,llaptto11 .llrIThI no

o6pa3UY ,llpeBeCHHhl.

Tree-ring dating potential is a function of species and of the character of ring series;

I archaeomagnetic dating potential varies directly with the quantity of magnetized particles
in the sample. (DEAN 1978)

de Vries effect 61
de Vries effect (n.)
Short-term, high-frequency secular variations in *radiocarbon activity as measured
in tree rings, and appearing as *wiggles in the *calibration curve; perhaps related to
*sunspot activity.
~ *wiggle

de Vries-Effekt (m. <s, !ll>)

Sakulare 14 C-Schwankungen in der dendrochronologisch *geeichten Kurve. Die
Schwankungen (*wiggles) entsprechen vermutlich der Sonnenfleckenaktivitat.

effet de Vries (n.m.)

Variations a court terme (une decennie a plusieurs siecles) et a haute frequence de la
*radioactivite specifique, mesurees dans les *cernes, apparaissant sous forme de
fluctuations dans la courbe de *calibration, et peut-etre liees a l'*activite des taches

efecto de Vries (n.m.)

Variaciones de corto periodo (desde una decena de afios a varios siglos) y al ta
frecuencia en la *actividad radiocarb6nica medida en los anillos de crecimiento de
los arboles. Estas variaciones aparecen como *fluctuaciones radiocarb6nicas en la
*curva de calibraci6n, tal ver debidas a la *actividad solar.

effetto de Vries (s.m.)

Variazione secolare ad alta frequenza dell'*attivita radiocarbonica, misurata nei
tessuti anulari, che si manifesta come *fluttuazione nelle curve di *calibrazione; il
fenomeno e collegato probabilmente all'attivita solare.

efeito de Vries (n.m.)

Variac;oes de curto perfodo (um decenio a varios seculos) e de alta frequencia de
atividade do *carbono 14 medida nos *aneis de crescimento e detectaveis na form.a
de *flutuac;oes na *curva de calibrac;ao; provavelmente relacionadas com a *atividade

rmrnmrn (cym., c.)
Pa3pywemrn 1lpeBec11Hh1 rp116aM11 11 llPYrHMH MI1KpoopraHH3MaMH; rrp0HBJ1J1eTCH
B l13MeHeHI1l1 ee OKpaCKI1 l1 TeKcTypbL

dendroarchaeology 64
dendroarchaeology (n.)
=dendroarcheology, n.
System of scientific methods used to determine the exact time span of a period during
which timber has been felled, transported, processed, and used for construction.
(""HOLLSTEIN 1984)

Whereas "dendroarchaeology" refers to the dating of woods, "wood archaeology" deals with
the archaeological interpretation of wooden objects.
Dendroarchaeological methods include e.g. *dendrochronology senso strictu, *radiocarbon
dating, thermoluminescence, etc.
~ wood archaeology, n.

Dendroarchaologie (f. <-, i;:,>)

System wissenschaftlicher Methoden zur Bestimmung einer jahrgenauen Zeitspan-
ne, in der ein Bau- oder Werkholz nach der Baumfiillung transportiert, verarbeitet
und eingebaut wurde.

dendroarcheologie (n.f.)
Ensemble de methodes scientifiques utilisees pour determiner la periode exacte au
cours de laquelle un arbre a ete abattu, transporte, fac;onne, et utilise pour la

dendroarqueologfa (n.f.)
Un campo de la *dendrocronologfa que utiliza *anillos de los arboles datados para
resolver problemas arqueol6gicos; p.ej., la determinaci6n del periodo exacto du-
rante el cual un arbol fue abatido, tansportado, trabajado y usado en la construcci6n
de edificios u objetos.

dendroarcheologia (s.f.)
Insieme di metodi scientifici usati per determinare lo spazio temporale durante il
quale un albero e stato abbattuto, trasportato, allestito ed usato per costruzione.

dendroarqueologia (n.f.)
Sistema de metodos cientificos usado para determinar o perfodo exato durante o
qual uma arvore foi abatida, transportada, processada e utilizada para constrm;ao.

,lleH,llpoapxeononrn (cym., )K.)

Hay1rnaJI 1ll1CUI1J1Jll1Ha, o6na,llaIOWaJI COBOKynHOCThlO HayllHblX MeTO,llOB ,llJlJI TOllHOrO
Onpe,lle.JleHHJI BpeMeHHhIX rrpoMe2KyTK0B O,llHOro BpeMeHHOro rrepHO,lla, B Te11eHI1e
KOTOpbIX ,llepeBO 6b1JIO CBaneHO, TpaHCIT0pTI1p0BaHO, o6pa60TaHO l1 l1CJl0J1b30BaHO B

dendrochronology 65

dendrochronology (n.)
~tree-ring analysis, n.
1. In the broadest sense, the science of *dating *tree rings. It includes investigations
of the information content in the structure of dated rings and applications to en-
vironmental and historical questions.
2. In the strictest sense, a subfield of dendrochronology (1) which uses *tree rings
for *dating wooden material, for example *dendroarchaeology.
der. dendrochronological, adj.
dendrochronologically, adv.
dendrochronologist, n.

Dendrochronologie (f. <-, ¢>)

~Jahrring-Analyse, f <-, -n>
1. (sensu lato) Methode, mit der die jahrlichen Zuwachsraten von Geholzen datiert
werden konnen. Aus Jahrringen lassen sich frtihere Umweltbedingungen rekon-
struieren und Holzer aus historischen und archaologischen Kontexten datieren.
2. (sensu stricto) Sie umfasst alle Teilgebiete, die Holzer zur Datierung verwenden,
z.B. die Dendroarchaologie. Sie ist in diesem Fall ein Teilgebiet von (1).

dendrochronologie (n.f.)
1. Au sens large, ensemble des techniques qui permettent de dater des *cernes
d'arbres. Elle inclut l'etude de la structure de cemes dates, ainsi que les applications
des informations ainsi obtenues a des disciplines historiques et aux sciences
2. Au sens strict, applications de la dendrochronologie (1) a des fins de *datation
(par exemple la *dendroarcheologie ).
der. dendrochronologique, adj.
dendrochronologue, n.m./n.f.
[CA] dendrochronologiste, n.m./n.f.

dendrocronologfa (n.f.)
=analisis de las anillas de las arbales, n.m.
1. En sentido amplio, la ciencia que *data los *aniilos anuales de crecimiento de los
arboles. Incluye investigaciones acerca de la informaci6n registrada en la estructura
de los *anillos datados, asi como aplicaciones a cuestiones ambientales e hist6ricas.
2. En sentido estricto, es la dataci6n de maderas utilizando los *anillos anuales, p.ej.
la *dendroarqueologfa; en este sentido podrfa ser considerada como el primer
subcampo de la dendrocronologfa (1).

dendrocronologia (s.f.)
1. In senso lato, la scienza che si occupa della collocazione temporale degli *anelli
annuali di accrescimento delle piante arboree. La Dendrocronologia comprende
pure indagini sulle strutture lignee alle quali appartengono gli anelli data ti, nonche
estrapolazioni e applicazioni in cam po ambientale e. storico.
2. In senso stretto, il termine puo riferirsi anche alle sottodiscipline della Dendro-
cronologia, come ad esempio la *Dendroarcheologia.

dendrocronoiogia (n.f)
1. (senso lato) Ciencia que possibilita a *datagao dos *aneis de crescimento. Inclui
pesquisas sobre o conteudo de informag6es existentes na estrutura dos *aneis de
crescimento e aplicag6es para quest6es relativas ao meio ambiente e hist6ricas.
2. (senso estricto) Uso dos *aneis de crescimento para a *datagao de objetos de
*madeira, por exemplo, na *dendroarqueologia, que pode ser considerada como
o primeiro sub-ramo da dendrocronologia (1 ) .

.a;eH.a;poxpottonomH (cyw., )K.)

1. B w11p0Ko\1 ornue 11eH1lpoxpoHOJ10rHJ1 - HayqHaJI ,n:11cu11rrn11Ha o
* 11a THPOBaHHH *ro1111qHbIX KOJleU 11,epeBheB, a TaK)Ke 06 l1CCJ1e,n:0BaH1111
11Hq)Op'.\1a Tl1BH0f0 C01lep2KaHI1J1, 3aKmoqeHHOro B CTpyKType 11,a Tl1p0BaHHb1X
*ro11,11qHhIX K0"1eu. B Kaqecrne rrpI1Jl02KeH11J1 BKmoqaeT B ce6JI rrpo6neMbI
0Kpy2Ka10we11 cpellhI 11 rrpo6~1eMhI, CBJI3aHHhie c 11crnp11e11.
2. B CTpOrOM CMbILle rrepBbIM pa3JeJl0M 1IeH11,poxpOHOJ10fl1I1 (1) M02KHO cq11TaTb
pa31leJl, l1CJ10"lb3YIOW11I1 *rOlll1qHbie KOJibUa 11,JIJI * ,n:aTHp0BaHl1JI 11,peBeCHOro
Ma Tep11a"1a, a m1eHHO, 11eH11:poapxeoJ10r1110.

dendroclimatological network 66

dendroclimatological network (n.)

Set of sampling *plots evenly or unevenly distributed across an area, ranging from a
small region to one or several continents. The tree-ring data from these individual
plots are collected and combined for climate *reconstructions.

dendroklimatisches Netzwerk (n. <-( e )s, -e>)

Gleichmassig oder unregelmassig verteilte Probenorte in Regionen unterschiedli-
cher Grosse (Lokalitat bis mehrere Kontinente). Die Jahrringdaten der einzelnen
Orte werden miteinander in Beziehung gebracht und klimatologisch interpretiert.

reseau dendroclimatique (n.m.)

Ensemble de placettes d'echantillonnage reparties uniformement ou non, couvrant
une surface qui varie suivant les cas d'une petite region a plusieurs continents. Les
donnees chronologiques collectees sur ces placettes sont analysees pour proceder a
des *reconstructions climatiques.

red dendroclimatologica (n.f.)

Conjunto de lugares de muestreo distribuidos uniformemente o no, en un area. El
area puede ser una region pequefia, un continente o varios. En cada lugar de muestreo
se lleva a cabo la colecci6n de muestras para su analisis y *reconstrucci6n climatica.

rete dendroclimatica (s.f.)
Insieme di aree di campionamento regolarmente o irregolarmente distribuite in una
determinata area geografica ( da una piccola regione a piu Continenti). I dati
riguardanti gli *anelli annuali dei campioni controllati vengono raccolti, analizzati e
confrontati per procedere a *ricostruzioni climatiche.

rede dendroclimatologica (n.f.)

Conjunto de parcelas de amostragem distribufdas de forma uniforme ou nao em
uma pequena regiao ou em um a varios continentes. Os dados dos *aneis de
crescimento em cada parcela de amostragem sao coletados, analisados e combinados
para *reconstru96es climaticas.

ii;ettii;poKJIHMaTonoruqecKaH cen (cyw., )K.)

CoBOKYfIHOCfb Meer B3HTH.R o6pa3U0B, paBHO:VtepHO HJlH HepaBHO.vtepHO pampelleJleHHbIX
ITO HeKOTOpoH TeppHTOpHH, pa3Mepb1 KOTOpo:11 MOryT Ko.1e6aTbC.R OT \1aJ1oro perttOHa

120° 110° 100°

0 miles 500

date of
beginning year
A 1500 or earlier
o 1501-1600

40° ....

network of dry, lower
*timber-line sites in 30°
western North America.
(FRITTS 1991)

dendroclimatology 67
dendroclimatology (n.)
A subfield of *dendroecology which utilizes dated *tree rings to reconstruct and
study past and present climates.
der. dendroclimatic, adj.
dendroclimatologist, n.
--? dendrophytoclimatology, n.

Dendroklimatologie (f. <-, 0>)

Ein Teilgebiet der *Dendrookologie, um mit datierten *Jahrringen das Klima zu
der. dendroklimatologisch, Adj.
Dendroklimatologe, m./f.

dendroclimatologie (n.f.)
Subdivision de la *dendroecologie qui utilise les informations contenues dans des
*cernes dates pour reconstruire et etudier la variabilite des climats presents et passes.
der. dendroclimatique, adj.
dendroclimatologue, n.m./n.f.
[CA] dendroclimatologiste, n.m./n.f.

dendroclimatologfa (n.f.)
Un subcampo de la *dendroecologia que utiliza *anillos de los arboles datados para
reconstruir y estudiar el clima del presente y del pasado.

dendroclimatologia (s.f.)
Sottodisciplina della *dendroecologia che utilizza i dati delle serie anulari per
ricostruire e studiare il clima del presente e del passato.

dendroclimatologia (n.f.)
Sub-ramo da *dendroecologia que utiliza as informac;oes contidas nos *aneis de
crescimento para reconstruir e estudar as variac;6es climaticas do passado e do

,1J;eH,1J;poKJnrnaTOnonrn (cyw .. )K.)

Pa311e.1 * 11eH,i1po3Ko.1onu1, KOTOphIH 11cno.;1h3yer npo11a r11p0BaHHhie *ro1mqHh1e
KO.lbUa 11:lH peKOHCTPYKUl1l1 l1 113yqeHI1fl K.ll1Ma Ta B npOWJlOM l1 HacromueM.

11 II
As defined by Spanish ecologists, dendrophytoclimatology studies the relationships
between annual and supra-annual climatic courses and annual tree-ring width indices. In
contrast with dendroclimatology, dendrophytoclimatology considers synthetic climatic va-
riables as represented in *climate diagrams (See ALLUE 1990; ALLUE and FERNANDEZ 1993;
FERNANDEZ et al. 1993).

dendroecology 68
dendroecology (n.)
A subfield of *dendrochronology which encompasses all the subfields utilizing dated
*tree rings to study ecological problems and the environment, for example: climate
(*dendroclimatology), streams (*dendrohydrology), geomorphic processes
(*dendrogeomorphology), glacier movements (*dendroglaciology), snow, tectonic
processes, fire, forest stand dynamics, anthropogenic inputs, etc.
der. dendroecological, adj.
dendroecologist, n.

Dendrookologie (f. <-, ¢>)

Sie umfasst alle Teilgebiete der *Dendrochronologie, die Umweltinformationen aus
den Jahrringen herauslesen. Dendrookologische Teilgebiete: Klima (*Dendrokli-
matologie ), Wasser (*Dendrohydrologie ), Erdbewegungen (*Dendrogeomor-
phologie ), Gletscherbewegungen (*Dendroglaziologie ), Schnee, tektonische Bewe-
gungen, Feuer, Bestandesdynamik, anthropogene Umweltbelastung, Chemie (insb.
Schwermetalle: *Dendrochemie ), Isotope, usw.
der. dendrookologisch, Adj.
Dendrookologe, m./f.

dendroecologie (n.f.)
Subdivision de la *dendrochronologie qui englobe toutes les disciplines utilisant des
*cemes annuels dates pour l'etude de phenomenes ecologiques, par exemple: le climat
(*dendroclimatologie ), les cours d'eau (*dendrohydrologie ), les processus geo-
morphologiques (*dendrogeomorphologie ), les mouvements des glaciers (*dendro-
glaciologie ), des masses de neiges, des plaques terrestres, le feu, la dynamique des
peuplements forestiers, !'impact de l'homme, etc.
der. dendroecologique, adj.
dendroecologue, n.m./n.f.
[CA] dendroecologiste, n.m./n.f.

dendroecologfa (n.f.)
Un subcampo de la *dendrocronologia que utiliza *anillos anuales datados para
estudiar problemas ecoI6gicos y ambientales, por ejemplo: cuestiones climaticas
(*dendroclimatologia), el nivel de los cursos de agua (*dendrohidrologia), procesos
geomorfoI6gicos (*dendrogeomorfologia), la actividad de los glaciares (*dendro-
glaciologia), los efectos de la nieve, procesos tect6nicos, incendios, dinamica de
bosques, efectos de la actividad humana, cuestiones quimicas (esp. metales pesados:
*dendroqufmica), contenido de *is6topos, etc.

dendroecologia (s.f.)
Sottodisciplina della *Dendrocronologia, che utilizza tutte le sottodiscipline della
*Dendrocronologia che possono fornire informazioni in campo ecologico ed
ambientale. Si occupa in particolare di clima (*dendroclimatologia), correnti (*den-
droidrologia), processi geomorfici (*dendrogeomorfologia), movimenti glaciali
(*dendroglaciologia), neve, processi tettonici, fuoco, dinamica dei *popolamenti,
influenze antropiche, chimica (metalli pesanti: *dendrochimica), *isotopi, etc ..

dendroecologia (n.f.)
Sub-ramo da *dendrocronologia que inclui todas as areas que utilizam as informa<;oes
contidas nos *aneis de crescimento com o objetivo de estudar fenomenos ecol6gicos
e ambientais, como por exemplo: clima (*dendroclimatologia), enchentes (*dendro-
hidrologia), processos geom6rficos (*dendrogeomorfologia), movimentos de geleiras
(*dendroglaciologia), neve, processos tectonicos, fogo, dinamica das popula<;5es
florestais, a<;5es antropogenicas, etc .

.n;eH.n;p03KOJ10rHH ( cyw .. )K.)

Pa3Je.l JeH11poxpOHO.lOrI1I1, KOT0pb1I1 BK.lIOqaeT B ce6H Bee pa3.D;eJ1bI HayKI1,
I1Cn0.lb3 YIOLIJI1e npo,rn Tl1P0BaHHbie *ro11WIHbie KOJlb ua llJlH 113yqeHI1 fl
3Ko.1ornqecK11x npo6.1e\1 11 npo6.1e:\1 0Kpy)KaIOwe11 cpellbI: Hanp11Mep, .llJlH
113yqeHI1H K.ll1:\1a Ta (* 11eH11p0K.lI1\1aTO~l0fl1H), BOllHbIX noTOKOB (* .lleH.llp0rl11lPOI10rI1H),
reo.\10p¢o.1onnecKI1X npoueccoB, no)KapoB, .llI1Ha\1I1KI1 .llpeBOCTOeB,
aHTponoreHHblX, I130TOnHbIX l1 Xl1\1l1qecKI1X B031lel1CTBI111 (B qacnIOCTI1,
B03Je11CTBI1H TJI)Ke.lbIX .\1eTa.l.10B: 1leH11pOXl1\1I1H), l1 T.n.

According to H.C. Fritts's definition (pers. com.), *dendroecology does not encompass the
above mentioned fields, but draws upon them as environmental inputs, and differs from
them as it focusses on community and ecosystem changes and environmental conditions
past and present.

dendrogeomorphology 69
dendrogeomorphology (n.)
A subfield of *dendroecology which utilizes dated *tree rings to study and *date
geomorphic processes such as rock slides, rock movements, soil creep, etc.
der. dendrogeomorphic, adj.
dendrogeomorphical, adj.
~ *debris flow

Dendrogeomorphologie (f. <-, ¢>)

Ein Teilgebiet der *Dendrookologie; aufgrund der Informationen in Jahrringen
werden geomorphologische Prozesse wie Steinschlag, Boden-Kriechen usw. rekon-
struiert und datiert.
der. dendrogeomorphologisch, Adj.

dendrogeomorphologie (n.f.)
Subdivision de la *dendroecologie qui utilise les informations contenues dans des
*cernes dates pour etudier et *dater des processus geomorphologiques tels que les
glissements de terrain, les eboulements de terrain, etc.
der. dendrogeomorphologique, adj.

dendrogeomorfologfa (n.f.)
Un subcampo de la *dendroecologfa que utiliza *anillos anuales datados para estudiar
y *fechar procesos geomorfol6gicos tales como movimientos y deslizamientos de
terreno, procesos de solifluxi6n, etc.

dendrogeomorfologia (s.f.)
Sottodisciplina della *dendroecologia, che utilizza le *serie anulari per studiare e
*datare processi geomorfici come frane, scoscendimenti, crolli, etc.

dendrogeomorfologia (n.f.)
Sub-ramo da *dendroecologia que utiliza informac;6es contidas nos *aneis de
crescimento para o estudo e *datac;ao de processos geomorfol6gicos, como movi-
mentos e deslizamentos de rocha, desmoronamento de solo, etc.

)leH.llporeoMop<1>onorw11 ( cym., )K.)

Pa3.lleJ1 * .lleH.llp03KOJ1or1111, K0Top1i111 11crrom3yeT rrpo.lla T11p0Bamme *ro1(11qm1e
Komua .llJlR 113yqeH11R 11 .lla Tl1p0BKl1 rrpoueccos re0Mopcp113Ma, TaK11x, KaK
CKaJlbHble pacTpeCKl1BaHl1R, fl01lBl1)KH0CTb ropHblX nopO.ll, OflJ1bIBHbie 1lB11)KeHl1R
rroqn11 11 T..ll.

dendroglaciology 70

dendroglaciology (n.)
A subfield of *dendroecology which utilizes dated *tree rings to study and date glacier

Dendroglaziologie (f. <-, ~>)

Ein Teilgebiet der *Dendrookologie; aufgrund der Informationen in Jahrringen
werden Gletscherbewegungen rekonstruiert und datiert.

dendroglaciologie (n.f.)
Subdivision de la *dendroecologie qui utilise les informations contenues dans des
*cernes dates pour etudier et dater les mouvements des glaciers.

dendroglaciologfa (n.f.)
Un subcampo de la *dendroecologfa que utiliza *anillos anuales datados para estudiar
y *fechar la actividad de los glaciares.

dendroglaciologia (s.f.)
Sottodisciplina della *dendroecologia, che utilizza le *serie anulari per studiare e
datare i movimenti dei ghiacciai.

dendroglaciologia (n.f.)
Sub-ramo da *dendroecologia que utiliza as informac;6es contidas nos *aneis de
crescimento para o estudo e datac;ao dos movimentos de glaciac;ao.

)leH,llpor J11IUHOJ10rMH ( cym., )K.)

Pa3)len * )leH.llP03KOJ1or1111, KOTOpb111 11crrom3yeT .lla T11pOBaHHble *ro1(11q1rne
KOJlbUa l(Jlfl 113yqeHl1R 11 )la Tl1pOBaHl1R 1lBl1)KeHl1R J1ell1-I11KOB.

dendrohydrology 71
dendrohydrology (n.)
A subfield of *dendroecology which utilizes dated *tree rings to study and date
hydrologic phenomena, such as river flow, lake level changes and flooding history.
der. dendrohydrological, adj.

Dendrohydrologie (f. <-, yj>)

Ein Teilgebiet der *Dendrookologie; aufgrund der Informationen in Jahrringen
werden hydrologische Prozesse wie Abflussmengen-Anderungen von Fliissen,
Grundwasserspiegel-Veranderungen und Uberschwemmungsereignisse rekonstru-
iert und datiert.
der. dendrohydrologisch, Adj.

dendrohydrologie (n.f.)
Subdivision de la *dendroecologie qui utilise des *cemes dates pour etudier et *dater
les phenomenes hydrologiques, tels que les regimes hydrologiques des cours d'eau,
les fluctuations de niveau des lacs et les *crues.
der. dendrohydrologique, adj.

dendrohidrologfa (n.f.)
Un subcampo de la *dendroecologfa que utiliza *anillos anuales datados para estudiar
y *fechar problemas hidrol6gicos, tales como el caudal de los rfos, los cambios de
nivel de agua en lagos y embalses, y la historia de las *inundaciones.

dendroidroiogia (s.f.)
Sottodisciplina della *dendroecologia, che utilizza le *serie anulari per studiare e
datare processi idrologici, come variazioni di portata fluviale e di livelli lacuali, storia
delle esondazioni, etc.

dendrohidrologia (n.f.)
Sub-ramo da *dendroecologia que utiliza informa<;6es contidas nos *aneis de
crescimento para o estudo e data<;ao de fenomenos hidrol6gicos como inunda<;oes
dos rios, altera<;6es do nivel da agua dos lagos, hist6rico de inunda<;6es, etc .

.ZJ;eH.ZJ;pOrH.ZJ;pOIIOrHH ( cym., )I(.)

Pa3.ZJ;eJI .ZJ;eH.ZJ;p03KOJ10fl1I1, KOTOphII1 I1CJ10J1h3YeT .ZJ;a Tl1p0BaHHhie *roJJ.WIHhle KOJlhUa

.ZJ;JIR 113yqeHI1R l1 .ZJ;aTI1p0BKI1 rI1.ZJ;pOJ10rI1qecKI1X RBJ1eHI1l1 l1 rrpoueccOB (TaKI1X,
KaK peqHoH CTOK, ypOBeHh 03ep, I1CT0pl1R HaBO.ZJ;HeHI1H).

dendrology 72

dendrology (n.)
The study of woody species, in particular their identification and morphological and
taxonomic characterisation.
Archaeodendrology is defined as dendrology in archaeological contexts, and investigates past
relationships between man, wood and forests. (Billamboz 1985)
--, archaeodendrology, n.

Dendrologie (f. <-, ~>)

Geholzkunde, d.h. morphologisch-taxonomische Charakterisierung der Baum- und
Stra ucharten.
--, Archaodendrologie, f. <-, 0>

dendrologie (n.f.)
Etude des especes ligneuses, en particulier leur identification et la determination de
leurs caracteristiques morphologiques et taxonomiques.

dendrologfa (n.f.)
El estudio de las especies lefiosas, en particular de su identificaci6n y caracteristicas
morfol6gicas y taxon6micas.

dendrologia (s.f.)
Studio delle specie legnose, in particolare loro identificazione e caratterizzazione
morfologica e tassonomica.

dendrologia (n.f.)
Estudo da especies arb6reas, em particular da sua identifica~ao, morfologia e
caracteriza~ao taxonomica .

.z.i;eH.z.i;pononrn (cym., JK.)

Pa3.L1.e11 6orntt11K11, 113yqa10m1111 .L1.peBecm1e pacTett11J1, 11x MOp(f)o11or11qecK11e 11
TaKCOHOMJ1qecK11e xapaKTep11CTl1Kl1, a TaK)Ke BHYTPI1Bl1.ll,0BYIO Cl1CTeMa Tl1KY
(11.L1.eHTl1(pI1Kau1110) BCex .ll,peBeCHblX pacTeHI1H.

dendrometer 73

dendrometer (n.)
A device with which radial increment is measured.
Dendrograph: recording dendrometer.
Microdendrometer: device for measuring radial increment on the circumference of the *stem
(as opposed to along the *radius as with a dendrometer).
In French, a dendrometer usually refers to a device for measuring or estimating tree HEIGHT
(=hypsometer in English). (FORTER2)
~ dendrograph, n.
microdendrometer, n.
hypsometer, n.

Dendrometer (m. <s, ->)

Geri:i.t zur Messung des laufenden radialen Zuwachses.
Dendrograph: Gerat zur graphischen Aufzeichnung der Messdaten.
~ Dendrograph, m. <-en, -en>

A. Dendrograph for pinpoint

and continuous measurement
of radial increment changes.
(Photo. R. Haesler)


2.5 L


1.5 E


D B. Left: Growth of a Pinus

0.5 ponderosa as recorded by a
i late-i L = latewood
dendrograph ( after FRIITS
, earlywood ! wood) 1976). Right: Microphoto-
LE = late earlywood
' width ! width'
ME= middle earlywood
0 +--.--+.:.,:_;.--'i.---:f-=-orc;,tio.:c.:.n.:__;:..:ifo:::..:rmc,:.a:::.:ti::.::;.o.:..:.n-,-~--, EE = early earlywood
graph and seasonality codes.
J F MAMJ J ASOND D dormant season (After 0RTLOFF et al. in prep.)

dendrometre (n.m.)
(sens large) Tout instrument permettant de mesurer les dimensions d'un arbre.
(sens strict) Appareil permettant de mesurer la croissance radiale d'un arbre (usage
americain) (DFM). Appareil permettant de mesurer la croissance en hauteur d'un
arbre (usage franc;ais).
Un dendrographe est un dendrometre enregisteur.
En anglais, le sens restreint de dendrometer s'applique a la mesure exclusive des diametres,
11 11

tandis que les instruments propres a la mesure des hauteurs sont des hypsometres. (DFM)
D 'a pres le DFM, seuls certains auteurs frarn;ais utilisent le terme dendrometre pour designer

un instrument propre a mesurer ou estimer la hauteur des arbres. 11 semblerait en fait que
cette utilisation soit generalisee.
~ dendrographe, n.m.
hypsometre, n.m.

dendrometro (n.m.)
Instrumento para medir incrementos radiales por observaci6n y medici6n directa o
de forma continuada con alg(m dispositivo.

dendrometro (s.m.)
Strumento col quale viene misurato l'incremento radiale. Un dendrografo e un den-
drometro registratore.

dendrometro (n.m.)
Instrumento ou aparelho utilizado para a medic;ao dos incrementos radiais das
arvores .

.ZJ;eH.ZJ;pOMeTp ( cym., M.)

CTp116op 11,1m 113MepeHI1.R pa11,11a11hHoro np11pocTa pacTymero 11,epeBa. _aeH11,porpa<1>
- 3TO perI1CTp11py10IUI1ll 11,e1upoMeTp.
B pyccKOH3blqHQH mnepaType ).(eH).(pOMeTp - np116op, KOTOpbIH CJ1Y)Kl1T ).(JlH 113Mepemrn
,2J,11aMeTpa crnonos ).(epen1en, a ).(eH).(porpa<p ).(JlH 113Mepemrn 11 perncTpau1111 pa).(11an1Horo
np11pocTa pacTymero ).(epena.

dendrotypology 74
dendrotypology (n.)
Tentative classification of woods according to *dendrological, dendrometrical and
dendrochronological parameters and its interpretation from a silvicultural point of

Dendrotypologie (f. <-, ¢>)

Versuch zur Klassifikation von Holzem nach dendrologischen, *dendrometrischen
und dendrochronologischen Parametern und deren Interpretation aus wald-
wirtschaftlicher Sicht. (BILLAMBOZ 1985)

dendrotypologie (n.f.)
Proposition de classification des bois en fonction de parametres dendrologiques,
dendrometriques et dendrochronologiques et son interpretation d'un point de vue

dendrotipologfa (n.f.)
Intento de clasificaci6n de las maderas segun sus para.metros *dendrol6gicos,
dendrometricos y dendrocronol6gicos y su interpretaci6n desde un punto de vista

dendrotipologia (s.f.)
Proposta di classificazione dei legnami in base a parametri *dendrologici,
dendrometrici e *dendrocronologici, ed alla loro interpretazione da un punto di vista

dendrotipologia (n.f.)
Proposta de classificac;ao das *madeiras de acordo com parametros *dendrol6gicos,
dendrometricos e dendrocronol6gicos e sua interpretac;ao sob o ponto de vista

).(eH).(pOTIUlOJlOnrn (cym., ]K.)

KnaccmtrnKaUI1JI THfiOB neca B COOTBeTCTBHH C ero *,lleH,llpOIIOr1111ecKHMH,
*,lleH.llpOMeTp11qecKHMH, *,lleI-1.llpoXpoHOJIOmqecKHMH napaMeTpaMH 11 HX I1HTeprrpeTaum1

dendroyear 75
dendroyear (n.)
(Neologism) A date determined with help of dendrochronological methods as
opposed to a radiocarbon date.
Insofar as dendroyears refer to *calendar dates, the term "calendar year" is often used, for
example as opposed to "radiocarbon year" in 14C calibration curves.
~ *radiocarbon dating

Dendrojahr (n. <-(e)s, -e>)

(Neologismus) Ein Datum, das mit Hilfe der Dendrochronologie bestimmt wurde.
Der Begriff grenzt Daten aus, die mit anderen Methoden erhoben wurden.

date dendrochronologique (n.f.)

(Neologisme - pas d'equivalent franc;ais) Date determinee a l'aide de techniques
dendrochronologiques, par opposition a une *datation au carbone 14 par exemple.

dendrofecha (n.f.)
(Neologismo) Determinaci6n de una fecha por metodos dendrocronol6gicos, en
oposici6n p. ej. a las dataciones llevadas a cabo por metodos radiometricos.

dendroanno (s.m.)
(N eologismo) Data determinata con metodi dendrocronologici, in contrapposizione
a data determinata con 14 C.

dendroano (n.m.)
(Neologismo) Data determinada com auxilio de tecnicas dendrocronol6gicas, ao
contnirio, por exemplo, a uma datac;ao com carbono 14.

.lleH,llporo.ll ( cym., M.)

(HeOJ10rl13M) ,LXarn, onpe,lleJleHHaJI ,lleH,llpoxpOI-IOJlOrttqeCKI1M MeTO.llOM, B OTJ1111Il1e
OT ,llaTbl, YCTaHOBJleHHOH, K np11Mepy, pa,llI10yr11epO.llHbIM ,llaTI1pOBaHI1eM.

densitogram 76
densitogram (n.)
Graphic representation of the density measured along a *radius in a wood sample.
-"? *x-ray densitometry

Densitogramm (n. <-s, -e>)

Graphisch dargestellte, kontinuierlich erfasste Holzdichtewerte entlang eines *Radius

densitogramme (n.m.)
=courbe de densite, n.f
Representation graphique de la densite mesuree le long d'un *rayon d'un echantillon
de bois.

densitograma (n.m.)
Representaci6n grafica de la *densidad de la madera medida a lo largo de un *radio
en una muestra de madera.

densitogramma (s.m.)
Rappresentazione grafica dell'andamento della densita, misurata lungo un *raggio
di un provino di legno.

*Microsection and
corresponding den-
sitogram of a pine tree
(Pinus sylvestris) from
the lowlands of
northern Germany.

densitograma (n.m.)
Representac;ao grafica dos valores de densidade medidos ao longo de um *raio de
uma amostra de madeira

.n;eHc11TorpaMMa (cym., )K.)

rpa~ttqecKoe rrpe.n;cTaeneHtte *rrnoTHOCTM 06pa3ua .n;peeecttHhl, tt3MepeHHo~ e
pa.n;ttanhHOM ttarrpaeneutttt.

density fluctuation 77
density fluctuation (n.)
=intra-annual density fluctuation, n.
Layer of cells within a *tree ring identified by different shape, size and wall thickness.
Contrary to *false rings, a density fluctuation is easily identified by its diffuse ("fuzzy")
Most North-American dendrochronologists would use the term "false ring" (or "double",
"triple" or "multiple" ring) to describe the feature defined here as a "density fluctuation".
However, in the absence of a consensus, we recommend using "false ring" strictly for additio-
nal *tree rings with well-marked boundaries.
~ multiple ring, n.
double ring, n.
triple ring, n.
=t*false ring

intra-annuelle Dichteschwankung (f. <-, -en>)

=Dichteschwankung, f <-, -en>
Tangentiales Band von Zellen unterschiedlicher Form, Grosse und Zellwanddicke
innerhalb eines *Jahrrings. Dichteschwankungen sind, anders als *falsche Jahrringe,
aufgrund ihrer unscharfen Grenzen leicht erkennbar.

1980 1979
df df df df

Density fluctuations (df) after a ring boundary (arrow) in Pinus pinea.

fluctuation de densite (n.f.)
=fluctuation intraannuelle de densite, n.f
A l'interieur d'un *ceme, couche de cellules differentes par leur type, leur taille et
l'epaisseur de leurs parois. A !'inverse des *faux cemes, les fluctuations de densite
sont aisement reconnaissables a leurs limites peu marquees.

fluctuacion intraanual de densidad (n.f.)

=fluctaci6n de densidad, n.f

En un *anillo, variaciones en la relaci6n peso/volumen originadas por capas de celulas

diferentes en su forma, tamafio o espesor de sus paredes celulares. Contrariamente
a los *falsos anillos, una fluctuaci6n intraanual de densidad se identifica facilmente
por sus lllllites difusos.

fluttuazione di densita (s.f.)

Nell'ambito di uno stesso *anello annuale, strata di cellule caratterizzate da differenze
di forma, dimensione e spessore di parete cellulare. Al contrario dei *falsi anelli,
una fluttuazione di densita e facilmente identificabile peril limite indistinto.

flutuac;ao da densidade (n.f.)

=flutuar;ao intraanual da densidade, n.f
Camadas de celulas diferenciadas pela forma, tamanho e espessura da parede em
um *anel de crescimento. Ao contrario, no *falso anel de crescimento, as flutuac;oes
de densidade sao facilmente identificadas por seus limites poucos distintos.

(f>J1yKTyau1rn ITJlOTHOCTH ( cyw., JK.)


Cno11 KJleTOK B npenenax *ronwrnoro KO.lhUa, KOTOpb111 BhIJe.1JieTCJI 113 coceJHI1X

CJlOeB no qlOpMe, pa3Mepy, a TaK)Ke (J>Op\1e 11 TO.llll11He K.leTOlIHOtI CTeHKI1.
<DJ1yKTyau11JI nJlOTHOCTI1 .1erKo onpe11e.1JieTCJI no JI1<f)<f)y3HOi1 rpaH11ue
*ronwrnoro KOJlbUa B OT J111lll1e OT * .lO)KHOro KO.lbUa.

Such fluctuations may occur when growing conditions temporarily become severe before
the end of the *growing season and cause later cells to be smaller with thicker walls, but
growth does not stop. When more favorable conditions return, the later cells are larger and
have thinner walls. (FRITTS 1976)

density threshold 78
density threshold (n.)
Density value used to define the boundary between *earlywood and *latewood in a

Dichteschwelle (f. <, -n>)

Schwellenwert in einem *Densitogramm z.B. zur Abgrenzung von *Fri.ih- und *Spat-

seuil de densite (n.m.)

Dans un *densitogramme, valeur de la densite marquant la limite entre *bois initial
et *bois final.

umbral de densidad (n.m.)

En un *densitograma, valor de la *densidad que marca el lfmite entre la *madera
temprana y la *madera tardfa.

soglia di densita (s.f.)

Valore di densita che in un densitogramma caratterizza il limite fra *legno primaticcio
e *legno tardivo.

limite de densidade (n.m.)

Valor de densidade utilizado para estabeler os limites entre *lenho inicial e *lenho
tardio, em um *densitograma.

nopor flJlOTHOCTH ( cyw., M.)

Ilopor B BeJ111q11Hax fiJ10THOCTI1 Me)K_)ly paHHel1 11 fi03,ll,Hel1. ,llpeBeCI1HOl1 Ha

1.0 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 441945year
+ +
+ +
0.8 + +
+ + +

~ 0.4

Densitogram of a fir tree

0.2 (Abies alba), with a density
threshold of 0.55 g/cm3• (LENZ
0 5 10 15 20 25
et al. 1976)

dependent data 79
dependent data (n. pl.)
1. Data used to obtain a *calibration. (FRITIS 1976)
2. The *predictand data used in a *regression relationship.
~ *independent data

abhangige Daten (n. pl. <->)

1. Oaten zur *Kalibrierung.
2. *Pradiktanden in *Regressionsberechnungen.

donnees dependantes (

=donnees a expliquer, n.f pl.
1. Donnees utilisees pour obtenir une *calibration.
2. *Valeurs expliquees utilisees dans une relation de type *regression.

datos dependientes (

1. Datos utilizados para obtener una *calibraci6n.
2. Los datos del (de los) *predictando(s) usados en una *regresi6n.

variabile dipendente (s.f.)

1. Dato utilizzato per la *calibrazione.
2. *Variabile regressa utilizzata in una *regressione.

dado dependente (n.m.)

1. Dado utilizado para obter uma *calibra9ao.
2. 0 dado da *variavel explicativa usado em uma *regressao.

3aBl1CHMbie .n;aHHbie ( cyw., \1H.lJ.)

1, ,LJ,a Thi, ttcnOc1h30BaHHble Jl;l.H *Ka.1116pOBKl1.
2, *TiapaMeTpbI-npe.acKa3a TeJll1, l1cnO.lb30BaHHbie B *perpeCCHOHH0\1 ypaBHeHl1l1.

I Dependent data are both climatic and tree-ring data during the same subset period of years
used to obtain a calibration.

detrend (to) 80
detrend (to) (t.v.)
[US]""'stationnarize (to), t. v.

To remove a *trend in a *tree-ring series whatever the origin of this trend (long-term
environmental change, effects of tree age, stand dynamics, etc.).
~ *standardisation

Eliminieren eines Langzeittrends (n. <-s, ¢>)

[A}=Ausgleichen eines Trends, n. <-s, ¢>

(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Aus einer *Jahrringfolge einen Trend herausfiltern,

unabhangig davon, welcher Faktor den Trend verursacht hat (klimatische Langzeit-
veranderungen, Alter, Bestandesdynamik, usw.).

extraire la tendance
Eli.miner toutes les variations de basse frequence et moyenne frequence, quelle que
soit leur cause (changement environnemental a long terme, effet de l'age, dynamique
de peuplement), qui affectent l'allure generale d'une *serie chronologique.

estacionarizar (v.t.)
=eliminar la tendencia, v. t.
En una *serie de anillos, eliminar todas las variaciones de baja y media frecuencia,
sea cual sea su causa (efecto de la edad del arbol, dinamica del rodal, cambios
climaticos, etc), que afectan al *crecimiento anual ya la forma y sesgo general de la
curva de crecimientos.

(Non esiste termine corrispondente) Rimuovere un *trend da una *serie anulare,

quale che sia l'origine del trend stesso (cambiamenti ambientali di lunga portata,
effetto dell'eta della pianta, dinamica del popolamento etc.).

retirar a tendencia (v.t.)

Remover a *tendencia de uma *serie cronol6gica, qualquer que seja a sua origem
(alterac;ao ambiental de longo periodo, efeito da idade da arvore, dinamica da
populac;ao, etc.)

y6pa Th TpeH.ll (r~1.)

y CTpaHl1Th TpeHll Ha cep1111 napaMeTpOB fOllWIHhIX Koneu, o6ycJ10BJ1eHHhll1
Ka K l1 M - .Jl 116 0 l1 CT O q H l1 KO M ' Han p l1 Me p' ll O Jl r OB p e Me H H hi M 113 Me He H l1 e M
OKpy)K_aI0we11 cpellbl, 3¢¢eKTO;V] B03paCTa 21,epeBheB, lll1HaMl1KOI1 llpeBOCTOfl l1

diameter at breast height 81
diameter at breast height (n.)
=d.b.h. (abbr.)
=#b.d.h. (abbr.)
Diameter of standing trees, taken at a standard height from ground level (approxi-
mately 1.30 m). (::::FORTER2)

Durchmesser auf Bmsthohe (m. <s, ->)

Brusthohendurchmesser (ca. 1,30 m).

diametre a hauteur de poitrine (n.m.)

=diametre a hauteur d 'homme, n.m.
Parlant d'un arbre sur pied, son diametre mesure a environ 1,30 m au-dessus du sol.
Le terme "diametre a hauteur d'homme", recommande par le DFM, est semble-t-il tombe en

diametro normal (n.m.)

=diametro a la altura de! pecho
=d.a.p. (abrev.)
Dia.metro de los arboles en pie medido a la altura normal; es decir el diametro medido
a 1.30 m (4pies 3in) de la base en Europa y en la mayoria de pafses de la Common-
wealth, y a 1.37 m (4pies 6in) en el resto.
Suele usarse la abreviaci6n en ingles d.b.h. En espafiol d.a.p.

diametro a petto d'uomo (s.m.)

Diametro di un albero in piedi, misurato ad un'altezza di riferimento (circa 1,3 m)
rispetto al livello del suolo.

diametro a altura do peito (n.m.)

=D.A.P. (abrev.)
Diametro de arvores em pe medido a uma altura padrao do nfvel do solo ( aproxi-
madamente 1,30m).

,ll;MaMeTp .n;epeBa Ha BLICOTe rpy ,ll;M (cyw., M.)

JJ;HaMeTp paCTYlllHX 11.epeBbeB, H3MepJ1eMbII1 Ha CTaHll,aprnoA BblCOTe OT
fIOBepXHOCTH 3eMJlH (rrpH6m13HTeJlbHO 1,3 M).

e intl. symb. d
e On sloping ground, diameter at breast height is usually measured on the uphill side of
the tree. (BONNOR 1978)

differentiation 82
differentiation (n.)
Growth phase in which the various types of specialized cells (e.g. *vessels, parenchy-
matic cells) develop from meristematic cells (e.g. cambial mother cells, *apical
der. differentiated, adj.
differentiate (to), t.v.

Zelldifferenzierung (f. <-, ¢>)

Wachstumsphase, in welcher aus undifferenzierten *meristematischen Zellen, z.B.
Kambiummutterzellen, apikale *Meristemzellen, verschiedene Zelltypen, z.B.
*Gefasse und *Parenchymzellen, entstehen.

differenciation (n.f.)
Phase de croissance au cours de laquelle les differents types de cellules specialisees
(par ex. *vaisseaux, cellules parenchymatiques) se developpent a partir de cellules
indifferenciees (par ex. cellules cambiales meres, *meristeme apical).
der. differencie, adj.
se differencier, v. i.

diferenciacion (n.£)
=maduraci6n, n.f
Proceso por el cual las celulas que se desarrollan a partir de las celulas indiferenciadas
(de los *meristemos apicales y las celulas madres del *cambium) dejan de alargarse
y adquieren las caracteristicas del tejido del cual formaran parte, p. ej. los elementos
de *vaso, las celulas *parenquimaticas.

differenziazione (s.f.)
Fase dell' accrescimento cellulare nella quale i vari tipi di cellule specializzate (per
esempio *vasi, cellule parenchimatiche) si sviluppano a partire da cellule indifferen-
ziate (per esempio cellule madri del cambio, *meristemi apicali).

diferencia~ao (n.£)
=maturac;ao, n.f

Fase do crescimento em que varias celulas especializadas (por exemplo, *vasos,

*celulas do parenquima) se desenvolvem a partir da divisao de celulas meristematicas
indiferenciadas (por exemplo: celulas mae do *cambio, *meristema apical).

iu1<1><1>epettu11p0BKa (cyw .• )K.)

(l)a3a pocra, np11 Koropo11 pau11qHbie r11nb1 cneu11aJ111311p0BaHHbIX KJleroK
(ttanpm-1ep, *cocy llbI, *napeHXH~Hbie KJ1erK11) pa3BI1Ba10rc.fl 113 nepBoHaqamHo
e1lI1HOl1 He1rnq>q>epeHUI1pOBaHHOl1 rncre~bl KJleTOK (HanpHMep, I13 *KaM6I1aJ1bHblX
~a repl1HCKI1X KJleTOK I1Jll1 *an11Ka.lbHOl1 ~epHCTeMbI).

diffuse=porous 83
diffuse-porous (adj. )
(Wood) in which the *vessels are of fairly uniform or only gradually changing size
and distributed throughout a *growth ring (see figure). (FORTER2)
~ *ring-porous

zerstreutporig (Adj.)
(Holz) mit ziemlich regelmassiger Gefassverteilung im Querschnitt innerhalb eines

a pore(s) diffus (adj.)

=a pore(s) epais
(Bois) dans lequel les *cernes presentent des vaisseaux de taille et de repartition
relativement uniformes ou avec des modifications progressives.

poro(s) difuso(s) (adj.)

zporosidad difusa, adj., n.f.
#poroso difuso, adj.
(Madera de) tejido lefioso cuyos *vasos tienen un tamafio y una distribuci6n muy
uniforme en todo el *anillo de crecimiento.

a porosita diffusa (agg.)

=legno a porosita diffusa, s.m.
Di tessuto legnoso nel quale, nell' ambito di uno stesso anello di accrescimento, i
*vasi presentano dimensioni e distribuzione piuttosto uniformi, o con variazione
molto graduale.

poros difusos (adj.)

(*Madeira) com *vasos de diametro e frequencia quase uniformes ou com gradual
variai;ao ao longo do *anel de crescimento.

pacceHHHOCOCy .lUiCTaH ( npHJl.)

(,L(peBec1rna) 11Me10waR *cocy llhI, pa3Mep 11 pacrrpe1leJ1ett11e KoTOph1x rro
*rOllliqHoMy KOJlhUY q>aKr11qecK11 OllHHaKOBhl HJlli MeHRIOTCJI He3Ha q11reJ1bHO.

Acer tatarica (40x).

distortion 84

distortion (n.)
In wood samples with very narrow *tree rings and wide *rays, deformation and shifting
of *tree rings which make dating and measurement difficult.

versetzte Jahrringe ( <->)

Jahrringgrenzen in Geholzern, die bei breitem *Strahlgewebe sprunghaft verscho-
ben sind, z.B. bei Eiche.

distorsion (n.f.)
Dans des echantillons de bois comportant des cernes tres minces et des *rayons
ligneux tres larges, deformation et decalage des series de *cernes qui rendent les
operations de mesure et de datation difficiles.

distorsion (n.f.)
En muestras de madera, *anillos estrechos que estan deformados y con los Hmites
tortuosos debido a los *radios medulares, muy anchos, que los atraviesan. La dataci6n
y medici6n de estos anillos es dificil.

distorsione (s.f.)
In campioni di legno con * anelli annuali molto stretti e con larghi *raggi
parenchimatici, la deformazione e la deviazione degli anelli, che rendono difficoltose
la datazione e la misurazione.

Distortion in Quercus
earlywood vessels sp. (30x). (Drawing by
tree ring boundary D. Blaser)

distor~ao (n.f.)
Em amostras de madeira com *aneis de crescimento estreitos e *raios parenqui-
maticos largos provocando a deformac;ao e o deslocamento dos *aneis de crescimento
e tornando dificil a operac;ao de datac;ao e mensurac;ao.

ucKp1rnJieHue ( cyru., c.)

=HCKaJK.eHHe cym,., C.

,llecpopMaUI1JI l1 Cl(BMr rOl(MqHbIX KOJieU, Ha6JII01(aeMble Ha rrorrepeqHoM ce11eHMM

o6pa3UOB l(peBeCMHbl C oqeHb Y3Kl1Ml1 KOJibUaMM l1 WMPOKMMM 11yqaM11; 3TO
3aTPY1lHHeT l(aTMpOBKY l1 l13MepeHMH.

disturbance 85
disturbance (n.)
Environmental alterations by natural or anthropogenic factors such as fire, ava-
lanches, storms, *insect outbreaks, geomorphic processes or logging.
-, *disturbance regime
*disturbance history
*gap dynamics

Storungen ( <->)

Storungen des Baum- oder Bestandeswachstums <lurch natlirliche und anthropo-
gene Faktoren, z.B. Feuer, Lawinen, Stlirme, Insektenepidemien, geomorphologische
Prozesse oder Holzernte.

perturbation (n.f.)
Modifications de l'environnement dues a des facteurs naturels ou anthropogenes,
tels que le feu, les avalanches, les tempetes, les attaques d'insectes, les processus
geomorphiques ou les coupes forestieres.

perturbacion (n.f.)
Alteraciones ambientales causadas por factores naturales o antr6picos tales como el
fuego, avalanchas, plagas, deslizamientos de terreno, tratamientos forestales, etc.
-, regimen de perturbaciones

disturbo ambientale (s.m.)

Perturbazione dell'ambiente causata da fattori naturali oppure antropici come fuoco,
valanghe, tempeste, *infestazioni di insetti, processi geomorfici o lavori di esbosco
di legname.

perturba~ao (n.f.)
=disturbio natural, n.m.
Modificac;oes do meio ambiente causadas por fatores naturais ou antropogenicos,
como o fogo, avalanches, tempestades, *ataque de insetos, processos geom6rficos
ou explorac;ao florestal.

Hapyrnemrn (cyw:., c.)
l13Mettett11e yc.noBI1H 0Kpy)KaJOme11 cpellhI, o6yc.noB.nettttoe np11p01lHhIMI1 11.n11
aHTponoreHHhlMH <paKTOpaMI1, TaKI1Ml1, KaK no)Kap, CHe)KHhie .naBI1Hhl, rpo3hl,
BcnhIIllKI1 ttaceKOMhlX, reoMop<p11qecK11e npouecchl 11.n11 .neco3aroTOBKI1.

dominant 86

dominant (adj.In.)
An individual or species of the upper layer of the forest canopy. (FORTER2) (See
"suppression": figure).
In French this term may be used both as adjective and substantive.
In German it is used as adjective only.
der. dominance, n.
~ *suppression
suppressed, adj.

dominant (Adj.)
(Ein Baum) <lessen Krone sich im obersten Teil der Kronenschicht befindet.

dominant (n.m.)
Arbre ou espece forestiere qui constitue la strate superieure du couvert forestier.
11 11
Cf. suppression •

S'emploie egalement adjectivement.

~ co-dominant, n.m./adj.
domine, n.m./adj.
co-domine, n.m./adj.
surcime, n.m./adj.

dominante (adj.)
( ecologfa-silvicultura) Arbol o especie forestal que ocupa el estrato superior del
~ :;i!:dominado

dominante (agg./s.m.)
( ecologia, selvicoltura) Un individuo o una specie appartenente al piano superiore
della copertura. (BERTER)
~ :;i!:dominato, agg.
dominanza, s.f.

dominante (adj., n.f.)

Arvore ou especie florestal que constitui o extrato superior da cobertura florestal.
~ :;i!:dominada, n.f.

.l(OMHHaHTa ( cyw. )K.)

(3KOJIOfO- JieCOB01(CTBeHHI:iltt TepMMH) f OCITOl(CTBO OT l(eilhHOfO 3K3eMTIII.Hpa 11Jll1

Bl11(a B OCHOBHOM .Hpyce *llpeBOCTO~

dormant season 87
dormant season (n.)
=quiescence, n.
=dormant period, n.
The period in which growth and development are temporarily suspended in a tree,
e.g. in winter or dry periods.
"Dormancy" refers to the condition of a dormant plant or part of plant.
der. dormant, adj.
~ :;t:*growing season
dormancy, n.

Ruheperiode (f. <-, -n>)

Periode, in welcher in Baumen kein Wachstum stattfindet, z.B. im Winter oder in

dormance (n.f.)

,::;repos, n.m.

Periode pendant laquelle la croissance et le developpement d'un arbre sont

temporairement interrompus, par exemple en hiver ou pendant des periodes de

periodo de latencia (n.m.)

=reposo, n.m.
Tiempo durante el cual el *crecimiento y desarrollo de un arbol esta detenido; p. ej.
durante periodos frfos o en epocas de sequfa.

periodo di riposo vegetativo (s.m.)

=stagione di riposo vegetativo, s.f.

Periodo nel quale crescita e sviluppo nell'albero sono temporaneamente sospesi,
per esempio durante l'inverno o un periodo di siccita.
La "dormienza", di una pianta o parte di pianta, si riferisce a condizioni di vita molto piu
rallentata rispetto al riposo vegetativo.
~ dormienza, s.f.

esta~ao de dormencia (n.f.)
::::dormencia, n.f
=periodo de dormencia, n.m.

Perfodo no qual o crescimento e desenvolvimento das arvores sao temporariamente

interrompidos (por exemplo: inverno ou perfodo seco ).

ceJOH JIOKOH (cyrn,., M.)

=lleplfOJJ TIOKOH, cyw., M.

f1ep110.ll, KOf .lla pOCT 11 pa3B11Tl1e .llepeBheB BpeMeHHO np110CTaHOBJ1eH (T.e. B

311MHee 111111 3aCyll1J111BOe BpeMH).

driftwood 88

driftwood (n.)
Whole tree (or part thereof) that has been transported by water from its place of
origin to a new location.
If in the sea, termed "sea drift". (PORTER)
~ *provenance
sea drift, n.

Treibholz (s. <-es, -··er>)

Baume oder Baumteile, die von ihrem Ursprungsort <lurch Wasser an einen andern
Ort transportiert wurden.

bois flotte (n.m.)

Bois ( arbre entier ou non) transporte par voie d'eau aplus ou mains grande distance
de son lieu d'origine.
"Bois de greve", "bois de maree": derivant sur la mer. (DFM)
"Bois transporte": transporte par voie d' eau ou de terre.
~ bois de greve, n.m.
bois de maree, n.m.
bois transporte, n.m.

madera de deriva (n.f.)

::::mad era a la deriva, n.f.
Trozos de madera o arboles enteros que han sido transportados por el agua desde su
lugar de origen a otro sitio.

legname alla deriva (s.m.)

Albero, o parte di esso, che l'acqua ha trasportato dal posto di origine in una nuova
Un caso perticolare e il "legname alla deriva in mare".

madeira flutuante (n.f.)
Arvore inteira ( ou parte) transportada atraves de correntes de agua a longas distancias
do seu local de origem.

=crnmBHaa 11.peBec1rna, cym., )K.

="n11aBH11K", cym., M.

Uenoe ,llepeBo (i,rn11 ero qacTh), TpaHcrropT11p0BaHH0e BOllOH c Mecrn ero

rrpo113pacTaHI1H B KaKoe-n1160 llpyroe MecTo n0Kan113au1111.
TepM11H "cnJlaBHaJI 11.peBeCHtta" np11MeHJieTCJI 11.JlJI 11.peBeCHHbI, TpaHcnopT11pOBaHH0!1 no
TeqeHHIO peKH 113 011.HOro nyHKTa B 11.pyro11.

I Dendrochronology deals mainly with sea drift, in order to determine its age and *provenance.
I It also uses lake driftwood for establishing minimum dates of abandoned shorelines.

The main Arctic oceanic surface currents and possible drift routes of the wood (the current
pattern is from STRUBING 1968). (EGGERTSSON 1992)
Drift routes of samples collected in Iceland with origins in the forest regions of northwestern
+++ Proposal for the main origin and drift routes of the Icelandic driftwood. 1. From rivers
draining into the Kara Sea (Ob or Yenisey rivers), or 2. from rivers draining to the
Laptev Sea (mainly the Lena river).
Possible drift routes of dated samples collected in East Greenland, from the Yukon
I river region and from the Mackenzie delta.

drought crack 89
drought crack (n.)
Radial splitting in the *stem of a fast-growing tree as a result of internal stresses set
up by excessive drying of the wood following drought. (zFORTER2)
--t *drought-sensitive

Trockemiss (m. <-es, -e>)

Radiale Risse in Stammen mit breiten *Jahrringen. Sie entstehen, wenn bei trocke-
nem Boden die Saugspannung zu hoch ist.

fente de secheresse (n.f.)

Fente radiale du *tronc resultant des tensions internes du bois que peut provoquer
une excessive secheresse. De telles fentes peuvent s'ouvrir vers l'exterieur ou au
contraire rester internes. (zDFM)

grieta de sequfa (n.f.)

Fisura radial en el *tronco de las arboles de crecimiento rapido, producidas par un
estres interno al secarse excesivamente la madera durante de una sequfa.

cretto da siccita (s.m.)

Fessurazione radiale nel *fusto di un albero a rapido accrescimento, dovuto alle
tensioni interne provocate da una eccessiva perdita di umidita del legno, a seguito di
prolungata siccita.

rachadura de seca (n.f.)

Fenda ou rachadura radial no *tronco das arvores de rapido crescimento, resultado
das tens6es internas provocadas por uma excessiva perda de agua da madeira, ap6s
um perfodo de seca.

Drought crack in larch

(Larix decidua). The crack
was fully covered by
*callous tissue after two

Tperu:1rna ycyunrn: ( cyru., )K.)
Pa11JiaJ1hHOe pacTpecK1rnam1e (pacwennemi:e) *crnona 6b1cTpo pacTymero 11:epeBa
KaK pe3yJ1hTaT BHyTpeHHero CTpecca, Bhl3BaHHOro qpe3MepHhlM BhlChlXaHHeM
11:peBeCHHhI nocne npo11:oJ1)KHTeJ1hH011 3acyxH.

drought index 90
drought index (n.)
A meteorological index incorporating precipitation, temperature, photoperiod, and
soil conditions, used as a means of expressing the severity (or non-severity) of drought.
~ Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)

Ariditatsindex (m. <-es, -ices>)

Ein Indexwert, der die Intensitat einer Trockenheit ausdriickt. Niederschlage, Tem-
peratur und Bodeneigenschaften werden zueinander in Bezug gesetzt.

indice de secheresse (n.m.)

Indice meteorologique integrant les precipitations, la temperature, la periode
d 'ensoleillement et les conditions edaphiques, exprimant l 'intensite d 'une secheresse.

indice de sequfa (n.m.)

Un indice metereol6gico que incorpora un conjunto de variables (precipitaci6n,
temperatura, fotoperiodo y condiciones edaficas) para obtener una medida del grado
de severidad de las sequias.
~ Indice de severidad de sequia de Palmer (PDSI)

in dice di aridita (s.m.)

Indice meteorologico usato per esprimere la gravita ( o la non gravita) della siccita, e
che tiene conto di precipitazioni, temperatura, fotoperiodo e condizioni del suolo.

indice de seca (n.m.)

Indice meteorol6gico que inclui precipitai;ao, temperatura, fotoperiodo e condii;6es
do solo, usado como forma de expressar o nivel de severidade de uma seca.
~ Indice de Severidade de Seca de Palmer (ISSP)

HHll:eKc Jacyx11 (cyru. M.)

MeTeoponomqecKHH HHll:eKc, ttecymH11 HmpopMaumo 06 oca11:Kax, TeMnepa Type,
CBeTOBOM nepH011:e, noirneHHhIX YCJ10BH.HX; Hcnom3yeTC.H 11:Jl.H xapaKTepHCTHKH
cypoBOCTH 3acyxH.

The Palmer Drought Severity Index is the most widely used method for determining drought
severity in the United States. Its values generally range from +4 (extreme wetness) to -4
(extreme drought). (EESS)

drought-sensitive 91
drought-sensitive (adj.)
(Of species or individual) reacting strongly to changes in moisture conditions.
~ :;t:drought-tolerance
*drought crack

trockenheitsempfindlich (Adj.)
Heftig auf Feuchtigkeitsanderungen reagierend.

sensible a la secheresse
Se dit d 'une espece ou d 'un individu reagissant fortement aux changements des
conditions d'hydrometrie.

sensibilidad a la sequfa (n.f., adj.)

(De las especies o los individuos) que reaccionan fuertemente a los cambios en las
condiciones de humedad.
~ :;t:tolerencia a la sequfa

sensibile ana siccita (agg.)

(Di specie o individuo) che reagisce intensamente alle variazioni idriche.

sensivel a seca (adj.)

(De especie ou indivfduo) que apresenta forte reac;ao as alterac;oes de condic;oes de
umidade do ambiente.
~ sensitividade a seca, n.f.
sensibilidade a seca, n.f.
:;t:tolerancia a seca, n.f.

qyncTBHTeJILHhie K Jacyxe (pacTemrn) ( np1111.)

=rurpo</JHThl, cym.,

(BHli:hl I1J1M OT ,n:eJlhHhle pacTeHHH), pe3KO peampyIOw:He Ha I13MeHeHHH


dugout canoe 92

dugout canoe (n.)

=dug-out canoe, n.
=logboat, n.
=log-boat, n.
Boat made out of a single, hollowed out *stem.

Einbaum (m. <-s, -"e>)

Ein Boot, das aus einem ausgehohlten und zugehauenen Baum besteht.

pirogue monoxyle (n.f.)

::=monoxyle, n.m.
::=monoxylon, n.m.
Embarcation faite d'un seul *tronc evide.
Le terme generique "monoxyle creuse" designe toute structure (par ex. us tensile de cuisine)
faite d'une seule piece de bois evidee.

piragua (n.f.)
Embarcaci6n construida vaciando el *tronco de un arbol.

piroga scavata (s.f.)

lmbarcazione ricavata da un unico *tronco svuotato.

barco de tronco (n.m.)

=piroga, n.f
Barco ou embarcac;ao feita de um unico *tronco escavado.

no.n;Ka-.n;on6neHKa (cym., JK.)

=JI.OJI6JieHKa, cym., JK.

J1011,Ka, n1111,0J16J1etttta11 113 ueJ11Horo crnoJia 11,epena.

"Dug-out" may apply to any wooden tool or object (e.g. cooking utensile) made out of a
I hollowed out *stem, branch or burr.



Dugout canoe burnt out

m -----=====----- of a pine stem (Au-
vernier, Switzer land),
and dendrochronolo-
gically dated to 880-850
BC. (ARNOLD 1985)

early earlywood 93

early earlywood (n.)

(Mainly used in *dendroarchaeology and fire history.) See *earlywood (photograph).

friihes Friihholz (n. <-es, (,j>)

(In der *Dendroarchaologie und *Feuergeschichte verwendet.) Siehe * Fri.ihholz 11 11


(Pas d'equivaient en fran9ais - principalement utilise en *dendroarcheologie et

histoire des incendies.) Voir *bois initial (photographie).

primera madera temprana (n.f.)

Primera porci6n de la madera temprana (usado principalmente en *dendroarque-
ologia e *historia de incendios) (ver ilustraci6n de la madera temprana).

legno primaticcio iniziale (s.m.)

(Usato principalmente in *dendroarcheologia e nello studio degli incendi.) Vedere
11 11
*legno primaticcio (fotografia).

(Usado principalmente em *dendroarqueologia e hist6ria de incendios - nao ha

equivalente em portugues.) Ver *lenho inicial (fotografia).

paHHHH llaCTb paHHe:H 11:peBeCHHLI (cyw., )K.)

(B ocHOBHOM 11cnonh3yeTCFI B * 1leH1lpoapxeonom11 11 *11cTop1111 necon) CM.
*"paHHFIFI 1lpeBec11tta" (<poTO).
TepMHH He HBJIJieTC.ff o6wenpHHHThIM B pyccKO.ff3hlqHQJ1 HayqHQH JlHTepa Type.

earlywood 94

earlywood (n.)
=early wood, n.
#fspringwood, n.
The *xylem cells produced in the *tree ring during the early part of the *growing
season, characterized by large, thin-walled *tracheids in *Gymnosperms, and
numerous large *vessels in *Angiosperms.
Earlywood" is used preferentially to springwood as the latter often does not correspond to
11 II II

a physiological reality, especially under latitudes where earlywood is formed in the early summer
(e.g. Canada) or in autumn as in some Mediterranean species (e.g. Cupressus sempervirens).
----, *latewood
*early earlywood, n.
*mid-earlywood, n.
*late earlywood, n.

Friihholz (n. <-es,¢>)
Der erste zu Beginn der *Wachstumsperiode entstehende Teil des *Jahrrings. Bei
*Nadelholzern besteht es aus grossen, di.innwandigen *Tracheiden, bei *Laubhol-
zern aus meistens grossen und vielen *Gefassen.

bois initial (n.m.)

#bois de printemps, n.m.

Cellules du *xyleme produites dans le *cerne au debut de la *periode de vegetation,
caracterisees par des *tracheides de grandes dimensions et a parois fines chez les
*Gymnospermes, et par la presence de nombreux *vaisseaux de grandes dimensions
chez les *Angiospermes.

madera temprana (n.f.)

=leno temprano, n.m.

#madera de primavera, n.f
El *xilema producido en un *anillo anual en la primera parte del *periodo de
crecimiento; en las *gimnospermas esta caracterizado por *traqueidas de pared celular
delgada, yen las *angiospermas por *vasos de diametro grande.

legno primaticcio (s.m.)

=legno primaverile, s.m.

z/egno di apertura, s.m.
Insieme di cellule dello *xilema prodotte nell'*anello annuale durante la parte iniziale
del *periodo vegetativo; nelle *gimnosperme e caratterizzato da *tracheidi con ampio
lume cellulare e pareti sottili, nelle *angiosperme da *vasi grandi e numerosi.

A. Picea abies B. A/nus incana

lenho inicial (n.m.)
=lenho primaveril, n.m.
Celulas do *xilema de um *anel de crescimento produzidas durante a etapa inicial
da *estac;ao de crescimento, caracterizadas por *traquefdos largos, de paredes
delgadas em *Gimnospermas ou *vasos largos e numerosos em *Angiospermas.

paHHHH .n;peBecima (cym., )K.)

=BeceHHHH JJpeBeoma, cym., JK.

qaCTh *ro,Z]JfqHoro KOJlhUa, o6pa30BaHHoro KJ1eTKaMI1 *KCI1JleMhl B HaliaJle

*ce30Ha poem. XapaKTep113yeTC.fl KPYITHhlMI1 TOHKOCTeHHhIMI1* Tpaxe11.n;aMI1 B
.n;peBeC11He *ronoceMeHHhIX 11 MHOroq11cJ1eHHhIMI1 KPYITHhIMI1 *cocy ,llaMI1 B
.n;peBeC11He * fIOKphITOCeMeHHhIX.

TepMHH paHH.IUI 11,pesec11Ha npe11,noqn-1TeJibHee, TaK KaK Ha BblCOKHX umpOTaX

paHHHH 11,peBeCHHa 06pa3yeTCH B Haqane JieTa.

In certain cases, earlywood may be divided into "early earlywood", "mid-earlywood" and
I "late earlywood" (see photograph).

ecesis 95

ecesis (n.)
=oecesis, n.
~plant colonization, n.
(sensu lato) First stage of plant *succession (i.e. germination and successful
establishment of colonisation).
(sensu stricto) In a glacier forefield after the retreat of a glacier, estimate of the
elapsed time between de glaciation (or moraine formation and stabilization) and the
germination of the first tree to survive and be sampled (i.e. the oldest tree on the
surface). (:::,McCARTHY and LUCKMAN 1993)
The term "ecesis" was first used by Clements (1904) to define the second stage in plant
succession, following migration (he believed the first stage of plant colonisation was preparation
of the seedbed). Clements (1916) also made up the verb "to ecize" (e.g. "spruce ecize in 15
der. ecize (to), i. v.

(kein deutscher Begriff) (sensu lato) Erstes Stadium einer pflanzlichen *Sukzession
(Keimung und erfolgreiche Begrtindung eines Erstbestandes).
(sensu stricto) Erstes Stadium einer Besiedlung <lurch Baume eines vom Gletscher
freigegebenen Vorfeldes. Anhand des altesten Baumes in einem Vorfeld kann die
Zeit zwischem dem Rtickzug des Gletschers und der Wiederbesiedlung ermittelt

ecesis (n.f.)
(sens large) Premiere phase du processus de succession (germination et colonisation
(sens strict) Dans une zone de colonisationjuxtaglaciaire (partie anterieure du glacier)
mise a decouvert par le retrait d'un glacier, estimation du temps ecoule entre la
de glaciation (ou la formation et la stabilisation d 'une moraine) et la germination du
pr~mier arbre arrive a l'age adulte et echantillonne (=le plus vieil arbre vivant a cet

ecesis (n.f.)
En sentido amplio, primer estadio de la *sucesi6n vegetal, esto es germinaci6n y
establecimiento de las plantas colonizadoras. En sentido estricto, en el frente de un
glaciar despues del retroceso de los hielos, tiempo estimado entre la deglaciaci6n (o
formaci6n de la morena y su estabilizaci6n) y la germinaci6n del primer arbol que
ha sobrevivido y se ha muestreado, esto es, el arbol mas viejo en ese sustrato.

ecesi (s.f.)
(sensu lato) Prime fasi di una *successione vegetale; dalla germinazione ed
affermazione delle piante colonizzatrici alla loro riproduzione.
(sensu stricto) In studi concernenti l'avanzamento ed il ritiro <lei ghiacciai, stima del
tempo intercorso frail ritiro di un ghiacciaio da una zona (o la formazione e stabilizza-
zione di morene) e la germinazione del primo albero, in seguito soprawissuto e
campionato, su di essa (owero l'albero piu vecchio presente nell'area considerata).

ecesis (n.m.)
(nao existe equivalente em portugues) (senso lato) Primeiro estagio do processo de
*sucessao de uma populac;ao de plantas (germinac;ao e colonizac;ao estabelecidas
com sucesso ).
(senso estricto) Ap6s a retrac;ao de uma geleira, a estimativa do tempo decorrido
entre a deglaciac;ao (ou formac;ao de blocos carregados pelas geleiras e sua estabiliza-
c;ao) e a germinac;ao, o estabelecimento e sobrevivencia da primeira arvore amostrada
(arvore mais adulta existente na area).

Gorner Glacier Morteratsch Glacier
a 10-20 years after glacier retreat
x ca. 40 years after glacier retreat
o 10-20 years after glacier retreat
a ca. 10 years after glacier retreat

Recent recolonisation by
larch of two glacier forefields
in the Swiss Alps. (After

3Ue3MC (cyw., ~.)
B o6me.\1 C.\1blc1e nepBaJI crn1urn cyKuecnrn pacTett1111 (T.e. npopacrntttte
11 ycnemttoe pacce.ietttte). B 6onee Y3K0.\1 CMhicne 3TO BpeMJI, npome11mee
noc1e OTCTyn.leHHJI .ne,llHHKOB (ttJlH BpeMJI C Haqana o6pa30BaHHJI l1
crn611.1113au1111 :v1opetth1) 110 npopacTaHHJI TaM nepBoro 11epeBa, KOTopoe yueneno
11 B Kaqecrne HCKOnaeMOH llpeBeCHHbl farno OT06paHO llJlJI HCCJle,llOBaHHJI (T.e.
ca\10e crnpoe JepeBo Ha JaHHO:vt yqacTKe n0BepxttocT11).

Although several tree-ring dating studies attempt to calculate ecesis values, ecesis estimation
procedures are not standardized and are seldom described in detail. McCARTHY and LUCKMAN
(1993) have compared several different sampling strategies to estimate ecesis.

ecogram 96
ecogram (n.)
Graphic representation of relevant ecological parameters for a given *site.

Okogramm (n. <-(e)s, -e>)

Graphische Darstellung wichtiger okologischer Bedingungen an einem *Standort.

ecogramme (n.m.)
(Neologisme propose - pas d'equivalent en frarn;ais) Representation graphique des
parametres ecologiques pertinents pour une *station donnee.

!ill dry sites B
E cool-moist
-2 sites

-0 -~
~ -~
'- -0
..... c,:j
;>-, '-
.-:: t-. moist sites -~ !ill warm-dry
-0 ~
u sites
<('.~....__ _ _ _ _ _ _Q
_ _ ___ O...._
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Increasing rhizosphere depth Increasing moisture mark

= increasing water storage potential
Exemples of ecograms:
A. defined by topography and soil conditions.
B. defined by type of plant communities: each plant sampled within a *plot is assigned a
temperature and moisture mark, as defined by ELLENBERG 1974.

ecograma (n.m.)
Representaci6n grafica de los para.metros ecol6gicos relevantes para una *estaci6n

ecogramma (s.m.)
Rappresentazione grafica dei piu importanti parametri ecologici per una data

ecograma (n.m.)
Representac;ao grafica de um para.metro ecol6gico relevante em um dado *sitio.

3KorpaMMa (cym., )K.)

rpaq>WleCICoe rrpe.acraBJ1eH11e 3KOJ10fWieCICI1X napaMerpoB, COOTBeTCTBYIOllU1X 11,aHHO\iY

ecotone 97

ecotone (n.)
The transition zone between two adjoining ecosystems.
Forest margin (syn. forest edge) is the forested transition zone between a forested area and
the adjoining ecosystem (meadow, lake, etc.).
der. ecotonal, adj.
~ forest margin, n.
forest edge, n.

(kein deutscher Begriff) Ubergangsbereich zwischen zwei benachbarten Okosyste-

ecotone (n.m.)
Zone de transition entre deux ecosystemes.

ecotono (n.m.)
Zona de transici6n entre dos ecosistemas.

ecotone (s.m.)
Zona di transizione fra due ecosistemi vicini.

ecotone (n.m.)
Zona de transic;ao entre dois ecossistemas.

3KOTOH (cym., M.)

f1epexo.aHaH 30Ha Me)K.llY llBYMH rpaH11qall1I1Ml1 .apyr C .apyroM 3K0Cl1CTeMaMI1.

76° 75° 74°
59° . J - - - - - - - L - - - - - - t - 59°

tree limit

timber line

58° 58°

57° 57°


An example of an extended
closed boreal ecotonal belt between the
conifer forest
closed conifer forest and the
550!.!.!.:==~~ 550 tundra in northern Quebec,
76° 75° 74° Canada. (PAYETTE et al. 1989)

El Nino 98
El Nifio (n.)
Invasion of warm surface water (>28 °C) from the western equatorial part of the
Pacific Basin to the eastern equatorial region and along the west coast of South
America. El Nifio events occur about twice every ten years, although the interval
between two events is irregular. (::::EESS)
The name "El Nifio" (=the Infant Jesus) was originally applied only to the weaker and short-
lived events that occur annually at Christmas time.
---j *Southern Oscillation, n.
La Nifia, n.

"El Nifio"
Transport von warmem (>28 °C) Oberflachenwasser aus dem westlichen tropischen
Teil des Pacific zum ostlichen tropischen Teil an der Westktiste Stidamerikas. El
Nifio-Ereignisse kommen ungefahr alle 5 Jahre vor. Die Intervalle zwischen zwei
Ereignissen sind aber zeitlich variabel.

El Nifio (n.m.)
Circulation d'eau superficielle chaude (>28 °C) de la partie equatoriale occidentale
du Bassin Pacifique vers la region equatoriale orientale et le long de la cote ouest de
l' Amerique du Sud. Les annees El Nifio se produisent environ deux fois par decennie,
mais l'intervalle separant deux annees El Nino est irregulier.

El Nifio (n.m.)
Transporte de agua superficial caliente (>28 °C) desde la parte ecuatorial oeste de la
cuenca del Pacifico hacia la region ecuatorial este a lo largo de la costa oeste de
Sudamerica; el fen6meno esta asociado a un debilitamiento de los vientos alisios del
sur-este en el este y a vientos del oeste fuertes en el oeste El fen6meno del Nifio
ocurre alrededor de 2 veces cada 10 afios, aunque el intervalo entre dos sucesos es
irregular. (PICKARD and EMERY 1990)
La Nifia es el fen6meno opuesto, la temperatura del agua es inferior a 25 °C. Se di6 el nombre
de El Nifio porque el fen6meno ocurre en Navidad y originariamente solo se aplic6 a los
eventos debiles y de corta duraci6n.

EI Niiio (s.m.)
Afflusso di acqua superficiale calda (>28 °C) dalla zona equatoriale occidentale del
Pacifico alla regione equatoriale orientale e lungo le coste occidentali del Sud
America. II fenomeno si verifica approssimativamente due volte ogni dieci anni,
sebbene l'intervallo tra due eventi possa variare in modo irregolare.

El Niiio (n.m.)
Circula<;ao de agua superficial aquecida (>28 °C) da regiao equatorial ocidental para
a equatorial oriental da bacia do Oceano Pacifico e ao longo da costa oeste daAmerica
do Sul. 0 El Nifio ocorre aproximadamente duas vezes a cada dez anos, sendo
irregular o intervalo de tempo entre dois eventos.

3m,-HHHbO (cyw., c.)
Ha3BaH11e 11aHO npo11cxo11mueMy BpeMJI OT BpeMeHl1 JIBJ1eHl1IO BT0p)KeHl1JI
TefiJlbIX nOBepxHOCTHblX BO.ll 113 3ana11HOl1 3KBa TOpl1aJlbHOl1 qacTl1 T11xoro
OK ea Ha B BOCTOqHyIO 3KBa T0p11aJ1bHYI0 0611aCTb 11 npOXO)K.lleHl1JI 11X B1l0J1b
3ana11Horo no6epe)KbJI IO)KHOM AMep11K11. 3m-H11HbO c11yqaeTCJI OKOJlO 2-x
pa3 Ka)K.llbie 10 JleT, HO l1HTepBaJ1bI Me)K.llY llBYMJI co6hITl1JIMl1 Heo1111HaKOBbl.

El Nifio events are associated with weakened south-east Trade Winds in the east and stronger
westerlies in the west. (PICKARD and EMERY 1990). La Nifia events are opposite effects, i.e.
stronger south-east Trades in the east (and weak westerlies in the far west) with resulting
cool water ( <25 °C) extending much further westward along the equator than usual. The
alternance of El Nifio (warm water) and La Nifia (cold water) events coincides with the
*Southern Oscillation.
El Nifio events have an impact on climate. In particular, excessive rainfall and flooding
occur in the normally dry coastal area of western tropical South America during these events.

emission 99
emission (n.)
Discharge of substances into the environment (term mainly used in relation to
*gaseous pollutants).

Emission (f. <-,-en>)

Abgabe von Staffen an die Umwelt, meistens gebraucht im Zusammenhang mit

emission (n.f.)
Introduction de substances dans l' environnement (ce terme s' applique principalement
aux *polluants gazeux).

emision (n.f.)
Descarga de sustancias al ambiente. El termino se utiliza principalmente en relaci6n
con *contaminantes gaseosos.

emissione (s.f.)
Scarico di sostanze nell'ambiente; termine principalmente impegato in riferimento
agli *inquinanti gassosi.

emissao (n.f.)
Descarga de substancias no ambiente (termo geralmente utilizado para *gases

3MHCCHH (cyw., )K.)

Bb16poc BewecTB B OKpy)KaIOIUYIO cpe11y (TepMl1H np11MeHJieTCJI B OCHOBHOM K
*ra3006 pa3HbIM nOJlJllOTaHTaM).

epitropic 100
epitropic (adj.)
=negative geotropic, adj.

Adjective used to describe a root that grows upwards into a new deposit from a
rhizosphere that has been buried under the new sediment layer. (::::::SHRODER 1980)

epitrop (Adj.)
(Wurzel), die nach einer Uberdeckung mit Sediment aufwarts in luftreichere Schich-
ten wachst.

(pas d'equivalent en franc;:ais) Dans une rhizosphere qui a ete enfouie sous une
nouvelle couche de sediments, se dit d'une racine qui se developpe verticalement en
direction de la nouvelle couche superieure.

geotropismo negativo (adj.)

(Raiz) que crece hacia arriba en los nuevos dep6sitos bajo los que ha sido enterrada.

epitropico (agg.)
Di radice che si sviluppa con andamento ascendente nel nuovo strata depositato,
quando una rizosfera e stata sepolta sotto un nuovo strata di sedimenti.

epitropico (adj.)
=geotropismo negativo, n.m.
(Raiz) que se desenvolve verticalmente em direc;ao a um novo extrato, a partir da
cobertura da rizosfera por uma nova camada de sedimentos.

3JUITpOJ1HbIM (np1111.)
=OTpHll,a TellIHO reorpOTTHbll1, TTpHll.

(Kopettb), paCTYWMH no HarrpaBJ1eHl1IO BBepx B HOBOe OT J10XeHI1e B cny 11ae,

Kor4a p03oc~epa rrorpe6etta rro4 HOBhlM oca4oqttwM cnoeM.

even-aged 101
even-aged (adj.)
#even-age, adj.
Of a forest or *stand, composed of trees having no, or relatively small, differences in
age. (FORTER2)
der. :;,1:unevenaged, adj.
~ *cohort

gleichaltrig (Adj.)
(Bestand) aus ungefahr gleichaltrigen Individuen.

equienne (adj.)
Se dit d'une foret ou d'un *peuplement forme d'arbres dont les differences d'age
sont nulles ou faibles. (DFM)
der. t:inequienne, adj.

coetaneo (adj.)
=monocohorte, adj.
=masa regular, n.f
Arboles de una masa forestal o rodal que no tienen diferencias de edad o que estas
son relativamente pequefias.
----? t:multietaneo, adj.
t:multicohorte, adj.

coetaneo (agg.)
Di un *popolamento composto da alberi aventi la stessa eta od eta poco diversa; per
estensione, di un'intera foresta composta da popolamenti coetanei, ancorche le eta
di questi ultimi possano essere sensibilmente diverse.

coetaneo (adj.)
=mesma idade, adj.
De uma floresta ou *populac;:ao formada por arvores de mesma ou com pequena
diferenc;:a de idade.

O,ZJ;HOB03pacTHbIH (npHII.)
0 .nece 11.n11 *.n;peBOCTOe, COCTOHW:eM H3 .n;epeBbeB, KOTOpble He HMeIOT
HMeIOT OTHOCHTe.nbHO Ma.nyIO pa3HHUY B B03pacTe.

I Plantations and forest stands grown after fires or storms are often even-aged.

event value 102

event value (n.)
An extreme value in a *tree-ring series of measurements of any kind of parameter
(structure, density, width). (SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
Neologism defined in 1989. Partly replaces the term "pointer year" as it had been used until
then. (SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
----? *event year
*pointer year

Ereigniswert (m. <(e)s, -e>)

Extremer Wert eines Parameters in einer einzelnen Jahrringfolge (Struktur, Dichte,

valeur d'un cerne caracteristique (n.f.)

Valeur exteme dans une *serie chronologique d'un parametre de cernes (structure,
densite, largeur).

valor de un anillo caracteristico (n.m.)
Un dato o valor extremo de cualquier para.metro obtenido en una serie de medidas
de los *anillos de los arboles (estructural, *densidad, *grosor, etc.).

valore di un anello caratteristico (s.m.)

Valore estremo in una serie cronologica di misure di un parametro anulare (struttura,
densita, ampiezza).

valor de um anel caracteristico (n.m.)

Valor extremo em uma *serie cronol6gica de qualquer para.metro de medida dos
aneis de crescimento (estrutura, densidade, largura).

xapaKTepMCTHKa oco6oro ro.n;a (cym., )K.)

3KcrpeMamttoe 3Haqem,1e KaKoro-m160 I13Mepettttoro rrapaMerpa (crpyKryphI,
fIJ10THOCTI1, umpHHbl ro.n:11qHblX KOJ1eu) B *cep1111 ro.n:11qHblX KOJleU.

event year 103

event year (n.)
#signature ring, n.
Year with a conspicuous feature within a limited section of a visually assessed individual
tree-ring sequence. It can morphologically be realised in various ways: *missing ring,
*false ring, first year of an *abrupt growth change, *reaction wood, wound or increase
in *resin ducts or discoloured tissue, etc. (::::::SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
~ *event value
*pointer year
*traumatic zone
*marker ring

Ereignisjahr (n. <-(e)s, -e>)

Auffallendes, leicht erkennbares Merkmal innerhalb einer einzelnen *Jahrringfolge.
Morphologisch driickt es sich auf verschiedene Arten aus: *fehlender Jahrring, *fal-
scher Jahrring, erster Jahrring einer *abrupten Zuwachsanderung, *Reaktionsholz,
Wunde oder Zunahme an *Harzkanalen oder verfarbtes Gewebe.

ceme caracteristique (n.m.)

[Qu] cerne diagnostique, n.m.
[Qu] anneau diagnostique, n.m.
*Cerne possedant un caractere remarquable, aisement decelable, a l'interieur d'une
sequence de *cernes, par exemple un *cerne manquant, un *faux cerne, la premiere
annee d'un *changement brusque de croissance, du *bois de reaction, une blessure,
une augmentation du nombre de *canaux resiniferes, une decoloration des tissus, etc.

anillo caracteristico (n.m.)

*Anillo que destaca por alguna particularidad en una secuencia de anillos de
crecimiento evaluados visualmente. Puede presentarse de varias maneras: *anillo
ausente, *anillo falso, el primer aiio de un *cambio brusco del crecimiento, por
presentar *madera de reacci6n, heridas o deformaciones celulares, por un aumento
de *conductos resiniferos, por su decoloraci6n, etc.

anello caratteristico (s.m.)
Anno particolare, facilmente distinguibile in una sequenza anulare: sotto il profilo
morfologico puo essere caratterizzato con varie tipologie: *anello mancante, * falso
anello, anello iniziale di una *brusca variazione di accrescimento, presenza di *legno
di reazione, ferite, *canali resiniferi traumatici, tessuti con particolarita cromatiche.

anel caracteristico (n.m.)

*Anel de crescimento com caracteristica marcante, facilmente distinguivel, em uma
sequencia de *aneis de crescimento como *anel descontinuo, *anel ausente, *falso
anel, primeiro anode *abrupta alterac;ao do crescimento, *madeira de reac;ao, injuria
ou aumento do numero de *canais de resina ou descolorac;ao de tecidos.

oco6ufl ro.a.(cym., M.)

ro.ll C pe3KO Bbipa)KeHHOI1 oco6eHHOCThI0 BHYTPH orpaHW-IeHHOro y 1IaCTKa
Bl13yamHO 113y1-1eHHOH OT ,lleJlhHO B3RTOH JlOCJle,ll0BaTeJlhHOCTl1 rO,ll11l-J:HbIX Koneu.
Mopcponor111-1ecK11 3Ta oco6em-1ocT1 MO)KeT rrpoRBHThCR pa3HbIMH crroco6aM11:
*n1ma,lla10IUI1M KOJlhUOM, *JlO)K.HhIM KOJlhUOM, rrepBblM rO.llOM *pe3KOro I13MeHeHl1R
rrp11pOCTa, *peaKTl1BHOH ,llpeBeCHHOH, rropaHeHHeM, ynen111-1eHI1eM l-J:I1CJ1a 11
pa3Mep0B CMOJlRHbIX XO.llOB, a TaK)Ke ynen111-1eHI1eM KOJlHl-J:eCTBa HeOKparneHHOH

uncharred wood

*charred wood

Event years in an
archaeological cross-
section (beam HH39,
Betatakin Ruin,

false ring 104
false ring (n.)
Additional, apparently complete *growth zone with well-marked boundaries, formed
within one *growing season. Contrary to *density fluctuations, false rings cannot be
morphologically distinguished from true *tree rings, and can only be identified by
~ *density fluctuation

falscher Jahrring (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Augenscheinlich normal ausgebildete, zusatzliche Zuwachszone innerhalb einer
*Wachstumsperiode. Falsche Jahrringe sind im Unterschied zu *intra-annuellen
Dichteschwankungen nur durch * "crossdating" identifizierbar.

faux cerne (n.m.)

=cerne surnumeraire, n.m.
*Cerne en surnombre, apparemment complet, dont les limites sont nettement
marquees, et qui s'est forme au cours d'une seule *periode de vegetation. Contraire-
ment aux *fluctuations de densite, les faux cernes ne sont pas morphologiquement
differents des vrais cernes, et ne peuvent etre identifies que par *interdatation.
II 11
Parfois employe (abusivement) comme synonyme de double cerne •

anillo falso (n.m.)

Un *anillo aparentemente completo y con lfmites definidos, formado durante el
*periodo de crecimiento pero que no es anual. Contrariamente a las *fluctuaciones
intraanuales de densidad, un anillo falso no puede distinguirse morfoI6gicamente de
un *anillo verdadero y solo puede ser identificado mediante la *dataci6n cruzada.

falso anello (s.m.)

*Anello di accrescimento addizionale, apparentemente completo, con limiti ben
marcati, formato nell'ambito di un *periodo vegetativo. Contrariamente alle
*fluttuazioni di densita, i falsi anelli non sono morfologicamente distinguibili dai
veri *anelli annuali, e possono essere individuati soltanto tramite la *datazione

falso anel (n.m.)

Anel de crescimento aparentemente completo e com Ii.mites definidos, formado
durante uma *estai;ao de crescimento. Contrariamente as *flutuai;oes intraanuais
de densidade, os falsos aneis nao podem ser distinguidos morfologicamente de um
*anel verdadeiro e somente podem ser identificados atraves da *interdatai;ao.

JIOXHOe KOJlbQO (cym., c.)
=BTOpWJHOe KOJlbll,O, cym., C.

