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Distinguished guests, esteemed speaker, and fellow participants, a warm welcome to all of
you to today's seminar on [Seminar Topic]. My name is Heldiva Panjaitan and I'm delighted
to be your Master of Ceremonies for this event.

Before we proceed, I'd like to acknowledge the presence of our esteemed speaker, Ms. Intan
Lestari, an expert in [Speaker's Expertise]. Ms. Lestari brings with her a wealth of knowledge
and experience in this field, and I'm confident that her insights will be invaluable to us today.

I would also like to express my gratitude to our moderator, Ms. Ekalaya Jesika Sihotang, for
her willingness to guide us through this seminar. Ms. Sihotang is a renowned expert in
[Moderator's Expertise] and her expertise will undoubtedly add to the success of this event.

Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone of the seminar rules to ensure a productive
and enjoyable experience for all:

* Please silence your mobile phones and other electronic devices during the seminar.

* Active participation is encouraged. Please feel free to ask questions and participate in

* Please be respectful of all participants and speakers. Avoid making personal attacks or
offensive comments.

Thank you for your cooperation. Without further ado, let me hand over the floor to our
moderator, Ms. Ekalaya Jesika Sihotang, to formally begin our seminar.

**Closing Speech**

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the conclusion of today's seminar on [Seminar
Topic]. I hope that you have all gained valuable insights from the presentations and
discussions today.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our esteemed speaker, Ms. Intan Lestari, for
sharing her expertise and knowledge with us. Her insights were truly enlightening and I'm
sure we will all benefit from them.

I would also like to thank our moderator, Ms. Ekalaya Jesika Sihotang, for her skillful
guidance throughout the seminar. Her expertise and professionalism were evident in her
moderation of the discussions.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you, the participants, for your active participation and
engagement throughout the seminar. Your questions and comments contributed greatly to
the learning experience for everyone.

Thank you all once again for joining us today. I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey
back home.

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