,L1,o6aB0qHaJ1, Bhir na11,aw:aa KaK 3aKottqeHHaJI *30Ha rrp11pocrn c xoporno

3aMeTHhIMl1 rpaHMUaMM, cqrnpM11p0BaHHa.H 3a 011,MH *ce30H pocTa. 8
rrpOTl1BOfIOJIOXHOCTh *m-1yTp11ro11,11qHOI1 qrnyKTyau1111 fIJIOTHOCTl1, JIO)KHOe KOJihUO
He MO)KeT 6hITh MOp(pOJIOr11qecK11 OT JI11q11Mo OT rrpaBl1JlhH0f0 *ro11,11qHoro
KOJihUa, a TOJihKO 1111,eHTl1(pl1Ul1P0BaHO rrp11 *rrepeKpeCTHOM 11,aT11ponatt1111.

"JlQ)KHOe KOJlbUO" Ha116011ee npe11,n04THTeJlbHO.

Most North-American dendrochronologists would use the term "false ring" (or "double",
"triple" or "multiple" ring) to describe the feature defined as a "*density fluctuation".
However, in the absence of a consensus, we recommend to use "false ring" strictly for addi-
tional *tree rings with well-marked boundaries.

False ring (arrow) in Juniperus communis,


felling date 105
felling date (n.)
[USJ cutting date, n.
The year or season when a tree was felled.
Summer felling: Felling of a tree during the *growing season.
Winter felling: Felling of a tree during the *dormant period.
~ winter felling, n.
summer felling, n.
*non-cutting date

Falhmgsdatum (n. <-s, 11!>)

=Schlagdatum, n. <-s, ¢>
=Schlagjahr, n. <-(e)s, -e>
[A]=Schliigerungsjahr, n. <-(e)s, -e>
Jahr oder Jahreszeit der Baumfii.llung.
Sommerfallung: Baumfallung wahrend der *Wachstumsperiode.
Winterfallung: Baumfallung wahrend der *Ruheperiode.

date d'abattage (n.f.)

[Qu] annee d'abattage, n.f
=annee de coupe, n.f
::=:saison d 'abattage, n.f
Annee ou saison au cours de laquelle un arbre a ete abattu.

fecha de apeo (n.f.)

=fecha de corta, n.f
=aiio de tala, n.m.
El aiio, conocido u obtenido por *dataci6n, en el que se ha cortado un arbol.

data di abbattimento (s.f.)

::=:anno di abbattimento, s.m.
::=:anno di taglio, s.m.
::=:stagione di abbattimento, s.f
Anno o stagione nel corso del(la) quale un albero e stato abbattuto.
data do corte (n.f.)
=data do abate, n.f
Ano ou a estac;ao em que a arvore foi cortada .

.n;a Ta py6 KH ( cyw., )K.)

=JJ,ara, cym., JK.

foll HJUI ce3oH, Kor lla llepeBo 6bIJlO noBaneHo.

*Felling dates can be estimated with a known degree of uncertainty from the number of
*sapwood rings in the main oak species used in European dendrochronological studies.

felling phase 106
felling phase (n.)
[US] cutting phase, n.

(Dendroarchaeology) Period of uninterrupted *timber felling.

Schlagphase (f. <-, -n>)

(Dendroarchaologie) Periode anhaltender Baumfallungen.

phase d'abattage (n.f.)

(Dendroarcheologie) Periode d'abattage ininterrompu

fase de corta (n.f.)

(Dendroarqueologfa) Periodo ininterrumpido de corta de madera.

periodo di abbattimento (s.m.)

=stagione dei tagli, s.f
(Dendroarcheologia) Periodo nel corso del quale vengono abbattuti alberi in modo

periodo de corte (n.m.)

=per{odo de abate, n.m.
(Dendroarqueologia) Periodo de corte ininterrupto de arvores.

(f>a3a py6KH (cyw., )K.)

=</Ja3a !Tona.rm, cym., JJc.

Caett1lpoapxeoJ10nrn) CTep11011 ttenpephrnttoro npouecca py6K11 ii:peBOCTOH.

fertilization 107
fertilization (n.)
=fertilisation, n.
Additional input of nutrient elements in an ecosystem, of natural ( e.g. after fires,
floods) or anthropogenic origin.

Diingung (f. <-,-en>)

Zugabe von Nahrstoffen, z.B. nach Branden, durch Uberflutungen und ki.instliche

fertilisation (n.f.)
Apport d'elements nutritifs dans un ecosysteme, d'origine naturelle (par exemple
apres un incendie, une inondation), ou anthropogenique.

fertilizaci6n (n.f.)
Incorporaci6n adicional de nutrientes en un ecosistema de forma natural (despues
de incendios, *inundaciones) o artificialmente por el hombre.

fertilizzazione (s.f.)
Apporto addizionale di elementi nutritivi al terreno, di tipo naturale (ad esempio in
seguito ad incendi o ad alluvioni) oppure artificiale (tramite la concimazione ).

fertiliza-;ao (n.m.)
Incorporagao adicional de nutrientes em um ecossistema de origem natural (por
exemplo: ap6s incendios, inundagoes) ou antropogenica.

q>epTHJUIJaUl·iH ( cyw., )K.)

Ll,o6aBoqHbII1 rrpI1TOK n11ra TeJlbHhIX 3.le'1eHTOB, Harrp11'1ep, rroc.1e J10)K.ap0B,
HaBO.llHeHI1l1, a TaK)K.e I1CKYCCTBeHH0l1 cpepTI1.ll13aUI1I1.

I The impact of fertilization may be assessed by measuring tree-ring widths in fertilized and
control trees.

3.0 surface area

,-._ 2.5
~ 2.0

.§ 1.5
"' 1.0
Effect of fertilization with
nitrogen on annual ring 0.5
width in spruce on a site
with poor nutrient supply
in Germany. (von 0-'------.------....-------,-----,--
PECHMANN 1960). 1930 1940 1950 1957

filter 108
filter (n.)
Weights used to smooth a *time series, depending on which frequencies of variation
are to be retained. (""FRITIS 1976)
-? *smoothing
band-pass filter
high-pass filter
low-pass filter

Filter (m. <-s, ->)

Werte, um eine *Zeitreihe zu glatten. Die Wahl der Werte erfolgt aufgrund der er-
wi.inschten Glattung.

filtre (n.m.)
Poids utilises pour lisser une *serie temporelle, choisis en fonction de la frequence
de la variation qui doit etre conservee.
-? filtre passe haut, n.m.
filtre passe bas, n.m.

filtro (n.m.)
Una tecnica de analisis lineal que mediante la utilizaci6n de pesos permite suavizar
una *serie temporal manteniendo determinadas frecuencias y eliminando otras.
-? medias m6viles

filtro (s.m.)
Trasformazione lineare di un processo sul piano delle frequenze che permette di
ottenere effetti prefissati sulle singole frequenze angolari componenti. Equivale alla
definizione di pesi per la *perequazione di una *serie temporale, in base a quale
intensita di variazione si vuole venga conservata.

filtro (n.m.)
Peso utilizado para suavizar uma *serie temporal, dependendo de quais frequencias
de varia9ao que devem ser mantidas.

Tree-ring *chronology:
A. *standardised with a

negative exponential curve
B. filtered with a high-pass
C. filtered with a low-pass filter.
1800 1900 (After FRITTS 1976)

(}>HJlbTp (cyw., M.)
83BerneHHbie ycpe.21,ttemrn, 11cnom3yeMb1e .21,1rn er J1a)K.11Batt11.R BpeMeHHbIX cep1111,
B 3aBJ1CHMOCTl1 OT BbI6opa KOTOpblX coxpaHHIOTCfl Te HJlH HHbie '--IaCTOTbl
BpeMeHHblX cep1111.

Weights usually vary in value. On a symmetric 3-year filter, weights are 0.25, 0.5, 0.25. Fil-
ters are superior to running means in that they result in a time series with peaks and troughs
in the correct position. A whole technology has been developed on the theory of constructing
filters to pass desired *signals: high-pass filter (which emphasizes the short-term or high-
frequency variations), low-pass filter (which retains only the long-term or low-frequency
variations), band-pass filter (which passes a frequency band such as 11-yr or 22-yr (sunspot)

fire interval 109

fire interval (n.)
=fire free interval, n. (SAF)
=fire return interval, n. ( FAO)
Time (in years) between two successive fires (or *fire occurrences) in a designated
area. (SAF)
~ *fire occurrence
*mean fire interval

Feuerintervall (n. <-s, -e>)

=feuerfreies Interval!, n. <-s, -e>
Zeit (in Jahren) zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Branden in einem gekenn-
zeichneten Gebiet.

periodicite des incendies (n.f.)

Temps (en annees) s'ecoulant entre deux incendies successifs dans une zone donnee.

intervalo entre incendios (n.m.)

Tiempo, en afios, entre dos incendios sucesivos en un area determinada.

intervallo tra incendi (s.m.)

Tempo (normalmente espresso in anni) intercorrente tra due incendi successivi in
una determinata area.

intervalo de incendio (n.m.)

=intervalo livre de fogo, n.m.
Tempo, em anos, entre dois incendios sucessivos em uma determinada area.

rroxapHbIH HHTepBaJl (cyw., M.)

BpeMH (B ro.21,ax) Me)K..21,y .llBYMH c11e.21,y10w11M11 .21,pyr 3a .21,pyroM no)K_apaMtt Ha
Toquo oqepqeHHOH TeppHTOpHH.

fire occurrence 110
fire occurrence (n.)
=fire frequency, n. (SAP)
=fire incidence, n. (PAO)
Number of fires per unit time in a specified area. (SAF)

Feuerhaufigkeit (f. <-,-en>)

Anzahl Feuer pro Zeiteinheit in einem bestimmten Gebiet.

frequence des incendies (n.f.)

=occurrence des incendies, n.f
=probabilite defeu, n.f (PAO)
Nombre d'incendies par unite de temps sur une surface donnee.

frecuencia de incendios (n.f.)

=incidencia de incendios, n.f
Numero de incendios por unidad de tiempo en un area especificada.

incidenza di incendio (s.f.)

Numero di incendi per unita di tempo in una determinata area.

frequencia de incendios (n.f.)

=incidencia de incendios, n.f
=ocorrencia de incendios, n.f
Numero de incendios, por unidade de tempo, em uma area especifica.

qacToTa noxapoB ( cyw.. :tK.)

Ko.1Hqecrno flO)K_apoB B e11HHHUY npe'.lvteHH B rnqHo YCTaHOB.ileHHOM pal1oHe

fire regime 111

fire regime (n.)
Combination of fire frequency, intensity, size, and seasonality that characterizes the
role of fire in an ecosystem.

Feuerregime (n. <-regims, ¢>)

Kombination von Feuerhaufigkeit, -intensitat, -grosse und -jahreszeit, welche die
Rolle eines Feuers in einem Okosystem charakterisiert.

regime des incendies (n.m.)

Combinaison de la frequence, de l'intensite, de la taille et des fluctuations saisonnieres
qui caracterise le role du feu dans un ecosysteme.

regimen de incendios (n.m.)
Combinaci6n de la frecuencia, intensidad, tamafio y estacionalidad de los incendios
que caracterizan el papel del fuego en un ecosistema.

regime degli incendi (s.m.)

lnsieme di aspetti, concementi la frequenza, l'intensita, l'estensione e la stagionalita
degli inc.endi, che caratterizza il ruolo del fuoco in un ecosistema.

regime de incendios (n.m.)

Combinac;ao da frequencia, intensidade, dimensoes e sazonalidade dos incendios
que caracterizam o papel do fogo em um ecossistema.

rroxapHLIH pexuM (cym., M.)

K0Mfornaui,u1 qacTOTbI, l1HTeHCl1BHOCTI1, pa3MepoB noiKapoB 11 I1X ce30HHOCTl1,
xapaKTep113y10waH pom noiKapa B 3KocttcTeMe.

fire scar 112

fire scar (n.)
""#fire-wound, n.
Conspicuous or inconspicuous mark left by a fire-caused wound in the *stem, branches
or roots of a woody plant.
"Fire wound" is sometimes improperly used as a synonym of "fire scar".
A fire scar also refers to the area of the landscape destroyed by a fire. (FAO)
der. fire-scarred, adj.
~ *fire scar analysis
hidden fire scar, n.

Feuerwunde (f. <-, -n>)

=Feuerverletzung, f <-, -en>

=Feuernarbe, f <-, -n>
(kein genaues deutsches Aquivalent) Feuerbedingte offene oder tiberwallte Wunde
an *Stammen, Asten und Wurzeln von Geholzen.
"Feuerwunde", "Feuerverletzung" und "Feuernarbe" sind keine genauen Aquivalente ftir
'fire scar'.

cicatrice d'incendie (n.f.)

[Qu] cicatrice de feu, n.f

Marque, visible ou invisible en surface, laissee par une blessure causee par le feu aux
*tronc, branches ou racines d 'une plante ligneuse.
"Bn1lure" est parfois employe abusivement comme synonyme de "cicatrice d'incendie".

cicatriz de incendios (n.f.)

=cicatriz de quemadura, n.f

Herida cicatrizada o en proceso de cicatrizaci6n sabre la madera del *tronco, ramas
o rakes, causada o agravada por el fuego.

cicatrice da ustione (s.f.)

Segno lasciato da ferite causate dal fuoco nel *fusto, nei rami o nelle radici di piante

cicatriz de incendios (n.f.)

=cicatriz de fogo, n.f

Cicatriz ou marca conspicua ou inconspicua resultante da injuria provocada pelo
fogo nos *troncos, ramos ou raizes de especies florestais.

rroxapHaH rro.l(cyunrna (cyw., )KJ

=no>KapHaH onteTHHa. cym., >K.
=no.Jrap, cym., .H.
=no.Jnap, cyw., Jt.
=no>KapHaH paHa, cyw.. >K.

3a:\-teTHaJI 11.111 HeB111111"1aH on1eT11Ha Ha *crnone, BeTKax 11J111 KpoHe .llpeBecHhIX

pacTeH1111, o6pa3oBaBrnaJicJI np11 11x nopaHeH1111 B pe3y~1bTaTe no)Kapa.
"no.1rap ~ 11 ~no.1nap" RB.lRIOTCR ycrnpesw11M11.


A. Fire scar on Quercus pubescens (Tessin, Switzerland).

B. Multiple *callous margins on Pinus flexilis (Colorado, USA).

fire scar analysis 113
fire scar analysis (n.)
Analysis of one or more *fire scars to date past fires.

Feuerwundenanalyse (f. <-, -n>)

Analyse von einer oder mehreren Feuerwunden zur *Datierung von frtiheren Wald-

analyse des cicatrices de feu (n.f.)

Analyse d'une ou plusieurs *cicatrices de feu afin de dater d'anciens incendies.

amilisis de las cicatrices de incendio (n.m.)

Analisis de una o mas *cicratrices producidas por el fuego para *datar los incendios

analisi delle cicatrici da ustione (s.f.)

Analisi di una o piu *cicatrici da ustione per datare incendi verificatisi nel passato.

amilise de cicatriz de fogo (n.f.)

Analise de uma ou mais *cicatrizes provocadas pelo fogo para a datac;ao de incendios

auamu n:oxapmn n:o.zi:cynurn (cym., M.)

AttaJUt3 0.l(H0.11 I1JU1 HeCKOJ1hKI1X fiO)KapHblX OTMeTI1H .l(JIH .zi:a TI1p0BaH11H npOllIJibIX

1800 1850 1900 1930 1960 1980

sites I I I I '
H h i I i 2
a 12 ; ! ! l I 12
I ,
13 ~ 1 I I I I ! ' 13

14 ~ I p I I I 14
I I I I q I I ' snag 4
5 ~
(I) 1
I1 I p I I 1 1 (A) snag 5
a 7 B I I I (y)
; snag 7
;j 6 ~ H H 1 IP I 6
i:: A
.§ 9
8l ~ J
I (y)
& 10 ~
downed log 10
"' 11 ~ y! I - - snag 11

I I , ' ! I 15
16 ~ I !J.l
' 16
d 17 ~ H I I 17
18 ~ I I ; snag 18
38 ~ ,. snag 38
:;;&:; '°°'- °' '°

@§- § ~
t- - t-
e: e:
e:; e::~ ~!§ § ~
Absolutely dated *fire scars on Pinus ponderosa trees in southwestern New Mexico, USA.

floating chronology 114
floating chronology (n.)
A *ring-width series of unknown age that has not been *crossdated to a particular
*calendar date.
~ :t:*absolute chronology
*chronology building
*master chronology
*relative date

schwimmende Chronologie (f. <-, -n>)

Eine *Jahrringchronologie von unbekanntem Alter, die sich durch *"crossdating"
noch nicht in eine *absolut datierte *Chronologie einfiigen lasst.

chronologie flottante (n.f.)

*Serie chronologique qui n'est pas *interdatee par rapport a un calendrier civil.

cronologfa flotante (n.f.)

Una serie dendrocronol6gica que nose ha podido *datar respecto a un *calendario

cronologia fluttuante (s.f.)

*Serie anulare di eta ignota, non collocata in un ambito temporale preciso del
calendario civile.

cronologia flutuante (n.f.)

=cronologia relativa, n.f
*Serie cronol6gica de idade nao conhecida que nao foi possi'.vel de ser *interdatada
em um calendario civil.

rrnaBaIO:rn:aH X pOHOJlOrlrn ( cyw,., )K.)

CepI1JI *urnpHHhl roirnqHhIX KOJieU Hel13BeCTH0f0 B03pacTa, KOTOpa.H He 6brna
*nepeKpecTHO ~aT11ponaHa n onpe~eJieHHhlX *KaJieH~apHhlX ~aTax.

A floating chronology usually involves many measured series that have been *crossdated
with one another, so that most mistakes in the identification of rings (including *missing
rings) have been detected.

flood 115
flood (n.)
""'inundation, n.
Any flow of a stream or river that overtops the banks of the channel and spreads
across the *flood plain. (SIGAFOOS 1964)
-""7 *flood plain

Uberschwemmung (f. <-,-en>)

Wasser, das die Ufer von Fli.issen, Seen und Kanalen i.ibertreten hat.

crue (n.f.)
Elevation du niveau d'un cours d'eau qui depasse son lit mineur et submerge la
*plaine d'inondation.

inundaci6n (n.f.)
=avenida, n.f

Cualquier flujo de agua que sobrepasa los lfmites del cauce y se extiende por la
*llanura de inundaci6n.

alluvione (s.f.)
Inondazione di pianura alluvionale, dovuta allo straripamento di corsi d' acqua.

inunda~ao (n.f.)
=enchente, n.f

Fluxo de agua de um c6rrego ou rio que excede as margens do canal e se espalha

pelo *plano de inunda~ao.

rronoBo.n;Le (cym., c.)

HeKOTOpoe yBenwtemi:e B0}.J;HOCTl1 peKl1, Bbl3bIBaIOmee no.n;beM ee YPOBHJI, TaK
lffO TeqeH11e BbIXOJ.J;l1T 113 pycna 11 3aTOITJ1HeT *no11My.

I Trees react with *abrupt growth changes to ecological conditions caused by floods.

flood plain 116
flood plain (n.)
=floodplain, n.
The relatively level land bordering a stream, composed of sediments reworked by
the river and subject to flooding. (SIGAFOOS 1964)
Flood basin: low area of the flood plain which fills with water during a flood.
~ *flood
t:flood basin

Flussebene (f. <-, -n>)

Ebene, die <lurch Flusssedimente aufgeschi..ittet wurde.

plaine d'inondation (n.f.)

Etendue relativement plane bordant un cours d'eau, formee de sediments charries
par ce cours d'eau et soumise aux inondations.

llanura de inundacion (n.f.)

Superficie de tierra que rodea un cauce de agua de un determinado nivel, que es
susceptible de ser inundada y que esta compuesta por sedimentos trabajados
(erosionados) por el agua.

pianura alluvionale (s.f.)

Superficie pianeggiante, in prossimita di un fiume, formata dai depositi fluviali nel
corso delle alluvioni.

piano de inunda«;ao (n.rn.)

Nfvel relativo da mar gem de uma corrente de agua, formado por sedimentos
transportados pelo rio e sujeito a inundagao.

ITOHMa (cym., )K.)

Ornoc1uemtto ITJlOCKaJI cywa, orpaHJ.flIJ1BaJOmaJI Teqem1e peK11 11 no1I,Bep)K_ettttaJI
3a T0nJ1eH11IO: COCTOl1T 113 oca,ll,OlJ:HblX OT JlO)K_eHl1H, nepepa60TaHHblX peKofl.

Flood plains are formed by deposits either laid down within a migrating channel or by
I erosion and deposition on the flood plain itself during floods.

forest decline 117

forest decline (n.)
An interaction of interchangeable, specifically ordered abiotic and biotic factors to
produce a gradual general deterioration, often ending in death of trees. (MANION 1991)
~ *forest dieback

Waldschaden (m. <-s, -··den>)
zWalderkrankung, f <-, -en>
z Waldsterben, n. <-s, ->
zneuartige Waldschiiden, <->
Allmahliche Verschlechterung des Waldzustandes aufgrund der Interaktionen von
schadigenden biotischen und abiotischen Einfltissen; oft sterben Baume ab.

deperissement (n.m.)
zdeperissement forestier, n.m.
zdeperissement des forets, n.m.
Combinaison de facteurs biotiques et abiotiques se succedant selon uncertain ordre
qui entraine une deterioration generale et graduelle, aboutissant souvent a la mort
de l'arbre.
La terminologie frarn;aise a l'avantage de la simplicite puisque le terme de deperissement n'a
guere de synonymes. On parle de deperissement du chene, du sapin, du hetre, etc. depuis
plusieurs decennies, les phenomenes ainsi designes etant le plus souvent de nature complexe,
mais designant parfois des deperissements supposes causes principalement par un agent
biotique. (LANDMANN 1994)
Dans la langue allemande, le terme de deperissement s' appliquait jusqu' arecemment egalement
preferentiellement aune essence: "Tannensterben" (deperissement du sapin), "Eichensterben"
(deperissement du chene), etc. L'utilisation du terme "Waldsterben" est recente. Ce terme
peut etre considere comme l' equivalent parfait de "forest decline" ou "deperissement forestier"
dans la mesure ou il designe aussi bien le processus de deperissement que son issue finale, la
mort. (LANDMANN 1994)

dedive forestal (n.m.)

Deterioro gradual y general que concluye frecuentemente con la m.uerte de los arboles
de un bosque; la mortalidad esta causada por una combinaci6n de factores bi6ticos
y abi6ticos que actuan y se suceden de forma ordenada.

deperimento del bosco (s.m.)

Deterioramento generale e graduale delle condizioni di salute del bosco, indotto da
un insieme di fattori biotici ed abiotici interagenti, che spesso conduce alla morte
degli alberi.

dedinio das florestas (n.m.)

Interac;ao de fatores abi6ticos e bi6ticos, que se sucedem de uma forma particular,
produzindo uma deteriorac;ao gradual e geral, resultando geralmente na morte das

ocJ1a6J1eHue J1eca (cym., c.)

=3a6oJTenaHHe JTeca, cym., c.

83al1MO,lleHCTBl1e qepe.ll,yIOWHXCFI, cneumtrnqHo ,llettCTBYIOllll1X a6110T11qecKl1X

11 6110T11qecKHX ¢aKT0p0B, BbI3bIBaIOmee nJiaBHOe o6mee yxy ,ll,WeHtte COCT0FIHI1FI
,ll,epeBheB, 1 1acTo 3aKattq11Ba10meern 11x r116enhI0.

Strictly speaking, references to forest decline should only be made when all tree species in
the forest are involved. Frequently, a single species may decline, while other components of
the forest remain healthy.

forest dieback 118
forest dieback (n.)
Death of groups of neighboring trees rather than isolated trees dying in an otherwise
green forest matrix. (MUELLER-DOMBOIS 1987)
The term dieback is not applied to deaths where the cause is fire or flooding. (MuELLER-DOMBOIS
1987) It is used as a synonym of "forest decline" by many authors.No consensus seems to have
been reached on the definitions of these two terms. (:=:::LANDMANN 1994)
~ *forest decline

Waldsterben (n. <-s, ->)

Gruppe absterbender Baume in einem Waldbestand, nicht bezogen auf isoliert ab-
sterbende Individuen.

(pas d'equivalent en frarn;ais) Mortalite de groupes d'arbres voisins (plutot qu'isoles

au milieu d'arbres verts); peuplements presentant une deterioration significative de
la canopee.

(no hay equivalente en espafiol) Muerte de grupos de arboles vecinos dentro de una
masa forestal de aspecto normal.

moria del bosco (s.f.)

Marte di gruppi di alberi vicini che denota, a differenza della presenza di piante
morte distribuite in modo sparso nel bosco, uno stato avanzato di sofferenza.

(nao existe equivalente em portugues) Marte de grupos de arvores vizinhas (mais

do que de arvores isoladas) em uma popula~ao florestal de aspecto normal.

cyxocTOH (cyw., M.)

=CYXOCTOHHbJe )JepeBhH, cym., MH. l/.

fH6eJlb rpyrrrr cocellHHX llepeBbeB, a raK)Ke or 1leJ1bHbIX 3K3eMITI1HpoB,

paCJlOJlO)KeHHblX BYTPH 3eJleHoro JleCHoro MaCCHBa (Ma TpHKCa).

The term dieback may be used in the context of individual trees to denote the death of
branches in the upper crown. Branches that have died through *suppression are not normally
included as dieback.

forest fuels 119
forest fuels (n.)
Combustible material on the forest floor. (SAF)
Fine fuels (=[US] flash fuels, lista fuels) are defined as fast-drying dead fuels (grass, leaves,
needles). (zSAF, FAQ)
Heavy fuels are fuels of large diameter (e.g., *snags, *logs, large branchwood, peat). (zSAF)
~ heavy fuels,
fine fuels,
flash fuels,
lista fuels.
forest residue, n.

Brennstoff (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Brennbares Material auf dem Waldboden.

combustibles forestiers (

Dans une foret, materiau combustible au sol.
On distingue les combustibles lourds (bois mort de grand es dimensions, tour be) des
combustibles critiques ou combustibles legers (litiere, vegetation herbacee).
~ combustibles lourds,
combustibles critiques,
combustibles legers,
dechets ligneux indesirables,

combustible forestal (n.m.)

z[eiia, n.f.
Material combustible acumulado en el suelo del bosque de forma natural o debido a
las actividades humanas.
~ lefia de sierra, n.f.
combustible menudo, n.m.
residuos forestales,

combustibile forestale (s.m.)

Materiale combustibile presente sul suolo in bosco.
~ combustibili pesanti,
combustibili minuti,
combustibili leggeri,
residui forestali,

combustiveis florestais (

=serrapilheira, n.f.
Material combustfvel depositado e acumulado no piso das florestas.
~ combustfveis finos,
combustfveis grossos,
resfduos florestais,

J1ecHOH rop10 1nn1 Ma TepMaJl ( cym., M.)

Ma Tep11an neCHOH nO.ll,CT11JlKl1, cnoco6 HblH BOCnJiaMeH11TbCJI.

fossil 120

fossil (adj.In.)
(Of wood) preserved in mineralised or petrified form from a past geological age.
~ *subfossil

fossil (Adj.)
(Holz) in versteinerter oder mineralisierter Form aus fri.ihen geologischen Zeiten.
~ Fossil , n. <-s, -lien>

fossile (adj./n.m.)
Se dit d'un bois provenant d'un age geologique passe, et conserve sous une forme
mineralisee OU petrifiee.

fosil (adj.)
(De madera) Madera de epocas geol6gicas pasadas que se preserva mineralizada o

fossile (agg.)
(Riferito a legno) formatosi in una passata era geologica, e conservatosi in forma
mineralizzata o pietrificata.

fossil (adj.)
(De madeira) preservada em forma mineralizada ou petrificada de uma era geol6gica

MCKOrraeMaH (np1111.)
=apxeoJTOI'WieCKaH, ITpHJT.

().(peBec1-rna), coxpatt11Brna11c11 c npornJ1011 reoJ1or11t1ecKofI 3nox11 B

MI1HepaJ1l130BaHHOl111Jll1 OKaMeHeBrnefI ¢opMa

fraying 121
fraying (n.)
Abrasion of the *bark and wood of *stems by deer, e.g. when seeking to remove the
velvet from their maturing antlers or when demarcating their breeding areas.
(Phraseol.) To fray the bark/to fray a tree.
The Italian term also refers to mechanical damage due to timber hauling.
~ *browsing

Fegen (n. <-s, !Zl>)
[A] Schiilen, n. <-s, ¢>
Abreiben der Rinde von *Stammen durch Rotwild, z.B. wenn es den *Bast vom
Geweih entfernt oder sein Revier markiert.
(Phraseol.) Hirsche fegen einen Baum/das Geweih fegen.
der. fegen, t.v.

frottis (n.m.)
[CH] frayure, n.f
=frotture, n.f.
1. Deterioration de l'ecorce et du bois des *troncs par les cervides, par ex. lorsqu'ils
cherchent a se debarrasser de la gaine de leurs bois, ou lorsqu'ils marquent les
places ou ils mettront bas.
2. Marques sur l'ecorce resultant de cette deterioration.

escornizadura (n.f.)
=rascadura, n.f
Desgaste de la *corteza y madera de los *troncos por los ciervos; p. ej. cuando tratan
de desprenderse de la cubierta blanda de sus comamentas o cuando dejan huellas en
los arboles existentes en los lugares de reproducci6n. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ 1973)

fregone (s.m.)
~lesione corticale, s.f.

Abrasione di *corteccia e di legno dai *fusti di alberi, causata dai cervidi quando
cercano di togliere la peluria dalle coma in crescita, oppure quando delimitano la
loro zona di riproduzione. (BERTER)
II termine italiano si riferisce anche ad abrasioni dovute a esbosco di tronchi. (BERTER)

descortitar (n.m.)
Escoriac;ao da *casca e do *lenho do *tronco das arvores causada por cervos, por
exemplo, para a remoc;ao da pele que recobre os comos em crescimento ou para
delimitac;ao de sua area de reproduc;ao.

rrpoTepTocn ( cyw., )K.)

I1cn1pam1e *KOpbl 11 11.peBeCl1Hbl *crno.,a O.leHR\111, KOf Ja OHl1 TlblTaIOTCR
CHRTb MRfKYIO KO)K_Y y ce6R C 3aqaTKOB poroB 11.111 KOf .la OHl1 '.\1eTRT CBOIO
TlJl.OllJallb pa3'.\1HO)K.eHl1R.

frost crack 122
frost crack (n.)
[US] frost split, n.

Radial splitting along the grain in the *stem and branches of a tree, as a result of
internal stresses set up by temperatures far below freezing point. (FORTER2)
~ frost rib
frost resistance
:;e*frost ring

Frostriss (m. <-es, -e>)

Radialer Uingsriss in *Stamm und Asten als Folge von inneren Spannungen beim

gelivure (n.f.)
Eclatement radial et longitudinal du bois du tronc ou des branches d'un arbre,
provoque par le gel. (DFM)
~ cicatrice de gel, n.f.

grieta de helada (n.f.)

Hendidura radial y longitudinal de la madera del *tronco o de las ramas de un arbol
provocada por el hielo.

Frost crack in an oak stem. It originated during the winter preceding the formation of tree ring a,
and extends to b. It opened during nine successive years, forming a frost rib. During the follow-
ing five years, the frost rib did not re-open, and was overgrown by five tree rings. (HARTIG 1891)

cretto da gelo (s.m.)
Fessurazione longitudinale di un *fusto o di un ramo, dovuto a tensioni inteme indotte
da basse temperature. (BERTER)

fenda de congelamento (n.f.)

=rachadura de congelamento, n.f

Rachadura radial ao longo da gra do *tronco e dos ramos de uma arvore, resultado
de estresses internos provocados por temperaturas abaixo do ponto de congelamento.

Mopo3o6oi1:Ha.H Tperrurna (cyw., )K.)

=Mopo3HaH rpellJHHa, cym., JJc
=MOp03Hoe pac11JeJTJTeHue, cym., c.

Pa.ll11aJ1hHoe pacwerrneH11e *crno~1a 11 BeroK .llepeBa B.llO.lh BO.lOKOH B pe3y.1hrare

BHyrpeHHero crpecca, CBR3aHHoro c B03.L1eAcrB11e~ oqeHh HH3KHX re~neparyp
(MHOfO HH)Ke O °C).

I In northern areas, where trees freeze every winter, the overhealing of the crack is hindered,
and the repeated opening and occlusion of frost cracks forms a "frost rib".

frost ring U3
frost ring (n.)
Distorted *xylem tissue (*callous tissue) damaged by freezing in the *growing season
during which the cells of the tissue were being formed. (Fritts 1976)
~ :;t*frost crack
:;tfrost rib
frost resistance, n.

Frostring (m. <-s, -e>)

Holz-Gewebe aus anomalen Zellen (*Kalluszellen) als Folge von tiefen Temperatu-
ren wahrend der *Wachstumsperiode.

cerne de gel (n.m.)

"'"Cerne traumatique de gel, n.m.
[Qu] cerne de gelee, n.m.

Tissu ligneux a structure anormale, endommage par un episode de gel pendant la

*periode de vegetation durant laquelle les cellules de ce tissu se sont formees.
~ resistance au gel, n.f.
:;tcicatrice de gel, n.f.

anillo de helada (n.m.)
=anillo de heladura, n.m.
[Ar]=anillo de congelamiento, n.m.
Tejido de *xilema distorsionado debido a los dafios producidos por las bajas
temperaturas durante el *periodo de crecimiento. El tejido lesionado en un *anillo
puede extenderse total o parcialmente alrededor del *tronco.
--c) resistencia a las heladas

anello con trauma da gelo (s.m.)

zanello ghiacciato, s.m.
Tessuto xilematico anomalo (*tessuto calloso ), indotto da congelamento durante il
*periodo vegetativo nel corso del quale andavano formandosi le cellule di quel tessuto.

anel de geada (n.m.)

Celulas distorcidas do *xilema ( tecido de *calo) afetadas pela congelamento na fase
de sua forma~ao, durante a *esta~ao de crescimento.

Mopo3o6owuoe Komuo (cyw., c.)

I1cKa)KeHHaJI CTPYKTypa *KcirneMHOI1 TKaH11 (*KaJUUOCHaJI TKaHb), ITOBpe)K.ll,eHHOI1
3a:vtop03KO:vt B *ce30H pocTa, KOr ,lla q>OpM11pyI0TCJI KJleTK11 *KC11JleMhl.

Frost rings are mostly caused by early and late frost episodes. Damaging winter frost episodes
I usually cause narrow *tree rings or abrupt growth reductions.


A. Frost rings in *early earlywood (Picea abies).

B. Frost ring in *late earlywood (Picea abies).

fumigation 124

fumigation (n.)
Application of gases (e.g. sulfur dioxide) or small droplets of liquid (as mist) to plants
under experimental conditions.

Begasung (f. <-, -en>)

Belastung von Pflanzen mit Gasen, z.B. Schwefeldioxid, oder kleinen Tropfchen im

fumigation (n.f.)
Action de soumettre en conditions experimentales des plantes a des niveaux
determines de substances sous forme gazeuse (par ex. dioxyde de soufre) ou en

fumigacion (n.f.)
Aplicaci6n de liquidos pulverizados o gases a plantas bajo condiciones experimen-
tales, p.ej. di6xido de azufre.
Tambien se refiere a la desinfecci6n de campos de cultivo, bosques y plantas mediante la
aplicaci6n de gases, vapores o soluciones lfquidas o s6lidas para combatir fitoparasitos.

fumigazione (s.f.)
Esposizione di piante a gas o a liquidi nebulizzati, in condizioni controllate; ad
esempio, a scopo sperimentale, al biossido di zolfo.

fumiga4_;ao (n.f.)
Aplicac;ao de gases (por exemplo, di6xido de enxofre) ou de liquidos pulverizados
em plantas em condic;oes experimentais.

(J>yM1:trau1:rn (cym., )K.)

=OKypHBaHHe, cyw., C.

Op11MeHe1-111e ra3on (ttanp11Mep, cy Jlh<PO.llHOKCH.lla) m111 a3po30.1efl: np11 np0Be1leH1111

3KCnepHMeHT0B Ha pacreHHHX.

The effects of fumigation may be assessed using anatomical and dendrochronological

I observations.

gap 125
gap (n.)
(Dendrochronology/dendroarchaeology) Time period that has not been documented
between absolute and/or *floating chronologies.

Liicke (f. <-, -n>)

=Hiatus, m. <-,->
Periode zwischen absoluten und/oder schwirnmenden *Chronologien, die noch nicht
dendrochronologisch belegt ist.

hiatus (n.m.)
Intervalle temporel pour lequel on ne dispose pas de *chronologies absolues et/ou

hiato (n.m.)
Intervalo temporal entre una *cronologia absoluta y otra *flotante.

gap (s.m.)
(Non esiste termine corrispondente) Periodo di tempo interposto tra due *cronologie
assolute o fluttuanti .
Sostantivo inglese, in Italiano usato al maschile.

hiato (n.m.)
Periodo de tempo nao documentado entre cronologias *absoluta e/ou *relativa.

"6penn," (cyw., JK.)

HeJOK,Y\1eHT11p0BaHHbll1 Bpe'1.eHHOI1 nepHO,ll Me)K,lly a6comOTHblMH 11/11n11
n.1aBaIOU1l1\1H xpOHO.lOfHJl\111.

gap 126
gap (n.)
(Ecology) An open space, natural or artificial, in a forest.

Bestandesliicke (f. <-, -n>)

Offene Flache irn *Bestand, durch nattirliche Faktoren oder menschliche Aktivitaten.

trouee (n.f.)
zclairiere, n.f
Dans un peuplement forestier, emplacement qui n'est pas gami d'arbres, ou qui en a
ete degami par des facteurs naturels OU anthropogenes.

claro de bosque (n.m.)
En un bosque, espacio desprovisto de arboles debido a causas naturales o
~ regimen de perturbaciones

radura (s.f.)
(In real ta non esiste termine esattamente corrispondente) "Gap" significa
Discontinuita nella copertura forestale". Viene impiegato anche con il significato,

di uso corrente in Italiano, di "radura": spazio aperto, privo di vegetazione arborea

per ragioni naturali o artificiali, in un bosco.

abertura (n.f.)
=clareira, n.f
(Ecologia) Espai;o aberto desprovido de arvores, em uma floresta, de causas naturais
ou artificiais.

"oKHo" (cyw., c.)

=llOJTHHa, cym., M.

(1leH1(p03KOJ10rHJI) 0TKpbITOe rrpocTpaHCTBO B :1ecy rrp11p01lHOro l1J1I1


gap dynamics 127

gap dynamics (n.)

Regeneration and development of a forest stand in relation to minor or major
*disturbances. It may be reconstructed with dendrochronological methods (mapping
of *germination and death dates and of *abrupt growth changes).
~ *cohort

gap dynamics
(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Wachstumsdynamik eines *Bestandes in Beziehung zu
kleineren oder grosseren Storungen. Mit der flachenhaften Darstellung der
*Keimungs- und Absterbedaten und *abrupten Zuwachsveranderungen kann die
Dynamik von Waldbestanden dendrochronologisch rekonstruiert werden.

dynamique des trouees (n.f.)

Regeneration et developpement d'un peuplement forestier en relation avec des
*perturbations de faible ou forte intensite. Cette dynamique peut etre reconstruite a
l'aide d'outils dendrochronologiques (cartographie des *annees de germination et
de mort ainsi que des *changements brusques de croissance ).

dimimica de claros (n.f.)
Regeneraci6n y desarrollo de un *rodal en relaci6n con las *perturbaciones de
intensidad media y baja. La historia del *rodal puede ser reconstrufda con metodos
dendrocronol6gicos (cartografiando las *fechas de germinaci6n y muerte de los
arboles, y analizando los *cambios bruscos en el crecimiento ).

(Non esiste termine corrispondente) Dinamica della rinnovazione e dell' evoluzione

di un popolamento in seguito ad azioni di *disturbo ambientale di varia portata, che
abbiano creato discontinuita nella copertura forestale; i processi relativi ad essa
possono essere ricostruiti con metodi dendrocronologici (in genere tramite
rappresentazioni grafiche degli *anni di germinazione e di morte e delle *brusche
variazioni di accrescimento ).

dinamica de clareira (n.f.)

Renenerac;:ao e desenvolvimento de uma populac;:ao florestal em relac;:ao
as*perturbac;:oes de maior ou menor intensidade. Pode ser reconstruida atraves de
metodos dendrocronol6gicos (mapeamento das datas de germinac;:ao e de morte das
arvores e das *variac;:oes bruscas do crescimento ).

iurnaMMKa MOJa111rnoro BOJ06HOBJ1eH11.R ( cyw., )K.)

Boccrattos.1em1e 11 pa3B11r11e .1ec1rnro Macc11sa noc.r,e r J106amHh1x 11J111
4aCTl11IHhiX nospe)K11eH1111. L111tta\t11Ky B0306HOBcleH11JI MO)KHO peKOHCTpy11p0Ba Th
11eH~poxpoHo~or11qecK11M11 Mero11aM11 (ycraH0B~ett11eM cpoKoB npopacratt11JI 11
rn6e.111, a raK)Ke 11ar *pe3Koro 113MeHeH11H np11pocra .llepesheB).

gaseous pollutant 128

gaseous pollutant (n.)
Air-transported substance with toxic effects on organisms, e.g. smoke, dust, vapour,

Luftschadstoff (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Mit der Luft verfrachteter Stoff, der ftir Organismen schadlich ist, z.B. Rauch, Staub,
Diimpfe, Gase.

polluant gazeux (n.m.)

Substance vehiculee dans !'atmosphere (par ex. fumee, poussiere, vapeur, gaz), et
produisant des effets toxiques sur les organismes vivants.

contaminacion atmosferica (n.f.)

Sustancias transportadas por el aire que tienen efectos t6xicos sobre los organismos,
p.ej. humo, polvo, vapor, gas.

inquinante gassoso (s.m.)

Sostanza trasportata nell'aria con effetti tossici sugli organismi, ad esempio fumo,
polvere, vapore, gas.

gas poluente (n.m.)
Substancias transportadas pelo ar com efeitos t6xicos sabre os organismos, por
exemplo: fumaga, poeira, vapor, gas.

raaoo6pa3HLIH nomnoTaHT (cyw., M.)

TiepeMema10meecJI no B03JJ:YXY Be1uecrno, oKa3hrna10mee TOKc11qecKoe
B031J,e11crn11e Ha opraHH3MhI: 1-ianp11Mep, .llhIM, nhrnh, nap, ra3.

germination date 129

germination date (n.)

The year in which the seed that produced the tree germinated.
~ *innermost ring
*pith date

Keimungsdatum (n. <-s, -daten>)

zKeimungsjahr, n. <-(e)s, -e>
Das Jahr, in dem ein Samen auskeimte.

date de germination (n.f.)

Pour un arbre donne, annee au cours de laquelle la graine qui l a produit a germe.

fecha de germinacion (n.f.)

=ano de germinaci6n, n.m.
El afio de germinaci6n de una semilla; coincide con el *primer anillo que rodea a la
*medula si la muestra esta tomada de la base del arbol, exactamente en el *cuello de
la raiz.

anno di germinazione (s.m.)

Anno nel corso del quale e avvenuta la germinazione del seme che ha dato origine

data da germina~ao (n.f.)

Ano da germinagao da uma semente, dando origem a uma arvore .

.n;aTa npopacTamrn (cyw., JK.)

roll npopacraHHJI ceMeHH, npO.llYUHpoBaHHOro .llepeBOM.

~he germination date is the *pith date at the root *collar. It is NOT the earliest identifiable
I rmg.

Gleichlaufigkeit 130
Gleichlaufigkeit (n.)
A measure of the year-to-year agreement between the *interval trends of two
*chronologies based upon the sign of agreement, usually expressed as a percentage
of cases of agreement. (::::::SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)
Antonym of "Gegenlaufigkeit" defined by Huber, which is no longer used.
~ :;t:Gegenlaufigkeit, n.
*interval trend
*sign test

Gleichlaufigkeit (f. <-, -en>)

Ein Mass der Jahr-zu-Jahr-Ubereinstimmung zwischen den *Intervall-Trends zweier
*Jahrringfolgen, tiblicherweise ausgedrtickt als Prozentsatz gleichlaufender Inter-

coefficient de co'incidence (n.m.)

=pourcentage de coincidence, n.m.
Mesure de la concordance du sens (positif ou negatif) des variations d'epaisseur
existant entre deux cernes consecutifs dans deux *chronologies. Generalement
exprimee en pourcentage de cas ou la variation d'epaisseur entre deux cernes
consecutifs se fait dans un sens identique pour les deux courbes comparees.
~ :;t:coefficient de non-co'incidence (de Huber), n.m.

G leichlaufigkeit 1 1 1/2 1/2 1 - 1 1 1 = 7 out of 10

values G=70%

~i = (xi+l - xi) when ~i > 0: Gix = + l/2

~i = 0: Gix = 0
~i < 0: Gix = - l/2
An example of a
l n-1
for two curves G(x, y) = ~ L [Gix + Giy] Gleichlaufigkeit calculation.

coeficiente de coincidencia (n.m.)
Medida de la concordancia, basada en el signo, entre *tendencias interanuales de
dos *cronologias. Hay coincidencia si el signo de la variaci6n del crecimiento para
un afio determinado es el mismo en las dos *series. El mimero de coincidencias se
expresa en tantos por ciento.

coefficiente di concordanza (s.m.)

Misura della corrispondenza esistente di anno in anno tra andamenti in un
determinato intervallo (* trend degli intervalli) di due *cronologie, basata sulla
concordanza del segno della variazione (positivo, nullo, negativo ).

coeficiente de coincidencia (n.m.)

Medida de concordancia ano a ano entre os *intervalos de tendencias de duas
*cronologias com base no sinal de concordancia, usualmente expresso como uma
porcentagem de casos de concordancia.

3HaK0BhlH Te CT ( cyru., M.)

I13Mepemie rroro11,11qH011 cor J1ac0BaHHOCT11 Me)K_11,y *11HTepBaJ1hHhIMI1 Tpett11,aM11
2-x xpoHoJ1or11i1:, 6a311py10meec11 Ha 3HaKe cornam11; 3HaKOBhii1 TeCT o6uqHo
Bhipa)K_aeTC.ll B npoueHTHOM OTHOilleHI111 OT BCex B03MO)K_Hh1X CJlyqaeB
cor 11ac0BaHHOCT11.

growing season 131

growing season (n.)
Season of *cambial activity (as opposed to *dormant season). (Fritts 1972)
~ :;t*dormancy

Wachstumsperiode (f. <-, -n>)

Zeit der *kambialen Aktivitat (im Gegensatz zur *Ruheperiode ).

periode de vegetation (n.f.)

=periode de croissance, n.f
#saison de croissance, n.f
Periode d'*activite cambiale (par opposition a la *dormance).

periodo de crecimiento (n.f.)

Tiempo durante el cual las condiciones del medio son favorables para la *actividad
del cambium; en oposici6n a *periodo de reposo o de latencia.
~ =periodo vegetativo, n.m.
#estaci6n de crecimiento, n.f.

periodo vegetativo (s.m.)
=stagione vegetativa, s.f
Periodo di attivita cambiale (contrapposto al *periodo di riposo vegetativo ).

estm;ao de crescimento (n.f.)

=periodo de crescimento, n.m.
Periodo da *atividade cambial ( em oposic;ao ao periodo de *dormencia).

ceJoH pocTa (cyw., M.)

=rrepHOJI. nerera11,HH, cym., M.

Ce30H KaMfo1aJ1hHOI1 aKT11BHOCT11 (B npOT11B0flOJl0)KH0CTh *ce30HY nOKO.H).

The period of *cambial activity varies from one year to the next, as a function of differences
in the yearly climates, differences in the environment from one site to the next, and
differences in species, and according to the age of the trees. (:==FRITTS 1976)

Cedrus libani

Pinus b rutia

Pinus pinea

halepensis _,_
- -,-
-,- -
_,_ -
-- _,_
- -r---
- -,-
_,_ -
_,_ -

-= .~

=-- :;:: - : ;: - :.:: - I= =

- - -- -- -- r-
- - -- - - - -- - r-
-- §§
----... -
1- - -

-... -
[- § E ..__
-- I
Growing season of five
J F M A M J J A s 0 N D
conifer species in semi-
D not active rn active § highly active
arid Israel. (LIPHSCHITZ
and LEv-Y ADUN 1986)

growth curve 132
growth curve (n.)
A set of successive ring width measurements *plotted as a function of time.
A growth curve is not properly a gradually varying curve.
-, *time series

Jahrringbreitenkurve (f. <-, -n>)

Die aufeinanderfolgenden *Jahrringbreiten von Baumen oder *Radien, aufgezeich-
net als Funktion der Zeit.

courbe d'accroissement (n.f.)

=courbe des variations de la largeur des cernes, n.f
=dendrochronogramme, n.m.
=courbe des epaisseurs brutes, n.f
[Quj courbe des largeurs, n.f
[Quj"'"courbe des valeurs mesureees, n.f
Representation graphique de largeurs de cernes successives exprimees en fonction
du temps.
Une courbe d'accroissement n'est pas une courbe geometrique stricto sensu.
Ces courbes sont aussi appelees courbes dendrochronologiques ou chronologies, mais nous
preferons utiliser le terme plus forestier de courbes d'accroissement. (LENZ et al. 1988)
Au Quebec, les termes courbe des largeurs et courbe des valeurs mesureees (par opposition

a courbe des indices") sont preferes, ce dernier terme pouvant s'appliquer par extension a

d'autres variables.

curva de crecimiento (n.f.)

=curva bruta de crecimiento, n.f
Representaci6n grafica del *grosor de los anillos que conforman una serie de

curva di accrescimento (s.f.)

Rappresentazione grafica di *ampiezze anulari successive ordinate in funzione del

curva de crescimento (n.f.)

Representac;ao grafica da largura de sucessivos aneis de crescimento, expressa em
func;ao do tempo.

KplrnaH rrpHpOCTa (cyw,., )K.)

CoBOKYITHOCTb pe3yJibTaT0B l13MepeHI1l1 llll1pI1Hbl JlOCJie.l(OBclTeJibHbIX ro.a:mHbiX KOJieU,
rrpe.l(CTaBJieHHaH B Bl1.l(e <l>YHKUI1l1 OT BpeMeHI1.

Not to be confused with the growth curve (or "growth trend") used to standardise
I *chronologies.

growth form 133
growth form (n.)
Shape of a tree as determined by exogenous and endogenous factors.
---? *krummholz

Wuchsform (f. <-, -en>)

Endogen und exogen bestimmtes Erscheinungsbild eines Geholzes.

forme de croissance (n.f.)

Forme d'un arbre determinee par des facteurs exogenes et endogenes.
---? fusiforme (en forme de fuseau), adj.
forme en fuseau, n.f.
forme arborescente, n.f.
forme subarborescente, n.f.
forme fruticoi:de, n.f.

forma de crecimiento (n.f.)

Forma que adopta un arbol la cual esta determinada por factores internos y extemos.

forma di crescita (s.f.)

Forma assunta dall'albero in conseguenza dell'azione di fattori esogeni ed endogeni.

forma de crescimento (n.f.)

Forma da arvore, determinada por fatores ex6genos e end6genos.

pOCTOBaH <t>opMa (cym., )K.)

<DopMa .ll,epeBa, orrpe.llem1eMaa 3K3oreHHhIMI1 11 3H.ll,oreHHhIMI1 <paKTopaM11.

Growth forms are defined in relation to the tree's genotype, e.g. as in Pinus mugo, and to
I specific environmental factors, e.g. strong winds, snow cover, etc.

Examples of growth
forms in relation to snow
cover at the northern
1) mat 2) infra nival 3) supra nival 4) whorled 5) tree *timber line in Quebec.
cushion skirted (P AYETIE 1974)

growth pattern 134
growth pattern (n.)
General term for characteristic *tree-ring series, e.g. from trees in reforested areas
or trees which have grown during particular climatic periods. This term does not
have a well-defined meaning.

Zuwachsmuster (n. <-s, ->)

Allgemeiner Ausdruck ftir charakteristische *Jahrringabfolgen, z.B. von Baumen in
Aufforstungen oder aus klimatisch typischen Zeiten. Der Begriff ist nicht genau

patron de croissance (n.rn.)

1. Allure generale d 'une courbe dendrochronologique.
2. *Serie chronologique caracteristique, provenant par exemple d'une station
reboisee ou soumise a des conditions climatiques particulieres. Ce terme ne fait
pas l'objet d'une definition precise et unanimement reconnue.

patron de crecimiento (n.rn.)

Forma que presenta una *serie de anillos (curva dendrocronol6gica) debido a sus
fluctuaciones y caracteristicas de los *anillos de crecimiento. Por ej. arboles que
crecen en el interior del bosque, durante un determinado periodo climatico, etc.

modello di accrescimento (s.rn.)

Termine generale per *serie anulari caratteristiche (ad esempio di alberi di
rimboschimento o di alberi che hanno attraversato periodi climatici particolari). Il
termine non ha un significato rigorosamente definito.

padrao de crescimento (n.rn.)

Terminologia geral utilizada para uma *serie cronol6gica caracteristica, por exemplo,
de arvores de areas deflorestadas ou que se desenvolveram durante um perfodo
climatico particular. Este termo nao possui um significado bem definido.

xapa1nep KpHBOH poem (cym., M.)

0cHOBHOI1 TepM11.H .ll,JIJI xapaKTep11.CTMKJ1 cep1111 ro11,11qHblX KOJieu 11,epeBbeB,
rrpo113paCTaBllll1X, Harrp11Mep, B JieCHbIX HaCa)K..ll,eHJ1RX 11JIJ1 11,epeBheB, p0Cllll1.X
B oco6 hie KJIJ1Ma T11qecK11e rrep11.0.ll,bl. 3TOT TepM11.H He HMeeT TOqHo
orrpe11,enettttoro CMhlCJI~

growth response 135

growth response (n.)
Changes in tree growth in response to environmental parameters.

Wachstumsreaktion (f. <-, -en>)

Reaktion des Baumwachstums auf Umweltbedingungen.

(pas d'equivalent franc;ais) Impact de facteurs environnementaux sur la croissance
d'un arbre, exprime quantitativement (par ex. largeur de cerne) ou qualitativement
(par ex. cerne de gel).

respuesta de crecimiento (n.f.)

Variaciones en el *crecimiento del arbol debido a la influencia de las fluctuaciones
en los factores ambientales, los cambios en el crecimiento pueden ser cuantitativos
expresados p.ej. en el *grosor de los anillos y/o cualitativos como p.ej. los *anillos de

risposta auxometrica (s.f.)

Variazioni di accrescimento arboreo collegate a parametri ambientali.

crescimento (em resposta a... ) (n.f.)

Alterac;oes no crescimento das arvores em resposta aos fa tores ambientais, express as
quantitativa (*largura dos aneis) ou qualitativamente (*aneis de geada).

peaKQHH npHpOCTa (cyru., )K.)

I13Mettetttte ro~Hqttoro rrpttpocra ~epeBa B OTBer Ha H3MetteHHH rrapaMerpoB
oKpy)KaJOmefi cpe~hl.

growth zone 136

growth zone (n.)
In a species that does not produce true annual rings, a growth layer produced during
an undetermined time period. Its *latewood-*earlywood boundaries are not always
or never distinct, and often do not circle the entire circumference of the *stem.

Zuwachszone (f. <-, -n>)

Eine Zuwachsschicht, die wahrend einer unbestimmten Zeitperiode gebildet wur-
de. Die *Spatholz-*Frtihholz-Grenzen sind nicht immer oder nie deutlich und ge-
hen meistens nicht rings um den *Stamm.

zone de croissance (n.f.)

Chez les especes ligneuses ne produisant pas de vrais cernes annuels, couche
d'accroissement produite pendant une periode non determinee. Les limites entre le
*bois final et le *bois initial ne sont pas toujours distinctes (selon les *stations), et
souvent ne sont pas visibles sur toute la circonference du *tronc.

Growth zones in
tropical tree species:
A. Tabaebuja barbata
B. Cupressus lusita-
nica (Costa Rica)

zona de crecimiento (n.f.)
En las especies que no producen verdaderos *anillos de crecimiento, capa de
crecimiento producida durante un periodo indeterminado. La transici6n entre
*madera temprana y *madera tardia puede que no se manifieste completamente
alrededor de todo el *tronco o puede no distinguirse en absoluto.

zona di accrescimento (s.f.)

""'anello annuale, s.m.
In una specie che non produce veri *annelli annuali, strato di accrescimento prodotto
nel corso di un periodo di tempo non determinato: i limiti fra *legno tardivo e *legno
primaticcio possono essere sempre indistinti oppure distinguibili soltanto per alcuni
tratti, e spesso non presentano continuita lungo l'intera circonferenza del *fusto.

zona de crescimento (n.f.)

Camada de crescimento formada durante um periodo de tempo nao determinado
por uma especie florestal que nao produz *aneis de crescimento verdadeiros. A
transic;ao lenho *tardio-*inicial quase sempre nao e distinta e geralmente nao envolve
completamente a circunferencia do *tronco.

30Ha npupocTa ( cyw .. )le)

Cnol1 np11pocrn, o6pa3oBaHHbil1 B Tel!eHI1e Heonpe.lle:1eHHoro nepMOlla spe\1eHI1
B 1lpeBeCI1He TeX Bl11l0B, KOTOphle He np01lYUI1PY~T npaBl1~bHhlX f01lI1l!HhlX
Koneu .. fpaHI1UbI *no3.llHel1 11 *paHHel1 .llpesernHhI He Be31le qeTKI1e 11.111 soo6we
HeqeTKI1e 11 He 06pa3y10T no11Ho11 OKPY)KHOCTI1 Ha nonepel!H0\1 ceqeHI1I1 *crno.1a.

Gymnosperms 137
Gymnosperms (
=Gymnospermae, pl.n.
The botanical name for the group of vascular flowering plants that produce seeds
that are not enclosed in an ovary,mostly represented by the Coniferales (*conifers).
~ :;t:* Angiosperms

Gymnospermen ( <->)

Botanischer Name fur Pflanzen, deren Samenanlage nicht von einem Fruchtblatt
umgeben ist. Die wichtigsten Vertreter sind die *Nadelbaume.

Gymnospermes (
Norn botanique de !'ensemble des plantes vasculaires dont les graines se forment a
partir d'ovules non encloses dans un ovaire, et recevant directement le pollen; cet
ensemble inclut !'important ordre des Coniferales, ou *coniferes. (~DFM)

gimnospermas (
Subdivision del reino vegetal que comprende los ant6fitos cuyos rudimentos seminales
nose encuentran protegidos por un verdadero pericarpo, sin fruto propiamente dicho.
En este grupo estan inclufdas las *confferas.

Gimnosperme (s.£pl.)
11 nome botanico del gruppo di piante vascolari provviste di fiori che producono
semi non contenuti in un ovario, e il cui ordine piu importante e quello delle *conifere.

Gimnospermas (
Nome botanico de um grupo de plantas vasculares que produzem sementes nao
encerradas no interior de um ovario, sendo na sua maioria representadas pela Ordem
Coniferales, ou *coniferas.

ronoceMeHm,rn (np1111., cym. MH.11.)

=I'11MHOCITepMbl, cym. MH. CJ.

EoTamP1ecKoe Ha3Bamie OT 1leJ1a cocy 1l11CThIX pacTeH1111, npo1lyu11pyI0urnx

ceMeHa, KOTOpble He 3aKJ1IOlJeHbl B 3aBH311. DOJ1bllll1HCTBO Bl11l0B 3TOro OT ]leJla
npe1lCTaBJ1eHhl XB0l1HhlMl1.

'T11MHocnepMbr" OT na T. CTttbTW,hI3YKh<l>YIO

half-life 138
half-life (n.)
The time required for half the amount of a substance (here radiocarbon) in or
introduced into a living system or ecosystem to be eliminated or disintegrated by
natural processes.

Halbwertszeit (f. <-,-en>)

Diejenige Zeitspanne, in der die Hi:ilfte einer Substanz (hier Radiokohlenstoff) eli-
miniert oder umgewandelt wird.

demi-vie (n.f.)
Temps necessaire pour que la moitie d'une substance (en !'occurrence ie carbone
14) contenu ou introduit dans un organisme ou un ecosyteme soit elimine ou
desintegre naturellement.

vida media (n.f.)

=periodo de semidesintegraci6n, n.m.
El tiempo requerido para que la mitad de una sustancia radiactiva, en este caso
radiocarbono que tiene un sistema vivo o un ecosistema, sea eliminada o desintegrada
por procesos naturales.

emivita (s.f.)
=tempo di dimezzamento, s.m.
Tempo richiesto perche meta della quantita di una sostanza (nel nostro caso, 14C),
presente o introdotta in un sistema vivente o in un ecosistema, sia eliminata o decada
per processi naturali.

meia-vida (n.f.)
Tempo necessario para que metade da quantidade de uma substancia ( carbono 14)
contida ou introduzida em um sistema vivo ou ecossitema possa ser eliminada ou
desintegrada por processos naturais.

rrepMo.n; rronypacrra.n;a (cyw., M.)

(pa1u10yr nepo.llHOe .lla rnp0Bam1e) BpeMJI, Tpe6 y10weern .Ll;lH Toro, qrnfa1
rron0B11Ha o6wero KOJ111qecrna Bewecrna (3.llec1 pa1111oyr.nepo1la), 11Me10werorn
B )KJ1B0l1 Cl1CTeMe (11.n11 3KOCI1CTeMe) 11J111 11CKyccTBeHHO BBe.LleHHOro B Hee,
61rno 113 3T011 c11cTeMbI Bhrne11etto 11J111 pacrraJ1oc1 ecTecrneHHhIM o6pa3oM.

*Half-life of radiocarbon is 5730 years although the earlier measurement of 5568 years
is still retained in radiocarbon age calculations by international protocol.
After two half-lives one quarter of the original substance remains.

half-timber 139
half-timber (adj.)
=timber-frame, n.
(Of a building) constructed of wood framing with spaces filled with masonry.
der. half-timbering, n.
~ half-timbered, adj.

Fachwerk (n. <-( e )s, -e>)

Holzbauweise aus verbundenen Stabholzem; die Zwischenraume sind ausgemauert.

pan de bois (n.m.)

Systeme de charpente en pan demur, dont les vides sont gamis d'une ma9onnerie
legere; par extension, charpente apparente.
(Phraseol.): maison a colombages (generalement au pluriel), maison a pans de bois.
entramado de madera (n.m.)
Armaz6n de una pared de mamposterfa ligera formada por maderas entrecruzadas
que aseguran su estabilidad.

Half-timbered house in the Zurich canton,

Switzerland. (Drawing by U. Ruoff)

intelaiatura di legno (s.f.)
(non esiste equivalente in italiano) Struttura portante lignea di un fabbricato, con
tamponamento in muratura.

estrutura reticulada de madeira (n.f.)

Construc;ao que utiliza vigamento de madeira e com os espac;os preenchidos por

rro11y .n;epee.RHHaJI (np11J1.)

(apXHTeKTypa) 0 JlOCTpOttKe, npell,CTaBJUIIOIUett co6011 ,llepeB1IHHh111 KapKac,
npocrpa.HCTBO Me)K_,lly 3fleMeHTaMtt KOTOporo 3aJl0flHeHO KttpnttqHOI1 Kflall,KOI1.

hardwood 140
hardwood (n.)
A conventional term for the *wood of broadleaved trees, and the trees themselves,
belonging to the botanical group* Angiosperms (Dicotyledons). (FORTER)
Although "hardwood" refers primarily to the timber of *broadleaved species, it is sometimes
used to designate the trees themselves.
~ :;t:*softwoods

Laubholz (n. <-es, "-er>)

1. Baumart aus der Unterabteilung der *Angiospermen (Zweikeimblattler).
2. Holzsttick einer Laubholzart.

bois de feuillus (n.m.)

""'bois feuillu, n.m.
[Qu] bois franc, n.m.

Bois provenant d'essences forestieres <lites *feuillus, appartenant a la famille des

*Angiospermes (Dicotyledones). (DFM)

frondosa(s) (n.f.(pl.)/adj.)
Termino convencional para denominar a los arboles y a la madera de las especies
planifolias, *angiospermas ( dicotiled6neas), en contraste con las *confferas.
La madera de las frondosas tambien se denomina madera dura. (REIGBEDER 1988)

latifoglia (legno di) (s.f.)

:;t:[egno duro, s.m. (erroneo)

:;t:[egno foglioso, s.m. (erroneo)

Termine usato correntemente per indicare sia il legno di *latifoglie, sia gli alberi stessi,
di *latifoglie appartenenti al gruppo botanico delle *Angiosperme (dicotiledoni).
Spesso, anche se del tutto erroneamente, nella pratica commerciale il termine inglese
"hardwood" ed il termine francese di "feuillu" (ambedue nel significato di "latifoglia") vengono
tradotti rispettivamente con "legno duro" econ "fogliuto" o simili.

madeira de folhosa (n.f.)
*Madeira proveniente de especies florestais denominadas *folhosas, pertencentes
as* Angiospermas (Dicotiledoneas).

TBep.n:aH .n:peBec1rna (cym. )K.)

=Jll1CTBeHHbie, cyw. MH. l/.
=JJpeBeCUHa Jll1CTBeHHbIX nopOJJ, cyw., JK.

YCJ10BHhll1 TepMMH, np11HJIThil1 ,llJlJI 11.epeBheB 11 11.peeecMHhl JlI1CTBeHHhIX nopOll,

np11Ha,llJ1e)Karu11x K 6orntt11qecKOMY TMny noKphlTOCeMeHHhIX.
B pyCCKOH3hPIHOH Hay 1rnoi1 Jll1TepaType TepMHH "rnep)laH JlpeBeCHtta" npHHHTO npHMeHHTh
TOJihKO K TeM JIHCTBeHHhIM nopo)laM, TBep)lOCTh KOTOpbIX OT 40 )lO 80 H/MM 2.

Hardwoods are almost invariably distinguished from *softwoods by the presence of *vessels
I in their timber, irrespective of physical hardness or softness in either case. (DFM)

heart rot 141

heart rot (n.)
Rot confined to the *heartwood in the living tree. (zFORTER2)

Kernfaule (f. <-, -n>)

Faule im Kernholz eines lebenden Baumes.

pourriture du creur (n.f.)

Pourriture localisee dans le *bois parfait des arbres vivants.

pudricion de corazon (n.f.)

=pudrici6n del *duramen, n.f
Podredumbre confinada al *duramen.

carie del cuore (s.f.)

=marciume del cuore, s.m.
Carie localizzata nel *durame dell'albero in piedi.

podridao do cerne (n.f.)

=apodrecimento do cerne, n.m.
Podridao localizada na regiao do *cerne das arvores vivas.

H,ll;pOBaH rHHJlb (cym., )K.)

rtt11m, orpatt11qeHHaJI o6nacThIO * B *crnone
pacTyruero 11.epeea.

Heart rot is mainly caused by Fames and Polyporus species.

I It is a natural process in the forest ecosystem.

heartwood 142
heartwood (n.)
[Australia}#truewood, n.
#heart, n.
tduramen, n.
[Cwj::=ripewood, n.

The inner, mostly dark layer of *xylem which, in the growing tree, has ceased to
contain living *parenchyma cells. (=PORTER)
In the Commonwealth, in species where the colour is not clearly differentiated, the heartwood
is sometimes termed ripewood (FORTER)
11 11

~ *sapwood

Kernholz (n. <-es, ··-er>)

Physiologisch inaktiver, innerer, meist dunklerer Teil, von Stammen.

bois parfait (n.m.)

=bois de coeur, n.m.

Dans l'arbre vivant, couches internes du bois qui ne contiennent plus de cellules
vivantes. (DFM)
Le terme duramen est utilise en franc;ais pour designer le bois parfait des essences ou sa
coloration est plus marquee. (FORTER)
~ duramen, n.m.

duramen (n.m.)
=coraz6n, n.m. (popularmente)
La parte mas interna del *xilema rodeando la *medula, carece de celulas vivas y
normalmente es de coloraci6n mas oscura que la *albura.

durame (s.m.)
=duramen, s. m.
""'cuore, s. m.
Zona interna dello *xilema, spesso di colore scuro, che nell'albero in piedi non
contiene piu cellule parenchimatiche vive.
In francese il termine duramen e utilizzato solamente per indicare il cuore di quelle specie

nelle quali esso e nettamente piu scuro dell'alburno. (BERTER)

A seconda che il durame presenti o meno una colorazione diversa da quella dell'*alburno,
viene definito differenziato oppure indifferenziato 11

cerne (n.m.)
=durame, n. m.

Regiao interna do lenho ou *xilema de uma arvore em crescimento, geralmente

escura, que nao contem celulas vivas e cujas substancias de reserva ( exemplo: amido)
foram consumidas ou transformadas em outras peculiares ao cerne.

n.n;poBaH .n;peBec1ma (cym., )K.)
BttyTpeHHI1H, qacTO TeMHOOKparneHHblH CJIOH *KCHJieMbl, paCfIOJIO)KeHHblH BOKpyr
cep.n;ueBttHhl pacTymero aepeBa; B npouecce a.n;poo6pa30Batt11a npo11cxo.n;11T

I Heartwood is the repository for toxins and secondary metabolites within the tree and it is
more resistant to decay, which makes it relevant for dendroarchaeological studies.

heartwood dating 143

heartwood dating (n.)
In sample with missing *sapwood, the process of estimating the earliest possible
*felling date by adding a given number of years (representing the missing sapwood)
to the *outermost ring.
~ *sapwood dating
*terminus post quern

Kernholzdatierung (f. <-, -en>)

Bei Proben ohne *Splintholz die Zeit der frlihesten Moglichkeit der Baumfallung.
Sie bezieht sich auf den *aussersten Jahrring der Holzprobe, mit einem Minimalzu-
schlag flir die fehlenden Splintholzringe.

datation sur bois de coeur (n.f.)

Pour les bois sans *aubier,premiere *date d'abattage possible, estimee en ajoutant a
la date du dernier cerne represente uncertain nombre d'annees representant les
cernes d'*aubier manquant.

dataci6n por el duramen (n.f.)

En una muestra sin *albura, la *fecha de apeo mas aproximada posible estimada
afiadiendo un numero determinado de anillos (de la *albura) al *ultimo anillo.

datazione del durame (s.f.)

In campioni nei quali manca l'*alburno, la stima della piu probabile *data di
abbattimento, ottenuta aggiungendo un certo numero di anni (che rappresentano
l'alburno) dopa l'anello piu esterno.

data~ao do cerne (n.f.)

Estimativa da data do carte de uma arvore, a partir de uma amostra de lenho com
*alburno deteriorado ou perdido, pela adic;ao de um determinado numero de anos
(representando o *alburno perdido) ao *anel de crescimento mais externo .

.n;an1p0BKa no n.n;py (cym., )K.)

Ha116onee pattttee 113 Bcex B03MO)KHhIX .n;aT BaJIKH, ouett11aeMoe np11 .n;o6aBJ1eH1111
onpe.n;enettttoro qucna JieT (npe1lCTaBJIHI0m11x 0TcyTcrny10my10 3a6onotth) K
*BtternHeMy KOJihUy.

The number of years added to estimate the missing sapwood depends on the species and
I *provenance of the sample.

heavy metal 144
heavy metal (n.)
(usually in the plural) metal with a density greater than 4.5 g/cm3, for example lead,
iron, copper, cadmium, zinc, cobalt, mercury.
~ dendroanalysis, n.

Schwermetalle (n. pl. <-s>)

(gewohnlich in der Mehrzahl) Metalle, die eine Dichte von tiber 4,5 g/cm 3 besitzen,
z.B. Blei, Eisen, Kupfer, Cadmium, Zink, Kobalt, Quecksilber.

metaux lourds (

(generalement au pluriel) Metaux dont la densite est superieure a 4,5 g/cm3, par
exemple le plomb, le fer, le cuivre, le cadmium, le zinc, le cobalt, le mercure.

metal pesado (n.m.)

Metal que tiene una densidad sperior a 4.5 g/cm3, p. ej. plomo, hierro, cobre, cadmio,
zinc, cobalto, mercurio.

metalli pesanti (

Metalli con una densita superiore a 4,5 g/cm 3, ad esempio il piombo, il ferro, il rame,
il cadmio, lo zinco, il cobalto, il mercurio.

metais pesados (

(geralmente no plural) Metais com a densidade superior a 4,5 g/cm3, por exemplo o
chumbo, ferro, cobre, cadmio, zinco, cobalto, mercurio.

T H)KeJlbIH MeTaJIJI ( cyw.. \1.)

Mern.1.1 c ruornocnIO, 60.11we11, 11eM 4,5 r/cM 3 (Harrp11Mep, cB11Heu, )KeJie3o,
'.\1ellb, Kall.\11111, lll1HK, K06a.lbT, pTyn).

Heavy metals in tree rings can be used as ecological indicators. They provide information
on the composition of the substratum and, when relevant, help reconstruct atmospheric
deposition of anthropogenic origin.
The term dendroanalysis was first defined in 1976 by Gilboy et al. to refer to the measure-
ment of trace elements in tree rings. Since then, some researchers have used it, generally
with reference to stable element levels, not to isotopes. However, heavy metals, for example
II 11
Pb, are used for isotopic fingerprinting. Therefore the limits are unclear and dendroanalysis
may also refer to isotope studies. (J. Hagemeyer, pers. comm.)

hidden scar 145

hidden scar (n.)
An internal scar which has been grown over.

verborgene Verletzung (f. <-,-en>)

Eine Verletzung, die vollstandig tiberwallt und von der Aussenseite des *Stammes
nicht sichtbar ist.

cicatrice recouverte (n.f.)
(pas d' equivalent en franc;ais) *Cicatrice interne recouverte par des nouveaux tissus.

cicatriz interna (n.f.)

*Cicatriz cubierta por el crecimiento posterior.

cicatrice occulta (s.f.)

*Cicatrice interna all'albero, rimarginata.

cicatriz interna (n.f.)

*Cicatriz interna no *tronco sobreposta por novas camadas de crescimento de lenho.

CKpMTaH OTMenrna (cym., JK.)

*OTMenrna BHYTPH *crnona .llepeBa (3apocwee cttapy)K_J1 n0Bpe)K_.l(ett11e crnona).

ice push 146

ice push (n.)
A phenomenon occurring during breakup of seasonal ice on a body of water when
ice floes are pushed against the shoreline by wind or running water, and may damage
trees at the forest margin.
Ice floe: floating ice formed in a large sheet (1 to 100 metres in diameter) on the surface of a
body of water.
---t *ice scar
ice floe, n.

(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Eine Erscheinung, die beim Aufbrechen des Eises im
Friihjahr erfolgt. Schwimmende Eisplatten stossen gegen <las Ufer und verletzen die
Stamme strandnaher Baume.

poussee glacielle (n.f.)

Pendant la fonte des neiges, phenomene par lequel des radeaux de glace sont pousses
vers la cote ou la rive (par les vagues ou le vent), endommageant les forets riveraines.
---t radeau de glace, n.m.

empuje del hielo (n.m.)

En la epoca de deshielo, desplazamiento de los tempanos y capas de hielo producido
por el viento o la corriente de agua; la vegetaci6n y bosques de las orillas o litoral
suelen resultar daiiados.

spinta del ghiaccio (s.f.)

Fenomeno che ricorre, su di un corpo d' acqua, durante il periodo di disgelo, quando
i blocchi di ghiaccio fluitati vengono sospinti contro le rive dalla corrente o dal vento,
e possono danneggiare le piante di margine.

choque de gelo (n.m.)
Fenomeno que ocorre durante a separac;ao do gelo em um corpo de agua, quando a
massa de gelo e empurrada em direc;ao a costa, pela ac;ao dos ventos ou da correnteza,
causando danos as florestas marginais.

Jle,lt;OBbie TOpOCI,I ( cyru., MH.4.)

RBnemte, B03Hl1KaIOmee rrp11 JIOMKe Ce30HHOro Jlh,lla Ha fIOBepXHOCTI1 BO,ll,OeMOB,
KOr,lla Jlh,lll1Hhl fIO,ll ,lle0CTB11eM
BeTpa 11JII1 TeqeHI1H HaTaJIKl1BaIOTCH Ha 6eper0By10 Jll1Hl1IO 11 fl0Bpex,llaIOT
,llepeBhH ua rpaa11ue neca.

HeT 3KBHBaneHTHOro TepMHHa Ha pyccKOM.

ice scar 147

ice scar (n.)
Conspicuous or inconspicuous mark left by a wound caused by *ice push in *stems,
branches or roots of a woody plant.
The German term "Verletzung" refers to the wound rather than to the resulting scar, but is
widely used as an equivalent for "scar".
~ ice scarring, n.
ice abrasion, n.
ice damage, n.
ice regime, n.
(ice) breakup, n.
thaw mechanisms, n.
ice cover degradation, n.
(ice) drifting, n.
ice tide, n.
*ice push

Eisverletzung (f. <-, -en>)

(kein genaues deutsches Aquivalent) Offene oder tiberwallte Wunde am *Stamm,
die von schwimmenden Eisplatten verursacht wurde.

cicatrice glacielle (n.f.)

Marque, visible ou invisible de l'exterieur, laissee par une blessure causee par des
*poussees glacielles sur les *troncs, les branches ou les racines d 'une plante ligneuse.
~ regime glaciel, n.m.
deglacement, n.m.
date de deglacement, n.f.
degradation du couvert de glace, n.f.
derive, n.f.
crue glacielle, n.f.

cicatriz de hielo (n.f.)

Sen.ales mas o menos evidentes de las heridas producidas por tempanos de hielo en
el *tronco, ramas o raices de una planta lefiosa.

cicatrice da ghiaccio (s.f.)
Segno, piu o meno evidente, prodotto da una ferita causata dall'impatto di blocchi di
ghiaccio su *fusto, rami o radici di un albero.

cicatriz de gelo (n.f.)

Injuria conspicua ou inconspicua causada por uma *massa de gelo flutuante em
*troncos, ramos e raizes de especies florestais.

ne.n;oeaH oTMenrna (cyw., )K.)

Il0qn1 He3aMCTHhil1 HJUI HCHO pa3JmqJ1Mbil1 CJle.l( OT nopaHeHHH, OCTaBJleHHhil1
nJ1aByqe11 Jlh.l(I1HOl1 Ha *cTBOJlaX, BeTBHX I1Jll1 KOpHHX .a:peBeCHhlX pacTeHI111.

Ice scars are studied e.g. to reconstruct the ice regime of subarctic lakes: break-up, thaw
I mechanisms, ice cover degradation, drifting, ice tides, etc.

image analysis 148

image analysis (n.)
The use of video and computer technology to obtain measurements e.g. of *tree-
ring features, cell features and *wood density.

Bildanalyse (f. <-, -n>)

Kombination aus einer fotografischen Einheit (Scanner, Video) und einer Rechner-
Einheit zur Quantifizierung von Gewebestrukturen.

analyse d'image (n.f.)

Combinaison de la video et de l'informatique appliquee ala mesure de la densite du
bois et des caracteristiques des *cemes et des cellules du bois.

Image refinement
Image analysis
Data storage
Data rocessin

Schematic representation of an Microscope controlling

motorized stage
image analysis system. (SAss 1993)

analisis de imagen (n.m.)
El uso del video u otras tecnicas y de la informatica que permiten captar imagenes
para obtener medidas de las caracteristicas de los *anillos, de sus celulas y de la
*densidad de la madera.

analisi d'immagine (s.f.)

Impiego di tecnologie ottiche ed informatiche per l' esecuzione di misure riguardanti
i caratteri dell'*anello annuale, di elementi cellulari e della *densita del legno.

analise de imagem (n.f.)

Uso de tecnologia de video e de informatica para obter medidas de caracteristicas
dos *aneis de crescimento, das celulas e da *densidade da madeira.

aHaJn1a :wao6paxemrn ( cym., M.)

l1cnOJ1b30BaHl1e B11.ll,eO- 11 KOMJ1bI0TepHOl1 TeXHl1Kl1 11,Jlfl npoBe.ll,eHl1H 113MepeHl111
xapaKTepHhlX oco6eHHOCTe0 ro11,11qHhlX KOJleU, KJleToqHhlX xapaKTep11CTl1K 11
*nJIOTHOCTl1 11,peBeCl1Hhl.

immissions 149
immissions (
(No English equivalent, but the neologism "immissions" is sometimes used) Generic
term for dry and wet deposition ( of natural and/or anthropogenic origin) impacting
organisms and ecosystems.
This term is mainly encountered in tree-ring studies related to forest decline. It is symmetric to
11 11
emissions emissions come FROM a point source of pollution, and immissions are brought

INTO an ecosystem (with detrimental or beneficial effects). This concept is rarely used in
other languages than German.
-? *emission

Immissionen (f. pl.<->)

Einwirkung von natlirlichen und anthropogenen, trockenen und nassen Depositio-
nen auf Organismen und Okosysteme.

(Pas d'equivalent en franc;ais) Terme generique designant les depots humides et secs,
d' origine naturelle et/ou anthropogenique, dans des organismes ou des ecosystemes.

inmisiones (
(Neologismo) Termino generico utilizado para denominar las deposiciones humedas
o secas (naturales o antrogenicas) y los efectos de las mismas sobre los organismos y
los ecosistemas que las reciben.
En el contexto de la dendrocronologfa, este termino se relaciona con el declive forestal.

immissioni (
Termine generico impiegato per descrivere le deposizioni umide e secche, di origine
naturale od antropica, ed il loro effetto su organismi ed ecosistemi.

imissoes (
Termo generico usado para a deposi<;ao de material seco ou umido (de origem natural
ou antropogenica) que causa impactos sobre os organismos ou ecossistemas.

"HMMMCCIU•i" (cym., MH.q.)

(HeT a Hr m111cKoro 3KBI1BaJ1eHTa, HO HeOJ10fl13M l1MMI1CCI1JI l1HOr )la

ttcrrom3yeTcH) 06 um11 TepMttH, o6o3Ha qa10m1111 cyx11e 11n11 XttllKtte ocallKtt
rrpttpOllHOrO I1J1l1 l1CKYCCTBeHHOfO npo11CX01K1leHI1H, B031lettCTBYl0llll1e Ha
opraHI13Mbl H 3KOCI1CTeMbl.

tteT pyccKoro 3KBHBanettTa

increment 150
increment (n.)
[USA]<,=accretion, n.
The increase in girth, diameter, *basal area, height, volume, quality or value of
individual trees. (:::::PORTER)
Widely misused for rate of increment. (PORTER)
~ *rate of increment
*increment borer
*increment core
increment in volume growth, n.
volume increment, n.
radial increment, n.
basal area increment, n.

Zuwachs (m. <-es, 0>)

Zunahme von Hohe, Umfang, *Durchmesser, Grundflache, Volumen, Wert oder
Qualitat von Baumen.

accroissement (n.m.)
=croissance, n.f.
(sensu lato): Augmentation des dimensions (de circonference, rayon, diametre,*
surface terriere, hauteur, volume ou poids ), de la qualite ou de la valeur des arbres
pris individuellement. (:::::DFM)
En matiere d'anatomie du bois, ce terme designe exclusivement !'augmentation de dimension
qui correspond a un *cerne. (DFM)
Quoique recommande par le DFM, ce terme, lorsqu'il designe le processus proprement dit,
tend a etre supplante par le terme generique "croissance ou les termes specifiques croissance

radiale 11
croissance apicale
11 11

~ accroissement en volume, n.m.

accroissement radial, n.m.
accroissement de la surface terriere, n.m.
croissance radiale, n.f.
croissance apicale, n.f.

crecimiento (n.m.)
=incremento, n.m.
El aumento en perimetro, diametro, *secci6n normal, altura, volumen, de la calidad
o del valor de los arboles individuales durante un periodo dado.
Tambien se refiere a las masas forestales y no s6lo a un arbol individual. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ

incremento (s.m.)
Aumento di circonferenza, diametro, *area basimetrica, altezza, volume, qualita o
valore di un singolo albero.

incremento (n.m.)
=crescimento, n.m.
Aumen to das dimensoes (circunferencia, diametro, *area basal, altura, volume) e da
qualidade ou do valor das arvores individuais.

rrpHpOCT ( cym., M.)

=yBeJiuqeHue, cyw., c.
=YJiyqmeHue, cyw., c.

YBem1qett11e OKPYJKHOCTI1, ,L1,I1aMeTpa, *6a3amHofl nnoma,L1,11, BhICOTbI 11 o6beMa

crnona, a TaKJKe y nyqrnett11e Ka qecrna 11 uem-10cT11 OT ,L1,eJ11HbIX ,Ll,epeBbeB.

I intl. symb. i

increment borer 151

increment borer (n.)
=increment corer, n.
=borer, n.
11 11
An auger-like instrument with a hollow bit and an extractor ( spoon ), used to extract
thin *increment cores from tree *stems. (::::PORTER)
~ *bore (to)
*borer support
spoon, n.

Zuwachsbohrer (m. <-s, ->)

=Hohlbohrer, m. <-s, ->
=Presslerscher Zuwachsbohrer, m. <-s, ->
Hohlbohrer mit leicht konischer Innenrohre, aus der ein *Bohrkern mit einem
11 11
Extraktor ( Zunge entnommen wird.

~ Zunge, n.f. <-, -en>

tariere de Pressler (n.f.)
=sonde de Pressler, n.f.
=foret de Pressler, n.m.
[Qu]#carottier de Pressler, n.m.
[Qu] carotteuse, n.f. (Jam.)

Sonde creuse que l'on peut visser et enfoncer dans le bois pour en extraire (a l'aide
d'un extracteur) de petits cylindres radiaux de bois (*carottes). (~DFM)
Le terme le plus frequemment utilise au Quebec est" sonde de Pressler" ; "carottier de Pressler"
yest egalement employe par certains auteurs, mais jamais "tariere de Pressler", qui est le plus
repandu chez les auteurs franc;ais.
~ extracteur,n.m.

barrena (n.f.)
=calador para arboles, n.m.
=barrena de incrementos, n.f.
=[Argentina] barreno, n.m.

Sonda con el borde de la punta afilada, terminada en espiral y el interior hueco que
se utiliza para extraer *testigos de madera del arbol con la ayuda de un extractor o
Muy frecuentemente se utiliza el termino "barrena Pressler".
Barrena, n.m.: barrena grande.
~ barreno, n.m.

succhieIIo di Pressler (s.m.)

=trivella di Pressler, s.f.
:,:punta carotatrice, s.f.

Strumento simile ad un succhiello, dotato di una punta tubolare cava e di un estrattore

II 11
( detto cucchiaio impiegato per estrarre una sottile *carota dal *fusto di alberi in


Pressler increment
borer. extractor ([US-Colloquial] = Spoon)

sonda de Pressler (n.f.)
=sonda, n.f
=trado, n.m.
Equipamento em forma de trado ou verruma com uma haste oca e extremidade
cortante utilizado para extrair pequenos cilindros radiais de *madeira ( *bagueta 11

do *tronco das arvores, com auxilio de um extrator.

B03paCTHOH 6ypaB (cym., M.)

CBep.noo6pa3HblH I1HCTpyMeHT, CHa6)KeHHbll1 nom1M naKoneqm1KoM c pe)Kyrn:ei1
KpOMKOH l1 3KCTpaKTopoM (" .no)KeqKott") ,ll.n.H l13B.neqeHI1H TOHKI1X *Bo3paCTHhIX
KepHOB I13 ,llepeBa.

Increment borers can range in width from 4.3 mm to 12 mm, and even larger. They can be
I manual or motor-driven.

increment core 152

increment core (n.)
=core, n.
Thin radial cylinder of wood extracted by an *increment borer from living or dead
*stems or *timber.
-, core (to), t.v.
*bore (to)

Bohrkern (m. <-(e)s,-e>)

Zylindrische Probe, die mittels *Zuwachsbohrer aus lebenden oder toten Baumen
oder von Bauholz entnommen wird.

carotte (n.f.)
=carotte de sondage, n.f
[CHJ~barrette de sondage, n.f
[CHJ~barrette, n.f
[CHJ~buchille, n.f
feprouvette, n.f
Mince cylindre de bois extrait al'aide d'une *tariere sur le plan radial du *tronc d'un
arbre vivant ou mort, ou d 'un echantillon de bois archeologique.

testigo de madera (n.m.)

=cilindro de mad era, n. m.
=(neol.) core, n.m.
Un cilindro de madera delgado, extraido radialmente del *tronco de los arboles vivos
o muertos, *vigas, o de maderas encontradas en *sitios arqueol6gicos con una
Casi siempre se utiliza el neologismo "core".

carota (s.f.)
zcarota incrementale, s.f
Sottile cilindro di legno, orientato secondo una direzione radiale del *fusto, estratto
mediante un *succhiello di Pressler da alberi vivi o morti, o da altri campioni di
Questa termine e riferibile anche a cilindri radiali estratti con altri tipi di punta carotatrice,
azionata a mano o a motore, da qualsiasi tipo di campione di legno.

bagueta (n.f.)
Cilindro estreito de *madeira extraido radialmente, com a *sonda de Pressler, de
*tronco de arvore viva ou morta ou de amostra de *madeira arqueol6gica.

BOJpaCTHOH KepH ( cyw., M.)

ToHKI1tt u111111tt11p11qecK11tt 06pa3eu ,llpeBec11HhI c OChIO, ttarrpaBcleHHOH no
pa1111ycy CTBOJla, l13BJ1eqeHHh1H 113 paCTYW11X 11;111 rror116w11x 11epeBbeB 11~111
*113 KOHCTPYKU110HHOH 11peBeCl1Hhl.

independent data 153

independent data (
1. Data not used for *calibration, which can be used as independent *verification of
2. *Predictor data used in a *regression relationship.
~ *dependent data

unabhangige Oaten (n. pl. <->)

1. Daten, die nicht zur *Kalibrierung, sondem zur *Verifizierung oder ftir *Rekon-
struktionen verwendet werden.
2. *Pradiktoren in *Regressionsberechnungen.

donnees independantes (

=donnees explicatives, n.fpl.
1. Donnees qui ne sont pas utilisees pendant la phase de *calibration, et qui peuvent
etre utilisees pour la *verification d 'une *reconstruction.
2. *Valeurs explicatives utilisees dans une relation de type *regression.

datos independientes (

1. Datos no utilizados en la *calibraci6n y reservados para la *verificaci6n de las
2. Valores que toman determinadas variables, *predictores, utilizadas en una
*regresi6n para explicar el *crecimiento anual de los arboles.

variabile indipendente (s.f.)
1. Dato non usato nella *calibrazione, eventualmente utilizzato nella fase di
*validazione di *ricostruzioni.
2. *Regressore usato nell'analisi di *regressione.

dado independente (n.m.)

1. Dado nao utilizado para a *calibragao, que pode ser empregado para a *veri-
ficagao independente de *reconstrug6es.
2. *Variavel dependente utilizada em uma *regressao.

He3aBHCHM1>Ie ,llaHHl>Ie ( cym., MH. q.)

=He3aBI1CI1MaH BhI60pKa, cym., JK.

l. He 11cnOJ1h30BaHHhie B npouecce KaJ111.6pOBKl1 MO,lleJ111 ,llaHHhie, KOTOpbie

MOryT fihITh np11MeHeHbl llJIR He3aBl1.Cl1MOI1 *nepmtmKaUI1l1 *peKOHCTPYKU1111.
2. CTpellCKa3aHHhie l(aHHhie no pacqernM *perpecc1111.

indexed curve 154

indexed curve (n.)
A series of ring widths or other parameters indexed and plotted as a function of time.
---? *ring-width index
*standardized ring-width chronology

indexierte Kurve (f. <-, -n>)

Als Funktion der Zeit dargestellte indexierte Jahrringmerkmale.

courbe des indices de croissance (n.f.)

[Qu] courbe indicee, n.f.
=courbe standardisee, n.f.
Serie de largeurs de cemes ou d'autres parametres, convertis en indices, et exprimes
graphiquement en fonction du temps.
der. indicer, v.t.

curva de indices (n.f.)

Grafica del *grosor u otros para.metros de los *anillos convertidos en indices de
crecimiento y representados en funci6n del tiempo.

funzione indidzzata (s.f.)

Una serie di spessori d' anello o altre statistiche indicizzate e rappresentate
graficamente in funzione del tempo.

curva de indices de crescimento (n.f.)

=curva estandartizada, n.f.
Serie de larguras de *aneis de crescimento ou de outros parametros, convertida em
indices e expressa graficamente em fungao do tempo.

HHJ.J;eKCHa.R KpHlla.R ( cyw.,
Cepm1 w11p11H ro.n:11qHbIX Koneu mm .llpymx napaMeTpoB, HH.lleKc11ponaHHaJI 11
npe.llCTaBJleHHa.fl rpa~11qecK11 KaK ~YHKUH.fl OT npeMeHH.

Indexing is achieved by dividing the ring measurements by a slowly varying curve fitted to
the entire *series of ring measurements. In the case of density *time series, it is often
accomplished by differencing the measured data and the fitted curve.

innermost 155
innermost ring (n.)
First-formed ring, situated immediately next to *pith.
~ *germination date
*pith date
t:*outermost ring

innerster Jahrring (m. <-s, -e>)

Erster, um das *Mark gebildeter *Jahrring.

premier cerne (n.m.)

Premier ceme forme, situe immediatement a l'exterieur de la *moelle.
primer anmo (n.m.)
El primer anillo formado alrededor de la *medula.

primo anello (s.m.)

Anello formatosi per primo, immediatamente adiacente al *midollo.

anel de crescimento mais interno (n.m.)

Primeiro *anel de crescimento formado, localizado imediatamente ap6s a medula.

HalfaJU>HOe KOJlbUO (cyw., c.)

CTepnoe rO.llJ1qHoe KOJlbUO, C~OpMHpOBaHHOe CHapy)KH OT cep.llUeBHHbl.

Fir (Abies alba) branch

in transversal section
( 40x). The innermost
tree-ring boundary
includes *pith and a few
*xylem cell layers.

insect hole 156
insect hole (n.)
=borer hole, n.
=bore hole, n.
A bore hole in wood or bark made by an adult insect or by a larvae. (:::::FORTER2)
The (mostly larval) tunnels of wood-boring insects, sometimes packed with frass, are more
commonly termed galleries or tunnels.
~ *insect outbreak
insect gallery, n.
insect tunnel, n.

Insektenfrassgang (m. <-s, "-e>)

""'Frassgang, m. <-s, "-e>
""'Bohrgang, m. <-s, "-e>

Frassgang von Insektenlarven und adulten Insekten (=Imago).

galerie d'insecte (n.f.)

Cavite creusee par les insectes adultes ou leurs larves dans les diverses parties d'un
arbre. (DFM)
Les galeries d' insect es sont sou vent designees sous le nom de galerie
II 11
11 11

piqi1re chacun de ces termes pouvant avoir un sens plus ou moins restreint. Le plus souvent,

si ces cavites sont creusees perpendiculairement ala surface du bois, on les designe plutot sous
le nom de trou Si elles sont allongees et courent parallelement a la surface du bois, on les
II 11

appelle galerie (au sens strict).

galerfa(s) de insecto(s) (n.f.(pl.))

=mina(s) de insecto(s), n.f (pl.)
Perforaci6n causada por un insecto adulto o una larva en cualquier parte del arbol.

Phytomatodes testacens: adult

insect and galleries.

galleria di insetto (s.f.)
=perforazione di insetto, s.f
Galleria, nel legno o nella corteccia, scavata da un insetto adulto o da una larva.

galeria de inseto (n.f.)

Cavidade causada por insetos adultos ou por larvas no lenho ou cascade uma arvore.

XO)); HaceKOMhlX (cyru., M.)

OrnepcT11e, rrpoii;enaHHOe B3P0CJ1LIMM HaceKOMLIMI1 11J111 11X J111q11HKaMI1 B *Kope
11n11 ii;peBec11He.

insect outbreak 157

insect outbreak (n.)
= insect attack, n.
[US] infestation, n.
Increase in numbers of insects in a forest or a stand, e.g. Zeiraphera diniana or
Choristoneura fumiferana.
~ *insect hole
insect damage, n.

massenhaftes Auftreten von Insekten (n. <-s, ->)

Massenhaftes Auftreten von Insekten in einem Wald oder Bestand, z.B. Zeiraphera
diniana oder Choristoneura fumiferana.

attaque d'insectes (n.f)

Augmentation du nombre d'insectes dans une foret ou un peuplement, par exemple
Zeiraphera diniana ou Choristoneura fumiferana.

plaga de insectos (n.f.)

=plaga forestal de insectos, n.f
Un crecimiento repentino y elevado de las poblaciones de insectos que se alimentan
de los arboles durante alguna fase de su desarrollo.

infestazione di insetti (s.f.)

Aumento del numero di insetti (per esempio, Zeiraphera diniana o Choristoneura

epidemia de insetos (n.f.)

=ataque de insetos, n.m.
Aumento significativo do numero de insetos em uma popula9ao florestal, por
exemplo, Zeiraphera diniana ou Choristoneura fumiferana.

BCITblllIKa MaCCOBOro pa3MHOXemrn HaceKOMbIX (cym., )K.)
=HaT1agem1e HaceKOMbIX, cyw., c.
="B0J1Hb/ JKI13HI1", cyw., M.l/.

I The most valuable aspect of tree-ring research for the entomologist is that it can throw light
on those insect behaviour patterns which have long-term effects.

interannual 158
inter annual (adj.)
Used when referring to between-year phenomena, e.g. interannual variations in *ring
~ :;t*intra-annual

interannuell (Adj.)
Zwischen Jahren oder *Jahrringen, z.B. Breitenunterschiede zwischen *Jahrring 1

interannuel (adj.)
Se <lit de valeurs impliquant deux annees ou *cernes, par exemple des variations
interannuelles de largeur de cerne.

interanual (adj.)
Termino usado para referirse a fen6menos entre afios, p.ej. las variaciones
interanuales en el *grosor de los anillos.

interannuale (agg.)
Aggettivo riferito a fenomeni che riguardano piu anni o piu *anelli, ad esempio la
variazione interannuale delle ampiezze anulari.

interanual (adj.)
Referente a fenomenos que ocorrem entre dois anos ou *aneis de crescimento, por
exemplo, varia96es interanuais da *largura dos aneis.

Me)KrO.l(OBOH (npJ.rn.)
TepMHH np11MeHJieTCH K Me)Kr01l0Bb1M HBJleHHHM, Hanp11Mep, K Me)Kr01l0Bb1M
113MeHeHHHM WI1p11Hbl f01ll1qHb1X KOJleU.

internal age structure 159
internal age structure (n.)
The physiological age of *tree rings inside a tree may be different from their calendric
age. The various endogenous and exogenous factors influencing tree growth may be
determined by *stem analysis:
- .axis 1, from *pith outwards: the aging *cambium has been exposed to various
environmental factors;
- axis 2, parallel to the youngest *tree ring. Along this axis, the *cambium has been
affected by the same environmental factors; its physiological age varies from young
at the top of the stem to old at the bottom;
- axis 3, parallel to the *pith. Physiologically young *cambia have been affected by
various environmental factors. (:="'DUFF and NOLAN 1953).

inteme Altersstruktur (f. <-,-en>)

Die Jahrringe innerhalb eines Baumes haben unterschiedliche Alter in Bezug zum
Kalenderdatum und zur Physiologie. Mit Hilfe einer Stammanalyse konnen endo-
gene und exogene Einflussfaktoren gesondert werden (siehe Abbildung):
- Richtung 1, vom *Mark zur Stammperipherie. Das alternde *Kambium ist ver-
schiedenen Umweltbedingungen ausgesetzt.
- Rich tung 2, parallel zum jiingsten *Jahrring. Ein physiologisch ungleichaltriges
*Kam bi um - oben jung, unten alt- ist gleichen Umweltbedingungen ausgesetzt.
- Rich tung 3, parallel zum *Marks. Physiologisch junge *Kambien werden verschie-
denen Umwelteinfliissen ausgesetzt.

structure inteme (n.f.)

L'age physiologique des *cemes d'un arbre peut etre different de leur age calendaire.
Les differents facteurs endogenes et exogenes agissant sur la croissance d 'un arbre
peuvent etre identifies par !'*analyse de tige:
- le long de l'axe 1, de la *moelle vers l'exterieur: au fil des ans, le *cambium
vieillissant a ete expose a differents facteurs environnementaux;


Schematic representation of
internal age structure analysis.
(After DUFF und NOLAN 1953)

- le long de l'axe 2, parallelement au *cerne le plus jeune. Le long de cet axe, le
cambium a ete affecte par les memes facteurs environnementaux; son age physio-
logique s'accroit du haut vers le bas du *tronc;
- le long de l'axe 3, parallelement a la moelle. Des tissus cambiaux jeunes (age
physiologique) ont ete affectes par differents facteurs environnementaux.

estmctura de edad del arbol (n.f.)

La edad fisol6gica de los *anillos en un arbol puede ser diferente de la edad obtenida
seg(m la dataci6n mediante un *calendario civil. Los factores end6genos y ex6genos
que influyen en el *crecimiento de un arbol se pueden determinar mediante el analisis
del *tronco (ver figura):
1. en direcci6n horizontal, desde la medula hacia afuera, el *cambium ha sido
expuesto a diversos factores ambientales;
2. en la direcci6n diagonal, paralela al *ultimo anillo formado a lo largo del *tronco,
el *cambium ha sido afectado por los mismos factores ambientales; su edad
fisiol6gica varia desde la punta donde se halla el mas j6ven hasta la base del
*tronco donde se encuentra el mas viejo;
3. en direcci6n vertical, paralela a la *medula, el *cambium ha sido afectado por
diversos factores ambientales.

struttura interna dell'eta (s.f.)

(non esiste equivalente in italiano) L'eta fisiologica degli *anelli annuali nell'albero
puo essere diversa dalla loro eta cronologica (determinata dall'anno in cui si sono
formati). I vari fattori, endogeni ed esogeni, che influenzano l' accrescimento
dell'albero possono essere determinati mediante *analisi del fusto (vedere la figura):
- in direzione orizzontale, dal *midollo verso l'esterno: nel corso del suo
invecchiamento il *cambio e stato esposto a fattori ambientali variabili di anno in
- in direzione diagonale, con decorso parallelo all'*anello piu giovane: ogni anno
l'intero *cambio e stato esposto agli stessi fattori ambientali, ma la sua eta
fisiologica e diversa, e varia con l'altezza (e giovane presso il cimale del *fusto, ed
e vecchio alla base);
- in direzione verticale, parallela all'asse longitudinale del *midollo: le diverse zone
del *cambio, fisiologicamente giovani, sono state esposte a fattori ambientali

estmtura intema da idade (n.f.)

A idade fisiol6gica dos *aneis de crescimento no interior da arvore pode ser diferente
da estabelecida pelo *calendario civil. Os varios fatores end6genos e ex6genos que
influenciam o crescimento da arvore podem ser determinados pela *analise do tronco
(ver figura);
- na direi;ao horizontal (axe 1), da *medula para o exterior: o *cambio e exposto a
diversos fatores do meio;
- na direi;ao diagonal (axe 2), paralela ao *anel de crescimenio mais recente. Ao
longo dessa linha o *cambio e afetado pelos mesmos fatores do meio; sua idade
fisiol6gica varia de jovem ( apice do *tronco) para adulta (base do *tronco );
- na direi;ao vertical (axe 3), paralela a *medula. 0 *cambio fisiol6gicamente jovem
e afetado por varios fatores ambientais.

BHyTpeHHHH B03paCTHaH CTPYKTypa (cyw., JK.)
<Dtt3110J10rJ.PieCKI111 B03pacT ,llpeBeCHhIX KOJieu ,llepeBa MO)KeT OT JIWia ThCJI OT
KaJieH,llapHoro B03pacrn. Pa3JIWIHhie 3H.lloreHHhie 11 3K3oreHHhie <f>aKTOph1, BJ111moume
Ha pocT ,llepeBa, MoryT 6hITh orrpe,lleJieHhI 113 aHaJ1113a crnona:
B ropH30HTaJlhHOM HarrpaBJieHHI1 OT *cep,llUeBHHhl TIO pa,llttycy: CTape10m1111
*KaM61111 TIO,llBepraJICJJ B03,lle11CTBHIO pa3HhIX q>aKTOpOB OKpy)KaI0me11 cpe,llbl;
B ,llHaroHaJihHOM HarrpaBJieHHH, rrapaJIJieJihHOM CaMOMY MOJIO,llOMY fO,llWIHOMY
Komuy: B.llOJlh 3TOH OCH *KaM61111 TIO,llBepraJICJI B03,lleHCTBHIO O,llHHaKOBhIX
BHellIHHX <f>aKTOpOB; ero Q)H3110JIOfWieCKHH B03pacT BapbHpyeT OT MOJIO,llOfO
Ha BepurnHe .llO crnporo y ocHOBaHHH *crnona .llepeBa;
B BepTHKaJlhHOM HarrpaBJieHHH, rrapaJIJieJibHOM *cep,llUeBHHe: Q)H3HOJIOfl1qecKH
MOJIO,llhie KaM61111 TIO,llBepraJIHCh B03,lleHCTBHIO pa3JII1qHb1X <f>aKTOpOB
0Kpy)Ka10me11 cpe.llhI.

interval trend 160

interval trend (n.)
Number of intervals of individual parameters exhibiting the same tendency, expressed
as a percentage of ascending intervals (100% can be produced only by a rise, 0%
indicates that all the intervals are falling). (ScHWEINGRUBER 1988)
~ *pointer interval

Intervall-Trend (m. <-s, -s>)

Prozentualer Anteil zeitgleicher, gleichsinnig verlaufender Kurvenintervalle meh-
rerer Kurven. Bei 100% steigen, bei 0% sinken alle Kurvenintervalle.

tendance interannuelle moyenne (n.f.)

Pourcentage de cas ou la variation de la largeur entre deux cernes consecutifs se fait
dans le meme sens pour toutes les courbes considerees, exprime en pourcentage du
nombre de variations ascendantes (100% exprimant un intervalle positif dans toutes
les courbes, 0% un intervalle negatif dans toutes les courbes).

tendencia interanual (n.f.)

Numero de series que tienen la misma tendencia en el crecimiento entre dos anillos
consecutivos, se expresa coma el tanto par ciento de las tendencias ascendentes (100%
indica que todas las tendencias son ascendentes, 0% todas las tendencias son

trend degli intervalli (s.m.)

Percentuale dei casi in cui la variazione dell'ampiezza anulare fra due anelli
consecutivi ha lo stesso segno in tutte le curve considerate. Con percentuale uguale
al 100% tutti gli intervalli sono ascendenti, con percenutale uguale allo 0% tutti gli
intervalli sono discendenti.

tendencia interanual media (n.m.)
Numero de intervalos de para.metros individuais que exibem a mesma tendencia,
expressa como porcentagem do numero de variai;6es ascendentes (100% exprimem
um intervalo positivo de todas as curvas, 0% um intervalo negativo de todas as curvas ).

HHTepBaJlbHbIH TpeH)l ( cyru., M.)

Kom1qecrno I1HTepna11on n 11tt.n:11n11.n:yaJ1hHhIX Kpl1BhIX (atta1111311pyeM011 Bh16opK11),
I1Me10m11x 01(l1HaKOBYI0 HanpanneHHOCTh; Bhipa)KaeTCH B npoueHTHOM OTHOll1eHI1l1
K KOJ1l11Iecrny l1HTepBaJ10B C B03pacTaIOW:I1M 3HaqeHI1eM napaMeTpOB
(100 %: MO)KHO nonyirnTb TOJlhKO np11 ncex B03paCTaI0W:l1X I1HTepnaJlhHhlX
Tpett.n:ax, 0%: noKa3hrnaeT, qrn nee I1HTepnamHh1e TpeHl(hI nmrn)KaIOTCH).

individual curves

% rising 60 60 50 20 90 - 60100 20 average 46 %

'o "crj~ 100%1 laufigkeit


•-----+--+-- ® = pointer interval
8·; 50% \
~-~ ..
O..·i:: 0%

"1i = (xi+l - xi) when "1i > 0: tix = + 1

11 i = 0: tix = 1/2
11 i < 0: tix = - 0

for m curves ti = ; t·· / m ; i = 1.. ..... m

i = 1 IJ

Computing the interval percentages from five individual curves. The number of rising inter-
vals is expressed as a percentage (lower curve). Intervals in which, in ten or more samples,
more than 90% of all the individual curves move in the same direction, are *pointer intervals.

intra-annual (adj.)
Within a year or a *tree ring.
~ t:*interannual

intraannuell (Adj.)
Innerhalb eines Jahres oder *Jahrrings.

intra-annuel (adj.)
Interne a une annee OU a un *cerne.
interaanual (adj.)
Relativo a las variaciones dentro de un afio ode un *anillo.

intrannuale (agg.)
Nell'ambito di un anno o di un *anello annuale.

intraanual (adj.)
Dentro de um ano ou de um *anel de crescimento.

BHyTpuro.n;OBOU (npHn.)
Ha6mo)laeMbII1 B rrpe)le.nax rolla 11.n11 *ro1l11qHoro Komua.

isotope 162
isotope (n.)
Any of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic
number (the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons).
~ dendroanalysis, n. (see "*heavy metal")
*radioactive decay

Isotop (n. <-s, -e>)

Nukleide eines chemischen Elements, deren Atomkerne die gleiche Protonen-, aber
verschiedene Neutronen-Zahlen aufweisen.

isotope (n.m.)
Chacun des elements de meme numero atomique mais de masse atomique differente
(meme nombre de protons mais nombre de neutrons different).

is6topo (n.m.)
Cualquiera de las especies quimicas o atomos que tienen el mismo mimero at6mico
pero diferente peso at6mico (el mismo mimero de protones pero diferente mimero
de neutrones ).

isotopo (s.m.)
Uno o piu atomi di un elemento chimico aventi lo stesso numero atomico ( cioe lo
stesso numero di protoni, anche se con diverso numero di neutroni).

isotopo (n.m.)
Quaisquer de duas ou mais especies de atomos de um elemento quimico com o mesmo
numero atomico (o mesmo numero de protons mas diferente numero de neutrons).

1130TOil (cym., M.)

01lHa MJUI HeCKOJlhKO pa3HOBl1,llHOCTefl O,llHOro Xl1MJ1qecKoro 3JleMeHTa,
H,llpa a TO MOB l130T0Jl0B O,llHOro XMMHqecKoro 3.fleMeHTa CO,llep)K_a T O,llMHaKOBOe
q11cno rrpoTOHOB, HO pa3HOe q11cno HefITpOHOB.

e Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable over time, and carbon-14, which is a radioisotope,
decays with time to an isotope of nitrogen. (EESS)
e Stable isotopes such as oxygen-18, deuterium, carbon-12 and carbon-13 in the cellulose of
the ring* also appear to contain a signal of past climatic conditions. (FRITIS 1987)
e The relative content of unstable (14C) and stable (12C) isotopes is used to date organic
matter (*radiocarbon dating).
e Isotope ratios of carbon (13 C/12 C), oxygen (1 80/1 60) and hydrogen (2H/1H: deuterium) in
tree rings are used to determine past environmental conditions.

juvenile wood 163

juvenile wood (n.)
=core, n.
=core wood, n.
#immature wood, n.
#juvenile core, n.
#pith wood, n.
In young trees or in tissues located near the *stem apex, an inner core of *xylem
surrounding the *pith, in which the cells are low in density, smaller and/or less
structurally developed than those of the outer xylem or older part of the stem.
-t :;t:*adult wood

Jugendholz (n. <-es, "-er>)

In jungen Baumen oder im Holz nahe des *Marks und der Sprossspitze ist das Ge-
webe leichter als in alteren Stammteilen.

bois juvenile (n.m.)

Chez les arbres jeunes ou dans les tissus situes aproximite du *bourgeon apical, bois
qui entoure la moelle, et dont les cellules sont moins <lenses, plus petites et/ou moins
developpees structuralement que celles du bois situe plus a l'exterieur ou dans la
partie plus agee du *tronc. (~DFM)

maderajoven (n.f.)
En los arboles j6venes o en los tejidos cerca del apice del *tronco, el *xilema que
rodea a la *medula cuyas celulas son mas pequefias, tienen una densidad menor y/o
estan menos desarrolladas que las de la *madera hecha.

legno giovanile (s.m.)

::=anima, s.f
::=legno di cuore, s.m.
Parte centrale dello *xilema, che circonda il *midollo, in alberi giovani od in tessuti
prossimi all'apice del fusto; le cellule presentano bassa densita, dimensioni minori e/
o struttura meno evoluta rispetto alle cellule delle parti esterne dello *xilema o delle
zone piu vecchie del *fusto.

madeira juvenil (n.f.)

Xilema *de arvore jovem, localizado pr6ximo a *medula, ou no apice do tronco, que
possui celulas menores, com estrutura menos organizada e menor densidade, em
comparac;ao com o *xilema mais externo <las arvores adultas.

IOBCHHJihHan ,ll;peBeCHHa (cym., )K.)

=rrepnwmaR 4peneoma, cyw., JK.
=rrepnwmaR KCHJleMa, cyw., JK.

BttyTpem-11111 UHJIHHJJ:P *KCHJieMbl BOKpyr *cep11:uenI1HHOro CTep)K.HH B MOJIOJJ:blX

11:epeBbHX 11JII1 B TKaHHX, pacITOJlO)K.eHHblX B6Jil13l1 OT *aITeKca CTBOJia. KneTKI1
11/11JII1 HMeIOT 6onee cna6o pa3Bl1TYIO CTpyKTYPY ITO cpanHeHHIO C KJieTKaMH
OKpy)K.aJOw:e11 ee *KCHJieMbl (6onee CTapOH qaCTI1 CTBOJia).

Cross section of a fir tree (Abies alba). The juvenile wood occurs in the centre, the adult
wood towards the periphery, with unmarked boundaries between them.

krummholz 164
kmmmholz (n. (invariable))
(No English equivalent: the German term is commonly used). Gnarled or stunted
tree or group of trees. This term refers to two *growth forms:
1. trees with genetically curved, prostrate *stems, as for example Pinus mugo var.
prostrata, Pinus pumilio;
2. stunted, crippled trees which grow on mechanically stressed sites, e.g. wind-exposed

Krummholz (s. <-es,¢>)

Kleine Baume mit gebogenen oder deformierten Stammen. Der Begriff umfasst zwei
1. Baume mit erblich bedingten gebogenen, niederliegenden Stammen z.B. Pinus
mugo var. prostrata ( = [CH] Legfohre, = [A] Laatsche) und Pinus pumilio;
2. Baume mit verkrtippelten *Stammen an mechanisch beanspruchten *Standor-
ten, z.B. <lurch Wind.

krummholz (n.m.)
(En !'absence de terme frarn;ais, le terme allemand est couramment employe).Arbre
ou grouped' arbres nains ou noueux. Ce terme s' applique adeux *formes de croissance:
1. l 'une d' origine genetique: arbres aux troncs curvilignes et prostres, tels que Pinus mugo
var. prostrata ou Pinus pumilio (des noms de variete leur sont generalement attribues );
2. l'autre, d'origine mecanique: arbres rabougris et de petite taille, poussant sur des
sites exposes au vent.

krummholz (n.m.)
(Neologismo. No hay equivalente en espafiol, se utiliza el termino aleman). Arbol o
grupo de arboles retorcidos y de crecimiento achaparrado. Este termino se refiere a
dos formas de crecimiento:
1. formas de crecimiento curvadas y de troncos reptantes, determinadas
geneticamente, p. ej. Pinus mugo var. postrata, Pinus pumilio;
2. arboles de crecimiento achaparrado y deformado que crecen en lugares muy
expuestos al viento.

Krummholz at wind-exposed sites. (ScHWEINGRUBER 1993b)

kmmmholz (s.m.)
(non esiste equivalente in italiano:) Albero o gruppo di alberi con *fusto ricurvo o
deformato. II termine si riferisce a due tipi di *forma di crescita:
1. alberi con *fusto ricurvo e prostrato per un carattere ereditato geneticamente,
per esempio Pinus mugo var. prostrata, Pinus pumilio;
2. alberi deformi, cresciuti in stazioni soggette a stimoli meccanici, per esempio
stazioni esposte al vento.
Sostantivo tedesco, in Italiano usato al maschile.

krummholz (n.m.)
(Nao existe equivalente em portugues, se utiliza o termo em alemao ). Arvores ou
grupo de arvores retorcidas ou atrofiadas. Esta terminologia se refere a duas formas
de crescimento:
1. arvores com *troncos prostrados, como caracteristica genetica (Pinus mugo var.
prostrata, Pinus pumilio);
2. arvores com crescimento atrofiado e deformado que se desenvolvem em locais
expostos a ac;ao dos ventos.

Kp1rno11ec1>e ( cym., c.)

=lfcKpHBJiemwe gepeBo, cyw., c.

(HeT attr JUIHCKOro 3KB1'1BaJ1eHTa; 1.m1p0Ko Hcnom3yeTCfl HeMeUKHH TepMHH)

I1cKp1-rn11emrne HJlH 1iaxnoe .llepeno HJ1H rpynna ,llepenheB. TepMHH OTHOCHTCH
K llBYM p0CT0Bh1M <pOpMaM:
1, K ,llepeBbJIM C reHeTWieCKH HCKpHBJ1eHHhIMH, CTeJllOlUHMHCfl CTBOJlaMH ( Pin us
mugo var. prostrata, Pinus pumilio);
2, K 11axm1M, HCKaJ1e11eHHhIM ,llepeBbJIM, KOTOpble pacTyT B MeCTaX,
nO,ll,Bep)KeHl-IhIX MexaHHlJeCKOMY B03,llel1cTBHIO, T.e. B MecTax nOTeHUHaJlbHhIX

lake-dwelling settlement 165

lake-dwelling settlement (n.)
Settlement built on piles on lakeshores or above the surface of the water.
~ *bog dwelling

Seeufersiedlung (f. <-,-en>)

Siedlung auf Pfahlen am Wasser oder tiber dem Wasserspiegel an Seeufern.

habitat de bord de lac (n.m.)

=habitat lacustre, n.m.
Maison (ou groupe de maisons) batie sur pilotis sur les berges ou sur la surface d'un

asentamiento lacustre (n.f.)
zpalafito, n.m.
Viviendas y poblados construfdos sabre pastes y estacas en aguas poco profundas o
a la orilla de un Iago, muy frecuentes en el Neolftico y Edad del Bronce.
En el norte y centro de Europa este tipo de moradas es muy frecuente, mientras que en la
Peninsula lberica solo se conoce actualmente un asentamiento de este tipo: La Draga, Banyoles,
en el noreste de Catalunya.

Reconstruction of the
Bronze Age Cortaillod-
Est lake-dwelling settle-
ment (Lake Neuchatel,
Switzerland). The formerly
closed forest has been
turned into a mosaic of
bushes and fields in the
immediate vicinity of the
settlement, and its boun-
dary has been pushed to
the steep slopes of the
surrounding cliffs.
(EGLOFF 1989)

insediamento palafitticolo (s.m.)
lnsediamento preistorico su pali in acqua o su sponde lacuali.

povoados lacustres (n.m.)

Habita~oes de povoados pre-hist6ricos construfdas sobre estacas nas margens ou
acima da superffcie da agua de lagos.

03epHoe rrocenemrn ( cyru., c.)

=cnafmoe noce11eH11e, cym., c.

(n:eH.llpoapxeonor1,rn) 0cm TKI1 1lOI1CT0p11qecK0ro noce11eH11H Ha CBaHx Ha 6epery

03epa l1J1I1 Hall noeepXHOCTbID B01lhl.

Dendrochronologically dated *subfossil wood from lake dwellings enables archaeologists

to reconstruct the development of the prehistoric (Neolithic to Iron Age) cultures in central
Europe. Whether these dwellings were built above the surface of the water or on the shore
is still unclear.

Iammas shoot 166

lammas shoot (n.)
Annual shoot that is formed after a summer pause in growth. (==FORTER2)

Johannistrieb (m. <(e)s, -e>)

Erneuter Austrieb nach einer sommerlichen Wachstumsruhe.

pousse de la Saint-Jean (n.f.)

=seconde pousse, n.f
=pousse d 'aout, n.f
=pousse d'ete, n.f
Partie d'une pousse annuelle qui se forme, apres un arret de croissance, en ete. (DFM)

brote de agosto (n.m.)

(Hemisferio norte) brote anual que se forma despues de la pausa estival del

getto di san Giovanni (s.m.)

Quella parte dell'apice del fusto o di un ramo che si forma dopo una pausa estiva
dell'accrescimento. (BERTER)

brota~ao de agosto (n.f.)

Brotac;ao anual que se inicia ap6s uma pausa no crescimento das arvores.

"i,rnaHoB" rro6er ( cym., M.)
=2-11 (3-n, 4-11 H T.JJ.) 311eMeHrapHbI11 rro6er, cym,., M.
(cpeH011or1111) ro1uPrnh1fl rro6er, ccpopM11poBaBlllHHCH rrocne 11erttefl ocraHOBKH
B pocre 11epeBa.

e Lammas growth can be regarded as a second extension of branchwood in midsummer,

sensu stricto a flush in early August, or as "free growth" due to stem units formed during
the current season and extended during July to September.
e Lammas Day is the first of August, when the festival of first fruits was celebrated (Old
English, hlaf: loaf; maesse: feast). (HILTON et al. 1987)

late earlywood 167

late earlywood (n.)
(Mainly used in *dendroarchaeology and *fire history.) See *earlywood (94,

spates Friihholz (n. <-es,¢>)

(In der *Dendroarchaologie und Feuergeschichte verwendet.) Siehe * Friihholz 11 11

(94, Bild).

(Principalement utilise en *dendroarcheologie et pour l'historique des incendies.)

(Pas d'equivalent frarn;ais.) Voir *bois initial (94, illustration).

ultima madera temprana (n.f.)

Ultima porci6n de *madera temprana (ver fotograffa de la madera temprana, 94).

legno primaticcio terminale (s.m.)

(Usato principalmente in *dendroarcheologia e nello studio degli incendi.) Vedere
"*legno primaticcio" (94, fotografia).

(Usado principalmente em *dendroarqueologia e *hist6ria de incendios - nao ha

equivalente em portugues.) Ver *lenho inicial (94, fotografia).

Jl03,l.J;HHH 30Ha paHHeH .n;peBeCMHLI (cym., )K.)

(B ocHOBHOM 11crroJ1h3yerCJI n 11eH11poapxeonor1111 11 m1ponor1111) CM. "paHHJIJI
11peBec111-1a" (94, cporo).

latewood 168
latewood (n.)
=late wood, n.
#summer wood, n.
#autumn wood, n.

Dense and often dark wood produced in the *tree ring during the later part of the
*growing season, characterized by small, thick-walled cells in *Gymnosperms, or a
zone with few small *vessels in* Angiosperms. (FRITIS 1976)
Used preferentially to "summerwood" (see "earlywood").
~ *earlywood

Spatholz (n. <-es, fij>)

Dichtes und oft dunkles Holz im spater gebildeten Teil des *Jahrrings. In *Nadel-
holz sind kleine, dickwandige Zellen typisch; im *Laubholz enthalt die Zone weni-
ge, kleine *Gefasse.

bois final (n.m.)

=bois terminal, n.m.
#bois tardif, n.m.
#bois d 'ete, n.m.

Bois dense et souvent de coloration foncee, produit a la fin de la *periode de

vegetation, et caracterise chez les *Gymnospermes par des cellules de petites
dimensions et a parois epaisses, et chez les *Angiospermes par une zone con tenant
des *vaisseaux de petites dimensions et en faible nombre.
En France, le terme "bois final" semble plus repandu que le terme "bois terminal" recommande
par le DFM. Au Quebec, seul "bois final" est utilise.

mad era tardfa (n.f.)

=Leno tardio, n.m.
#Leno de verano, n.m.
#madera de otono, n.f

*Xilema mas denso, a menudo de coloraci6n mas oscura producido en un *anillo al

final del *periodo de crecimiento; en las *gimnospermas se caracteriza porque las
celulas estan radialmente aplastadas y las paredes celulares son mas gruesas y en las
*angiospermas porque hay menos vasos.

legno tardivo (s.m.)

=Legno estivo, s.m.
=Legno autunnaLe, s.m.
::::.Legno di chiusura, s.m.
Legno denso e spesso scuro, situato nella parte terminale dell'*anello annuale,
formato durante la fase finale del *periodo vegetativo; anatomicamente e
caratterizzato nelle *Gimnosperme da fibrotracheidi con lume ridotto e parete spessa,
in alcune *Angiosperme da *vasi piccoli e poco numerosi.

lenho tardio (n.m.)
=lenho outonal, n.m.
Lenho denso e geralmente escuro do *anel de crescimento, produzido durante o
perfodo final da *esta9ao de crescimento, caracterizado pelas celulas mais estreitas
e de paredes espessas (*Gimnospermas) ou por vasos mais estreitos e em menor
mimero (* Angiospermas).

rroJ.n;HHH .n;peeecuua (cym., )K.)

=JleTHHH JI.penecHHa, cym., JK.
=oceHHHH JI.penecHHa, cym., JK.

f1nornaJI, qacTO reMHOOKparnettttaJI 11:peBec1rna ro11:11qttoro KOJlhUa, o5pa30BaHHaJI

B 110311:Hee BpeMJI *ce30Ha pocra; COCTOI1T I13 MeJ1KI1X TOJlCTOCTeHHblX KJleTOK
y *ronoceMeHHhIX 11 rrpe,ll,craBJ1J1er co5ofl 30HY c MeJ1KI1MI1 *cocy 11:aM11 y
*rroKpbITOCeMeHHbIX ,ll,peBeCHbIX pacreHI1H.
"no311,H1u1 11,pesecrrna" 6onee npe11,noqnneneH 11 11sn11eTc11 6onee ToqH1IM.

lath 169
lath (n.)
(X-ray densitometry) Very thin, narrow strip of wood cut from *increment cores or
from *stem discs, perpendicular to the direction of the fibers, and used in *x-ray
densitometry. (~SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)
In architecture, a lath is a thin strip of wood used as building material e.g. in walls.
~ *radiodensitometry

Cutting a lath off from

an *increment core.

(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Dtinnes, senkrecht zur Holzfaser mit einer *Zwillings-
sage herausgesagtes Holzplattchen. Wird als Grundlage zur Herstellung von Ront-
genaufnahmen verwendet.

lamelle (n.f.)
(Radiodensitometry) Pellicule etroite et tres fine decoupees perpendiculairement a
la direction des fibres ala surfaced 'une *carotte ou d 'une *section de tronc, et utilisee
en ·*radiodensitometrie.

corte fino (n.m.)

=tablilla, n.f.
(no hay equivalente en espafiol) Una tirade madera cortada muy fina de los *testigos
de madera o de los *discos del tronco, perpendicular a la direcci6n de los elementos
La traducci6n de "lath" por list6n no es adecuada en este contexto.

lamella (s.f.)
Striscia di legno stretta e molto sottile, il cui piano e perpendicolare alla direzione
della fibratura, ricavata da una *carota o da una *sezione trasversale, e usata in

lamela (n.f.)
=carte fino, n.m.
11 II
Fina e estreita lamina de madeira cortada de uma *bagueta ou de *disco de tronco,
perpendicular a direc;ao das fibras e utilizada em *radiodensitometria.

TOHKUH o6pa3eU (cym., M.)

QqeHb roHKaa y3Kaa no.nocKa jpeBeCHHhl, cpe3attttaa c *Bo3pacrttoro Keptta
11.n11 co CTBO.nOBOro jHCKa nepneHjHKY .napHO ttanpaB.neHHIO qrn6p11.n.n;
11cno.nb3yerca B pajI10jeHc11r0Merp1111.
HeT 3KBHBaneHTHOro TepMHHa Ha pyccKOM

layering 170
layering (n.)
The rooting of an undetached branch (=a layer) lying on or partially buried in the
soil, which is capable of independent growth after separation from the mother plant.
~ layer,n.

Bewurzelung von Asten (f. <-, -en>)

Lebende Aste, die mehrere Jahre dem Boden aufliegen (=Ableger), bilden Wur-
zeln. Aus den Asten konnen neue Baume entstehen.
~ Ableger, m. <-s, ->

marcottage (n.m.)
Type de multiplication vegetative resultant de l'enracinement d'une tige aerienne
touchant le sol. Une marcotte est une portion de tige enracineee naturellement,
pouvant se separer du pied mere. (DELPECH et al. 1985)
der. marcotte, n.f.
marcotte, adj.

acodamiento (n.m.)
Tipo de multiplicaci6n vegetativa a partir del enraizamiento de una rama que toca al
suelo o medio enterrada pero que no esta desprendida del *tronco; la nueva planta
puede seguir creciendo despues de la separaci6n de la planta madre.

propagginatura (s.f.)
Emissione di radici da parte di un ramo parzialmente sepolto, mentre e ancora uni to
alla pianta madre (propaggine ), e cap ace di vivere indipendentemente una vol ta
separato da essa. (BERTER)

mergulhia (n.f.)
Emissao de rafzes em um ramo nao destacado da arvore e parcial ou totalmente
recoberto por solo (ou outro material) e com capacidade de crescimento ap6s a
separa<;ao da planta mae.

pa3MHOxemrn OTBOJ(KaMH ( cym., c.)

YKopettemi:e Heorne11etttto11 seTKH (qepeHKa), J1e)K_ame11 Ha 3eM11e 111111 qacTttlJHO
npHChinaHHOI1 00lJBOI1; npH 3TOM BeTKa cnoco6tta K He3aBHCHMOMY pOCTY
noc11e OTJ(eJleHHH ee OT MaTepHHCKOro pacTeHHa

Layering of poplar *stems buried under volcanic ash. (Photo. Griggs 1928).

light ring 171
light ring (n.)
*Latewood zone with thin-walled cells, usually
in trees at northern and subalpine *timber
lines (FILION et al. 1986).
The suggested neologism "dark ring" refers to high
density latewood (many such "dark rings" are found
in trees growing at northern latitudes).
~ *event year
dark ring, n.

light ring
(kein deutscher Ausdruck) Helle Spatholz-
zone mit geringem Zellwandanteil. Vor allem
an nordlichen und subalpinen *Waldgrenzen
sind Baume mit "light rings" anzutreffen.

cerne pale (n.m.)

zcerne clair, n.m.
*Bois final caracterise par des cellules aparois
tres fines, observe surtout chez les arbres des
*limites forestieres latitudinales et altitudina-

anillo claro (n.m.)

*Madera tardfa con paredes celulares muy
delgadas, se produce preferentemente en
arboles de latitudes elevadas yen especies sub-
alpinas: (YAMAGUCHI 1983; FILION et al. 1986)

anello chiaro (s.m.)

(non esiste equivalente in italiano) Zona di
*legno tardivo evidentemente poco lignificata,
piu frequente in alberi cresciuti in stazioni
prossime al limite della vegetazione arborea,
per latitudine o per altitudine.

anel de crescimento claro (n.m.)

*Lenho tardio com celulas de paredes delga-
das, com pouca lignificac;ao, encontrado geral-
men te no *xilema de arvores de latitudes
elevadas e sub-alpinas.

Alternating pattern of light and "dark" rings in

Picea mariana (25x).

ceeT noe KOJ1hQO ( cym., c.)
3otta *no3.llttefl .llpeBeCHHbI ro.llwrnoro KOJlhUa c 3aMeTHo cna6ofl J1I1rttmp11Kau11ef1;
BCTpe11aeTCH npeHMymecTBeHHO B .llepeBhFIX y ceBepHOH I1 BblCOTHOfl rpaHHU

light-reflection (measuring) 172

light-reflection (measuring) (n.)
Measurement of the light reflected by polished *stem discs.

Lichtreflexionsmessung (f. <-,-en>)

Messung der Lichtreflexion an polierten Stammquerschnittsflachen.

mesure en lumiere reflechie (n.f.)

Mesure de la lumiere reflechie par des *sections de tronc polies.

luz reflejada (medici6n de la) (n.f.)

Medida de la luz reflejada por una muestra de madera pulida.

riflettometria (s.f.)
Misurazione della luce riflessa dalla superficie di una *sezione trasversale ben levigata.

reflexao da luz (medida) (n.f.)

Medic;ao da luz refletida por disco de *madeira perfeitamente polida, obtido do
*tronco de uma arvore.

113Mepemrn B OTpaxeHHOM CBeTe ( cym., C.)

l13MepeHI1e I1HTeHCI1BHOCTI1 CBeTOBOro CHrttaJia, OTpa)KeHHoro OT WJ1I1(pOBaHHOro
06pa3ua .llpeBeCHHbl.



light Light transmittance curve for an X-
ray film (*X-ray densitometer) and a
light-reflection curve for heartwood
from a Siberian larch (Larix sibirica).
2 4 6 8 10mm (After VAGANOV and TERSKOW 1977)

lignin 173
Iignin (n.)
Chemical substance which is stored in between the microfibrils during *cell-wall
Lignin can be identified under the microscope after staining the wood sample with thionine or
fluoroglucine acid.

Lignin (n. <-s, -e>)

Chemische Substanz, die beim *Zellwandwachstum zwischen den Mikrofibrillen ein-
gelagert wird.

lignine (n.f.)
Substance chimique deposees entre les microfibrilles pendant la *croissance parietale.

lignina (n.f.)
Sustancia qufmica aiiadida a las paredes celulares, entre las microfibrillas de celulosa,
durante la fase de engrosamiento de las celulas despues de su elongaci6n.
Microsc6picamente se reconoce tras su tinci6n con tionina o fluoroglucina acida.

lignina (s.f.)
Gruppo di sostanze chimiche depositate all'interno della struttura microfibrillare
durante i processi di formazione della parete cellulare.

lignina (n.f.)
Substancia qufmica depositada entre as microfibrilas de celulose durante a fase de
espessamento da parede celular.

JUiTHHH (cyw., M.)

X11M111recKoe Bemecrno, OTKnaJJ:bIBaeMoe Me2K.JJ:Y MHKpoqm6p111111aM11 B npouecce

limiting factor 174

limiting factor (n.)
~limiting condition, n.
Plant growth is always controlled by some kind of limiting factor, which may be
external (water, temperature, light, carbon dioxide, oxygen, soil minerals... ) or internal
(growth regulators, enzymes ... ). A biological process, such as growth, cannot proceed
faster than is allowed by the most limiting factor. ("°'FRITIS 1976, FRITIS 1972)
(Phraseol.) "factors limiting TO growth."

begrenzender Faktor (m. <-s, -en>)
=limitierender Faktor, m. <-s, -en>
Das Pflanzenwachstum ist immer <lurch irgendeinen begrenzenden Faktor ge-
steuert, z.B. <lurch externe Faktoren wie Wasser, Temperatur, Licht, Kohlendioxid,
Sauerstoff, Niihrstoffe, oder interne Faktoren wie Hormone, Enzyme. Ein biologi-
scher Wachstumsprozess wird stets <lurch den am meisten begrenzenden Faktor ge-

facteur limitant (n.m.)

La croissance d'une plante est toujours assujettie a uncertain facteur limitant, qui
peut etre externe ( alimentation en eau, temperature, lumiere, dioxyde de carbone,
oxygene, elements mineraux dans le sol...) ou interne (regulateurs de croissance,
enzymes ... ). Le deroulement d'un processus biologique, tel que la croissance, est
controle par le facteur atteignant les valeurs les plus defavorables.

factor limitante (n.m.)

Es un principio que establece que un proceso biol6gico, como el *crecimiento, no
puede ir mas deprisa de lo que le permite el factor mas limitante. El *crecimiento de
las plantas siempre esta controlado por algun factor que puede ser externo (agua,
temperatura, radiaci6n, di6xido de carbono, oxigeno, nutrientes ... ) o interno
(reguladores del crecimiento, enzimas, agua ... ).

faUore limitante (s.m.)

Fattore dell' ambiente esterno (acqua, temperatura, luce, anidride carbonica, ossigeno,
elementi minerali del suolo, etc.) o intrinseco (regolatori di crescita, enzimi, etc.),
che controlla, limitandolo, lo sviluppo di una pianta; la crescita della pianta e
controllata dal fattore che, nel momenta ed ambiente considerato, risulta, piu di
ogni altro, limitante.

fator limitante (n.m.)

0 crescimento de uma planta e sempre controlado por determinado fator limitante
externo ( agua, temperatura, luz, di6xido de carbono, oxigenio, minerais do solo) ou
interno (reguladores de crescimento, enzimas). Processos biol6gicos, como o
crescimento, tern seu ritmo controlado pela disponibilidade <lesses fatores.


PocT pacTen1111 Beer.lla orpan11q11BaeTCH KaK11M-111160 1111M11T11pyI0W11M <paKrnpoM,
KOTOpLIH M02K.eT 6LITL KaK BHelllH11M (B11ara, TeMrrepa Typa, CBeT, .llBYOK11Ch
yr.nepo,lla, K11CJ10p0,ll, M11HepamHLie Bewecrna), TaK 11 BHyTpeHH11M (<pepMeHTLI
11 ,llp.). JII06ofi: 611011or11qecK11fi: rrpouecc, n TOM q11c11e 11 pocT, ne M02KeT
rrp0I1CXO,lll1Th 6LICTpee, qeM 3TO orrpe,lleJIHeTC.R Jll1MI1TI1PYIOWI1M (f>aKTOpOM.

This is THE basic principle underlying dendrochronology: without a limiting ecological

factor, no *crossdating would be possible.

Little Ice Age 175
Little Ice Age (n.)
Recent phase of glacial advance. It is generally recognized that the Little Ice Age
took place within the last 500-700 years. (<=BRADLEY and JoNES 1992)
This term was coined by EE. Matthes (1942) to refer to the subatlantic" (as used by

palynologists); after him, it was used only for the much shorter cold period as defined above.
Among other German authors, Kinzl and Mayr prefer the term Fernau or stade de Fernau
II II 11

for the last phase of glacial advance (1570-1850). (LE RoY LADURIE 1983)
----, *Medieval Warm Epoch

Kleine Eiszeit (f. <-, ¢>)

Periode der Neuzeit, in welcher die Gletscher ihre grosste rezente Ausdehnung hat-
ten. In Europa dauerte sie ungefahr vom 13. bis ins 19. Jahrhundert.

Petit Age Glaciaire (n.m.)

Phase recente d'avancee des glaciers. Il est generelement admis que le Petit Age
Glaciaire s'est produit au cours des 500-700 dernieres annees.

Pequefia Edad del Hielo (n.f.)

Ultima fase del avance de los glaciares que ha tenido lugar entre los siglos XII y
principios del XIX, no se conoce con precision el intervalo de tiempo ni su duraci6n.

Piccola Eta Glaciale (s.f.)

Pase recente di progressione glaciale. E' generalmente accettato che la Piccola Eta
Glaciale sia durata grosso modo dal XIII al XIX secolo.

Perfodo Glacial Curto (n.m.)

Perfodo recente do avarn;o glacial. E geralmente admitido que o perfodo glacial
curto ocorreu nos ultimas 500-700 anos.

MaJioe OJie.l(eHemrn ( cyw., c.)

TI0cJ1e1lHJ1JI qrn3a n0J1BJ1emrn J1e.llHI1.KOB. CTpttHJITO cq11Ta Th, qTo MaJ1oe
OJ1e,lleHeH11e HaqaJlOCh np11MepHO 700 JleT Ha3a.ll 11 3aKoHql1J10Ch 500 JleT

local chronology 176

local chronology (n.)
*Chronology averaged from several *site chronologies within a locality, reflecting
somewhat different habitats varying in ecological conditions, soil type, species or
tree age.

Lokakhronologie (f. <-, -n>)

Aus mehreren *Standortchronologien bestehende *Chronologie einer *Lokalitat.
Sie umfasst in der Regel* Jahrringfolgen von Baumen unter verschiedenen okologi-
schen Bedingungen (*Standorte) oder verschiedenen Alters.

chronologie locale (n.f.)
*Chronologie etablie a partir de la moyenne de plusieurs *chronologies stationnelles
a l'interieur d'une meme petite zone geographique, refletant des habitats differents
par leurs conditions ecologiques, type de sol, especes forestieres ou age du

cronologia local (n.f.)

*Cronologia promedio formada par varias cronologias de una *estaci6n (forestal).
Dicha cronologfa refleja habitats diferentes que varian segun las condiciones
ecol6gicas, tipo de suelo, composici6n de especies y/o edad de las arboles.

cronologia locale (s.f.)

*Cronologia ricavata da cronologie di *stazioni di una stessa localita, aventi
caratteristiche ecologiche, pedologiche diverse o soprassuoli di eta differenti.

cronologia local (n.f.)

*Cronologia representativa de cronologias medias de diversos *sitios dentro de uma
localidade, refletindo diferentes habitats com varia~6es nas condi~6es ecol6gicas,
tipos de solo, especies ou idade <las arvores.

JIOKaJILHa.8 XpOHOJIOfH.8 ( cyw., )K.)

CepttJI *xpOHOJ10fl1.I1 HeCKOJ1bKI1X MeCT npOI13paCTaHl1.H BHYTPI1. HeKOTOpofI
J1eCHOI1 Tepp11T0p11I1 l1J1I1 JlaHJ]Jllaq>Ta C pa3HbIM pemeq>OM, TI1.fiOM noqBbl,
Bl1~0BhlM COCTaDOM paCTI1TeJ1bHOCTl1. 11 B03paCTOM ~epeBheB.

log 177
log (n.)
*Stem, or section thereof, or of the thicker branches, of a *felled or wind thrown tree
without branches.
der. *logging
log (to), t.v.

Stammstiick (n. <-es, -e>)

Durch die N atur oder vom Menschen gefiillter Stamm ohne Aste.

grume (n.f.)
*Trone ou section de tronc d'un arbre ou des branches maitresses d'un arbre ebranche,
abattu par des processus naturels ou par l'homme.
Une "bille" (terme sylvicole) designe tout tronc;on un peu important d'une grume. (DFM)
~ bille, n.f.

troza (n.f.)
=rollizo, n.m.
=leiio, n.m.
*Tronco o secci6n del *tronco de un arbol caido o apeado, desprovisto de ramas, con
o sin *corteza, puede carecer incluso de la *albura.

tronco (s.m.)
*Fusto, o porzione di fusto, o porzione di grosso ramo, di un albero abbattuto, od
atterrato dal vento, e privo di rami.
Nel caso di legname sezionato dopo l'abbattimento puo essere utilizzato anche il termine
~ toppo, s.m.

tora (n.f.)
*Tronco ou sevao do *tronco ou ramo grosso de um arvore *cortada ou derrubada
pelo vento, sem ramos.

6peBHO (cym., c.)

*Crno11 (111111 iiacTh crno11a) rr0Ba11ettttoro BeTpOM 111111 *cpy611ettttoro 11,epena
6e3 BeTBeH, a TaK2Ke T011CTble BeTK11.

logging 178
logging (t. v.)
Felling and extraction of timber from the forest.

Holzernte (f. <-, -n>)


exploitation forestiere (n.f.)

1. (Sens large) Ensemble des operations et activites d'abattage, favonnage et
transport du bois jusqu'a un depot plus ou moins provisoire.
2. (Sens strict) Entreprise destinee a proceder a de telles operation. (DFM)
Le terme anglais "logging" ne correspond qu'a "exploitation forestiere" au sens large. (DFM)

explotacion forestal (n.f.)

Conjunto de actividades y operaciones relacionadas con la tala de arboles, preparaci6n
y transporte de la madera.

utilizzazioni forestali (

Insieme delle operazioni necessarie per l'abbattimento degli alberi e l'estrazione del
*legname dalla foresta.

explora~ao florestal (n.f.)

Corte e extravao da madeira de povoamentos florestais.

necoaaroTOBirn ( cym., )K.)

Ba11Ka 11,epeBheB 11 rro11yqe1me 113 tt11x 11ec0MaTep11a11on.

long shoot 179
long shoot (n.)
Elongated shoot in woody plants.
-, *short shoot

Langtrieb (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Gestreckter Trieb an Geholzen.

rameau long (n.m.)

Rameau allonge d 'une plante ligneuse, par opposition aux *rameaux courts.

macroblasto (n.m.)
=brote largo, n.m.
Brote que se elonga mucho por *crecimiento del entrenudo. A diferencia de los
*brotes cortos, los brotes largos se ramifican y crecen cada afio a partir de las yemas
laterales y terminal.

getto lungo (s.m.)

""macroblasto, s.m.
Getto completamente allungato, in un pianta legnosa.

macroblasto (n.m.)
Ramo longo de especies florestais lenhosas, em oposic;ao ao *braquiblasto.

y .l(JlHHeHHLIH rro6er ( cym., M.)

Ilo6er .11.peneettoro pacTemrn, Ha KOTOpOM OTHOCI1TeJ1bHO .ll.Jll1HHhie Me)K.ll.0Y3Jll1fl.

Lateral shoots are smaller and branch off less than the main parent shoot. Branches can be

I classified by orders; as the order increases, the vigour decreases and there is a lower
production of long shoots.

long-term deviation 180

long-term deviation (n.)
Deviation at the scale of centuries of the 12 C/1 4 C ratio as compared to the predicted
radiocarbon *half-life values. A long-term variation is for the most part related to
the changes in the intensity of the earth magnetic field.
-, cosmic schwung, n.

langfristige Abweichung (f. <-,-en>)

Langfristige Abweichung des 12 C/1 4 C-Verhaltnisses von dem aufgrund der Halbwerts-
zeit erwarteten Wert. Langzeitabweichungen sind im wesentlichen auf Anderungen
der Intensitat des Erdmagnetfeldes zuriickzufiihren.
-, kosmischer Schwung, m. <-(e)s, ··-e>

deviation a long terme (n.£)
Deviation a l'echelle de plusieurs siecles du rapport 12 C/1 4C compare aux valeurs
calculees a partir de la *demi-vie du *carbone 14. Cette variation a long terme est
principalement due aux modifications lentes de l'intensite du champ magnetique de
la terre.

desviacion de largo periodo (n.f.)

Desviaci6n, a escala de varios siglos, de la relaci6n 12 C/14 C comparada con los valores
calculados a partir de la *vida media del *14 C. Esta desviaci6n se debe en gran medida
a los cambios en la intensidad del campo magnetico de la Tierra.

deviazione di lungo termine (s.f.)

Scostamento su scala plurisecolare del rapporto 12 C/14 C rispetto alla *emivita del
radiocarbonio. Lo scostamento a lungo termine e dovuto essenzialmente alle
modificazioni del campo magnetico terrestre.

varia~ao aIongo termo (n.f.)

Desvio a escala de seculos da razao 12 C/14 C comparada aos valores calculados a partir
da *meia vida do carbono 14. Esta varia9ao a longo termo e, principalmente, devida
as altera96es na intensidade do campo magnetico terrestre.

,lJ;OJirOBpeMeHHOe OTKJIOHemrn ( cym., c.)

=JI..r111re11bHOe H3MeHeHue 12C/14C, cyw., c.

(pai1110yr Jiepo,ll,HOe ,ll,a T11p0Bam1e) 0TKJIOHe1-rne neJIWil1HbI OTHorneH11JJ 12C/ 14C

co BpeMeHeM B Macwrn6e CTOJieTl111. no cpaBHeHl1IO C npe,ll,CKa3aHIIOl1. neJIJ1lll1HOl1
3Toro OTHorneH11n no *nep110,ll,y noJiypacna,ll,a paiu10yr Jiepo,ll,a. 3TO nporn)Ketmoe
BO npeMeHH 113MeHeH11e B OCHOBHOM CBJJ3aHO C 113MeHeHl1eM MarHHTHOro nOJifl

Hans Suess's "cosmic schwung" refers to the method by which he fitted a hand-drawn,
smoothed curve to his *radiocarbon activity measurements in tree rings time series. (His
subjective interpretation of best fit).



o:l 600



csi 0

-400 6000BC SOOOBC 4000BC 3000BC 2000BC lOOOBC AD-BC AD 1000 AD 2000
calendric date (AD-BC)
Long-term deviation of the atmospheric *radiocarbon content. (KLEIN et al. 1982)

mass spectrometer 181
mass spectrometer (n.)
Device in which the magnetic separation of an ionic beam is used to separate and
count ions of different masses (*isotopes). The ratios of the isotopes of the various
elements are then calculated, for example in carbon (13 C/1 2C), in oxygen (1 80/1 60)
and in hydrogen (2H/1H).
---7 *accelerator mass spectrometry

Massenspektrometer (m. <-s, ->)

Gerat, das <lurch magnetische Ablenkung eines Ionenstrahles Ionen verschiedener
Masse (=*Isotope) auftrennt. Die Anteile verschiedener Isotope von Elementen
werden dann gemessen, z.B. von Kohlenstoff (13 C/1 2C), Sauerstoff (18 0/1 60) und
Wasserstoff (2H/1H).

spectrometre de masse (n.m.)

Appareil utilisant la diffraction magnetique d'un rayon d'ions pour separer et compter
des ions de differentes masses ( =*isotopes). Le rapport des isotopes des divers
elements est ensuite calcule, par exemple pour le carbone ( 13C/1 2C), l'oxygene (1 80/
16 0) ou l'hydrogene (2H/1H).

espectrometro de masas (n.m.)

Aparato que utiliza campos magneticos sobre un haz de iones para separar y contar
aquellos que tienen diferentes masas (*is6topos), pudiendose entonces calcular la
relaci6n de los *is6topos en los diferentes elementos, p.ej. para el carbono (13 C/12 C),
el oxfgeno (18 0/1 60) o el hidr6geno (2H/1H).

spettrometro di massa (s.m.)

Apparecchiatura con la quale, tramite un processo di separazione magnetica, vengono
separati e conteggiati gli ioni aventi massa diversa (*isotopi). Il rapporto fra gli isotopi
viene quindi calcolato per per vari elementi, ad esempio, carbonio (13 C/1 2C), ossigeno
(180/1 60), idrogeno (2H/1H).

espectrometro de massa (n.f.)

Equipamento que utiliza a difrac;ao magnetica de um feixe de fons para separar e
con tar fons de diferentes massas (*is6topos ). As raz6es dos is6topos dos varios
elementos sao entao calculadas, por exemplo, para o carbono (13 C/1 2C), oxigenio
(1 80/1 60), e o hidrogenio (2H/1H).

Macc-crreKTpoMeTp ( cym., M.)

Ilp116op, B KOTOpOM pa3.ae11em1e HOHHOro nyqKa B MarHl1THOM 11 3J1eKTp11qecKOM
none 11cnom3yeTc.R 11:11.R no.acqern 110H0B pa31111qHhIX Mace (*1130Tonon). Ilorne
no.11,u1eTa l10H0B BhJq11cJ1JIIOTC.R OTHOWeHl1JI l130T0fi0B pa3J1WIHh1X 3J1eMeHT0B:
Hanp11Mep, .an JI yr nepo.11,a no,Z1,cq11ThrnaeTc.R ornorneH11e 13C/ 12C; ,ll,Jl.R K11c11opo,Z1,a
18Q/16Q; 11 .11,nJI no.11,opo,ll,a 2H/1H.

mast year 182
mast year (n.)
A year in which, in respect of any area, there is abundant production of cones or

Mastjahr (n. <-es, -e>)

Jahr, in dem die meisten Baume in Waldbestanden einer Region viele Zapfen oder
Fri.ichte bilden.

paisson pleine (n.f.)

Annee au cours de laquelle il ya une abondante production de semences d'arbres
forestiers. (==DFM)
On dit plus couramment "glandee abondante" lorsqu'il s'agit de chenes, "fainee abondante"
lorsqu'il s'agit de hetres, etc. (DFM)

aiio de montanera (n.m.)

=ano de fructificaci6n, n.m.
Afio caracterizado por una gran producci6n de frutos o pifias.

annata di pasciona (s.f.)

Anno nel quale, piu o meno estesamente sul territorio, risulta abbondante la
produzione di seme da parte delle piante forestali.

anode produ~ao excepdonal (n.m.)

Ano no qual, em uma determinada area, ha uma abundante prodm;ao de cones ou

ceMeHH00 ro.n; ( cym., M.)

=ypoJKaflHhlfl rag, cym., M.

ro.n:, Kor 11:a B KaKOM-J11160 paHOHe nony11eH 0611JlbHhIH ypo)KaH ceMHH 11Jll1

I The *tree rings formed during mast years are usually narrow.

master chronology 183

master chronology (n.)
*Chronology averaged from any tree-ring parameter, usually combining *site or *local
chronologies from a given region, and used to date new *tree-ring series.
~ *crossdating
*chronology building
*master fire chronology

Standardchronologie (f. <-, -n>)
""'Standardkurve, f. <-, -n>
Chronologie aus *Standort- oder *Lokalchronologien irgend eines Jahrringmerkmals
eines bestimmten Gebietes. Sie ermoglicht die Datierung von neuen *Jahrringfolgen.

chronologie de reference (n.f.)

=serie de reference, n.f.
=chronologie maftresse, n.f.
""'-reference, n.f.
=referentiel, n.m.
""'-COurbe de reference, n.f.
*Chronologie moyenne d 'un des parametres des *cernes, generalement realisee pour
une region donnee a partir de *chronologies de station ou de *chronologies locales,
et utilisee pour dater de nouvelles *series chronologiques.

cronologfa maestra (n.f.)

*Cronologfa media obtenida con cualquier para.metro de los anillos, normalmente
se suelen combinar *cronologias locales ode una *estaci6n forestal en una region
determinada yes usada para datar nuevas *series de anillos.

cronologia campione (s.f.)

=cronologia madre, s.f.
*Cronologia media di parametri anulari, ricavata da *cronologie stazionali o locali
di una determinata regione, utilizzata per la datazione di nuove *serie anulari.

cronologia de referenda (n.f.)

*Cronologia media de qualquer para.metro de *aneis de crescimento, usualmente
relacionando *cronologia de sitio ou local de uma dada regiao e utilizada para *datar
novas *series cronol6gicas.

OCHOBHaH (rocrro,ll;CTBYIOIUaH) xpOHOJIOfMH (cym., )K.)

=I'JiaBHaH xpOHOJIOI'HH, cym., JK.

Per110HamHa11 xp0Ho11or11R, 11Me1omaR na2KHh1e orropHhie (*perreptth1e) fO.ll.hI;

OTpa)KaeT OCHOBHOH xapaKTep rrone.ll,eHHR JlOKaJlbHhIX XpOI-IOJlOrHH .ll,aHHOH
TeppHTOpHH 11 HCJ10Jlh3yeTCR .ll,JlR .ll,aTHpOBKH HOBhlX xpOHOJ10fI1H.

I For strictly dating purposes, master chronologies may be expressed as indices, signs, bar
graphs, or *skeleton plots, the latter emphasizing the narrow rings.

master fire chronology 184
master fire chronology (n.)
*Chronology of fire dates constructed from the *fire scar information derived from
all samples within a collection area.

Feuerchronologie (f. <-, -n>)

*Chronologie von Waldbrandereignissen, rekonstruiert aus *Feuerwunden, die von
einer grossen Probenanzahl eines Bestandes oder einer Region stammen.

chronologie des feux (n.f.)

*Chronologie de dates d'incendies construite a partir des informations fournies par
des *cicatrices d'incendie et derivees de tousles echantillons preleves dans la zone

cronologfa maestra de incendios (n.f.)

Cronologfa de incendios datados construida a partir de la informaci6n de las
*cicatrices de incendios de las muestras recolectadas en un area determinada.

pirocronologia campione (s.f.)

*Cronologia elaborata utilizzando le indicazioni fornite dalle *cicatrici da ustione
controllate in soprassuoli arborei percorsi dal fuoco.

cronologia de referenda de incendios (n.f.)

*Cronologia de datas de ocorrencia de incendios, construida a partir <las informac;oes
obtidas de *cicatrizes de incendio de todas as amostras de lenho de arvores coletadas
de uma area.

OCHOBHaH (rocrrO.l(CTBYIOIUaH) XpOHOJIOnrn rrox.apOB (cym., JK.)

=I'JlaBHaH xpoHOJ10I'J1H fTOJKapoB, cyll(., JK.

PemoHaJlhHaH *xpoHOJlOrMH .n:a T fiO)Kapon, KOTOpaH COCTaBJ1eHa no I1Hq>OpMamu1

0 *no)KapHhIX OTMeTHHaX, l13BJ1ei1eHHhIX 113 Bcex o6pa3U0B, co6paHHhIX Ha
11ccne.n:0BaHHOH Tepp11T0pl1I1.

Maunder minimum 185

Maunder minimum (n.)
=Maunder minimum wiggle, n.
Specific *radiocarbon activity fluctuation around AD 1645-1710, corresponding to
reduced *solar activity.
~ *wiggle

Maunder Minimum (n. <-s, ~>)

Spezifische Radiokarbonaktivitats-Schwankung um 1645-1710. Sie korrespondiert
mit geringer *Sonnenfleckenaktivitat.

"'100 Wolf Sporer Maunder Number of sunspots
8._ 80 minimum calculated on the basis of
i:: 60
measurements of radio-
4-< 40 carbon content of *tree
0 20 rings since 1000 AD.
i:: (STUIVER 1980)
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

minimum de Maunder (n.m.)

Faible *radioactivite specifique entre 1645 et 1710 environ, correspondant a une
phase d'activite solaire reduite.

minimo de Maunder (n.m.)

Fluctuaciones espedficas de la actividad del *14 C entre 1645 y 1710 AD,
correspondiente a una fase de reducida actividad solar.

minimo di Maunder (s.m.)

Fluttuazione specifica dell'* attivita radiocarbonica verificatasi nel periodo 1645-171 O
e corrispondente ad una fase di ridotta attivita maculare solare.

minimo de Maunder (n.m.)

Flutuac;ao especifica da *atividade do carbono 14 entre 1645-1710 D.C., correspon-
dendo a um perfodo de *atividade solar reduzida.

MHHHMYM MayH,ll;epa (cym., M.)

CneuH$MqecKaR 1nyKTyauHR aKTHBHOCTH *palHOyrnepOla nptt6nH3HTenbHO
B 1645-1710 r. H.3., COOTBeTCTBYIOIUaR yMeHbIIIeHHIO *contteirnm1 aKTHBHOCTH.

mean fire interval 186

mean fire interval (n.)
=MF! (abbr.)
=mean fire-free interval, n. (SAP)
=mean fire-return interval, n. (SAF)
Arithmetic average of all *fire intervals determined, in years, in a designated area
during a specified time period; size of the area and the time period must be specified.

durchschnittliches Feuer-Intervall (n. <-s, -e>)

durchschnittliches feuerfreies Interval!, n. <-s, -e>
Durchschnitt (Jahre) aller ermittelten Feuerintervalle in einem bestimmten Gebiet
wahrend einer bestimmten Zeitperiode; die Grosse des Gebietes sowie die Zeit-
periode mlissen definiert sein.

periodicite moyenne des fem: (n.f.)
Moyenne arithmetique de tousles intervalles d'incendies (en annees) calculee pour
une surface et une periode prealablement definies.

intervalo medio entre incendios (n.m.)

Media aritmetica de todos los *intervalos entre incendios expresados en a:fios, en un
area dada y durante un periodo determinado; el tama:fio del area y el periodo de
tieinpo deben ser especificados.

intervallo medio tra incendi (s.m.)

Media aritmetica degli intervalli di tempo (in anni) tra incendi successivi in una
determinata area di una determinata estensione e per un determinato periodo di

intervalo medio de incendios (n.m.)

=intervalo media livre de incendios, n.m.
Media aritmetica de todos os *intervalos de ocorrencia de incendios, em anos, em
uma determinada area e durante um periodo de tempo; o tamanho da area e o periodo
de tempo precisam ser especificados.

cpe.llHHfl rroxapu1i1fl HHTepBaJI ( cym., M.)

Cpe.llttee ap11q>Men1qecKoe Bcex rro)KapHiiIX 11HTepBa110B, 113MepFtMoe B ro,llax,
B1i1q11c11ettttoe .llJlFI o6o3HaqeHHOf:I Tepp11Top1111 11 .llJlFI orrpe.llenettttoro BpeMeHHoro
rrepl10.lla; pa3Mepb1 Tepp11Top1111 11 BpeMeHHOI1 rrep1101l .llOJl)KHbI 6bITb TOqHo

mean· sensitivity 187

mean sensitivity (n.)
Mean percentage change from each measured yearly ring value to the next (DOUGLASS
1936 in FRITTS 1976); that is, the average relative difference from one *ring width to
the next, calculated by dividing the absolute value of the differences between each
pair of measurements by the average of the paired measurements, then averaging
the quotients for all pairs in the *tree-ring series. (FRITTS 1976)
~ *high-frequency variance

mittlere Sensitivitat (f. <-,-en>)

Der Mittelwert der relativen Veranderung zwischen je zwei aufeinanderfolgenden
Jahrringmerkmalen, bezogen auf die gesamte *Zeitreihe. Sie wird berechnet als
Quotient aus der relativen Veranderung zwischen zwei Jahrringmerkmalen und de-
ren arithmetischem Mittel und anschliessender Mittelung der Quotienten aller Jahr-
ringpaare einer *Jahrringfolge.

coefficient de sensibilite moyenne (n.m.)
""sensibilite moyenne, n.f
[Qu] sensibilite, n.f
Pourcentage moyen de variation d 'un parametre mesure du cerne d 'une annee a la
suivante, c'est-a-dire la difference relative existant entre la largeur d'un cerne et
celle de son suivant immediat.

sensibilidad media (n.f.)

Porcentaje medio de cambio entre cada dos valores anuales consecutivos de los
*anillos; es decir, la media se calcula dividiendo el valor absoluto de las diferencias
entre cada par de medidas por el valor medio de las mismas; despues se promedian
todos los cocientes para todas las parejas de *anillos en la serie.

coefficiente di sensitivita media (s.m.)

Differenza media espressa in percentuale tra ciascun valore annuale di spessore
d' anello misurato ed il successivo; cioe la differenza media relativa di ciascun spessore
con il successivo, calcolata dividendo il valore assoluto delle differenze tra ciascuna
coppia di misure per la media delle misure stesse: di tali quantita viene poi calcolata
la media e riferita all'intera serie di misurazioni.

coeficiente de sensitividade media (n.m.)

=sensibilidade media, n.f
=sensibilidade, n.f
Porcentagem media de variac;ao de um parametro medido em um *anel de
crescimento de um ano para o seguinte (DOUGLASS 1936 in FRITTS 1976); isto e, a
diferen<;a media relativa da espessura de um *anel de crescimento para o seguinte, e
calculada pela divisao do valor absoluto <las diferenc;as entre cada par de medidas
pela media dos pares medidos, obtendo-se a media dos quocientes para todos os
pares nas *series cronol6gicas.

sensitive maximum density

complacent minimum density

ring width

Variations in sensitivity in a
*tree-ring series. In this example
sensitivity is consistently high in
maximum density and consist-
sensitive complacent ently low in minimum density. In
ring width, sensitivity is high in
the first 13 years and low in the
L [Si+ 1]
(Xi+ 1 - Xi) . 2 ·, mean S -- i = 1 following 11 years.
Annua!Si+l = ----
(Xi+l + Xi) n -1 (SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)

cpe,H;HJrn qyBCTBHTeJUiHOCTli (cyw., )K.)
Cpe~Hee H3MeHeHtte B npoueHrax napaMerpa KaJK~oro ro~ttqHoro KOnhua no
cpaBHeHmo co cne~YIOlllHM ro~oM r.e., cpe~mrn ornomrenhHa.R pa3Httua MeJK~Y
*rrmpttHOH o~Horo ro~ttqHoro KOnhua H rrmpttHOH cne~y10mero, paccqttnmaeMa.R
~eneHHeM a6comoTHOI1 pa3HHUbl MeJK~Y KaJK~OH napott H3MepeHHI1 Ha cpe~HIOIO
pa3HHUY napHblX H3MepeHHI1, a 3a reM ycpe~HeHHeM qacTHblX OT ~eneHH.R ~n.R
Bcex nap B *ceptt.RX ro~ttqHwx Kone~

Mean sensitivity is a measure of the proportion of *high-frequency variance. Its values

range from O where there is no difference between the two ring widths to 2 where a zero
value occurs next to a nonzero one in a *time series. Large values of mean sensitivity are
desirable for ring-width series as they indicate the presence of considerable high-frequency
variance. (:::::FRITTS 1976)

measuring slit 188

measuring slit (n.)
In a *microdensitometer, narrow opening of a defined size, through which the light
is directed onto the wood sample.

Lichtmessspalte (f. <-, -n>)

Definierte lichtdurchlassige Flache im *Densitometer.

fenetre de mesure (n.f.)

Dans un *microdensitometre, ouverture etroite, de hauteur et largeur modulables, a
travers laquelle la lumiere est canalisee sur l'echantillon amesurer.

Microphotograph of Larix decidua showing two

measuring slits: the smaller slit frames approximately
30 latewood cells, the larger one approximately 120.

ranura de medicion (n.f.)
En un *densit6metro, abertura estrecha de tamafio definido a traves de la cual se
dirige la luz sobre la muestra.

fessura di misurazione (s.f.)

In un microdensitometro, una piccola apertura di ampiezza definita attraverso la
quale la luce e diretta sul campione.

fenda de medida (n.f.)

=janela de medida, n.f
=abertura de medida, n.f
Abertura estreita de dimens6es definidas, em um *microdensitometro, pela qual a
luz e direcionada atraves da amostra.

11JMep11Tem>HaH mem> (cym., )K.)

=CBeTOB0/1 30HJJ,, cyw., M.

Y3KaH wenb onpeaeneHHOrO pa3Mepa E JeHCMTOMeTp~ qepe3 KOTOpyID CBeT

ttanpaenaeTcn Ha o6pa3eu.

I In modern *microdensitometers, sensors measure the light on the screen.

Medieval Warm Period 189

Medieval Warm Period (n.)
=Medieval Warm Epoch, n.
=Medieval Warm Interval, n.
Warm period during the early part of the second millenium AD., during which the
glaciers were reduced in extent. The exact limits of this period are unclear.
~ *Little Ice Age

Mittelalterliche Warmzeit (£ <-, ~>)

Warme Periode im zweiten Jahrtausend n.Chr., in welcher die Gletscher eine gerin-
ge Ausdehnung hatten. Ihre zeitliche Abgrenzung ist unklar.

optimum dimatique medieval (n.m.)

Periode de rechauffement au cours du second millenaire de notre ere, au cours de
laquelle la taille des glaciers a diminue. Les limites exactes de cette periode ne sont
pas clairement connues.

Optimo Climatico Medieval (n.m.)

Periodo ca.lido en el segundo milenio AD, durante el cual los glaciares retrocedieron
de forma importante. Se desconocen los limites exactos de este periodo.
En Europa meridional se inici6 a principios del actual milenio y dur6 hasta mediados del s.XIV.

Periodo Caldo Medievale (s.m.)

Periodo caldo del secondo millennia d.C., durante il quale si sono verificate regressioni
di ghiacciai, i cui estremi temporali non sono tuttora chiaramente delimitati.

otimo dimatico medieval (n.f.)
Periodo mais quente durante o segundo milenio A.D., durante o qual as dimens6es
<las geleiras foram reduzidas. Os exatos limites desse periodo nao estao definidos.

Cpe.n;HeBe:KoBaH 3noxa IloTennemrn (cym., )K.)

TeITJlblH rrep110.ll BO BTOpOM Tb1C1I1-leJ1eTI1l1 H.3., B Te11eH11e KOTOporo yMeHbll1I1J1CH
pa3Mep J1e.llHl1K0B. To11Hble rpaHI1Uhl 3TOrO rrep110,lla He YCTaHOBJleHbl.

meristem 190
meristem (n.)
A plant tissue composed of small thin-walled cells that are capable of dividing.
Meristematic tissue is found in all buds, root tips, and growing regions including the
various types of *cambium. (FRIITS 1976)
der. meristematic, adj.
~ *apical meristem

Meristem (n. <-s, -e>)

Pflanzliches Gewebe aus kleinen, diinnwandigen, teilungsfahigen Zellen. Meriste-
matische Gewebe finden sich in Knospen, Wurzelspitzen und anderen Wachstums-
zonen, inkl. *Kambien.
der. meristematische, adj.

meristeme (n.m.)
Tissu vegetal compose de cellules de petites dimensions et aux parois peu epaisses,
capables de se diviser. Les tissus meristematiques se trouvent dans les bourgeons, les
extremites racinaires, et les zones de croissance, y compris les *cambiums.
der. meristematique, adj.

meristemo (n.m.)
Un tejido de las plantas formado par celulas indiferenciadas, pequefias e isodia-
metricas que solo tienen pared celular primaria, pueden crecer y dividirse continua
o peri6dicamente. El tejido meristematico se encuentra en todos las *brotes, en el
apice de las raices, y las zonas de crecimiento incluyendo el *cambium.
Se utilizan tan to meristema como meristemo pero lingi.iisticamente s6lo es correcto meristemo.

meristema (s.m.)
Tessuto vegetale costituito da cellule di piccole dimensioni con parete cellulare sottile,
capaci di dare luogo a processi di divisione cellulare. II tessuto meristematico e
localizzato nelle gemme, all'apice delle radici, e piu in generale nelle zone di
accrescimento, compreso il *cambio.

meristema (n.m.)
Tecido formado par celulas pequenas, de parede delgada, que possuem a capacidade
de divisao. 0 tecido meristematico e encontrado em todas as gemas, extremidades
das rafzes e regioes de crescimento, incluindo os varios tipos de *cambio.

MepHCTeMa (cym., )K.)
,a:enett1110. Mep11cTeMaT11qecKaH TKaHb o6ttapy)KeHa BO ncex rroqKax, OKOH1IaHl1JIX
KOpHeH 11 paCTYllll1X qacrnx pacTeHl1JI, BKJIIOqaJI *KaM611ti.

meteorological station 191

meteorological station (n.)
=station, n.

Location where meteorological data are measured and recorded on a regular or

permanent basis.

meteorologische Station (f. <-, -en>)

= Wetterstation, f. <-, -en>
""'Messstation, f. <-, -en>
""'Beobachtungsstation, f. <-, -en>

Wetterbeobachtungsstelle, an der regelmassig oder fortlaufend Messungen undAuf-

zeichnungen der meteorologischen Elemente durchgeftihrt werden.

station meteorologique (n.f.)

=station, n.f.

Endroit ou les parametres meteorologiques sont mesures et enregistres a intervalles

reguliers ou en continu.

estacion metereologica (n.f.)

Lugar donde las variables metereol6gicas son medidas y registradas a intervalos
regulares de tiempo o de forma continua.

stazione meteorologica (s.f.)

Posto nel quale vengono misurati e rilevati, in modo permanente o regolare nel
tempo, i dati meteorologici.

esta~ao meteorologica (n.f.)

=estac;ao, n.f.

Local onde os para.metros meteorol6gicos sao medidos e registrados a intervalos

regulares ou continuos.

MeTeoponorHIIeCKaH CTaHUHH (cym., )K.)

Mecrn, r ,a:e MeTeoponomqecK11e ,a:aHHhle pery IIJipHo 11n11 HerrpephIBHO 113MepJIIOTCJI
11 Q)l1KC11pyI0TCJI B TeqeHl111 JJ:Jil1TeJlbHOro BpeMeHl1.

I Instrumentation may vary but is usually a minimum of air temperature and precipitation.

micro climate 192
microclimate (n.)
(Dendrochronological usage) The climate which is relevant to tree growth. Depending
on its context, the scale to which this term refers may vary for instance from the
rhizosphere and the surface right above ground-level, or the immediate vicinity of a
leaf, to the inside of a stomate.

Mikroklima (n. <-s, -s/-te>)

Das flir Pflanzen wichtige Klima. Der Begriff wird unterschiedlich verwendet. Er
kann z.B. als Klima der bodennahen Luftschichten und des Wurzelraums, aber auch
als Klima in der Umgebung eines Blattes oder in einer Atemhohle eines Blattes
verstanden werden.

microclimat (n.m.)
En denrochronologie, le climat qui determine les conditions de croissance d 'un arbre.
Selon son contexte, ce terme peut s' appliquer ades echelles tres variables, et designer
par exemple le climat qui regne juste au-dessus du niveau du sol et dans la rhizosphere,
ou celui autour d'une feuille, voire a l'interieur d'un stomate.

microclima (n.m.)
(Uso dendrocronol6gico) Clima que determina las condiciones de crecimiento de
un arbol. Segun el contexto, puede aplicarse a distintas escalas y designar, p. ej. el
clima de la rizosfera, el existente alrededor de una hoja o el del interior de un estoma.

microclima (s.m.)
(Nell'accezione dendrocronologica) II clima che determina le condizioni di crescita
di un albero. Lascala alla quale questo termine pub essere riferito risulta, a seconda
del contesto, estremamente variabile (ad esempio la rizosfera, gli orizzonti superficiali
del suolo o le immediate vicinanze di una foglia o anche l'interno di uno stoma).

microclima (n.m.)
(U so dendrocronol6gico) 0 clima que determina as condi~oes de crescimento <las
arvores. Secundo esse contexto, o termo referido pode variar da rizosfera asuperficie
imediatamente acima ao nivel do solo, ou na adjacencia da folha ou mesmo no interior
do estomato.

MHKPOKJIHMa T ( cym., M.)

(.L(ett11poxpotto11ott11.H) K1111Ma T, BJ1I1.HIOIUI1l1 Ha pocT .n:epeBheB. B 3aB11c11MocT11
OT KOHTeKCTa 0611aCTh np11MeHeI-mJ1 3TOfO TepMI1Ha MO)KeT BaphI1pOBa Th:
Hanp11Mep, OT pl130Cq>ephl l1 nOBepXHOCTI1 Henocpe.n:crneHHO Ha)l YPOBHeM 3eMJ1I1
.n:o yc110B11l1 ttenocpe.n:crneHHOI1 6111130CTI1 K 1111cTy 111111 )la)Ke BHYTPI1 ycTh11ua.

microdensitometer 193
microdensitometer (n.)
=densitometer, n.
In *X-ray densitometry, device used for the measurement of optical density of an X-
ray film. The film of the radio graphed samples rests on a movable table which passes
over a light source with a slit-shaped aperture (*measuring slit). The light signals of
varying intensity are transformed by a potentiometer into electrical impulses. These
in turn activate a strip-chart recorder. A magnetic storage unit registers selected
values. (==SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)
----j *radiodensitometry
*wood density
*measuring slit

Mikrodensitometer (m. <-s, ->)

=Densitometer, m. <-s_, ->
Gerat, das in der *Radiodensitometrie zur Messung der optischen Dichte eines
Rontgenfilms verwendet wird. Der Film der gerontgten Probe liegt auf einem be-
weglichen Tisch, der tiber eine Lichtquelle mit schlitzformiger Offnung bewegt wird.
Die Lichtsignale unterschiedlicher Intensitat werden <lurch ein Potentiometer in elek-
trische Impulse umgewandelt, die elektronisch gespeichert und verarbeitet werden

microdensitometre (n.m.)
=densitometre, n.m.
En radiodensitometrie, appareil utilise pour mesurer la densite optique d'un film
radiographie. L'image radiographique d'un echantillon placee sur une table a
deplacement XY defile devant une source lumineuse atravers une *fenetre de mesure.
Les signaux lumineux d'intensite variable sont par un potentiometre en
impulsions electriques. Celles-ci sont representees graphiquement a1' aided 'une table
trac;ante. Une unite de stockage magnetique enregistre des valeurs selectionnees
selon des criteres pre-etablis.

Densitometer, DENDRO 2003.

microdensitometro (n.m.)
En *radiodensitometria, aparato usado para medir la densidad 6ptica de una pelicula
de rayos X (radiografia). La pelicula de la radiografia de las muestras se pasa a
traves de una fuente de luz proyectada por una *ranura. Las diferentes intensidades
de luz son transformadas por un potenci6metro en impulsos electricos que a su vez
activan un registrador. Una unidad magnetica grava los valores seleccionados.

microdensitometro (s.m.)
Apparecchio per la misurazione della densita ottica di un film radiografico. Nel
microdensitometro i1 film viene sistemato su una tavola che si muove sopra una
sorgente di luce. I segnali luminosi di diversa intensita, inviati attraverso una apertura
a *fessura, vengono trasformati da un potenziometro in impulsi elettrici che a loro
volta vengono registrati ed elaborati.

microdensitometro (n.m.)
=densitometro, n.m.
Em *radiodensitometria, o equipamento utilizado para a medida da densidade 6tica
de um filme de raios-x. 0 filme com as amostras de *madeiras radiografadas e
colocado em um.a mesa que se movimenta sobre uma fonte de luz com uma *abertura
em forma de fenda. Os sinais de luz de intensidade variavel sao transformados, por
um potenciometro, em impulsos eletricos, que ativam um registrador e constr6i um
grafico. Uma unidade de armazenamento magnetica registra os valores selecionados.

MHKpO.ll,eHCMTOMeTp ( cym., M.)

(pa11,11011,eHCI1TOMeTp1111) flp116op llJUI 113Mepemrn OflTWieCKOI1 ITJIOTHOCTI1
peHTreHOBCKOI1 nJJeHKI1. flneHKa C pe1nreH0rpaMMaMI1 o6pa3U0B Ha llBl12Kyrn:eMCJI
CTOJII1Ke npOXO.ll,11T Hall l1CT0lIH11KOM CBeTa CO rn:eneBOI1 anepTypofl:. CBeTOBhie
Cl1rHaJ1bI H3Me1unorn:e11CJJ l1HTeHCl1BHOCTl1 TpaHcq>opM11pyJOTCJJ B 3JleKTpw1ecK11e
c11rHaJ1bI, KOTOpble pemcTp11pyJOTCJJ 3anI1Cb1Ba1orn:11M noTeHUI10MeTp0M 11
coxpaHJJJOTCJJ B MarHI1THOM HaKon11Te11e.

micrometer 194
micrometer (n.)
Tree-ring measuring device.

Mikrometer (f. <-s, ->)


micrometre (n.m.)
Appareil permettant de mesurer les cernes.

micrometro (n.m.)
Disco de vidrio colocado en un ocular que sirve para medir para.metros lineales o
angulares muy pequefios.

micrometro (s.m.)
Apparecchio per misure anulari.

micrometro (n.m.)
Instrumento que faz a medida dos *aneis de crescimento.

MHKpOMeTp ( cym., M.)

Op116op, 11cnom3yeMm1 11:;rn 113MepeHl1H ro.n:11qHhIX Koneu.

micro section 195

microsection (n.)
Thin layer of wood ( approx. 10-20 µm) cut out from the surface of a wood sample
with a *microtome and prepared for microscopic examination in dendrochronology
and wood anatomy.

Mikroschnitt (m. <-es, -e>)

=Dunnschnitt, m. <-es, -e>
Mit einem *Mikrotom hergestellter Gewebeausschnitt mit einer Dicke von 10-
20 µm zur Herstellung eines mikroskopischen Praparats flir dendrochronologische
oder holzanatomische Zwecke.

coupe (n.f.)
[Qu} lame mince, n.f.
Couche de bois extremement mince (environ 10-20 µm) prelevee a l'aide d'un
*microtome et destinee a etre montee sur une lame de microscope et examinee au

corte microscopico (n.m.)

Corte de madera extremadamente delgado y por consiguiente transparente, obtenido
con un *micr6tomo y preparado para su observaci6n y estudio al microscopio con el
fin de visualizar determinadas caracteristicas de la anatomfa de la madera.

microsezione (s.f.)
Sezione sottile (approssimativamente 10-20 µm) ricavata da un campione di legno
con un *microtomo e preparata per osservazioni al microscopio e quindi utilizzata in
indagini dendrocronologiche o anatomiche.

se-;ao fina (n.f.)

=microsec;iio, n.f.
Se~ao fina de madeira (aproximadamente 10-20 µm) cortada da superficie de um
bloco de madeira com um *micr6tomo e preparada para exame microsc6pico em
dendrocronologia e anatomia.

MHKpocpea ( cyru., M.)
ToHKI111 CJ10I1 ,71,peBeCI1HLI (np116J1I13I1TeJ1hHO 10-20 MKH), cpe3aHHLII1 C
noBepxHOCTI1 o6pa3ua * Ha MI1KPOTOMe I1 npenap11p0BaHHLII1 ,71,Jl.H
MI1KpOCK0n11qecKI1X I1CCJ1ell,OBaHI1I1 B ,71,eH,71,poxpOHOJ10rI1I1 I1 B aHa TOMI1I1

microtome 196
microtome (n.)
Device used to cut *microsections of tissue.

Mikrotom (n. <-s, -e>)

Gerat zur Herstellung von *Mikroschnitten.

microtome (n.m.)
Appareil destine aprelever une *coupe ala surface d'un echantillon.
microtomo (n.m.)
Aparato que sirve para efectuar *cortes microsc6picos para ser observados al micros-

microtomo (s.m.)
Apparecchio utilizzato per ricavare *microsezioni (destinato all' osservazione
microscopica ).

microtomo (n.m.)
Equipamento utilizado para cortar *sei;i5es finas de tecido.

MHKpOTOM ( cyru., M.)

I1p116op, I1CnOJ1L3yeMLII1 ,71,Jlfl cpe3aHI1H TOHKI1X CJlOeB paCTI1TeJ1UIHX I1Jll1

Sliding microtome.

mid-earlywood 197
mid-earlywood (n.)
(Mainly used in *dendroarchaeology and *fire history.) See *earlywood (94, photo-

mittleres Friihholz (n. <-es, !<1>)

(In der *Dendroarchaologie und Feuergeschichte verwendet.) Siehe * Fri.ihholz 11 11

(94, Bild).

(Utilise principalement en *dendroarcheologie et en *histoire de incendies.) (Pas

d'equivalent en fran9ais.) Voir *bois initial (94, illustration).

madera temprana media (n.f.)

(En *dendroarqueologfa e historia de incendios.) El segundo tercio de la *madera
temprana (ver fotograffa de la madera temprana, 94).

legno primaticcio intermedio (s.m.)

(Usato principalmente in *dendroarcheologia e nello studio degli incendi.) Vedere
*legno primaticcio (94, fotografia).

(Usada principalmente em *dendroarqueologia e *hist6ria de incendios, nao ha

equivalente em portugues.) Ver *lenho inicial (94, fotografia).

cpeii;mrn JO Ha paHHeH ii;peeec1mLI ( cyru., JK.)

(TepMHH B OCHOBHOM l1CJ10.i1b3YeTOI B * ii;ettii;poxpOI-IO.i10fl111 11 *11cTop1111 J102Kap0B.)
CM. "paHHJUI ii;penerntta" (94, qlOTo).

missing ring 198

missing ring (n.)
=absent ring, n.
""'locally absent ring, n.
A *tree ring which in a sample (*increment core or *stem disc) is absent due to the
failure of *cambial activity. Missing rings can be located by *crossdating.
The term "missing ring" should be strictly used for *tree rings which are absent from the
whole sample (i.e. around the whole circumference in the case of a *stem disc). When a *tree
ring is simply discontinuous (partial, incomplete), it is best termed a *wedging ring.
~ *wedging ring
*event year

fehlender Jahrring (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Bin *Jahrring, der wegen fehlender *kambialer Aktivitat auf einer Probe (*Bohr-
kem oder *Stammscheibe) nicht vorhanden ist. Fehlende Jahrringe werden durch
* "crossdating" zeitlich lokalisiert.

cerne manquant (n.m.)
=cerne absent, n.m.
*Cerne absent dans un echantillon (*carotte ou *section de tronc) en raison d'une
defaillance de l'activite cambiale. Les cemes manquants peuvent etre localises par

anillo ausente (n.m.)

=anillo discontinuo, n.m.
=anillo parcial, n.m.
=anillo localmente ausente, n.m.
Un *anillo de crecimiento que falta en la muestra (*testigo de madera o *disco del
tronco) debido a la no activaci6n del *cambium en esa zona. Los anillos ausentes se
pueden localizar con la *dataci6n cruzada.

anello mancante (s.m.)

Un *anello annuale che in un campione (*carota o *rotella) risulta assente a causa di
una mancata attivita cambiale. Gli anelli mancanti possono essere individuati con la
*datazione incrociata.

anel ausente (n.m.)

*Anel de crescimento ausente em uma amostra (" *bagueta" ou *se9ao do tronco)
devido a nao ativa9ao do *cambio. Os aneis de crescimento ausentes podem ser
identificados por *interdata9ao.

Schematic representation
of *wedging or *missing
rings on a *stem. The
lighter zone represents a
complete ring, along the
whole stem and around its
whole circumference. The
darker zones represent
*wedging rings. (After
NOGLER 1981, drawing by
D. Blaser)

mma.n;a10mee KOJILUO ( cym., c.)
=BhmaBinee KOllhll.O, cym., c

*KoJlhUO rrpttpOCTa, KOTOpoe B o6pa3ue (B *B03pacTHOM KepHe mm *cTBOJ10BOM

.ll,MCKe) OTCYTCTByeT B CB.H3l1 C HapyweHtteM (HJ1l1 OTCYTCTBHeM) KaM6ttaJ1hHOI1
*rrepeKpeCTHOI1 .ll,aTHp0BK011.

I A missing ring can also be absent around the entire circumference at one point on the tree
while it is theoretically present somewhere else in the tree.

multiplot 199
multiplot (n.)
=composite plot, n.
(Neologism) Assemblage of crossdated plotted *tree-ring series, plotted super-

=Scharplot, m. <-s, -s>
=Kurvenschar, f. <-, -en>
(N eologismus) In zeitgerechter Lage i.ibereinander gezeichnete *Jahrringskurven.

dominant trees


suppressed trees

Multiplots of *single
curves from Picea abies
from various canopy
levels. (BAUCH et al.
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 1988)

(pas d'equivalent en frangais) *Series chronologiques representees graphiquement
en les superposant les unes aux autres.

grafico multiple (n.m.)

Representaci6n superpuesta de varias *series de anillos en un misma escala grafica.

multiplot (s.m.)
(N eologismo) Insieme di *serie anulari sovrapposte.

multigrafico (n.m.)
=composic;ifo de graficos, n.f.
=graficos superpostos,
(N eologismo) Graficos superpostos de *series cronol6gicas.

MY J1bTMfiJIOT ( cym., M.)

=cepHH JfHJl,JfBJfJJ.yaJTbllbIX KpJfBbIX, cyw., )JC

(Heo110HI13M) Ha11o)Kett11e ttecKOJ1bKI1X l1H.lll1Bl1.llYaJihHhIX Kpl1BhIX Ha O.llMH rpaqmK.

multivariate analysis 200

multivariate analysis (n.)
Statistical analysis of more than one variable. In *dendrochronology, refers to the
simultaneous analysis of e.g. several years, of several external factors, or both.
Usually refers to the analysis of more than two variables, as the analysis of two variables is
termed "bivariate analysis".
~ bivariate analysis, n.

multivariate Statistik (f. <-, -en>)

Statistische Analyse mehrdimensionaler Merkmale. In der *Dendrochronologie Ver-
gleich von vieljahrigen *Jahrringfolgen mit mehr als einem exogenen Einflussfaktor.
(This definition differs from the English one).

analyse multivariable (n.f.)

=analyse multivariee, n.f.
=analyse multivariate, n.f. (neol.)
Analyse statistique de plus d 'une variable. En *dendrochronologie, designe l' analyse
simultanee par exemple des donnees de plusieurs annees, de plusieurs facteurs ex-
ternes, ou les deux.

amilisis multivariante (n.m.)

Analisis estadistico de mas de una variable. En *dendrocronologfa, es utilizado para
*calibrar la relaci6n de los *indices de crecimiento (a menudo de una red de *crono-
logfas) con las variables climaticas u otros factores causales; permite p.ej. la *cali-
braci6n simultanea de las multiples facetas de las relaciones crecimiento-ambiente
que operan en diferentes *estaciones. (This definition differs slightly from the English

analisi multivariata (s.f)
Insieme di metodi di analisi statistica e numerica che considerano congiuntamente
piu variabili. In *dendrocronologia, metodi per l'analisi simultanea di dati riferiti,
per esempio, a piu anni o a numerosi fattori esterni od ad entrambi.

analise multivariada (n.f)

Metodo de *calibra<;ao de *indices de *aneis de crescimento estandartizados (geral-
mente a partir de uma grade de *cronologias) com variaveis climaticas ou outros
fatores causais, que permite calibra<;6es simultaneas de algumas opera<;6es conectadas
em varios *sitios. (This definition differs from the English one).

MHOro(f)aKTOPHillH aHaJIH3 ( cym.• M.)

Cm TI1CTW-1ecK1111 attanm 6onee qeM o,n:ttoi1: rrepeMeHHOi1. B *.n:ett.n:poxpottonor1111
3TO, Harrp11Map, o,n:HOBpeMeHHbil1 aHaJ1113 HeCKOJlbKl1X JleT 11J111 HeCKOJlbKHX
BHelllHHX <paKTOpOB, 11J111 Toro 11 ,n:pyroro O.Ii:HOBpeMeHHO.

In a *calibration, refers to a method for calibrating standardised ring indices ( often from a
grid of *chronologies) with climatic variables or other causal factors, which allows
simultaneous calibration of the many faceted relationships operating at the various *sites.
(zFRITIS 1972)
N.B.: As no common definition could be agreed upon by the various collaborators and
translators for this term, we recommend the consultation of an appropriate statistical
handbook on the various methods and approaches.

natural fire 201

natural fire (n.)
Any fire of natural origin (e.g. lightning, spontaneous combustion, volcanic activity).
~ lightning fire, n.

natiirlicher Brand (m. <-es, -·'e>)

Waldbrand mit natiirlicher Ursache (Blitz, selbstandige Entztindung, Vulkanaus-

incendie naturel (n.m.)

Tout incendie d'origine naturelle (foudre, combustion spontanee, activite volcanique ).
~ incendie de foret, n.m.
feu de foret, n.m.
feu de foudre, n.m.

incendio natural (n.m.)

Cualquier fuego de origen natural (p.ej. fuegos provocados por un rayo, por
combustion espontanea, por volcanes, etc.)

incendio di origine naturale (s.m.)
Incendio originatosi per cause naturali (ad esempio fulmine, autocombustione ed
attivita vulcanica).

incendio natural (n.m.)

Qualquer incendio de origem natural (por exemplo: raio, combustao expontanea
atividade vulcanica).

ecTecTBeHHhlH rroxap (cym., M.)

Ilo)Kap rrp11pO.llHOro rrpOl1CXO)K.lleHl1H (T.e. B03Hl1Kll11111 B pe3y JlbTa Te y ,llapa
*MOJ1Hl111, caMOB03ropamrn, BY J1KaH11qecKOI1 .lleHTeJlbHOCTI1).

net photosynthesis 202

net photosynthesis (n.)
The amount of carbon available for plant growth after respiration.

Nettophotosynthese (f. <-, -n>)

Die Menge an organischer Substanz, die nach Abzug des Verbrauchs <lurch die At-
mung zum Aufbau der Pflanze verfiigbar ist.

photosynthese nette (n.f.)

Carbone assimile par la photosynthese moins les pertes respiratoires.

fotosintesis neta (n.f.)

Carbono fijado por las plantas verdes una vez descontado de la fotosfntesis bruta el
gasto por respiraci6n; es, por lo tanto, la cantidad de materia organica disponible
para el *crecimiento.

fotosintesi netta (s.f.)

L'ammontare di carbonio che e effettivamente utilizzabile per la crescita della pianta,
ottenuto detraendo, dal carbonio fotosintetizzato, quanto consumato per la respira-

fotossintese liquida (n.f.)

Quantidade de materia organica disponfvel para o crescimento das plantas, descon-
tada da fotossfntese bruta a quantidade utilizada na respirac;ao.


=Ha6mo4aeMbII1 </JOTOCHHTe3, cyw., M.
=CKOpOCTl, ra3006MeHa, cyw., JK.

KoJ111qeCTBO BHOBb Cl1HTe311p0BaHHOro B e)lHHHUY BpeMeHH opraH11qecKoro

semecrna, He 11crr0J1b30BaHHoro B .llhixamrn 11 .llOCTynHoro .llJlH pocTa pacTeH11a.

noise 203
noise (n.)
The background variation in a *time series that cannot be attributed to a detectable
quality, pattern, or variation, and which is usually assumed to be random through
time. (::::FRITIS 1976)
~ *signal
*signal-to-noise ratio

Rauschen (n. <-s, ~>)

Variationen in einer *Zeitreihe, die keiner bestimmten Ursache zugewiesen werden
konnen; sie werden als zufallsverteilt angenommen.

bruit de fond (n.m.)

""'bruit, n.m.
Bruit de fond dans une *serie temporelle, qui ne peut etre attribue a une qualite, un
modele ou une variation identifiables, et qui est generaelement suppose aleatoire
dans le temps.

ruido (n.m.)
La variaci6n en una *serie temporal que nose atribuye a una cualidad, fluctuaci6n o
patron, bien porque este no sea detectable (variaci6n al azar a lo largo de la serie) o
bien porque dicha variaci6n no este considerada en la hip6tesis de la sefial que se
desea contrastar.

mmore (s.m.)
Variazione di fondo nell'ambito di una *serie temporale che non puo essere attribuita
ad alcuna fonte di variabilita individuata e che e generalmente considerata ad
andamento casuale nel tempo.

ruido (n.m.)
=rufdo de fundo, n.m.

Componente aleat6rio em uma *serie temporal que nao pode ser atribuido a uma
qualidade, padrao ou varia~ao detectaveis e e usualmente assumida como aleat6rio
atraves dos tempos.

"rnyM" (cym., M.)

CDoHOBaJI I13MeH1111B0CTb BO BpeMeHHOI1 cep1111 (BpeMeHHOM pn11,y), KOTOpyIO
113-3a HeB03MO)KHOCTI1 oxapaKTep113oBa Th ee Ka 11ecrneHHO 11n11 on11ca Th Mo11,em
ee l13MeHeHI1JI, 06b111Ho nonaraIOT CJ1y11aI1HO I13MeHJIIOWe11CJ1 BO npeMeHI1.

The "noise" is induced by differences within the site, by differences in the community status
among trees, and by environmental differences in growth among various radii within trees.
It is reduced when *ring-width indices are averaged for many trees. (FRITIS 1972)

non-cutting date 204
non-cutting date (n.)
""'noncutting date, n.

[US] A date that cannot be derived directly from the *outermost ring because the
sample has lost an unknown number of outer rings due to *weathering or shaping of
the timber.
-? *felling date
*sapwood dating
*heardwood dating

(kein deutscher Ausdruck) Ein dendrochronologisches Datum, das sich nicht auf
die *Waldkante bezieht, weil diese <lurch Bearbeitung oder *Verwitterung verloren-
gegangen ist.

(pas d'equivalent frarn;ais) Date qui ne peut etre derivee directement du *dernier
cerne forme parce qu'un nombre inconnu de *cernes parmi les derniers formes
manquent sur l'echantillon, soit a cause de !'alteration du bois par les elements
naturels, soit a cause de son fai;onnage par l'homme.

fecha de apeo desconocida (n.£)

Muestra de madera datada en la cual el *ultimo anillo no coincide con la *fecha de
apeo del arbol porque la muestra ha perdido un numero desconocido de *anillos de
la *albura por la *alteraci6n de la madera.

data di abbattimento indefinita (s.m.)

(non esiste termine corrispondente) Data che non puo essere ricavata direttamente
dall' *ultimo anello, in quanto il campione in esame manca di anelli periferici scomparsi
per degradazione del legno o perche tolti nella lavorazione (sagomatura, refilatura,

nao data~ao do corte (n.£)

Data do corte de uma arvore nao determinada diretamente a partir do *anel de
crescimento mais extemo pela perda de um numero de aneis nao conhecidos pelo
*desgaste natural (intemperies) ou corte da amostra de *madeira.

rrp116m1a11TeJ1hHaH .llaTa BaJIKM .llepeBa (cym., JK.)

(1leH1lpoapxeonor1rn) l(aTa py6K.11 llepena, KOTopa.H He MOJKeT 6h1Tb onpel(eneHa
HenocpellCTBeHHO 113 *nocnel(Hero ro1(11qHoro KOJlbUa, T.K. o6pa3eu noTep.Hn
Hel13BeCTHOe KOJ111qeCTBO BHeWHMX Koneu I13~a aTMOC~epHhlX BJ111.HH.110 MJl.11
nocne 1lepenoo6pa60TKI1.

normalisation 205
normalisation (n.)
A statistical method that rescales values by substracting their mean and dividing
them by their *standard deviation (as used in the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
in the University of Arizona in Tucson).

Normalisierung (f. <-, -en>)

Eine statistische Methode zur Skalentransformation, bei welcher von jedem Wert
der Mittelwert subtrahiert und <lurch die *Standardabweichung geteilt wird.

normalisation (n.f.)
Methode statistique qui transforme des valeurs en leur soustrayant leur valeur
moyenne et en les divisant par leur *ecart type.

normalizaci6n (n.f.)
Un metodo estadistico utilizado para tipificar los valores de una variable restando la
media y dividiendo por la *desviaci6n tipica.

standardizzazione (s.f.)
Trasformazione statistica che ricodifica i dati sottraendo da ciascuno la media e
dividendoli per la *deviazione standard dei dati stessi.

normaliza~ao (n.f.)
Metodo estatistico que re-escala valores atraves da subtrac;ao de sua media e divisao
pelo *desvio padrao.

HOpMMpOBica (cyw., )K.)

Cm Tl1CTWleCKl1H MeTO.ll l13MeHeHI1JI MaCllITa6a 11 pa3MepHOCTI1 rrepeMeHHblX
rryTeM 3aMeHbl I1X cpe,llHl1Ml1, ,lleJieHHblMI1 Ha CTaH,llapTHOe OTKJIOHeH11e.

Normalisation should not be mistaken for *standardisation.
As "normalisation" may refer to several different approaches, authors using this term in
their articles are strongly advised to describe which method they used.

nth-order autocorrelation 206

nth-order autocorrelation (n.)
The correlation of each value in a *time series with the value of its predecessor with
a time lag of n years. (FRITIS 1976)
~ *autocorrelation function
first-order autocorrelation
second-order autocorrelation

Autokorrelation der nten Ordnung (f. <-,-en>)

Korrelation zwischenjedem Wert einer Zeitreihe und dem n Jahre zurtickliegenden

autocorrelation d'ordre n (n.£)
Correlation des valeurs d'une *serie temporelle avec les valeurs qui les precedent
d 'un pas de temps de n annees.

autocorrelacion de orden n (n.f.)

La correlaci6n obtenida al desplazar una *serie temporal sabre si misma (hacia
adelante o hacia atras) un rnimero n de afios.
~ coeficiente de autocorrelaci6n
au tocovarianza

autocorrelazione di ordine n (s.f.)

Correlazione tra ciascun valore in una *serie temporale e il valore che lo precede
nella serie din posizioni (ad esempio din anni).

autocorrelafaO de ordem n (n.£)

Correla~ao de cada valor em uma *serie temporal com o valor de seu predecessor
com uma defasagem de n anos.

anT0Koppem1u1rn n-ro nopni,;Ka (cym., )K.)

Koppem1u1rn Ka)K.n:oro 3Ha qemrn so speMeHHOH cep1111: c rrpe.n:wecrny10rn:i,1M e11
3Haqem1eM, I1Me101Ul1M BpeMeHHOI1 C.l(Bl1r B n neT.

11 II II
In dendrochronology, nth-order autocorrelation usually refers to nth-order temporal
autocorrelation". In some studies involving mapping, it may also be "nth-order spatial

outermost ring 207

outermost ring (n.)
The most recently formed *tree ring still visible on a wood sample.
This term is often misused for *waney edge.
~ *felling date
:;t:*innermost ring
:;t:*waney edge
*sapwood dating

ausserster Jahrring auf einer Holzprobe (m. <-s, -en>)

Der letzte an einer Holzprobe tatsachlich vorhandene Jahrring.

dernier cerne mesure (n.m.)

=cerne externe, n.m.
:::edernier cerne avant abattage, n.m.
Dernier *cerne encore visible a la surface d'un echantillon.

ultimo anmo (n.m.)

El ultimo *anillo formado todavfa visible en una muestra de madera.

Outermost ring of a Bronze Age oak
post (1005 BC). The *early early-
wood *vessels (arrows) are incom-
plete, showing that the tree was
probably felled in early spring.
(Photo. Gassmann)

ultimo anello (s.m.)

=anello piu esterno, s.m.
*Anello annuale formatosi per ultimo, fra quelli visibili sul campione osservato.

anel de crescimento mais externo (n.m.)

0 *anel de crescimento formado mais recentemente, ainda visivel em uma amostra
de *madeira.

BHeurnee rO.ZIJPIHOe KOJibQO (cyw,., c.)

Han6011ee 1103.zt:HO Cq>OpMHpOBamneecH 113 BCex Bl1.l:t:l1Mb1X ro.zi:11qHoe KOJlhUO Ha
TopuenoA 11onepxttocT11 o6pa3ua .zi:peBecHHLL

The *outermost ring is not necessarily the felling (cutting) or death date ring in archaeological
or dead and down or standing snag tree-ring samples, or if the log has been shaped, because
of the loss or removal of rings from the sample.

ovedap 208
overlap (n.)
Time interval common to two *floating or *absolute chronologies.
----, *synchronisation

Deckungslage (f. <-, -n>)

=Synchronlage, f <-, -n>
Uberlappungsbereich zweier schwimmender oder absoluter *Jahrringfolgen.

chevauchement (n.m.)
Intervalle de temps commun a deux chronologies, flottantes ou absolues.
solapamiento (n.m.)
Intervalo de tiempo comun entre dos cronologfas *flotantes o *absolutas.

sovrapposizione (s.f.)
Intervallo di tempo comune a due *cronologie fluttuanti o assolute.

sobreposi~ao (n.f.)
Intervalo de tempo comum a duas cronologias *flutuantes ou *absolutas.

rrepe1epL1Bamm ( cym., c.)

BpeMeHHOH 11HTepBaJ1, 06w:1111 .ll.BYX *nnaBa10w:11x 11n11 *a6c0J1IOTHhIX

painting panel 209

painting panel (n.)
One or several assembled wooden planks used as a support for a painting.

Bildtafel (f. <-, -n>)

Ein Brett oder mehrere zusammengesetzte Bretter als Unterlage fiir Gema.Ide.

panneau de tableau (n.m.)

=panneau peint, n.m.
Planche ou ensemble de planches assemblees, utilisees directement comme support
d'une peinture.

panel de pintura (n.m.)

=tabla pintada, n.f.
Una o varias tablas unidas entre si y usadas
para pintar sobre ellas.

Origin of painting panels within a

*stem. (KLEIN 1980)

tavola per dipinto (s.f.)
=supporto ligneo, s.m.
Tavola di legno, o piu tavole assemblate, utilizzate come supporto per lo strato
pittorico di dipinti su tavola.

painel de pintura (n.m.)

Uma ou varias pranchas de madeira montadas e utilizadas como base para uma

naHHO (cyw., c.)

(~eH~poapxeonorHH) O~Ha HnH HeCKOnhKO co6paHHhlX BMeCTe ~OCOK,

parenchyma 210
parenchyma (n.)
Mostly rectangular, storage cells alive in the *sapwood, with simple pits, present in
the rays and axially oriented in *xylem and phloem.

Parenchym (n. <-s, -e>)

Meistens quaderformige Zellen mit einfachen Ttipfeln, le bend im Splint, im *Strahl-
gewebe und axial verlaufend im Holz und Bast. Sie dienen hauptsachlich der Spei-
cherung von Reservestoffen.

parenchyme (n.m.)
Tissu compose de cellules, a forme de briques, aux ponctuations simples, vivantes
dans l'aubier, forme dans le *xyleme et dans le phloeme, destine essentiellement ala
mise en reserve et la distribution des matieres nutritives. (:::::DFM)

parenquima (n.m.)
En general, celulas rectangulares de almacenamiento con punteaduras simples en
los *radios medulares, orientadas axiallnente en el *xilema y el floema.

parenchima (s.m.)
Tessuto costituito da cellule vive nell'*alburno, prevalentemente a forma
quadrangolare e con punteggiature semplici, le quali formano la struttura dei *raggi
dello *xilema e del floema, ed hanno funzione di accumulo e distribuzione dei

parenquima (n.m.)
Celulas vivas (funcionais) no *alburno, geralmente retangulares, com pontuac;oes
simples, orientadas no sentido radial (raios medulares) e axial no *xilema e floema,
com func;ao de armazenamento e distribuic;ao de metab6litos.

rrapeHXHMa ( cym., )Ic)

TKaHh pacTemrn, COCTO.Hll(a.H 113 KOpOTKl1X )Kl1Bb1X KJleTOK B 60Jlhllll1HCTBe

CBOeM rrp.HMoyrOJlhHOro ceqeHl1.H, C rrpOCTbIMl1 rropaMl1. IlapeHX11Ma COCTaBJ1.HeT
11yq11; 11MeeT aKCl1aJlhHO op11eHT11p0BaHbl B *KCl1JleMe 11 *q>J103Me.


parenchyma band 211

parenchyma band (n.)
*Parenchyma forming one or more tangential lines within a *tree ring.

parenchymatisches Band (n. <-es, -""er>)

Ein- oder mehrreihiges tangentiales Band aus Parenchymzellen innerhalb eines *Jahr-

bande de parenchyme (n.f.)

*Parenchyme formant une ou plusieurs lignes tangentielles dans un *cerne.

banda de parenquima (n.m.)

*Parenquima formando una o mas lineas tangenciales dentro de un *anillo.

banda parenchimatica (s.f.)

*Parenchima assiale che in sezione trasversale risulta disposto secondo linee (o bande)
tangenziali costituite da una o piu file di cellule, comprese in un *anello annuale.

A. Multiseriate parenchyma bands (Ficus carica, 40x)

B. Uniseriate parenchyma bands (Hibiscus syriacus, 40x).

parenquima em faixa (n.m.)
=parenquima longitudinal, n.m.
*Parenquima formado por uma ou mais linhas tangenciais em um *anel de

J1eHT01IHaJ1 rrapeHnrna (cyru., )K.)

=COMKHYTOKpb!BlfJI,HaH napeHXHMa, cym,., )IC

*f1apeHXI1Ma, q>OpM11pyI0rn:a.R OJJ:HY 11JII1 HeCKOJlhKO TaHreHTaJlhHblX JIOJIOC BHYTPI1

ro_a:11qttoro Komua.

PDB 212

Pee Dee Belemnite: Carbonate standard used when describing the isotopic ratio of
BC to 12C. (EESS)

Pee Dee Belemnit: Referenzmaterial (fossil) fur die Bestimmung des BCf12C Ver-

Pee Dee Belemnite (belemnite du site de Pee Dee): Etalon car bone utilise pour la
mesure du rapport isotopique 13 C/12C.

(No hay equivalente en espa:fiol.) Pee Dee Belemnite: material f6sil carbonatado
usado como referenda en la relaci6n isot6pica BC/12C.

PDB (s.m.)
Pee Dee Belemnit: standard di carbonato che si utilizza per descrivere il rapporto
isotopico fra BC e 12C.
Sigla inglese, in Italiano impiegata al maschile.

Pee Dee Belemnite: Paddio de carbonato usado para descrever a razao isot6pica do
BC e 12c.

Il,l(B - CTaH.n;apT (n,l( - 6eneMHHTa - CTaH.n;apT) (cyru., M.)

YrnepOJJ:HhII1 CTaH,a:apT, 11CJI0Jlh3yeMbil1 np11 BhJq11cJ1eHI1l1 1130TOJIHOro OTHOIIIeHH.R
13C K 12c.

PDB was named after the belemnite carbonaceous fossil found in outcrops along the banks
of the Pee Dee River in South Carolina, USA.

periodicity 213
periodicity (n.)
Regular recurrence of events, for example of the 11-year sunspot cycle.
Irregularly recurring fluctuations in growth are rhythms. In dendrochronology, rhythms are
often mistaken for periods.
~ :;,=rhythm, n.

Periodizitat (£ <-, -en>)

Zeitlich regelmassig wiederkehrende Ereignisse, z.B. der lljahrige Sonnenflecken-
Oft, aber nicht in konstanten zeitlichen Abstanden wiederkehrende Zuwachsschwankungen
sind Rhythmen. In der Dendrochronologie werden Rhythmen oft falschlich als Perioden be-
zeichnet. Periodisch = zyklisch :;c rhythmisch
der. periodisch, Adj.

periodicite (n.f.)
Recurrence reguliere d'evenements (par exemple: cycle solaire de onze ans).

periodicidad (n.£)
Estructura temporal ciclica de los acontecimientos, p.ej. el ciclo de 11 aiios de las
manchas solares. Conjunto de variaciones cuantitativas y cualitativas de los vegetales
a lo largo de un periodo determinado que se repite ciclicamente.

periodicita (s.f.)
Ripetizione regolare di eventi, ad esempio ciclo maculare solare undecennale.

periodicidade (n.f.)
Ocorrencia regular de eventos, por exemplo, o ciclo das manchas solares, a cada
onze anos.

nepHO.lU¥1HOCTb (cym., )K.)

Perysrnpnoe nonTopentte co6Lmn1, 1-1anp11Mep, O.llMHHa.lluaTMJieTHm1 UMKJI conneqHoI1

(c) posi <-1

;~ 1Jiil1ll!L ~,i, ~:11'Tuiu{~ i1~ It~ li~.~,J

1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1970

Periodicity in Palmer *Drought Severity Indices, showing a 22-year cycle between 1735 and
1860. (After MITCHELL et al. 1979)

permafrost 214
permafrost (n.)
Permanently frozen ground that occurs wherever ground temperatures remain
continuously below O°C for two or more years. (EESS)
The term "permafrost" was coined by MULLER (1947) from the more cumbersome "permanently
frozen ground". It is a synonym for "perennialy frozen ground" and has won wide acceptance
in the western world. (lvEs 1974). Any layer above it, which thaws in summer, is termed the
"active layer". (FORTER2)

Permafrost (m. <-(e)s, ¢>)

In einer gewissen Tiefe ganzjahrig gefrorener Boden. Er entsteht, wenn die Boden-
temperaturen mehr als zwei Jahre unter O°C bleiben.

Extent of alpine, discon-

tinuous, continuous, and
subsea permafrost in the
Arctic. (PEWE 1986, in

pergelisol (n.m.)
""'permafrost, n.m.
""'permagel, n.m. (neol.)
""'tjale, n.m.
Sol dont la temperature reste inferieure a O °C pendant au moins deux annees
La couche situee au-dessus de celle-ci et qui degele en ete est appelee "couche active" (DFM)
ou "mollisol" au Quebec. L'anglicisme "permafrost" n'est jamais employe au Quebec;
inversement, le neologisme quebecois "permagel" semble peu employe en Europe.

pergelisol (n.m.)
=gelisuelo, n.m.
=permafrost, n.m. (neol.)
Suelo permanentemente helado por debajo de un determinado nivel si las
temperaturas a esa profundidad son inferiores a O°C durante 2 6 mas afios, mientras
que la parte superior de dicho suelo esta sometida a ciclos de hielo-deshielo.
Suele emplearse el neologismo permafrost.

permafrost (s.m.)
Suolo perennemente gelato, riscontrabile, al di sotto di una certa profondita dalla
superficie, nelle zone geografiche ove le temperature del suolo rimangano per oltre
due anni sotto zero.
Sostantivo inglese, in Italiano usato al maschile.

(nao existe equivalente em portugues) Congelamento perene de camadas do solo

com temperatura abaixo de O °C, ao nfvel do solo, por dois ou mais anos.

BeqHaH Mep3JlOTa ( cym., )I(.)

=MHOI'OJTeTHJ/Jl Mep3110Ta, cym.., JK.

3aMep3waH B Teqem1e Mttomx neT 3eMJ1R muKe orrpe.n:enettttofl r 11y611tt1i1.

OoHBJrneTcJI TaM, r .lle TeMrrepa Typa 3eM1111 ocrneTcH rrocTORHHO Htt)Ke O C B
Teqett11e .llBYX 11 6011ee neT.

Discontinuous or patchy permafrost occurs polewards of the 0°C mean annual air
temperature isotherm; continuous permafrost up to several hundred metres in thickness is
widespread in Siberia, northern Alaska and Canada. Nobody knows the greatest thickness
of permafrost, although it is over a thousand metres. The ground thaws down to 20 cm from
the surface in high-elevation *sites in northern Siberia, and to 1.5 min the southern part of
the boreal coniferous forest. Permafrost determines the maximum depth of the rooting
system. (""'EESS)

phenology 215
phenology (n.)
All the morphological features of a plant's vegetative cycle that are determined by
endogenous, biotic and climatic conditions (e.g. budbreak, leaf- or needle-fall).
der. phenological, adj.

Phanologie (f. <-, -en>)

Alljahrliche, <lurch interne Steuerungen, *Witterung und biotische Faktoren
beeinflusste Entwicklungsstadien, z.B. Knospenaufbruch, Laubfall.

phenologie (n.f.)
Ensemble des particularites morphologiques du cycle de developpement d'un vegetal
determinees par les conditions endogenes, biotiques et climatiques (par ex. le
debourrement ou la chute des feuilles).
der. phenologique, adj.

fenologfa (n.f.)
Conjunto de caracteristicas morfol6gicas del ciclo vegetativo de una planta que estan
determinadas por condiciones end6genas, bi6ticas y climaticas (p. ej. brotaci6n, cafda
de las hojas).

fenologia (s.f.)
Tutte le caratteristiche morfologiche del ciclo vegetativo di una pianta che sono
determinate da condizioni endogene, biotiche e climatiche (per esempio
germogliazione, caduta delle foglie ).

fenologia (n.f.)
Todas as caracteristicas morfol6gicas do ciclo de desenvolvimento de uma planta
que sao determinadas pelas condi~6es end6genas, bi6ticas e climaticas (p.e. brota~ao,
queda das folhas ou adculas, etc.)

(f>ettononrn (cym., )K.)

Bee Mop(f>o11om1IecK11e oco6emmcrn nererau11ottttoro u11K11a pacrett11H, Koropue
orrpe)l;eJlHJOTH 3H,llOreHHblMl1, 611or111IeCKl1Ml1 11 KJ111Ma Tl11IeCKl1Ml1 YCJ10Bl1HMl1
(ttarrp11Mep, ycuxa~rne rro1IeK, orra.ll 1111cnen 11 xno11).

pile dwelling 216

pile dwelling (n.)
Habitat built on an elevated structure of *posts driven into the ground, on lakeshores
or in bogs.
~ *lake-dwelling settlement
*bog-dwelling settlement
*wetland settlement

Pfahlbau (m. <-(e)s,-ten>)

Holzbauweise auf eingerammten Tragpfosten.

construction sur pilotis (n.f.)
fpalafitte, n.m.
Construction surelevee, fondee sur pieux.

palafito (n.m.)
Morada o habitat construfda sobre una estructura elevada de *pastes clavados
( estacas) en el fondo de las costas de lagos, pantanos y turberas.

palafitta (s.f.)
Abitazione costruita su una struttura sopraelevata di *pali piantati nel terreno, su
rive lacustri o in zone umide.

palafita (n.f.)
Habita<;ao construida em uma estrutura elevada de *pastes fixados nas margens de
lagos ou em pantanos.

CBaMHaH ITOCTpOMKa (cym., JK.)

=llOCTpOHKa Ha CBaHX, cym., )/(.

(1leH1lpoapxeononrn) MecTO llJlH XI1JlhH, o6opy llOBaHHOe Ha 6onornx 11n11
6eperax 03ep, rrpe1lCTaBJ1H10IUee co6011 coopyxeH11e, ITOllHHToe Hall 3eMnefl
Ha CBaHX, BpbITblX B 3eMJllO.

pinning method 217

pinning method (n.)
A method used to determine radial growth dynamics in woody plants. The developing
tissue is pierced with a needle; the exact location of the injured tissue, as observed at
a later stage, gives an indication of the rate of increment.

Nadelstichverfahren (n. <-s, !i1>)

Methode zur Ermittlung der radialen Zuwachsdynamik. Mit einer Nadel wird in das
sich entwickelnde Gewebe gestochen. Aus der Lage der kleinen Verletzung im Holz
kann das Entwicklungsstadium der Zellen und der Wachstumszone zu einem gewis-
sen Zeitpunkt ermittelt werden.

methode de l'aiguille (n.f.)

(Neologisme propose) Methode utilisee pour determiner la dynamique de croissance
d'un arbre. Elle consiste a percer le *xyleme a l'aide d'une aiguille. La trace de la
lesion, localisee tres precisement apres quelque temps, est une bonne indication du
taux de croissance.

metodo del alfiler (n.m.)

Un metodo para determinar la dinamica del crecimiento radial. El tejido en desarrollo
se marca con un alfiler y la localizaci6n exacta del tejido dafiado entre marcas
sucesivas, permite identificar el tipo de celulas formadas y cuantificar el *crecimiento.

metodo della puntura (s.m.)
Metodo usato per determinare la dinamica dell'accrescimento radiale di un albero.
II tessuto in fase di differenziazione viene perforato con un ago; la posizione del
tessuto ferito, osservata successivamente, fornisce indicazioni circa la velocita di

metodo da perfura,;ao (n.m.)

(Neologismo) Metodo utilizado para a determina<;ao da dinamica do crescimento
radial de uma arvore. 0 tecido em desenvolvimento e perfurado com uma agulha; o
local exato do tecido injuriado, quando observado em um estagio posterior,
proporciona uma indica9ao da taxa de incremento.

"urom,HLIH" MeTo~ (cym., M.)

MeTOJ, HeITOflh3yeMhl0 JflH orrpeieneHHH JHHaMHKH paiuanhHOro rrpupoeTa
iepeBa. Pa3BHBa10maHCH TKaHh rrpOTbIKaeTeH Hr no0; TOqHaH flOKaflH3aUHH
rrOBpeJKJeHHH TKaHH, tta6n101aeMaa Ha 6onee rr03JHe0 emiuu poem, rroene
q>OpMHpOBaHHH KOflhUa enyJKHT HHJHKa TOpOM rrpH BhJqueneHHH eKopoeTH
ee30HHoro poem.

I This method was originally developed by K.E. WOLTER (1968).

earlywood latewood

pinprick mark

The pinprick appears in cross section as a small hole surrounded by collapsed cells. The cells
which were completely differentiated before the tissue was pierced (a) are normal, as are those
which developed afterwards (c); those which were still differentiating (b) are slightly de-
formed. (von WILPERT 1990)

pith 218
pith (n.)
=heart center, n.
fmedulla, n.
The central core of a *stem and of twigs (but often missing in roots), consisting of
sto'rage tissue (*parenchyma) with unlignified cell walls. (FORTER)
~ *pith date

Mark (n. <-es, !i1>)

Zentraler parenchymatischer Karper aus meistens nicht lignifizierten Zellen im
Zentrum des *Stammes und der Aste. Es fehlt meistens in den Wurzeln.

moelle (n.f.)
Partie centrale du *tronc et des rameaux (souvent absent dans les racines) qui consiste
surtout en *parenchyme, ou tissu mou. (:::::DFM)

medula (n.f.)
Parte central del *tronco y ramas (a menudo falta en las raices) formada por un
tejido parenquimatico de almacenamiento cuyas celulas suelen ser esfericas.

midollo (s.m.)
Asse centrale del *fusto e dei rametti costituito principalmente da tessuto di accumulo
(*parenchima) con pareti cellulari non lignificate, spesso assente nelle radici.

medula (n.f.)
Parte central do *tronco e de *ramos (geralmente ausente nas raizes), constituida
por tecido de armazenamento (*parenquima) com celulas de paredes nao lignificadas.

cep.zu.leBHHa ( cym., 11c.)

=ueurp, cym., M.

UettTpamHhII1 cTep)KeHb B *crnone 11 BeTKax (Ho qacTO 0TcyTcrny10m11I1 B

Kopmix), COCT0Hllll1H 113 3arraca10meI1 TKaHl1 (*rrapeHXl1MbI) C HeJI11rH11cf)11u11p0BaHHblMl1
KJieTOllHblMl1 CTeHKaMl1.

pith date 219

pith date (n.)
The date of the centre ring on a wood sample. As the sample may come from any part
of the tree, the pith date may be considerably later than the actual *germination date.
~ *pith
*innermost ring
*germination date
*cambial age

Markalter (n. <-s, ->)
*Datum des marknachsten *Jahrrings in einer Holzprobe. Da die Proben meistens
aus irgend einem Stammteil kommen, ist das Markalter meistens geringer als das

annee d'elaboration de la moelle (n.f.)

=annee-moelle, n.f (neol.)
=date du cerne de depart, n.f (neol.)
Date du premier cerne, attenant a la*moelle au coeur d'un echantillon. Le
prelevement de l'echantillon pouvant s'operer dans differentes parties de l'arbre,
l'annee d'elaboration de la moelle est le plus souvent posterieure a la *date de

datacion de la medula (n.f.)

La *dataci6n del primer anillo de una muestra de madera. Esta dataci6n no coincide
con el *afio de germinaci6n si la muestra no ha sido extraida de la base del *tronco
del arbol.

anno di formazione del midollo (s.m.)

Anno durante il quale si e formato il *midollo contenuto in un campione di legno.
Dato che il campione puo essere prelevato a qualsiasi altezza nell'albero, l'anno di
formazione del midollo puo essere di molto successivo rispetto all'effettivo *anno di

anode forma~ao da medula (n.m.)

Data do primeiro *anel de crescimento de uma amostra de madeira. Como a amostra
pode provir de qualquer parte da arvore, o ano de forma~ao da *medula pode ser
considerado posterior a *data da germina~ao.

ii;a Ta cepii;ueBHHLI ( cyru., )le)

LJ;arn o6pa30Batt11JI uettTpaJibttoro roii;11qttoro KOJihUa B o6pa3ue ii;peBec11ttb1.
TaK KaK 06pa3eu MO)KeT 6uTh B3JIT 113 mo6off qacT11 ii;epeBa, ii;arn cepii;ueB11tt1i1
MO)KeT OKa3a ThCJI ropa3ii;o 6onee no3ii;tteff, qeM ii;eff crn11TemttaJI *ii;a Ta

pith eccentricity 220

pith eccentricity (n.)
Characteristic aspect of a *stem in which the *pith is not centred, due to e.g. tilting.
-? tilting, n.

Stammexzentrizitat (f. <-,-en>)

Eigenschaft eines *Stammes, in dem das Mark nicht im Zentrum liegt.
-? Markexzentrizitat, f. <-, -en>

excentricite du tronc (n.f.)
Apparence d'un *tronc dans lequel la *moelle n'est pas centree, par exemple par
suite d'une inclinaison (due a des vents forts, etc.).

excentricidad de la medula (n.f.)

Aspecto caracterfstico de un *tronco en el cual la *medula esta desplazada con
respecto al centro debido a inclinaci6n del *tronco del arbol.
--? inclinaci6n

eccentricita del midoHo (s.f.)

Aspetto caratteristico di un *fusto nel quale il *midollo e spostato rispetto al centro
geometrico della sezione; causa tipica sono i fusti fortemente incurvati.

excentricidade da medula (n.f.)

Aspecto caracterfstico no qual a *medula nao esta localizada na posii;ao central do
*tronco, por exemplo, devido a inclinai;ao da arvore.

3KCQeHTJ)WIHOCTh croona ( cym., M.)

=OBaJlbHOCI'b CI'BOJia, cyw., JK.

=CMeIJJeHHan cepJI.UeBJma, cyw., JK.

XapaKTeptta.H oco6eHHOCTh cpopMhl CfBOJla, npH KOTOpOH cep11:ueB11Ha CMemetta, T.e.

He HaXOllHTC.H B uettTpe CTBOJla.

In the strictest sense, "stem eccentricity" refers to stems which do not appear circular in
cross-section, whether the pith is centred or not. However, stem eccentricity is usually
combined with pith eccentricity.
Tilting may be due to e.g. strong winds, *debris flow, or snow avalanches, all being causes
which can be dendrochronologically dated from the various tree responses. It may also
arise from slow mass movements, such as soil creep, in which case there will be no date for
the tilting and the overall appearance of the stem will be deformed.

Tilted Norway spruce

(Picea abies). All the
cross-sections sampled
where the stem or
branches were not
growing upright show
stem eccentricity.

plot 221
plot (n.)
The area from which a tree or group of trees are sampled.
A plot is part of a locality, which is a geographical location defined by its name and/or its
geographical coordinates.
(Phraseol.) Trees are sampled ON a plot or AT a locality. See also *site.
-+ :;t*(meteorological) station

Lokalitat (f. <-, -en>)

Geographische Herkunft von gesammelten Proben.

placette (n.f.)
zplaceau, n.m.
zreleve, n.m.

L'endroit precis ou un ensemble d'observations est realise. (DFM)

parcela de muestreo (n.f.)

Area delimitada en un lugar preciso en la que se lleva a cabo el muestreo.
Localidad (localizaci6n geografica) es diferente de un lugar de muestreo el cual se halla en
una localidad o en una *estaci6n (forestal).
-+ localidad

pare ell a (s.f.)

=area, s.f
L' area specifica nella quale un insieme di osservazioni e stato effettuato o raccolto.

parcela (n.f.)
Area na qual uma arvore ou um grupo de arvores foram amostradas.

rrpo6 HaH ITJIOillam) ( cyw., )K,)

flnoma)lb, Ha KOTOpOH OT05paHO )lepeBO 11Jll1 rpynna )lepeBbeB )lJlJI B3J1Tl1JI

pointer interval 222

pointer interval (n.)

=niarkerinterva~ n
Cross-dated interval (between two adjacent years) in which a significant proportion
of the studied *chronologies show the same conspicuous upward or downward trend
in a group of trees (formerly termed "*pointer year"). (ScHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
A sequence of pointer intervals or *pointer years used to be called (and still is in the United
States) a 11 *signature 11 •
~ *pointer value
*pointer year
*abrupt growth change
*interval trend

Weiserintervall (n. <( e)s, -e>)

Zeitgleiche Intervalle (zwischen zwei benachbarten Jahren), in welchen ein signifi-
kanter Antell von lndividuen eines Standorts Zuwachsreduktionen oder -erholungen
zeigt (*Trends).

intervalle caracteristique (n.m.)

Intervalle entre deux annees successives, identifie par *interdatation et montrant un
ecart marque, de meme sens, positif ou negatif, sur une proportion significative des
*chronologies etudiees.

intervalo caracteristico (n.m.)

En un conjunto de *cronologfas *sincronizadas, proporci6n significativa de intervalos
(entre dos afios adyacentes) con la misma tendencia, ascendente o descendente
11 11
( anteriormente denominado *afio caracterfstico ).

Una secuencia de intervalos caracterfsticos se denomina una *firma en USA.

intervallo caratteristico (s.m.)

Intervallo riguardante due anni consecutivi, nel quale una significativa quantita di
*cronologie mostra andamenti dello stesso segno, ascendenti o discendenti.

intervalo caracteristico (n.m.)

Intervalo entre 2 anos sucessivos, identificado por *interdatai;ao na qual uma
significativa propori;ao das *cronologias estudadas mostram a mesma tendencia
conspfcua positiva ou negativa (crescente ou decrescente) em um grupo de arvores
(formalmente denominado *anel caracterfstico ).

perrepHLIH HHTepBan ( cyw., M.)

CTepeKpeCTHO-.lla T11p0BaHHbie I1HTepBaJibI (Me2K.llY 2-MJI ITOCJlellOBa TeJlbHbIMI1
fO.llaMtt), B KOTOpbIX 3Haq11TeJlbHafl llOJlfl 113yqeHHbIX *xpoHOJlOrHH ITOKa3hIBaeT
01l11HaKOB0 Bblpa2K.eHHbIH B03paCTal0lll11H I1Jll1 y6hrnaIOIUI1H TpeH.ll. <DopMaJlbHO
COOTBeTCTByeT perrepHOMY fO.lly.

nocne,llOBaTeJlbHOCTb penepHbIX HHTepBaJlOB HJlH penepHbIX neT 5brno npHHf!TO (11 cel1:qac
np11Hf!TO B CWA) Ha3bIBaTb "*c11rnaTypo11:".

pointer value 223

pointer value (n.)

*Event value in one and the same year in many individuals of a group of trees.
(SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
Neologism defined by SCHWEINGRUBER et al. (1990).
~ *pointer interval
*pointer year

Zeigerwert (m. <-es, -e>)

*Ereigniswert, der in den J ahrringen vieler Baume eines Standorts im selben Jahr

valeur d'une annee caracteristique (n.f.)

"""ecart caracteristique, n.m.

*Valeur d'un ceme caracteristique mesuree pour une annee donnee dans un grand
nombre d'individus au sein d'un groupe d'arbres.

valor de un afio caracteristico (n.m.)

*Valor del *anillo caracteristico de un a:fio determinado que se presenta en muchas
*series de anillos de un conjunto de arboles. (ScHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)

valore caratteristico (s.m.)

Valore di un *anello caratteristico riscontrato in un gran numero di individui di un

valor de um ano caracteristico (n.m.)

Valor de um *anel de crescimento caracteristico de um determinado ano, presente
em grande mimero de individuos de um grupo de arvores.

penepHaH nepeMeHHaH (cym., )K.)

*XapaKTep11cTI1Ka oco6oro ro,lla, rrpoHBl1BlllaJicJI Ha MHOJK.ecrne OT ,lleJihHhIX
,llepeBheB 113 orrpe,lleJieHHOi1 rpyrrm1 n Olll1H 11 TOT JK.e ro,ll.

pointer year 224

pointer year (n.)

=marker year, n.
Concentration of cross-dated *event years (i.e. years with conspicuous features:
*missing rings, *reaction wood, *traumatic zone, etc.) within a group of trees.
(SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)
As defined by ScHWEINGRUBER et al. (1990), a new meaning for a much used term originally
defined as an interval which tends to rise or fall in a ring-width series (HUBER and GIERTZ-

A sequence of *pointer intervals or pointer years used to be called (and still is in the United
States) a" *signature".
---? *event year
*pointer interval
*pointer value

Weiserjahr (n. <-es, -e>)

Zeitgleiche *Ereignisjahre, z.B. auffallende Jahrringe, *fehlende Jahrringe, *Reak-
tionsholz, *traumatische Zonen, die bei vielen Individuen innerhalb einer Unter-
suchungseinheit auftreten.

annee caracteristique (n.f.)

Concentration de *cernes caracteristiques (par exemple *cernes manquants, *bois
de reaction, *zone traumatique), interdates, dans un groupe d'arbres.

aiio caracteristico (n.m.)

En un conjunto de *series de anillos sincronizadas, *anillo caracteristico (p.ej., *anillo
ausente, *anillo de helada, etc... ) que se repite en un mimero significativo de series.

anno caratteristico (s.m.)

Anno nel quale sono stati riscontrati numerosi *anelli caratteristici ( ad esempio *anelli
annuali con tessuti di reazione, zone traumatiche, *anelli mancanti, etc.) in numerosi
campioni nel gruppo di alberi considerato.

anel caracteristico (n.m.)

Concentrac;ao de *aneis de crescimento caracteristicos (por exemplo: *aneis perdidos,
*madeira de reac;ao, *zona traumatica, etc.) interdatados em um grupo de arvores.

perrepm,1u ro.n: ( cym., M.)

KottuettTpau1rn rrepeKpecrno-11.a T11p0BaHHbIX *oco6b1x 11eT (To ecn 11eT c pe3KO
BbipaxeHHblMI1 oco6eHHOCTJIMI1: *Bbrna11.a101lll1MI1 KOJlbUaMH, *peaKT11BHOl1
11.peBeC11HOI1, *TpaBMa T11qecKOI1 30HOI1 11 T ..lJ..), BbI.ll.eJleHHbIX 11.JlJI rpyrrrrbl 11.epeBbeB.

pollarding 225

pollarding (n.)
Cutting back, in more or less systematic fashion, of the crown of a tree, with the
object of producing a close head of shoots ( a pollard) beyond the reach of browsing
animals, either for fuel, or for decorative purposes. (FORTER2)
The purposes of "pollarding" and "Schneitelung" are slightly different but their impact is
similar at the scale of the tree and the *chronology.
---? *coppicing

Schneitelung (f. <-, l!i>)
Abschneiden junger, beblatterter Zweige in der Baumkrone zur Gewinnung von
Laubfutter und Streu.
"Schneitelung" bedeutet nicht genau dasselbe wie "pollarding", aber hat gleiche Einfltisse auf
Baumwuchs und die hervorgehenden *Zuwachsmuster.

tame en tetard (n.f.)

Operation consistant a couper le *tronc d'un arbre a une faible hauteur pour en
obtenir du feuillage destine au betail ou des rejets, ou a des fins decoratives.
Un arbre ainsi taille est appele "tetard". En France, la taille en tetard est pratiquee a des fins
variables d'une region a l'autre et legerement differentes de celles du "pollarding" anglais.
Elle produit toutefois les memes effets au niveau de la croissance de l'arbre et des *patrons de
croissance qui en resultent.
~ tetard, n.m.

desmochar (v.t.)
Podar la copa de un arbol de manera mas o menos sistematica para favorecer la
producci6n de *brotes en su extremo (trasmocho o mocho).
Esta practica suele hacerse por diferentes motives, para que los brotes no puedan ser comidos
por el ganado, para conseguir materia prima para cesteria o lefta, o simplemente para fines

capitozzare (
Tagliare ripetutamente, piu o meno sistematicamente, la chioma di un albero,
compreso il *fusto, ad una certa altezza da terra, con lo scopo di ottenere legna da
ardere, frasca, materiale per la fabbricazione di cesti, etc. (BERTER)
capitozzatura, s.f.

Some methods of producing wood from trees. A: coppice stool above ground; B: pollard; C:
high pollard. For each figure, the left-hand half of each has just been cut; the right-hand is fully
regenerated and is about to be cut again. (After RACKHAM 1980)

decapitar (v.)
=decotar, v.
Cortar a copa de uma arvore de forma mais ou menos sistematica, com o objetivo de
induzir a forma~ao de grande numero de brotos, para alimenta~ao animal,
combustfvel ou fins decorativos.

o6pe3Ka (cym., x.)

06pe3Ka *KpOHhI 11:epeBa no 6onee-MeHee c11creMa r11qecKol1 cpopMe c uenh10
npo11:yu11p0BaH11H rro6eroB 6nmKe K BepII111He, qro6h1 11:x He 06be11:an11 2KI1BOTHh1e.
06pe3Ka rrp0Bo11:11rca raK2Ke 11:na 11crrOJih30BaH11a cy%eB B Kaqecrne rorrn11Ba
11 11:na 11:eKopar11BHhlX uenefl:.

Pollarding frequency can be determined from the resulting abrupt growth reductions and
earlywood-like zones within *latewood in ring-porous woods, e.g. Fraxinus sp. Such *growth
patterns allow dendroarchaeologists to reconstruct former silvicultural practices, e.g. around
wetland settlements.

post 226
post (n.)
Piece of *timber fixed firmly in an upright position as a supporting element.
Post may be blunt or pointed; stakes are always pointed.
~ stake, n.

Pfosten (m. <-s, ->)

Senkrechtstehendes Tragelement in Holzbauten.
Im Bauwesen unterscheidet man ungerammte, direkt auf Boden oder Sockel bzw. Schwelle
ruhende Stander und im Boden eingerammte Pfosten und Pfahle.

poteau (n.m.)
Support vertical dans une construction.
Le pieu differe du poteau en ce qu'il designe une piece de bois appointee pour etre enfoncee
dans le sol.
Un pilotis est un ensemble de pieux enfonces dans un terrain peu stable. (ARNOLD 1990)
~ pieu,n.m.
pilotis, n.m.

poste (n.m.)
=pie derecho, n.m.
Madero corto fijado en el suelo y utilizado en posici6n vertical para sostener

colonna (s.f.)
1. Elemento di legno fissato verticalmente con fuzione di sostegno in una costruzione
di legno.
2. Palo (di fondazione ), s.m.: Elemento strutturale di *legno tondo, infisso nel terreno
in posizione verticale, avente funzione di sostegno di una costruzione di legno. A
seconda delle tipologie costruttive, questo tipo di palo puo essere usato soltanto
come fondazione, oppure puo anche far parte integrante della struttura in
~ palo,s.m.

poste (n.m.)
=estaca, n.f.
Peda<;o de madeira fixado firmemente na posi<;ao vertical e com a fun<;ao de elemento
de suporte.

CTOJl6 (cym., M.)

qaCTb *6peBHa, KperrKO 3aq>I1KCI1p0BaHHa.H B BepT11KaJlbHOM rronoxeHI111,
11CITOJlb3YeMa.H KaK 3JleMeHT orrophl B 4epeB.HHH00 KOHCTPYKUI111.

post field 227

post field (n.)
=pilefield, n.
In an archaeological *wetland settlement, area in which upright planted *posts are
still showing.

Pfahlfeld (n. <-es, -er>)

Areal einer Feuchtbodensiedlung mit noch im Boden steckenden Pfahlspitzen.

'" -·--
- - ~ ~ - - - - · - - - -------=----=-:-~~
-- _r--...........-_ ... ...... ---

Post field at the *lake-

dwelling settlement of
Morigen, Lake Biel,
Switzerland, exposed by
the lowering of the
water level in 1871/72.
(STRAHM 1972)

champ de pieux (n.m.)
=zone de pieux, n.f.
=champ de pilotis, n.m.
Dans un site archeologique en zone humide, surface de laquelle emergent des tetes
de pieux plantes verticalement.

zona de postes (n.m.)

En un *asentamiento lacustre arqueol6gico, area demarcada por pastes todavfa en

campo di pali (s.m.)

In un *insediamento su terreni umidi di interesse archeologico, area nella quale sono
ancora riscontrabili *pali piantati verticalmente nel suolo.

campo de postes (n.m.)

Area arqueol6gica de *povoado em terra umida, na qual ainda sao visiveis os *pastes
fixados na posi~ao vertical.

"cBafrnaH" rrnoma.z.uca (cyr.u., )tc)

(.lleH,llpoapxeonom.11) Tepp11rop1rn B ,llpeBHl1X nocenett11ax, 3aHJITaJI nepr11KaJibHO
CTOJIIUI1Ml1 CTOJI6aMl1, ocra TKI1 KOTOpblX Bl1,llHhl np11 apxeoJIOfW-IeCKl1X

HeT 3KBl1BaJleHTHOfO TepMHHa Ha pyccKOM

predictand 228
predictand (n.)
In a statistical system, actual data (e.g. *ring-width indices, or climatic measurements)
to which the statistical *estimates from the *calibration are compared. (:::::Fmrrs 1976)
~ *reconstruction

Predictand (m. <-en, -en>)

=Erwartungswert, m. <-(e)s, -e>
Daten der abhangigen Variablen eines statistischen Modells (z.B. Jahrring-Breiten-
index oder Klimamessungen), die mit den Schatzungen der *Kalibration verglichen

variable expliquee (n.f.)

~variable comparee a son estimateur, n.f.
Dans un modele statistique, parametre dont les valeurs reellement mesurees (*indices
de croissance radiale, donnees climatiques) sont comparees a ses valeurs estimees
par *calibration.

predictando (n.m.)
=variable dependiente, n.f
En un sistema estadfstico, los datos observados (p.ej. *indices del grosor de los anillos
de crecimiento o los registros climaticos) con los cuales se comparan las estimaciones
estadisticas obtenidas en la *calibraci6n mediante *regresi6n multiple a partir de los

variabile regressa (s.f.)

=variabile dipendente, s.f
Nell'ambito della *regressione o *calibrazione statistica, le realizzazioni di una
variabile (ad esempio indice dello spessore d'anello o misure climatiche) alle quali
le stime statistiche vengono messe a confronto.

variavel explicada (n.f.)

Estatfsticamente sao, dados reais (por exemplo: indice de espessura de *aneis de
crescimento ou medic;oes climaticas) para os quais as *estimativas sao comparadas a
partir da *calibrac;ao.

rrpe.zi;cKaJaHHLie .zi;aHHLie ( cym., MH.q.)

=I1pOI'H03HpyeMbJe JI.aHHbJe, cym., MH.l/.

©aKTJ1qecK11e ,llaHHbie B HeKOTOp011 CTaTl1CT11qeCKOl1 C11CTeMe (T.e. 11H,lleKCbl

np11pocTa H.!111 KJ111MaTWieCKHe napaMeTpbI), C KOTOpbIMH cpaBH11BaIOTCH
CTaTHcT11qecK11e *oueHKH (paclieTHbie ,llaHHbie), rronyqeHHbie rrp11 *Kan116p0BKe.

prediction 229

prediction (n.)
A statistical term for an *estimate of future or past conditions or data extrapolated
beyond the period of *calibration.
"Retrodiction" has been proposed by LAWSON (1972) as a substitute for "prediction" which
implies the making of *estimates forward in time. (:a::FRITTS 1976)
The German term only refers to estimates forward in time.
retrodiction, n.

Vorhersage (f. <-, -n>)

1. *Schatzung von zuki.inftigen Bedingungen oder Oaten.
2. Extrapolation anhand von Klima-Wachstumsbeziehungen Uber die *Eichperiode
hinaus in die Zukunft oder Vergangenheit.

prediction (n.f.)
zestimation, n.f.
(Terme statistique) *Estimation de conditions futures ou passees ou donnees
extrapolees au-dela de la periode de *calibration.

prediccion (n.f.)
::::::estimaci6n, n.f.
Termino estadfstico para designar las *estimaciones obtenidas de las condiciones o
datos futuros o pasados, extrapolando mas alla del periodo de *calibraci6n.
El termino "retrodicci6n" se utiliza cuando la "predicci6n" cuando las estimaciones se hacen
hacia atras en el tiempo.

previsione (s.f.)
Termine indicante la stima di condizioni o dati non necessariamente compresi
nell'ambito del sistema sperimentale impiegato, cioe non compresi nel periodo di

predi~ao (n.f.)

=estima~ao, n.f.
Termo estatfstico para as *estimativas das condi~oes do futuro ou do passado ou dos
dados extrapolados alem do perfodo de *calibra~ao.

rrpornoJ (cyw., M.)

=npe,ll,CKa3am1e, cyw., c.

Crn TI1cT11qecK1111 TepMI1H, rrp11HJIThII1 .llJlJI *oueHKI1 yc110B1111 B rrpOlllJlOM 11

6y .llYWeM I1Jll1 .llJlJI oueHKI1 .llaHHbIX, 3KCTparro1111p0BaHHbIX 3a rrpe.lleJlbl *rrepI10.lla

Reliability of a prediction is usually greater if the *calibration involves a long period of
time, and the prediction is more useful if it extends over a very long period of time. Hence,
it is usually based upon long *chronologies.

predictor 230

predictor (n.)
The input variable or variables of a system, values of which are used to obtain
*predictions (estimates, *reconstructions) of the *predictands. (FRITTS 1976)

Pradiktor (m. <-S, -en>)

=Einfiusswert, m. <-(e)s, -e>
Die Eingangsvariablen oder die Variablen eines Systems zur Berechnung der *Vor-
hersage von *Pradiktanden.

variable explicative (n.f.)

Variable(s) d'entree d'un systeme, dont les valeurs sont utilisees pour calculer les
valeurs predites des *variables expliquees.

predictor (n.m.)
=variable independiente, n.f
=variable explicativa, n.f
La variable o variables de entrada de un sistema cuyos valores se utilizan para obtener
una *predicci6n (*estimaciones, *reconstrucciones) del ode los *predictandos (va-
riables dependientes).

regressore (s.m.)
=variabile indipendente, s.f
La variabile o le variabili in un sistema di regressione le cui realizzazioni o valori
sono utilizzati per ottenere *previsioni (stime, *ricostruzioni) relative alla *variabile

variavel explicativa (n.f.)

=preditor, n.m.
=variaveis explanat6rias, n.fpl.
Variavel (ou variaveis) de entrada de um sistema, valores dos quais sao utilizados
para obter a *predic;ao (estimativas, *reconstruc;oes) das *variaveis dependentes.

,llaHHLie-npe,llcKaJa Tem1 ( cyw,., MH.q.)

Cm Tl1CTJ1lleCKI1l1 TepMI1H, o503HaqaIOll.lI111 oueHKI1 KJ1I1Ma TJ1qecKI1X yc.nOBI111 B

rrporn.noM 11 5y .ll.Yll.leM, a TaK.tK.e ,ll,aHHhie, 3KCTparr0J111p0BaHHbie 3a rrpe,ll,e.nbI
*Ka.n116 p0BKI1.

prehistoric 231
prehistoric (adj.)
=prehistorical, adj.
Of, relating to, or existing in times antedating written history; i.e. in the United States
and in South America, prior to Spanish Conquest; in Western Europe, before the
classical Greeks; in the Near East, before the invention of writing during the third
millennium B.C..

prahistorisch (Adj.)
Von einer Zeitperiode ohne schriftliche Zeugnisse, z.B. in Amerika vor der An-
kunft der Spanier, im Nahen Osten vor den Hochkulturen und in Mitteleuropa vor
der Zeit der Griechen.

prehistorique (adj.)
En Europe, anterieur a !'apparition des temoignages ecrits, c'est-a-dire a la periode
romaine. Aux Etats-Unis et en Amerique du Sud, anterieur a la conquete espagnole,
en Europe occidentale, a la civilisation grecque, au Proche-Orient, a !'invention de
l'ecriture au troisieme millenaire avant J.C..

prehlst6rico (adj.)
Periodo de tiempo anterior a la aparici6n de documentos escritos. En las Estados
Unidos y America del Sur hasta la llegada de las espafioles, en Europa occidental
hasta las griegos yen Oriente Pr6ximo hasta la invenci6n de la escritura en el tercer
milenio B.C.

preistorico (agg.)
Anteriore alla comparsa di testimonianze scritte ( ad esempio nel Vicino Oriente
anteriore all'invenzione della scrittura durante il terzo millennia a.C., nell'Europa
occidentale anteriore ai Greci, negli USA anteriore alle conquiste spagnole ).

pre-hlst6rico (adj.)
Relacionado a perfodos anteriores ao aparecimento dos documentos escritos, coma
par exemplo, nos Estados Unidos antes da conquista espanhola; na Europa Ociden-
tal antes dos gregos; no Oriente Pr6ximo antes da invem;ao da escrita durante o 3°
milenio A. C. .

0 co6blTl111, OTHOCHIUeMCH KO BpeMeHI1, I1Jll1 npo11cllJe.mneM BO BpeMeHa,
npe,lllllecTBYI0IU11e 11eTOn11cttofl 11cTop1111: T.e. B Coe,ll11tteHHhIX Wm rnx BO
BpeMeHa .llO HcnattcKoro 3aBoeBatt11~ B 3ana.llHOfl EBpone - .llO o6pa30Batt11a
rocy .llapcrna ,Ll,peBHHH rpeu11a, Ha E1111)KtteM BocToKe - nepe.ll noHBJ1ett11eM
n11CbMeHHOCTI1 B TpeTbeM TbICH 11eJ1eTI1l1 .llO H, 3.

provenance 232
provenance (adj.)
#provenience, n.
The archaeological and historical context of a wood sample: ( archaeological) *site,
room, roof, etc.
The same term is used in forestry to refer to the geographical origin of any genetic material
below the species level.

Herkunft (f. <-, _..e>)

Die archaologischen und historischen Zusatzinformationen zu einer Holzprobe:
*Lokalitat, Zimmer, Dachstock, usw.

origine (n.f.)
Contexte archeologique et historique d 'un echantillon de bois: *site (archeologique ),
piece d 'habitation, toiture, etc.

procedencia (n.f.)
Contexto arqueol6gico e hist6rico de una muestra de madera: *sitio ( arqueol6gico ),
habitaci6n, tejado, etc.

provenienza (s.f.)
Contesto archeologico e storico di un campione di legno: sito, manufatto, etc.

procedencia (n.f.)
0 contexto hist6rico e arqueol6gico de uma amostra de *madeira: *sftio ( arqueol6-
gico ), parte de habitac;ao, telhado ou teto, etc.

rrpe,ZUiiCTOplHI ( cyru., )K.)

(.lleH.llpoapxeononrn:) Apxeonorw1ecKI1fI 11 11crnpw1ecKI1fI KOHTeKcT B on11caHI1I1
06pa3ua 113 .llpeBeCI1Hb1: apxeonorw1ecKoe *MecTO Haxox.lleHI1H 06pa3ua, a
TaK)Ke qacTh ITOCTpOfIKI1, OTKY ,lla B3HT o6pa3eu: KpbIWa, KOMHa Ta l1 T.,ll.

proxy record 233

proxy record (n.)
A biological or historical substitute record for climatic conditions, *flood events,
landslides, fire occurrence, etc. Proxy records include e.g. pioneer journals, pollen
counts, corals, varve widths and *tree rings.
~ *chronology building
*cross dating

Proxidaten (n. pl.<->)

(Neologismus) Biologische und historische, nicht direkt gemessene Informationen
tiber klimatische Ereignisse wie Froste oder Uberschwemmungen, z.B. aus alten
Zeitungen, Tagebtichem, Pollenprofilen, Varven, Korallen und *Jahrringen.

proxiserie (
=proxy-serie, n.f (neol.)
=proxy data, n.fpl. (neol.)
(Neologisme propose) information biologique ou historique sur des evenements
passes, utilisee en !'absence d'enregistrements pour reconstruire les conditions
climatiques, les crues, les glissements de terrain ou les incendies de foret. Elle peut
provenir par exemple des chroniques de pionniers de l' Quest americain, de l' analyse
pollinique, de l'etude des coraux, des varves lacustres ou des *cemes des arbres.

registro sustitutorio (n.m.)

Registro biol6gico o hist6rico de las condiciones climaticas, *inundaciones,
deslizamientos, *incendios, etc. Son registros sustitutorios los primeros peri6dicos,
los registros polfnicos, los anillos de los corales, el grosor de las varvas de los glaciares
y los *anillos de los arboles.

documentazione sostitutiva (s.f.)

Documentazione biologica e storica sostitutiva (di eventi climatici, gelate eccezionali,
esondazioni, frane, incendi, etc.) che pub essere costituita da cronache antiche, profili
pollinici, varve, coralli, anelli annuali.

documentaf;ao substituta (n.f.)

Registro biol6gico ou hist6rico das condic;6es climaticas, ocorrencia de enchentes,
movimento de terra, *ocorrencia de fogo, etc. A douvmentac;ao substituta inclui os
registros em jomais pioneiros, contagem de p6len, corais, bem como nos *aneis de

KOCBeHHl>Ie .n;aHHble (cym., MH.'I.)
(n:eH.llPOKJ111MaTo11orm1) Onocpe.lloBaHHa.H pemcTpau11H KJ111Ma rnqecK11x yc110B1111,
nOJ10BO.ll1111, onOJ13Hel1, JleCHblX noJKapoB 11 .llp. co6bITl1l1 B l1CTOp11qecKl1X 11
611011or11qecK11x 11cToqH11Kax: B nepBbIX 11eTon11cHx, mi1mueBbIX c6opax,
KOpa1111ax, a TaKJKe B ro)l11qmiIX KOJlhUaX )lepeBbeB 11 ro.Lll1qHbIX CJlO.HX 11J111CTblX
OT JlOJKeHl111.

pruning 234

pruning (n.)
Generally, the cutting away from a tree of its superfluous growth, so as to improve
its development. (FORTER2)
~ self-pruning, n.
natural pruning, n.

Astung (f. <-, -en>)

=Astung, f. <-, -en>
=Aufastung, f. <-, -en>
Abschneiden von toten und lebenden Asten an Baumen zur Verbesserung der Holz-
qualitat und bei der Baumpflege.

elagage (n.m.)
:,:;emondage, n.m.
Action de couper et d'eliminer les pousses superflues d'un arbre pour en ameliorer
la qualite. (:::::DFM)
der. elagage nature!, n.m.

average of 8 control samples 6 pruning

Abies grandis
average of 8 pruned trees
xx significant differences
xx xx xx
8 xx
8 3 '
2 ... ----.
,,,,,,,, .............. ...
·8 6
Pseudotsuga menziesii pruning
Effects of heavy pruning on :,
i:: 5
ring formation in Pseudotsuga «:I

menziesii and Abies grandis: 4

ring width decreases immedi- xx -----------·
ately after pruning then ', ______ ,-
gradually returns to normal. 2 +--...----,----,----,----,----,---,---,----,
(POLGE et al. 1973) 1962 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

poda (n.£)
Proceso por el cual se eliminan los *brotes y ramas superfluos de un arbol con el fin
de mejorar su desarrollo, producci6n y/o calidad.

potatura (s.f.)
In generale, il taglio deliberato di parti vegetali superflue al fine di migliorare
l'accrescimento o la fruttificazione di una pianta. (BERTER)
""""""7 autopotatura, s.f.
potatura naturale, s.f.

desrama (n.f.)
=desbrota, n.f.
Ac;ao de cortar os ramos superfluos de uma arvore, para melhorar o seu
desenvolvimento e qualidade.

o6py5amrn neTBeu ( cym., c.)

B o6meM CMhlcne, rrpope.JK.11natt11e KpOHhI att11e 11pe3Meptto pa3pocw.11xrn 11.epenhen
11.Jl.H y ny11weHl1.H l1X pa3Bl1Tl1H.

Natural pruning refers to the loss of branches from the *stem of a standing tree through
their natural death, disintegration or fall, from such causes as *decay, or deficiency of light
or water (self-pruning), or snow, ice and wind breakage. (FORTER2)

radioactive decay 235

radioactive decay (n.)

:::decay, n.
Spontaneous nuclear disintegration of radioactive isotopes; rate of decay is described
by *half-life.

radioaktiver Zerfall (m. <-s, ··-e>)

Spontaner Zerfall radioaktiver *Isotope. Die Geschwindigkeit des Zerfalls wird
mittels der *Halbwertszeit ausgedriickt.

desintegration radioactive (n.f.)

Desintegration spontanee d'elements OU d'isotopes radioactifs; la frequence de ce
phenomene est exprimee par la *demi-vie de !'element.

desintegracion radiactiva (n.f.)

Desintegraci6n espontanea del micleo de los *is6topos radiactivos. La *vida media
del *is6topo es la inversa de la tasa de desintegraci6n segun un modelo exponencial

decadimento radioattivo (s.m.)
Disintegrazione spontanea di *isotopi radioattivi; la frequenza di questo fenomeno
e espressa dall'*emivita dell'elemento.
decaimento radioativo (n.m.)
Desintegrac;ao nuclear expontanea de *is6topos radioativos; a frequencia de
ocorrencia do decaimento e expressa pela *meia-vida do elemento.

pa.zurnaK THBHLIH pacrra.n; ( cym., M.)

CnoHTaHHOe npeBpameHHe HeycTo0qHBhlX a~ep pa~HOaKTHBHhlX H30TOIT0B B
YCTOHqHBbie. flpo~OJl)K.HTeJlbHOCTb )K.I13HH pa~HOaKTHBHblX H30T0Il0B
xapaKTep113yeTca HX *neptto~aMH no11ypacna~a.

radiocarbon 236

radiocarbon (n.)
=carbon 14, n.

The radioactive isotope of carbon with mass 14.

radioaktiver Kohlenstoff (m. <(e)s, 0>)


Das radioaktive *lsotop von Kohlenstoff mit der Masse 14.

carbone 14 (n.m.)
Isotope radioactif de carbone de masse 14.

radiocarbono (n.m.)
=carbono 14, n.m.
= 14 C, n.m.

Is6topo radioactivo del carbono con masa 14.

radiocarbonio (s.m.)
*lsotopo radioattivo del carbonio con massa 14.

radiocarbono (n.m.)
=carbono 14, n.m.
Is6topo radioativo do carbono com massa 14.

pa.zurnyrJiepo.ll (cym., M.)
=yrnepoJJ-14, cym., M.
(pa.mrnyr JiepO.llHOe .l(a THpOBam1e) PMHOaKm:BHblH H30TOIT yr JiepO.lla C MaCCOBlilM
1mcJIOM 14.

I Normal carbon has a mass of 12. The *half-life of carbon 14 is 5730 years; it decays to

radiocarbon activity 237

radiocarbon activity (n.)

The radiocarbon concentration of a sample. Expressed as *decays per minute per
gram of carbon.

Radiokohlenstoff-Aktivitat (f. <-, 1!1>)

=14 C-Aktivitiit, f. <-, ¢>

Die 14 C-Konzentration einer Probe, dargestellt als Zerfalle pro Minute und Gramm

radioactivite specifique (n.f.)

Concentration de carbone 14 d 'un echantillon. Exprimee en desintegration par minute
par gramme de carbone ou en pourcentage d'activite rapporte a l'etalon de carbone

actividad radiocarbonica (n.f.)

=actividad del C, n.f.
La concentraci6n de *radiocarbono en una muestra. Se expresa como la *desinte-
graci6n por minuto y por gramo de carbono.

attivita radiocarbonica (s.f.)

Concentrazione di radiocarbonio in un campione. Viene espressa in termini di *deca-
dimento per grammo di 14 C per minuto.

atividade do carbono 14 (n.f.)

Concentra~ao de carbono 14 de uma amostra. Expressa em *decaimento por minuto
e por grama de carbono ou em porcentagem da atividade do carbono moderno.

(pa,llHO)aKTMBHOCTb pa,llMOyrJiepo,lla (cym., )K.)

KoHueHTpaUH.R pa.llHOyrnepo.lla 14C B 06pa3ue. B1i1paxaeTc.R B *pacrra.l(e O.llHOro
rpaMMa 14C B MHHyTy.

radiocarbon dating 238

radiocarbon dating (n.)

=carbon-14 dating, n.
=carbon dating, n.
The determination of the age of old carbon materials by means of the measured
content of *radiocarbon.
der. radiocarbon-dated, adj.
~ *half-life

Radiokohlenstoff-Datiemng (f. <-,-en>)

=14 C-Datierung, f <-, -en>
Altersbestimmung kohlenstoffhaltigen Materials <lurch Messen des 14 C-Anteils.

datation au carbone 14 (n.f.)

Determination de l'age de materiaux carbones anciens par mesure de leur contenu
en *carbone 14.
~ age radiocarbone, n.m.

datacion radiocarbonica (n.f.)

=dataci6n par 14 C, n.f
Determinaci6n de la edad de materiales carbonosos mediante las mediciones del
contenido en *carbono 14.

datazione al radiocarbonio (s.f.)

Determinazione dell' eta di un materiale carbonato attraverso la misura del contenuto
in 14C.

data~ao por carbono 14 (n.f.)

Determinac;ao da idade de antigos materiais de carbono, pela medic;ao da atividade
de *carbono 14.

pa.z.1;1-rnyr nepo.n;Hoe .n;a TMpoeamrn ( cyru., c.)

(11:ett11:poapxeoJ1onrn) Onpe11:eJ1em1e B03pacrn 11:peBHHX yr J1epo11:oco11:ep)Kaw11x
MaTep11aJ10B nyTeM H3MepeHHJI co11:ep)KaH11JI B HeM *yrnepo11:a-14.

The properties that establish radiocarbon datability are the outcome of four processes: (a)
the production of radioactive carbon-14 atoms in the upper atmosphere; (b) the diffusion of
carbon-14 throughout the atmosphere to produce a fairly constant ratio of radioactive to
nonradioactive carbon throughout the atmosphere; (c) the absorption by photosynthetic
organisms of carbon atoms in the proportion of radioactive to nonradioactive isotopes that
prevails in the atmosphere; and (d) the *decay of carbon-14 atoms into atoms of nitrogen 14
in ancient carbon samples. (,,,DEAN 1978)

radiographic density 239
radiographic density (n.)
*Wood density determined by radiographic methods, e.g. *x-ray densitometry.

radiographische Dichte (f. <-, -n>)

Holzdichte, die mit radiographischen Methoden, z.B. der Radiodensitometrie, be-
stimm t wird.

densite radiographique (n.f.)

*Densite du bois determinee par une methode radiographique, par exemple la

densidad radiografica (n.f.)

=densidad par rayos X, n.f.
*Densidad de la madera determinada por metodos radiograficos, p.ej. por

densita radiografica (s.f.)

*Densita del legno determinata con metodi radiografici, ad esempio mediante la
*densitometria ai raggi X.

densidade imdiografica (n.f.)

*Densidade da madeira determinada por metodos radiograficos, por exemplo:
*densitometria de raios-x.

pa.zumrpa(l)li'IeCKaH fiJWTHOCTJb ( cyru., JK.)

* fl J1 0 TH O CTb ,ll; p e Be C11 H bl, 0 TI p e ,ll; e J1 e H Ha .H p e HT re HOB CK 11 M Me TO ,ll; 0 M


radius (n.)
On a *stem disc, measuring line between the *pith and the *outermost ring.

Radius (rn. <-, -dien>)

Messlinie vom *Mark zur *Waldkante auf einer *Stammscheibe.

rayon (n.rn.)
Sur une *section de tronc, ligne imaginaire reliant le centre de l'arbre et l'ecorce, le
long de laquelle sont mesurees les largeurs, densites, etc.

radio (n.rn.)
Sobre un *disco del tronco, linea imaginaria que une la *medula y el final del *ultimo
anillo, a lo largo de la cual se mide el *grosor de los anillos, *la densidad, etc.

raggio (s.m.)
Segmento di retta congiungente, su una *sezione trasversale, il *midollo con l' *ultimo
anello, lungo il quale vengono effettuate le misurazioni radiali.

raio (n.m.)
Linha imaginaria interligando a *medula ao *anel de crescimento mais externo, em
uma sec;ao transversal de um *disco de madeira, para a medic;ao ou contagem dos
*aneis de crescimento.

pa.ll;Myc (cyru., M.)

CTp.HMa.H mrn11.H, coeiurnHIOW:a.H *cep.n:ueB11Hy 11 *rrocne.n:ttee ro.n:11.qttoe Komuo
Ha rrnocKOCTI1 rrorrepeqttoro ceqeHH.H CTBona .n:epeBa.

I This imaginary line may be broken in order to avoid non-measurable (*insect holes, *heart
rot) or abnormal zones (*reaction wood).

ray 241
ray (n.)
A ribbon-like aggregate of storage and conducting cells extending radially in the
*xylem and phloem. (zFORTER2)

Strahlgewebe (n. <-s, ->)

fMarkstrahl, m. <-(e)s, -en>
fHolzstrahl, m. <-(e)s, -en>
Radial in Holz und Rinde verlaufende, der Stoffspeicherung und -leitung dienende

Multiseriate ray in Quercus sp., 25x.

:rayon ligneux (n.m.)
:c,;rayon, n.m.
Agregat de cellules de reserve et de conduction qui s'etend radialement, comme un
ruban, a travers le *xyleme et le phloeme. (DFM)

radio meduiar (n.m.)

Conjunto de celulas parenquimaticas conductoras y de almacenamiento que se
extienden radialrnente entre el *xilema y el *floema.

rnggio parench.imatico (s.m.)

Aggregato nastriforme di cellule aventi funzione di conduzione e di riserva, che si
estende radialmente nello *xilema e nel floema.
In questa accezione il termine si riferisce ad un segmento rettilineo ideale, la cui direzione puo
non corrispondere in tutto o in parte con la direzione dei *raggi parenchimatici.

rafo (n.m.)
Agregado de celulas de armazenamento e conduc;ao, que se estende radialmente no
*xilema e no floema.

nyq (cym., M.)

npOTHHYBlllI1XCH B pa,llI1aJ1bH0M HanpaBJ1eHI1l1 1 1epe3 *KCI1JleMy l1 *cpJ103My.


reactfon wood (n.)

Anomalous *xylem, usually consisting of higher density cells. In *hardwoods, it appears
most often on the tension side of the *stem or branches (=*tension wood), in *softwoods,
most often on the compression side (=*compression wood). (""TIMELL 1986)
--) *compression wood
*tension wood

JReaktfonsh.olz (n. <-es, !6>)

Anomale *Xylemzellen mit erhohter Dichte. Bei *Laubholzern tritt es an der zug-
belasteten Seite (*Zugholz), bei *Nadelholzern an der druckbeanspruchten Seite
(*Druckholz) auf.

bois de reaction (n.m.)

*Xyleme anormal, generalement forme de cellules a structure particuliere (le tissu
forme presente de fac;on generale une forte densite). Chez les *feuillus, il apparait le
plus souvent sur le cote tendu du *tronc ou des branches ( =*bois de tension), et chez
les *coniferes, le plus souvent sur le cote comprime (=*bois de compression).

madera de reacdon (n.f.)
*)Glema an6malo, normalmente por tener celulas de alta densidad formadas en los
*troncos inclinados yen las ramas. A menudo se asocia a *anillos excentricos. En las
*gimnospermas se forma en el lado que se comprime (*madera de compresi6n) yen
las *angiospermas en el lado de mayor tension (*madera de tension).

legno di reazione (s.m.)

Tessuto xilematico anomalo, con caratteri anatomici distintivi e densita normalmente
maggiore. Nelle *latifoglie si forma di solito nella parte tesa del *fusto o dei rami
(*legno di tensione ), mentre nelle *conifere si forma sempre nella parte compressa
(*legno di compressione ).

madeira de rea-;ao (n.f.)

*Xilema anomalo, usualmente constituido de celulas de maior densidade. Em
*folhosas aparece geralmente na face de trac;ao do *tronco ou ramos (=*madeira de
trac;ao ), em *coniferas geralmente presente na face de compressao ( = *madeira de
compressao ).

peaKTMBHaH ipeBeCMHa ( cyru., )K.)

*KcttneMa aHoMaJihHoro cTpoeutta, ofiwquo cocToamaa H3 KneToK c 6onee
ipeneCHHa B OCHOBHOM 06pa3yeTCH B pacTHHYTOI1 30He *cTBOJia HJIH BeTBeI1
(*rnronaa ipenernua), a B *xno11HhIX ncer.n.a n *c.tKa TOH 30He (*KpenL).

year of tilting


Reaction wood in tilted

*hardwood (A) and year of tilting
*softwood (B) trees. Q
(FRITIS 1976)

reconstruction 243

reconstruction (n.)
=retrodiction, n.
1. Inference of past environmental conditions or events from well-replicated
2. The quantified *estimates thus reconstructed.
der. reconstruct (to), t.v.
~ *calibration period
*verification period
*reconstruction period
climate reconstruction, n.
climatic reconstruction, n.

Rekonstruktion (f. <-,-en>)

1. Riickschluss auf fri.ihere Umweltbedingungen oder Ereignisse aus gut belegten
2. Quantitative Schatzung vergangener Umweltbedingungen und Ereignisse.

reconstruction (n.f.)
=reconstitution, n.f.
::::reconstruction climatique, n.f.
::::reconstitution climatique, n.f.
1. Estimation de conditions environnementales passees a l'aide de *chronologies
etablies grace a un grand nombre d'echantillons.
2. Les *estimations quantifiees ainsi obtenues.
Le neologisme "reconstruction (climatique) 11 semble plus repandu que la variante
"reconstitution (climatique)".
der. reconstruire, v.t.
~ reconstituer, v.t.

reconstruction 1 verification I calibration 1 verification


1.5 mm
annual ring
series 1.0mm

meteorological 18 °C
series 17 °C
16 °C


1940 1950 1 1960


Example of climatic reconstruction (ScHWEINGRUBER 1988).

reconstruccion (n.f)
=retrodicci6n, n.f.
1. Inferencia de las condiciones y/o eventos del pasado a partir de evidencias
indirectas, especialmente de las *cronologfas de anillos de los arboles bien datadas
y con un mimero suficiente de replicas.
2. Estimaciones cuantitativas de las reconstrucciones.

ricostruzione (s.f.)
1. Deduzione di condizioni ambientali o di fatti climatici da *cronologie concordanti.
2. Valutazioni quantitative di parametri climatici conseguenti.

reconstrm;ao (n.f.)
=reconstituic;fi.o, n.f.
1. Inferencia das condig6es ambientais e de eventos ocorridos no passado a partir
de *cronologias de *aneis de crescimento bem datados e em mimero suficiente
de repetig6es.
2. Estimativas qualitativas das reconstrug6es.

peKOHCTpyKQHH (cym., 2K.)

1. 3aKmoqem,1e 06 YCJIOBIUIX OKpy)KaIOllleH l1J1I1 0 co6h1TI1.HX B npOlllJIOM,
c.n.eJia~rnoe no xoporno BOcnpoH3BO.lll1MhIM *xpottoJiorHRM.
2. KoJIHqecrneHHbie oueHKl1 TaKl1M o6pa30M peKOHCTpyI1p0BaHll.blX .n.aHHbIX.

In the case of climate reconstruction, after the *calibration of the *dependent data, the

I independent *predictors (=tree-ring values) are used to infer climate estimates. This is
achieved by a *transfer function, which may (ideally) or may not be validated through

reconstruction period 244

reconstruction period (n.)
In a *reconstruction, the period outside the *calibration interval, including the
*verification period and the period for which recorded data are not available.

Rekonstruktionsperiode (f. <-, -n>)

Periode ausserhalb des *Eichungsintervalls. Sie umfasst auch die *Verifikations-

phase de reconstruction (n.f.)

Lors d'une *reconstruction, intervalle de temps exterieur al'*intervalle de calibration,
incluant la periode utilisee pour la *verification et celle pour laquelle aucune donnee
instrumentee n'est disponible.

periodo de reconstruccion (n.m.)
Estimaci6n de las variables climaticas para epocas de las que nose dispone de registros
directos, a partir del modelo usado en la *calibraci6n entre los *anillos de crecimiento
y las variables ambientales. Por lo tanto, en una *reconstrucci6n, este periodo es
distinto al de *calibraci6n e incluye el periodo de *verificaci6n y el periodo para el
cual no se tienen registros instrumentales directos.

periodo di ricostruzione (s.m.)

In una *ricostruzione, il periodo esterno al periodo di *intervallo di calibrazione,
che comprende il periodo di *validazione e il periodo peril quale non sono disponibili
dati di confronto.

perfodo de reconstrm;ao (n.m.)

Em uma *reconstrrn;ao, o periodo nao compreendido no *intervalo de calibra<;ao
incluindo o periodo de *verifica<;ao e o periodo nos quais os dados registrados nao
sao disponiveis.

rrepuoii; peKOHCTPYKUHH (cym., M.)

TiepHO.ll,, BbIXO.ll,JJIUHH 3a rrpe.ll,eJlbl *Ka11116p0Boqttoro HHTepBaJla B
*peKOHCTPYKUHH; BKJlloqaeT B ce6JJ rrepHO.ll, *BepH<pHKaUHH 11 rrepHO.ll,, .ll,JlJJ
KOTOporo perHcTpHpOBaHHhlX .ll,aHHhlX HeT B ua1111q1111.

regeneration 245
regeneration (n.)
=recruitment, n.

1. The renewal of a forest whether by natural (self-seeded or vegetative) or artificial

2. The young stand itself. (FORTER2)
Whereas "regeneration" is a general term, "recruitment" is a technical term used in population
biology studies.
Renewal by vegetative means is termed "regrowth". (FORTER2)
-c) natural regeneration, n.
artificial regeneration, n.
regrowth, n.

Verjiingung (f. <-,-en>)

1. Verjtingung eines Waldes <lurch nattirliche Ansamung, Stockausschlag oder Pflan-
2. Jungwuchs.

regeneration (n.f.)
1. Renouvellement naturel (par voie de semence ou vegetative) ou artificiel d'un
peuplement forestier.
2. Lejeune peuplement ainsi obtenu. (DFM)

Le terme generique "repeuplement" designe strictement le jeune peuplement obtenu par
*regeneration. On distingue les peuplements de regeneration naturelle (=repeuplements
naturels) et les repeuplements artificiels.
Le renouvellement par voie vegetative est un "rajeunissement de peuplement", et le jeune
nouveau peuplement obtenu est appele "recru".
~ regeneration naturelle, n.f.
regeneration artificielle, n.f.
rajeunissement de peuplement, n.m.
recru, n.m.
peuplement de regeneration naturelle , n.m.
repeuplement naturel, n.m.
repeuplement artificiel, n.m.

regeneracion (n.f.)
1. La renovaci6n de un bosque por medios naturales o artificiales.
2. Tambien se aplica a la fase inicial del desarrollo de un bosque. Si la renovaci6n se
produce sin la intervenci6n humana se denomina regeneraci6n natural.
En silvicultura tambien se considera regeneraci6n natural la que se obtiene aplicando cortas
de regeneraci6n y se considera artificial la que se consigue por plantaci6n o siembra. Los
mecanismos de regeneraci6n natural reflejan aspectos de la autoecologfa de las especies y del
regimen de perturbaciones.

rinnovazione (s.f.)
1. Il processo, naturale (per via gamica o agamica) o artificiale, attraverso il quale si
costituisce un *popolamento di nuova generazione.
2. Il nuovo *popolamento che ne risulta.

regenera~ao (n.f.)
1. Renovac;ao natural ou artificial de uma populac;ao florestal.
2. Uma populac;ao jovem assim obtida.

pereHepauu11 (cyw., )K.)


I. BoccTaH0BJ1eH11e neca ecTecrneHHiiIM (ceMeHHoe 111111 BereTa Tl1BHoe

B0306HOBJ1eH11e) 11J111 11CKYCCTBeHimM nyTeM.
2. Mo11011,011 11,peBocrnI1.

regional chronology 246

regional chronology (n.)

A *chronology averaged from several *site or *local chronologies distributed over a
large area, for example northern Arizona.

Regionalchronologie (f. <-, -n>)

Aus mehreren *Standort- und *Lokalchronologien bestehende *Chronologie eines
grosseren Gebietes, z.B. ftir das nordliche Arizona.

chronologie regionale (n.f.)
*Chronologie moyenne etablie a partir des *chronologies moyennes des stations ou
de *chronologies locales d'une grande region, par exemple pour le nord de !'Arizona.

cronologfa regional (n.f.)

Una *cronologfa media establecida a partir de varias *cronologfas de una *estaci6n
(forestal) ode varias *cronologfas locales distribufdas en una region grande, p.ej. el
centro de la peninsula Iberica.

cronologia regionale (s.f.)

*Cronologia media ricavata da *cronologie di parecchie *stazioni o localita distribuite
su una vasta area come ad esempio l'Arizona settentrionale.

cronologia regional (n.f.)

*Cronologia media estabelecida a partir de diversas *cronologias locais ou de *sftios
distribufdas em uma vasta regiao, por exemplo o norte do Arizona.

per11ouaJt1>Ha11 xpononor1111 (cyru., )K.)

*XpoHOJ10fI1H, no11yqeHHaH ycpe.l1,HeHI1eM no HeCKOJ1hKI1M *JlOKaJlhHhIM
Xp0HOJ10fI1HM I1J1l1 no *xpOHOJ10fI1HM MeCT npOI13pacTaHl1H, no11yqeHHhIM .l],JlH
Tepp11Top1111 6011w1oro pa3Mepa, ttanp11Mep, .l1.J1H ceBepttol1 Ap1130HhI.

regression 247
regression (n.)
A statistical representation of a relationship in which one data set, the *predictand,
depends/can be calculated from one (in the case of simple regression) or more (in
the case of multiple regression) data sets, the *predictor data. Once a regression
relationship is established, the equation is used to obtain estimates, which are the
calculated *predictand values II using the *predictors.
Sometimes the *predictand data are referred to as the statistically "dependent" data, and the
*predictors as the statistically "independent" data. This latter usage of statistical terms should
not be confused with the general definition of *dependent and *independent data sets as defined
in the context of *reconstruction. The use of "*predictor" and "*predictand" is preferable so
as to avoid this confusion.
~ *variance
*multiple regression
*stepwise multiple regression

Regression (f. <-, -en>)

Ein statistisches Modell, in welchem eine Beziehung zwischen einem Datensatz, dem
*Pradiktanden oder der Zielgrosse, und einem anderen Datensatz (im Fall der ein-
fachen Regression) oder mehreren Datensatzen (im Fall der multiplen Regression)
berechnet wird. Letzterer wird auch *Pradiktor genannt. Nachdem die Beziehung
ermittelt worden ist, konnen auch Erwartungswerte, *Pradiktanden-Werte, aus
*Pradiktor-Werten berechnet werden.

regression (n.f.)
Representation statistique d'une relation dans laquelle un ensemble de donnees, les
*variables expliquees, sont calculees a partir d 'une (dans le cas d 'une regression
simple) ou de plusieurs (dans le cas d'une regression multiple) autres variables, les
*valeurs explicatives. Une fois qu'une relation de regression est etablie, !'equation
est utilisee pour obtenir des estimations, qui sont les valeurs predites, a l'aide des
*valeurs explicatives.

regresion (n.f.)
Un modelo estadistico utilizado para analizar la relaci6n entre dos conjuntos de
variables. La variable dependiente (*predictando) se pone en funci6n y puede ser
estimada a partir de una o mas variables independientes (*predictores) en el caso de
regresi6n simple o multiple, respectivamente. Una vez establecida la funci6n de
regresi6n se estiman los para.metros que definen la relaci6n entre las variables y el
modelo es usado para obtener *estimaciones de los *predictandos usando los

regressione (s.f.)
Termine statistico di ampio significato rappresentabile spesso da una equazione nella
quale i valori di una variabile, la *variabile dipendente, sono espressi come funzione
di una (nel caso della regressione semplice) o piu altre variabili (nel caso della
regressione multipla) dette *indipendenti. Una volta determinata la funzione di
regressione, la soluzione dell'equazione e utilizzata per la stima <lei valori della
*variabile dipendente attesi sulla base di quelli assunti dalla o dalle *variabili

regressao (n.f.)
Representai;ao estatistica da relai;ao no qual um conjunto de dados, a *variavel
explicada pode ser calculada sobre um (no caso de regressao simples) ou mais (no
caso de regressao multipla) conjunto de dados, os dados *preditos. Uma vez que a
relai;ao da regressao e estabelecida, a equai;ao e resolvida para obter estimativas,
cujos valores de *variavel explicada sao calculados usando-se os variaveis explicativas.

perpecc1rn (cym.,)K.)
Cm Tl1CTJ1qecKoe npe.ll,CTaBJ1eH11e B3aHMOCBH3l1, np11 KOTOpofl O.l(Ha rpynna
.l(aHHblX (*npe.ll,CKa3aHHbie .l(aHI-Ible) 3aBl1Cl1T OT 0.llHOH (B cnyqae npOCTOH
perpecnrn) 11n11 HeCKOJ1bKI1X (B cnyqae MHO)KecrneHHofl perpecc1111) rpynn
.l(aHHblX (*.llaHHbIX-npe.ll,CKa3aTeJieft); *npe.ll,CKa3aHHbie .l(aHHbie MOfYT 6bITb TaK)Ke
Bb1q11cneHbI 113 *.l(aHHbIX-npe.llCKa3a Tenefl.

If the regression is perfect, the estimates are the same as the actual *predictand values. The

I poorer the regression, the greater the differences between the estimates and actual
*predictand values. These differences are the *residuals.

relative date 248

relative date (n.)

Date which can be ordered in time but for which no absolute age could be determined.
-? *floating chronology

relatives Datum (n. <-s, -ten>)

Datum, das auf der Zeitachse zwar genau zu anderen Ereignissen in Beziehung steht,
nicht aber kalendergenau zugeordnet werden kann.

date relative (n.f.)

Evenement positionne dans le temps mais qui n'a pas pu etre date de fa~on absolue.

datacion relativa (n.f.)

Pecha que puede situarse en el tiempo pero no con una dataci6n absoluta.

data relativa (s.f.)

Data che puo essere collocata temporalmente ma per la quale non puo essere
determinata una eta assoluta.

data relativa (n.£)

Data que pode ser ordenada no tempo, mas para a qual a idade absoluta nao pode
ser determinada.

OTHOCMTemHa.H .n;a Ta ( cyw., )K..)

Co6b1T11e, MeCTO KOTOporo BO BpeMeHHOM I1HTepBaJ1e MO)K.HO onpe,lleJlTh, HO
a6comoTHyIO ,lla T11p0BKY npoBeCTI1 HeB03M0)K.H0.

release 249

release (n.)
=recovery, n.

Abrupt or continuous increase in radial growth (after a period of *suppression).

Release results from the improvement of a tree's external environment.
The derived adjective "released" may apply either to the individual tree that has been freed
for competition, or to the growth of this individual.
-? *suppression

Erholung (f. <-,-en>)

Abrupte oder allmahliche Zunahme des Dickenwachstums nach einer Periode re-
duzierten Zuwachses. Die Erholung ist eine Reaktion auf verbesserte Umwelt-

reprise de croissance (n.f.)
[Qu]"'"surcimage, n.m.
[Qu]"'"detente, n.f

Augmentation brusque ou progressive de la croissance radiale faisant suite a une

periode de *baisse de croissance. Cette augmentation traduit une amelioration des
conditions environnementales de l'arbre.

recuperacion del crecimiento (n.f.)

Aumento continuado o brusco del crecimiento radial (despues de un periodo de
*supresi6n). La recuperaci6n del crecimiento es debida a la mejora de las condiciones
del entorno.

ripresa (s.f.)
Incremento piu o meno brusco del ritmo di accrescimento di un albero, dopo che
per un certo periodo e rimasto sottoposto. La ripresa deriva dal riequilibramento
della disponibilita dei fattori ambientali che regolano l'accrescimento.

retomada do crescimento (n.f.)

Aumento continua ou abrupto no crescimento radial da arvore, ap6s um *periodo
de supressao, resultado da melhoria das condi96es do ambiente.

ocBo6ox,n;emrn (cyw., c.)

Pe3Koe HnH rrocTerreHHoe yBenHqeHHe pa,n;ttanbHoro rrpHpocTa rrocne rrepHo,n;a
*rro,n;aBneHH.R. 0CBo6o)K,n;eHHe HBnHeTCH pe3y flbTa TOM y nyqweHHH YCJ10BHI1
oKpy)KaJOme11 cpe,n;u.

*Release usually produces wide sets of concentric rings following narrow rings. (SHRODER

Abrupt release in the

*stem of an oak
(Quercus sp.).

replacement 250
replacement (n.)
(Archaeology) Substitution of an old piece of *woodwork by a new one, for example
after a fire.
~ :;t:*reuse

Ersatz (m. <-es, ~>)

(Archaologie) Ersatz eines alten Holzes <lurch ein neues in einer Konstruktion, z.B.
nach einem Brand.

remplacement (n.m.)
(Archeologie) Substitution d'un element de la charpente originale par un nouvel
element, par exemple apres un incendie.

sustitucion (n.f.)
(Arqueologia) Reemplazamiento de una pieza vieja de madera, deteriorada o
quemada, por una nueva en una construcci6n o en objetos hechos de madera.

sostituzione (s.f.)
(Archeologia) In un manufatto ligneo (per esempio una struttura), sostituzione di
una vecchia parte con una nuova, per esempio dopo un incendio.

reposi~ao (n.f.)
=substituir;ao, n.f.

(Arqueologia) Substitui~ao de uma pe~a antiga de *madeira, afetada por incendio

ou deteriorada por uma nova pe~a, por exemplo, em uma constru~ao ou em objeto
de madeira.

3aMememrn (cym., c.)

(Apxeononrn) 3aMeHa craporo 3JleMeHra .ll,epeBHHHOI1 KOHCTPYKUI111 HOBblM, B
qacTHOCTI1, fIOCJie fIO)Kapa.
HeT pyccKoro 3KBHBaneHTa

replication 251
replication (n.)
[US}zrepetition, n.
1. Sampling more than one stem radius per tree, as well as from more than one tree.
2. Number of sampled trees per *site or of *tree-ring series per *chronology.
Distinguishable from repetition by being carried out at one place and, so far as possible, at one
period of time. In the USA, and sometimes elsewhere, repetition=replication. (FORTER)
der. replicate (to), t.v.

Belegungsdichte (f. <-, -n>)
1. kein genaues Aquivalent in Deutsch.
2. Anzahl der Ba.rune pro *Standort oder der *Jahrringfolgen pro *Chronologie.

repetition (n.f.)
"""confirmation, n.f.
1. 'Echantillonnage d 'un arbre sur plus d 'un rayon, ou de plusieurs arbres.
2. Nombre d'arbres echantillonnes par *station ou de *series par *chronologie.
Le neologisme "replication" est parfois utilise (langue orale).

replicacion (n.f.)
=repetici6n, n.f.
1. Muestreo de mas de un radio por arbol y de mas de un arbol, normalmente para
mejorar el contenido de informaci6n en una cronologfa.
2. Numero de arboles muestreados por *estaci6n o numero de *series de anillos
por *cronologfa.
~ tamafio de la muestra

replica (s.f.)
=ripetizione, s.f.
1. Campionare piu di un raggio per albero o a maggior ragione in piu di un albero.
2. Nrunero di alberi campionati per *stazione o per *serie di anulare per ciascuna

repetif;ao (n.f.)
1. Amostragem de mais de run *raio do *tronco de uma ou varias arvores.
2. Numero de arvores amostradas por *sftio ou de *series de *aneis de crescimento
para *cronologia.

rroBTopemrn (cym., c.)

=KOTTHpOBaHue, cym., C.

1. 83HTlfe KepHOB B.llOJlb HeCKOJlbKl1X pa.lll1YC0B KaK C 0.llHOro .llepeBa, TaK 11

C HeCKOJlbKl1X ,llepeBbeB.
2. Ko11w1ecTBO BbI6paHHblX ,llepeBbeB, npl1XO.llHIU11XCH Ha 0.llHO MeCTO 111111
KOJllflleCTBO BpeMeHHblX cepttI1, npl1XO.llHIU11XCH Ha 0.llHY xpOHOJlOrmo.

In order to minimise error due to tree and site variations, replication (1) between trees is
more advisable than replication within trees, if there is limited time or resources for sampling.
A broader sense is that of the verification of crossdating on a number of samples at least
equal to three, where samples are *radii within a single tree, individual trees, *master, *local
or *regional chronologies (cf. BAILLIE 1982).

residual 252
residual (n.)
The difference between a *predictand and an *estimate obtained by applying a given
function to the data set. The residuals represent the *noise of the system and any
*signal not accounted for by the functional relationship. (<=FRITTS 1976)
~ *noise
*signal-to-noise ratio

Residual (n. <-s, -duen>)

Die Differenz zwischen den *Prediktanden und der *Schatzung, die aus der Anwen-
dung einer gegebenen Funktion auf einen Datensatz resultiert. Diese Differenzwerte
erhalten das *Rauschen des Systems sowie alle *Signale, die von der Funktion nicht
berticksichtigt wurden.

residu (n.rn.)
Difference entre les valeurs d 'une variable et ses valeurs predites par une *regression.
Les residus representent le *bruit du systeme ainsi que tout *signal non explique par
une relation fonctionnelle.
L. Tessier et F. Guibal (Universite de Marseille, Laboratoire de Botanique Historique et
Palynologie) proposent la definition suivante: Difference entre les valeurs d'une variable et
ses valeurs predites par une equation fournie soit par une regression soit par une modelisation
de type temporel. Le residu peut representer le bruit du systeme mais aussi le bruit non explique
par la modelisation. Le plus souvent, les residus sont consideres comme porteurs du signal
climatique enregistre par l'arbre.

residuo (n.rn.)
=error residual, n.m.
La diferencia entre los valores observados del *predictando o variable dependiente
y los valores *estimados al aplicar una funci6n dada a un conjunto de datos. Los
valores residuales representan el *ruido del sistema y puede contener cualquier *
que no haya sido considerada por la relaci6n funcional.

1.6 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -

1.4 - growth index

....c::s 1. 0 -t---f-l-tl;ll-ft--,......-11-"lrttt+'r+'-t-,ft-----/"'"H-:-tt"-'-...........,..,....-tttr-/tt-!---1-

~ Actual (solid line) and

2 0.8
cl) predicted ( dotted line)
0.6 0.2
values and their
0 residuals (bottom graph)
-0.2 in a climate/growth
0.2 -+--......---..---,----r--r--.-----,---~--r model. (GRISSINO-MAYER
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 and BUTLER 1993)

residuo (s.m.)
La differenza tra un valore della *variabile regressa e la corrispondente stima ottenuta
applicando una data funzione ad un insieme di dati. I residui rappresentano il *ru-
more del sistema ed ogni effetto non spiegato dalla relazione funzionale o dovuto a
cause accidentali.

residuo (n.m.)
Diferenga entre uma *variavel explicada e uma *estimativa obtida ao aplicar uma
dada fungao a um conjunto de dados. Os resfduos representam o *rufdo do sistema
e podem conter qualquer *sinal nao explicado pela relagao funcional.

pa3HOCTL ( cym., )I(.)

=OCTa TOK, cyw., M.

Pa3HOCTh MeX.llY *rrpe.llCKa3aHHhIMl1 )laHHblMl1 11 *oueHKOM, fIOJlylJeHHOH rrp11

rrp11MeHe1-11111 orrpe.2i:e11eHHOH cpyHKUl111 K C0BOKYITHOCTl1 JJ,aHHbIX. 3Ta pa3HOCTh
rrpe.llCTaBJ1JieT co6ofl *wyM CHCTeMbl 111111 KaK011-111160 ,ll,pyrofl CHrHaJl, KOTOphIH
He 6b1Jl y11TeH B HCfl0J1h30BaHHOM cl>YHKUHOHaJlhHOM COOTI-IOWeI-11111.

resin duct 253

resin duct (n.)
=resin canal, n.
[US}#gum duct, n.
Long, intercellular channel in some *conifer species and some tropical hardwood
species surrounded by secretory tissue and filled with resin. (:::::FAHR 1977)

Harzkanal (m. <(e)s, -ale>)

Langer, interzellularer, von Sekretionszellen umgebener, mit Harz geftillter Kanai
in einigen *N adelbaumen und in einigen tropischen Laubbaumen.

Tangential row of
resin ducts. (Picea
mariana, 40x).

canal resinifere (n.m.)
=canal secreteur, n.m.
Chez certains coniferes et certains feuillus des regions tropicales, long canal
intercellulaire entoure de *tissu secreteur et contenant de la resine.

conducto resinifero (n.m.)

Espacios intercelulares estrechos y bien definidos, orientados verticalmente, rodeados
de tejido secretor (de parenquima) y llenos de resina. Suelen originarse a partir de
las celulas madres del *xilema cuyos contenidos son mas densos que los de las celulas
normales, en un momenta dado estas celulas se separan formando un conducto en el
centro. Son muy numerosos en las coniferas yen algunas especies tropicales.
En la bibliograffa es frecuente encontrar el termino canal resinffero siendo incorrecto en
castellano, ello es debido a la falta de rigurosidad en las traducciones yen su uso.
~ canal resinffero

canale resinifero (s.m.)

=canale secretore, s.m.
In alcune *conifere e in alcune *latifoglie tropicali, spazio intercellulare avente for-
ma tubolare e varia lunghezza, delimitato da tessuto di secrezione e riempito di resina.
~ resinazione, s.f.

canal de resina (n.m.)

=canal secretor, n.m.
Canal intercelular, longo, formado por celulas de tecido secretor e preenchido por
resina, presente no *xilema de algumas especies de *coniferas e de *folhosas tropicais.

CMOJIHHOH XO.ll ( cym., M.)


,l(mrnHbII1 Me)K_KJleToqHhIH KaHaJl, OKpy)K_eHHhil1 ceKpeTOpHOI1 TKaHhlO 11


resin pocket 254

resin pocket (n.)

[US] pitch pocket, n.
=resin gall, n.
A well-defined intercellular space containing liquid or solid resinous material in the
*xylem of *conifers with *resin ducts, e.g. Pinus sp., Picea sp.. (FORTER2)
Kino is the substance produced by trees from the Eucalyptus, Pterocarpus, Butea and other
related families, which is neither a resin nor a gum but rich in tannins. In these species the
pocket is termed kino vein. (zSmoo 1986)
~ =kino vein, s.

Harzgalle (f. <-, -n>)
=Harztasche, f. <-, -n>
Von fliissigem oder festem Harz gefilllter Gang im Holz von *Nadelholzem mit Harz-
kanalen im *Xylem, z.B. Pinus sp., Picea sp.
Die entsprechenden Erscheinungen in Eukalyptus-, Pterocarpus- und Butea-Arten werden
als Kino vein bezeichnet.

poche de resine (n.f.)

Dans les bois de resineux, cavite intercellulaire bien delimitee, contenant un produit
resineux solide ou liquide. (DFM)

bolsa de resina (n.f.)

Cavidad lenticular, bien definida, que aparece en o entre los *anillos de las coniferas,
puede estar llena de resina en estado s6Iido o Hquido; tambien puede haber *corteza
en la bolsa. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ 1973)
Quino: grupo de sustancias rojizas distintas de las gomas y de las resinas, facilmente solubles
en agua y ricas en taninos, producidas por la exudaci6n de arboles casi siempre tropicales, p.ej.
Pterocarpus y tambien por los eucaliptos.
~ quino, n.m.

A. Resin pocket in
Picea abies.
B. Kino vein in Euca-
lyptus pauciflora.

tasca di resina (s.f.)
Spazio intercellulare ben delimitato, contenente sostanze resinose di diversa viscosita,
tipicamente presente nello *xilema di alcune *conifere con *canali resiniferi, per
esempio Pinus sp., Picea sp.

bolsa de resina (n.f.)

Cavidade intercelular bem delimitada contendo material resinoso s6Iido ou liquido,
no *xilema de *confferas com *canais de resina, como por exemplo, Pinus sp., Picea

CMOJIJUIOH KapMarneK ( cym., M.)

JlerKO 06Hapy2K.11BaeMoe Me2KKJieTOq1rne rrpocTpaHCTBO, 3aITOJIHeHHOe )Kl1)],KI1M
11JII1 TBep)],blM CMOJII1CTbIM BemecTBOM. BcTpetiaeTC.fl B *KCHJieMe *xBOHHbIX,
COJ1,ep2Ka1UI1X *cMOJIHHbie XO)],bl: Harrp11Mep, B COCHe 11 eJII1.

HeT 3KBHBaneHTHOro pyccKoro TepMHHa.

i Resin pockets may indicate mechanical stresses in the wood, e.g. due to strong winds.

response function 255

response function (n.)

(sensu stricto) Response function analysis is a *multiple regression technique using
the principal components (PCs) of monthly climatic data to estimate indexed values
of ring-width growth. The *regression coefficients are then multiplied by the PCs of
climate to obtain a new set of regression coefficients related to the original monthly
climatic data variables. (""FRITIS 1986)
~ *transfer function

response function (f. <-,-en>)

(Im engeren Sinne) Die "response function" ist eine *multiple Regressionstechnik,
bei welcher die Hauptkomponenten (PCs) monatlicher Klimadaten zur Abschat-
zung der indexierten Werte des Jahrringzuwachses verwendet werden. Die
Regressionskoeffizienten werden dann mit den PCs der Klimadaten multipliziert;
so erhalt man einen neuen Satz von Regressionskoeffizienten, der in Beziehung zu
den ursprtinglichen monatlichen Klimadaten steht.

fonction de reponse (n.f.)

=fonction reponse, n.f
(sensu stricto) Technique de *regression multiple utilisant !'analyse en composantes
principales de donnees climatiques mensuelles pour calculer les *indices de croissance.
Les coefficients de regression sont multiplies par les composantes principales du
climat pour obtenir un nouvel ensemble de coefficients de regression associes aux
variables climatiques mensuelles originales.

funcion respuesta (n.f.)
(sensu stricto) Conjunto de *coeficientes obtenidos por *regresi6n multiple entre
los *indices del grosor de los anillos y las variables climaticas mensuales. En dicha
regresi6n se suelen usar las componentes principales ( CP) de los datos climaticos
mensuales para estimar los *indices del grosor de los anillos. Los coeficientes de
*regresi6n se multiplican por las CP de las variables climaticas para obtener un nuevo
conjunto de coeficientes de regresi6n relacionados con las variables climaticas
mensuales originales.

funzione di risposta (s.f.)

(sensu stricto) L' analisi della funzione di risposta euna tecnica di *regressione multipla
nella quale le componenti principali dei dati climatici mensili sono usate per stimare
i valori indice della crescita in spessore degli *anelli annuali. I coefficienti di
regressione sono poi moltiplicati per le componenti principali delle variabili climatiche
per ottenere un nuovo gruppo di coefficienti di regressione in relazione alle variabili
originali dei dati climatici mensili.

fum;ao de resposta (n.f.)

( senso estricto) Analise de fun~ao de resposta e uma tecnica de *regressao multipla
utilizando os componentes principais (PCs) de dados climaticos mensais para estimar
valores indexados de crescimento da largura de *aneis de crescimento. Os coeficientes
de regressao sao entao multiplicados pelos PCs do clima para obter novo conjunto
de coeficientes de regressao relatados aos dados originais climaticos mensais.

<l>YHKUMH OTKJlHKa (cym., )K.)

(B Y3KOM CMhlCJle) AttaJl.113 q>yHKU.1111 OTBeTa ecn MeTOJJ, MHO)KeCTBeHHOfl:
perpecc.1111, 11CJl0Jlh3YIOIU1111 r JlaBHbie KOMfIOHeHThl MecJiqHhIX KJ111Ma TJ1qecKJ1X
.11.aHHhIX ,ll,JlJI oueHK.11 11H,ll,eKC11p0BaHHhlX BeJ111qJ1H ro.11.11qttoro rrp11pOCTa. 3a TeM
K03q>q>11U11eHThl perpeccm,1 YMHO)KaIOTCJI Ha f JlaBHhie KOMfIOHeHThI KJ111Ma Ta
,ll,JlJI rro11yqeHJ1JI HOBOl1 COBOKYITHOCT.11 K03q>q>11U11eHT0B perpecc.1111, KOTOphle
CBJ13aHhl C MCXO,ll,HhlM.11 MeCJiqHhlM.11 KJ1J1MaT11qecKJ1Ml1 rrepeMeHHhlM.11.

HeT 3KBHBaneHTHOfO pyccKoro TepMHH~


~ 0.2
"§ 0.0
2 -0.2
Results from response function s w s
analyses (A) for temperature 0.4
and precipitation (previous
June to current July) and
0.2 1 0.2 . 4 E
autocorrelation analyses (B) :§' 0.0 5b 0.0
for a 3-year period (semi-arid [-0,2 ·g_ -0.2
sites in the American South-

The term "response function" (sensu lato) is sometimes extended to simple statistical
techniques, such as *Gleichlaufigkeit or correlation functions. The results may not be very
different from those obtained with response functions as defined here by H.C. Fritts.
However, they may be very different when the climatic data for different months and climatic
variables are correlated. The errors of the *response function may then be biased so it is
necessary to use *boot-strap techniques to estimate the error directly.
The climatic factors used are often average temperature, total precipitation, Palmer Drought
Severity Index during each month of a period prior to, concurrent with the period of growth,
and sometimes concurrent with the period of the prior year's growth.

reuse 256

reuse (n.)
=re-use, n.
Refers to a *timber salvaged from an older context and used in a more recent one.
der. reuse (to), t.v.
multiple reuse, n.
~ *building phase

Wiederve:rwendung (f. <-,-en>)

Einbau von bereits gebrauchten Holzem in einer neueren Konstruktion.

:reempioi (n.m.)
=remploi, n.m.
=reutilisation, n.f
Nouvelle utilisation de *bois de construction preleve dans un contexte architectural

reusado (adj.)
Termino referido a la *madera de construcci6n recuperada de un contexto antiguo y
utilizada, posteriormente, en otro mas reciente.

:reimpiego (s.m.)
=riuso, s.m.
=recupero, s.m.
=riutilizzazione, s.f
Recupero di un pezzo od oggetto di legno da un contesto precedente, e sua
riutilizzazione in un nuovo contesto.

reemprego (n.m.)
=reutilizac;ifo, n.f
Referente arecuperac;ao e reutilizac;ao de *madeira antiga para uma nova aplicac;ao.

ITOBTOpHO HCJ10Jlh3yeMoe (npttJI.)

(,LJ,eH,L1,poapxeo.11om.H) TepM11.H OTHOCl1.TC.H K ,LJ,eTaJl.HM 113 ,L1,penec11.Hbl co CTapblX

ITOCTpoeK, 11.CITOJ1b30BaHHblX B 60.11ee Jl03,ll,Hl1.X coopy)KeHH.HX.
HeT 3KBl1BaJieHTH0f0 pyccKoro TepMttHa.

ring width 257

ring width (n.)

=ring thickness, n.
Width of a *tree ring, measured along a *radius.
----, narrow ring, n.
wide ring, n.

Jahrringbreite (f. <-, -n>)

Jahrlicher radialer Zuwachs gemessen entlang eines *Radius.

largeur de cerne (n.f.)

=epaisseur de ceme, n.f
,:::fargeur d'accroissement (relative), n.f

Largeur d'un *cerne, mesuree le long d'un *rayon.

"Largeur de cerne" (et non "epaisseur de cerne") est employe au Quebec. En France, "epaisseur
de cerne" semble surtout employe dans le laboratoire de l'Universite d' Aix-Marseille, alors
que les equipes de l'INRA Nancy et de l'Universite de Besanc;on lui preferent "largeur de
Les bois a cernes larges correspondent a l'anglais "coarse texture". Avec ce sens, "texture" n'a
pas d'equivalent litteral franc;ais. (DFM)

grosor de un anillo (n.m.)

=espesor de un anillo, n.m.

Anchura de un *anillo anual medido a lo largo de un *radio.

ampiezza anulare (s.f.)

=spessore dell'anello, s.m.

Larghezza di un *anello annuale, misurata lungo un *raggio.

largura do anel de crescimento (n.f.)

=espessura do anel, n.f
Largura do *anel de crescimento medida ao longo de um raio.

mupHHa ro,ll111moro Kom,ua (cym., 2K.)

=BeJifFlHHa npupocra, cym.., JK.

lllttpHHa KOflhUa rO,llHqHoro rrpHpOCTa, H3MepneMaH B,llOflh pa,llttyca CTBOna.


ring-porous (adj.)
(Wood) in which the *vessels of the *earlywood are distinctly larger than those of
the *latewood and form a well-defined zone or ring. (FORTER2)
~ *diffuse-porous

ringporig (Adj.)
(Holz) mit sehr grossen Gefassen im *Frtihholz und kleinen Poren im *Spatholz.
Die Ansammlung der grossen Gefasse wird als Frtihholzporenring bezeichnet.

a zone(s) poreuse(s) (adj.)

Se dit d'un bois ou d'une essence dans lesquels les *vaisseaux du *bois initial sont
manifestement plus gros que ceux du *bois final et forment une zone ou un ceme
bien marque. (DFM)

anillo(s) poroso(s) (adj.)

#poroso anular, n.m.
#porosidad anular, n.f
(Madera de) tejido lefioso en el que los *vasos de la *madera temprana son marcada-
mente mas grandes que los de la *madera tardfa formando una banda bien definida.

poroso-zonato (agg.)
~anello poroso, s.m.
Di tessuto legnoso nel quale, nell'ambito di uno stesso *anello annuale, i *vasi del
*legno primaticcio sono distintamente piu grandi di quelli del *legno tardivo,
formando una zona anulare ben definita (anello poroso).

Cross section in the secondary *xylem of Quercus

rubra showing *latewood (lower half) and large
*earlywood vessel members (40x).

anel poroso (adj.)
(*Madeira) na qual os *vasos do *lenho inicial sao distintamente mais largos do que
os do *lenho tardio e uma zona ou anel de poros bem definido.

KOJlbUecocy .llHCTaH (npHn.)

(L(peBec1rna), B KOTopoti: *cocy.llhI *paHHeti: ,ZI,peBeCHHhI 3Ha1nne11bHO Kpyrrnee,
qeM TIOpbl *rr03,ll,Heti: ,ZI,peBeCHHhl, vi TeM caMblM q>OpMHpyIOT xopowo pa311v1qv1My10

ring-width index 259

ring-width index (n. (pl. ring-width indices))
=growth index, n.

The transformed value of a *ring width after dividing by a *standardising smoothing

function to perform *standardisation.
"Tree-ring indices" refer to indices calculated from any tree-ring parameters, such as density
for example.
~ *indexed curve
*standardised ring-width chronology
tree-ring index, n.

Jahrringbreiten-Index (m. (pl. -es, Indizes))

*Jahrringbreitenwerte, die durch die zugehorigen Werte einer *standardisierenden
Ausgleichsfunktion geteilt wurden.

indice de croissance radiale (n.m.)

Valeur obtenue en divisant une *largeur de ceme par une fonction de standardisation
par lissage, dans le but de realiser une *standardisation.
Le terme "indice de croissance" peut s'appliquer a des indices calcules a partir de n'importe
quel parametre de cernes.
~ indice de croissance, n.m.

indice del grosor del anillo (n.m.)

=fndice de crecimiento, n.m.

Valor transformado del *grosor de un anillo despues de dividir cada valor observado
por el valor estimado obtenido de una funci6n de crecimiento ajustada durante el
proceso de *estandarizaci6n.

in dice anulare (s.m.)

Valore anulare ricavato mediante una funzione perequatrice.

indice de Iargura de anel (n.m.)

=fndice de crescimento, n.m.
Valor transformado da *largura do *anel de crescimento ap6s sua divisao pela *curva
de variagao suavizada para fazer a *estandartizagao.

IDl)(eKc npupocra (cym., M-)
=l1HJ{eKC I1111pl1Hhl I'OJ{Jil/Hh!X KOJiall,, cym,., M.

TpaHCq>OpMl1p0BaHHaH BeJ111q11Ha *urnp11Hbl ro11,11qmu KOJleU, nonyqeHHaH nyTeM

11,eneHHH ee Ha COOTBeTCTBYJ()IUee e11 3Haqe1-111e Ha CTJla)KeHHOI1 Kpl1BOI1 .ll,JlH BhITT0J1HeI-111H
onepau1111 *craH11,apTmau1111.

round wood 260

round wood (n.)
=roundwood, n.
Timber prepared in the round state, from felled trees to material trimmed, barked
and cross-cut. (FORTER2)

Rundholz (n. <-es, ··-er>)

Roh belassenes, entrindetes und abgelangtes Stammholz ohne weitergehende Bear-

bois rond(s) (n.m.)

Bois debite uniquement dans le sens de la longueur, sans conversion de la section

tronco de seccion circular (n.m.)

=rollizo, n.m.
=rollo, n.m.
<:::troza, n.f

Trozos de madera obtenidos del *tronco de un arbol (NEIRA and MARTINEZ 1973)

legname tondo (s.m.)

*Legname ottenuto direttamente dall'albero abbattuto, depezzato ed eventualmente
scortecciato, senza alterame la sezione originale.

madeira redonda (n.f.)

Madeira de forma arrendondada, ap6s a desrama, descascamento e carte transver-
sal do tronco de arvores.

6peBHO (cym., c.)

=KpyrJIJJK, cym,., M.

JlecoMa Tep11am1 Kpyr noro ceqeH11H, nonyqeHHhle 113 rrosaneHHhIX 11,epesheB,

o6py6neHHhIX, oKopemmx 11 pa3pe3aHHhIX Ha qacT11 rreprrett11,11Ky nHpHo
rrpO.ll,OJlhHOI1 OCH CTBOJla.

sandblast method 261
sandblast method (n.)
Method consisting in pressure-sanding the transversal section of a *timber in order
to make the density structure apparent.

Sandstrahlverfahren (n. <-s, ->)

Sandstrahlen von Holzquerflachen zur Darstellung der Dichtestruktur.

sablage (n.m.)
Methode consistant a poncer une section transversale de tronc a l'aide de sable sous
pression dans le but d' ameliorer la lecture de son anatomie (profil de variation
intracerne de densite du bois).

lijado con chorro de arena (metodo de) (n.m.)

Metodo que consiste en pulir la secci6n transversal de las *vigas con chorros de
arena a presi6n para poner de manifiesto su estructura de densidad aparente.

sabbiatura (s.f.)
Metodo per evidenziare le differenze di *densita del legno, consistente nell'investire
la *sezione trasversale con un getto di sabbia trascinata da aria ad alta pressione.

metodo do jato de areia (n.m.)

Metodo que consiste na aplicac;ao de jato de areia, sob pressao, na sec;ao transversal
de uma *madeira, com o objetivo de evidenciar as diferenc;as de densidade ao longo
dos *aneis de crescimento.

rrecKOCTPYHHLIH MeTO.ll (cyru., M.)

MeTOll o6pa6oTKI1 nonepeqHofI n0BepxH0cT11 06pa3ua ,llpeBec11HhI no,lla10m11Mca
no,ll ,llanneHI1eM nOTOKOM B03,llyxa C neCKOM ,llflH 6onee qeTKOro BhlHBfleHI1H
xapaKTepa pacnpe,lleneHHH nnoTHOCTI1 ,llpeBeCI1Hhl.

Surface structure of a *stem disc of Betula sp. after sandblasting (Photo. Lesnino ).

sapwood 262
sapwood (n.)
f alburnum, n.
#sap, n.
The outer layers of *xylem which, in the growing tree, contain living *parenchymatic
cells with stored food reserves. (::::PORTER)
~ *heartwood
*sapwood dating

Splint (m. <(e)s, ~>)

Aussere Teile des *Stammes. Im lebenden Baum werden in den lebenden Parenchym-
zellen Nahrstoffe gespeichert.

aubier (n.m.)
~bois d'aubier, n.m.
Partie peripherique fonctionnelle du bois, riche en substances de reserve et tres
facilement degradable..

albura (n.f.)
Las capas mas extemas del *xilema que en los arboles vivos tienen celulas vivas en
los *radios medulares y almacenan reservas. La albura tiene 4 funciones principales:
1) transporte, 2) almacenamiento, 3) soporte mecanico y 4) protecci6n y defensa.
(SHIGO 1986)

albumo (s.m.)
Zona esterna dello *xilema, generalmente di colore chiaro, che nell'albero vivente
contiene cellule parenchimatiche vive, aventi la funzione di accumulo di sostanze di

albumo (n.m.)
Cam ad a periferica do *xilema de uma arvore viva contendo celulas funcionais (vivas)
de *parenquima e substancias de reserva (amido).

aa6onoHL (cym., JK.)

BHewH11e cJ1011 *Kc11J1eMhI, KOTOphie B pacTymeM ,n:epene co,n:ep2Ka T 2Kl1Bhie
*rrapeHXHMHhie KJleTKl1 C 3arracoM ITHTa TeJlhHhIX BemecTB.

• The variations of the area of sapwood within a tree reflect the leaf area of this tree.
• Sapwood is transformed into *heartwood when all the physiological functions in the
sapwood cease. During transformation, the food reserves that are stored in the living cells
are converted into extractives (which are the products of the decomposition of starches
and sugars).

sapwood dating 263
sapwood dating (n.)
In a sample with damaged or missing *bark and/or *sapwood, estimation of *felling
date by statistical approximation of the number of missing rings between the
*heartwood-*sapwood boundary and the supposed *outermost ring.
~ · *heartwood dating

Splintgrenzenclatierung (f. <-, e-n>)

Schatzung des Falldatums <lurch statistische Eingrenzung der Anzahl der Splintholz-
ringe bei Proben mit *fehlender *Waldkante. Es handelt sich um die *fehlenden
Jahrringe von der Kem-*Splintholzgrenze bis zur vermuteten *Waldkante.

clatation sur aubier (n.f.)

Dans un echantillon endommage ou sur lequel l'ecorce ou une partie de l'*aubier
sont manquants, estimation de la *date d'abattage par approximation statistique du
nombre de cemes d'aubier manquant.

clatacion por la albura (n.f.)

En una muestra sin la *corteza y/o con la *albura deteriorada en la que nose pueden
identificar los *anillos o que se han perdido un mimero indeterminado de ellos,
estimaci6n de la *fecha de apeo mediante una aproximaci6n estadistica que relaciona
el numero de anillos de la *albura con el grosor de la misma.

clatazione mecliante l'alburno (s.f.)

Stirna della *data di abbattimento della pianta matrice di un campione mancante di
*corteccia e/o di un certo numero di anelli alburnosi, attraverso il calcolo per
approssimazione statistica del numero di anelli originariamente esistenti frail limite
*durame/*albumo e la *corteccia.

Contemporaneous Quercus
samples. ms: missing sapwood.
mh: missing heartwood.
(ECKSTEIN et al. 1984)

data-;ao no alburno (n.f.)
Estimativa da *data do carte de uma arvore, mediante uma aproximagao estatistica
do mimero de *aneis de crescimento que faltam no albumo de uma amostra de
madeira com a *casca e/ou *albumo deteriorados ou perdidos.

,ll;aTMpOBKa 3a6onOHH (cym., )K.)

(.ll;ett,ll;poapxeonorirn) OuettKa .ll;a Thi py6K11 .11:epeBa nyTeM cm T11cT111IecK0I1
annpOKCl1Mau1111 1111CJ1a OTCYTCTBYI0lll11X *Koneu Me)K.11:Y rpatt11ueI1
"*a.11:po-*3a6011ottb" 11 npe.11:nonaraeMhIM nocne,ll,Hl1M KOJlhUOM B o6pa3ue c
noBpe)K,ll;eHHOH 111111 OTCYTCTBYIOllleH KOpOH 11/111111 3a60J10HhI0.

Commonly used *sapwood estimates vary for oak from ca. 15-30 *years in western Europe
to ca.15-25 in Central Europe, although the actual values are highly variable (approx. 5-80

scar 264
scar (n.)
*Stem wound which has been more or less overgrown by *callous tissue. It may
result from fire (*fire scar), ice floes (*ice scar), avalanches, rock slides, etc.
Feeding scar: caused e.g. by porcupines or lizards.
Pest-induced scar: caused by biotic agents (fungi, insects)
der. scarred, adj.
---? scarlett, n.
feeding scar, n.
pest-induced scar, n.
lightning scar, n.
avalanche scar, n.
bear scar, n.
hail scar, n.
*hidden scar

scar (f. <-,-en>)

(In der Dendrochronologie wird in Deutsch oft der englische Begriff "scar" ver-
wendet.) Mehr oder weniger tiberwallte Stammverletzungen. Diese entstehen <lurch
Feuer (*Feuerverletzung), schwimmende Eisplatten (*ice scar), Lawinen, Stein-
schlag, usw.
---? Hagel-Verletzung, f. <-, -en>
Frass-Verletzung, f. <-, -en>

cicatrice (n.f.)
Blessure occasionnee au tronc ( ou a une branche ), et qui a ete plus ou mains
recouverte par du *tissu calleux. Elle peut etre causee par un incendie, des radeaux
de glace (*cicatrice glacielle ), une avalanche, un eboulement, etc.
L' adjectif "scarifie dans pousse scarifiee fait reference a la traced 'incision laissee sur un
11 11

rameau par une ponte d'insecte. Il n'est pas !'equivalent de l'anglais "scarred".

cicatriz (n.f.)
Herida en el *tronco de un arbol que ha sido mas o menos tapada por el *tejido
calloso. Puede haber sido causada por el fuego (*cicatriz de incendios ), por tempanos
de hielo (*cicatriz de hielo ), por avalanchas de nieve, por la cafda de rocas, por
animales (*escomizaduras), etc.

cicatrice (s.f.)
Lesione del *fusto ricoperta piu o meno completamente da *tessuto calloso, prodotta
da fuoco (*cicatrice da fuoco ), blocchi di ghiaccio (*cicatrice da ghiaccio ), valanghe,
frane, etc.

cicatriz (n.f.)
Ferimento no tranco que foi parcialmente recoberto por *tecido de calo. Pode ser
resultado de incendio (*cicatriz de incendio ), placas de gelo flutuante (*cicatriz de
gelo ), avalanches, deslizamento de rochas, etc.

OTMenrna (cyw., )K.)

Patta Ha *crnoJ1e, 60J1ee-MeHee 3apocwaa *KaJ1J1IOCOM. Patta MOJK.eT 6b1Tb
HaHeceHa noJK.apoM (*noJK.apHaH OTMenrna), nJ1ana10mefI J1b.ZU1HOI1 (* J1e.n:onaa
OTMeTirna) CHeJK.HOfI JlamrnofI, KaMeHHblM onOJl3HeM l1 .n:p.

The recently coined neologism "scarlett" refers to small scars (1-3 cm in length) along the
ring circumference, recorded on the *callous margin along the sides of a larger scar (e.g. a
*fire scar). Whether they are caused by freeze damage, mechanical damage (due to wind,
ice or avalanche) or other biotic or a biotic factors is still a matter of debate.

*Callous tissue overgrowing a wound on a

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii).

seasoning 265
seasoning (n.)
The general process by which wood dries artificially or naturally, such as by long
exposure to the atmosphere.
der. seasoned, adj.
unseasoned, adj.
--, *wood storage

Holztrocknung (f. <-,-en>)

Trocknung des Holzes <lurch natilrliche Prozesse oder in Trocknungsanlagen.

sechage (n.m.)
Processus par lequel le bois seche naturellement, comme dans le cas d'une exposition
prolongee a l'air, ou artificiellement.

secado (n.m.)
Proceso general por el cual la madera se seca al aire libre o artificialmente en camaras
de secado. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ 1973)

essiccazicme (s.f.)
Insieme dei processi che determinano la perdita di umidita da parte del legno, sia
naturali (per esempio prolungata esposizione all'aria) sia artificiali.
11 11
In genere si usa il termine stagionatura per indicare l'essiccazione naturale, ed ii termine
essiccazione per indicare quella artificiale.
11 II

--, stagionatura, s.f.

secagem (n.f.)
Processo geral de secagem natural ou artificial da *madeira.

B1>I.n;epx1rnam1e (cym., c.)

CaeH,llpoapxeo11orm1) OcHOBHa.H npoue.llypa, rrp11 KOTopo11 npo11cxo,ll11T cyIIIKa
,llpeBeCHHbl KaK ecTecrneHHbIM nyTeM (1lJ1I1TeJlbHOe BbI,llep)K.11BaHI1e B
a TMOc<pepHblX YCJ10Bl1.HX), TaK 11 11CKYCCTBeHHblM.

secular variations 266

secular variations (n.)
Variations in *radiocarbon concentrations in the atmosphere, and thus in the
biosphere, over centuries.
--, *wiggle
*de Vries effect, n.

sakulare Variationen ( <->)

Konzentrationsschwankungen des *radioaktiven Kohlenstoffs in der Atmosphare
und Biosphare im Bereich von Jahrhunderten.

variations seculaires en carbone 14 (
Variations de la concentration en carbone 14 de l' atmosphere, et done de la biosphere,
a l'echelle de plusieurs siecles.
variaciones seculares del 14C (
Fluctuaciones en la concentraci6n del *carbono 14 atmosferico, y por lo tanto tambien
en la biosfera, a escalas temporales que comprenden varios siglos.

variazione secolare (s.f.)

Variazione della concentrazione di *radiocarbonio nell'atmosfera e nella biosfera
nel corso dei secoli.

varia~oes seculares (

Variac;oes nas concentrac;oes de *carbono 14 na atmosfera e na biosfera, em escala
de varios seculos.

BeKOBiiie H3MeHemrn ( cym., MH.q.)

(pa1u10yrnepo1u-rne 11:arnponatttte) I13MeHeHtt.H KOHUeHTpaum1 *pa11:ttoyrnepo11:a B
aTMOC<pepe H, COOTBeTCTBer-mo, B 6ttocq>epe B Teqe1rne CTOJ1eTI1I1.

semi-ring-porous 267
semi-ring-porous (adj.)
(Wood) in which the *earlywood is marked by a zone of occasional large *vessels
and/or numerous vessels. (::::,FQRTER2)
~ *ring-porous

halbringporig (Adj.)
(Holz) mit vielen im Vergleich zum *Spatholz vergrosserten *Poren im *Fri.ihholz.

Hippophae rhamnoides (40x).

a zone(s) semi-poreuse(s) (adj.)
Se dit d 'un bois dans lequel le *bois initial est marque par une zone comportant des
*vaisseaux accidentellement gros ou de nombreux petits *vaisseaux.

anillo(s) semiporoso(s) (adj.)

=porosidad semidifusa, adj., n.f.
#porosidad semianular, adj., n.f.
(Madera de) en la cual el diametro de los *vasos disminuye gradualmente desde la
*madera temprana hasta la *madera tardfa.

poroso semi-zonato (agg.)

Di tessuto legnoso nel quale, nell'ambito di uno stesso *anello annuale, il *legno
primaticcio ecaratterizzato dalla presenza di una zona anulare con alcuni *vasi sparsi
di grandi dimensioni e/o numerosi *vasi di piccole dimensioni.

anel semi-poroso (adj.)

(*Madeira) com *lenho inicial distinto e caracterizado por zonas de *vasos largos,
ocasi~nais, ou numerosos *vasos pequenos.

rronyKomuecocy .zu1crna (np1111.)

(l(peBenrna), B KOTOpOH *paHHJUI ,n:peBec11Ha OTMeqeHa 30HOH pe,ll,KI1X Kpym1ux
*cocy 11:0B 11/111111 MHO)KeCTBOM cocy 11:0B.

I Semi-ring-porosity may be induced by drought, e.g. in beech.

sensitivity (n.)
The degree to which the values of a *tree-ring series reflect one or more causal
factors. In practice, a *tree-ring series exhibiting high-frequency variance is termed
This is a term applied to trees in southwestern North America that may not apply around the
Some authors apply complacent and sensitive to individual trees or *sites as well as to

tree-ring series, although a tree's *complacency or sensitivity may change within the course of
its life (see figure).
der. sensitive, adj.
----, :t=*complacency
*mean sensitivity

Sensitivitat (f. <-, -en>)

Das Ausmass, in welchem Jahrringmerkmale von Jahr zu Jahr auf Umweltfaktoren
reagieren. Eine *Jahrringfolge, die starke Variationen aufweist, wird als sensitiv

sensitivite (n.f.)
(Neologisme - pas d'equivalent en frarn;ais) Traduction sous forme de largeur de
cernes de !'influence des variations annuelles de l'environnement sur l'arbre.
Ce neologisme forme d'apres le terme anglais est souvent prefere a "sensibilite".
sensibilidad (n.f.)
=sensible, adj.
Variabilidad interanual en una *serie de anillos anuales de un arbol, indica hasta que
pun to los valores de una *serie de anillos reflejan la influencia de uno o mas factores
causales. En la practica, una *serie de anillos que muestra una variabilidad grande
II 11
en las altas frecuencias es denominada sensible •

sensitivita (s.f.)
Quanto i valori di una *serie anulare riflettono la presenza di uno o piu fattori causali
di variabilita. Una serie, in altri termini, che presenta una varianza nelle alte frequenze
dello spettro e definita sensibile.

sensitividade (n.f.)
0 grau no qual os valores das *series cronol6gicas refletem a inferrecia um ou mais
fatores causais. Na pratica, uma *serie cronol6gica que exibe variancia de alta
frequencia e denominada sensitiva.

lJYBCTBHTeJlhHOCTh ( cym., )K.)

Kaqecrno OTpa)KeHI1JI 01urnro l1J1I1 HeCKOJlhKHX BJ111RIOWHX q>aKTOpOB cep11efl
ro1i:wrnblx Ko.neu. Ha rrpaKTHKe cepmo ro1i:11q1-11>1x Ko.neu, 11Me1owy10 3aMerny10


:c::s 0.4
~ 0.2
§ 0.0
t 0.4 I

I i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 1'i 121 3 14 15 16


1 1 1 1 1
I 1718 19 20 212223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Temperature prior Temperature during Precipitation prior Precipitation during
to growing season growing season to growing season growing season
--J!> response parameters

Example of climatic response function estimated using the Kalman filter technique. The
sensitivity of the parameter estimated (i.e. the tree's response to climatic factors) changes
through time. Temperature is in °C and precipitation is in mm. (After VISSER and MoLENAAR
1986 in INNES and COOK 1989)

short shoot 269
short shoot (n.)
=dwarf shoot, n.
Shoot with very short intemodes in woody plants.
~ *long shoot

K.urztrieb (m. <-(e)s, e>)

Seitentriebe von Holzgewachsen mit stark verki.irzten Intemodien.

rame2ru court (n.m.)

Rameau caracterise par des entre-noeuds tres courts.

braqu~blasto (n.m.)
=brote corto, n.m.
Ramita de entrenudos muy cortos y, por tan to, con las hojas muy pr6ximas formando
a menudo un manojo o roseta. Los braquiblastos suelen ser de crecimiento limitado
y no se ramifican.

getfo corto (s.m.)

""brachiblasto, s.m.
Getto di pianta arborea che presenta intemodi molto ravvicinati (non completamente

braquibfasto (n.m.)
""'ramo curto, n.m.
Ramo pequeno, de crescimento limitado, com intern6dios curtos, em consequencia
da folhas estarem muito pr6ximas, formando por vezes, uma roseta.

yKopo11eHHbIH rro6er (cyw., M.)

Tio6er ,n:peneCHoro pacremrn c yK0po 11eHHblMI1 Me)K.ll,OY3J1I1RM11.


-,--- 6




Ten-year old short shoot on beech (Fagus sylvatica). (TROLL 1954)

signal 270

signal (n.)
In the broadest sense, any of the factors which determine *ring width or other ring
characteristics: climatic signal, geometric signal, individual signal, etc.
In the strictest sense, a detectable quality, pattern, or variation in a *chronology
which can be attributed to meaningful information on climatic, environmental,
biological, or other conditions limiting growth.
---? *noise
*signal-to-noise ratio

Signal (n. <-s, -e>)

Im weitesten Sinn jeder Faktor (Klima, Neigung des Baumes), der die Breite oder
andere Merkmale eines Jahrrings bestimmt.
Im engeren Sinn eine erkennbare Eigenschaft, ein Muster oder eine Streuung in
einer Chronologie, denen eine Bedeutung hinsichtlich Klima, Um welt, biologischen
oder anderen Bedingungen zukommen kann.

signal (n.m.)
(sensu lato) Chacun des facteurs qui regissent la *largeur du cerne ou ses autres
caracteristiques: signal climatique, signal geometrique, signal individuel, signal
parasite, etc.
(sensu stricto) Qualite, modele, ou variation detectes dans une *chronologie, qui
peuvent etre attribues a des informations pertinentes sur le climat, l'environnement,
les conditions biologiques ou d'autres facteurs limitant la croissance de l'arbre. (n.f.)
En sentido amplio, cualquier factor que determine el *grosor de los anillos u otras
caracterfsticas de los mismos, p.ej. climatica, geometrica, individual,
En sentido estricto, cualquier cualidad, patron o variaci6n detectable en una
*cronologia que pueda ser atribufda al clima, al ambiente, a la biologia o a otras
condiciones que limitan el crecimiento en *grosor de los anillos.

segnale (s.m.)
In senso ampio, ognuno dei fattori che determinano l'*ampiezza anulare o altre
caratteristiche degli stessi: segnale climatico, segnale geometrico, segnale individuale,
In senso piu stretto, una caratteristica qualitativa individuabile, un andamento o una
variazione in una *cronologia che possano costituire informazioni rilevanti sul clima,
sull'ambiente o su condizioni biologiche od altro che abbiano potuto limitare la
crescita in spessore degli anelli.

sinai (n.m.)
(senso lato ): Qualquer fator que determina a *espessura ou outras caracterfsticas
dos *aneis de crescimento: sinal climatico, sinal geometrico, sinal individual, etc.
(senso estricto ): Qualidade, padrao ou variac;ao detectaveis em uma *cronologia que
pode constituir em significativa informac;ao sobre o clima, ambiente, efeito biol6gico
ou outras condic;6es limitantes do crescimento.

CM:rHaJI ( cym., M.)
B nmpOKOM CMhICJle TepMI1H o603HalJaeT KaKOH-J11160 I13 <f>aKTOpOB,
onpe11:ernuorn,11x rrmp11uy 111111 11:pyme xapaKTep11cT11K11 ro11:1111uoro Komua:
KJ111Ma Tw1ecK1111 c11rua11, reoMeTp1111ecK1111 c11rua11, c11rua11, ttecyrn,1111
111-I<f>OpMaumo 06 11n11:11n1111:ya11hHhIX oco6eunocrnx 11:epena 11 T.1J:.
B CTporoM CMhICJle c11rua11 - 3TO per11cTpI1pyeMOe KalJeCTBO I1J1l1 KapTl1Ha
3Ha lll1MOH 11uq>opMau1111 o KJ111Ma Te, 0Kpyxa10rn,e11 cpe11:e, 611011or1111ecK11x
111111 11:pyrttx YCJ10Bl1flX, J111Ml1T11py10rn,11x fO.ll:WIHbIH np11pOCT.

signal-to-noise ratio (n.)
=signal/noise ratio, n.

The proportion of explainable variation (due to climate or other causal factors)

divided by the unexplainable variation or *residual.

Sig:nal/Rauschen-Verhaltnis (n. <-sses, -sse>)

Der Anteil der <lurch klimatische oder andere Faktoren erklarbaren Variation in
einer *Chronologie geteilt <lurch den nicht erklarbaren Anteil.

rapport signal-bruit (n.m.)

Rapport de la variance expliquee par un modele donne (due au climat ou a d' autres
facteurs causaux) sur la variance non expliquee par le meme modele.

Hager basin Juniperus occidentalis

segment of chronology

( 5 Trees / 9 Cores ) ( 15 Trees / 20 Cores) ( 27 Trees/ 47 Cores)

i :~, ?;~:~~ 0


ro O N "'1" '-0

= 0.0424 Signal = 0.07 48

Noise = 0.0014
SIN Ratio= 53.43



1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950

*Indexed curves with various sample sizes. With large samples, individual variations decrease
(lower standard error) and the climatic *signal increases, hence a higher signal-to-noise ratio.

relacion seiiaUruido (n.f.)
=relaci6n senal a ruido, n.f

Proporci6n de varianza explicada (debida al clima u otros factores causales) dividida

por la *varianza no explicada o residual.

rapporto segnale-rumore (s.m.)

La proporzione della variabilita spiegabile ( attribuibile cioe a fattori climatici od
altri di tipo causale) rispetto alla variabilita non spiegata o *residua.

razao sinaUruido (n.f.)

Propon;ao da variac;ao explicavel (devida ao clima ou a outros fatores causais) dividida
pela variac;ao nao explicavel ou *residua.

oTHomemrn "cuman-rnyM" (cym., c.)

Ornmnem1e o6MICHl1MbIX 113Mettett1111, o6yc110B11eHHh1x KJ111Ma TOM (111111 1lPYrMMl1
rrpWI11HHbIMl1 q>aKTOpaM11), K 113MeHeHl1HM, Bbl3BaHHblM c11yqafIHblMl1 q>aKTOpaMl1.

When replicate measurements from a large number of trees are averaged, the *residual
variation decreases but the common *signal remains unchanged so that the signal-to-noise
ratio increases (which is desirable).

signature 272

signature (n.)
A sequence of *pointer years or *pointer intervals (European usage). (ScHWEIN-
GRUBER et al. 1990)
A sequence or set of tree-ring patterns, the *crossdating relationship of which is
distinct and sufficiently unique to make it visually identifiable (American usage).
The European definition of signature is consistent with that of A.E. DOUGLASS (1939) and

B. HUBER (1951). (SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1990)

Signatur (f. <-,-en>)

(In Deutsch nicht genau definierbarer Begriff) Eine Abfolge von *Weiserjahren oder
*Weiserintervallen (europaische Bedeutung).
Eine visuell leicht erkennbare Abfolge von datierbaren *Ereignisjahren (amerika-
nische Bedeutung).

sign.ature (n.f.)
zsequence caracteristique, n.f
Sequence d'*annees caracteristiques ou d'*intervalles caracteristiques (usage
Sequence ou groupe caracteristique de cernes, dont l'*interdatation est evidente et
suffisamment univoque pour etre identifiable visuellement (usage americain).
--, test des signatures, n.m.

firma (n.f.)
=signatura, n.f.
Una secuencia de *a:fios caracteristicos ode *intervalos caracteristicos (uso europeo ).
Una secuencia o patron de un conjunto de *anillos cuya estructura de *datacion es
dis tin ta y unica y son por lo tanto facilmente identificables (uso americano ).

segnatura (s.f.)
Sequenza di *anni od *intervalli caratteristici (secondo gli Autori europei).
Una sequenza o un gruppo di parametri anulari, particolari e databili, identificabile
visivamente (secondo gli Autori americani).

assinatura (n.f.)
=sequencia caracteristica, n.f.
Sequencia de *aneis de crescimento caracteristicos ou de *intervalos caracteristicos.
(uso europeu)
Sequencia ou conjunto de padroes de *aneis de crescimento com *interdata<;ao
distinta e suficientemente singular para ser identificavel visualmente. (uso americano)

CHrHa Typa ( cyru., )IC)

I1ocne,llOBa TeJlhHOCTh *perrepHbIX JleT 11Jll1 *perrepHbIX l1HTepBaJ10B (EnporreHCKOe
11crrom3onam1e TepM11na).
I1ocJ1e,ll0BaTeJ1LHOCTL JleT B cep1111 (11J111 COBOKYITHOCTL TlOCJle,llOBaTeJlhHOCTett)
orrpe,llene1-11-1oro xapaKTepa, %11 rrepeKpecrno .lla T11ponamihle CBJI311 JIBJIJIIOTCJI
lJ.eTKl1Ml1 11 .llOCTa TOlJ.HO yH11KaJ1hHbIMH, H Tl03TOMY nerKO Bl13yaJihHO
H,lleHTl1q>11UHpyeMhIMl1. (AMep11KaHCKOe l1CTl0Jlh30BaHHe TepMHHa).

A signature is often detected using *skeleton plots. It may be expressed as a sequence of

I years with consistently narrow (and occasionally large) rings for a particular region or site.

single curve 273

single curve (n.)
*Time series of tree-ring parameters measured along a single *radius.

Einzelkurve (f. <-, -n>)

Messkurve entlang eines einzelnen *Radius.

Serie elementaire (n.f.)

*Serie temporelle d'un parametre d'un ceme, mesure le long d'un seul *rayon.

serie individual (n.f.)

=curva individual, n.f.
*Serie temporal de alg(m para.metro de los *anillos de los arboles medido a lo largo
de un solo *radio.

curva singola (s.f.)
*Serie temporale di un parametro anulare rilevata lungo un solo *raggio.

serie elementar (n.f.)

*Serie temporal de um parametro de *aneis de crescimento medido ao longo de um
unico *raio.

e.zurn1-11rnan cep1rn (cym., JK.)

*BpeMeHHaa cep1rn rrapaMeTpoB ro.11:wrnoro KOJlhUa, tt3MepeHHhIX B.11:0Jlh 011:ttoro

site 274
site (n.)
A homogeneous area considered in terms of its environment, particularly as this
determines the type and quality of the vegetation, soil and stand structure. It may be
specific to a particular slope, exposure, elevation, or substrate. (:::::PORTER)
In *dendroecology,although "site" (or "study site") is often misused for "*plot",it should be
restricted to contexts in which the ecological parameters are defined.
(Phraseol.) Trees are sampled ON sites (when "site" is used for "*plot": "ON a plot") or AT
sites (when "site" is used for "locality": "AT a locality").
~ :;c* (meteorological) station

Standort (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Ein okologisch homogener Ort. Ausdruck einer Standortseinheit sind z.B. Vegeta-
tion, Boden, Aufbau eines *Bestandes, Hangneigung, Hohenlage und -exposition
und geologischer Untergrund.
Der Begriff wird in der *Dendrookologie nur verwendet, wenn die okologischen Eigenschaf-
ten in irgendeiner Art definiert sind. Er ist in der *Dendrookologie oft mit "*Lokalitat" ver-
wechselt worden.

station (n.f.)
zstation forestiere, n.f
Etendue de terrain de superficie variable definie par des conditions ecologiques
homogenes (type de vegetation et de sol, structure de peuplement, pente, exposition,
substrat geologique ).
Le terme frarn;ais homonyme "site" (ou "site d'etude") est souvent abusivement employe
pour designer une *placette.
Dan·s le contexte de la *dendroecologie, "station" sous-entend generalement "station
fores ti ereII•

estacion (n.m.)
=estaci6n forestal, n.m.
::.=habitat, n.m.
::.=piso de vegetaci6n, n.m.
Un area considerada homogenea en terminos de sus condiciones ambientales, en
particular cuando estas determinan la vegetaci6n, el tipo de suelo y la estructura de
la masa forestal. Puede ser espedfica de una pendiente, orientaci6n, elevaci6n o
sustrato particular.
En dendroecologfa el termino estaci6n esta referido a estaci6n forestal. El termino site II 11

tambien esta referido a sitio (o sitio de muestreo) que es el lugar concreto donde se muestrea
en una *parcela de muestreo.

stazione (s.f.)
Un'area considerata omogenea in riferimento alle sue condizioni ambientali, in
quanta queste determinano il tipo e la qualita della vegetazione, del suolo e della
struttura del popolamento. Puo essere caratteristica di una particolare pendenza,
esposizione, altitudine o substrata geologico o pedologico.

sitio (n.m.)
Area homogenea em rela~ao as condi~oes do ambiente, em especial quando estas
determinam tipo e qualidade de vegeta~ao, do solo e da estrutura da massa florestal.
Pode ser espedfica de uma inclina~ao particular, exposi~ao, eleva~ao, substrata
geol6gico, etc.

MecTo npouapacTamrn (cym., c.)

Tepp11TOpl1H, O.ll,HOpO.ll,HaH no YCJ10Bl1HM OKpy)K_a}Olll,efl cpe.ll,hl; onpe.ll,eJl.HeTCH B
OCHOBHOM Tl1fiOM 11 Bl1.ll0Bh1M COCTaBOM paCTl1TeJlhHOCT11, Tl1fiOM noqnhI 11
CTPYKTypofl .ll,peBOCTOH. MecTO npOI13paCTaHl1H MQ)K_eT 6hITh cneumtrnqHhIM ne
3KCn03I1U11l1, BhICOTe MeCTa H.y.M., cy6cTpa Ty, l1J1I1 CKJlOHy.

I normal
I beech
I Examples of sites. Beech
I (Fagus) grows well on
I deep soils with normal
permeability, but cannot
grow on shallow soils
subject to periodic
drought or waterlogging.
normal beech Pine ( Pin us) succeeds on
ecologically special sites,
e.g. steep slopes, bogs.
beech On normal sites pine is
pine pine *suppressed by beech.

site 275

site (n.)
=archaeological site, n.
(Dendroarchaeology) The point of an archaeological sample collection, e.g. a church
or a bog.

Lokalitat (f. <-,-en>)

(Dendroarchaologie) Stelle, in der kulturhistorische Holzer gefunden werden, z.B.
eine Kirche oder ein Moor.

site (n.m.)
""site archeologique, n. m.
(Dendroarcheologie) Lieu de prelevement d'echantillons archeologiques, par ex.
eglise, marecage.

sitio arqueologico (n.m.)

=yacimiento arqueol6gico, n.m.
(Dendroarqueologfa) El lugar donde se recogen muestras arqueol6gicas, p.ej., una
iglesia, una turbera, etc.

sito (s.m.)
(Dendroarcheologia) Luogo di rinvenimento di reperti di interesse storico culturale,
ad esempio una chiesa, una torbiera, etc.

sitio (n.m.)
=sitio arqueol6gico, n.m.
(Dendroarqueolo gia) Local de coleta de amostras arqueol6gicas, exemplo, urn a igrej a,
um pantano, uma turfeira.

MecTopacrroJ1oxem1e (cym., c.)

(11,eH11,poapxeo11orm1) MeCTo c6opa apxeo11on1qecK11x o6pa3U0B (T.e., Harrp11Mep,
uepKOBb I1J1l1 60110TO).

site chronology 276
site chronology (n.)
*Chronology averaged from raw tree-ring measurements or standardised indices for
one to several cores per tree and for several trees growing on similar types of
( ecological) *sites (American usage).

Standortchronologie (f. <-, -n>)

Eine *Chronologie, die aus *Einzelkurven (Roh- oder Indexwerte) eines einzigen
*Standortes entsteht. (European usage)

chronologie moyenne d'une station (n.f.)

*Chronologie moyenne des valeurs brutes ou indicees provenant d 'une ou plusieurs
*carottes par arbre pour plusieurs arbres echantillonnes sur une *station (usage

cronologfa de una estacion (n.f.)

*Cronologia establecida promediando datos brutos de alguna variable medida en
los *anillos o *indices de crecimiento de uno a varios *testigos por arbol de varios
arboles de *estaciones similares.

cronologia stazionale (s.f.)

*Cronologia media di parametri o indici anulari ricavata da *carote di uno o piu
alberi di una *stazione.

cronologia media de um sitio (n.f.)

=cronologia media de uma estac;ao, n.f

*Cronologia media obtida a partir de medidas de *aneis de crescimento ou de indices

estandartizados de uma ou mais amostras por arvore para diversas arvores, que se
desenvolvem em *sitios similares.

xpOHOJlOfHH MeCTa rrpOH3pacTaHHH (cym., JK.)

XpoHOllOrIUI, ycpe.11,HeHHaH ITO p11.11,y 113Mepemn1 f0.11,WIHbIX K011eu 111111
HOpM11pOBaHHblX l11-I.ll,eKCOB. I13MepeHl1H rrpoBO.ll,111111Cb Ha 0.11,HOM 111111 HeCKOJlbKl1X
KepHaX C .11,epeBa 111111 Ha KepHax C HeCKOJlbKl1X .11,epeBbeB 0.11,HOfO MecTa

In Europe the term "site chronology" strictly refers to the chronology of an ecologically
defined unit (*site), whereas in America it is used more loosely (as is "site") to refer to that
of one or several *plots.

site selection 277
site selection (n.)
Identification and selection of an ecologically homogeneous area (*site) where trees
will be sampled for dendroecological purposes.
-? *limiting factor

Standortsauswahl (f. <-s, ~>)

Auswahl einer okologischen Einheit, in welcher Proben ftir dendrookologische
Zwecke gesammelt werden sollen.

choix des placettes d'etude (n.m.)

#choix des sites, n.m.
Identification et selection d'une unite ecologique (*station) afin d'y prelever des
echantillons (*carottes, *disques) destines a une etude dendroecologique.
Le terme impropre de choix des sites est souvent employe.

seleccion del lugar (n.f.)

Identificaci6n y selecci6n de un area ecol6gicamente homogenea (*estaci6n) donde
se muestrearan los arboles para estudios dendrocronol6gicos.

scelta deHa stazione (s.f.)

Identificazione e scelta dell'area ecologicamente omogenea (*stazione) nella quale
gli alberi verranno campionati per scopi dendrocronologici.

sele~ao de sitio (n.f.)

=escolha de sftio, n.f
Identificac;ao e selec;ao de uma area ecologicamente homogenea (*sitio) onde as
arvores irao ser amostradas ("*baguetas" ou *discos de madeira) para estudos

oT6'0p MecT rrpmupacTamrn ( cym., M.)

Bu6op 11 om1catt11e 3K011or1111ecK11 OllHOpOllHOH Tepp11Top1111 (*Mecrn
rrpo113paCTaHI1.H), C KOTOpofi 6y llYT B3.HTbl o6pa3Ubl llJl.H )leHllPOXPOH0Jl0fl11IeCKHX

skeleton plot 278
skeleton plot (n.)
Method consisting of visual examination of a tree-ring sequence before any actual
measurement is made, *plotting its outline or skeleton, highlighting very narrow or
very wide rings, sometimes adding other relevant information (presence of insect
galleries, of *bark, *callous tissue, *pith, etc.).
A skeleton plot may be called a *chronology in the sense that it represents the variations
through time. It may be the reference chronology.
der. skeleton plotting, n.
skeleton-plotted, p.p.
~ *event year
*plot (to)
*ring width

skeleton plot (m. <-s, -s>)

Methode, mit der visuell auffallende *Jahrringmerkmale, z.B. extrem schmale oder
breite *Jahrringe, *Kallusgewebe, *Insektenfrassgange, Mark- und Rindenreste
datiert und in Form eines Strichdiagramms aufgetragen werden.

added or corrected Oraibi sequence

by HH-39 well verified

~ ___ sing!; i~;;te_n_ ___,.

AD 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340

~ ..____ _.___...L-_ _.__ __,___ __,__ ___.__ _1-'o'-o--'---1-'-20_ ___.__
-~ the great drought
°" I I
CD (citadel dating) and RD (relative dating) are shown along lower margi

A skeleton plot of historical significance: on June 12, 1929, A.E. Douglass and his colleagues
Hargrave and Hauri extended their Oraibi *absolute chronology back to 1237, by *crossdating
it with a *charred beam (sample number HH39) from the Sholow settlement in Northern
Arizona. They bridged the gap with their formerly *floating chronology (RD), which was
extended by 350 years. This finding enabled 27 famous *prehistoric *cliff-dwelling settlements
of the American Southwest to be absolutely dated. (DOUGLASS 1939)

skeleton plot (n.m.)
=releve des caracteristiques des cemes, n.m. (neol.)
(pas d' equivalent franc;ais) Meth ode consistant aexaminer visuellement une sequence
de *cernes avant de les mesurer, et d' en representer graphiquement le profil (ou
"l' ossature" : "skeleton" en anglais) en mettant en relief les *cernes les plus etroits
ou les plus larges, parfois en ajoutant d'autres informations (*galeries d'insectes,
ecorce, *moelle, *tissu calleux, etc.).
Le terme "releve des caracteristiques des cernes" a ete propose par F. Serre-Bachet mais ne
semble pas avoir ete adopte pour !'instant. Le terme est couramment anglais est couramment
employe a l'oral comme a l'ecrit.

esqueleto (n.m.)
=skeleton plot (neol.)
Metodo que consiste en examinar visualmente una secuencia de *anillos antes de
hacer las mediciones, los anillos mas estrechos se representan secuencialmente por
barras cuya altura es proporcional a la estrechez relativa del *anillo, tambien se
puede afiadir otra informaci6n relevante (presencia de galerias de insectos, de la
*corteza, de la *medula, anillos rotos, *anillos de helada, anillos muy anchos, etc.).
Normalmente se utiliza el neologismo skeleton-plot.

skeleton plot (s.m.)

(non esiste termine corrispondente) II metodo dello skeleton plot consiste
nell'esaminare visivamente una sequenza anulare prima di procedere a qualsiasi
misura e nel rappresentame graficamente il profilo, mettendo in rilievo gli anelli piu
stretti e aggiungendo eventualmente altre notizie utili (ad esempio presenza di gallerie
d'insetti, di residui midollari o di *corteccia, *tessuto calloso, ecc.).
Sostantivo inglese, in Italiano usato al maschile.

skeleton plot
(nao ha equivalente em portugues, se utiliza o termo em ingles) Metodo que consiste
em examinar visualmente uma sequencia de *aneis de crescimento antes de se
proceder as mensurac;oes, representando graficamente o perfil, com destaque para
os *aneis de crescimento muito delgados ou muito largos, podendo incluir outras
informac;6es relevantes (presenc;a de galerias de insetos, de *casca, de *medula,
*tecido de calo, etc.).

rpa«I>HK-CXeMa ( cyw,., M.)

MeTOll, COCTOJIUJ,I111 113 npe,lI,Bapl1TeJlbHOro Bl13Ya.rtbH0f0 myqeHHJI I10CJ1e1lOBaTeJ1bHOCTI1
f01ll11IHb1X KOJleU nepell 113MepeHHJIMI1, a 3aTeM ee cxeMaTWieCKOfO I1306paJKeHHJI
Ha BpeMeHI-1011 lllKaJle, OTpaJKaJI npH 3TOM TOJlbKO oqeHb Y3KI1e I1 oqeHb
lll11p0KI1e KOJlbUa I1 np11 Heo6xoll11MOCTI1 1l06aBJ1J1JI llPYfYIO OTHOCHUJ,YIOCJI K
lleny I1H<popMau1110 (nanp11Mep, o nan11q1111 *Kopu, *ceplluenHHbI, *xollOB
HaceKOMbIX, KaJlJlIOCa I1 llp.).

e In the original method as described by A.E. Douglass, only the very narrow rings were
• In a later stage, several series of skeleton plots are overlaid, and a master skeleton plot
(=*master chronology) is constructed with which to date all series.

smoke damage 279
smoke damage (n.)
:::acute damage, n.

Damage caused to trees by wet or dry deposition in the vicinity of an anthropogenic

point source of pollution.

Rauchschaden (m. <-s, -aden>)

Schaden an Pflanzen, der <lurch anthropogene *Immissionen in der Umgebung von
Emittenten entsteht.

(pas d'equivalent en fran~ais) Dommage cause a des arbres par des depots humides
ou secs dans le voisinage immediat d'une source anthropogenique de pollution

deterioro por contaminacion (n.m.)

Dafios causados a los arboles por deposiciones humedas o secas provenientes de
una fuente de emisi6n de contaminantes de origen antropogenico.

danneggiamento da deposizioni (s.m.)

Danneggiamento causato dalla deposizione di sostanze allo stato liquido o solido, su
alberi situati in prossimita di sorgenti antropogeniche di emissione.

injuria de fuma~a (n.f.)

Injuria causada por deposi~ao umida ou seca em arvores localizadas nas proximidades
de uma fonte antoprogenica de *imiss6es.

rroBpex.n;emrn (pacnuemHOCTH) raJooopaJHMMH oTxo.n;aMH (cyw., c.)

=JTonpeJKJJemte "cMoroM': cyw., c.

CT0Bpe2K..ll,eH11e .ll,epeBbeB B6JIH3l1 OT aHTporroreHHoro TOllelIHOro HCTOllHHKa,

Bbl3BaHHOe ero BJ1a2K.Hb1Ml1 HJIH CYXHMH OTXO.ll,aMH.

smoothing 280
smoothing (n.)
Averaging the interannual variations in a *chronology using running means, *filters
or splines.
~ *standardising smoothing curve

Ausgleichsfunktion (f. <-,-en>)

Mittelung der interannuellen Variation in einer *Chronologie <lurch ein gleitendes
Mittel, *Filter oder "spline functions".

lissage (n.m.)
Action de moyenner les variations interannuelles au sein d'une *chronologie al'aide
de moyennes mobiles, de *filtres ou de splines.
der. lisser (une courbe), v.t.

suavizado (n.m.)
Promedio de las variaciones interanuales de una *cronologfa calculando medias
II 11
consecutivas, *filtros o splines con el fin de generar una serie con menor variabi-

lidad de alta frecuencia.

~ pesos
medias m6viles

perequazione (s.f.)
Sostituzione delle osservazioni affette da errori o rumore con valori presumibilmente 11 11

corretti, ovvero affetti da minor errore. In *dendrocronologia rappresentazione

dell'andamento media delle variazioni annuali di una cronologia mediante medie
mobili, *filtri o "spline 11

suaviza~ao (n.f.)
Obten~ao de medias de varia~6es interanuais em uma *cronologia usando medias
II 11
moveis, *filtros ou splines •

er J1ax1rnamrn (cym., c.)

Ycpe11,HeH1Ie rror011,11l!HliIX l13MeHeHl1I1 B *xpOHOJ10r1111 C 11CITOJlh30BaHl1eM
CKOJlh3JIIUero cpe11,Hero, *<1>11111:iTpOB 111111 CITJlaHHOB.

Northern Fennoscandian Temperatures (July-August)


600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

u 2
cu 1
cu -1
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
50-150 years
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
years A.D.
Reconstructed temperature curve smoothed with three different filters. (BRIFFA et al. 1992)

SMOW 281
SMOW (n.)
Standard Mean Ocean Water: one of the oceanic standards used to scale the 18 0/1 60
and 2H/1H ratio.

Standard Mean Ocean Water: Referenzmaterial zur Bestimmung des 180/1 60- und

(Standard Mean Ocean Water) Echantillon d' eau de mer utilise comme valeur etalon
pour l'analyse de la composition isotopique en oxygene (1 80/1 60) ou en hydrogene

Uno de los patrones estandar de agua marina usado para determinar las relaci6nes
1sofl60 y 2H/1H.
Las siglas de SMOW corresponden a "Standard Mean Ocean Water": Agua marina media

Standard Mean Ocean Water: uno degli standard oceanici usato per definire il
rapporto 18 0/1 60 e 2H/1H.
Sigla inglese, in Italiano usata al maschile.

=Padrao Media da Agua do ouano
=PMAO (abr.)
Um dos padr6es oceanicos utilizados para determinar a relac;ao 18 0/1 60 e 2H/1H.

Cpe.llHHH CocTaB 0KeaHH1IeCKOH Bo.llbl (CCOB) (cym., M.)

0..1u-m 113 CTaH,llapTHblX OKeaH11qecKHX xapaKTepHCTHK, HCITOJlb3yeMa.R rrpH
orrpe,lleJ1ett1111 oTHorneHHH 180/160 11 H/1H.

snag 282
snag (n.)
Standing dead tree or standing portion from which at least the leaves and smaller
branches have fallen. (SAF)
In practice, "snag" also refers to a lying and/or eroded *stem. Often called a stub if less than 20
feet tall. (SAF)
In new biodiversity terminology, a snag is standing and everything on the ground is now termed
coarse woody debris
ti ti.

~ *stump
coarse woody debris, n.

toter Baumstamm (m. <-(e)s, -·'e>)
(In Deutsch wird die Form umschrieben) Trocken gewordener, abgestorbener, ste-
hender oder liegender Baum.

arbre mort (n.m.)

Arb re mort en place: partie restee sur pied de la tige cassee d 'un arbre.
Arbre mort couche: arbre ou partie d' arbre a terre. (DFM)
~ arbre mart en place, n.m.
arbre mart cauche, n.m.

arbol muerto en pie (n.m.)

Arbo I muerto que se mantiene en pie entero al que se le han caido las hoj as y las ramas
mas pequefias. Tambien una porci6n del *tronco de un arbol roto a una altura superior
a los 3 6 4 m de la base, si es menor se llama *toc6n. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ 1973)

troncone (s.m.)
Albero morto in piedi, o parte residua ancora eretta, che abbia perduto almeno
tutto l'apparato fogliare ed i rami piu piccoli.

arvore morta (n.f.)

Arvore morta em pe (total ou parcial), nao apresentando os ramos finos e folhas.

cyxocTOfrnoe ).(epeBo (cym., c.)

=cymHHK, cym., M.
Crnmuee nom6rnee .llepeBo (111111 ero qacTb), c Kornporo no Kpafrneti Mepe
onanH flHCTbH H MenKHe BeTKH.

snow breakage 283

snow breakage (n.)

#snowbreak, n.
Breaking of tree *stems or branches by snow. (PORTER)

Sclmeebmch (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

Das Abbrechen von *Stammen und Asten unter Schneelast.

bris de neige (n.m.)

Toute cassure d'un arbre ou d'une partie d'arbre resultant de !'accumulation de nei-
ge. (DFM)

destrozos por la nieve (

Rotura de arboles o de ramas por el peso de la nieve.

schianto da neve (s.m.)

=danno da neve, s.m.
Rottura del *fusto o di rami di un albero, causata dall'accumulo di neve su di esso.

quebra pela neve (n.£)
Quebra do *tronco ou dos ramos de uma arvore causada pelo acumulo de neve.

CHerOJlOM ( cym., M.)

CTonOMKa CTB0fl0B lepeBheB HflH BeTOK CHeroM.

softwood 284

softwood (adj., n.)

A conventional term for both the timber and the trees belonging to the botanical
group *Gymnosperms, and in practice almost restricted to *conifers. (:::::FORTER2)
Although *softwood refers primarily to the timber of *conifers, it is also used to designate

the trees themselves.

~ *conifer

Weichholz (n. <-es, ··-er>)

(kein deutscher aquivalenter Begriff) Der deutsche Begriff umfasst Holzer mit ge-
ringem spezifischem Gewicht, z.B. *Nadelholzer und leichte *Laubholzer (Pappel,
Linde, usw. ). Im botanischen Sinn wird der Begriff nicht verwendet.

resineux (adj., n.m.)

Terme tres general applique soit aux arbres appartenant a la famille des
*Gymnospermes, soit a leur bois. Dans la pratique, ce terme est limite aux bois des

conifera(s) (n.f.(pl.)/adj.)
Termino convencional para designar a los arboles que pertenecen a las
*gimnospermas y tambien la madera producida por estos arboles; en la practica el
termino esta casi restringido para designar a los arboles de la familia de las *coniferas.

resinosa/o (agg.)
Termine usato correntemente per indicare gli alberi ed il legno di specie appartenenti
al gruppo botanico delle *Gymnospermae, ma in pratica utilizzato per le sole
11 termine inglese di larghissimo impiego softwood si riferisce anche e sopratutto al legname
in commercio (=legname di conifere). (BERTER)

madeira de conffera (n.f.)

*Madeira proveniente de especies florestais denominadas *confferas, pertencentes
as *Gimnospermas.

MHrKaH .n:peBecirna ( cyru., )K.)
=XBOHHhle, cym., MH. q.
=4peneC11Ha xnoiiHhIX 1Topo4, cym., JK.

YCJ10BHblH TepMHH, rrpHH.HTbIH 11:JlH .n:epeBbeB (11 ii:peneCHHbI), npirnaii:11eJKarn:11x K

60TaH11qecK0My T11rry *roJioceMeHHbl; ero np11Menemi:e npaKT11qecK11 orpaHwieHo
*xBOHHbIMH nopo.ll,aMH.
B pyccKOf!3bPIHOl1 HayqHQl1 mnepaType TepMHH "Mf!rKaf! ,1!,peBeCHtta" npHHf!TO npHMeHf!Th
TOJlhKO K TeM nopo,ll,aM, rnep,ll,OCTb KOTOpbIX 49 H/MM 2 11 Mettee. (I1IUKIUMll1J1IUM q>TB
rnru11,yM 1989)

Southern Oscillation 285

Southern Oscillation (n.)
Out-of-phase relationship between atmospheric pressure over the southeast Pacific
and the Indian Ocean. When pressure is high in the Indian Ocean, it is lower than
usual in the south Pacific Ocean. Rainfall varies in the opposite direction. The
Southern Oscillation is closely linked to *El Nino events. (EESS)
~ *El Nifio

Southern Oscillation (f.)

(kein deutscher Ausdruck) Die "Southern Oscillation" tritt zwischen den El Ni:fio-
Ereignissen auf. Wenn der Druck tiber dem Indischen Ozean hoch ist, ist er tiefer als
normal im Stidpazifik. Entsprechend der Druckverteilung fallen die Niederschlage.

Oscillation australe (n.f.)

Dephasage entre la pression atmospherique sur le sud-est Pacifique et celle sur
l'Ocean Indien. Lorsque la pression est haute sur l'Ocean Indien, elle est plus basse
que d'habitude sur le sud de l'Ocean Pacifique. Les precipitations varient de fa9on
opposee. L'oscillation australe est etroitement liee aux episodes *El Ni:fio.

Oscilacion del sur (n.f.)

Relacion desfasada entre la presion atmosferica sabre el oceano Pacifico sur y el
oceano Indico. Cuando la presion es alta en el Indico, es mas baja de lo usual en el
Pacifico sur. Las precipitaciones varian en la direccion opuesta. Los cambios en el
patron de las vientos durante las fenomenos de El Ni:fio son una consecuencia de la
Oscilacion del sur (PICKARD & EMERY 1990).

Southern oscillation (s.f.)

(non esiste termine corrispondente) Relazione di carattere sfasato fra pressione
atmosferica sull'area sudorientale del Pacifico e sull'Oceano Indiana: quando la
pressione e alta sull'Oceano Indiana, essa e anche piu bassa del solito sull'Oceano
Pacifico. Le precipitazioni variano conseguentemente nel senso opposto. II fenomeno
e strettamente collegato con gli eventi ascrivibili al fenomeno "*El Ni:fio".
Termine inglese, in Italiano usato al femminile.

Oscila~ao Sul (n.f.)
Relagao defasada entre a pressao atmosferica do sudeste do Oceano Pacifico e do
Oceano Indico. Quando a pressao e alta no Oceano Pacifico e menor do que a nor-
mal na regiao sul do Oceano Pacifico. As chuvas variam sentido oposto. A Oscilagao
Sul e fortemente ligada aos eventos do El Nino.

IOxHaH OcunJUIHLUrn (cym., )K.)

Tiponmocpa3Hafl 3aBl'1Cl1MOCTb Me)K.llY a TMOCcpepHblM llaBJ1eHI1eM Hall IQ)K_HQH
lJaCTbIO T11xoro OKeaHa l1 Ha)l 11Hlll1HCKI1M OKeaHOM. Tip11 BbICOKOM a TMOccpepHOM
llaBJ1eHI1l1 Hall 11Hlll1HCKI1M OKeaHOM Ha6J1I0llaeTCfl JlOHI1)K_em10e a TMOCcpepuoe
llaBJ1e1rne Hall IQ)K_HQH lJaCTbIO T11xoro OKeaua. Tip11 3TOM KOJll1lJeCTBO OCallKOB
l1MeeT o6pa THYIO 3aBl1Cl1MOCTb OT a TMOCcpepuoro llaBJ1eHI1f1. IO)K_Hble
0CUI1J1Jlf1Ul1l1 1-1arrpaMyI0 CBf13aHhl C B03Hl1KHOBeHl1eM 3nh-Hl1Hb0.

The connection between the El Nifio events and marked changes of the Southern Oscillation
have led many scientists to refer to strong El Nifio as "ENSO events", combining the El
Nifio with the Southern Oscillation (PICKARD and EMERY 1990).
ENSO is the dominant global climate signal on time scales of a few months to a few years,
and it has many spatial teleconnections. It is associated with major dislocations of the rainfall
regimes in the tropics, which bring drought to productive agricultural areas and torrential
rains to otherwise arid regions. ENSO circulation anomalies also extend deep into the
extratropics, bringing unusual wintertime conditions to mid-latitude locations as far apart
as the United States and New Zeland (RASMUSSON 1984).

Pressure at Darwin

·.;:: -2
't:) Pressure at Tahiti
tj 2

Cl) 100

=E 50
p.. 0
1950 1960 1970
The complementary fluctuations in atmospheric pressure at Darwin, Australia and Tahiti il-
lustrate the so-called Southern Oscillation, which is closely related to variations in a number
of other atmospheric and oceanic parameters. *El Nino is a period of high pressure in Darwin,
low pressure near Tahiti, high rainfall near the date line at Ocean and Nauru Islands. During
La Nifia, tendencies are the opposite. (EESS)

split wood 286
split wood (n.)
=converted wood, n.
=cleft wood, n.
*Timber that has been split once (half section wood) or several times (split section,
wedge section) along the grain to produce planks.
~ half section wood, n.
split section, n.
wedge section, n.

Spaltling (m. <-s, "-e>)

Ein- (=Halbling) oder mehrfach langs aufgespaltener *Stamm.

bois fendu (n.m.)

Bois de bite dans le sens du fil. On distingue le bois fendu, coupe par demi, et le bois
refendu ( ou bois de refente ), recoupe plusieurs fois dans le sens du fil.
~ bois refendu, n.m.
bois de refente, n.m.

madera elaborada (n.f.)

=madera de raja, n.f
Trozos de maderas serradas, cortadas o separadas en el sentido longitunal de la fibra
para obtener tablas, p.ej. tejuelos. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ 1973)

legno di spacco (s,m.)

*Legname lavorato per spacco lungo la direzione della fibratura allo scopo di ricavare
tavole: l'operazione puo essere stata ripetuta piu volte, ottenendo via via sezioni piu

A. Prehistoric planks from fir (Abies sp.) *timber were usually split tangentially.
B. Prehistoric radially split timber. The stems were usually split in halves, then the halves into
quarters or eighths. (ARNOLD 1986).

madeira fendida (n.£)
*Madeira rachada uma (metade da sec;ao) ou varias vezes, ao longo da sua gra, para
produzir pranchas.

pacmerrneHHaH .n;peBec1rna (cym., )K.)

=paCKOJIOTOe 6peBHO, cym., c.
EpeBHO, pacruerrneHHOe o.11,11H pa3 (noj1yoKpy)KHOCTh B nonepeqHoM ceqeH1111)
111111 HecKOJlbKO pa3 (K1111H0B11.11,HaJ1 111111 rrpJIMoyromHaJI q>opMa rronepeqHoro
ceqeHHJI) B.l1,011b BOJIOKOH .ll,11JI rro11yqeH11J1 .11,0COK 11 IT11aHOK.

I A *timber may be split radially or tangentially to wood *rays (see figures).

stand 287

stand (n.)
(Silviculture, ecology) A community of trees possessing sufficient uniformity to be
distinguishable from adjacent communities, so forming a silvicultural, management
or ecological entity. In some countries there is an arbitrary minimum area, e.g. 1 ha.
(Dendrochronology) In dendrochronology, this term usually refers to a forest of
undefined surface in a defined locality.

Bestand (m. <-es, _..e>)

(Forstwissenschaftliche Definition) Waldteil mit einheitlicher forstlicher Behand-
lung. In der Schweiz ist die Flache grosser als 5000 m2•
(Dendrochronologie) In der Dendrochronologie wird der Begriff meistens im Sinne
von "Wald von unbestimmter Grosse in einer bestimmten Region" verwendet.

peuplement (n.m.)
=peuplement forestier, n.m.
(Sylviculture) Ensemble d'arbres ayant une uniformite suffisante pour former une
unite elementaire sylvicole ou d'amenagement. Dans certains pays, ce concept
implique une surface minimale, par exemple 1 ha. (~DFM)
(Dendrochronologie) En dendrochronologie, ce terme designe plus generalement
une foret d I etendue variable aUn endroit donne.
rodal (n.m.)
En silvicultura y ecologfa, una comunidad de arboles que, ocupando una superficie
de terreno determinada, es suficientemente uniforme en su composici6n espedfica,
estado, edad y calidad de los arboles pudiendose distinguir de las comunidades
adyacentes y formando una entidad ecol6gica y de gesti6n silvfcola. En algunos paises
hay un area minima arbitraria de rodal, p.ej., una hectarea. En *dendrocronologfa,
este terraino normalmente se refiere a un bosque de superficie indefinida en una
localidad determinada.

popolamento (s.m.)
In selvicoltura ed ecologia, una comunita di alberi sufficientemente uniforme da
poter essere distinta dalle comunita adiacenti e che pertanto puo costituire una
suddivisione elementare ecologica, selvicolturale ed assestamentale. In dendrocro-
nologia il termine viene usualmente riferito ad una foresta di superficie indefinita

in una localita definita 11

popula«;ao (n.f.)
(Silvicultura, ecologia) Comunidade de arvores apresentando suficiente uniformi-
dade, para tornar-se distinguivel das comunidades adjacentes, constituindo uma
entidade silvicultural, de manejo ou ecol6gica. Em alguns pafses este conceito implica
em um area minima arbitraria, de 1 ha, por exemplo.
(Dendrocronologia) Em dendrocronologia este termo refere-se usualmente a uma II

floresta de extensao indefinida em uma localidade definida 11

ii;peBOCTOH (cyi:u., M.)

(11ec0B0.2lCTBO, 3Konorirn) Coo5wecrno .2lepeBheB, 0611a)la10wee llOCTaTO•rnofi.
OllHOPOllHOCTblO, lff05bl 5b1Tb OTJll,flU1MbIM OT COCe)lHl1X coo6wecrn, 11, B CBH311
C 3T11M, cpopM11py10wee JleCOBO)llleCKYIO, X03JIHCTBeHHYIO 111111 3KOJ10rl1lleCKYIO
e)ll1H11UY- 8 HeKOTOpbIX CTpanax np11HJITO Clll1TaTb Ml1Hl1MaJlbHOH nnowallblO
11,peBOCTOJI 1 ra.
(.2leH.2lPOXpOHOJ10r11JI) 8 )leH.2lp0XpOHOJ10rl111 3TOT TepM11H np11MeHJieTCJI 06bilJHO
"K necy 11106oro xapaKTepa Ha onpe.2lenennofi. MecrnocT11".

standard deviation 288

standard deviation (n.)
The mean scatter of a population of numbers from the population mean. The square
root of the *variance.
~ high-frequency variance
· low-frequency variance

Standardabweichung (f. <-,-en>)

Ein Mass die mittlere Abweichung von Einzelwerten von ihrem arithmetischen
Mittel. Die Standardabweichung ist die Quadratwurzel der Varianz.

ecart type (n.m.)

Distribution moyenne d 'une population par rapport a sa *moyenne. Racine cam~e
de la *variance.

desviacion tfpica (n.f.)

=desviaci6n estandar, n.f
Una medida de la dispersion de los datos alrededor de la *media poblacional. La
raiz cuadrada de la *varianza.

deviazione standard (s.f.)
Lo scarto medio di una popolazione di dati dalla media aritmetica della popolazione.
La radice quadrata della *varianza.

desvio padrao (n.m.)

Media da dispersao de um popula<;ao de mimeros, a partir de uma popula<;ao media.
A raiz quadrada da *variancia.

CTaH).(apTHOe OTKJlOHemrn (cym., c.)

=cpe;wee Knag,paTWieCKOe OTK.TIOHeHHe, cym,., C.

CpeilHee OTKJlOHeHMe 3Hal!em1fl 3JleMeHT0B BbI60pKI1 OT M.X apml>MeTWieCKOro

cpe.llHero. KopeHb KBa.llpa THhIH M.3 .llM.cnepcM.M..

Standard deviation is a measure of variations in both low-frequency and high-frequency
variances. It measures the positive and negative departures from the mean but its value is
always positive. (:::::SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)

standard error 289

standard error (n.)
An estimate of how much a particular statistic of a sampled population, such as the
mean, can vary from its "true" theoretical value based on the entire population as
represented by the statistical universe. (FRITIS 1976)
~ :;t*standard deviation

Standardfehler (m. <-s, ->)

Ein Mass daflir, wie stark ein statistischer Parameter einer Stichprobe, z.B. der Mit-
telwert, von dem "wahren" theoretischen Wert einer unendlich grossen Grund-
gesamtheit abweichen kann.

ecart type d'une statistique (n.m.)

[Qu]#erreur type, n.f
Estimation des variations possibles d'une statistique d'une population echantillonnee
(par ex. ecart type de la moyenne) par rapport a sa valeur theorique "vraie" basee
sur la population entiere representee par l'univers statistique.
L' anglicisme erreur standard est bien implante en France. Les auteurs quebecois lui preferent

erreur type ou ecart type ( de la moyenne ou de tout autre parametre statistique)".

11 11

error tipico (n.m.)

=error estandar, n.m.
Una estimaci6n de la variabilidad que presenta un estadistico en particular, p.ej. la
media, cuando es calculado a partir de una muestra con respecto a su "verdadero"
valor te6rico.

err ore standard (s.m.)
Una stima di quanto una particolare statistica, quale la media, derivata dal
campionamento di una popolazione, puo variare rispetto al "vero" valore (valore
atteso) basato sull'intera popolazione o universo statistico.

erro padrao (n.m.)

Estunativa de quanto um parametro estatistico (como a media) pode variar de seu
"verdadeiro" valor te6rico baseado na populac;ao total como representada pelo uni-
verso estatistico.

crnH.n;apTHaH orrrn:6Ka (cym., )K.)

=OWJ16Ka penpe3eHTaTHBHOCTJ1, cyw., JK.
=BbI6opormaa ow116Ka cpeJI,Heff, cyw., J!c
=cpeJI.HeKBaJI,parwmaa ow116Ka, cyw., JK.

OueHKa B03M02KH0f0 OTKJIOHemrn CTa Tl1CTI1Kl1 HeKOTOpofl BbI60pKl1 (ttanp11Mep,

cpe.llttero Bb16opK11) OT ee "peaJibHofl" BeJI11q11HbI, rnopeT11qecK11 paccq11TaHHofl
.llJIJI reHepaJibHOl1 C0BOKynHOCTl1. CTaH.llapTHyIO oum6Ky xapaKTep113YI0T
KJiacc11qecK11e CTaTI1CTl1Kl1.
uaH6onee pacnpocrpaueu repMHH "craunapruaa owH6Ka"

standardisation 290
standardisation (n.)
=indexing, n.
[US] standardization, n.
Removing long-term variations from a *time series of measured tree-ring parameters
by dividing the measurements by a *standardising smoothing function, and their
conversion to a *time series of *ring-width indices. (:::::FRIITS 1976)
Standardisation is commonly termed indexing in dendrochronology. (SCHWEINGRUBER 1988)
der. [US] standardise (to), t.v.
[Cw] standardise (to), t. v.
~ *ring-width index
*standardised ring-width chronology

Standardisierung (f. <-,-en>)

=lndexierung, f. <-, -en>
Eliminierung langzeitiger Schwankungen in *Jahrringfolgen, indem die Jahrringwerte
<lurch die Werte der *standardisierenden Ausgleichsfunktion geteilt werden. Das
Ergebnis sind dimensionslose Indexwerte.

standardisation (n.f.)
=indexation, n.f.
"'"linearisation, n.f.
"'"stationnarisation, n.f. (neol.)

Suppression des variations a long terme d'une *serie temporelle de parametres de

*cernes, realisee en divisant les valeurs mesurees par leur fonction de *lissage, et
conversion des mesures en *serie temporelle d'indices de croissance.
[QU]: "standardisation" est evite mais utilise de fac;on informelle; certains preferent
"linearisation", bien qu'il ne corresponde guere davantage a la realite mathematique. Une
alternative courante est "indexation" (-> "indicer"); le neologisme "stationnarisation"
(-> "stationnariser") a ete propose par GuroT (1984) mais n'est pas encore d'emploi courant.
der. standardiser, v.t.

estandardizaci6n (n.f.)
=normalizaci6n, n.f.
=estandarizaci6n, n.f
Extracci6n de las variaciones de largo periodo en una *serie temporal de para.metros
medidos en los *anillos de crecimiento. El proceso consiste en dividir los valores
observados (medidas de los anillos) por los valores estimados por la *funci6n de
estandarizaci6n ajustada; de esta manera, una *serie temporal del *grosor de los
anillos es convertida en una serie de *indices del grosor de los mismos.

standardizzazione (s.f.)
Rimuovere da una *serie temporale di variabili dendrocronologiche le variazioni di
lunga portata dividendo i valori osservati per la funzione di *perequazione e
convertendoli cosl in una *serie temporale di indici di *ampiezza anulare.

estandartiza~ao (n.f.)
=indexac;ao, n.f.
=linearizac;ao, n.f.
Remo~ao de varia~oes de longo termo de uma *serie cronol6gica de parametros
medidos nos *aneis de crescimento pela divisao dos valores medidos pela *fun~ao
padrao suavizada e sua conversao para uma *serie cronol6gica de *indices de
espessura de *aneis de crescimento.

HH,ll;eKClipOBamrn ( cym., C.)

=H0pMl1p0BKa, cyw., JK.
=cTaH)JapTH3auw1, cyw., JK.

Y11:aj1em1e 11:smTeJihHbIX nap11aum1 113 *npeMeHHOfI cep1111 napaMeTpon ro11:11qttoro

KOJlbUa nyTeM 11:eneHHH 3HaqeHI111 napaMeTpOB Ha *cTaH11:apTl13I1PYIOIUYIO
crnax11Ba10IUYIO <l>YHKUHIO, l1 npeo6pa30Battl1e I1CX011:HOl1 cep1111 BO *npeMeHHYIO
cepl1IO *11tt11:eKCOB.
B lleH,llpOXpOHOJlOrHH BMeCTO "ttopMHpOBKa" 06weynoTpe611TeJlbHblM TepMHHOM HBJlJieTCH

standardised tree=ring chronology 291
standardised tree-ring chronology (n.)
A series of tree-ring parameters converted into tree-ring indices and averaged from
a number of trees.
~ *ring-width index
*indexed curve

indexierte J ahrringchronologie (f. <-, -n>)

Eine *Chronologie, die aus der Mittelung von lndexwerten von mehreren Baumen
entstanden ist.

chronologie standardisee (n.f.)

=courbe moyenne des indices de croissance, n.f.
[Qu] chronologie indicee, n.f.
Serie des valeurs moyennes des *indices de croissance calcules apartir des parametres
de *cernes d'un groupe d'arbres.

cronologfa estandarizada del grosor de los anillos (n.f.)

*Serie temporal obtenida promediando varias series de *indices de crecimiento de
un numero de arboles.

cronologia standardizzata (s.f.)

Sequenza di parametri anulari tradotta in indici, ricavata da un certo numero di

cronologia estandartizada (n.f.)

=curva media de indices de crescimento, n.f.
Sequencia de parametros de *aneis de crescimento convertidos em indices e
representando a media de um determinado numero de arvores.

CTaH,l.l;apTH30BaHHaH xpoHonorHn rom·nHMX Koneu ( cyw., )K.)

BpeMeHHafl cepttfl napaMeTpoB roattqewx Koneu, nepeBeaeeewx B Htt.lleKcw H
ycpe1lHeHHbIX no BbI6opKe .aepeBheB.

standardising smoothing function 292

standardising smoothing function (n.)
Mathematical representation of physiological growth (caused by bio-ecological factors
such as tree age and stand dynamics), expressed as a function of time and fitted to
measurements of a tree-ring parameter such as ring width. Typical forms are
exponential or linear curves, (high-order) polynomials, splines, filters and
Hughershoff functions.

standardisierende Ausgleichsfunktion (f. <-,-en>)
Mathematischer Ausdruck des langzeitigen Wachstumsverhaltens von Jahrring-
merkmalen, z.B. verursacht durch Alterung oder Bestandesdynamik. Typische For-
men sind lineare und exponentielle Kurven, Polynome verschiedener Ordnung,
"spline functions", *Filter und Hughershoff-Funktionen.

standardisation par ajustement de fonction (n.f.)

""fonction de standardisation par lissage, n.f
""fonction de standardisation par ajustement, n.f
Modele de la croissance physiologique ( determinee par des facteurs bio-ecologiques
tels que l'age de l'arbre ou la dynamique de peuplement), exprime en fonction du
temps et ajuste a des valeurs mesurees de caracteristiques telles que la largeur de
ceme." Les fonctions les plus courantes sont les droites, les courbes exponentielles,
les polyn6mes de degre eleve, les splines, les *filtres et les fonctions de Hughershoff.
Ce terme designe le modele et non la fonction permettant d'obtenir ce modele, comme c'est le
cas pour le terme anglais. Une traduction fidele (mais moins repandue car moins elegante)
serait: "fonction de standardisation par lissage ou "fonction de standardisation par ajustement

funcion de estandarizacion (n.f.)

Representaci6n matematica del crecimiento fisiol6gico (ca us ado por factor es
bioecol6gicos tales como la edad del arbol, la dinamica del rodal, etc.), expresada en
funci6n del tiempo y ajustada a los valores observados de un para.metro medido en
los *anillos, p.ej. el grosor. Las formas tipicas son la lineal,la exponencial generalizada,
11 11
las polin6micas de distingo grado, splines *filtros, y las funciones de Hughershoff.

modello perequativo ad indici (s.m.)

Rappresentazione matematica dell'andamento fisiologico della crescita (causato da
fattori bio-ecologici quali l'eta dell'albero e la dinamica del popolamento) espressa
come funzione temporale di crescita interpolata ad una serie di spessori d'anello.

Examples of standardising
smoothing functions.
(FRITIS 1976)

Modelli tipici sono le funzioni esponenziali, quelle polinomiali (di ordine superiore ),
quelle pesate, gli "spline", la funzione di Hugherhoff e le *medie mobili.

fun~ao de suaviza~ao e estandartiza~ao (n.f.)

Representa~ao matematica do crescimento fisiol6gico (ca us ado por fa tores bio-
ecol6gicos, como a idade da arvore e dinamica da popula<;ao ), expressa como fun<;ao
do tempo e ajustada aos valores observados de um para.metro de *anel de crescimento,
cotno a sua *espessura, por exemplo. Formas tfpicas sao curva exponencial ou linear,
polinomiais (alta-ordem), "splines", *filtros e fun<;6es Hughershoff.

CTaHii;apTH3Hpy10ma.H er JiaXHBaIOma.n «l>YHKUH.H (cyw., )K.)

Ma TeMa nrqecKoe rrpe.llcTaBJ1em1e pocTa .llepeBa (orrpe.lle.rrn10werocH
61103KOJ1Qfl1qecKHMI1 q>aKTOpaMH, TaKI1Ml1, KaK B03pacT ,llepeBa 11 .lll1HaMI1Ka
,llpeBOCTOH) C flOMOWblO <l>YHKUHI1 OT BpeMeHH, arrrrpOKCl1MI1py10wefl: 3HaqeHI1H
KaKoro-n1160 rrapaMeTpa ro.llHqHoro Komua, Harrp11Mep, ero umpttHbI. T11rr11qHL1e
pa3H0Bl1.llH0CTI1 <l>YHKUHI1: 3KCITOHeHUI1aJ1bHhle, J1I1Hefi:Hhle, ITOJ1I1H0Mhl ~hlCOKOfO
rropH.llKa), crrnafi:HLI, q>HmTpbI, q>yHKUHH Xarepwoq>q>a.

stem 293

stem (n.)
In a plant, above-ground conducting part, with a specific anatomic structure. With
woody species, the term "stem" applies to the main axis. (zFORTER)
"Stem" is a general term for all plants, but is commonly used as a synonym of "bole" (i.e.
lower stem of a tree, below 1.3 m), a term seemingly less often found in the literature than
"stem" and "trunk". "Stem" is used e.g. in "*stem analysis", "stem disc", and in "stemwood"
(as opposed to "branchwood" and "rootwood").
Stem is also sometimes used as a substitute for tree: e.g. 560 stems per hectare.
der. *stem analysis
*stem disc
stemwood, n.

Stamm (m. <-es, "-e>)

=Baumstamm, m. <-es, "-e>
Oberirdische Hauptachse eines Baumes.

tronc (n.f.)
Axe principal d'un arbre. (DFM) L'emploi du terme general botanique (et forestier)
"tige" est generalise dans la litterature quebecoise. 11 apparait egalement dans les
expressions *analyse de tige, nombre de tiges a !'hectare ...

tronco (n.m.)

=fuste, n.m.
Eje aereo principal de una planta a partir del cual se desarrollan las yemas y los
brotes. En las *coniferas puede llegar hasta su cuspide o puede perderse en la
ramificaci6n de la copa coma sucede en la mayorfa de las *frondosas. Las funciones
principales del tronco son las de soporte y transporte.

fusto (s.m.)
Parte epigea di una pianta caratterizzata da una propria struttura anatomica e
svolgente funzioni di conduzione. Nelle specie legnose il termine fusto viene applicato
per il solo asse principale.

tronco (n.m.)
Caule forte, lenhoso de uma arvore e grande arbusto, localizado acima da linha do
solo, com func;ao de sustentac;ao e de conduc;ao de seiva e com uma estrutura anat6-
mica especffica. N as especies arb6reas o termo e aplicado para a haste principal.

CTBOJl (cyw., M.)

Ha~3eMHaa npoeo~awaa qacrh pacreHHH co cneutttttqecKHM aHaroMttqecKttM
crpoeHtteM. TepMMH "CTB0Jl" ~JlH ~peeeCHhIX BH~OB accouttttpyerca C MX

I A coppiced tree may have more than one stem.

stem analysis 294

stem analysis (n.)

The analysis of a complete tree *stem by counting and measuring the *growth rings
on a series of *stem discs taken at different heights, in order to determine its past
*rates of increment and dynamics of *stem growth. (:::::PORTER)

Stammanalyse (f. <-, -n>)

Mehrere *Stammscheiben in verschiedenen Baumhohen messen, um den Zuwachs
des *Stammes und die Dynamik zu ermitteln.

analyse de tige (n.f.)

Examen du *tronc complet d'un arbre realise en comptant et mesurant les *cernes
dans une serie de *sections de tronc a differentes hauteurs, afin de reconstituer ses
taux d'accroissement et dynamique de croissance passes. (:::::DFM)

Selected *averaged
growth curves (4 *radii
per level) at various stem
heights (H= 1 to 15
metres above ground
level) (Fagus sylvatica,
northern Germany).
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1988 (KRAUSE 1992)

analisis del tronco (n.m.)
El analisis completo del *tronco de un arbol contando y midiendo los *anillos de
crecimiento en un mimero de *discos del tronco tomados a diferentes alturas, con
objeto de determinar la dinamica del crecimiento del *tronco y sus tasas de *incre-

analisi del fusto (s.f.)

Analisi dell' intern *fusto di un albero realizzata contando e misurando gli *anelli
annuali su di una serie di *sezioni trasversali prelevate a diverse altezze, al fine di
determinarne gli incrementi trascorsi e la dinamica dell'accrescimento.

analise do tronco (n.f.)

Analise completa do *tronco de uma arvore realizada pela contagem e medic;ao dos
*aneis de crescimento de uma serie de *discos de tronco obtidos a diferentes alturas,
com o objetivo de determinar as *taxas de incremento ea dinamica do *crescimento
das arvores ocorridas no passado.

aHaJUi3 rrpHpOCTa (rro CTBOJlY) ( cym., M.)

AHam13 uemHoro 11:peeeettoro cTBoJia nyTeM no11:cqern 11 I13MepeH1111 *ro11:11qm1x
KOJleU Ha cepm1 CTBOJ10Bb1X 1ll1CK0B, B3HTbIX Ha pa3HOH BblCOTe OT noeepxHOCTl1
3eMJil1. AHaJIH3 npoeo11:11TCH 11:JlH onpe11:eJ1eHI1H noro11:11qHoro npHpocTa l1
1ll1HaMI1Kl1 pocTa CTBOJla.

stem disc 295

stem disc (n.)

""'cross-section, n.
""'cross section, n.
[UK] disc, n.
[US] disk, n.
[NE-US, Jam.} cookie, n.
Cross section of a *stem.
""""""? *wedge section
*stem analysis

Stammscheibe (f. <-, -n>)

Scheibe von einem Querschnitt <lurch einen *Stamm.

section de tronc (n.f.)

=disque, n.m.
[Qu}""'section transversale, n.f
[CH] rondelle, n.f.
[Qu, informel] galette, n..f.
Surface plane de bois decoupee transversalement au fil.
""""""? section de souche, n.f.

disco del tronco (n.m.)
=disco, n.m.
[Ar]=torta, n.f
zrodaja, n.f

Muestra en forma de rodaja obtenida de la secci6n transversal de un *tronco.

sezione trasversale (s.f.)

zrotella, s.f

Sezione trasversale di un *fusto, avente spessore limitato.

se~ao de um tronco (n.f.)

=se<;iio transversal, n.f

Sec;ao transversal de um *tronco.

cn11n (cyru., M.)

=ce'lem1e crnoJia, cym., c.

ToHKl1M .Ll,l1CK C ITJ10CKOCTJIMI1, rreprreH.Ll,l1KY 11JipHb1Ml1 rnaBHOM OCH CTBOJla.

stepwise multiple regression 296

stepwise multiple regression (n.)
Multiple *regression procedure in which the *predictors best correlated with the
*predictands are selected and added or removed in successive steps in decreasing
order of amount of reduced variance. (:::::FRITTS 1976)
----t *boot-strap technique

schrittweise multiple Regression (f. <-, -en>)

Multiple *Regression, in der die *Pradiktoren, die am bes ten mit den *Pradiktanden
korrelieren, ausgewahlt und hinzugefligt werden. Die Auswahl der *Pradiktoren
erfolgt schrittweise in absteigender Reihenfolge ihrer erklarten *Varianz.

regression multiple "pas apas" (n.f.)

=analyse regressive "pas apas", n.f
=analyse regressive pas apas, n.f
=analyse de regression multiple "pas apas", n.f
Procedure de regression multiple dans laquelle les *variables explicatives les mieux
correlees avec les *variables expliquees sont selectionnees puis introduites ou retirees
progressivement ("pas a pas"), par ordre decroissant de la reduction de variance

regresion multiple paso a paso (n.f.)
Procedimiento de *regresi6n multiple mediante el cual los *predictores (variables
independientes) que tienen una mejor correlaci6n con los *predictandos (variables
dependientes) son seleccionados y afiadidos o eliminados en pasos sucesivos siempre
que la *varianza residual se reduzca significativamente.

regressione multipla, procedura sequenziale "stepwise" (s.f.)

Procedura di *regressione multipla nella quale i *regressori piu correlati con la
*variabile regressa vengono selezionati ed aggiunti o rimossi in sequenza all'equazione
di regressione fino a che la varianza residua e ridotta di una quantita significativa.

regressao multipla passo a passo (n.f.)

=analise regressiva passo apasso, n.f
=analise de regressao multipla passo a passo, n.f
Procedimento de *regressao multipla no qual as *variaveis explicativas melhor
correlacionadas com as *variaveis explicadas sao selecionadas e adicionadas ou
removidos em sucessivas etapas diminuindo a ordem da quantidade de variancia

nornaroBaH MHoxecrneHHaH perpecc1rn (cym., )K.)

CTOBTOpmowa11c11 rrpoue.llypa, rrpM KOTOpoI1 MHO)KeCTBeHHYIO perpeCCMIO
rro11y11aI0T rryTeM oT6opa * .l(aHHhix-rrpe.llcKa3a TeneI1, Ha1111y11w11M o6pa30M
KOppe1111pyI0WMX C *rrpe.llCKa3aHHbIMM .l(aHHbIMM Ha OCHOBaHMM Kp.MTep1111
CHM)KeHMH OCTa T011H011 .llMCrrepCMM (.llO 1-IeKOTOporo rrpe.l(ena).

I The errors in stepwise multiple regression may be underestimated so that *boot-strap

techniques may be required to obtain more realistic error estimates.

stratification 297
stratification (n.)
Subdivision of a population into homogeneous strata, e.g. *dominant vs. dominated
trees, *radii with large vs. narrow tree rings. (zFORTER)
der. stratify (to), t.v.
~ *site selection

Stratifizierung (f. <-,-en>)

=Gliederung, f <-, -en>
Gruppierung von Material in homogene Einheiten, z.B. *dominante/unterdrtickte
Baume, *Radien mit breiten/schmalen *Jahrringen.

stratification (n.f.)
Subdivision d'une population en strates plus homogenes, par rapport a la variable
mesuree, que la population dans son ensemble.
der. stratifier, v.t.

estratificacion (n.f.)
En muestreos, un sistema de subdividir el conjunto en grupos o estratos, cada uno de
los cuales tiene una homogeneidad mayor con respecto a la variable considerada
que la totalidad del conjunto. Tambien la interpretaci6n de una fotograffa (aerea)
delimitando y/o clasificando diversos caracteres distintivos, p.ej. estratos de

stratificazione (s.f.)
Suddivisione, al fine del campionamento, della popolazione in strati (blocchi,
raggruppamenti), ciascuno dei quali e piu omogeneo rispetto alla variabile considerata
di quanta non lo sia la popolazione nella sua interezza.

estratifica~ao (n.f.)
Subdivisao de uma populac;ao em estratos homogeneos, por exemplo, arvore *do-
minante e dominada; *raio com *aneis de crescimento largos e estreitos.

cTpa TH<!>HKau1rn ( cym., JK.)

=pacc.r10em1e, cyw., c.
=nepecJ1a11nam1e, cyw., c.
Oo.llpa31lenem1e nony nJiu1111 Ha roMoreHHhie cTpa ThI (uanp11Mep, .llOMHHannme
11 n01laBJ1eHHhie ,llepeBh.H; pa.llI1YChl C ll111POKI1Ml1 KOJlhUaMI1 11 pa.llHYChl C
Y3KI1M11 KOJlhUaMI1).
B pyccKOH3hP-IHOH 6Honorw-1ecK011 JlHTepaType "cTpaTH¢11Kamrn" (nepecna11Batt11e) -
BhI,ll,epJKHBaHHe ceMflH BO BJ1aJKHOM necKe HJlH TOp¢e 11,Jlfl ycKopeHHfl HX npopacTaHHfl.

stump 298
stump (n.)
The woody base of a tree remaining in the ground after *felling or tree death.
A stub is a small-sized stump.
---? stub, n.

Baumstrunk (m. <-es, -··e>)

=Baumstubbe, m. <-, -n>
=Baumstumpf, m. <-(e)s, ··-e>
Im Boden verbleibender Rest eines gefiillten Baumes.

souche (n.f.)
Partie de l'arbre qui est dans le sol et qui y reste apres abattage ou mort de l'arbre.

tocon (n.m.)
=cepa, n.f
Parte de la base del *tronco del arbol unida a sus raices que queda en el suelo despues
del *apeo ode la muerte del arbol.

ceppaia (s.f.)
Base legnosa di un albero, che rimane nel terreno dopo l'abbattimento o la morte
dell'albero stesso. (BERTER)

cepo (n.m.)
=cepa, n.f.
=tour;a, n.f.
=taco, n.m.
Base do *tronco de um.a arvore que permanece no solo ap6s seu *corte ou sua morte.

rrem, (cym., M.)

Tip11KoptteBa.H qacn .n:epeBa, ocraIOWa.Hc.H tta.n: noBepxHOCThIO 3eM1111 nocne
ero Ba11K11 111111 r116e1111.

subfossil wood 299

subfossil wood (n.)
z(wood) remains, pl.n.
z(wood) remnants, pl.n.
Non-petrified wood which has been preserved over hundreds or thousands of years
in river, bog, or moraine sediments.
~ *waterlogging

subfossiles Holz (n. <-es, ··-er>)

Tote, tiber Jahrhunderte in Sediment (Flusssediment, Moor, Morane) oder im Was-
ser konservierte, aber nicht versteinerte
der. Subfossil, n. <-s, -lien>

bois subfossile (n.f.)

[Qu]#macroreste, n.m.
[Qu}#fmacrofossile, n.m.
[QuI='"macrofossile ligneux, n.m.
[Qu]~macrofossile d'espece arborescente, n.m.
Bois non petrifie qui a ete conserve pendant des centaines ou des milliers d'annees
dans un cours d'eau, un marecage ou une moraine.
Macrofossile" a longtemps ete utilise par les auteurs quebecois pour designer les gros morceaux
de bois subfossile mais de plus en plus on lui prefere subfossile afin d'eviter la confusion
II 11

avec macrofossile dans son acceptation classique (debris vegetaux de tres petite taille, tels
que feuilles, graines, etc.).

madera subfosil (n.f.)

Madera no petrificada y preservada durante cientos o miles de aiios en los sedimentos
de rios, turberas o morenas de los glaciares.

legno sub fossile (s.m.)

Legno non pietrificato, conservatosi per centinaia o migliaia di anni in fiumi, paludi
o sedimenti morenici.

madeira sub-fossilizada (n.f.)
Madeira nao petrificada que foi preservada durante centenas ou milhares de anos
em rios, pantanos ou sedimentos de geleiras.

ITOJiypa3JIOXHBlliaHCH 21;peBeCHHa (cym., )K,)

=,ll,peBecm,1e OCTaTKH, cym., MH. q,

(21;ett21;poapxeo11orm1) HeoKaMettesrnaR 21;pesec1ma, KOTOpaR xpamrnacb B Te1Iem1e

COTeH I1J1l1 TbICRlJ JieT B pel!HhlX, 60J10THblX, CKJlOHHhlX I1J1l1 MOpeHHhlX OTJ10)KeHI1RX.

Subfossil wood provides valuable data for the building of *chronologies of several
thousand years.

Subfossil *logs in a moraine.


succession 300
succession (n.)
The gradual supplanting of one community of plants by another, due to changes in
*site conditions, e.g. accretion of soil or *suppression.
der. successional, adj.
---7 *competition

Sukzession (f. <-,-en>)

Veranderung von Pflanzengesellschaften <lurch interne *Konkurrenz, veranderte
Standortsbedingungen, z.B. Bodenentwicklung, Beschattung <lurch Baume.

succession (n.f.)
Rem placement progressif d 'une communaute vegetale par une autre communaute,
du a des modifications des conditions stationnelles (accroissement par alluvion,
*elimination). (DFM)

sucesion (n.f.)
=sucesi6n vegetal, n.f.
En ecologia, proceso que se inicia despues de una perturbaci6n y que significa un
cambio de especies y de sus proporciones.

Secondary plant succession in a

forest of northeastern USA.
(BROWN 1969)

successione (s.f.)
I processi attraverso i quali una comunita vegetale viene gradualmente, nel tempo,
sostituita da un'altra, a causa di unmutamento delle condizioni stazionali (ad esempio
in seguito all'evoluzione del suolo o all'accresciuto ombreggiamento da parte degli

sucessao (n.f.)
=sucessao de plantas, n.f
Substituigao gradual e progressiva de uma comunidade vegetal por outra, pelas
mudangas das condigoes de *sitio, exemplo: *supressao.

cyKI.~ecc1rn ( cym., )K.)

(3Kononrn) TiocTeneHHoe BhITeCHem1e o,n:Horo coo6w:ecrna pacTett1111 ,n:pymM,
Bhl3BaI-IHOe 113MeHeHl1eM q>aKTOpOB BHeWHefI cpe,n:hl (Hanp11Mep, 113MeHeHl1eM
cocTaBa noqBhI 111111 *yrneTett11eM).

Studies of forest succession in several divergent forest types have produced markedly similar
conceptual models of post-disturbance forest development. In these models forest regrowth
is viewed largely as a population process wherein four relatively distinct phases can be
recognized: 1) The establishment phase characterized by extensive seedling establishment
and rapid growth. 2) The thinning phase once the canopy is closed, when competition
becomes intense and most of the seedlings and saplings overtopped by the initial *cohort
die; the number of trees steadily decreases and biomass steadily increases; in some forest
more shade-tolerant species can form a layer beneath the primary canopy. 3) Transition
phase is attained when trees have reached full size, tree death during this phase is density
independent and as a consequence of the death of large trees patches of light and soil
resources become available and previously established or new seedlings can grow. 4) The
final phase is the steady state forest which can be viewed as a mosaic of patches of various
sizes and ages; within each patch the processes of establishment, thinning and gap formation
are repeated. (PEET and CHRISTENSEN 1987, OLIVER and LARSON 1990)

Suess effect 301

Suess effect (n.)
industrial effect, n.
The depletion in *radiocarbon of carbonaceous materials from the last 100 years
when compared with pre-industrial (i.e. pre-AD 1890) materials.

Siiss-Effekt (m. <-es,¢>)

Abnahme des 14 C-Gehaltes in den letzten 100 Jahren in organischen Substanzen im
Vergleich zur vorindustriellen Zeit.

effet Suess (n.m.)
zeffet de la revolution industrielle, n.m.
Appauvrissement en *carbone 14 dans les materiaux carbones au cours des cent
demieres annees par rapport a l 1ere pre-industrielle.

efecto Suess (n.m.)

=efecto industrial, n. m.
La disminuci6n del contenido de *radiocarbono en materiales carbonosos durante
los ultimos 100 afios, en comparaci6n con materiales preindustriales (i.e. pre-AD

effetto Suess (s.m.)

Diminuzione del radiocarbonio organicato nel legno, verificatasi negli ultimi cento
anni, rispetto alla situazione preindustriale (ante 1890).

efeito Suess (n.m.)

Diminuic;ao do *carbono 14 do material carbonoso durante os ultimos 100 anos,
quando comparada com os materiais do perfodo pre-industrial (pre - DC 1890).

CbIOCC-3<l><l>eKT ( cym., M.)

(pa1u10yrnepo1lHoe lla n1ponaH11e) YMeH1llleH11e KOHUeHrpau1111 pa1111oyrnepo1m
B yr11ep01lOC01lep)K_aw11x Ma rep11a11ax n reqemie noCJlellHHX era a1er no
cpanHemuo C ll011HllYCTp11aJlbHblM nepHOllOM (r.e., llO 1890 r. H.3.).

This effect was first reported by H.E. Suess and ascribed by him to the amixture of fossil or
"dead" combustion products with the atmospheric reservoir of carbon. It is a contributing
factor to the wide error terms for radiocarbon data during the last several hundred years.

t,.14C %a

Radiocarbon content of
tree rings of Douglas fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii)
on the west coast of the -20
USA in the industrialised
period. The clear reduc-
tion of 14C begins ca. 1900. -30~~~~~~""-'-...................
~...i......-..J...~..i......-..J.....~...................~ . . . . . . ,

(STUIVER and QUAY 1981). 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940

sunspot activity 302
sunspot activity (n.)
One of the indices of solar activity, which follows a short-term cycle of 11 years and
a long-term cycle of approx. 200 years.
~ *Maunder minimum

Sonnenfleckenaktivitat (f. <-,-en>)

Mass fur die Sonnenaktivitat. Die Anzahl der Sonnenflecken ist einer kurzfristigen
elfjahrigen und einer langfristigen etwa 200jahrigen Periode unterworfen.

activite des taches solaires (n.f.)

Un des indices de l'activite solaire, qui obeit a court terme a un cycle de 11 ans et a
long terme a un cycle d' environ 200 ans.

actividad de las manchas solares (n.f.)

Uno de los indices de la actividad solar que presenta un ciclo corto de 11 afios y
aparentemente, uno largo de unos 200 afios.

attivita maculare solare (s.f.)

Uno degli indici dell'attivita solare, che segue un ciclo a breve termine di 11 anni e
un ciclo a lungo termine di circa 200 anni.

atividade das manchas solares (n.f.)

Um dos indices de atividade solar, que segue ciclo de curta (11 anos) e de longa
dura~ao ( aproximadamente 200 anos ).

aKTHBHOCTb COJ1He1IH1iIX mneH (cym., )K.)

0,,1urn 113 napaMeTpOB COJlHeqHQH aKTl1BHOCTl1, Hecyw11fi 11Hq>OpMaumo O ee
Kpa TKOB peMeHHhlX l1-J1eTHl1X U11KJlaX 11 ,ll0Jlf0BpeMeHHh1X Ul1KJlaX
(np116Jll1311TeJlhHO B 200 JleT), CBH3aHHhIX C o6pa30BaHl1eM COJlHeqHhIX nHTeH.

Cycles seen in tree-ring *chronologies have often been matched with the solar cycle, but
the relationship has not been established on a global scale.

suppression 303
suppression (n.)
The process whereby certain trees or shrubs in a community become weakened,
essentially through *competition with neighbours or through other ecologic factors,
such as erosion, insect infestation, etc. (natural suppression), but also through hu-
man intervention, e.g. lifestock browsing (artificial suppression). (FORTER2)
The derived adjective "suppressed" may apply either to an individual tree, or to the growth of
this individual.
No exact German equivalent: "Unterdrtickung" refers only to the effect of dominance.
der. suppressed, adj.
~ *suppression (dendrochronology)
natural suppression, n.
artificial suppression, n.
*abrupt growth change

Unterdriickung (f. <-, yj>)

(kein genaues deutsches Aquivalent) In Deutsch bezieht sich dieser Begriff nur auf
Individuen, die im Schatten dominanter Baume wachsen.

(pas d'equivalent exact en fran~ais) Processus par lequel certains vegetaux d'une
communaute vegetale sont affaiblis, soit du fait de la *concurrence des autres vegetaux
ou d'autres facteurs naturels tels que !'erosion, les attaques d'insectes, etc., soit du
fait d'interventions humaines telles que par exemple les coupes selectives ou le

Champorcher- Sallert/Aosta (I), 1.000m, N 30

+ co-dominant _ _ _ _ _/_..,.. / 20
/ / 10
m /.,,,
30 / 0

Larix decidua
Acer pseudoplatanus
Sorbus aria

10 /
Schematic represen-
tation of a stand with
dominant and
suppressed trees. 0
(after MAYER 1984) 0 10 20 30 40 50m

Un arbre affaibli par la concurrence des arbres voisins (dominants ou co-dominants) est dit
co-domine, domine ou surcime (par ordre decroissant de statut social).
Le terme voisin "surcimage" est utilise par certains auteurs quebecois comme un equivalent
de l'anglais "suppression".
Le terme "elimination" propose par le DFM ne semble pas employe, et ne s'applique pas a
l'affaiblissement d'un individu, mais a sa disparition.
~ [QU] arbre etouffe, n.m.
arbre co-domine, n.m.
arbre domine, n.m.
arbre surcime, n.m.

supresion (n.f.)
(en ecologia) Proceso por el cual ciertos arboles y arbustos en una comunidad se
debilitan debido a la *competencia de los vecinos u otros factores ecol6gicos coma
la erosion, ataques de insectos, etc. (supresi6n natural), pero tambien puede ser
debido a la intervenci6n humana, p.ej. talas selectivas y ramoneo de ovejas, vacas, ...
(supresi6n artificial).

soppressione (s.f.)
( ecologia) II processo per il quale certi alberi o arbusti, in una com uni ta, si
indeboliscono, generalmente per effetto della *competizione esercitata da individui
vicini o per altre ragioni (erosione, attacchi di insetti, etc.) di tipo naturale, ma anche,
per estensione, per cause di origine antropica (ad esempio in seguito ad interventi

supressao (n.m.)
(ecologia) Processo no qual certas arvores ou arbustos em uma comunidade tornam-
se enfraquecidos pela *competic;ao das arvores vizinhas ou outros fa tores ecol6gicos,
coma a erosao, infestac;ao de insetos, etc. (supressao natural) ou pela intervenc;ao do
homem, coma o carte seletivo ou uso de pastagem por animais domesticos (supressao

yrneTemrn ( cyw., c.)

(3KOJ10rI1H) Tipouecc, np11 KOTOpOM onpe,ll,eJleHHhle .ll,epeBb.R 111111 KYCTapH11Kl1 B
coo6mecrne cTaHOB.RTC.R c11a6ee, oco6eHHO 113-3a *KoHKypettu1111 c coce,ll,HMl1
I1Jll1 B CBJ1311 C BJ1l1.RH11eM ,ll,pyr11x 3KOJ10r11qecKl1X <paKTOpOB, TaKl1X, KaK
3p0311.R, rropa)Kett11e HaceKOMhIMl1 11 T.,ll,. (ecTecrneHHoe yrneTett11e). Tipouecc
yrneTeHl1.R MO)KeT B03Hl1KHYTh 113-3a BMerna TeJlbCTBa qe11oneKa: BbI6opoqHbie
py6K11 111111 o6pe3Ka KpOHhI (11cKyccrne1-rnoe yrneTett11e).

suppression 304

suppression (n.)
A condition of growth retardation in a stressed tree. See also "suppression" (303).
The derived adjective "suppressed" may apply either to an individual tree, or to the growth of
this individual.
Contray to other languages, in English the term "suppression" refers both to the ecological
phenomenon and to the consequence of this phenomenon for growth.
der. suppressed, adj.
~ *abrupt growth change

Zuwachsreduktion (f. <-,-en>)

Abrupte negative Wachstumsanderung.

baisse de croissance (n.f.)

(pas d'equivalent exact en fran~ais) Diminution de la croissance d'un arbre soumis a
des contraintes. Voir egalement "suppression" (303).

supresion (del crecimiento) (n.m.)

Una condici6n del *crecimiento en un arbol estresado que suele traducirse en *anillos
mas estrechos mientras dure la condici6n de estres. Ver tambien "supresi6n" (303).

rallentamento di crescita (s.m.)

(Auxometria) Condizione di crescita rallentata in alberi sottoposti a stress fisiologico.
Vedi anche "soppressione" (303).

supressao (n.f.)
Reduc;ao do crescimento de uma arvore sob estresse. Ver tambem "supressao" (303).

pe3KOe yMett1>rnemrn rrp11pocTa (cym., c.)

(1leH1lPOXpOHOJ10nrn) 3cpcpeKT 3a]lepJKKI1 pOCTa B llepene, I1Cflh1TbIBaIOWeM CTpecc.
(cM. TaKJK.e "ymeTeHtte" (303).

Abrupt suppression
in fir (Abies alba).

synchronisation 305

synchronisation (n.)
[US] synchronization, n.
Identification of the correct *overlap between two *chronologies.
~ *crossdating

Synchronisierung (f. <-, -en>)

Festlegung der gemeinsamen *Deckungslage zweier Jahrringfolgen bzw. -*Chrono-

synchronisation (n.f.)
Determination du *chevauchement correct entre *chronologies.
11 II II
Synchronisation s'emploie aussi pour traduire crossdating au sens large.

sincronizacion (n.f.)
Localizaci6n del *solapamiento entre dos *cronologfas.

sincronizzazione (s.f.)
Determinazione del periodo di *sovrapposizione di due *cronologie.

sincronizatao (n.f.)
Identificai;;ao de *sobreposii;;ao correta entre duas *cronologias.

CHHxpom1Ja1.urn (cym., )K.)

TI0I1CK yqacTKOB conrra11eHI1I1 B 2-x *xpOHOJlOrl1HX rrp11 HaJ1mK.eHI1I1 I1X 11pyr
Ha 11pyra.

teleconnection 306
teleconnection (n.)
=teleconnexion, n.
*Synchronisation of *chronologies from distant *sites.

Telekonnektion (f. <-, -en>)

=Fernkorrelation, f <-, -en>
Synchronisierung von *Jahrringchronologien i.iber grosse Entfemungen hinweg.

teleconnexion (n.f.)
Recherche de synchronisation de *chronologies sur de tres longues distances.
( ""'MUNAUT 1978)

teleconexion (n.f.)
Sincronizaci6n de *cronologfas de *estaciones distantes.

teleconnessione (s.f.)
Sincronizzazione di *cronologie di *stazioni fra loro molto distanti.

teleconexao (n.f.)
*Sincronizac;ao de *cronologias de *sftios muito distantes .

.l(aJlhH.RH CBJ13b ( cym., M.)

="reJTeKOHHeKIJ,JfH", cyw., JIC

*C1mxpoH113am,rn *xpoHonomfi MecT rrpo113pacTaHI1J1, y ii:aneHHhIX l!pyr OT


I Teleconnections also apply to other *time series than tree-ring *chronologies.

The *chronology of Hudson Bay west is statistically correlated with many others in western
and eastern North America for the period 1880 to 1983. The correlation is significant at 99.9%
with the chronology of Slave Lake, 99.0% with that of James Bay East and 95.0% with that of
James Bay West. (SCHWEINGRUBER et al. 1993)

temperaturemsensitive 307

temperature-sensitive (adj.)
( Of a tree) highly responsive to temperature. This sensitivity is expressed by marked
variations in tree-ring parameters, in particular *maximum density in *conifers in
northern and subalpine areas.
--, *drought-sensitive
:;t:drought-resistant, adj.
:;t:temperature-resistant, adj.
frost-hardiness, n.
frost-hardy, adj.

temperatursensitiv (Adj.)
(Baume), deren Jahrringmerkmale, insbesondere *maximale Dichten von *Nadel-
holzem aus nordlichen und subalpinen Regionen, mit grossen Schwankungen auf
Temperaturereignisse reagieren.

(Pas d'equivalent en franc;ais) se dit d'un arbre reagissant fortement a la temperature

exterieure. Cette sensibilite est exprimee par de fortes variations des parametres de
croissance, en particulier la *densite maximale chez les *coniferes des regions
septentrionales et des zones subalpines.

termosensible (adj.)
(Arbol) que responde de manera muy sensible a los cambios de temperatura. Las
*sen.ales de este tipo de respuestas se evidencian por variaciones muy marcadas en
determinados para.metros de los *anillos; en particular en los valores de *densidad
maxima en las *coniferas de latitudes y altitudes elevadas.
--, #esistente a la temperatura, adj.
:;,=resistencia a las heladas, n.m.
#esistente a las heladas, adj.

§ensitivo alla temperatura (agg.)

(Non esiste termine corrispondente) Sono considerate sensitive alla temperatura
quelle piante che reagiscono puntualmente ed intensamente alle variazioni
termometriche. La sensitivita e caratterizzata da forti variazioni dei parametri anulari,
in particolare nelle *Conifere delle regioni nordiche e subalpine, dalle variazioni
della densita massima.

sensivel a temperatura (adj.)

(De uma arvore) que apresenta reac;ao altamente sensitiva a temperatura. Essa
sensitividade e expressa por variac;oes marcantes nos para.metros dos aneis de
crescimento, em particular a *densidade maxima em *coniferas em areas da regiao
norte e sub-alpinas.
--, :;t:resistente a temperatura

TeMnepa TypHo-qyBCTBHTeJlbHhIH ( npHJl.)

0 llepese, llOCTa ToqHo pe3KO peampy10weM Ha TeMnepa TypHue H3MeHemrn.
KOJleU, oco6eHHO *MaKCI1MaJ1bH011 n110THOCTI1 *xBOHHbIX nopoll Ha cesepHblX l1
cy6anhnl1HCKI1X TeppHTOpHJIX.

tension wood 308

tension wood (n.)

*Reaction wood which in *hardwoods occurs on the upper side of the leaning *stems
and lateral branches. (:::::FRirrs 1976)
~ *compression wood
*event year

Zugholz (n. <-es,¢>)

Reaktionsholz von *Laubbaumen auf der zugbeanspruchten Seite, z.B. Hang-
oberseite von *Baumstammen, Astoberseite.

bois de tension (n.m.)

Terme employe pour designer le *bois de reaction chez les *feuillus. II se forme sur
la partie tendue des tiges ou des branches penchees ou recourbees et sur les branches

madera de tension (n.f.)

=leiio de tension, n.m.
*Madera de reacci6n que se forma en la parte superior de las ramas y de los *troncos
inclinados o torcidos de las *angiospermas, anat6micamente se caracteriza por la
ausencia de lignificaci6n de las paredes celulares y, frecuentemente, por la presencia
de una capa gelatinosa en las fibras. (IAWA)
~ :;tmadera de tracci6n

legno di tensione (s.m.)

*Legno di reazione formato nelle *latifoglie, localizzato nella parte rivolta verso
l'alto dei *fusti curvi o pendenti e dei rami.

madeira de tra\'.aO (n.f.)

*Madeira de rea<;ao formada na parte superior dos *troncos e ramos inclinados ou
encurvados das arvores de *folhosas.

rnroBaH .ZJ;peBec1rna (cym., )K.)

*PeaKTI1BHa.H 1lpeBeCI1Ha, 06pa3y10maJICJI B 1lpeBecm1e * Jll1CTBeHHbIX nopOll Ha
Bepn1e11 (pacrnHyT011) CTOpOHe HaKJlOHeHHbIX *cTBOJ10B l1 60K0Bb1X BeTKaX.

Alternating periods of
pronounced and
moderate tension, as
shown by the dark zones
and light *parenchyma
bands, respectively.
(Frangula azorica, 40x).

terminus post quern 309
terminus post quern (n.)
(Latin) Earliest possible *felling date in a sample where neither *sapwood nor the
*waney edge are present, i.e. the date after which a house was built or an art object
(sculpture, panel painting) was produced.
~ *sapwood dating

terminus post quern (m. <-, -ni>)

(Lateinisch) Datierungsangabe fiir Holzer ohne *Splintholz und *Waldkante, die
dem friihestmoglichen Zeitpunkt der Baumfallung entspricht.

terminus post quern (n.m.)

=terminus post quern d'abattage, n.m.
=terminus a quo, n.m.
=date plancher, n.f.
(Latin) Pour un echantillon sur lequel ni l'*aubier ni le *demier ceme forme ne sont
visibles, *date d'abattage la plus ancienne possible, c'est-a-dire date apres laquelle
un batiment a ete construit ou un obj et d'art (sculpture, *panneau de peinture) a ete
Les termes "terminus post quern" et "terminus ante quern" (date plafond,jusqu'a laquelle ou
avant laquelle un evenement s'est produit) sont aujourd'hui consideres comme pedants par
certains auteurs. (LANGOUET et G10T 1992)
~ :;t:terminus ante quern, n.m.

terminus post quern (n.m.)

(Latin) *Pecha de apeo lo mas aproximada posible en una muestra que no conserva
e(l *cambium, le falta la *albura o esta esta muy deteriorada, p.ej. la fecha posterior
a la cual una casa fue construida, o que un objeto (escultura, *panel de pintura, etc.)
fue producido.

terminus post quern

(Latino) La piu remota probabile *data di abbatimento in un campione privo di
*albumo e di *waney edge ad esempio la data dopo la quale una casa e stata

costruita od un oggetto artistico (scultura, tavola per dipinto) e stato prodotto.

terminus post quern

(Latin) Data mais pr6xima possivel do *corte de uma arvore, quando a amostra de
*madeira nao apresenta o *alburno e o *anel de crescimento mais externo, por
exemplo, a data ap6s a qual uma casa foi construida ou um objeto de arte ( escultura,
*painel de pintura) foi produzido.

,n:aTa necoJaroTOBKH (cyw.., )K.)

(Jla Tl1HCKI1l1 TepMI1H) Ha116onee paHHHH I13 scex B03M02KHhIX ,lla Ta BaJ1KI1
,llepena, onpe,lleneHHaH no 06pa3uy, He ttMeIOIIJ,eMy He TOJlhKO KaM6I1aJ1hHoro
CJlOH, rrp11neraI0IIJ,ero K ITOCJle,ll.HeMy cq)OpMI1pOBaHHOMY KOJlhUY, HO l1 CaMOH
*3a60J10HI1. 3TO ,llaTa, IT032Ke KOTOpOH ITOCTpOeH ,ll.OM I1J1l1 C03,llaHO rrpOI13Be,lleHI1e
I1CKYCCTBa I13 ,llpenecttHbl (cKy JlhITTypa I1Jll1 rraHHO).

HeT 3KBHBaneHTHOro TepMHHa Ha pyccKOM.

In samples where neither *sapwood nor the *waney edge are present, the exact *felling
date is unknown. In Central Europe, the commonly used sapwood estimate is 20 ± 10 years
for oak. In this context, the terminus post quern is 10 (20-10) years past the last *heartwood

timber 310
timber (n.)
Wood in forms suitable for any type of construction.

Bauholz (n. <-es, ··-er>)

Schnittholz, das im Bauwesen verwendet wird.

bois de construction (n.m.)

Bois debite employe dans taus types de construction.

viga (n.f.)
=madera de construcci6n, n.f
zmadero, n.m.
Madera de tamafio y forma determinadas que puede utilizarse para puentes, casas,
barcos y grandes construcciones. Madera aserrada de dimensiones superiores a 5x5
pulgadas (12.5x12.5 cm) en USA y de 4.5x6 pulgadas (11.25x15 cm) en Inglaterra.
(Neira and Martinez 1973)
Tambien se refiere a una masa o pies maderables.

Roman oak beam.

(Photo. HoLLSTEIN)

legname (s.m.)
:=;fegname da opera, s.m.
Legno ridotto in assortimenti idonei per l'impiego nelle costruzioni.

madeira (n.f.)
*Madeira em forma e tamanho adequados para qualquer tipo de construc;ao .

.a:peBecm1fl Ma Tep11an ( cyru., M.)

=JTecoMa repuaJT. cyw., M.

Caett.a:poapxeo.nor1ui) Jl,peBec1ma, np11ro,atta.R ,a.n.R 113r0T0B.nett11H KaK11x-.n1160

,aepeB.RHHhlX KOHCTPYKUHfi npe,aBapttTe.nbHOfi o6pa60TKI1.

timber line 311

timber line (n.)
:=;forest line, n.
:=;timberline, n.
Limit of the closed forest. (::::Hustich 1983)
----,, *tree limit

Waldgrenze (f. <-, -n>)

Grenze des geschlossenen Waldglirtels.

limite forestiere (n.f.)

,:;zone de combat, n.f
Limite de la foret fermee.

limite forestal (n.m.)

=limite superior def bosque, n.m.
Cota altitudinal o latitudinal que alcanza el bosque con pies maderables.

limite del bosco (s.m.)

Limite delle formazioni forestali.
Riguardo il limite del bosco e quello degli alberi, in ecologia, esiste una notevole discrepanza
di vedute e di opinioni, che si riflettono in una terminologia specialistica assai articolata e non
sempre univoca.

limite florestal (n.m.)
=linha de fioresta, n.f.
Limite da floresta fechada.

rpaHMQa neca (cym., )K.)

CTpe,lleJl pacnpocTpaHemrn: neca (neCHoro Maccirna).

Considering that "the tree-line is a complicated ecological concept" (HusncH 1983) and in
the absence of a standardised terminology of tree-line in most languages, we recommend
that authors define explicitly any of the existing variants they use in their own articles.

············:("'''''''·~··,, ......... ")to,, .......... '1( •••• •'lt'•, •••• '1( .........,:,

5 •,,.,,•,t X X X X

_______ ,;~----,-- ....

X ;;$ @ @ @ 0"•"fil' X
4 --.·----·-ft;
• ,rr ... , r·e:r···-
• -
/ c1 •
• ~,. 0 \

I °'

_ ...

- 0..
0 0

Tree-line and forest-line terminology:

1. timber line (synonyms: the economical or the generative forest-line);
2. physiognomical or vegetative forest-line, i.e. the limit of the closed forest regardless of its
reproductive capacity;
3. tree-line proper, i.e. the polar, maritime or altitudinal tree-line;
4. the species-line, i.e. the absolute polar, maritime or altitudinal limit of the tree species in
question, as seedling, *krummholz, thickets, etc.);
5. historical tree-line (macrofossils and other evidence).
The belt between lines 2 and 5 is the forest-tundra *ecotone. (HusTICH 1983)

time series 312

time series (n.)

General mathematical term referring to values of a parameter which may be plotted
as a function of time. In *dendrochronology, this term is less used than the concept
to which it refers, as defined by "*chronology". A dendrochronological time series
may be continuous (when all annual values are represented) or discontinuous (when
only extreme values are represented), in which case it is a *skeleton plot or an "event
series", e.g. a *master fire chronology.

Zeitreihe (f. <-, -n>)

Allgemeiner mathematischer Ausdruck fur eine Datenreihe, die in einer Zeitab-
folge angeordnet ist. In der *Dendrochronologie wird dieser Begriff meistens als
"*Chronologie" aufgefasst. Eine dendrochronologische Zeitreihe ist kontinuierlich,
wenn alle, diskontinuierlich, wenn nur ausgewahlte Werte dargestellt werden. Im
letzten Falle handelt es sich um "*skeleton plots" oder eine Reihe von Ereignissen,
wie z.B. *Feuerchronologie.

serie temporelle (n.f.)

En mathematiques generales, ensemble de valeurs d'un parametre qui peuvent etre
representees en fonction du temps. En *dendrochronologie, ce terme est mains utilise
que le concept auquel il renvoie, tel que le definit "*chronologie". Une serie
temporelle dendrochronologique peut etre continue (lorsque toutes les valeurs
annuelles sont representees) ou discontinue (lorsque seules les valeurs extremes sont
representees ), comme dans le cas du "*skeleton plot" ou des "series evenementielles",
par exemple des *chronologies des feux.

serie temporal (n.f.)

Termino matematico general para designar un conjunto de valores de una variable
ordenados en el tiempo a intervalos constantes. En *dendrocronologia, este termino
es menos us ado que el concepto al cual se refiere, tal y como se define en "*crono-
logia". Una serie dendrocronol6gica puede ser continua (cuando todos los valores
anuales estan representados) o discontinua (cuando s6lo se representan valores
extremos) p.ej. en el *skeleton-plot, o en una serie de acontecimientos como las
*cronologias maestras de incendios.

serie temporale (s.f.)

Termine matematico generale riferito ad un complesso di valori, che possono essere
disposti in un ordine temporale. In *Dendrocronologia questo termine e meno usato
rispetto al termine "*cronologia". Una serie temporale dendrocronologica puo essere
continua (riferita cioe a valori annuali consecutivi) o discontinua (riferita cioe soltanto
ad alcuni valori annuali), nel qual caso si tratta di uno *skeleton plot o di una "serie
di eventi" , ad esempio una *pirocronologia campione.

serie temporal (n.f.)

Termo matematico geral referente a valores de parametros que podem ser expressos
graficamente como uma fum;ao do tempo. Em *dendrocronologia esse termo e menos
utilizado do que o conceito ao qual se refere, como definido pela *cronologia. Uma
serie temporal dendrocronol6gica pode ser continua (quando todos os valores anuais
podem ser representados) ou descontinua (quando somente valores extremos sao
representados), sendo neste caso um *"skeleton plot" ou uma *serie cronol6gica,
por exemplo, uma *cronologia de referenda de incendios.

BpeMeHHaH cep1rn ( cym., )K.)
HeKOTOporo napaMeTpa, KOTOpyIO MOJKHO npellCTaBHTb B BHlle <f>YHKUHH OT
epeMeHH. 8 )leHllPOXpOHOflOrHH 3TOT TepMHH HCIT0n13YI0T peJKe, qeM TepMHH
"xpoc-wnormi". L(eHllpoxpottonomqecKa.H epeMeHHa.H cepH.H MOJKeT 611n
1-cenpep1rntto0, ecnH e He0 npellCTaeneHhl ece noro)lwrn11e H3MeHeHHH napaMeTpa,
H pa3phlBH00 npH npellCTaeneHHH TOflbKO ero 3KCTpeMan1HhlX een0q0H. 8
nocne)lHeM cnyqae epeMeHHaH cepHH HOCHT Ha3BaHHe "*rpa<pTKCXeMa" HflH
"xpottonomn co611Tmf': ttanpHMep, *octtoettaH (rocno1lcTBy10wan) xpoHonomn

time window 313

time window (n.)
In filtering techniques, set of successive *tree-ring values within a *tree-ring series.

Zeit-Fenster (n. <-s, ->)

Ausschnitt in der Zeitachse einer Datenfolge.

fenetre temporelle (n.f.)

Lors de l' application de *filtres, sequence de valeurs consecutives dans une *serie

ventana temporal (n.f.)

En las tecnicas de filtrado, conjunto de valores de *anillos sucesivos en de una *serie
de *anillos.

finestra temporale (s.f.)

In tecniche nelle quali viene applicato un filtro, gruppo di valori anulari consecutivi
nell'ambito di una *serie anulare.

time window
(Nao existe equivalente em portugues) Em tecnicas de *filtros, serie de sucessivos
valores de *aneis de crescimento dentro de uma *serie cronol6gica.

BpeMeHHOe OKHO ( cym., C.)

arMeHT epeMeHH00 cepHH rOllHqHhlX Koneu onpelleneHH00 llflHHhl.

In *dendrochronology, time windows are used in *smoothing functions and in order to

identify similarities and trends in *tree-ring series.

tracheid 314
tracheid (n.)
Imperforate wood cell with bordered pits to congeneric elements.
~ *vessel

Tracheide (f. <-, -n>)

Langgestreckte Zelle mit grossen behoften Tlipfeln. Die Zellenden sind nicht durch-

tracheide (n.f.)
Cellule imperforee du *xyleme, communiquant par des ponctuations areolees avec
les cellules voisines du meme type.

traqueida (n.f.)
Celula lignificada (de *xilema) no perforada con puntuaciones aeroladas.

tracheide (s.f.)
Cellula legnosa non perforata con punteggiature areolate verso elementi congeneri.
In questo contesto il termine tracheide comprende anche il termine fibro-tracheide, e viene
riferito al solo legno di *conifere.

traqueido (n.m.)
Celula lenhosa, nao perfurada, com pontuac;oes areoladas para os elementos

Tpaxe1121:a ( cym., )Ic.)

Herrepqwp11p0BaHHa.R KJleTKa ,L1,peBeCI1Hhl C *0KaMMJ1eHHh1MI1 rropaMI1;
COBOKYflHOCTh TpaxeI1,LI, 06pa3yeT O,Ll,HOpO,Ll,Hble 3JleMeHThl rrpOBO,Ll,HWI1X TKaHefl

tracheidogram 315
tracheidogram (n.)
Curve of sequential radial diameters of *tracheids in *conifers.

Tracheidendurchmesserkurve (f. <-, -n>)

Kurve, mit der die radialen Durchmesser von *Tracheiden innerhalb von N adelholz-
jahrringen dargestellt werden.

tracheidogramme (n.m.)
Courbe des series de diametres des *tracheides, utilisee pour caracteriser les bois de

traqueidograma (n.m.)
Curva de los diametros radiales de las *traqueidas de las *coniferas.

tracheidogramma (s.m.)
Curva che rappresenta l'andamento, in sequenza, delle variazioni del diametro ra-
diale delle *tracheidi del legno di *conifere.

traqueidograma (n.m.)
Curva dos diametros radiais sequenciais dos *traquefdos utilizada para a caracteri-
zayao da *madeira de *confferas.

TpaxeH.L(orpaMMa (cyw., JK.)

rpaqrnqecKoe rrpe1lCTaBJ1eH11e rrornellOBa reJlbHocr11 pa1l11a.%HbIX pa3\1ep0B
*rpaxe111l ro1l11qHoro KOJlbUa y *xBOAHhlX.

trackway 316
trackway (n.)
Timber path or road across the surface of a peat bog, e.g. the Sweet Track in the
British Isles.
A causeway also refers to a timber path, but is more likely to run out from the land to an island
or to a *crannog. Causeways are more often built from earth/sand/stone than from wood.
-? causeway, n.

The Sweet Track (Great-Britain).

(Photo. Somerset Levels Project)

[CH] Prilgelweg, m. <-(e)s, -e>
Ein mit quergelegten Bohlen oder/und *Rundholzem stabilisierter Weg in Mooren,
z.B. die Sweet Track in England.

chemin de planches (n.m.)

Voie d'acces faite de planches paralleles ou de panneaux clayonnes reposant sur des
traverses de bois disposees a meme le sol, a la surface d'une tourbiere ou d'un
mare cage, par exemple la Sweet Track" dans les Iles Britanniques.
Les Iles ou les *crannogs pouvaient egalement etre relies a la terre ferme par des chemins de
galets et/ou de pilotis, levees de terre ou empierrements faits de cailloux accumules et de
pieux alignes. (PumN et al. 1990)
Contrairement aux chemins de planches, les passerelles ne touchaient pas terre. Elles
permettaient de franchir un obstacle tel un vallon ou une riviere mais, plus etroites et plus
legeres qu'un pont, etaient plutot destinees au trafic pietonnier.
-? chemin de galets, n.m.

via (de maderos) (n.f.)

[Ar]=corderoi, n.m.
Sendero, pista o camino hecho de *maderos sobre una turbera, p.ej. la Sweet Track
en las islas Britanicas.

camminamento (s.m.)
Sentiero o stradello di legname attraverso la superficie di una torbiera o di una zona

caminho de madeira (n.m.)

=caminho de troncos, n.m.
=caminho de tabuas, n.m.
Trilha ou estrada construfda com pec;as de *madeira sobre a superffcie da turfeira,
como por exemplo a Sweet Track nas Ilhas Britanicas.

ra Th ( cyw., )K.)
Mow:eHHaJI 6peBHaMI1 TpOnI1HKa I1Jll1 llOpora, npOJlO)KeHHaJI Ha JlOBepxHOCTI1
TOpcpmrnro 6onoTa.

Trackways were usually perfectly straight, and could measure up to several kilometres in
length. In Thayngen (Switzerland) a trackway lying directly on the ground linked the *bog-
dwelling settlement to dry land; in Clairvaux II (French Jura), a trackway on piles ran out
from the village to the island where grain stocks were stored. (::::PETREQUIN et PETREQUIN

transfer function 317
transfer function (n.)
A set of coefficients applied to tree-ring index values to obtain estimates of climate.
Growth records are "transferred" into *reconstructions (statistical *estimates) of
the *predictand factor used in *calibration. (::::FRrrrs 1976)
--? *response function

Transferfunktion (f. <-, -en>)

Ein Satz von Koeffizienten, der auf Jahrringindexwerte angewendet wird, um das
Klima zu schatzen. Damit werden die Wachstumskurven in Klimarekonstruktionen
oder in statistische Schatzungen des *Pradiktanden umgesetzt.

fonction de transfert (n.f.)

Fonction appliquee ades indices de croissance (largeur de ceme ou autres parametres)
pour calculer des estimations du climat. Les donnees de croissance sont "traduites"
en *reconstructions ou en *estimations statistiques du facteur explique utilise dans
la phase de *calibration.

funci6n de transferencia (n.f.)

Un conjunto de coeficientes que se aplican a los *indices de crecimiento para obtener
*estimaciones del clima, el caudal de un rio, etc. Los registros del crecimiento se
"transfieren" a las *reconstruciones o a las *estimaciones estadisticas de la *variable
dependiente (*predictando) usada en la *calibraci6n.

funzione di trasferimento (s.f.)

Insieme di coefficienti applicati ai valori degli indici di spessore degli anelli, al fine di
ottenere stime delle condizioni climatiche. I dati relativi all'accrescimento vengono
immessi nell'ambito di un processo di *ricostruzione o stima statistica del fattore
dipendente usato nella *calibrazione.

funfao de transferencia (n.f.)

Conj unto de coeficientes aplicados para valores de indices de *anel de crescimento
para obter estimativa do clima. Registros de crescimento sao "transferidos" em
*reconstru~6es ou estimativas estatisticas da *variavel explicada utilizada na
* calibra~ao.

rrepe.n:a T011Ha.R <I> YHKUH.R ( cyw., )K.)

Ha6op K03cp$11u11eHT0B perpecrn11, rrp11Mem1eMux K l1Hll.eKcHo:viy pH.JY ll..lJJ
oueHKl1 KJll1Ma Ta. Per11cTp11pyeMu11 np11pocT ··nepell.aeTCJI ·• B *peKOHCTPYKUHJO
l1Jll1 B CTa Tl1CTl1lieCKl1e oueHKl1 npell.CKa3aHHbIX ,llaHHbIX, l1CJ10Jlb3ye:vtbIX B

transgression 318
transgression (n.)
zmarine transgression, n.
zoceanic transgression, n.
Encroachment of water across a land surface, e.g. by the sea (marine transgression)
or a large lake.

Transgression (f. <-,-en>)

-Oberflutung des ktistennahen Flachlandes an Meeren.

transgression (n.f.)
ztransgression marine, n.f
Ingression d'une etendue d'eau salee (transgression marine) ou douce sur la terre

transgresion (n.f.)
Intrusion de agua en la tierra, p.ej. del mar (transgresi6n marina) ode grandes lagos.
~ transgresi6n marina, n.f.

trasgressione (s.f.)
Movimento di avanzata di acqua su una superficie di terreno, ad esempio del mare
(trasgressione marina) o di un grande Iago.

transgressao (n.f.)
=transgressao maritima, n.f
Invasao da agua sobre uma superficie de terra, por exemplo, no mar (transgressao
marinha) ou em um grande Iago.

TpaHcrpecc1rn ( cyw., )K.)

=OKeaHJfl/eCKaH TpaHcrpeCCHH, cyIJJ., JK.

=MOpCKaH rpaHcrpeCCHH, cyIJJ., JK.

(lleH,llporeKTOHHKa) Hacryn.neHHe MOPH (MopcKaH rpaHcrpecc11H) 111111 6omworo

03epa Ha 6eper KOHTHHeHra.

The geological history of coastal areas may be reconstructed from *subfossil wood from
formerly flooded forests.

traumatic zone 319
traumatic zone (n.)
#traumatic ring, n.
A zone of traumatic tissue produced by an injured *cambium. (:::::PORTER)
~ . *event year
drought ring, n.
fire ring, n.
lightning ring, n.
hail ring

traumatische Zone (f. <-, -n>)

Eine Zone traumatischen Gewebes, das durch verletztes *Kambium gebildet wird.

zone traumatique (n.f.)

Lesion du bois provenant d'un traumatisme du *cambium. (DFM)
~ cerne de secheresse, n.m.
cerne de foudroiement, n.m.
cerne de grele, n.m.

zona traumatica (n.f.)

Una zona de tejido traumatico, deformado, normalmente integrado por celulas de
*parenquima, producido por lesiones en el *cambium vascular.

zona traumatica (s.f.)

:::::anello traumatic a, s. m.
Zona caratterizzata dalla presenza di *tessuto calloso prodotto da meristema cambiale
che ha subito lesioni.

zona traumatica (n.f.)

Zona de tecido traumatico resultado de injuria provocada no *cambio.

TpaBMan111ecKaH 30Ha (cyw., )K.)

3oHa TpaBMa TJ1qecKOI1 TKaHH, npo11ym1p0BaHHOI1 n0Bpe)K11eHHbl\1 *KaM6I1e\1.

Traumatic zones may be due to a variety of factors, e.g. fire, frost, lightning, hail, drought.
Only when the cause of the stress is known can the resulting traumatic zones be termed
"fire ring", "*frost ring", "lightning ring", hail ring", etc., as the tree's reaction is unspecific
(*callous tissue).

tree age 320
tree age (n.)
In a tree born from a seed, the physiological age can be determined by dating the
first *tree ring within the original cotyledon. In a tree stemmed from an *adventitious
bud, only the age of the shoot can be ascertained.
~ *internal age structure

Baumalter (n. <-s, ->)

Alter eines Baumes. Mit der Datierung des ersten Jahrrings im Bereich des Keim-
stengels wird bei Baumen, die aus Samen entstanden sind, das physiologische Alter
ermittelt. Bei Baumen, die aus Adventivknospem entstanden sind, kann bloss das
Alter des Sprosses bestimmt werden.

age d'un arbre (n.m.)

Dans un arbre issu d'une graine, l'age physiologique peut etre determine par datation
du premier *cerne du cotyledon. Dans un arbre issu d'un bourgeon *adventif, seul
l'age de la pousse peut etre etabli avec certitude.

edad del arbol (n.f.)

El numero de afi.os transcurridos (edad fisiol6gica) desde la germinaci6n de la semilla
o desde la aparici6n de un brote de cepa ode raiz a partir de yemas *adventicias. En
el primer caso, la edad puede ser determinada datando el primer *anillo (del cotiled6n
original), en el segundo caso la edad solo puede ser aproximada. (NEIRA and MARTINEZ

eta dell'albero (s.f.)

Anni di vita dell'albero. In alberi nati da seme, l'eta puo essere determinata attraverso
la datazione del primo anello formatosi in corrispondenza del cotiledone originario.
Nel caso di fusti sviluppatisi da gemme *avventizie, invece, puo essere determinata
soltanto l'eta del pollone.

idade da arvore (n.f.)

A idade fisiol6gica de uma arvore, originada de uma semente, pode ser determinada
pela data~ao do primeiro *anel de crescimento formado do cotiledone original. Em
uma arvore desenvolvida a partir de *gemas adventicias, somente a idade do broto
pode ser determinada.

BoapacT ii;epeBa (cyw., M.)

Bo3pacr 11epeBa, Bbipocwero 113 ceMeH11, MO)KHO orrpe11e1111Tb rrp11 11ar11p0BKe
rrepBoro ro11wrnoro KOJlbUa, o6pa30Ba~rne Koroporo conrra11aer c 11arm1
rrpopacTaHl1JI. Ecn11 11epeno BblpOCJlO 113 a11BeHTl1BHOl1 fl0lJKI1, TO MO)KeT 6b1Tb
ycTaHOBJleH TOJlbKO B03pacT rro6era.

tree architecture 321
tree architecture (n.)
Characteristic structural arrangement of *stem and branches within a tree.

Baumarchitektur (f. <-, 0>)

Charakteristische Stamm-Ast-Verteilung von Baumen.

architecture de l'arbre (n.f.)

Structure caracteristique du *tronc et des branches d'un arbre.

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

:: ~ediffmndatinn

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Tree architecture of a Picea mariana.
A. Germination in 1890, normal growth until 1911, then production of narrow rings (0.1 to 0.5 mm).
The following period of improved growth results from the good performance of shoot C.
B. Shoot B does not survive the competition with shoot C and dies after 21 years.
C. Shoot C was the leader shoot for 18 years, until shoot F took over.
D. Shoot Dis taken over by shoot F.
E. Shoot E develops as a leading element of the tree architecture.
F. Shoot F has taken on assimilation functions since 1976.
G. The status of the side-shoot G improved slightly in 1976.
Fundamental changes in tree architecture occurred between Band C, D and E and G and F.
(After BEGIN 1991)

arquitectura del arbol (n.f.)
Disefto de la organizaci6n espacial de los arboles debido al crecimiento, forma,
disposici6n y mimero de elementos estructurales; el disefto puede estar modificado
por los factores ambientales bi6ticos y abi6ticos.
Normalmente la arquitectura de un arbol se refiere a la dispoci6n espacial de las partes aereas
(*tronco y ramas), la arquitectura de las rafces es mas diffcil de observar.

archltettura deH'albero (s.f.)

Struttura caratteristica del *fusto e dei rami di un albero.

arquitetura da arvore (n.f.)

Estrutura caracteristica do *tronco e dos ramos de uma arvore.

apu1TeKTypa .llepena (cyw .. )K.)

Ei10'1eTpI1J1 (a 11MeHHO, xapaKTep11CTJ11-l.eCKI1e 3JleMeHTbl CTpyKTypbI) CTBOJla 11
Berne11 11epeBa.

tree limit 322

tree limit (n.)
=species line, n.
Limit beyond which no individual trees occur, for example northernmost trees at
the northern *timber line.
~ *ecotone
:;t:*timber line

Baumgrenze (f. <-, -n>)

*Standorte von Baumen am Rande der okologischen Amplitude, z.B. nordlichste
Baume am Rande ihres Vorkommens.

limite forestiere superieure (n.f.)

Zone au-dela de laquelle on ne rencontre plus d'arbres isoles, par exemple arbres
les plus au nord de la *limite forestiere latitudinale.

limite de los arboles (n.m.)

=lfmite de la especie, n.m.
Lfmite altitudinal, maritimo o latitudinal absoluto mas alla del cual ya no crecen
arboles aislados.

limite degli alberi (s.m.)

Limite oltre il quale gli alberi non vegetano.
Riguardo il limite del bosco e que!lo degli alberi, in ecologia, esiste una notevole discrepanza
di vedute e di opinioni, che si riflettono in una terminologia specialistica assai articolata e non
sempre univoca (si veda anche "timber line").

Iimite florestal (n.m.)
Faixa alem da qual nao sao encontradas arvores individuais, por exemplo arvores
acima da regiao norte do *limite florestal latitudinal.

rrpe.n;eJI BCTpe1IaeMOCTH ( cym., M.)

CTpe.n:eJihHa.H rpamiua, 3a Kornpo11 OT.n:eJihHo pacTyw11e .n:epenhJI He ncTpeqaJOTC.H:
Harrp11Mep, 3a cenepttoI1 rpatt11ue11 Jieca.

tree ring 323

tree ring (n.)

=annual ring, n.
=annual growth ring, n.
A layer of cells produced in one year in the *xylem or phloem. Latewood-earlywood
boundaries of successive tree rings are distinct and mostly extend around the entire
circumference of the *stem.
"Growth ring" is the recommended term (FORTER) but "tree ring" is more widely used.
~ *growth zone, n.

Jahrring (m. <-(e)s, -e>)

=Zuwachsring, m. <-(e)s, -e>
Zuwachsschicht, die im Holz oder Bast in einem Jahr entstanden ist. Im Querschnitt
erscheint sie als Jahrring. Die *Spatholz-*Frlihholz-Grenzen aufeinanderfolgender
Jahrringe sind deutlich und rings um den *Stamm herum ausgebildet.

cerne (n.m.)
=cerne de croissance, n.m.
=cerne d'accroissement, n.m.
=anneau de croissance, n.m.
#anneau d'accroissement, n.m.
Couche de cellules en section transversale dans un *tronc ou une racine, produite en
une annee par le *xyleme ou le phloeme. La limite entre le *bois final d'un cerne et
le *bois inital du cerne suivant est nettement marquee et s'etend generalement tout
autour de la circonference du *tronc.
[QU]: "cerne" est beaucoup plus employe que "anneau".

anillo (n.m.)

=anillo de las arboles, n.m.

=anillo de crecimiento, n.m.
=anillo anual de crecimiento, n.m.
Capa de celulas de *xilema o floema producidas durante un afio que en secci6n
transversal aparecen como bandas o anillos. El lunite entre dos anillos suele estar
netamente marcado por el cambio de estructura, *densidad y muchas veces tambien
de color entre las celulas de la *madera tardfa de un anillo y las de la *madera
temprana del siguiente.

aneUo annuale (s.m.)
Strata di cellule dello *xilema o del floema prodotte durante il corso di un *periodo
vegetativo corrispondente ad un anno. Il limite di passaggio fra il *legno tardivo e
quello *primaticcio in anelli successivi echiaramente distinto ( a livello microscopico
o macroscopico) e si estende normalmente lungo l'intera circonferenza del *fusto.
A rigore il termine anello annuale dovrebbe essere riferito soltanto alle *sezioni trasversali;

per estensione, si applica alla venatura del legno osservata in qualsiasi sezione, anche se non
assume forma anulare.

anel de crescimento (n.m.)

=anel anual de crescimento, n.m.

Camada de celulas formada durante um ano, no *xilema ou no floema, vista na sec;ao
transversal do *tronco ou raiz. A transic;ao lenho inicial e tardio, de sucessivos aneis
de crescimento, e distinta e resulta das alterac;oes das dimensoes das celulas. Os *aneis
de crescimento geralmente ocorrem em toda a circunferencia do *tronco.

ro.zuPrnoe KOJlhllO (cym., c.)

=I'OJJ.W/Hb!H CJTOH, cyw., M.
=CJTOfI npupocra, cyw., M.
=I'OJ/,OBOe KOJThll,0, cyw., C.

Cnofi KJleTOK, o6pa30BaHHhll1 B Teqetttte ro11:a B *KcttneMe 111111 cpno3Me.

fpaHI1Uhl Me)K_.lJ:Y paHHefi l1 Jl03.ll:Hefi 11:peBeCHHOH rrocne11:0Ba TeJlhHhIX ro11:11qHhIX
KOneu qeTKI1e l1 B OCHOBHOM o6pa3yI0T CJlJlOlllHhle OKPY)K_HQCTI1 Ha f1J10CKOCTI1
rrorrepeqttoro ceqeHttH CTBOJl~

In temperate and boreal regions, *cambial activity is usually continuous during the period
of activity, so there is generally not more than one tree ring per year. Therefore
dendrochronologists rarely apply the more precise terms "anmial ring" or "annual growth
ring" to wood from these areas. When dealing with samples from other zones ( e.g. arid and
tropical zones), if the rhythm of *cambial activity is not known for a certain species, they
should refer to "*growth zones".

tree-ring series 324

tree-ring series (n.)

A set of raw measurements of any parameter of successive *tree rings *plotted as a
function of time.
"Curve" (as in "ring-width curve") is frequently used as a synonym of "series".
ring-width curve, n.

Jahrringfolge (f. <-, -n>)

Messungen von verschiedenen Merkmalen in aufeinanderfolgenden *J ahrringen,
aufgezeichnet als Funktion der Zeit.

serie chronologique (n.f.)
zserie, n.f.
Valeurs mesurees d'un parametre dans plusieurs *cernes successifs, generalement
exprimees graphiquement en fonction du temps.
Souvent employes indifferemment l'un pour l'autre, "serie" designe un ensemble de donnees,
al ors qu'une "courbe" est la representation graphique de ces donnees.

serie de anillos (n.f.)

Un conjunto de medidas de un para.metro de los *anillos de crecimiento en anillos
sucesivos, generalmente representado en funci6n del tiempo.

serie anulare (s.f.)

Gruppo di valori parametrici di *anelli annuali consecutivi, espressi graficamente in
funzione del tempo.

serie cronologica (n.f.)

Conjunto de medidas de qualquer parametro de sucessivos *aneis de crescimento,
expressos *graficamente em fungao do tempo.

cep1rn (napaMeTpoB) ro.zu11rn1,1x 1rnneu (cyw., )K.)

=KpHBaH lllllpllHbl I'OJI,lfl/Hb[X KOJTeU, cyw., JK.

PH.11, H3MepeHI1l1 KaKoro-Jm6o rrapaMeTpa JlOCJ1e.11,0BaTeJ1hHh1X ro.11,11qHhIX KOJleU,

rrpe.11,cTaBJ1eHHh1l1 KaK $YHKUHH OT BpeMeHH.

trend 325

trend (n.)
Extremely *low-frequency variation with wavelengths which are greater than the
length of the *time series. (:::::FRITIS 1976)
der. *detrend (to)
~ age trend, n.
growth trend, n.

Trend (m. <-s, -s>)

Extrem *niederfrequente Variation mit Wellenlangen, die grosser als die *Zeitreihe

tendance (n.f.)
Variation de tres basse frequence, dont la longueur d' onde est superieure ala longueur
de la *serie temporelle.
~ ten dance liee a l' age, n.f.
#tendance age, n.f.
#effet age, n.m.
#effet de l'age, n.m.

tendencia (n.f.)
En una *serie temporal, p.ej. una *serie de anillos, es la *varianza de baja frecuencia
cuya longitud de onda es mayor que la longitud de la serie.

trend (s.m.)
Varianza di frequenze molto carte dello spettro con lunghezza d' onda piu ampia
della lunghezza della *serie temporale.

tendencia (n.f.)
*Variancia de freqliencia extremamente baixa com comprimentos de onda maiores
do que o comprimento das *series cronol6gicas.

TpeH.ll (cym., M.)

Htt3KOqacTOTHafl cocraBJ1fl10LUaJ1 l13MeHqJ1BOCTl1 C ,ll,J1I1HOH B0J1Hbl, 60J1bl1Jett qeM
llJlHHa BpeMeHHOH cep1111.

Trend in a ring-width series results from such things as the changing growth potential of the
tree due to increasing age (age trend), successional alteration in the forest community,
geological changes, or very gradual changes in climate. (FRITIS 1976)

tsunami 326
tsunami (n.)
=tidal wave, n.
Ocean gravity wave caused by large-scale disturbances on the sea floor such as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides. (EESS)
Japanese word meaning "harbour wave". (EESS)

Tsunami (m. <-, -s>)

Durch ein Seebeben oder einen submarinen Vulkanausbruch verursachte Flutwelle.

tsunami (n.m.)
Raz-de-maree des cotes du Pacifique, provoque par des eruptions volcaniques ou
des mouvements tectoniques sous-marins.

tsunami (n.m.)
Ola de grandes dimensiones causada por perturbaciones a gran escala en el oceano
tales como terremotos, erupciones volcanicas o deslizamientos de terreno.

Nell'Oceano Pacifico, evento caratterizzato da enormi ondate, provocate da terremoti
sottomarini, da eruzioni vulcaniche sul fondo marina o da altri fenomeni tettonici.
Sostantivo giapponese, in Italiano usato al femminile.

tsunami (n.m.)
Maremoto causado por disturbios em larga escala no fundo do mar, como terremotos,
erups;:oes vulcanicas ou movimentos tectonicos.

uyHaMH (cym.)
0Keatt1111ecn1e rpaBl1TaU110HHble B0J1Hbl, Bbl3BaHHbie KpyrrHOMaCUITa6HblMl1
HapyrneHl1.HM11 CTPYKTYPbl MOpCKOro .llHa B CB.8311 C 3eMJ1eTpHCeHl1.HMl1,
l13Bep)KeHl1HMl1 BY JlKaHOB, 06BaJ1aMl1 11 11,p.

I Tsunamis can damage shoreline forests. The amplitude and intensity of past tsunamis may
be reconstructed from tree-ring data.

twin-blade saw 327

twin-blade saw (n.)

Circular saw with two blades, used for cutting out *laths used in *x-ray densitometry.

Doppelkreissage (f. <-, -n>)

=Zwillingssage, f. <-, -n>
Kreissage mit zwei Blattern zur Herstellung radiographischer Holzproben.

scie-fraise jumelee (n.f.)

Scie circulaire a deux lames, utilisee en *radiodensitometrie pour decouper des
*lame Iles.

sierra de hoja doble (n.f.)

Sierra circular de hoja doble usada para obtener *cortes finos en *radiodensitometrfa.

sega gemellata (s.f.)

Sega circolare con due lame accoppiate, utilizzata per la preparazione delle *lamelle
utilizzate in *radiodensitometria.

equipamento de serras paralelas (n.m.)

Equipamento com 2 serras circulares paralelas utilizado para obter ou cortar *lamelas
de *madeira usadas em *radiodensitometria.

.l(Byx(l>peaepHaH mrna (cym., )K.)

U11pKy nHpHaH rr11na c .llBYMH <ppe3aM11, 11crrom3yeMaH B *pa.llHO.llettc11TOMeTp1111
llJlH cpe3aHl1.H *TOHKl1.X o6pa3U0B.

uniformitarian principle 328

uniformitarian principle (n.)

Applied to *dendrochronology, this principle implies that the physical and biological
processes which link today's environment with today's variations in tree growth must
have been in operation in the past. It is the fundamental justification for the use of
*dendrochronology to infer past conditions. (:::::FRITTS 1976, VANDEUSEN 1988)

Uniformitatsprinzip (n. <-(e)s, ¢>)

Das Prinzip besagt, dass heute ablaufende physikalische, chemische und biologische
Prozesse in der Vergangenheit denselben Gesetzen folgten. Alle dendrochrono-
logischen *Rekonstruktionen basieren auf dieser Annahme.

principe d'uniformite (n.m.)

Applique ala *dendrochonologie, ce principe implique que les conditions environne-
mentales contemporaines sont associees aux variations contemporaines de croissance
des arbres selon des processus physiques et biologiques invariables dans le temps.
Ce principe fondamentaljustifie !'utilisation de la *dendrochronologie pour deduire
des conditions passees.

principio de uniformidad (n.m.)

Aplicado a la *dendrocronologia, este principio implica que las procesos fisicos y
biol6gicos que relacionan las variaciones del *crecimiento de las arboles con las
condiciones ambientales actuales, han operado de manera similar en el pasado. Esta
es la justificaci6n fundamental que permite utilizar la dendrocronologfa para poder
hacer inferencias acerca de las condiciones del pasado.

principio di uniformita (s.m.)

Principia applicato in *Dendrocronologia peril quale si presuppone che le condizioni
ambientali attuali influiscano sui processi di accrescimento nello stesso modo con
cui hanno influito nel passato. Questa principio giustifica l'utilizzazione dei metodi
dendrocronologici nella ricostruzione delle condizioni climatiche del passato.

principio da uniformidade (n.m.)

Principia utilizado na *dendrocronologia o qual implica que processos fisicos e
biol6gicos relacionados com as condic;oes ambientais atuais e com as variac;oes do
crescimento das arvores no presente atuaram, da mesma forma, no passado. Estee o
fundamento para justificar o uso da *dendrocronologia para inferir sabre condic;oes
do passado.


f1p11Mem1Temuo K 1leH.llpoxpouonor1111 3TOT np11uu11n yTBep)K,llaeT, qTO
cp1131111ecK11e 11 611011or11qecK11e npouecch1, 06ycnon1111na10ume 113Me1-ieu11JI n
pocTe ,llepena fiO.ll B03,llel1CTBl1eM cpaKTOpOB OKpy)KalOll(ett cpe,llbl B HaCTOJill(ee
npeMJI, ,ll0Jl)Kl-lbl Bb13b1Ba Tb Te )Ke 113MeHeH11JI 11 B npOlllJlOM. 3TOT np11uu11n
JIBJ1JieTCJI <l>YH.llaMeTaJlbHblM 060CHOBaH11eM 11Cfi0Jlb30BaHl1JI ,lleH,llpoxpoHOJ10fl111
.llJlJI peKOHCTPYKU1111 npOlllJlblX YCJ10Bl1l1 OKpy)KaIOll(ett cpe,llbl.

I The principle of uniformity in the order of nature was originally proposed by James Hutton

in 1785. (FRITTS 1976)

variance 329
variance (n.)
The square of the mean scatter of a statistical population of numbers from the
population mean. The square of the *standard deviation. (FRITIS 1976)
der. low-frequency variance
high-frequency variance

Varianz (f. <-,-en>)

Mittlere quadrierte Abweichung vom Mittelwert. Die quadratische *Standard-

variance (n.f.)
Moyenne arithmetique des carres des ecarts par rapport a la moyenne d'une
population statistique. Carre de l'*ecart-type.
Le neologisme "deviation standard" (au lieu de "ecart-type") pour traduire "standard
deviation" est une traduction malhabile et deconseillee. (""LEGENDRE et LEGENDRE 1984).
der. variance de basse frequence, n.f.
variance de haute frequence, n.f.

varianza (n.f.)
En un conjunto de observaciones, es el promedio del cuadrado de la diferencia de
cada observaci6n con respecto a la *media. El cuadrado de la *desviaci6n tfpica.
--, media
varianza reducida

varianza (s.f.)
Media del quadrato degli scarti delle singole osservazioni di una popolazione statistica
dalla lorn *media. La *deviazione standard, o scarto quadratico medio, elevata al

variancia (n.f.)
0 quadrado da dispersao media de uma populac;ao estatfstica de mimeros, a partir
da *populac;ao media. 0 quadrado do *desvio padrao .

.n;11crrepc1rn ( cyru., )le)

Cpe.1.u1ee 3naqe1-rne KBa,llpaTOB OTKJlOHemrfi 3JleMeHTOB BhI60pK11 OT 11X cpe,lIHero
3Ha lleHI1.fl. KBa,llpa T CTaH,llapnIOro OTKJlOHemrn.

The analysis of variance is a technique that aims to measure the percentage of variance
which can be attributed to the various factors which determine tree growth. (""TESSIER 1981)

verification 330

verification (n.)
The test of validity of a hypothesis by using *independent data. After calculating a
*transfer or *response function, verification is established when the *estimates derived
from the independent *predictor set resemble the independent *predictand set more
than would be expected by chance. (::::FRITIS 1976)
~ *reconstruction

Verifiziemng (f. <-,-en>)

Prtifung einer Hypothese mit *unabhangigen Daten. Bei einer "response function"
nach H.C. Fritts ist die Verifizierung erflillt, wenn die rekonstruierten Werte den
tatsachlichen Werten ahnlicher sind als man <lurch Zufall erwarten konnte.

verification (n.f.)
Confirmation de la validite d 'un resultat hypothetique obtenu( e) en utilisant des
*donnees independantes. Apres calcul d'une *fonction de transfert ou de reponse,
une verification est etablie si les *estimations derivees de !'ensemble independant
de *valeurs explicatives sont plus semblables a !'ensemble de *valeurs a expliquer
que ne pourrait le laisser presager le hasard.

verificacion (n.f.)
Prueba para validar los resultados de un modelo utilizando *datos independientes
(que no han sido utilizados en el analisis de *calibraci6n). Despues de calcular las
*funciones respuesta y de *transferencia, la verificaci6n se establece cuando las
*estimaciones obtenidas a partir de un conjunto de *predictores (variables
independientes o explicativas) se parecen al conjunto de *predictandos (variables
dependientes o variables a explicar) mas de lo que cabria esperar por azar.

validazione (s.f.)
Verifica della validita di una ipotesi attraverso *dati indipendenti. Nel caso delle
funzioni *transfer o delle funzioni *risposta la validazione si puo considerare pro bante
quando i valori ricostruiti corrispondono ai valori reali in misura superiore rispetto
a quanta si potrebbe attendere da una combinazione casuale.

verifica~ao (n.f.)
A prova de validade de uma hip6tese resulta do uso de *dados independentes. Ap6s
o calculo da furn;ao de *resposta ou de *transferencia e estabelecida uma verifica<;ao
quando as *estimativas derivadas do conjunto da *variavel explicativa independente
assemelham-se com o conjunto da *variavel explicada do que poderia ser esperado
por acaso.

Bep0(i>uK.a1.urn ( cym., )K.)

~OKa3aTeJ1bCTB0 ,ll,OCTOBepHOCTH fHITOTe3hl C HCIT0J1b30BaHHeM *tte3aBHCHMhlX
,ll,aHHhlX. Tiocne BbPmcneHHH *nepe4aT0qH0I1 <l>YHKUHH HJlH *cpyHKUHH OTBeTa
npOBO,ll,HTCH HX eepHcpHKaUHH; OHa cqHTaeTCH npoee,ll,eHHOI1, Koria oueHKH,
nonyqeHHhie H3 Ha6opa He3aBHCHMblX,ll,aHHbIX-npe,ll,CKa3a Tenefl ,ll,OCTa TOllHQ
xoporno coena,ll,aIOT C Ha6opoM He3aBHCHMbIX npe,ll,CKa3aHHhIX ,ll,aHHhIX.

vessel 331
vessel (s.c.)
Elongated *xylem cell with bordered pits and perforations.
~ *tracheid

Gefiiss (n. <-es, -e>)

Gestreckte Holzzelle mit behoften Ti.ipfeln. Die Zellenden sind durchbrochen.

vaisseau (n.m.)
Cellule de *xyleme allongee, caracterisee par la presence de ponctuations areolees
et de perforations.

vaso (n.m.)
=traquea, n.f.
En anatomia de la madera, una serie vertical de celulas del *xilema muertas que se
unen por sus extremos a traves de las perforaciones formando una estructura tubular
articulada, de longitud variable, con puntuaciones aeroladas entre los elementos en

vaso (s.m.)
=trachea, s.f.
=para, s.m.
Cellula xilematica di forma molto allungata, con punteggiature areolate e perfora-

vaso (n.m.)
Celula alongada, em forma de tubo, de comprimento e diametro variaveis, com
pontua~6es areoladas nas paredes laterais para com os elementos congeneres,
presente no *xilema.

cocy .n; ( cyw., M.)

BepTHKaflbHhlA pH~ BhlTHHYThlX KfleTOK B KCHneMe C OKaAMneHHhlMH nopaMH
H nepcpopaUHHMH, CnHBlllHXCH Me.tK~Y co6oA KfleTKH COCTaBflHIOT qneHHCTOe
o6pa3oeaHHe Heonpe~eneHHOA ~nHHbL
ycTapeBWHH TepMHH "TpaxeR"

The area occupied by *vessels in the ring can be measured optically and related to environ-
mental factors. (SASS 1993)

virgin. forest 332

virginforest (n.)
""old-growth forest, n.
""'Primeval forest, n.
""'Primordial forest, n.
=natural forest, n.
#primary forest, n.

Natural forest virtually uninfluenced by human activity. (FORTER2)

Urwald (m. <-es, -··e>)

=Primiirwald, m. <-es, -··e>

Nie von Menschen beeinflusster Wald.

foret vierge (n.f.)

Foret naturelle pratiquement non influencee par les activites humaines. (DFM)

bosque pristino (n.m.)

=bosque virgen, n.m.

Bosque natural que no ha sufrido la influencia de la actividad humana.

~ bosque maduro (sensu OLIVER and LARSON 1990)

foresta vergine (s.f.)

Foresta naturale non alterata dall'attivita umana.
~ :;t:foresta antropizzata, s.f.

floresta virgem (n.f.)

=floresta primaria, n.f.
Floresta natural virtualmente nao influenciada pela atividade humana.

.n;eBCTBeHHhIM nee (cyw .• M.)

J1ecHOI1 MaCCHB, <:paKTWieCKH He HCfibITaBWI111 Ha ce6e BJ1HHHl1H .n;e.HTeJlhHOCTH

Virgin forests may exhibit various stand structures, from *even-aged, homogeneous stands
to uneven-aged and structurally heterogeneous stands.

volu.metric=gravimetric density 333
volumetric-gravimetric density (n.)
*Wood density determined by measuring the volume and weight of a wood sample.

volumetrisch-gravimetrische Dichte (f. <-, 0>)

Dichte, die durch Messung des Volumens und Wagen des Holzes bestimmt wird.

densite volumetrique-gravimetrique (n.f.)

*Densite du bois d'un echantillon determinee par la mesure du volume et du poids
de cet echantillon.

densidad volumetrica-gravimetrica (n.f.)

*Densidad de la madera determinada por la relaci6n peso/volumen de una muestra
de la misma.

densita (determinata con metodo gravi-volumetrico) (s.f.)

""massa volumica, s.f
(Non esiste termine italiano equivalente) *Densita del legno determinata attraverso
la misurazione del volume e del peso di un provino di legno.

densidade volumetrica gravimetrica (n.f.)

*Densidade da madeira determinada pela avalia~ao do volume e da mass a da amostra
de madeira.

IlJ10THOCTb (4>11311qecKa11) ( cyw., )K,)

flnoTHOCTb 11,peBeCMHbl, onpe11,eneHHaH ITO 113MepeHMJIM o6beMa 11 MaCCbl o6pa3Ua


Comparison of the density Pinus sylvestris J... 6.
obtained by integrating radio- I
graphic plots (*radiographic Abies alba !ill o
density) and the density calcu-
Picea abies @ o
lated from weight and volume
measurements. (LENZ et al. 1976) 0.4 0.5 0.6 g/cm3

waney edge 334

waney edge (n.)

""'terminal ring, n.
The curved cambial surface exposed by removing the *bark, i.e. the last-formed
*tree ring before *felling, sampling, or death of the *cambium. In dendrochronology,
its presence implies that the sample is complete to the last year of growth.
The closest American equivalent for this anglicism is "terminal ring".
Although "waney edge" is not widely applied, it avoids the ambiguity of "*outermost ring",
which is sometimes used indifferently and therefore incorrectly for the last ring formed or the
last visible ring.
~ :t:*outermost ring

Waldkante (f. <-, -n>)

Der vor der *Fa.Hung, der Probenentnahme oder dem Tode des Baumes vom
*Kambium zuletzt gebildete *Jahrring.

dernier cerne forrne (n.m.)

Surface irreguliere correspondant a la face tangentielle externe de la derniere assise
de cellules differenciees mise a jour par *econ;age; dernier *cerne forme avant
l'*abattage, l'echantillonnage ou la mort du *cambium. En *dendrochronologie, la
presence de cette zone permet d'affirmer que l'echantillon est complet jusqu'a la
derniere periode de croissance.

(no hay equivalente en espafiol) La superficie ondulada mas o menos rugosa del
*cambium, visible cuando se desprende la *corteza; su presencia indica que el ultimo
*anillo formado corresponde a la fecha de muestreo, de apeo del arbol o la muerte
del *cambium. En dendrocronologia, su presencia implica que la muestra presenta
el ultimo afio de crecimiento.

(non esiste termine corrispondente) La superficie cambiale ad andamento curvo

che viene scoperta rimuovendo la *corteccia, ossia la superficie esterna dell'ultimo
anello formato prima dell'abbattimento, del campionamento o della morte del
*cambio. In dendrocronologia, la sua presenza implica che il campione sia completo
fino all'ultimo anno di crescita della pianta.

(nao existe equivalente em portugues) Superficie tangencial e externa do *cambio

exposta pela remoc;ao da *casca, evidenciando o ultimo *anel de crescimento formado
antes do *corte, amostragem ou morte do *cambio. Em *dendrocronologia sua
presenc;a implica que a amostra esta completa para o ultimo ano de crescimento.

o 6 30J1 ( cyw., M.)

3aKpyr neHHaa KaMfaiaJibHaJI nOBepxHOCTb, OTKpbrna10maaCJI nocne y .ll,anemrn
KOpbI (o63os1), 1ITO cpaKTI11IeCKI1 yKa3brnaeT Ha nocne.ll,Hee ccpopM11poBamneern
B .ll,epeBe Komuo nepe.ll *BaJIKOH, B3HTI1eM c Hero o6pa3ua I1J1I1 m6em10
*KaM6m1. B .L1,eH.L1,poxpoHonom11 HaJ1111I11e o63ona o6o3Ha1IaeT nocne.L1,HI111 ce30H

waterlogging 335
waterlogging (n.)
A process by which wood is saturated with water and, as a result, may be preserved
underwater for hundreds or thousands of years.
der. waterlogged, adj.

Wasserlagerung (f. <-, -en>)

Lagerung von Holzem im Wasser.

(pas d'equivalent en frarn;ais) Saturation du bois en eau resultant dans sa conservation

en conditions anaerobies pendant des centaines ou des milliers d'annees.
En l'absence de substantif correspondant al'adjectif "gorge d'eau" (terme consacre), le terme
"immersion II se rapproche le plus de l'anglais "waterlogging". Il ne semble toutefois pas
approprie dans le cas d'une "impregnation" dans des sediments solides satures en eau.
~ bois gorge d'eau, n.m.

saturacion hidrica (n.f.)

Un proceso por el cual la madera esta saturada de agua. El exceso de humedad frena
los procesos de descomposici6n de la materia organica, la madera que se halla en
estas condiciones puede conservarse durante cientos (y miles) de afios si la anoxia es
Tambien se aplica a los suelos anegados.

imbibizione (s.f.)
11 processo attraverso il quale il legno viene saturato di acqua e, di conseguenza,
puo' essere preservato sommerso in acqua per centinaia o migliaia di anni.

madeira saturada de agua (n.f.)

Um processo pelo qual a *madeira e saturada com agua e, como resultado, pode ser
preservada dentro da agua em condi~oes anaer6bicas por cem ou mil anos.

BO,ll;OHaCbllIJ;emt:e ( cym., C.)

YcnoBHe HflHTenbHOro xpaHeHHH HpeBeCHHhl ITOH B0H00 ~ TeqeHHe COTeH H
TblCHq neT).

I Most of the wood in riparian forests and European lake dwellings and bogs has been
preserved by waterlogging.

wave mortality 336

wave mortality (n.)

:::::wave regeneration, n.

Wave-like *die back and the ensuing *regeneration of stands at wind-exposed *sites,
e.g. in Abies balsamea in eastern USA.

(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Wellenartiges Absterben und nachfolgende *Regene-
ration von Waldern in extremen Windgebieten z.B. in Balsamstanne (Abies
balsamea), Neuengland.

mortalite en vagues (n.f.)

""'vague de regeneration forestiere, n.f.
*Deperissement en vagues, suivi de *regeneration de peuplements dans des *stations
exposees au vent, observe par ex. chez Abies balsamea en Nouvelle Angleterre.

oncla de mortalidad (n.f.)

(Neologismo) Muerte por franjas de los arboles de un bosque que, en forma de
ondas espaciales, recorren el bosque debido a la acci6n del viento. Seda una alteman-
cia de mortalidad y *regeneraci6n posterior de dichas zonas. P.ej. en algunos bosques
Abies balsamea (New England) y de Nothofagus betuloides en Tierra del Fuego.

(non esiste termine corrispondente) *Moria "ad ondate" e conseguente *rinnova-

zione di popolamenti di abeti in *stazioni molto esposte ai venti, ad esempio Abies
balsamea nel New England (USA).

mortaliclade em onda (n.f.)

"='mortalidade em vagas, n.f.
Mortalidade de arvores em uma floresta, em forma de ondas espaciais, seguida do
processo de regenerayao em *sitios expostos ao vento, exemplo Abies balsamea na
regiao oriental dos EU A.

B0J1Hlil rH6eJ1H ( cym., MH.11.)

Bonttoo6pa3HblH OTITall H Jl0CJ1ellyIOmee B0306HOBJ1eHHe llpeBOCTOeB B
ttaBeTpeHHbIX MecTax (ttarrp., Abies balsamea B HoBOH Attr 111111).

Wave mortality usually (but not always) affects fir (Abies sp.). It has also been recorded in moun-
tain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) and (once) in a mixed spruce-fir forest. The same phenomenon,
called "shigamare", has been observed in spruce-fir forests of Japan (KoHYAMA 1988).

Zone E:

Zone D:
Wave front

Zones B and C:
regenerating area

~ Zone A:
Wave margin

Profile of a "fir wave". (STbCKLI 1990)

weathering 337

weathering (n.)
( dendrochronological usage) Alteration or removal of dead wood from a *snag or a
living tree (as for example in the case of stripped-barked Pinus longaeva) under the
action of the natural atmospheric conditions (precipitation, solar radiation, snow,
In weathered wood, only the surface is altered by solar radiation, and the wood structure is
well-preserved for dendrochronological investigations (unlike *decayed wood).
~ :;t*decay

Verwittemng (f. <-,-en>)

Durch Witterung und Strahlung bedingter Abbau von Holz toter oder lebendiger
Baume, z.B. bei Borstenkiefern mit teilweise entfernter Rinde.

alteration atmospherique (n.f.)

(usage dendrochronologique) Alteration ou elimination du bois d'arbres morts ou
vivants (comme par exemple dans le cas de Pinus longaeva) par !'action des agents
atmospheriques naturels (pluie, rayonnement solaire, neige, etc.).

alteracion atmosferica (n.f.)

Degradaci6n, podredumbre o erosion, de la madera de los arboles muertos o de
restos de madera debido a la acci6n de los agentes atmosfericos; tambien puede
darse en los arboles vivos, p.ej. Pinus longaeva.

degrado da agenti atmosferici (s.m.)

(nell'accezione dendrocronologica) Alterazione o rimozione di legno morto di alberi
viventi ( come ad esempio nel caso di Pinus longaeva scortecciato) o morti in piedi,
in seguito all'esposizione ad agenti atmosferici naturali (precipitazioni, radiazione
solare, neve, etc.).

desgaste natural (n.m.)

(uso dendrocronoI6gico) Alterac;ao ou remoc;ao da *madeira de uma arvore morta
ou viva ( como por exemplo a casca desgastada de Pinus longaeva) pela ac;ao de
agentes atmosfericos naturais (precipitac;ao, radiac;ao solar, neve, etc.).

Edge of a weath-
ered Picea abies
beam. The softer
earlywood was
much more
eroded than the
denser latewood,
which resulted in
sketching a
natural density

"ebIBeTp1rnamrn" ( cym., c.)
(LleH.llpoxpottonorttH) l13MeHem1e CTPYKTYPhI Ha noBepxttocrn 111111 OTITM 1.J:acTeA
MepTBOH .llpeBeCHHbl co CTBOJla cyxocTOHHOro I1J1l1 )Kl1B0f0 .llepeBa (KaK,
HarrpttMep, B cnyqae C JleHTOllHOKOpoA Pinus longaeva) ITO.ll B03.llettCTBHeM
pa3J1I11.J:Hb1X a TMOc<f>epHbIX YCJ10Bl1l1 npl1pO.llHOro npOI1CXO)K.lleHHH (0Ca.ll.KI1,
COJlHellHaH pa.llttaUHH, CHer l1 .llp.).

wedge sample 338

wedge sample (n.)
=wedge section, n.
Partial cross-section taken from the *stem of a tree or from a beam.

(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Ein aus einem *Stamm oder *Bal.ken herausgesagter Keil.

coin (n.m.)
*Section de tronc partielle prelevee sur un *tronc ou sur une *poutre.

muestra en cufia (n.f.)

=secci6n en cuiia, n.f
=cuiia, n.f
Secci6n parcial cortada transversalmente en forma de cufia de los *troncos de los
arboles o de las *vigas.

(non esiste termine corrispondente) Sezione trasversale parziale, tipicamente a for-

ma di settore circolare, ricavata dal *fusto di un albero o da una trave.

cunha (n.f.)
Sec;ao transversal parcial de madeira em forma de cunha, retirada do *tronco de
uma arvore ou de uma *viga.

KJIHHOBH.ll;HblH o6pa3eU ( cym., M.)

llacn ceKUHH .llepeBa 111111 6pyca c nonepellHhIM ce1.J:eHtteM KJ1I1HOBH.llHOtt

wedging ring 339

wedging ring (n.)

=discontinuous ring, n.
=partial ring, n.
=incomplete ring, n.
A *tree ring which in a *stem disc is wedging out due to failure of *cambial activity.
*Wedging rings (and the associated variants) are to be distinguished from *missing rings, as
the latter term should be strictly used for *tree rings which are absent on the whole sample
(i.e. around the whole circumference in the case of a *stem disc).
~ :;t:*missing ring

auskeilender Jahrring (m. <-(e)s, -e>)
Ein *Jahrring, der sich infolge geringerer kambialer Aktivitat auf einem Stamm-
querschnitt langsam verschmalert und ganz verschwindet.

ceme discontinu (n.m.)

*Cerne qui dans un echantillon (*carotte ou *section de tronc) apparalt incomplet
en raison d'une defaillance de l'activite cambiale.

anillo en cufia (n.m.)

zanillo incompleto, n.m.
zanillo parcial, n.m.
zanillo discontinuo, n.m.
Un *anillo de crecimiento que en una muestra (*testigo de madera o *disco del
tronco) es discontinuo debido a la no activaci6n del *cambium en una zona
determinada de la secci6n del tronco.

anello discontinuo (s.m.)

=anello incompleto, s.m.
=anello parziale, s.m.
*Anello che in *sezione trasversale compare soltanto su una parte della circonferenza,
a causa di una mancata *attivita cambiale.

anel de crescimento descontinuo (n.m.)

*Anel de crescimento incompleto em uma amostra de madeira ( 11 *bagueta II ou *se~ao
de um tronco ), devido a uma anomalia da atividade *cambial.

BblKJUIHMBaIOmeecH KOJibUO ( cyru.• C.)

=He/TOJIHOe I'OJI.WlHOe KOJlbll,O, cyw., C.
=pa3pbIBHOe KOJlbll,O, cyw., C.
=l/aCTWIHOe KOJlbll,O, cyw., C.

*ro1u1qHOe KOJlbUO, KOTOpOe "CXO,lll1T Ha HeT", ripl1HI1Mafl KJ111H0Bl11lHYIO q>OpMy,

B CBfl3I1 C Hapy111ett11eM *KaM6I1aJ1bHOl1 aKTl1BHOCTl1.

Wedging ring in
a *stem of

wetland settlement 340
wetland settlement (n.)
Settlement located in a bog or in a riparian situation.
~ *crannog
*lake-dwelling settlement
*bog-dwelling settlement
*pile dwelling

Feuchtbodensiedlung (f. <-,-en>)

Siedlung in Feuchtgebieten wie Mooren, Seeufern und Talauen.

habitat en milieu humide (n.m.)

Zone d'habitat marquee par la presence de l'eau, telle que tourbiere, bord de lac et
de riviere.

asentamiento en humedales (n.m.)

zpalafito, n.m.
Asentamiento en turberas, zonas pantanosas y, en general, en humedales.

i.nsediamento su terreni umidi (s.m.)

Insediamento in paludi e su sponde lacuali.

povoado em terra inundada (n.m.)

Povoamentos em pantanos, lagos ou turfeiras.

rroce11eHMH BO BJla)l(_HhlX MecTax (cym., MH.q.)

(ii:enii;poapxeononrn) *,1(011crop11qecK11e nocenen11fl y 03ep 11 B 6onor11crh1x


Settlement of the lakesides and bogs in the Alpine piedmont in Europe took place during
the Neolithic and Bronze Age between 4500 and 800 B.C. (BrLLAMBOZ 1992). The dwellings
were built on *posts driven into the soil (*pile dwellings), on floating piles or directly on the

wiggle 341
wiggle (n.)
=wriggle, n.

Variation in the abundance of *radiocarbon in atmospheric carbon dioxide as

measured in ancient wood samples on a time scale of one decade to a few centuries
within an amplitude of a few percent of the average *radiocarbon activity.
der. wiggly, adj.
~ *radiocarbon activity
wiggle curve, n.
wiggle matching, n.

wiggle (m. <-s, -s>)
(kein deutsches Aquivalent) Variation der Radiokarbonmenge im atmospharischen
Kohlendioxid van einem Jahrzehnt bis wenigen Jahrhunderten innerhalb weniger
Prozente der durchschnittlichen *Radiokarbonaktivitat.

fluctuations de l'activite en carbone 14 (

Variation de la quantite de *carbone 14 dans le dioxyde de carbone atmospherique,
sur une echelle d'une decennie a plusieurs siecles, et avec une amplitude de plusieurs
pourcents de l'activite moyenne en carbone 14.

fluctuaci6n radiocarbonka atmosferica (n.m.)

Variaci6n de la concentraci6n del *carbono 14 en el di6xido de carbono atmosferico
tal y coma se ha medido en maderas antiguas para escalas de tiempo que van desde
una decada a unos pocos cientos de afios y cuyo porcentaje de variaci6n es pequefio
en relaci6n a la *actividad radiocarb6nica media.

fluttuazione dell'attivita radiocarbonica (s.f.)

Variazione della quantita di 14 C nel diossido di carbonio dell'atmosfera, quale risulta
dalle misure su legni, antichi in termini temporali ( che possono variare da una decade
a pochi secoli), e che puo avere valori nell'ordine di qualche percento dell'attivita
media del 14 C.

flutua~ao da atividade do Carbono 14 (n.f.)

Variavao da quantidade do Carbono 14 no di6xido de carbono atmosferico, com
base na medida de madeiras antigas, em uma escala de tempo de uma decada a
poucos seculos e com uma amplitude de pequena porcentagem da *atividade media
do carbono 14.

Kone6amrn ( cym., el(.q.)

Bap11amrn B COllepJK.aHHH pa1J:11oyr nepol(a B aTMocq>epHofl llBYOKHCH yr nepol(a.
no H3Mepemu1M, rrpoBelleHHbIM Ha apxeonor11qecK11x o6pa3uax 1J:peBec11Hb1, Ha
KOJ1e6amrn HMeIOT aMITJlHTY llY B HeCKOJlhKO npoueHTOB OT cpel(HeH
pal(HOaKTHBHOCTH pal(HOyrnepol(a.

A14C (per mil)

Residual delta- 14 C varia- 8
I l I 11111\+\ +,+t
tions after removal of the
long-term trend caused by
I l
! II
+,, ,+' \
T +
'l''j'IT 11 .l[
changes in geomagnetic
field intensity, measured in
i I 11 1 "++ 1!11\
tree rings of Douglas firs -16 #\i+N ++? ' o Vancouver Island +, \ti*
(Pseudotsuga menziesii) -20 1 Pierce Co.
from various sites of the -24 • Oregon
-28 • Olympic Peninsula
North-American Pacific
-32 <> Mt Rainier
coast from 1000 to 1880.
The wiggles can be clearly 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
seen. (STUIVER 1980) year A.D.

windfall 342

windfail (n.)
zwindbreakage, n.
z#windbreak, n.
zwind blast, n.
[Cw}zwindthrow, n.
[Cw}z#windblow, n.
[US] A tree or trees uprooted ([Cw] windthrow) or their stems broken off
(windbreakage) or other parts blown down (wind blast) by the wind. (PORTER)
In the Commonwealth countries, "windthrow" refers to the uprooting of a tree by the wind as
well as to a tree (cf. "windthrown tree") or trees so uprooted. It should be used preferentially
to "windblow". (FORTER)
~ *snow breakage
uprooting, n.

Windwurf (m.<-(e)s, ··-e>)

Baum bzw. *Bestand, der vom Sturm geworfen wurde.

chablis (n.m. (+adj.))

Arbre naturellement renverse, deracine, ou rompu par le vent, ou brise sous le poids
de la neige, ou du givre ... ou des ans. (DFM)
Par metonymie, "chablis" signifie parfois egalement "*zone de chablis".
~ chablis par le vent, n.m.
bris de vent, n.m.
deracinement par le vent, n.m.
arbre deracine par le vent, n.m.

(no hay equivalente en espafiol) Arbol o arboles que han sido rotos (*tronco y/o
ramas) o arrancados de raiz (descuajados) por el viento.
~ descuajado, adj.

schianto da vento (s.m)

Uno o piu alberi sradicati o stroncati per opera del vento. (BERTER)
~ sradicamento da vento, s.m.
pianta a terra, s.f.

queda pelo vento (n.f.)

=quebra pelo vento, n.f
Arv ore ou arvores arrancadas ou quebradas (troncos ou ramos) pela ac;ao dos ventos.

Banexmuc (cyw., M.)

0JJ.HO l1J1I1 HeCKOJlbKO .ll,epeBbeB, BblpBaHHblX C KOpHeM (BeTp0BaJ1), a TaK)Ke
MX CJlOMaHHbie BeTpOM CTBOJlbI (6ype110M) 11 .ll,pyr11e qaCTH .ll,epena, OKa3aB1.IJl1eCH
Ha 3eMne.

windfall 343

windfall (n.)
[USA mainly] Any area on which (many of) the trees have been thrown or broken
by the wind. (FORTER2)

Windwurffiache (f. <-, -n>)

Waldflache, auf der viele Baume vom Sturm geworfen wurden.

zone de chablis (n.f.)

Etendue de terrain ou les *chablis sont nombreux. (DFM)
Les term es chablis
et II
zones de chablis II
sont sou vent improprement employes

daiios por el viento (

Zona en la que los arboles han sido derribados o rotos por el viento.

schiantata (s.f.)
Zona in cui gli alberi sono stati (in gran parte o nella loro totalita) abbattuti o stroncati
dal vento.

area de vento (n.f.)

Area onde as arvores foram torcidas ou quebradas pela a~ao dos ventos.

BeTpOBaJl (cym., M.)


winter desiccation 344

winter desiccation (n.)

Drying out and dying of foliage and twigs caused by dry, desiccating winds and
radiation, at times when water conduction is restricted by the freezing of plant tissues
or of the ground. (FORTER2)

Frosttrocknis (m. <-s, _..e>)

Austrocknung und Absterben oberirdischer, dem Wind und der Strahlung ausge-
setzter Teile von Baumen, insbesondere Nadeln und Zweige, weil bei gefrorenem
Boden die Wasserzufuhr begrenzt ist.

dessication hivemale (n.f.)

Dessication du feuillage ou des ramilles par de~ vents dessechants, alors que l'equilibre
hydrique des plantes est perturbe par les basses temperatures, notamment du sol.

desecadon invernal (n.f.)
Desecaci6n y muerte del follaje y de las ramitas por el viento seco y frfo del invierno,
cuando la conducci6n del agua esta restingida por las bajas temperaturas aereas o
del suelo.

appassimento invernale (s.m.)

Disseccamento dell'apparato fogliare e dei rametti per disidratazione provocata da
venti asciutti e dalla radiazione solare, che intervengono quando l' attivita di
conduzione idrica della pianta eostacolata dal congelamento dei tessuti di conduzione
o del suolo. Negli anni successivi, e fino a quando le funzioni di assorbimento non
sono ristabilite, l' albero produce anelli sottili.

desseca~ao :invemal (n.f.)

Desseca9ao e morte da folhagem e ramos causadas pelos ventos secos e radia9ao,
quando a condu9ao de agua e restringida pelo congelamento dos tecidos da planta
ou do solo.

3HMHee BliICLIXamrn ( cym., C.)

Bucuxam1e 11 OTM11paH11e J111CTBbl 11 MeJ1K11X rro6er0B, Bbl3BaHHOe BhICYlll11BaIOlll11Ml1
nerpaM11 11 co11HeqH00 pa411au11e0 n ro npeMa, Kor4a B04HOe rrorpe611eH11e
orpaH11qeHo 3aMep3aH11eM rKaHe0 pacreH11JI 111111 3eM1111. B rroc11e4y10m11e
ro4u 4epeno 06pa3yer Y3K11e KOJlhUa 40 rex rrop, rroKa ee mcreMa acmM11J1JIU1111

In the years following winter desiccation, the tree produces narrow rings until its assimilation
system has regenerated.

wood density 345

wood density (n.)

Ratio of wood mass to wood volume for a given degree of moisture. Expressed ii,
g/cm.3 or kg/m 3•
~ *microdensitometer

Holzdichte (f. <-, -n>)

=Rohdichte, f. <-, -n>
=Rohwichte, f. <-, -n>
=Raumgewicht, n. <-(e)s, -e>
Verhaltnis von Masse zum Volumen bei bestimmter Holzfeuchtigkeit. Die Dichte
wird ausgedrlickt in g/cm3 oder kg/m3•
~ :;c5pezifisches Gewicht, n. <-(e )s, -e>

densite du bois (n.f.)

Rapport de la masse du bois par le volume du bois pour un degre donne d 'humidite.
Exprimee en g/cm3 ou en kg/m3 •

densidad de la madera (n.f.)

Peso por unidad de volumen, se expresa en g cm- 3 o en kg m-3 •

densita del legno (s.f.)

=massa volumica, s.f.
Rapporto fra la massa ed il volume di un provino, riferito ad un determinato valore
di umidita, ed espresso in g/cm3 o kg/m3•

densidade da madeira (n.f.)

Relac;ao entre a massa e o volume de uma amostra de madeira, em uma dada
porcentagem de umidade, expressa em g/cm3 ou kg/m3•

ITJ10THOCTb )J.peBeCMHhl ( cym.,)K.)

Orttornem1e .n:penecHOI1 MaCCbl K o5neMy .n:peBeCHHbl np11 .n:aHHOI1 BJ1a)KH0CTl1.
M3MepHercH B r/cM 3 111111 Kr/M~
B pycCKOH3blqHol1 HaqHQH JlHTepaType 3TO onpe11,eJ1eHHe COOTBeTcTByeT TepMHHY
"nJlOTHOCTb 11,peBeCHHHOro Bemecrna."

I In *dendrochronology, wood density is measured with radiodensitometric techniques.

wood storage 346

wood storage (n.)

Short- or long-term timber storage.
~ *seasoning

Holzlagerung (f. <-,-en>)

Lagerung von Holz liber klirzere oder langere Zeit.

stockage (n.m.)
Stockage de bois a court ou moyen terme.
Dans le contexte archeologique, le terme "stockage" est employe preferentiellement a
"conservation", reserve a !'ensemble des techniques d'identification des materiaux
archeologiques et de controle des processus d'alteration, alors que la "restauration" vise a
ralentir l' alteration des materiaux et a retablir leur unite potentielle
II 11

almacenaje de madera (n.m.)

Madera de construcci6n que se guarda durante un determinado periodo de tiempo.

stoccaggio del legname (s.m.)

Immagazzinamento del legname per periodi di tempo piu o meno prolungati.

armazenagem da madeira (n.f.)

Armazenagem da madeira por curto ou longo perfodo.

xpaHHJUUl.(e .n;peBeCHHhl ( cym., c.)

=CKJTa/1, JJ.peBeCHHhl, cym., M.

(.n:en.n:poapxeoJiomJI) MecTO Kpa TKOBpeMennoro .11.JI.11 .n:JI.11.Temnoro xpatten.11.JI


In *dendroarchaeology, different *felling dates in *timber within the same construction

unit may indicate wood storage.
Nowadays, wood may be stored in open air or under water (ponding).

wood structure 347

wood structure (n.)

Arrangement of the various types of cells in the *xylem according to a pattern typical
of a taxon.

Holzstruktur (f. <-,-en>)

Charakteristische Anordnung von unterschiedlichen Zelltypen im *Xylem bestimm-
ter Taxa.

structure du bois (n.f.)

Agencement des differents tissus constituant le *xyleme selon un modele propre a
chaque taxon.
En coupe transversale, le terme "plan ligneux" designe !'ensemble des caracteres de nature et
de disposition de ces elements, dans l'assise cambiale et dans les couches de bois auxquelles
elle donne naissance.
~ plan ligneux, n.m.

estructura de la mad era (n.f.)

Tipos de celulas y proporciones de las mismas en el *xilema segun el patron de
composici6n tipico de cada tax6n.

struttura del legno (s.f.)

Disposizione dei vari tipi di cellule nello *xilema, secondo lo schema tipico del taxon.

estrutura da madeira (n.f.)

=estrutura anat6mica, n.f
Composic;ao caracteristica dos varios de tipos de tecidos ou celulas no *xilema, de
acordo com o padrao tipico do taxon.

cTpyKTypa ,n:penernmi1 (cym., )K.)

Tttm1qttaJ1 KOMJ103I1Ul1JI pa3J111qHbIX Tl1Jl0B KJleTOK B *KCI1J1eMe, 06pa3y10waJ1
p11cyHOK, xapaKTepHblH llJlJI )laHHOro TaKCOHa.

Within each taxon, variations in wood structures may be observed between several

woodwork 348

woodwork (n.)
(Dendroarchaeology) Wooden parts of a building.
In English "woodwork" is a general term which includes roof woodwork or timberwork and
other wooden parts of a building (windows, doors, etc.). Roof timbers are referred to as such.
The German "Dachstuhl" and the French "charpente" refer specifically to the roof woodwork.

Dachwerk (m. <-s, -··e>)

(Dendroarchaologie) Tragegertist eines Daches.

charpente (n.f.)
(Dendroarcheologie) Assemblage de pieces de bois constituant l'ossature d'une

obra de carpinterfa (n.f.)

(Dendroarqueologia) Las partes de madera de un edificio.

opera in legno (s.f.)

(Dendroarcheologia) Elemento in legno di una costruzione.

madeiramento (n.m.)
=obra de carpintaria, n.f.
(Dendroarqueologia) Partes de *madeira de uma constru~ao.

ii:epeBHHHLie MJ)(emrn: ( cyw., MH.tJ.)

=JJ.epeBHHHhle JJ.eranJJ, cym., MH. IJ.

lfacTtt cTpoeu11n 113 1lpeBec11u11, npowe.llwe11 1lepeB0o6pa60TKy.

working marks 349

working marks (

zchopping marks,
Indentations on the surface of wood resulting from the use of adzing or carving tools.

Bearbeitungsspuren (f. pl. <->)

Veranderte Holzoberflache bei Verwendung von Hau- bzw. Schneidegeraten.
Hiebspuren: Spuren von Hau- bzw. Schneidegeraten.

traces de travail (
Marques laissees sur la surface du bois par !'utilisation d'outils de coupe, de debitage
ou de fac;onnage.

entalladuras (
=marcas de trabajo, n.f pl.
Indentaciones y otros cortes dejados en la superficie de la madera como resultado
de los trabajos llevados a cabo con hachas, azuelas de mano y otros objetos.

segni di lavorazione (

Tracee sulla superficie del legno lasciate dagli utensili usati per la lavorazione (per
esempio ascia, sgorbia).

marcas de trabalho (

=trac;os de trabalho,
Marcas na superffcie da madeira resultantes do uso de ferramentas de corte, lavra
ou entalhe.

pa6ornrn MeTKH (cyw. MH.ll.)

(,lleH,llpOapxeo11or11.H) BM.HTI1Hhl Ha ITOBepXHOCTI1 ,llpeneCI1Hhl, OCTaB.leHHbie
3a TeCh1BaI01lll1Ml1 l1J1I1 pe)K.yllll1MI1 I1HCTpyMeHTaM11.

Axe marks on a historical beam (Valais, Switzerland).

x-ray densitometry 350

x-ray densitometry (n.)

=densitometry, n. (fam.)
A method for measuring *wood density by X-raying *laths cut from *increment
cores or *stem discs together with a *calibration wedge on a film. The optical density
of the film is then measured with a *microdensitometer, transformed mathematically
into *wood density, and *plotted as a function of time. (::=POLGE 1971)

Radiodensitometrie (f. <-,ID>)

Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Holzdichte mittels Rontgenstrahlen. Die Holz-
proben werden in dtinne Streifen geschnitten und zusammen mit einem *Eichkeil
gerontgt. Die mit einem *Mikro-Densitometer gemessene optische Dichte wird rech-
nerisch in Holzdichte umgewandelt und als Dichtekurve dargestellt.

radiodensitometrie (n.f.)
zdensitometrie, n.f. (Jam.)
zxylochronologie, n.f. (Polge, Lenz)
Meth ode consistant a radiographier sur un meme film des *lamelles de bois decoupees
dans des *carottes ou des *sections de tronc, ainsi qu'un *coin etalon. La densite
optique du film est ensuite mesuree a l'aide d'un *micrometre, traduite en *densite
du bois, et representee graphiquement en fonction du temps.

radiodensitometrfa (n.f.)
=densitometrfa por rayos x, n.f.
zdensitometrfa, n.f.
Un metodo para medir la *densidad de la madera a partir de las radiograffas obtenidas
de los *cortes finos de un *testigo de madera ode *discos del tronco, comparandolas
con la *cufia de calibraci6n. La densidad 6ptica de la radiograffa se mide con un
*microdensit6metro, transformandose matematicamente a *densidad de la madera,
se hace un grafico en funci6n del tiempo.

densitometria ai raggi X (s.f.)

Metodo per la determinazione della *densita del legno, fondato sull'impiego di un
fascia di raggi X che va ad impressionare una pellicola radiografica di fronte alla
quale sono stati interposti sia il campione di legno, costituito normalmente da una
*lamella, ricavata da una *carota o da una *sezione trasversale, sia un *blocco di
calibrazione. La densita ottica dell'immagine sulla pellicola radiografica viene
misurata con l'ausilio di un *microdensitometro, e successivamente trasformata in
*densita del legno attraverso procedimenti matematici. I risultati sono espressi da
densitogrammi rappresentati in funzione del tempo.
11 termine puo essere applicato anche in riferimento ad altre metodiche basate sull'uso dei
raggi x per la determinazione della densita del legno, e diverse da quella descritta (per esempio
Tomografia Computerizzata, NMR).

densitometria de raios-x (n.f.)
=densitometria, n.f.
:z=xilocronologia, n.f.

Metodo para a medic;ao da *densidade da *madeira a partir de de raios-x de

amostras finas de *madeira (obtidas de *baguetas ou discos de *tronco) e de *cunha

de calibrac;ao. A densidade 6tica do filme e medida no *microdensitometro,

transformada matematicamente em *densidade da madeira e representada
graficamente em func;ao do tempo.

peHTreHOBCKaH )(eHCl1TOMeTplrn (cyru., )K.)

=peHrreHorpa<Jmn, cym,., JK.

Mern.11: 113Mepemrn *rr11ornocT11 11:peBec11HbI rryTeM rrpornei111BaH11H peHTreH0BcK11M11

J1YliaMl1 TOHKl1X o6pa3U0B, rronylleHHbIX C *B03paCTHbIX KepHOB 111111 *crr11J10B,
11 3KCITOHl1p0BaHl1H Ha rrneHKY COBMeCTHO C *KaJ1116p0BOl1HblM KJ111HOM (3TaJ10HOM).
0rrTl1llecKaH ITJlOTHOCTh rrneHKl1 3a TeM 113MepHeTCH Ml1Kpo.11:eHCl1TOMeTpOM,
Ma TeMa Tl1l!eCKl1 rrepeB011:11TCH B *rrnOTHOCTh 11:peBeCl1Hbl 11 11306pa)KaeTCH KaK
<flYHKU11H OT BpeMeHl1.

Gamma rays have also been used.
• This method was invented in France (PoLGE 1966). In *dendrochronology, it is now used
especially in Canada, Great Britain and Switzerland (LAMBERT 1983).

xylem 351
xylem (n.)
=wood ,n.
=secondary xylem, n.

The cells differentiated mostly toward the inside of the *cambium.

der. xylary (adj.)
~ primary xylem, n.

Xylem (n. <-s, ~>)

=Holz, n. <-es, "-er>

Das vom *Kambium meistens nach innen gebildete Gewebe.

xyleme (n.m.)
:z=bois, n.m.
:z=xyleme secondaire, n.m.
Tissu conducteur de la seve brute, resultant principalement de la *differenciation du
*cambium vers l'interieur de la *tige.
~ xyleme primaire, n.m.

xilema (n.m.)
=xilema secundario, n.m.
=madera, n.f
=leiio, n. m.
Los tejidos conductores, los de sosten y los de reserva, en ramas, *troncos y rafces
producidos por la diferenciaci6n celular hacia el interior del *cambium.

xilema (s.m.)
z[egno, s.m.

L'insieme delle cellule differenziatesi prevalentemente nella parte di *fusto intema

al *cambio.

xilema (n.m.)
=lenho, n. m.
zxilema secundario, n.m.

Tecido de sustentagao e condugao de seiva mineral (no sentido ascendente ), resultante

da divisao e diferenciagao das celulas do *cambio, em diregao ao interior do *tronco.

KCHJieMa (cyw., )K.)

=l!penecuHa, cym., JK.
=nropwman Kcmre.wa, cym., JK.

Bo1wnp0BO.llHWa.H TKaHb, npOl13BO.llHaH *KaM6l1.H, o6pa30BaHHaH KJleTKaMl1,

11mpq>epeHu11p0BaHHbIMl1 B 60Jlbllil1HCTBe CBOeM ITO HanpaBJ1eHl1IO K *cep11ueB11He
l13HYTPl1 OT KaM6l1.H.

First-formed xylem, *differentiated from an *apical meristem, is termed primary xylem.

Xylem formed by the *cambium is secondary xylem. Only secondary xylem is relevant to
dendrochronology, therefore it is usually shortened into xylem by dendrochronologists.

Coded sources:
BERTER BERNETT! G. (Ed.),1980: Terminologia forestale. Scienze forestali, tecnica,
pratica e prodotti forestali. Rome, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. xiii+
518 pp.
EESS NIERENBERG W.A. (Ed.-in-chief), 1992: Encyclopedia of Earth System
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FAO FAO - Forestry Department, 1986: Wildland fire management terminology.
Terminologie de la lutte contre les incendies de foret. Terminologfa del
control de incendios en tierras incultas. FAO Forestry Paper 70. Rome, FAO.
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PORTER FORD-ROBERTSON F.C. (Ed.), 1971: Terminology of forest science, technology
practice and products. Washington D.C., Society of American Foresters.
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FORTER2 FORD-ROBERTSON F.C. (Ed.), 1983: Terminology of forest science, technology
practice and products. Washington D.C., Society of American Foresters.
370 pp. (2nd printing).
IAWA International Association of Wood Anatomists, 1964: Multilingual glossary of
terms used in wood anatomy. Switzerland. EAFV, Birmensdorf. 186 pp.
SAF McPHERSON G.R., WADE D.D., PHILIPPS C.B., 1990: Glossary of wildland fire
management terms used in the United States. Washington D.C., Society of
American Foresters. 138 pp.

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Index of Tree sped es

botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Abies alba European silver Weisstanne, Edel- sapin blanc, sapin abeto com(m, Abete bianco abeto branco, m1xrn 6enan
Mill. fir, silver fir, tanne, Silbertanne, pectine, sapin pinabeto, abeto abeto comum
common silver fir gemeine Weiss- argente, sapin des plateado
tanne Vosges, sapin de

Abies balsamea balsam fir, Balsam-Tanne sapin baumier, abeto Abete abeto llHXTa
(L.) Mill. Gilead fir baumier du Canada, balsamico, balsamico balsamico 6as11,JaMwiecKan
baumier de Gilead, abeto oloroso
sapin de Gilead

Abies borisii- King Boris fir, King-Boris- sapin du Roi Boris Abete di Re abeto da f!HXTa
regis Mattf. Bulgarian fir Tanne Boris Bulgaria 6onrapcKan

Abies cephalonica Grecian fir, griechische Tanne, sapin de Grece, abeto griego, Abete greco abeto grego n11xTa rpeqecKan
Loud. Greek fir cephalonische sapin de abeto de
Weisstanne, Cephalonie Cefalonia

Abies concolor white fir gleichfarbige Tanne, sapin du abeto Abete glauco, abeto concolor, flHXTa
(Gord. & Glend.) Blasstanne, Colorado, sapin concolor Abete concolore abeto do O)lHOLIBeTHaJI
Lindi. ex Hildebr. Koloradotanne, concolore Colorado

Abies lasiocarpa subalpine fir, Rocky Arizona-Tanne sapin blanc abeto blanco Abete bianco abeto branco HHXTa
var. arizonica Mountain fir d I Amerique, americano, americano americano cy6aJlbHHHCKaJI
(Hook.) Nutt. sapin d 'Arizona pino real blanco
de las sierras

Abies marocana Morrocan fir Marokko-Tanne sapin du Maroc Abete de! abeto do HHXTa
Trabut. Marocco Marrocos MapoKKaHCKaJI
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Abies nord- Caucasian fir Nordmanns-Tanne sapin de Nordmann, abeto de Nord- Abete di Nord- abeto de 1111XTa
manniana (Stev.) sapin de Crimee, mann, abeto mann,Abete Nordmann KanKa3CKaH,
Spach. sapin du Caucase de! Caucaso del Caucaso 1111xTa Hop)lMa1rna

Abies numidica Algerian fir algerische Tanne, sapin d'Algerie, abeto Abete numidico, abeto da 1111XTa
de Lannoy ex. numidische Tanne sapin de Numidie, de Argelia Abete algerino Argelia am1rnpcKan
Carr. sapin des Babors

Abies pindrow Spanish fir Pindrow-Tanne sapin pindrow Abete di em, r11ManaC!cKaH
Royle pindrow cepe6p11cTaH

Abies pinsapo Spanish fir spanische Tanne, pinsapo, sapin pinsapo, abeto Abete di Spagna, abeto 1111xTa 11c11a11cKan
Boiss. spanische d'Espagne, sapin de Espana, Pinsapo da Espanha
Weisstanne, de Ronda, sapin pino pinsapo
Pinsapo de la Sierra Nevada

Abies spectabilis East Himalayan fir, Himalaya-Tanne, sapin de abeto Abete abeto ll11XTa
(D. Don) Spach Himalayan silver Morindafichte, !'Himalaya, de Himalaya dell 'Himalaya do Himalaia 3aMe11aTe111,11an,
fir, Indian silver fir indische Fichte sapin de Webb ll11XTa rl1MaJial1CKafl

Acer rubrum L. red maple, Rotahorn, virgini- erable rouge, arce rojo, Acero rosso acer vermelho KJ1e11 Kpacm,111
Canadian maple, scher Ahorn, erable de Virginie arce de agua
scarlet maple, rotbltitiger Ahorn
swamp maple

Acer saccharum sugar maple, hard Zucker-Ahorn erable a sucre, arce del azucar Acero da acer-ar;ucar KJ1e11 caxap111,1C!
Marsh. maple, rock maple erable mouchete zucchero, Acero 11J111 cepe6p11cT1,111
d'Amerique saccarino

Agathis australis Kauri pine Kauri, Neusee- kauri de Nou- kauri de Nueva Kauri agate da Nova araT11c (JlclMMapa)
(D. Don) Salisb. land Kauri, Kauri- velle-Zelande, Zelanda, abeto australiano Zelandia, IO)KllblCI. Kayp11
fichte pin de kaori australiano kauri, damara
I--" botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

A/nus glutinosa common alder, Schwarzerle, Roterle, aulne (aune) gluti- aliso, humero, Ontano nero aliso negro oJlbxa 1Jep11aH
(L.) Gaertn. black alder, gemeine Erle, neux, aulne (aune) vinagreta HJlH KJleCiKaH
European alder klebrige Erle noir, aulne (aune)
comrnun, veme, vergne

Araucaria Parana pine, brasilianische araucaria du araucaria, Araucaria del pinheiro do apayKapHH
angustifolia parana araucaria, Araukarie, Brasil- Bresil, arbre araucaria del Parana Parana, pinheiro Y3KOJlHCTHaH
(Bertol.) Kuntze candelabra tree, kiefer, Paranakiefer, candelabre, pin Brasil, pin o do Brasil
Brazilian pine, brasilianische de Parana, sapin Parana, pino de
Brazilian araucaria Araukarie du Bresil Brasil, pino de
Misiones, curiy

Araucaria Chile pine, Chilean chilenische araucaria du Chili, pehuen, arau- Araucaria pinheiro apayKapm1
araucana (Molina) pine, monkey Araukarie, chileni- pin du Chili, sapin caria pehuen, del Cile do Chile 'IHJlHHCKaH,
K. Koch puzzle, pehuen sche Kiefer du Chili pino de Chile 'IHJIHHCKaJI COCHa

Austrocedrus Chilean cedar, Chilean chilenische Zeder, cedre du Chili, cypress cipreste ancTpoue,llpyc
chilensis (D. Don) incense cedar, Chilean chilenische Fluss- cypres du Chili, do Chile 'IHJlHHCKHH
Florin et Boutelje incense cypress, zeder, patagonische cypres de Patagonie,
Patagonian cypress Zypresse libocedre du Chili

Betula yellow birch, Gelbbirke, bouleau jaune, abedul amarillo betula amarela, 6epe3a
alleghaniensis Canadian yellow Kanadische bouleau jaune canadiense betula arn1era11cKaR 111111
Britt. birch, Quebec Gelbbirke canadien canadense JKenTaR
birch, swamp birch

Betula pubescens European birch, europaische Birke, bouleau europeen, adebul Betulla betula europeia 6epe3a nyw11crnR
Ehrh. silver birch, Moorbirke, Haar- bouleau pubescent, europeo, pubescente
pubescent birch birke, behaarte bouleau collant abedul
Birke, Ruchbirke pubescente

Betula verrucosa Swedish birch, Weissbirke, gemeine bouleau abedul pendula Betulla bianca betula pendula 6epe3a non11rnaJ1
Ehrh. English birch Birke, Warzenbirke verruqueux HJlH
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Castanea sativa sweet chestnut, Edelkastanie, chataignier castafio Castagna castanha KaJJJTaH noceBHOH
Mill. Spanish chestnut, Esskastanie commun europeia l1J111 HaCTORlUl111
European chestnut

Cedrela angusti- cedro salteno cedro saltefio cedro ue.llpena

f olia Sesse &
Macina ex DC.

Cedrus atlantica Atlas cedar, atlantische Zeder, cedre de l'Atlas, cedro atlantico, Cedro cedro atlantico Ke,llp aTJ13CCKl111
(Endl.) Manetti Atlantic cedar Atlas-Zed er cedre d 'Algerie, cedro del Atlas dell' Atlante
cedre argente

Cedrus deodara Deodar Himalaya-Zeder deodar, cedre deodar, Cedro deodara, cedro deodara Ke,llp
cedre de !'Himalaya Cedro Tl1MaJ1aC!CKl1l1

Cedrus libani ssp. cedar of Lebanon Libanon-Zeder, cedre du Liban, cedro del Cedro cedro Ke,llp Jll1BaHCKl111
libani A. Rich Salomozeder cedre de Salomon Lfbano, cedro del Libano do Lfbano
de Salomon

Chamaecyparis Hinoki cypress, Hinoki-Scheinzy- hinoki, faux cypres cedro de cedro K11nap11COBHl1K
obtusa (Sieb. et Hinoki false cypress, presse, stumpf- j aponais, cypres Hinoki, cedro de Hinoki TynOJ111CTHbll1
Zucc) Endl. Formosan cypress, blattrige Sonnen- d'Hinoki, faux de1Jap6n
Japanese cedar, zypresse, cypres obtus,
Japanese cypress, Feuerbaum, cedre du Japan
Hinoki-cedar, Feuerzypresse
Hinoki cypress

Cryptomeria Japanese cedar, Sicheltanne, Krip- cryptomeria criptomeria Crittomeria criptomeria do Kp11nTOMep11tt
japonica (L. f.) sugi, common tomerie, Sugi, du Japan, japonesa, del Giappone J apao; cedrinho JlnOIICKatt,
D.Don cryptomeria japanische Zeder, cryptomerie, sugi criptomeria japones H110IICKl1l1 Ke,llp,
japanische Zypresse cyr11
r-.1. botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Cupressus Mediterranean Zypresse, gemeine cypres commun, rimu Cipresso cipreste K1111ap11c
sempervirens L. cypress, I tali an Zypresse, echte cypres d'ltalie, comune comum, ue4110:ieJ1e111,1C!
cypress Zypresse, italieni- cypres mediterraneen cipreste da Italia
sche Zypresse,

Dacrydium cup- rimu, red pine Rimu rimu rimu rimu MKPl1Jll1YM
ressinum Lamb. K1111ap11con1,1C1

Eucalyptus snow gum, Berg-Eukalyptus gommier a feuilles eucalipto JBKasrnnT

pauciflora Sieb. cabbage gum coriaces MaJlOUBeTKOBl,IH

Fagus grandifolia American beech amerikanische hetre d'Amerique haya americana Faggio faia americana 6yK KpymIOJll1CTilblH
Ehrh. Buche americano 11Jll1 aMCf)l1KaIICKl1H

Fagus sylvatica L. European beech Rotbuche, Buche, hetre Commun haya Faggio faia europeia 6yK JieCIIOH 11Jll1
gemeine Buche euponeC!cK11Ci

Fitzroya cupres- Patagonian Alerce alerce alerce ( Chile y Alerce cipreste da <1>11upoC111
so ides Johnst. cypress, alerce Argentina), Patagonia KI,map11c0BHJUiaJ1,
lahuen, cipres naTarOHCKHH
de Patagonia K11nap11c, anepce

Fraxinus red ash, green Rotesche, ameri- frene rouge fresno rojo Frassino rosso freixo vermelho JICeHI,
pennsylvanica ash, American kanische Grauesche, d'Amerique, frene americano americano americano neHCHJlbllclHCKl1H
Marsh. ash amerikanische pubescent, frene de (,!Jl(,! nywHCTbIH
Rotesche Pennsylvanie

Juglans australis Argentine argentinischer noyer nogal criollo, Noce argentino nogueira opex
Griseb. walnut Nussbaum d'Argentine nogal argentino argentina

Juniperus deppeana alligator juniper Alligator- genevrier alligator, enebro aligator Ginepro junfpero, MO)!OKeBeJlbHHK
Steud. Wacholder genevrier gerce alligatore zimbro TOJlCTOKOpb!H
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Juniperus excelsa Grecian juniper, Baum-Wacholder, genevrier enebro griego Ginepro greco junfpero da MO)IOKeBeJlbHHK
Bieb. West Asian cedar griechischer de Grece, Grecia, Bh!COKl111
Wacholder, hoher genevrier d'Orient zimbro
Wacholder, hoher

Juniperus foeti- stinking juniper stinkender juniper, MO)K)KeBeJlbHHK

dissima Willd. Wacholder zimbro BOHI0'11111

Juniperus monosper- cherrystone juniper, einsamiger genevrier a une junfpero de MO)K)KeBeJlhHHK

ma (Engelm.) Sarg. one-seed juniper Wacholder graine uma semente MO!IOCeMHHHhlH

Juniperus occi- western juniper, abendlandischer genevrier enebro junfpero MO)KJKeBeJlhHHK

dentalis Hook. Sierra juniper Wacholder occidental occidental ocidental 3anaaHhIH

Juniperus- Phoenician juniper, phonizischer Wach- genevrier de enebro licio, Ginepro fenicio, junfpero MOJKJKeneJlhlll1K
phoenicea L. Arabian juniper, older, rotfriichtiger Phenicie, genevrier sabina suave, Ginepro licio, da Arabia KpaC!IOllJIO)lllhlH
red rock cedar Wacholder rouge, sabine rouge sabina negral Cedro licio

Juniperus Rocky Mountain Felsenge birge- genevrier des Mon- enebro de Ginepro delle junfpero das MOJKJKeBeJlhlll1K
scopulorum Sarg. juniper Wacholder, tagnes Rocheuses, las Montafias Montagne Montan has CKaJlbllhlH
Felsengebirge- genevrier des mon- Rocosas, Rocciose Rochosas
Sadebaum tagnes du Colorado cedro rojo

Juniperus turke- Turkestan turkestanischer junfpero do MO)K :1Kenem,1111 K

stanica Komar. juniper Wach older Turkestao TypKeCTallCKl111

eastern red cedar, virginische Wachal- cedre de Virginie, enebro ame- Ginepro junfpero, MO)K)Kel3eJll,1111K
Juniperus Virginian pencil der, virginische genevrier rouge ricano, enebro della Virginia zimbro da Bl11)1'1111CKl111
virginiana L. cedar, red juniper Bleistiftzeder d'Amerique de Virginia Virginia

Larix decidua European larch, europaische Larche, meleze commun, alercc Larice, Larice larfcio 1111crne111111ua
Mill. common larch Larche meleze d'Europe, europeo europeo europeu enpo11e11cKaJ1 111111
meleze des Alpes, onaaa1011iaH
pin de Briarn;on
1--' botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Larix gmelinii Dahurian larch dahurische meleze de alerce dahuriano larfcio s1v1crne111111ua
(Rupr.) Kuzeneva Larche Dahurie dahuriano r'Memrna 11111,1

Larix laricina tamarack, Tamarack, Tama- tamarack, meleze alerce larfcio 1111cTIJe111111ua
(Du Roi) K. Koch American larch, rack-Larche, d'Amerique, meleze americano, americano aMep11Ka11cKaH
eastern Canadian amerikanische tamarack tamarack
larch, eastern larch, Larche, kleinzapfige
Alaska larch Larche

Larix occidentalis western larch, westamerikani- meleze alerce larfcio 1111 cTBem111 ua
Nutt. western tamarack, sche Larche occidental americano americano Jana;uian
roughbark larch occidental ocidental

Larix russica Siberian larch sibirische meleze de alerce larfcio da Siberia n11cTBe111111ua
(Endl.) Sabine Larche, sibirische Siberie, meleze siberiano c11611pcKatt
ex Trautv. Edeltanne d 'Archangel

Libocedrus bidwillii New Zealand Neuseeland- libocedre de Bidwill, cedro de Libocedro di cedro da Nova n116oueJJ.pyc
Hook. f. cedar,New Zeder, Bidwills cedre de la Nouvelle- Nueva Bidwill, Cedro di Zelandia (peq1wp KeJl,C1)
Zealand cypress, Schuppenzeder Zelande, cypres de Zelanda Nuova Zelanda Dl1Jl.Bl1nna
pahautea la Nouvelle Zelande

Nothofagus New Zealand neuseelandische hetre austral de la nothofagus Nothofagus nothofagus da HOTO¢aryc
menziesii silver beech, Stidbuche, Nouvelle Zelande, neozelandes neozelandese Nova Zelandia Meu311eca, IOJKHblH
(Hook f.) Oerst. Menzies's red neuseelandische hetre argente, 6yK Meu311eca
beech Silberbuche nothofagus de la

Nothofagus black beech, schwarze Stidbuche, nothofagus noir, haya negra faia negra da uoro¢aryc
solandri (Hook f.) Australian black Schwarzscheibuche, hetre noir australiana Australia
Oerst. beech, mountain australische d'Australie
beech Schwarzbuche
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Picea abies (L.) Norway spruce, gemeine Fichte, epicea commun, abeto falso, Abete rosso, picea europeia em eBpone11cKaR
Karst. common spruce, Fichte, Rottanne, sapin rouge, sapin picea, pinabete Picea, Peccio HIIH
European spruce Weissfichte de Norvege, sapin de Noruega, o6b!KH0BeHHaR
du Nord, pesse abeto rojo

Picea abies var. Siberian spruce sibirische Rottanne, epicea de Siberie, picea siberiana Picea siberiana picea siberiana em c11611pcKaR
obovata (Ledeb.) sibirische Fichte, sapinette de
Voss Altaifichte Siberie

Picea engel- Engelmann spruce, Engelmanns epicea d 'Engelmann, picea de Picea di picea de em 3ttreIILMatta
mannii Parry ex mountain spruce, Fichte epicea de !'Arizona, Engelmann Engelmann Engelmann
Engelm. white spruce, epinette
silver spruce d 'Engelmann

Picea glauca white spruce, nordamerikanische epinette blanche, picea de Canada, picea do eilh KaHa,ll,CKaR
(Moench) Voss Canadian spruce, Weissfichte, epinette du Canada, abeto blanco, Canada HIIH 6eJ1aR
eastern Canadian Schimmelfichte, epicea blanc, epicea picea blanca
spruce, single kanadische du Canada, sapinette
spruce Weissfichte blanche, sapin de

Picea glehnii Sakhalin spruce, Sachalin-Fichte, epicea de Glehns, picea de picea de eilh rneHa
(Fr. Schmidt) Mast. Sachalin spruce, Glehns-Fichte, epicea de Hokkaido Hokkaido
Glehns spruce, Hokkaido-Fichte Sakhaline, epicea
Hokkaido spruce d'Hokkaido

Picea jezoensis Yezo spruce, Yedo-Fichte, epicea de Yezo, picea de yeso picea de Yezo enh
(Sieb. & Zucc.) Yeso spruce, Yesofichte epicea de Yedo, ,aaIILHeBOCTO'IHaR
Carr. Yeddo spruce epicea d'Ajan

Picea jezoensis var. Hondo spruce Hondo-Fichte epicea du Japon, picea de Hondo picea de Hondo eJ1h
hondoensis Carr. epicea de Hondo ,aaJlbHeBOCTO'!HaR
I-' botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Picea mariana black spruce, eastern Schwarzfichte, epicea noir, epicea picea negra picea negra em qepttaH
(Mill.) B.S.P. Canadian spruce, nordamerikanische noir d'Amerique, americana americana
eastern spruce Schwarzfichte epinette noire,
sapinette noire,
sapinette noire

Picea rubens red spruce Rotfichte, epinette rouge, picea roja de picea vermelha em KpacttaH
Sarg. amerikanische sapinette rouge, Canada do Canada
Rotfichte epicea rouge du
Canada, sapinette
rouge du Canada

Picea schrenkiana Schrenk's Tien-Shan-Fichte, epicea de Schrenk picea de Picea di Sitka picea de em WpettKa 111rn
Fish. et Mey. spruce Tian-Shan-Fichte, Schrenk Schrenk THHb-WaHCKaH
Schrenks Fichte

Picea sitchensis Sitka spruce, Sitkafichte epicea de Sitka picea de Sitka picea de Sitka eJlb CHXTHHCKaH
(Bong.) Carr. silver spruce,
tideland spruce
Pino bianco
Picea tienschanica Tien-Shan spruce Tien-Schan- americano picea eJlb THHb-WaHcKaH
Rupr. Fichte Ti em-Shan
Pino aristato,
Pinus albicaulis whitebark pine weissstammige pin blanc pino blanco Pino di pinho branco Ke,llpOBaH COCHa
Engelm. Zirbelkiefer d'Amerique americano California americano 6eJlOCTBOJlbHaH

Pinus aristata Rocky Mountain Grannenkiefer pin a cones epineux, pino de pinho do COCHa OCTHCTaH
Engelm. in Parry & bristlecone pine pin hickory Colorado Colorado

Pinus balfouriana foxtail pine, Fuchsschwanzkiefer, pin a queue de pino de pinho do cocHa Eamqiypa
Gref. et Balf. Balfour's pine Balfours-Kiefer, renard, pin de Colorado Colorado
in A. Murr. Grannenkiefer Balfour
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Pinus banksiana jack pine, Banks-Kiefer, pin de Banks, pin pino banksiano pinho COCHa 5aHKCa
Lamb. Banksian pine Strauchkiefer, du Labrador, pin du banksiano
Zwergkiefer Canada, pin gris

Pinus brutia Ten. Calabrian pine, kalabrische Kiefer, pin de Calabre, Pino bruzio, pinho da COCHa
brutia pine Brutia-Kiefer, See- pin brutia, Pino calabrese Calabria KaJ1a6pI1HCKaJ1
Kiefer pin de Chypre

Pinus cembra ssp. Arolla pine, Swiss Arve, Zirbelkiefer, pin cembro, pin pino cembro Pino cembro, pinho cembro COCHa CH611pcKaJ1
sibirica stone pine, cembran sibirische Zirbe alvier, cembro, europeo Cirmolo europeu
pine, Siberian arolle, arole, pin
yellow pine arolle

Pinus contorta lodgepole pine, Drehkiefer, pin vrille, pin pino Pino contorto COCHa
Dougl. ex Loud. beach pine, shore Ktistenkiefer tortille, pin des contorcido CKpyqeHHaR
pine dunes, pin des plages

Pinus contorta lodgepole pine Lodgepole- pin lodgepole pino pinho COCHa
var. latifolia (Rocky Mountain Kiefer contorcido contorcido CKpyqem-iaR
Engelm. variety)

Pinus contorta var. lodgepole pine, Lodgepole-Kiefer, pin lodgepole, pino rojo Pino di pinho COCHa
Murrayana Sierra lodgepole Murrays-Kiefer pin de Murray japones Murray contorcido CKpyqeHHaR
(Grev. & Balf) pine

Pinus densiflora Japanese red pine, japanische Rot- pin rouge pino rojo pinho vermelho COCHa
Sieb. et Zucc. akamatsu kiefer, dichtbltitige du Japan japones japones rycTOUBeTHaR

Pinus echinata shortleaf pine, Glattkiefer, pin doux, pin pino tea pinho de COCHa
~ Mill. Arkansas pine, Gelbkiefer, shortleaf americano Arkansas KOpOTKOXBOHHaR
\0 North Carolina pine Fichtenkiefer
N botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Pinus edulis Colorado pinyon Koloradokiefer, pin d 'Arizona pinyon pinho do COCHa Cbe)l06HaR
Engelm. in Wisliz. pine, pinyon pine, Arizonanuss- Colorado Colorado
Colorado pinyon, kiefer

Pinus flexilis limber pine kalifomische Kiefer, pin souple, pin pino flexible Keii.pOBaR cocua
James Nevada-Zirbelkiefer, des Montagnes KaJ111<f>opHl1HCKaR
biegsame Kiefer Rocheuses 11Jll1 r116KaR

Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine Aleppo-Kiefer pin d'Alep pincarrasco, Pino pinho cocua anenncKaR
Mill. pino carrasco, d'Aleppo deAlepo
pino de Aleppo

Pinus heldreichii Heldreich's pine, Panzerkiefer, pin de Heldreich Pino pinho de coctta
Christ Balkan pine Heldreichs-Kiefer balcanico Heldreich Xenii.pe11xa

Pinus jeffreyi Grev. Jeffrey pine Jeffreys-Kiefer pin de Jeffrey pino de pinho coctta Ue<f><f>pe)KR
et Balf in A. Murr. Jeffrey de Jeffrey

Pinus lambertiana sugar pine, Cali- Zuckerkiefer, pin gigantesque, pino pinho gigante COCHa JlaM6epTa,
Dougl. fomian sugar pine, Riesenzucker- pin de Lambert, gigantesco caxapnaR
true white pine kiefer pin geant

Pinus leucodermis Bosnian pine, Panzerkiefer, pin de Bosnie, Pino loricato COCHa
Ant. greybark pine, Schlangenhautkiefer, pin de Calabre, 60CHl1HCKaR,
whitebark pine Dolomiten-Kiefer, pin a ecorce 6enoKOpaR
bosnische Kiefer, de sapin
albanische Kiefer

Pinus longaeva Intermountain Grannenkiefer pin a longue vie COCHa

D.K. Bailey bristlecone pine )lOJlfOBeqttaR
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Pinus monophylla singleleaf pinyon, einnadelige Kiefer, pin de !'Arizona, pino pinho do COCHa
Torr. et Prem. in singleleaf nut pine einnadelige pin pinyon de Arizona Arizona 0)1,HOJU1CTHaJJ
Prem. Pinionkiefer,

Pinusmugo mountain pine, Bergkiefer, Berg- pin a crochets, pin pino rodeno, Pino mugo, pinho coetta ropHaJJ,
Tuna stone pine, dwarf fohre, Krummholz- nain de montagne, pino Pino montano, montanhes )Kepen
mountain pine, kiefer, Latsche, pin a suiffes, pin de montano mugo, Pino
krummholz pine Latschenkiefer, Brianc;on, pin de uncinato
Knieholzkiefer, montagne, pin
Zwergbergkiefer, mugo, pin mugho

Pinus mugo var. prostrate Legkiefer, Latsche pinomugo Mugo pinho COCHa ropHaJI
prostrata mountain pine laricino

Pinus mugo var. upright Bergkiefer pino demon- Pino mugo cocua ropHaJJ
uncinata mountain pine tafia, pino negro uncinato

Pinus nigra black pine, Schwarzkiefer, pin noir, laricio de pino laricino, Pino nero pinho COCHa '-lepHaJJ
Arnold European black pine, Schwarzfohre Corse, pin de Corse pino negral, laricino ttm1 ancrpttAcKaJJ
Corsican black pine pino salgareno

Pinus nigra ssp. Corsican pine korsische pin de Corse, pin pino laricio Pino laricio cocua '-lepHaJJ
laricio Maire Schwarzkiefer, laricio de Corse, de C6rcega
korsische Kiefer laricio

Pinus nigra ssp. Austrian pine, osterreichische pin noir pino negral Pino d'Austria, pinho negro COCHa '-lepHaH
nigraNeum. Austrian black Schwarzkiefer, d'Autriche Pino nero
pine Schwarzfohre d'Austria, Pino
N botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Pinus palustris American pitch Sumpfkiefer, pin a longues feuilles, pino tea, pinho amarelo COCHa 6oJlOTHafl,
Mill. pine, southern Pitch-Pine pitchpin du Sud, pino de hoja do sul COCHa 311m10Ta
pitch pine, longleaf pitchpin americain, larga
pine, pitch pine, pin des marais,
southern yellow pine pin de Boston

Pinus pinaster maritime pine, Sternkiefer, Strand- pin maritime, pino negral, Pino marittimo, pinho COCHa
Ait. cluster pine, kiefer, Seestrand- pin des Landes, pino rodeno, Pinastro, Pino marftimo npHMOpCKafl
seaside pine kiefer, Igelfohre pin de Bordeaux pino rubial, selvatico
pino maritimo

Pinus pinea L. Italian stone pine, Schirmpinie, pin parasol, pin pino pifionero, Pino domestico, COCHa
umbrella pine, Schirmkiefer, Pinie, pignon, pin pinier, pino real, Pino da pinoli HTaJlbRHCKaR
parasol pine italienische Stein- pin d'Italie pino manso,
kiefer, Piniekiefer pino doncel

Pinus ponderosa ponderosa pine, Ponderosa-Kiefer, pin de Bentham, pino pinho amarelo COCHa )KeJlTafl
Dougl. ex Laws. western yellow Goldkiefer, pin ponderosa ponderoso do oeste
pine, British westliche Gelbkiefer,
Columbia pine Schwerholzkiefer

Pinus resinosa Canadian red pine, amerikanische pin rouge pino rojo pinho vermelho COCHa CMOJlHCTaR
Ait. red pine, Rotkiefer, d'Amerique, pin americano americano
Norway pine Rotfichte rouge du Canada

Pinus strobus L. Eastern white pine, Weymouths-Kiefer, pin Weymouth, pino de Pino strobo, pinho branco COCHa
white pine, Weymouthsfohre, pin blanc, Weymouth Pino di americano aeCIMyToaan
Weymouth pine, Strobe pin du Lord Weymouth

Pinus sylvestris L. Scots pine, Scotch Waldkiefer, pin sylvestre, pin pino silvestre, Pino silvestre pinho de Riga, COCHa
pine, common pine, gemeine Kiefer, commun, pin du pino norte, pino pinho silvestre 06 b!KHOBeHHafl
red pine, Baltic Kiefer, Rotkiefer, nord, pin rouge du al bar, pino 111111 neCHaR
redwood Kienbaum, Fohre, nord, pin de Russie, Valsain, pino
Forle, Porche pin d 'Ecosse, serrano
pin de Riga
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Pinus taeda L. loblolly pine, Taedafohre, pin taeda, pino de COCHa Jla,llaHllaR
torch pine Weihrauchkiefer, pin a encens incienso,
Loblollykiefer pino tea

Populus balsam poplar, Balsampappel, peuplier baumier, alamo choupo TOITOJlb

balsamifera L. Southern poplar, i:istliche Balsam- peuplier du balsamico balsa.mico 6am3aM11qecK1111
tacamahac pappel Missouri

Populus deltoides eastern cottonwood, amerikanische peuplier noir alamo carolino, Pioppo nero choupo do TOITOJlb
Bartr. ex Marsch necklace poplar, Schwarzpappel, d' Amerique, chopo de d'America, Canada )leJlbT011,llHhll1
Eastern poplar kanadische Schwarz- peuplier americain Virginia, Pioppo
pappel, amerikani- chopo de americano
sche Pappel Canada

Populus quaking aspen, Zitterpappel, peuplier tremble alamo Pioppo tremulo choupo TOITOJlb
tremuloides American aspen amerikanische d 'Amerique, peu- tembl6n d'America americano .llPOJKaIU1111, OCl1Ha
Michx. Zi tterpa ppel plier faux-tremble, americano

Pseudotsuga Douglas fir, Douglasie, douglas, douglas pino de Dou- Douglasia, pinho nceB)lOTcyra,
menziesii Oregon Douglas fir, Douglastanne, vert, sapin de glas, Douglas, Douglasia de Oregon JIJKeTcyra Mett311ca,
(Mirb.) Franco green Douglas fir D ouglasfichte Douglas, pin pino de Oregon, verde .llyrnac11a,
d'Oregon douglasia .llyrJlaCOBa fll1XTa "

Quercus alba L. American white Weisseiche, weisse chene blanc roble blanco Quercia bianca carvalho .lly6 6em111
oak, chestnut oak Eiche, amerikani- d 'Amerique, chene del Canada d'America branco,
sche Weisseiche, chataignier carvalho branco
Kastanien-Eiche americano

Quercus cerris L. Turkey oak, Zerreiche, chene chevelu, encina Cerro carvalho da .lly6 TypeUKl111
European Turkey ttirkische Eiche, lombard, chene de cabelluda Turquia
~ oak, moss-cupped Burgund Eiche Bourgogne
VJ oak, mossy oak
N botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Quercus frainetto Hungarian oak, ungarische Eiche, chene de Hongrie, encina Farnetto, carvalho da ,LJ,y6 BeHrepCKHH,
Ten. Italian oak dichtfrtichtige Eiche frainetto hungara Quercia Hungria ,l(. HTaJlhJIHCKHH

Quercus ilex L. evergreen oak, Steineiche, Stech- chene vert, carrasca, Leccio carvalho ,LJ,y6 KaMeHHhlH
holm oak, holly palmen-Eiche, yeuse, ballote encina comum
oak, common immergrtine Eiche,
evergreen oak Grtineiche

Quercus infectoria Aleppo oak echte Galleiche, chene a galles, carvalho de ,LJ,y6 3apa)KeHHh111
Olivier Kurdistaneiche chene du Kurdistan Alepo

Quercus petraea durmast oak, Traubeneiche, chene rouvre, roble de Rovere carvalho sessil ,LJ,y6 CKaJlhHhIH
(Mattuschka) sessile oak, Steineiche, Winter- chene sessile, invierno, roble HJlH 3HMHHl1
Liebl. chestnut oak eiche, Durreiche, chene noir albar, roble de
Harzeiche fruto sentado

Quercus pubescens pubescent oak, Flaumeiche, weich- chene pubescent, roble, roble Roverella carvalho ,LJ,y6 nyrnHCTblH
Willd. downy oak, white oak haarige Eiche chene blanc pubescente pubescente

Quercus robur L. pedunculate oak, Stieleiche, chene pedoncule, quejigo, roble Farnia carvalho ,LJ,y6 qepernqa ThIH
English oak, Sommereiche, chene commun fresnal, roble, europeu HJlH
common oak Frtiheiche roble com(m, 06 hIKHOBeHHhIH,
carvallo, roble HJlH JleTHHH

Quercus stellata post oak, Pfosten-Eiche, chene rouge roble rojo Quercia rossa carvalho ver- ,LJ,y6 3Be3,l('la Th!H
Wangenh. American amerikanische d 'Amerique, americano americana melho, carvalho
post oak Roteiche chene etoile vermelho

Quercus suber L. cork oak, Korkeiche, chene-liege, alcornoque Sughera sobreiro ,LJ,y6 npo6KOBhll1
cork tree Korkbaum surier
botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Sequoia redwood, Kiistensequoie, sequoia toujours sequoia roja, Sequoia sequoia da ceKBOC!JJ
sempervirens Californian Eibensequoie, vert, sequoia cotier, sequoia de sempreverde, California, ne'l1m3eJ1e11aJ1
(D. Don) Endl. redwood, coastal immergriine sequoia, pin rouge California Sequoia rossa, sequoia
redwood, sequoia Sequoie d'Amerique Sequoia vermelha

Sequoiadendron giant sequoia, Mammutbaum, sequoia geant de sequoia Sequoia gigante, sequoia ceKBOCiR,ll,eH.11,()0H
giganteum Sierra redwood Riesensequoie, Californie, gigante, Sequoia gigante niraHTCKI111,
(Lindi.) Buchh. Wellingtonie Wellingtonia sequoia gigantesca, MaMOIITOBO .11,epeno.
gigantesca Wellingtonia BeJ1Jm11rTOIII1R

Taxodium distichum baldcypress, bald Sumpf-Zypresse, cypres chauve, cipres Cipresso cipreste calvo, 60J10Tlll,1Ci
(L.) Rich. cypress, swamp amerikanische cypres de la americano, calvo cipreste K11nap11c
cypress;southern Zypresse, virginische Louisiane, cypres cipres de americano, 06hlKHOBe11JlblCi
cypress, Lousiana Sumpfzypresse, du Sud, cypres des pantano, pinheiro do
cypress zweiseilige marais, taxodier, cipres calvo brejo
Sumpfzypresse, taxodier chauve

Taxus baccata L. common yew, Eibe, gemeine if commun, if taxo negro Tasso teixo, teixo TI1C HI'O)UlhlCi
English yew, yew, Eibe, Roteibe, d'Europe, if negro
European yew, Beereneibe, d'Angleterre,
God's yew Taxbaum ifreteau, if, taxis

Tectona grandis L. teak Teak teck Teck teca T11KOBOe /lepeBo

Tetraclinis articulata alerce, arar tree, Sandarak, alerce, thuya articule, cipres Alerce, alerce, tuia Glll/(apaKOBOe
(Yahl) Mast. African thuya Sandarakzypresse thuya de Barbarie, ramoso, Sandaracca, africana Jlepeno
thuya a sandaraque, sabina de Callitride
callitris articule Cartagena

Thuja northern white westliche thuya de !'Occident, tuya Tuia tuia ocidental TYH :m11a;u1an
occidentalis L. cedar, eastern white Zypresse, echter thuya du Canada, occidental, occidentale
..i:,,.. cedar, American Lebensbaum cedre blanc, arbre tuya americana
Lil arborvitae de vie de l 'ouest,
N botanical name English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

Thuja plicata western redcedar, Riesen-Lebens- thuya geant de arbol de la Tuia di tuia gigante, ry.11 r11ra11rcKa.11
Donn ex D. Don giant thuya, giant baum, Californie, cedre vida, cedro California, cedro vermelho 111111 CKJla,ll'lara.11
arborvitae, canoe Riesen-Thuya rouge occidental, rojo de! Tuia gigante do Pacifico
cedar thuya de Lobb, thuya Pacifico, tuya
plisse, thuya oriental, gigante
grand arbre de vie

Tsuga canadensis Eastern hemlock, kanadische tsuga du Canada, tsuga de! Tsuga tsuga do rcyra Kafia.llCKa.11
(L.) Carr. Canadian hemlock, Hemlocktanne, tsuga commun, Canada canadese Canada
hemlock spruce Schierlingstanne pruche de !'Est,
pruche, hemlock du
Canada, sapinette du
Canada, sapin cigue

Tsuga heterophylla western hemlock, westamerikanische tsuga de Californie, tsuga de! Tsuga di tsuga rcyra 3ana,ll,11a.11
(Raf.) Sarg. Pacific hemlock, Hemlocktanne, tsuga heterophylle, Pacifico California, do Pacifico 11Jll1 rttraHTCKaR
white hemlock, kalifornische tsuga de l'ouest, Tsuga
hemlock spruce Hemlocktanne, pruche de l'ouest occidentale,
westliche Hemlock- Tsuga de! Pacifico
tanne, Mertens

Tsuga mertensiana mountain hemlock, Berg Hemlocktanne, tsuga des tsuga de Tsuga di tsuga da rcyra Mepre11ca
(Bong.) Carr. Westcoast hemlock, Mertens Hemlock- montagnes, California California California
black hemlock tanne, kalifornische tsuga de Mertens,
Hemlocksfichte, tsuga de Patton,
Pattons Hemlock- tsuga de Californie

Ulmus glabra Wych elm, Scots Bergulme, orme de montagne, olmo, olmo Olmo montano, olmo da HJlhM ropHhIH,
Huds. elm, Scotch elm, Weissulme, orme blanc, montano, Olmo di montanha BR3 wepwanhIH
mountain elm Bergrilster, orme a grandes olmo de monte montagna
Weissrilster feuilles
Index of English terms

bold print: key terms bog-dwelling settlement 19

italics: variants boot-strap technique 20
normal print: secondary terms bore (to) 21
The numbers refer to bore hole 156
the corresponding key terms. borer 151
borer hole 156
borer support 22
C 236 broadleaf 23
C calibration 2 broadleaved 23
100-year event 1 browsing 24
abrupt growth change 3 building phase 25
absent ring 198 burial of stemwood 26
absolute chronology 4 calendar date 27
absolute dated chronology 4 calendric date 27
accelerator mass spectrometry 5 calendrical date 27
accretion 150 calibration 28
ACF 11 calibration interval 29
acute damage 279 calibration range 30
adult wood 6 calibration wedge 31
adventitious 7 callous margin 32
adventive 7 callous tissue 33
age trend 325 callus 33
alburnum 262 callus tissue 33
AMS 5 cambial activity 34
Angiospermae 8 cambial age 35
Angiosperms 8 cambium 36
annual growth ring 323 carbon 14 236
annual increment 9 carbon dating 238
annual ring 323 carbon-14 dating 238
apical meristem 10 catface 37
archaeodendrology 72 causeway 56,316
archaeological site 275 cell-wall differentiation 38
artificial regeneration 245 cell-wall growth 39
artificial suppression 303 charcoal 40
atomic mass spectrometry 5 charred wood 40
autocorrelation function 11 chopping marks 349
autoregression 12 chronology 41
autumn wood 168 chronology building 42
avalanche scar 264 chronology development 42
averaged growth chronology 13 chronometric dating 43
b.a. 18 chronometric method 43
b.d.h. 81 chronometric technique 43
band-pass filter 108 clearing effect 44
bar chart 14 cleft wood 286
bar diagram 14 cliff dwelling 45
bark (to) 16 climate diagram 46
bark 15 climate reconstruction 243
barrier zone 17 climatic reconstruction 243
basal area 18 coarse woody debris 282
basal area increment 150 cohort 47
bear scar 264 collar 48
bivariate analysis 200 compartmentalisation 49

compartmentalization 49 density threshold 78
competition 50 dependent data 79
complacency 51 detrend (to) 80
composite plot l 99 diameter at breast height 81
compression wood 52 differentiation 82
conifer 53 diffuse-porous 83
converted wood 286 disc 295
cookie 295 discontinuous ring 339
coppice shoot 54 disk 295
coppicing 54 distortion 84
core (to) 21 disturb~nce 85
core (to) 152 dominant 86
core 152,163 dormancy 87
core wood 163 dormant period 87
corrasion 55 dormant season 87
cosmic schwung 180 double ring 77
crannog 56 driftwood 88
cross section 295 drought crack 89
cross-dating 57 drought index 90
cross-section 295 drought ring 319
crossdating 57 drought-resistant 307
crown transparency 58 drought-sensitive 91
cutting date l 05 drought-tolerance 91
cutting phase 106 dug-out canoe 92
d.b.h. 81 dugoutcanoe 92
dark ring 171 duramen 142
datability 60 dwarf shoot 269
date (to) 59 early earlywood 93
dating potential 60 early wood 94
dating technique 43 earlywood 94
de Vries effect 61 ecesis 95
debark (to), t. v. 16 ecogram 96
debris flow 62 ecotone 97
decay 63 El Nino 98
decay 235 emission 99
decorticate (to) 16 ENSO 285
dendroanalysis 144 epicormic 7
dendroarchaeology 64 epitropic 100
dendroarcheology 64 even-age 101
dendrochronology 65 even-aged 101
dendroclimatological network 66 eventchronology 41
dendroclimatoiogy 67 event value 102
dendroecology 68 event year 103
dendrogeomorphology 69 false ring 104
dendroglaciology 70 feeding scar 264
dendrohydrology 71 felling date 105
dendrology 72 felling phase 106
dendrometer 73 fertilisation 107
dendrophytoclimatology 67 fertilization 107
dendrotypology 74 filter 108
dendroyear 75 fine fuels 119
densitogram 76 fire chronology 41
densitometer l 93 fire free interval 109
densitometry 350 fire frequency l l 0
density fluctuation 77 fire incidence 110

fire interval 109 half-timbered 139
fire occurrence 110 hardwood 140
fire regime 111 heart 142
fire return interval 109 heart center 218
fire ring 319 heart rot 141
fire scar 112 heartwood 142
fire scar analysis 113 heartwood dating 143
fire-wound 112 heavy fuels 119
first-order autocorrelation 206 heavy metal 144
flash fuels 119 hidden fire scar 112
floating chronology 114 hidden scar 145
flood 115 high-frequency variance 288
flood basin 116 high-pass filter 108
flood plain 116 hypsometer 73
floodplain 116 ice abrasion 147
forest decline 117 (ice) breakup 147
forest dieback 118 ice cover degradation 147
forest edge 97 ice damage 147
forest fuels 119 (ice) drifting 147
forest line 311 ice floe 146
forest margin 97 ice push 146
forest residue 119 ice regime 147
fossil 120 ice scar 147
fraying 121 ice scarring 147
frost crack 122 ice tide 147
frost resistance 122, 123 image analysis 148
frost rib 122, 123 immature wood 163
frost ring 123 immissions 149
frost split 122 incomplete ring 339
frost-hardiness 307 increment 150
frost-hardy 307 increment borer 151
fumigation 124 increment borer starter 22
gap 125 incrementcore 152
gap 126 increment corer 151
gap dynamics 127 increment in volume growth 150
gaseous pollutant 128 independent data 153
Gegenlaufigkeit 130 indexed curve 154
germination date 129 indexing 290
Gleichlaufigkeit 130 industrial effect 301
growing season 131 infestation 157
growth curve 132 innermost ring 155
growth form 133 insect attack 157
growth index 259 insect damage 157
growth pattern 134 insect gallery 156
growth response 135 insect hole 156
growth trend 325 insect outbreak 157
growth zone 136 insect tunnel 156
gum duct 253 interannual 158
Gymnospermae, 137 internal age structure 159
Gymnosperms 137 interval trend 160
hail ring 319 intra-annual 161
hail scar 264 intra-annual density fluctuation 77
half section wood 286 inundation 115
half-life 138 isotope 162
half-timber 139 juvenile core 163

juvenile wood 163 microdimate 192
kino vein 254 microdensitometer 193
krummholz 164 micrometer 194
La Nifia 98 microsection 195
lake-dwelling settlement 165 microtome 196
lammas shoot 166 mid-earlywood 197
late earlywood 167 missing ring 198
late wood 168 multi-cohort 47
latewood 168 multicohort 47
lath 169 multiple ring 77
latticework 16 multiplot 199
layer 170 multivariate analysis 200
layering 170 narrow ring 257
light ring 171 natural fire 201
light-reflection (measuring) 172 natural forest 332
lightning fire 201 natural pruning 234
lightning ring 319 natural regeneration 245
lightning scar 264 natural suppression 303
lignin 173 negative geotropic 100
limiting condition 174 net photosynthesis 202
limiting factor 174 noise 203
lista fuels 119 non-cutting date 204
Little Ice Age 175 noncutting date 204
local chronology 176 normalisation 205
locally absent ring 198 nth-order autocorrelation 206
log 177 oceanic transgression 318
log-boat 92 oecesis 95
logboat 92 old-growth forest 332
logging 178 outer wood 6
long shoot 179 outermost ring 207
long-term deviation 180 overlap 208
low-frequency variance 288 painting panel 209
low-pass filter 108 Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) 90
marine transgression 318 parenchyma 210
marker interval, n 222 parenchyma band 211
marker year 224 partial ring 339
mass spectrometer 181 PDB 212
mast year 182 periodicity 213
master chronology 183 permafrost 214
master fire chronology 184 pest-induced scar 264
mature wood 6 phellogen 36
Maunder minimum 185 phenology 215
Maunder minimum wiggle 185 pile dwelling 216
mean fire interval 186 pilefield 227
mean fire-free interval 186 pinning method 217
mean fire-return interval 186 pitch pocket 254
mean sensitivity 187 pith 218
measuring slit 188 pith date 219
Medieval Warm Epoch 189 pith eccentricity 220
Medieval Warm Interval 189 pith wood 163
Medieval Warm Period 189 plant colonization 95
medulla 218 plot 221
meristem 190 pointer interval 222
meteorological station 191 pointer value 223
MF! 186 pointer year 224

pollarding 225 ring-width index 259
ponding 346 ripewood 142
post 226 round wood 260
post field 227 roundwood 260
predictand 228 running means 108
prediction 229 sandblast method 261
predictor 230 sap 262
pr~historic 231 sapwood 262
prehistorical 231 sapwood dating 263
primary forest 332 scar 264
primary xylem 351 scarlett 264
primeval forest 332 sea drift 88
primordial forest 332 seasoning 265
provenance 232 second-order autocorrelation 206
provenience 232 secondary xylem 351
proxy record 233 secular variations 266
pruning 234 self-pruning 234
quiescence 87 semi-ring-porous 267
radialincrement 150 sensitivity 268
radioactive decay 235 short shoot 269
radiocarbon 236 signal 270
radiocarbon activity 237 signal-to-noise ratio 271
radiocarbon dating 238 signal/noise ratio 271
radiographic density 239 signature 272
radius 240 signature ring 103
ray 241 single curve 273
re-use 256 site 274
reaction wood 242 site 275
reconstruction 243 site chronology 276
reconstruction period 244 site selection 277
recovery 249 skeleton plot 278
recruitment 245 smoke damage 279
regeneration 245 smoothing 280
regional chronology 246 SMOW 281
regression 247 snag 282
regrowth 245 snow breakage 283
relative date 248 snowbreak 283
release 249 softwood 284
repetition 251 Southern Oscillation 285
replacement 250 species line 322
replication 251 split section 286
residual 252 split wood 286
resin canal 253 spoon 151
resin duct 253 springwood 94
resin gall 254 stake 226
resin pocket 254 stand 287
response function 255 standard deviation 288
retrodiction 229 standard error 289
retrodiction 243 standardisation 290
reuse 256 standardised tree-ring chronology 291
rhythm 213 standardising smoothing function 292
ring thickness 257 standardization 290
ring width 257 station 191
ring-porous 258 stationnarize (to) 80
ring-width curve 324 stem 293

stem analysis 294 variance 329
stem eccentricity 220 vascular cambium 36
stem disc 295 verification 330
stepwise multiple regression 296 vessel 331
stratification 297 virgin forest 332
stub 282, 298 volume increment 150
stump 298 volumetric-gravimetric density 333
subfossil wood 299 waney edge 334
succession 300 waterlogging 335
Suess effect 301 wave mortality 336
summer felling105 wave regeneration 336
summer wood 168 weathering 337
sunspot activity 302 wedge sample 338
suppressed 86 wedge section 286
suppression 303 wedge section 338
suppression 304 wedging ring 339
synchronisation 305 wetland settlement 340
synchronization 305 wide ring 257
teleconnection 306 wiggle 341
teleconnexion 306 wind blast 342
temperature-resistant 307 windblow 342
temperature-sensitive 307 windbreak 342
tension wood 308 windbreakage 342
terminal ring 334 windfall 342
terminus post quern 309 windfall 343
thaw mechanisms 147 windthrow 342
tidal wave 326 winter desiccation 344
tilting 220 winter felling 105
timber 310 wood 351
timber line 311 wood archaeology 64
timberline 311 wood density 345
timber-frame 139 (wood) remains 299
time series 312 (wood) remnants 299
time window 313 wood storage 346
tracheid 314 wood structure 347
tracheidogram 315 woodwork 348
trackway 316 working marks 349
transfer function 317 wriggle 341
transgression 318 x-ray densitometry 350
traumatic ring 319 xylem 351
traumatic zone 319
tree age 320
tree architecture 321
tree limit 322
tree ring 323
tree-ring analysis 65
tree-ring index 259
tree-ring series 324
trend 325
triple ring 77
truewood 142
tsunami 326
twin-blade saw 327
uniformitarian principle 328
uprooting 342

Index of German terms

bold print: key terms begrenzender Faktor 174

italics: variants Belaubungsdichte 58
normal print: secondary terms Belegungsdichte 251
The numbers refer to Benadelungsdichte 58
the corresponding key terms. Beobachtungsstation 191
Bestand 287
Bestandesliicke 126
14C 236 Bewurzelung von Asten 170
14C-Aktivitiit 237 B.h.d. 81
14C-Datierung 238 Bildanalyse 148
Abbau 63 Bildtafel 209
abhangige Oaten 79 Bohlenweg 316
Ableger 170 bohren 21
abrupte Zuwachsanderung 3 Bohrgang 156
Abschottungszone 17 Bohrkem 152
absolut datierte Chronologie 4 Bohrstiitze 22
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 5 Boot-strap Methode 20
adventiv 7 Brennstoff 119
angekohltes Holz 40 Chronologie 41
Angiospermen 8 crossdating 57
Angsttrieb 7 Dachwerk 348
apikales Meristem 10 datieren 59
Archaodendrologie 72 Datierungschance 60
Ariditatsindex 90 Datierungsmethode 43
Astung 234 de Vries-Effekt 61
Astung 234 Deckungslage 208
Aufastung 234 Dendroarchaologie 64
Aufbau von *Chronologien 42 Dendrochronologie 65
Ausgleichen eines Trends 80 Dendrogeomorphologie 69
Ausgleichsfunktion 280 Dendroglaziologie 70
auskeilender Jahrring 339 Dendrograph 73
ausserster J ahrring auf einer Dendrohydrologie 71
Holzprobe 207 Dendrojahr 75
Autokorrelation der nten Ordnung 206 dendroklimatisches Netzwerk 66
Autokorrelations-Funktion 11 Dendroklimatologie 67
Autoregression 12 Dendrologie 72
Balkendiagramm 14 Dendrometer 73
Barrierzone 17 Dendrookologie 68
Basis des Keimstengels (Hypokotyl) 48 Dendrotypologie 74
Bauholz 310 Densitogramm 76
Baumalter 320 Densitometer 193
Baumarchltektur 321 Dichteschwankung 77
Baumgrenze 322 Dichteschwelle 78
Baummittelkurve 13 dominant 86
Baumstamm 293 Doppelkreissage 327
Baumstrunk 298 Druckholz 52
Baumstubbe 298 Diingung 107
Baumstumpf 298 Dunnschnitt 195
Bauphase 25 Durchmesser auf Brusthohe 81
Bearbeitungsspuren 349 durchschnittliches Feuer-Intervall 186
bedecktsamige Pflanzen 8 durchschnittliches feuerfreies Interval! 186
Begasung 124 ecotone 97

Eichkeil 31 Gliederung 297
Eichperiode 29 Gnmdflache 18
Eichspanne 30 Gymnospermen 137
Eidmng 2 Hagel-Verletzung 264
Eidmng 28 halbringporig 267
Eichungsintervall 29 Halbwertszeit 138
Einbaum 92 Harzgalle 254
Einflusswert 230 Harzkanal 253
Einsedimentation 26 Harztasche 254
Einzelkurve 273 Herkunft 232
Eisvedetzung 147 Hiatus 125
El Nino 98 Hiebspuren 349
Eliminieren eines Langzeit- Hohlbohrer 151
trends 80 Holz 351
Emission 99 Holzdichte 345
entrinden 16 Holzemte 178
epitrop 100 Holzkohle 40
Ereignisjahr 103 Holzlagerung 346
Ereigniswert 102 Holzstrahl, 241
Erholmmg 249 Holzstruktur 347
Ersatz 250 Holztrocknung 265
Erwartungswert 228 Immissionen 149
Fachwerk 139 indexierte Jahrringchronologie 291
Fallungsdatum 105 indexierte Kurve 154
falscher J ahrring 104 Indexierung 290
Fegen 121 innerster Jahrring 155
fehlender J ahrring 198 lnsektenfrassgang 156
Felsensiedlung 45 interannueU 158
Fernkorrelation 306 inteme Altersstruktur 159
Feuchtbodensiedlung 340 IntervaU-Trend 160
Feuerchronologie 184 intra-ammelle Dichteschwankung 77
Feuerfreies Interval! 109 intraannuell 161
Feuerhaufigkeit 110 Isotop 162
Feuerintervall 109 jahrlicher Zuwachs 9
Feuernarbe 112 Jahrring 323
Feue:rrregime 111 Jahrring-Analyse 65
Feuerverletzung 112 Jahrringbreite 257
Feuerwunde 112 Jahrringbreiten •Index 25 9
Feuerwundenanalyse 113 Jahrringbreitenkurve 132
Filter 108 Jahrringfolge 324
Flussebene 116 Johannistrieb 166
Fossil 120 Jugendholz 163
fossil 120 kalendergenaues Datum 27
Frass-Verletzung 264 Kalibrierung 2
Frassgang 156 Kailusgewebe 33
Frostring 123 Kalluswulst 32
Frostriss 122 Kambialalter 35
Frosttrocknis 344 kambiale Aktivitat 34
friihes Friihholz 93 Kambium 36
Friihholz 94 Keimungsdatum 129
gap dynamics 127 Keimungsjahr 129
Gefass 331 Kernfaule 141
gleichaltrig 101 Kemholz 142
Gleichformigkeit 51 Kemholzdatierung 143
Gleichlaufigkeit 130 Klebast 7

Kleine Eiszeit 175 Nadelverlust 58
Klimadiagramm 46 natilrlicher Brand 201
Kohorte 47 Nettophotosynthese 202
Kompartimentienmg 49 neuartige Waldschaden 117
Kompensationstrieb 7 Normalisierung 205
Konkurrenz 50 Okogramm 96
kosmischer Schwung 180 Parenchym 210
Kronentransparenz 58 parenchymatisches Band 211
Krummholz 164 PDB 212
Kurvenschar l 99 Periodizitat 213
Kurztrieb 269 Permafrost 214
langfristige Abweichung 180 Pfahlbau 216
Langtrieb 179 Pfahlfeld 227
Laubbaum 23 Pfosten 226
Laubholz 140 Phanologie 215
Laubverlust 58 Pradiktor 230
Lichtmessspalte 188 prahlstorisch 231
Lichtreflexionsmessung 172 Predictand 228
Lichtungseffekt 44 Presslerscher Zuwachsbohrer 151
light ring 171 Primarwald 332
Lignin 173 Proxidaten 233
limitierender Faktor 174 Prugelweg 316
Lokalchronologie 176 radioaktiver Kohlenstoff 236
Lokalitat 221 radioaktiver Zerfall 235
Lokalitat 275 Radiodensitometrie 350
Lucke 125 radiographlsche Dichte 239
Luftschadstoff 128 Radiokohlenstoff-Aktivitat 237
Mark 218 Radiokohlenstoff-Datierung 238
Markalter 219 Radius 240
Markexzentrizitat 220 Rauchschaden 279
Markstrahl 241 Raumgewicht 345
massenhaftes Auftreten von Rauschen 203
Insekten 157 Reaktionsholz 242
Massenspektrometer 181 Regionalchronologie 246
Mastjahr 182 Regression 247
Maunder Minimum 185 Rekonstruktion 243
Meristem 190 Rekonstruktionsperiode 244
Messstation 191 relatives Datum 248
meteorologische Station 191 Residual 252
Mikrodensitometer 193 response function 255
Mikroldima 192 Rinde 15
Mikrometer 194 ringporig 258
Mikroschnitt 195 Rohdichte 345
Mikrotom 196 Rohwichte 345
Mittelalterliche Warmzeit 189 Ruheperiode 87
mittlere Sensitivitat 187 Rundholz 260
mittleres Friihholz 197 sakulare Variationen 266
Moorsiedlung 19 sakulares Ereignis 1
Mmtiplot 199 Sandstrahlverfahren 261
multivariate Statistik 200 scar 264
Mur 62 Schalen 121
Murbruch 62 Scharplot 199
Murgang 62 Scheitelmeristem 10
Nadelbaum 53 Schlagdatum 105
Nadelstichverfahren 217 Schlagerungsjahr 105

Schlagjahr 105 traumatische Zone 319
Schlagphase 106 'freibholz 88
Schneebruch 283 Trend 325
Schneitelung 225 trockenheitsempfindlich 91
schrittweise multiple Regression 296 Trockenriss 89
Schwermetalle 144 Tsunami 326
schwimmende Chronologie 114 Uberschwemmung 115
Seeufersiedlung 165 Uberwallung 32
Sensitivitat 268 unabhangige Oaten 153
Signal 270 Uniformitatsprinzip 328
Signal/Rauschen-Verhaltnis 271 Unterdrilckung 303
Signatur 272 Urwald 332
skeleton plot 278 Varianz 329
SMOW 281 Verbiss 24
Sonnenfleckenaktivitat 302 verborgene Verletzung 145
Southern Oscillation 285 Verifizierung 330
Spaltling 286 Verjiingung 245
spates Frilhholz 167 Verjiingung durch Stockausschlag 54
Spatholz 168 verkohltes Holz 40
spezifisches Gewicht 345 versetzte .fahrringe 84
Splint 262 Verwitterung 337
Splintgrenzendatierung 263 volumetrisch-gravimetrische
Staffeldiagramm 14 Dichte 333
Stamm 293 Vorhersage 229
Stammanalyse 294 Wachstumsperiode 131
Stammexzentrizitat 220 Wachstumsreaktion 135
Stammscheibe 295 Walderkrankung 117
Stammstilck 177 Waldgrenze 311
Standardabweichung 288 Waldkante 334
Standardchronologie 183 Waldschaden 117
Standardfehler 289 Waldsterben 117
standardisierende Ausgleichsfunk- Waldsterben 118
tion 292 Warft 56
Standardisierung 290 Wasserlagerung 335
Standardkurve 183 Wasserreiser 7
Standort 274 Wasserschossling 7
Standortchronologie 276 Weichholz 284
Standortsauswahl 277 Weiserintervall 222
Storungen 85 Weiserjahr 224
Strahlgewebe 241 Wetterstation 191
Stratifizierung 297 Wiederverwendung 256
subfossiles Holz 299 wiggle 341
Sukzession 300 Wildverbiss 24
Siiss-Effekt 301 Windwurf 342
synchronisieren 57 Windwurffiache 343
Synchronisierung 305 Wuchsform 133
Synchronlage 208 Wurte 56
Telekonnektion 306 Xylem 351
temperatursensitiv 307 Zeigerwert 223
terminus post quern 309 Zeit-Fenster 313
toter Baumstamm 282 Zeitreihe 312
Tracheide 314 Zelldifferenzierung 82
Tracheidendurchmesserkurve 315 Zellwanddifferenzierung 38
Transferfunktion 317 Zellwandwachstum 39
Transgression 318 Zersetzung 63

zerstreutporig 83 Zuwachsmuster 134
Zugholz 308 Zuwachsreduktion 304
Zunge 151 Zuwachsring 323
Zuwachs 150 Zuwachszone 136
Zuwachsbohrer 151 Zwillingssiige 327

Index of French terms

bold print: key terms annee d'elaboration de la moeHe 219

italics: variants annee de coupe 105
normal print: secondary terms annee-moelle 219
The numbers refer to anomalie de croissance 3
the corresponding key terms. arbre co-domine 303
arbre deracine par le vent 342
arbre domine 303
apore(s) diffus 83 arbre etouffe 303
apore(s) epais 83 arbre mort 282
azone(s) poreuse(s) 258 arbre mort couche 282
azone(s) semi-poreuse(s) 267 arbre mort en place 282
abroutissement 24 arbre surcime 303
accroissement 9 architecture de l'arbre 321
accroissement 150 attaque d'insectes 157
accroissement annuel 9 au.bier 262
accroissement de la surface terriere 150 autocorrelation d'ordre n 206
accroissement en volume 150 autoregression 12
accroissement radial 150 baisse de croissance 304
activite cambiale 34 bande de parenchyme 211
activite des taches solaires 302 barrette 152
adventif(ve) 7 barrette de sondage 152
age cambial 35 bille 177
age courant 35 bloc-diagramme 14
age d'un arbre 320 bois 351
age radiocarbone 238 bois adulte 6
alteration 63 bois carbonise 40
alteration atmospherique 337 bois d 'aubier 262
analyse d'image 148 bois d 'ete 168
analyse de regression multiple bois de coeur 142
"pas apas" 296 bois de compression 52
analyse de tige 294 bois de construction 310
analyse des cicatrices de feu 113 bois de feuiHus 140
analyse multivariable 200 bois de greve 88
analyse multivariate 200 bois de maree 88
analyse multivariee 200 bois de printemps 94
analyse regressive "pas apas" 296 bois de reaction 242
analyse regressive pas apas 296 bois de refente 286
Angiospermes 8 bois de tension 308
anneau d 'accroissement 323 bois fendu 286
anneau de croissance 323 bois feuillu 140
anneau diagnostique l 03 bois final 168
annee caracteristique 224 bois flotte 88
annee d 'abattage 105 bois franc 23, 140

bois gorge d' eau 335 charpente 348
bois initial 94 chemin de galets 316
bois juvenile 163 chemin de planches 316
bois parfait 142 chevauchement 208
bois refendu 286 choix des placettes d'etude 277
bois rond(s) 260 choix des sites 277
bois subfossile 299 chronologie 4
bois tardif 168 chronologie 41
bois terminal 168 chronologie absolue 4
bois transporte 88 chronologie de reference 4
bootstrap 20 cbronologie de reference 183
bourrelet dcatriciel 32 chronologie des feux 184
bris de neige 283 chronologie flottante 114
bris de vent 342 chronolo gie indicee 291
bruit 203 chronologie locale 176
bruit de fond 203 chronologie maftresse 4, 183
buchille 152 chronologie moyenne d'une station 276
cal 32, 33 chronologie regionale 246
ca/age 57 chronologie standarclisee 291
calibration 2 cicatrice 264
calibration 28 cicatrice d'incendie 112
cambium 36 cicatrice de feu 112
canal resinifere 253 cicatrice de gel 122, 123
canal secreteur 253 cicatrice glacielle 147
carbone 14 236 cicatrice recouverte 145
carottage 21 clairiere 126
carotte 152 co-dominant 86
carotte de sondage 152 co-domine 86
carotter 21 coefficient de coincidence 130
carotteuse 151 coefficient de non-co"incidence
carottier de Pressler 151 (de Huber) 130
cerne 323 coefficient de sensibilite moyenne 187
cerne absent 198 cohorte 47
cerne caracteristique 103 coin 338
cerne clair 171 coin etalon 31
cerne d 'accroissement 323 collet 48
cerne de croissance 323 combustibles critiques 119
cerne de foudroiement 319 combustibles forestiers 119
cerne de gel 123 combustibles legers 119
cerne de gelee 123 combustibles lourds 119
cerne de grele 319 compartimentalisation 49
cerne de secheresse 319 competition 50
cerne diagnostique 103 complacence 51
cerne discontinu 339 confirmation 251
cerne externe 207 conifere 53
cerne manquant 198 construction d'une chronologie 42
cerne pale 171 construction sur pilotis 216
cerne surnumeraire 104 correlation serielle 11
cerne traumatique de gel 123 coulee boueuse 62
chablis 342 coupe 195
chablis par le vent 342 courbe d'accroissement 132
champ de pieux 227 courbe de densite 76
champ de pilotis 227 courbe de reference 183
changement brusque de croissance 3 courbe des epaisseurs brutes 132
charbon de bois 40 courbe des indices de croissance 154

courbe des largeurs 132 deracinement par le vent 342
courbe des valeurs mesureees 132 derive 147
courbe des variations de la largeur dernier cerne avant abattage 207
des cernes 132 demier ceme forme 334
courbe indicee 154 dernier ceme mesure 207
courbe individuelle 13 desintegration radioactive 235
courbe moyenne des indices dessication hivemale 344
de croissance 291 detente 249
courbe moyenne individuelle 13 deviation a long terme 180
courbe standardisee 154 diagramme climatique 46
crannog 56 diagramme en batons 14
croissance 150 diametre a hauteur d'homme 81
croissance apicale 150 diametre a hauteur de poitrine 81
croissance parietale 39 differenciation 82
croissance radiale 150 differenciation parietale 38
crue 115 disque 295
crue glacielle 147 distorsion 84
datation au carbone 14 238 dominant 86
datation croisee 57 domine 86
datation sur aubier 263 donnees a expliquer 79
datation sur bois de coeur 143 donnees dependantes 79
date d'abattage 105 donnees explicatives 153
date de deglacement 147 donneesindependantes 153
date de germination 129 dormance 87
date dendrochronologique 75 duramen 142
date du cerne de depart 219 dynamique des trouees 127
date objective 27 ecart caracteristique 223
date plancher 309 ecart type 288
date relative 248 ecart type d'une statistique 289
dater 59 ecesis 95
dechets ligneux indesirables 119 echantillonner, v.t. 21
deglacement 147 ecogramme 96
degradation du couvert de glace 147 ecorce 15
demi-vie 138 ecorcer 16
dendroarcheologie 64 ecotone 97
dendrochronogramme 132 effet age 325
dendrochronologie 65 effet d I edaircie 44
dendroclimatologie 67 effet de l' age 325
demlroecologie 68 effet de la revolution industrielle 301
dendrogeomorphologie 69 effet de Vries 61
dendrogladologie 70 effet Suess 301
dendrographe 73 El Nino 98
dendrohydrologie 71 elagage 234
dendrologie 72 emission 99
dendrometre 73 emondage 234
dendrotypologie 74 enfouissement 26
densite du bois 345 epaisseur de cerne 257
densite radiographique 239 eprouvette 152
densite volumetrique-gravimetrique 333 equienne 101
densitogramme 76 erreur type 289
densitometre 193 estimation 229
densitometrie 350 evenement centenaire 1
deperissement 117 excentricite du tronc 220
deperissement des forets 117 exploitation forestiere 178
deperissement fores tier 117 extracteur 151

extraire la tendance 80 indice de croissance 259
facteur limitant 174 indice de croissance radiale 259
faux ceme 104 indice de secheresse 90
fenetre de mesure 188 interannuel 158
fenetre temporelle 313 interdatation 57
fente de secheresse 89 intervalle caracteristique 222
fertilisation 107 intervaUe de calibration 29
feu de foret 201 intra-annuel 161
feu de foudre 201 intradatation 57
feuillu 23 isotope 162
filtre 108 kmmmholz 164
filtre passe bas 108 lame mince 195
filtre passe haut 108 lamelle 169
fluctuation de densite 77 largeur d'accroissement (relative) 257
fluctuation intraannuelle de densite 77 largeur de ceme 257
fluctuations de l'activite en lave torrentielle 62
carbone 14 341 lignine 173
fonction d'autocorrelation 11 limite forestiere 311
fonction de reponse 255 limite forestiere superieure 322
fonction de standardisation par linearisation 290
ajustement 292 lissage 280
f onction de standardisation par lissage 292 macrofossile 299
fonction de transfert 317 macrofossile d 'espece arborescente 299
fonction reponse 255 macrofossile ligneux 299
forage 21 macroreste 299
foret de Pressler 151 maison de tourbiere 19
fo:ret vierge 332 manche de Reineke 22
forme arborescente 133 marcottage 170
forme de croissance 133 meristeme 190
forme en fuseau 133 meristeme apical 10
forme frutico'ide 133 mesure en lumiere reflechle 172
forme subarborescente 133 metauxlourds 144
fossile 120 methode de l'aiguille 217
fourchette de calibration 30 methode objective de datation 43
frayure 121 microclimat 192
frequence des incendies 110 microdensitometre 193
frottis 121 micrometre 194
frotture 121 microtome 196
fumigation 124 minimum de Maunder 185
fusiforme (en forme de fuseau) 133 moelle 218
galerie d'insecte 156 monoxyle 92
galette 295 monoxylon 92
gelivure 122 mortalite en vagues 336
gmme 177 normalisation 205
Gymnospermes 137 occurrence des incendies 110
habitat de bord de lac 165 optimum climatique medieval 189
habitat en milieu humide 340 origine 232
habitat en milieu marecageux 19 Oscillation australe 285
habitat lacustre 165 paisson pleine 182
habitat troglodyte 45 palafitte 216
hiatus 125 pan de bois 139
hypsometre 73 panneau de tableau 209
incendie de f oret 201 panneau peint 209
incendie naturel 201 parenchyme 210
indexation 290 patron de croissance 134

PDB 212 rayon 241
pergelisol 214 rayon ligneux 241
periode de croissance 131 receper 54
periode de vegetation 131 reconstituer 243
periodicite 213 reconstitution 243
periodicite des incendies 109 reconstitution climatique 243
periodicite moyenne des feux 186 reconstruction 243
permafrost 214 reconstruction climatique 243
permagel 214 recoupement dendrochronologique 57
perturbation 85 recru 245
Petit Age Glaciaire 175 reemploi 256
peuplement 287 reference 183
peuplement de regeneration referentiel 183
naturelle 245 regeneration 245
peuplement fores tier 287 regeneration artificielle 245
phase d'abattage 106 regeneration naturelle 245
phase de construction 25 regime des incendies 111
phase de reconstruction 244 regime glaciel 147
phenologie 215 regression 247
photosynthese nette 202 regression multiple "pas apas" 296
pieu 226 Reineke 22
pilotis 226 rejet de taillis 54
pirogue monoxyle 92 releve 221
placeau 221 releve des caracteristiques des cernes 278
placette 221 remplacement 250
plaine d'inondation 116 remploi 256
plan ligneux 347 repetition 251
poche de resine 254 repeuplement artificiel 245
polluant gazeux 128 repeuplement naturel 245
poteau 226 repos 87
potentiel chronologique 60 reprise de croissance 249
potentiel chronometrique 60 reseau dendroclimatique 66
potentiel dendrochronologique 60 residu 252
pourcentage de coi'ncidence 130 resineux 284
pourriture du creur 141 resistance au gel 123
pousse d 'aout 166 reutilisation 256
pousse d'ete 166 rondelle 295
pousse de la Saint-Jean 166 sablage 261
poussee glacielle 146 saison d 'abattage l 05
prediction 229 saison de croissance 131
prehlstorique 231 scie-fraise jumelee 327
premier cerne 155 sechage 265
principe d'uniformite 328 seconde pousse 166
probabilite de feu 110 section de souche 295
proxiserie 233 section de tronc 295
proxy data 233 section transversale 295
proxy-serie 233 sensibilite 187
radeau de glace 146 sensibilite moyenne 187
radioactivite specifique 237 sensible ala secheresse 91
radiodensitometrie 350 sensiti vite 268
rajeunissement de peuplement 245 sequence caracteristique 272
rameau court 269 serie 324
rameau long 179 serie chronologique 41
rapport signal-bruit 271 serie chronologique 324
rayon 240 serie de reference 4

Serie de reference 183 traitement en taillis 54
serie elementaire 273 transgression 318
serie individuelle 13 transgression marine 318
Serie temporelle 312 transparence du houppier 58
seuil de densite 78 tronc 293
signal 270 trouee 126
signature 272 tsunami 326
site 275 vague de regeneration forestiere 336
site archeologique, n. m. 275 vaisseau 331
skeleton plot 278 valeur d'un ceme caracteristique 102
SMOW 281 valeur d'une annee caracteristique 223
sonde de Pressler 151 variable comparee a son estimateur 228
sonder 21 variable explicative 230
souche 298 variable expliquee 228
sparterie 16 variance 329
spectrometre de masse 181 variations seculaires en carbone 14 266
spectrometrie de masse par verification 330
accelerateur 5 xyleme 351
standardisation 290 xyleme primaire 351
standardisation par ajustement de xyleme secondaire 351
fonction 292 xylochronologie 350
station 191 zone de chablis 343
station 274 zone de combat 311
station forestiere 274 zone de croissance 136
station meteorologique 191 zone de pieux 227
stationnarisation 290 zone de protection 17
stockage 346 zone traumatique 319
stratification 297
structure du bois 34 7
structure inteme 159
succession 300
surcimage 249
surcime 86
surface terriere 18
synchronisation 57
synchronisation 305
taille en tetard 225
tariere 151
tariere de Pressler 151
teleconnexion 306
tendance 325
tendance age 325
tendance interannuelle moyenne 160
tendance liee a l'age 325
terminus a quo 309
terminus ante quern 309
terminus post quern 309
terminus post quern d 'abattage 309
test des signatures 272
tetard 225
tissu calleux 33
tjale 214
traces de travail 349
tracheide 314
tracheidogramme 315

Index of Spanish terms

bold print: key terms arquitectura del arbol 321

italics: variants asentamiento en humedales 340
normal print: secondary terms asentamiento en medio pantanoso 19
The numbers refer to asentamiento lacustre 165
the corresponding key terms. asentamiento ruprestre 45
autocorrelaci6n de orden n 206
autocovarianza 206
14C 236 autoregresi6n 12
acodamiento 170 avenida 115
actividad cambial 34 banda de parenquima 211
actividad de las manchas solares 302 barrena 151
actividad de[ 14C 237 barrena de incrementos 151
actividad del cambium 34 barrenar 21
actividad radiocarb6nica 237 barreno 151
adventicio 7 barrera de protecci6n 17
albura 262 bolsa de resina 254
almacenaje de madera 346 bosque maduro 332
alteraci6n atmosferica 337 bosque pristino 332
analisis de imagen 148 bosque virgen 332
analisis de las cicatrices de incendio 113 braquiblasto 269
analisis de los anillos de los arboles 65 brote corto 269
analisis del tronco 294 brote de agosto 166
analisis multivariante 200 brote largo 179
angiospermas 8 calador para arboles 151
anillo 323 calendario civil 27
anillo anual de crecimiento 323 calibraci6n 28
anillo ausente 198 calibraci6n radiocarb6nica 2
anillo caracteristico 103 calla 33
anillo claro 171 cambio brusco del crecimiento 3
anillo de congelamiento 123 cambium 36
anillo de crecimiento 323 cambium vascular 36
anillo de helada 123 canal resinffero 253
anillo de heladura 123 carbon vegetal 40
anillo de los arboles 323 carbono 14 236
anillo discontinuo 198,339 cepa 298
anillo en cufia 339 cicatriz 264
anillo falso 104 cicatriz de hlelo 147
anillo incompleto 339 cicatriz de incendios 112
anillo localmente ausente l 98 cicatriz de quemadura 112
anillo parcial 198, 339 cicatriz interna 145
anillo(s) poroso(s) 258 cilindro de madera 152
anillo(s) semiporoso(s) 267 claro de bosque 126
afio caracteristico 224 climodiagrama 46
afio civil 27 coeficiente de autccorrelaci6n 206
afio de calendario 27 coeficiente de coincidencia 130
afio de fructificaci6n 182 coetaneo 101
afio de germinaci6n 129 cofechar 57
afio de montanera 182 cohorte 47
afio de tala l 05 colada de barro 62
arbol muerto en pie 282 combustible forestal 119
area basal 18 combustible menudo 119
area normal 18 compartimentalizaci6n 49

competencia 50 dendrodimatologia 67
complacencia 51 dendrocronologia 65
complaciente 51 dendroecologfa 68
conducto resinifero 253 dendrofecha 75
conifera(s) 53 dendrogeomorfologfa 69
conifera(s) 284 dendroglaciologia 70
construccion de una cronologia 42 dendrohldrologia 71
contaminacion atmosferica 128 dendrologfa 72
coraz6n 142 dendrometro 73
corderoi 316 dendrotipologia 74
core 152 densidad de la madera 345
corrasion 55 densidad por rayos X 239
corte fino 169 densidad radiografica 239
corte microscopico 195 densidad volumetrica-gravimetrica 333
corteza 15 densitograma 76
crecimiento 150 densitometria 350
crecimiento anual 9 densitometria por rayos x 350
crecimiento de la pared celular 39 descortezar 16
crecimiento medio anual 9 descuajado 342
crecimientos de cicatrizaci6n 37 desecacion invernal 344
cronologfa 41 desenraizado 343
cronologia absoluta 4 desintegracion radiactiva 235
cronologia absoluta datada 4 deslizamiento en masa 62
cronologia de una estacion 276 desmochar 225
cronologia estandarizada del grosor destrozos por la nieve 283
de los anillos 291 desviacion de largo periodo 180
cronologia flotante 114 desviaci6n estandar 288
cronologia local 176 desviacion tipica 288
cronologia maestra 183 deterioro por contaminacion 279
cronologia maestra de incendios 184 diagramana climatico 46
cronologia regional 246 diametro a la altura del pecho 81
cuello de la raiz 48 diametro normal 81
cuiia 338 diferenciacion 82
cuna de calibracion 31 diferenciacion de la pared celular 38
curva bruta de crecimiento 132 dinamica de daros 127
curva de crecimiento 132 disco 295
curva de mdices 154 disco del tronco 295
curva individual 273 distorsion 84
curva media individual 13 dominado 86
d.a.p. 81 dominante 86
danos por el viento 342 duramen 142
databilidad 60 ecesis 95
dataci6n 59 ecograma 96
datacion cruzada 57 ecotono 97
datacion de la medula 219 edad del arbol 320
dataci6n por l 4C 238 edad del cambium 35
datacion por el duramen 143 efecto de aclareo 44
datacion por la albura 263 efecto de Vries 61
datacion radiocarbonica 238 efecto industrial 301
datacion relativa 248 efecto Suess 301
datar 59 El Nino 98
datos dependientes 79 eliminar la tendencia 80
datos independientes 153 emision 99
declive forestal 117 empuje del hielo 146
dendroarqueologia 64 entalladuras 349

entramado de madera 139 geotropismo negativo 100
error estandar 289 gimnospermas 137
error residual 252 grafico de barras 14
error tipico 289 grafico multiple 199
escornizadura 121 grieta de belada 122
espectrometria de aceleracion de grieta de sequfa 89
masas 5 grosor de un anillo 257
espectrometro de masas 181 habitat 274
espesor de un anillo 257 hlato 125
esqm1eto 278 incendio natural 201
estacion 274 incidencia de incendios 110
estaci6n de crecimiento 131 inclinaci6n 220
estaci6n forestal 274 incremento 150
estacion metereologica 191 Indice de severidad de sequfa de Palmer
estacionarizar 80 (PDSI) 90
estandardizacion 290 fndice de crecimiento 259
estandarizaci6n 290 de sequfa 90
estimaci6n 229 del grosor del anillo 259
estratificacion 297 inmisiones 149
estructura de edad del arbol 159 interaanual 161
estructura de la madera 347 interanual 158
evento secular l interdataci6n 57
excentricidad de la medula 220 intervalo caracteristico 222
explotacion forestal 178 intervalo de calibracion 29
PAC 11 intervalo entre incendios 109
factor limitante 174 intervalo memo entre incendios 186
fase de construccion 25 inundacion 115
fase de corta 106 isotopo 162
fecba de apeo 105 krummholz 164
fecha de corta 105 latifoliada(s) 23
fecba de germinacion 129 leiia 119
fecba de apeo desconocida 204 lefia de sierra 119
fecbar 59 leiio 177,351
fenologfa 215 leiio de tension 308
fertilizacion 107 leiio de verano 168
filtro 108 leiio liso 52
firma 272 leiio rojo 52
fiuctaci6n de densidad 77 lefio tardfo 168
fluctuacion intraanual de densidad 77 madera de primavera 94
fluctuacion radiocarbonica lignina 173
atmosferica 341 Iijado con cborro de arena (metodo
forma de crecimiento 133 de) 261
fosil 120 lfmite de la especie 322
fotosintesis neta 202 limite de los arboles 322
frecuencia de incendios 110 limite forestal 311
frondosa(s) 23 lfmite superior del bosque 311
frondosa(s) 140 Hanura de inundacion 116
fumigacion 124 localidad 221
funcion de autocorrelacion 11 luz reflejada (medicion de la) 172
funcion de estandarizacion 292 macroblasto 179
funcion de transferencia 317 madera 351
funcion respuesta 255 madera a la deriva 88
Juste 293 madera carbonizada 40
galeria(s) de insecto(s) 156 madera comprimida 52
gelisuelo 214 madera de compresion 52

madera de construcci6n 310 periodo de crecimiento 131
madera de deriva 88 periodo de Iatencia 87
maderu de otoiio 168 periodo de reconstrucdon 244
madera de raja 286 periodo de semidesintegraci6n 138
madera de reaccion 242 periodo vegetativo 131
madera de tension 308 permafrost 214
madera de tracci6n 308 perturbacion 85
madera elaborada 286 pesos 280
madera hecha 6 pie derecho 226
maderajoven 163 piragua 92
madera subfosil 299 piso de vegetaci6n 274
madera tardfa 168 plaga de insectos 157
madera temprana 94 plaga f orestal de insectos 157
madera temprana media 197 poda 234
madero 310 podredumbre 63
maduraci6n 82 poro(s) difuso(s) 83
marcas de trabajo 349 porosidad anular 258
margen calloso 32 porosidad difusa 83
masa regular 101 porosidad semianular 267
media 329 porosidad semidifusa 267
medias m6viles 108, 280 poroso anular 258
medula 218 poroso difuso 83
meristemo 190 poste 226
meristemo apical 10 potencial de datacion 60
metal pesado 144 prediccion 229
metodo cronometrico 43 predictando 228
metodo del alfiler 217 predictor 230
microclima 192 prehlstorico 231
microdensitometro 193 primer anillo 155
micrometro 194 primera madera temprana 93
microtomo 196 principio de uniformidad 328
mina(s) de insecto(s)(pl.) 156 procedencia 232
minimo de Maunder 185 pudricion 63
monocohorte 101 pudricion de Corazon 141
muestra en cufia 338 pudrici6n del duramen 141
multicohorte 101 quino 254
multietaneo 101 radio 240
normalizacion 205 radio medular 241
normalizaci6n 290 radiocarbono 236
obra de carpinterfa 348 radiodensitometrfa 350
onda de mortalidad 336 ramoneo 24
Optimo Climatico Medieval 189 rango de calibracion 30
Oscilacion del Sur 285 ranura de medicion 188
palafito 19, 165 rascadura 121
palafito 216 reconstruccion 243
palafito 340 recuperacion del crecimiento 249
panel de pintura 209 red dendroclimatologica 66
parcela de muestreo 221 regeneracion 245
parenquima 210 regimen de incendios 111
patron de crecimiento 134 regimen de perturbaciones 85, 126
PDB 212 registro sustitutorio 233
Pequeiia Edad del Hielo 175 regresion 24 7
perforar 21 regresion multiple paso a paso 296
pergelisol 214 relaci6n seiial a ruido 271
periodicidad 213 relacion seiial/ruido 271

repetici6n 251 teleconexi6n 306
replicaci6n 251 tendencia 325
reposo 87 tendencia interanual 160
residuo 252 terminus post quern 309
residuos forestales 119 termosensible 307
resistencia a las heladas 123, 307 testigo de madera 152
resistente a la temperatura 307 toc6n 298
resistente a las heladas 307 tolerencia a la sequfa 91
respuesta de crecimiento 135 torta 295
retrodicci6n 229 transgresi6n 318
retrodicci6n 243 transgresi6n marina 318
reusado 256 transparencia de la copa 58
rodaja 295 trtiquea 331
rodal 287 traqueida 314
rodete cicatricial 37 traqueidograma 315
rodete de cicatrizaci6n 37 tratamiento en monte bajo 54
rollizo 177, 260 tronco 293
rollo 260 tronco de secci6n circular 260
ruido 203 tronco semienterrado 26
saturaci6n hidrica 335 troza 177
secado 265 troza 260
secci6n en cufta 338 tsunami 326
secci6n normal 18 ultima madera temprana 167
selecci6n de] lugar 277 ultimo anillo 207 270 umbral de densidad 78
sensibilidad 268 valor de un anillo caracteristico 102
sensibilidad a la sequfa 91 valor de un afio caracteristico 223
sensibilidad media 187 variable dependiente 228
sensible, adj. 268 variable explicativa 230
serie de anillos 324 variable independiente 230
seric individual 273 variaciones seculares del 14C 266
serie temporal 312 varianza 329
sierra de boja doble 327 varianza reducida 329
signatura 272 vaso 331
sincronizaci6n 57 ventana temporal 313
sincronizaci6n 305 verificaci6n 330
sitio arqueol6gico 275 veta dura 52
skeleton plot 278 via (de maderos) 316
SMOW 281 vida media 138
solapamiento 208 viga 310
soporte de barrena 22 xilema 351
suavizado 280 xilema secundario 351
sucesi6n 300 yacimiento arqueol6gico 275
sucesi6n vegetal 300 zona de crecimiento 136
suceso secular 1 zona de postes 227
supresi6n ( del crecimiento) 304 zona traumatica 319
supresi6n 303
sustituci6n 250
tabla pintada 209
tablilla 169
taladrar 21
tamafio de la muestra 251
tecnica boot-strap 20
tecnica cronometrica 43
tejido calloso 33

Index of Italian terms

bold print: key terms brusca variazione di accrescimento 3

italics: variants calibrazione 2
normal print: secondary terms calibrazione 28
The numbers refer to cambio 36
the corresponding key terms. camminamento 316
campo di pall 227
a pornsita diffusa 83 canale resinifero 253
abitato in terreni paludosi 19 canale secretore 253
abrasione 55 canastro 52
accrescimento della parete ceUulare 39 capitozzare 225
alburno 262 capitozzatura 225
allmione 115 carie 63
ampiezza anulare 257 carie del cuore 141
analisi d'immagine 148 carota 152
analisi del fusto 294 carota incrementale 152
analisi delle cicatrici da ustione 113 carotare 21
analisi multivariata 200 ceduare 54
anello annuale 136 ceduazione 54
anello annuale 323 ceppaia 298
anello caratteristico 103 cicatrice 264
anello chlaro 171 cicatrice da ghiaccio 147
anello con trauma da gelo 123 cicatrice da ustione 112
anello discontinuo 339 cicatrice non rimarginata 37
anello ghiacciato 123 cicatrice occulta 145
anello incompleto 339 coefficiente di concordanza 130
anello mancante 198 coefficiente di sensitivita media 187
anello parziale 339 coetaneo 101
anello piu esterno 207 colletto 48
anello poroso 258 colonna 226
anello traumatico 319 combustibile forestale 119
Angiosperme 8 combustibili leggeri 119
anima 163 combustibili minuti 119
annata di pasciona 182 combustibili pesanti 119
anno caratteristico 224 compartimentalizzazione 49
anno di abbattimento 105 competizione 50
anno di formazione del midollo 219 compiacenza 51
anno di germinazione 129 conifera 53
anno di taglio 105 coorte 47
appassimento invemale 344 corteccia 15
architettura dell'albero 321 costruzione di una cronologia 42
area 221 cretto da gelo 122
area basimetrica 18 cretto da siccita 89
attivita cambiale 34 cronologia 41
attivita maculare solare 302 cronologia assoluta 4
attivita radiocarbonica 237 cronologia campione 183
autocorrelazione di ordine n 206 cronologia fluttuante 114
autopotatura 234 cronologia locale 176
avventizio 7 cronologia madre 183
banda parenchimatica 211 cronologia media 13
blocco di calibrazione 31 cronologia regionale 246
brachiblasto 269 cronologia standardizzata 291
brucare 24 cronologia stazionale 276

cuore 142 ecogramma 96
curva di accrescimento 132 ecotone 97
curva singola 273 effetto de Vries 61
danneggiamento da deposizioni 279 effetto diradamento 44
danno da neve 283 effetto Suess 301
data di abbattimento 105 El Nino 98
data di abbattimento indefinita 204 emissione 99
data di calendario 27 emivita 138
data relativa 248 epitropico 100
databilita 60 errore standard 289
datare 59 essiccazione 265
datazione al radiocarbonio 238 eta cambiale 35
datazione del durame 143 eta dell'albero 320
datazione incrociata 57 evento secolare 1
datazione mediante I'alburno 263 falso anello 104
decadimento radioattivo 235 fase costruttiva 25
decorticare 16 fattore limitante 174
degrado 63 fenologia 215
degrado da agenti atmosferici 337 fertilizzazione 107
dendroanno 75 fessura di misurazione 188
dendroarcheologia 64 filtro 108
dendroclimatologia 67 finestra temporale 313
dendrocronologia 65 fluttuazione dell'attivita
dendroecologia 68 radiocarbonica 341
dendrogeomorfologia 69 fluttuazione di densita 77
dendroglaciologia 70 foresta antropizzata 332
dendroidrologia 71 foresta vergine 332
dendrologia 72 forma di crescita 133
dendrometro 73 fossile 120
dendrotipologia 74 fotosintesi netta 202
densita ( determinata con metodo frana di disgregazione 62
gravi-volumetrico) 333 fregone 121
densita del legno 345 fumigazione 124
densita radiografica 239 funzione di autocorrelazione 11
densitogramma 76 funzione di risposta 255
densitometria ai raggi X 350 funzione di trasferimento 317
deperimento del bosco 117 funzione indicizzata 154
deviazione di lungo termine 180 fusto 293
deviazione standard 288 galleria di insetto 156
diagramma climatico 46 gap 125
diametro a petto d'uomo 81 getto corto 269
differenziazione 82 getto di san Giovanni 166
differenziazione della parete getto lungo 179
cellulare 38 Gimnosperme 137
distorsione 84 imbibizione 335
disturbo ambientale 85 immissioni 149
documentazione sostitutiva 233 incendio di origine naturale 201
dominante 86 incidenza di incendio 110
dominanza 86 incremento 150
dominato 86 incremento annuo 9
dormienza 87 incremento corrente 9
durame 142 anulare 259
duramen 142 indice di aridita 90
eccentricita del midollo 220 infestazione di insetti 157
ecesi 95 inquinante gassoso 128

insediamento palafitticoio 165 meristema apicale 10
insediamento mpestre 45 metal.Ii pesanti 144
insediamento su terreni umidi 340 metodo cronometrico 43
intelaiatura di legno 139 metodo della puntura 217
interannua!e 158 microdima 192
intervallo caratteristico 222 microdensitometro 193
intervallo di calibrazione 29 micrometro 194
interval.Io medio tra i.ncendi 186 microsezione 195
intervallo tra incendi 109 microtomo 196
intrannuale 161 midollo 218
isotopo 162 minimo di Maunder 185
istogramma temporale 14 modello autoregressivo 12
krummholz 164 modello di accrescimento 134
lamella 169 modello perequativo ad indici 292
latifoglia (legno di) 140 moria del bosco 118
latifoglia 23 multiplot 199
Iegname 310 operainlegno 348
legname alla deriva 88 palafitta 216
legname da opera 310 palo 226
legname tondo 260 parcella 221
legno 351 parenchima 210
legno a porosita diffusa 83 pascolamento aereo 24
legno adulto 6 PDB 212
legno autunnale 168 perequazione 280
legno carbonizzato 40 perforazione di insetto 156
legno di apertura 94 periodicita 213
legno di chiusura 168 Periodo Caldo Medievale 189
legno di compressione 52 periodo di abbattimento 106
legno di cuore 163 periodo di ricostruzione 244
legno di reazione 242 periodo di riposo vegetativo 87
legno di spacco 286 periodo vegetativo 131
legno di tensione 308 permafrost 214
legno duro 140 pianta a terra 342
legno estivo 168 pianura alluvionale 116
legno foglioso 140 Piccola Eta Glaciale 175
legno giovanile 163 pirocronologia campione 184
legno maturo 6 piroga scavata 92
legno primaticcio 94 popolamento 287
legno primaticcio iniziale 93 poro 331
legno primaticcio intermedio 197 poroso semi-zonato 267
legno primaticcio terminale 167 poroso-zonato 258
legno primaverile 94 potatura 234
legno sub fossile 299 potatura naturale 234
legno tardivo 168 preistorico 231
lesione corticale 121 previsione 229
lignina 173 primo anello 155
limite degli alberi 322 principio di uniformita 328
limite del bosco 311 propagginatura 170
macroblasto 179 provenienza 232
marciume 63 punta carotatrice 151
marciume del cuore 141 radiocarbonio 236
margine calloso 32 radura 126
massa volumica 333 raggio 240
massa volumica 345 raggio parenchimatico 241
meristema 190 rallentamento di crescita 304

range di calibrazione 30 sradicamento da vento 342
rapporto segnale-rumore 271 stagionatura 265
recupero 256 stagione dei tagli 106
regime degli incendi 111 stagione di abbattimento 105
regressione 247 stagione di riposo vegetativo 87
regressione multipla, procedura stagione vegetativa 131
sequenziale "stepwise" 296 standardizzazione 205
regressore 230 standardizzazione 290
reimpiego 256 stazione 274
replica 251 stazione meteorologica 191
residui forestali 119 stoccaggio del legname 346
residuo 252 stratificazione 297
resinazione 253 struttura del legno 347
resinosa/o 284 struttura intema dell'eta 159
rete ·dendroclimatica 66 successione 300
ricostruzione 243 succhlello di Pressler 151
riflettometria 172 supporto ligneo 209
rinnovazione 245 supporto per carotatore 22
ripetizione 251 tasca di resina 254
ripresa 249 tavola per dipinto 209
risposta auxometrica 135 tecnica boot-strap 20
riuso 256 teleconnessione 306
riutilizzazione 256 tempo di dimezzamento 138
rotella 295 terminus post quern 309
rumore 203 tessuto calloso 33
sabbiatura 261 tessuto di cicatrizzazione 33
scelta della stazione 277 toppo 177
schlantata 343 trachea 331
schlanto da neve 283 tracheide 314
schlanto da vento 342 tracheidogramma 315
scortecciare 16 trasgressione 318
sega gemellata 327 trasparenza della chloma 58
segnale 270 trend 325
segnatura 272 trend degli intervalli 160
segni dilavorazione 349 trivella di Pressler 151
sensibile alla siccita 91 tronco 177
sensitivita 268 troncone 282
sensitivo alla temperatura 307 tsunami 326
seppellimento del colletto 26 ultimo anello 207
serie anulare 324 utilizzazioni forestali 178
serie temporale 312 validazione 330
sezione trasversale 295 valore caratteristico 223
sincronizzazione 305 valore di un anello caratteristico 102
sito 275 variabile dipendente 79
skeleton plot 278 variabile dipendente 228
SMOW 281 variabile indipendente 153
soglia di densita 78 variabile indipendente 230
soppressione 303 variabile regressa 228
sostituzione 250 varianza 329
Southern oscillation 285 variazione secolare 266
sovrapposizione 208 vaso 331
spessore dell 'anello 257 xilema 351
spettrometria di accelerazione di zona di accrescimento 136
massa 5 zona di barriera 17
spettrometro di massa 181 zona di compartimentazione 17
spinta del ghlaccio 146 zona traumatica 319

Index of Portuguese terms

bold print: key terms braquiblasto 269

italics: variants brota~ao de agosto 166
normal print: secondary terms calendario civil 27
The numbers refer to caHbra~ao de 14C 2
the corresponding key terms. calosidade marginal 32
cambio 36
caminho de madeira 316
abertura 126 caminho de tabuas 316
abertura de medida 188 caminho de troncos 316
adventicia 7 campo de postes 227
albumo 262 canal de resina 253
amilise de cicatriz de fogo 113 canal secretor 253
analise de imagem 148 carbono 14 236
analise de regressii.o multipla passo a carvii.o 40
passo 296 casca 15
analise do tronco 294 catface 37
analise multivariada 200 cepa 298
analise regressiva passo apasso 296 cepo 298
anel anual de crescimento 323 ceme 142
anel ausente 198 choque de gelo 146
anel caracteristico 103 cicatriz 264
anel caracteristico 224 cicatriz de fogo 112
anel de crescimento 323 cicatriz de gelo 147
anel de crescimento descontinuo 339 cicatriz de incendios 112
anel de crescimento daro 171 cicatriz intema 145
anel de crescimento mais externo 207 clareira 126
anel de crescimento mais interno 155 coeficiente de coincidencia 130
anel de geada 123 coeficiente de sensitividade media 187
anel poroso 258 coetaneo 101
anelsemi-poroso 267 cohort 47
Angiospermas 8 colar 48
anode forma~ao da medula 219 combustfveis finos 119
ano de produ~ao excepcional 182 combustiveis florestais 119
anomalia do crescimento 3 combustfveis grossos 119
apodrecimento do cerne 141 compartimentaliza~ao 49
area basal 18 competi~ao 50
area de vento 343 complacencia 51
armazenagem da madeira 346 composi<;iio de graficos 199
arquitetura da arvore 321 conifera 53
arvore morta 282 constru~ao de uma cronologia 42
assentamento rupreste 45 corrosao 55
assinatura 272 carte fino 169
ataque de insetos 157 crannog 56
atividade cambial 34 crescimento (em resposta a... ) 135
atividade das manchas solares 302 crescimento 150
atividade do carbono 14 237 crescimento da parede celular 39
autocorrela~ao 11 cronologia 41
autocorrela~ao de ordem n 206 cronologia absoluta 4
autoregressao 12 cronologia de referenda 183
bagueta 152 cronologia de referenda de
barco de tronco 92 incendios 184
barreira de prote~ao 17 cronologia estandartizada 291
bolsa de resina 254 cronologia flutuante 114

cronologia local 176 desvio padrao 288
cronologia media de um sitio 276 diagrama climatico 46
cronologia media de uma estac;iio 276 diametro aaltura do peito 81
cronologia regional 246 diferenciatao 82
cronologia relativa 114 diferenciatao da parede celular 38
cunha 338 dinamica de dareira 127
cunha de calibratao 31 distortao 84
curva de crescime:nto 132 disturbio natural 85
curva de indices de crescimento 154 documentatao substituta 233
curva estandartizada 154 dominada 86
curva individual 13 dominante 86
curva media de indices de dormencia 87
crescimento 291 durame 142
curva media individual 13 ecesis 95
D.A.P. 81 ecograma 96
dado dependente 79 ecotone 97
dadoindependente 153 efeito de desbaste 44
data da germinatao 129 efeito de Vries 61
data do abate 105 efeito Suess 301
data do co rte 105 El Nino 98
data relativa 248 emissao 99
datac;iio absoluta 4 enchente 115
datac;iio cruzada 57 epidemia de insetos 157
datatao do ceme 143 epitropico 100
datatao no alburno 263 equipamento de serras paralelas 327
datatao por carbono 14 238 erro padrao 289
datar 59 escolha de sftio 277
decaimento radioativo 235 espectrometria de massa com
decapitar 225 acelerador 5
declinio das Oorestas 117 espectrometro de massa 181
decompositao 63 espessura do anel 257
decotar 225 estaca 226
dendroano 75 estac;iio 191
dendroarqueologia 64 estatao de crescimento 131
dendroclimatologia 67 estatao de dormencia 87
dendrocronologia 65 estatao meteorologica 191
dendroecologia 68 estandartizatao 290
dendrogeomorfologia 69 estimac;iio 229
dendroglaciologia 70 estratificatao 297
dendrohidrologia 71 estrutura anat6mica 347
dendrologia 72 estrutura da madeira 347
dendrometro 73 estrutura interna da idade 159
dendrotipologia 74 estrutura reticulada de madeira 139
densidade da madeira 345 evento secular 1
densidade radiografica 239 excentricidade da medula 220
densidade volumetrica gravimetrica 333 exploratao Oorestal 178
densitograma 76 falso anel 104
densitometria 350 fase de calibratao 28
densitometria de raios-x 350 fase de construtao 25
densit6metro 193 fator limitante 174
desbrota 234 fenda de congelamento 122
descascar 16 fenda de medida 188
desgaste natural 337 fenologia 215
desortitar 121 fertilizatao 107
desrama 234 filtro 108
dessecatao invernal 344 floresta primtiria 332

:Ooresta virgem 332 lenho outonal 168
ilutua~o da atividade do Carbono 14 341 lenho primaveril 94
ilutua~ao da densidade 77 lenho tardio 168
flutua<;ifo intraanual da densidade 77 lignina 173
folhosa 23 limite de densidade 78
forma de crescimento 133 limite ilorestal 311
fossil 120 limite ilorestal 322
fotossintese liquida 202 lineariza<;ifo 290
frequencia de incendios 110 linha de floresta 311
fumiga~ao 124 macroblasto 179
fun~ao de resposta 255 madeira 310
fun~ao de suaviza~ao e madeira adulta 6
estandartiza~ao 292 madeira carbonizada 40
fun~ao de transferencia 317 madeira de compressao 52
galeria de inseto 156 madeira de conifera 284
gas poluente 128 madeira de folhosa 140
geotropismo negativo 100 madeira de rea~ao 242
Gimnospermas 137 madeira de tra~ao 308
grafico de barra 14 madeira fendida 286
graficos superpostos 199 madeira flutuante 88
hiato 125 madeira juvenil 163
idade da arvore 320 madeira redonda 260
idade do cambio 35 madeira saturada de agua 335
imissoes 149 madeira sub-fossilizada 299
incendio natural 201 madeiramento 348
incidencia de incendios 110 marcas de trabalho 349
incremento 150 matura<;ifo 82
incremento anual 9 medula 218
indexa<;ifo 290 meia-vida 138
indice de crescimento 259 mergulhia 170
Indice de Severidade de Seca de Palmer meristema 190
(ISSP) 90 meristema apical 10
indice de largura de anel 259 mesma idade 101
indice de seca 90 metais pesados 144
injuria de fuma~a 279 metodo boot-strap 20
intenmual 158 metodo cronometrico 43
interdata~ao 57 metodo da perfura~ao 217
intervalo caracteristico 222 metodo do jato de areia 261
intervalo de calibra~ao 29 microclima 192
intervalo de calibra<;ifo 30 microdensitometro 193
intervalo de incendio 109 micrometro 194
intervalo livre de fogo 109 microse<;ifo 195
intervalo medio de incendios 186 micr6tomo 196
intervalo medio livre de incendios 186 rninimo de Maunder 185
intra-anual 161 mortalidade em onda 336
intraanual 161 mortalidade em vagas 336
inunda~ao 115 multigrafico 199
is6topo 162 nao data~ao do corte 204
ISSP 90 normaliza~ao 205
janela de medida 188 obra de carpintaria 348
krummholz 164 ocorrencia de incendios 110
lamela 169 Oscila~ao Sul 285
largura do anel de crescimento 257 6timo climatico medieval 189
latifoliada 23 padrao de crescimento 134
lenho 351 Padrao Medio da Agua do ouano 281
lenho inicial 94 painel de pintura 209

palafita 216 residuo 252
parcela 221 resfduos florestais 119
parenquima 210 resistente a temperatura 307
parenquima em faixa 211 retirar a tendencia 80
parenquima longitudinal 211 retomada do crescimento 249
pastoreio 24 reutilizar;ii.o 256
PDB 212 ruido 203
perfurar 21 ru{do de fundo 203
periodicidade 213 secagem 265
Periodo Glacial Curto 175 se-;ao de um tronco 295
perfodo de abate 106 se-;ao fina 195
periodo de calibra-;ao 30 ser;ii.o transversal 295
periodo de corte 106 sele-;ao de sitio 277
per{odo de crescimento 131 sensibilidade 187
perfodo de dormencia 87 sensibilidade media 187
periodo de reconstru-;ao 244 sensiblidade a seca 91
perturba-;ao natural 85 sensitividade 268
piroga 92 sensitividade a seca 91
piano de inunda-;ao 116 a
sensivel seca 91
PMAO 281 sensivel atemperatura 307
podridao do ceme 141 sequencia caracterfstica 272
popula-;ao 287 serie cronoI6gica 324
poros difusos 83 serie elementar 273
poste 226 serie individual 13
potencial de data-;ao 60 serie temporal 312
povoado em meio pantanoso 19 serrapilheira 119
povoado em terra inundada 340 sinal 270
povoado lacustre l 9 sincronizar;ii.o 57
povoados lacustres 165 sincroniza-;ao 305
pre-hlstorico 231 sitio 274
predi-;ao 229 sitio 275
preditor 230 s{tio arqueol6gico 275
principio da uniformidade 328 skeleton plot 278
procedencia 232 SMOW 281
quebra pela neve 283 sobreposi-;ao 208
quebra pelo vento 342 sonda 151
queda pelo vento 342 sonda de Pressler 151
rachadura de congelamento 122 suaviza-;ao 280
rachadura de seca 89 substituir;ii.o 250
radiocarbono 236 sucessao 300
raio 240 sucessii.o de plantas 300
raio 241 suporte da sonda 22
ramo curto 269 supressao 303
razao sinal/mido 271 supressao 304
recobrimento 26 talhadia 54
reconstituir;ii.o 243 tecido de calo 33
reconstru-;ao 243 teleconexao 306
rede dendroclimatologica 66 tendencia 325
reemprego 256 tendencia interanual media 160
reflexao da luz (medida) 172 terminus post quern 309
regenera-;ao 245 time window 313
regime de incendios 111 taco 298
regressao 247 tolerancia a seca 91
regressao multipla passo a passo 296 tora 177
repeti-;ao 251 torrente de sedimentos 62
reposi-;ao 250 tour;a 298

trar;os de trabalho 349 varia-;oes seculares 266
trado 151 variancia 329
transgressao 318 variaveis explanat6rias 230
transgressifo maritima 318 variavel explicada 228
transparencia da copa 58 variavel explicativa 230
traqueido 314 vaso 331
traquei'.dograma 315 verifica-;ao 330
tronco 293 xilema 351
tsunami 326 xilema secundario 351
valor de um anel caracter:istico 102 xilocronologia 350
valor de um ano caracteristico 223 zona de crescimento 136
varia-;ao alongo termo 180 zona traumatica 319
varia-;ao brusca do crescimento 3

Index of Russian terms

normal print: key terms BeKOBbie l13MeHeHl1JI 266

italics: variants neJ1urII1Ha np11pocra 257
The numbers refer to eep11~11Kau11JI 330
the corresponding key terms. neceHHHH JJ.peBeCHHa 94
eeTpoean 343
BelIHaJI Mep3JlOTa 214
J4C 236 B3HTb KepH 21
2-fI (3-fl, 4-fI 11 T.JJ..) 3JleMeHTapHblH BHellIHee ro~11qHoe KOJlbUO 207
no6er 166 BHyTpeHHJIJI B03paCTHaJI
a6comOTHaJI xpOHOJlOfl1JI 4 CTPYKTypa 159
aBTOKOppeJIJIUl1JI T-ro rropJI~Ka 206 llJWTHOCTH 77
anToperpecc1rn 12 BHyTpl1r0~0B0H 161
aJ].BeHTHBHbJH. 7 B0~0HaCblllleHl1e 335
aHaJ1113 11306pa)KeH11JI 148 B03pacT ~epeea 320
aHaJ1113 rro)KapHbIX rro~cynmH 113 B03paCTHOH 6ypaB 151
aHaJll13 np11pOCTa (no CTBOJiy) 294 B03paCTHOH KepH 152
aHr11ocnepMbI 8 BOJIHbI m6en11 336
aHOMaJlbHblH 7 "BOJlHbl JKH3HH" 157
an11KaJ1bI-IaJI Mep11cTeMa 10 epeMeHHaJI cep11JI 312
apxeo.rrorw1ecKaH. 120 epeMeHHOe OKHO 313
apx1,neKTypa ~epena 321 ecrrbillIKa Macconoro
6a3aJihHaJI n.rrnma~h 18 pa3MHO)KeHl1JI
6aphepHaJI 30Ha 17 HaceKOMbIX 157
6onoTHOe noceneH11e 19 BTOpWIHaH KCHJleMa 351
6peBHO 177, 260 BTOp11gHoe KOJlbIJ,O 104
"6pelllh" 125 BbJ6opogHaJJ OUJH6Ka
nane)KHHK 342 cpeJJ.HefI 289
BaCKYllHpHblH KaM6HfI 36 nh16 yp11Tb KepH 21
BeKOBOe co6hITl1e 1 "eb1BeTpl1BaHHe" 337

BhI,ll,epJKHBamrn 265 ,ll,eHCHTOrpaMMa 76
BhIKJll1HI1Ba10rueeCH KOJlhUO 339 JJepeBRHHble ,lJeTaJTH 348
nunanmee KOJTblJO 198 ,ll,epeBJIHHhie H3,L1,eJ1I1JI 348
BhIJla,ll,aIOruee KOJlhUO 198 ,ll,HaMeTp ,ll,epeBa Ha BhlCOTe
ra3006pa3Hh1I1 TIOJlJlIOTaHT 128 rpy,ll,H 81
raTh 316 ,ll,HHaMHKa M03aHqHoro
reoxpoHoMerpugecKoe B0306HOBJleHI1JI 127
JJa ruponaHHe 43 ,L1,I1HaM11qecKaJI
rurpoqmru 91 Macc-cneKTPOMeTpHJI 5
I'HMHOcnepMbI 137 ,lJHHaMWieCKaR Macc-cneKrpocKOflHR 5
I'JlaBHaR XpOHOJTOI'HR 183 JJHHaMugecKHfI Macc-cneKrpaJTbHblfI
noJKapon 184 ,L1,11cnepc11JI 329
rn11ett11e 63 ,ll,I1<fl<flepeHUI1aUI1H KJ1eT0qH0I1
rO,ll,HqHoe KOJlhUO 323 CTeHKI1 38
f0,ll,l1qHhII1 rrpHpOCT 9 ,ll,H(p<flepeHUI1p0BKa 82
I'O,lJHgHbJH CJTOH 323 JJJTHTeJTbHOe H3MeHeHHe 12C/14C 180
I'O,lJOBOe KOJlblJO 323 ,ll,Ol1CTOpI1qecKI1l1 231
ronoceMemrne 137 ,lJOJT6JTeHKa 92
rpam1ua Kann10ca 32 ,ll,OMHHaHTa 86
rpaqrnK-cxeMa 278 JJpenecuHa 351
rycTOTa KpOHhl 58 nopoJJ 140
,ll,aJlbHJIJI CBJl3h 306 JJpeneCHHa XBOHHbIX nopoJJ 284
,ll,aHHhie-rrpe,ll,cKa3a Ten11 230 JJpeneCHue ocra TKH 299
,ll,aTa neco3ar0TOBKI1 309 ,L1,peBecm111 Ma Tep11an 310
4a ra nosaJTa 105 JJpeBeCHbIH yroJTb 40
,ll,aTa rrpopacTaHHJI 129 ,ll,peBOCTOI1 287
,ll,aTa py6KH 105 ,L1,pe11<f)oBamnaJI ,L1,peBec11Ha 88
,ll,a Ta cep,L1,UeBI1HhI 219 e,L1,I1HJ1qHaJI cep11H 273
,ll,aTHpOBaTb 59 ecTeCTBeHHbII1 ITOJKap 201
,ll,aTHpOBKa 3a60Jl0HI1 263 3a6oJTesaHue JTeca 117
,ll,aTHPOBKa no JI,ll,py 143 3a60JlOHh 262
,ll,Byx<f)pe3epttaJI rr11na 327 3aBI1Cl1Mbie ,ll,aHHbie 79
,ll,eBCTBeHHbII1 nee 332 3aMeruett11e 250
,ll,eH,ll,poapxeonornJI 64 3I1MHee BbICbIXaHHe 344
,ll,eH,ll,p03KOJ10rl1JI 68 3HaKOBhlI1 TeCT 130
,ll,eH,ll,poreOMOpqlOJlOrHJI 69 30Ha rrpHpOCTa 136
,ll,eH,ll,pOrH,ll,pOJlOrHJI 71 3penaJI ,L1,peBec11Ha 6
,ll,eH,ll,pOr JlJIUI10Jl0rl1JI 70 "11naHoB" rro6er 166
,ll,eH,ll,pOrO,ll, 75 "11rOJlhHbII1" MeTO,ll, 217
,L1,eH,L1,pOKJlI1MaTOJlOfl1JI 67 "11MMI1CCI1l1" 149
,L1,eH,ll,pOKJll1MaTOJlOrI1qecKaJI ceTh 66 I13MepeHHe B OTpaJKeHHOM CBeTe 172
,ll,eH,ll,pOJlOrHJI 72 I13Mep11TeJ1hHaJI men1 188
,ll,eH,ll,pOMeTp 73 I130TOIT 162
,ll,eH,ll,pOTHITOJlOrHJI 74 HH,ll,eKc 3acyx11 90
,ll,eH,ll,poxpOHOJlOrHJI 65 HH,ll,eKC rrpHpOCTa 259

HH)JeKC IllHpHHbl I'O)JW-lHbIX ne,LJ,OBaH OTMeTMHa 147
KOfleIJ 259 ne,LJ,OBbie TOpOChl 146
l1H,ll,eKCl1pOBam1e 290 neHTOlJHaH napeHXl1Ma 211
11H,ll,eKCHaH Kp11BaH 154 necttofi rop10q11fi Ma Tep11an 119
11HTeHCl1BHOCTh HeTTO- neco3aroTOBKa 178
cpoTOCl1HTe3a 202 flecoMa repHafl 310
11HTepBanbHhlfi TpeH,LJ, 160 JleTHHH JJpeBeCHHa 168
HCKaJKeHHe 84 lll1rHl1H 173
HCKJlIOl/HTeflbHOe co6bITHe 1 lll1Ml1T11pyIOW11fi cpaKTOp 174
11CKOnaeMaH 120 JlHCTBeHHbie 140
l1CKpl1BlleH11e 84 no,LJ,Ka-,LJ,on6neHKa 92
HCKPHBfleHHOe )JepeBO 164 no21rnoe KOllhUO 104
11CKYCCTBeHHhlfi OCTpOB 56 noKanhHaH xp0Honor11a 176
KafleHJJapHaH npeMeHHaH nyq 241
e)JHHHIJa 27 Manoe One,LJ,eHeH11e 175
KaneH,LJ,apttaa ,LJ,aTa 27 Macc-cneKTpoMeTp 181
KaflH6pOBKa 28 Me)KfO,ll,OBOfi 158
Kam16pOBOlJHhlfi 11HTepBan 29 Mep11CTeMa 190
Kan116pOBOlJHhlfi Klll1H 31 MeCTO np0113paCTaHl1H 27 4
Kan116pOBOlJHhlfi nep110,ll, 28 MecTOpacnono)KeH11e 275
KaflflYC 33 MeTeOpOJIOr11qecKaH CTaHU11H 191
KaJlJlIOC 33 MeTO,ll, "wttypKa" 20
KaJlJlIOCHaH rpaHHIJa 32 MeTOJJ Cflyl/aHHbIX Bbl60pOK 20
Kanmocttaa TKaHh 33 Ml1KpO,ll,eHCl1TOMeTp 193
KaM611amHaH aKTl1BHOCTh 34 M11KpOKlll1MaT 192
KaM611amHhlfi B03pacT 35 M11KpOMeTp 194
KaM611fi 36 Ml1Kpocpe3 195
Klll1MaTI1lleCKaH ,ll,11arpaMMa 46 M11KpOTOM 196
Klll1HOBl1,ll,Hhlfi o6pa3eU 338 Ml1Hl1MYM MayH,LJ,epa 185
KoropTa 47 MHOI'OfleTHHH Mep3fl0Ta 214
Kone6att11e 341 MHOrocpaKTOpHhlfi aHalll13 200
Komuecocy ,LJ,11CTaH 258 MOJlO)JHHK 245
KOMnapTMeHTan113aU11H 49 MOp03HaH rpeI.IJHHa 122
KOHKypeHU11H 50 Mopo3Hoe pacmerrfleHHe 122
KOHCTPYKIJHOHHaH JJpeneCHHa 310 MOp03060fiHaH Tpew11Ha 122
KOIIHpOBaHHe 251 MOp03060fiHOC KOllhUO 123
Kopa 15 MopcKaH rpaHcrpeccHH 318
KOpHeBaH wefiKa 48 MYllhTMnnOT 199
KOppa311H 55 MHrKaH ,L1,peBec11Ha 284
KOCBeHHhle ,LJ,aHHbie 233 Ha6JlIO)JaeMbIH </JOTOCHHTe3 202
"KolIIallhH MOp,ll,a" 37 HaITa)JeHHe HaCeKOMbIX 157
Kpettenaa ,L1,peBec11Ha 52 HapyweH11e 85
KpeHb 52 HallallhHOe KOllhUO 155
Kp11BaH np11pOCTa 132 He3aBHCHMaH Bbl60pKa 153
KprIBaH IllHPHHbl I'O)JHl/HbIX He3aBl1Cl1Mhie ,LJ,aHHbie 153
Kp11Bonecbe 164 HellyBCTB11TenhHOCTh 51
KP yrJlHK 260 HOpM11pOBKa 205
KCl1lleMa 351 HOpMHpOBKa 290

063011 334 rrecKOCTPYHHhIH MeT04 261
o6JlaCTb Kam16pOBKH 30 ITJlaBaIOmaa xpOHOJlOrHH 114
o6pe3Ka 225 "nJiaBHHK" 88
06py6att11e Bernett 234 fIJlOTHOCTb 4peBeCHHhl 345
06yr11ettHaH 4penecttHa 40 fIJlOTHOCTb (cptt3HqecKaH) 333
OBaflbHOCTb CTBOJia 220 rronpe)K4eHHe (paCTHTeJlbHOCTH)
orpaHw1emrn 49 ra3oo6pa3HhIMH OTX04aMH 279
04HOB03paCTHhil1 101 nonpeJKgeHue "cMoroM" 279
03epttoe rroce11etttte 165 fIOBTOpeHHe 251
OKeaHWJeCKaJl TpaHcrpeCCHJl 318 fIOBTOpHO HCITOJlh3yeMoe 256
"oKtto" 126 "rrorpe6etttte" KOMJlH 26
OKOpHTb 16 nograp 112
OKypHBaHHe 124 nognap 112
OCB060)K4eHHe 249 rroe4b 24
oceHHJlJl gpenecuHa 168 JlOJKapHaJl OTMeTHHa 112
oc11a611etttte 11eca 117 fIO)KapHaH IT04CYIIIHHa 112
octtonttaa (rocrro4crnyromaa) noJKapHaJl paHa 112
XpOHOJlOrHH 183 fIO)KapHbil1 HHTepBaJl 109
ocHOBHaa (rocrro4crny1omaa) fIO)KapHbil1 pe)KHM lll
xpOHOJlOfHH fIO)KapOB 184 IT034HHH 4peneCHHa 168
oco6b111 ro4103 4penecttHhI 167
OCTaTOK 252 ITOHMa 116
OT6op MeCT rrpOH3paCTaHHH 277 fIOKpbITOCeMeHHbie 8
OTMeTHHa 264 fIOJlOB04be 115
OTHOCHTeJlbHaH 4aTa 248 fIOJlOCHaH 411arpaMMa 14
OTHOIIIeHHe "CHrHaJl-rnyM" 271 fIOJ1y4epeBHHHaH 139
oro6par1 KepH 21 fIOJlYKOJlbUecocy 4HCTaH 267
orpm1a reJibHO reorponHhlfi. JOO fIOJlypa3Jl0)KHBIIIaHCH
OIIJH6Ka penpe3eHTaTHBHOCTH 289 llOJIJlHa 126
rraHHO 209 rropor fIJlOTHOCTH 78
rrapeHXHMa 210 rroceJleHHH BO BJla)KHbIX
TI,LJ,E -cTatt4apT (TI,LJ, - MeCTaX 340
6eJleMHHTa - CTaH4apT) 212 fIOCTpOeHHe xpoHOJlOrHH 42
rreHh 298 nocrpofiKa Ha cnaHx 216
nepnwIHaJl gpenecuHa 163 rrornaronaa MH O)KeCTBeirnaa
nepBWIHaJl KCHJieMa 163 perpecetta 296
rrepe4aToqHaH <vYHKUHH 317 rrpe4eJ1 BCTpeqaeMOCTH 322
nepeKpecTHaJl garuponKa 57 npegcKa3aHue 229
rrepeKpecTHoe 4a Tttponatttte 57 rrpe4cKa3aHHb1e 4aHHhie 228
rrepeKphmatttte 208 rrpe4hICTOpHH 232
nepecJiaunaHHe 297 rrptt6JlH3HTeJlbHaH 4aTa BaJlKH
nepuog nererauuu 131 4epena 204
nepuog noKOJl 87 rrpHHUHIT HHBapttaHTHOCTH 328
rrep1104 rro11ypacrra4a 138 rrpttpOCT 150
rrepH04 peKOHCTPYKUHH 244 rrpo6ttaa rr11oma4h 221
rrep110411qHOCTb 213 rrpOrH03 229

nporH03HpyeMbie JJaHHbie 228 CBeTOB0/1 30HJJ 188
rrpOTepTOCTb 121 er J1a)KJ1BaH11e 280
pa6oq11e MeTKI1 349 ce30H flOKOR 87
(pairno)aKTl1BHOCTb ce30H pOCTa 131
pairnoyr J1epoaa 237 cem 62
paa11oaKTJ1BH1111 pacrraa 235 ceMeHHOH roa 182
paa11orpa~11qecKan cepauen11Ha 218
JlJlOTHOCTb 239 cepHaJlbHaH KOppellHLl,HH 11
paa11oyr J1epoa 236 cepHH HHJJ.HBHJJyallbHbIX
paa11oyrJ1epoattan KaJ1116p0BKa 2 KpHBbIX 199
paJJHOyrllepOJJHOe )Ja THpOBaHHe 2 cep11n (rrapaMeTpoB) roawrn11x
paa11oyrJ1epoattoe KOJleU 324
aa T11p0Batt11e 238 Cel/eHHe CTBOJla 295
paa11yc 240 CI1rHaJl 270
pa3BHTHe KJleTOl/H0/1 CTeHKH 38 c11rna Typa 272
pa3MHO)KeHI1e OTBOll,KaMI1 170 Cl1HXp0Hl13aUI1R 305
pa3HOCTb 252 CKJla)J JJpeBeCHHbl 346
pa3pbIBHOe KOJlbUO 339 CKJIOHHoe rroceJ1eH11e 45
paHHRR apeBeCI1Ha 94 CKOpOCTb I'a3006MeHa 202
paHHRR qacTb paHHeH CKpbITan OTMeTI1Ha 145
apeBec11tt11 93 CllOH npupocra 323
paCKOJlOTOe 6peBHO 286 CMOJlHH0/1 KaHall 253
paccenHHOCOCYllI1CTan 83 CMOJlJIHOI1 KapMarneK 254
paCCllOeHHe 297 CM0J1RHOI1 XO_ll 253
pacmerrJ1eHHan apeBec11Ha 286 CMeIJJeHHaH cep)Jll,eBHHa 220
peaKTHBHan apeBec11Ha 242 CHerOJlOM 283
perettepau11n 245 napeHXHMa 211
pernottamttan xpottoJ1or11n 246 cocya 331
perpecc11n 24 7 Cfll1Jl 295
pe3Koe I13MeHeH11e rrp11pocTa 3 CflllaBHaH JJpeBeCHHa 88
pe3KOe yMeH1IIJeHl1e CpeaHeBeKoBan 3rroxa
IlpI1p0CTa 304, TIOTerrJ1eH11n 189
peKOHCTpyKUI1R 243 cpeJJHee KBaJJparugecKoe
aeHCI1TOMeTpl1H 350 cpeJJHeKBa)JpaTHl/HaH
peHrreHorpa<Jmn 350 OWH6Ka 289
perrepttan rrepeMeHHan 223 cpeatt1111 rro)Kaptt1111
perreptt1111 roa 224, I1HTepBaJl 186
perreptt1111 I1HTepnaJ1 222 Cpeatt1111 CocTaB 0KeaH11qecK011
pOCT KJleToqHOI1 CTeHKI1 39 B0a11 (CCOB) 281
pOCTOBan ~OpMa 133 cpell,HRR 30Ha paHHeff apeBeCI1Hbl 197
py6Ka llJlR rrpoayu11p0BaH11n cpell,HRR xpOH0Jl0fI1R 13
rropocJ111 54 cpell,HRR qyBCTBl1TeJlbHOCTb 187
C14 236 craHJJaprmaaun 290
"CBaff Han" rrJ1omaaKa 227 cTaHaapT11311py10man
CBaff Han flOCTpOHKa 216 CfJla)KJ1BaIOman ~YHKUI1R 292
CBai1Hoe nocelleHue 165 CTaHaapTI130BaHHan Xp0HOJl0fI1R
CBeT JlOe KOJlbUO 171 roa11qH1IX KOJleU 291

CTaHB.apTHa.H OIIII16Ka 289 XpOHOJlOfl1.H 41
CTaHB.apTHOe OTKJlOHeH11e 288 xpOHOJlOfl1.H MeCTa
CTBOJl 293 npo113pacTaHI1.H 276
CTOJl6 226 xpoHOMeTpHgecKHfI CJTOC06
CTpa Tmp11KaUI1.H 297 JI.a THpOBaHHJI. 43
CTPYKTypa B.peBeCI1Hhl 347 aBeTKOBbJe pacTeHHJI 8
CYKUeCCI1.H300 aeHrp 218
cyxocT011 118 uyHaM11 326
cyxocToi1Hoe B.epeBo 282 gacrHgHoe KOJTbUO 339
cyxoCTOHHbJe gepeBbJI 118 qacTOTa TIO)KapoB 110
cymHJIK 282 qyBCTBl1TeJlbHOCTh 268
Ch10cc-3cpcpeKT 301 qyBCTBl1TeJlhHhle K 3acyxe
TBepB.a.H B.peBec11Ha 140 (paCTeHI1.H) 91
"reJTeKOHHeKaHJI" 306 IIII1p11Ha rOB.11qHoro KOJlhUa 257
TeMnepa TypHo-qyBCTB11TeJlbHhll1 307 III11pOKOJll1CTBeHHhil1 23
TOHKI111 o6pa3eU 169 "IIIyM" 203
TpaBMa T11qecKa.H 30Ha 319 3KOrpaMMa 96
TpaHcrpecc11.H 318 3KOTOH 97
Tpaxe11B.a 314 3KCUeHTp11qHOCTh CTBOJla 220
Tpaxe11B.orpaMMa 315 311h-HI1HhO 98
TpeHB. 325 3Ml1CCI1.H 99
Tpern:11Ha ycyIIIKI1 89 3TI11Tp0TIHhil1 100
T.HfOBa.H B.peBeC11Ha 308 3cpcpeKT B.e (l)p113a 61
TJI)Kem111 MeTa1111 14,4 3<p<peKT OCBeT JleHI1.H 44
y6paTh TpeHB. 80 3Ue3I1C 95
yBeJTW-IeHHe 150 I0BeHl1JlhHa.H B.peBeCI1Ha 163
yrJTepoJI.-14 236 IO)KHa.H Ocu1111J1.HUI1.H 285
yrneTeH11e 303 RB.POBa.H rHI1Jlh 14,1
YB.J1I1HeHHhlH no6er 179 .HB.pOBa.H B.peBeC11Ha 142
yKOpoqeHHhIH no6er 269
y J1yr1meHHe 150
ynop 6ypaBa 22
ypo~afIHbIH I'OJI. 182
</)a3a JTOBaJTa 106
cpa3a py6K11 106
cpa3a CTp011TeJlhCTBa 25
cpeHOJlOfl1.H 215
cpepT1111113au11.H 107
(pl1JlhTP 108
<pJ1YKTyau11.H TIJlOTHOCTI1 77
cpyM11rau11.H 124
cpyHKUI1.H OTKJll1Ka 255
xapaKTep Kp11Bo11 pocTa 134
xapaKTep11cT11Ka oco6oro roB.a 102
XB011HOe B.epeBO 53
XBOHHbJe 284
XOB. HaceKOMhlX 156
xpaH111111m:e B.peBec11Hhl 346


Main dendrochronological methods

Method Recorded Material German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

skeleton plot extreme values cores ,,skeleton plot" ,,skeleton plot" esqueleto skeleton plot skeleton plot rpaq>HK-CXeMa
non-continuous stem discs
time series

ring-width ring width cores Ringbreiten- mesure de mediciones del misura medidada H3MepeHHJI
measurements (latewood width) stem discs messung largeurs de grosor de los dell' ampiezza largura do anel fO)lHqHblX KOJleu
cernes anillos anulare de crescimento

light-reflection cell size micro-sections Lichtreflexions- mesure en luz reflejada riflettometria reflexao da luz H3Mepe1me B
(Vaganov number of of conifers messung lumiere OTpaJKeHHOM CBeTe
method) cells cell-wall stem discs reflechie

image analysis tissue parame- micro-sections Bildanalyse analyse d'image analisis de analisi analise de aHaJlH3
ters: number of of conifers and imagen d'immagine imagem H300paJKeHHJI
cells cell size cell- broadleaved
wall thickness trees

x-ray ring width and cores Radiodensito- radiodensito- radiodensito- densitometria densitometria peHTreHOBCKaJI
densitometry density metrie metrie metrfa ai raggi x de raio-x )leHCHTOMeTpHJI

stable isotopes c12;e13, stem discs stabile Isotope isotopes stables is6topo estable isotopi stabili is6topo cra6HJlbHbIH
D (H1/H2) cores estavel H30TOn

tissue chemistry heavy metals and stem discs Gewebechemie chimie du quimica del istochimica quimica do XHMHJI .llpeBeCHHbl
other elements cores xyleme tejido tecido
Macroscopic wood features

English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

1 bark Borke ecorce corteza corteccia casca Kapa

2 cambium Kambium cambium cambium cambio cambio KaM6I1i1
3 sapwood Splint aubier albura albumo albumo 3a6onoHh
4 heartwood Kem bois parfait duramen durame ceme .fl,ilpOBa.fl
5 pith Mark moelle medula midollo medula cepnueBHHa
6 ray Strahl- rayon radio raggio raio nytJ
gewebe ligneux medular
7 tree ring Jahrring ceme anillo anello anelde fO,ilI1tJHOe
annuale crescimento KOJ!bUO

English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

A transversal Querschnitt- section secci6n sezione se~ao rrorrepetJHoe

section flache transversale transversal trasverale transversal cetJeHHe

B tangential tangentiale section secci6n sezione se~ao TaHreHTilJlhHoe

section Schnittflache tangentielle tangencial tangenziale tangencial cetJeHHe
C radial radiale section secci6n sezione se~ao radial pa,ilHa.flbHoe
section Schnitflache radiale radial radiale cetJeHHe

~~"1---=~-+-<=i-'"=l--~--'-----+-~Mr- 5

Archaeological figures
Wetland building structure

English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

1 palisade Palisade, palissade empalizada palizzata, pali<;ada qacTOKOJI

Zaun palificata

2 post field Pfahlfeld champ zona ,,campo *campo CBafrnaJI

de pieux de pastes dipali" de estacas HJioma.llKa

3 pile Pfahlbau construction casa sabre palafitta palafita CBafrnaJI

dwelling sur pilotis pilares in acqua nocTpoflKa

4 ground Ebenerdi- maison a casa a ras palafitta casa terrea, nocTpOHKa

level house ges Haus meme le sol de suelo all'ascuitto casa ao nfvel Ha 3eMIIe
do solo

5 *logboat *Einbaum piragua piroga piroga .llOJI6JieHKa

6 jetty Steg ponton, pont6n, passerella embarcadouro, MOCTKH

passerelle pasarela ancoradouro

7 trackway Bohlenweg chemin de sendero sabre cammina- caminho de raTb

planches planchas mento troncos,
caminho de

j, . J, J
. ·. ...::.,,~, :...:;.: :

Wood architecture in Prehistory

English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

1 roof frame Dachstuhl comble, carpinterfa capriata estrutura Kpb!Wa

ferme del tejado do telhado
2 ridge beam Firstpfette panne viga trave di cumeeira KOHhKOBa.H
faitiere cumbrera colmo )Kep,llh
3 eaves beam Fusspfette sabliere viga solera trave di frexal BepxH.H.H
haute falda o6B.H3Ka
4 rafter Rofen chevron vertiente puntone caibro cTponttna
5 lath Dachlatte latte, volige lata correntino ripa cnern
6 roof Dachdeckung couverture cubierta copertura telhado KPOBJI.H
covering del tejado del tetto
7 joist Spannbalken, entrait tirante catena tirante nonepe'!Ha.H
Zugbalken )Kep,llb
8 king post Firstpfosten poteau poste palo esteio rnaBHa.H
central central portante CTOHKa
9 Wandschwelle sabliere jacenta trave baldrame OKJia,ll
basse perimetrale
10 tie Strebe entretoise traviesa traversa, contraven- YKOC
tirante tamento
11 floor Fussboden plancher piso de pavimento piso non
12 supporting Bodentragen- puntal palo par- piloti CBa.H-CTOHKa
post der Pfosten del piso tante del (cTyn)
13 wall post Wandpfosten poteau paste palo pe direito CTOJI6-
upright post de paroi de pared (di parete) CTOHKa

0\ 1 2 4 13

3 (;J5{;j/~~


I 6 I
Wood working
English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian

1 roundwood Rundholz bois rand tronco de secci6n sezione circolare madeira rolic;a 6peBHO, nommR
circular ceKUHR
full section Vollholz bois entier tronco entero madeira macic;a
2 half section Halbling bois fendu tronco partido sezione semicircolare madeira cortada pela nOJlOBm!HaJI ceKUHR
metade, sec;ao semi-
circular (metade)
3 radial section, Spalding bois refendu tronco cortado settore radiale madeira cortada em ceKTOp
wedge section en cufia cunha, sec;ao radial
4 tangential plank Tangentialbrett planche plancha tangencial asse a sezione tabua tangencial JlJlaHKa (JlOCKa)
tangentielle tangenziale TattrenuHam,ttaR
5 radial plank Radialbrett planche radiale plancha radial taglio a sezione radiale pec;a radial nJ1aHKa UlOCKa) pa,llHaJlbHaJI
6 saw cut Sageschnitt sciage serrado taglio effettuato con destopo cnHJl
la sega, a sezione
7 chopping marks Hiebespuren traces d'entailles trazas de cortes tracce di lavorazione marcas de entalhe, 3apy6KH
trac;os de entalhe
8 notch Kerbe gorge d'entailles muesca incavo entalhe na3
9 axe Axt, Beil hache hacha ascia, accetta machado TOnop
10 adze Dechsel herminette azuela ascia, accetta enx6, machadinha TeCJ10
11 stake Pfahl pieu paste palo estaca KOJl
12 point Spitze pointe punta punta di palo ponta OCTpHe
13 fork Gabel fourche horquilla biforcazione forquilha poraTyJ1HHa
14 post shoe Pfahlschuh, semelle de pieu suela de paste plinto sapata "6awMaK"
15 mortice Zapfloch mortaise encaje mortasa furo para espiga, coem.mem1e Bpy6Ko11
oriffcio para espiga
-...,) 16 socket Zapfen tenon espiga tenone espiga WKaHT
ISBN 3-258-05259- X

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